Is it possible to pregnant watermelon and melon. Careful approach to the use of watermelon during pregnancy

During the baby tooling, women are trying to eat as many products rich in useful substances: vegetables, fruits, berries. Watermelon during pregnancy is very useful, because It includes not only water, but also a number of vitamins and minerals:

  1. Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), C, PP;
  2. Minerals: magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, iodine, copper, cobalt, fluorine, etc.

Favorable properties of watermelon during pregnancy

Watermelon during pregnancy can have a number of useful actions:

  1. Contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body, as well as sand, toxins and slags;
  2. Establishes the work of the digestive system, contributes to the elimination of constipation;
  3. Helps in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia;
  4. Favorably affects the nervous system;
  5. Satisfies the organism of the mother and, accordingly, the fetus with the useful substances.

Contraindications for the use of watermelon

Watermelon can not always have a beneficial effect on pregnancy: there is a number of contraindications:

  1. Increased sensitivity or intolerance of the berries;
  2. Urolithiasis or other diseases, accompanied by a violation of urine outflow;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Pancreatic diseases;
  5. Intestinal diseases;
  6. With caution in breastfeeding (the use of a large number of watermelons can cause colic in a child);
  7. With caution with a teteful to meteorism (watermelon enhances gas formation, which can cause).

Watermelon from edema during pregnancy

additionallyWatermelon, of course, has a diuretic effect, for this reason many pregnant women begin to eat it in immense quantities, hoping to get rid of swelling.

However, such an emerging opinion is not quite true. It is one thing if the excess accumulation of fluid in the body is caused directly by the pregnancy itself and essentially is a physiological state. In this case, the watermelon really helps from edema during pregnancy. Another thing, if pastoznost associated with or disruption of the urinary system: in this case, the use of this berry can only increase the accumulation of fluid, thus bringing harm to the woman.

Buying watermelon

These fruits can be sold all year round in large stores, but their purchase at such a time may be extremely dangerous for the future mother. Any fruits, vegetables and berries should be used only in the season of maturation: for watermelon, this is the period of the end of the summer - the beginning of the autumn.

At other times, these berries are crammed with nitrates - hazardous chemicals that penetrate to the baby through the placenta: when using a watermelon pregnant is definitely harmful.

How to choose watermelon

The main thing when choosing any food when you enter the child is confidence in its quality based on the following features:

  1. Naturalness (lack of nitrates);
  2. Freshness.

importantWatermelon spoils fast enough, and only harm can apply it in a stranger form, because leads to severe poisoning, dangerous for the future mother. In no case should not be bought in the store or on the market. The berry is cut, because After the integrity of the watermelon should be stored only in the refrigerator no more than one day. Before using the berries after purchase, it should immediately wash it with the peel under running water with soap.

The naturalness of the watermelon is also of great importance, because Often, various chemical compounds that cause harm to any healthy person are used to accelerate the ripening of products, and the more pregnant woman.

The main signs of nitrate content:

  1. Berry for sale earlier than in late August;
  2. When cut, the flesh is absolutely smooth and smooth;
  3. When compressing a berry with nitrates does not crack, but remains soft;
  4. When tapping on the peel, a muffled sound is heard;
  5. If you throw a piece of watermelon into the water, it is painted in pink or red.

The use of a carefully selected watermelon subject to all the above recommendations will only benefit the future mom.

Watermelon is useful and beloved by many berries, with the exception of people with stomach disorder and kidney stones. Today we will deal with whether the watermelon can be pregnant in the early or later dates, and also what can it harm and when?

The use of watermelon for pregnant women

Watermelon can be pregnant and necessary, as its flesh is rich in substances that support the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. The main ones are:

  • vitamins A, groups B, PP and C;
  • zinc, iron, iodine and other trace elements;
  • macroelements, including potassium, calcium, as well as magnesium.

The watermelon is especially useful due to the content of iron and especially essential in the first trimester. A rather rare vitamin B9 is necessary in the initial timing when laying the authorities of the future child. Iron must enter the body for all nine months, as it is responsible for the supply of all systems and oxygen organs.

Doctors are often asked if it is possible to pregnant with watermelon with iron deficiency anemia. It is not recommended to use a berry as the main source of iron, but as an additional source of the trace element, it is perfect.

The fiber in watermelon stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and allows you to quickly cope with constipation, which often pursue future mothers. Watermelon during pregnancy is useful for the reason that it stimulates the functionality of many systems, namely:

  • cardiovascular;
  • digestive;
  • endocrine.

The substances present in the berry provide many favorable effects on the body of future mothers. It is considered a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and well-fastening product. However, this does not cancel the need - what better, you will be prompted by your doctor.

Watermelon with swelling during pregnancy

The gynecologists are often asked for future guinea, is it possible to pregnant watermelon when swelling in late terms? The cause of the swelling is usually the natural processes occurring in the body due to the fact that the kidneys do not cope with an increased load. Also, the reasons for edema include elevated temperature and humidity in the environment.

So, watermelon with swells during pregnancy is even useful, as it brings an extra liquid from the body and promotes the fight against violation. Abandoning the berries is necessary during pretzos, which is sometimes the root cause of swelling in pregnant women.


Now consider what the watermelon is harmful for pregnant women and in what situations. Doctors recommend not to abuse berry, especially before bedtime, as it creates a powerful diuretic effect. Find out from the gynecologist what kind of portion it recommends that you eat daily - it can be a maximum of 2 pieces or much more (up to a kilogram).

Watermelon for pregnant women can be in eating it together with different drinks, especially carbonated. This combination can cause painful sensations and increased gas formation.

Watermelon is harmful to pregnant women when abuse. In this case, it can accelerate the intestinal peristalsis and contribute to diarrhea that will deprive the body of a large volume of fluid, and this is harmful to the future kid.

Watermelon harm to pregnant women can apply with stomach disorders and colitis. Be careful if you have stones in the kidneys. In order to avoid health problems, it is important to buy natural berries in proven places that are not treated with hazardous chemicals.

Watermelon - a real hit of the summer season, a constant attribute of picnics and country suites. Sweet, juicy and insanely tasty, watermelon will not leave even true gourmets indifferent. What can we talk about future moms who want to taste something special? Will the watermelon go to the pregnant woman and her baby?


The birthplace of watermelon is considered South Africa. Botswana and Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa - in these countries it is still possible to meet the wild predecessors of the modern watermelon. Currently, watermelons are grown in almost 100 countries of the world (including the southern regions of Russia, Uzbekistan and China).

The composition of the ripe watermelon includes the following useful ingredients:

  • vitamins B, C, PP;
  • provitamin A;
  • mineral elements: iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium;
  • cellulose;
  • pectins;
  • organic acids.

At 90%, watermelon consists of water, which largely explains its impact on the body. The calorie content of ripe watermelon is only 25 kcal, watermelon juice - 38 kcal. Low caloric content makes watermelon with a valuable dietary product recommended for women's nutrition on any gestation period.

Beneficial features

Watermelon is an amazing berry whose value is difficult to overestimate. Juicy fruits will benefit women, only planning pregnancy and dreaming to give birth to a healthy child. The composition of watermelons includes a large amount of folic acid (vitamin B9) - an important element necessary for normal laying and the development of the nervous system. The lack of folic acid can lead to the formation of the defects of the nervous tube, the death of the embryo and miscarriage.

The flesh of the watermelon is rich in fiber, pectins and organic acids, having favorably affecting the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. With regular use, watermelon stimulates digestion, activates the production of enzymes and improves intestinal peristalsis. Low calorie and good digestibility makes watermelon with the best summer deeds for pregnant women.

Other useful properties of watermelon:

  • improves mood;
  • stimulates performance;
  • activates immunity;
  • removes muscle tension;
  • prevents the development of anemia.

Watermelon in the first half of pregnancy

Ripe watermelons will benefit at the earliest stages of fetal development. Striped berries are rich in provitamin A - carotine pigment. Finding into the body, carotene turns into vitamin A (Retinol) and takes part in key exchange processes. Retinol stimulates the division and differentiation of all cells, is responsible for the regeneration of tissues and ensures their normal development. The lack of vitamin A in the first trimester can lead to the formation of various defects and interruption of pregnancy.

Watermelon should be in the diet of women whose pregnancy proceeds with strong toxicosis. The benefits of watermelons with Toxycosis I trimester is obvious:

  • are an excellent low-calorie snack;
  • do not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach;
  • reduce nausea;
  • stimulate the removal of toxins and the purification of the body;
  • prevent dehydration with multiple vomiting.

With toxicosis, watermelon juice will also benefit (including in combination with other fruit juices).

Watermelon in the second half of pregnancy

In the Late Pregnancy, the diuretic properties of watermelon should be taken into account. The flesh of ripe fruits is 90% of water, so watermelons have the ability to strengthen the formation and separation of urine. When drinking watermelons, swelling leaves, gravity decreases in the legs, the overall state of the future mother is improved. At the same time, blood pressure is reduced, which will also benefit the woman in the second half of pregnancy.

On the other hand, the kidney of a pregnant woman is not always able to cope with the high load. The rugged effect of watermelon can play against the future mother and cause a significant deterioration in state of health. In the overload of the kidneys, swelling enhanced, pain in the legs and lower back. A pregnant woman should be focused on their own feelings and resources of its body and do not abuse watermelons in the second half of pregnancy.

The ability to remove heartburn is another beneficial property of watermelon. Several pieces of ripe pulp will reduce the acidity of gastric juice, eliminate the belch and help to cope with discomfort in the opposite region. To get rid of heartburn, there should be a watermelon with small pieces immediately after the main meal.

Watermelon is rich in magnesium - an important element affecting the work of the muscular system. Lack of magnesium in late pregnancy can lead to the appearance of cramps in the legs. Warn night cramps will help regular use of watermelon and other magnesium-containing products. Watermelon will benefit and with muscle weakness in the second half of pregnancy.


A pregnant woman should be especially careful about the selection of watermelon. In countries with a temperate climate, ripe fruits come to the counters of shops and markets not earlier than August. There is watermelon during pregnancy, it is possible only in the season of its ripening - from August to October. At another time, the risk of nitrates stuck instead of useful delicacy. The excess number of nitrates can cause a strong allergic reaction, stool disorder and other serious health problems.

Ripe watermelons should be in the morning, breakfast or lunch. Do not get involved in watermelons in the evening, 3-4 hours before sleep. The diuretic effect of watermelon pulp can play against a pregnant woman. Frequent awakening, swelling of the legs and the concomitant insomnia - this is what the future mother expects in the abuse of watermelon. With a strong desire, quench the thirst with a cold piece of watermelon should be limited to 1-2 slices in the afternoon.

It is not recommended to eat watermelon along with another food (including various fruits and vegetables). In combination with some products (bean, grapes, cabbage, black bread, tea, etc.) Watermelon enhances gas formation in the intestines, leads to the appearance of abdominal pain and meteorism. Between the main meal and watermelon dessert must pass at least half an hour. With this scenario, the negative effect of watermelon is minimized.

Method of use

Nutritionists allow the future mother to eat up to 1 kg of ripe pulp per day. When paining in abdominal, diarrhea and meteorism, the volume of the product is reduced to 2-3 poles per day. With strong edema and kidney diseases, we should not get involved in watermelons.

All its useful properties of watermelon saves the most in the fresh form. A striped berry can be a light breakfast, useful snack or sweet dessert. To mix watermelon with other fruits and berries is not worth not to strengthen their negative impact on the body.

Ripe flesh of watermelon goes to prepare a delicious jam or jam. In a salty or sauermic, watermelon is used as a snack to the main dishes. From dried crusts, you can prepare a beautiful addition to black or green tea.

How to choose a watermelon?

Ripe juicy watermelon must comply with the following criteria:

  1. When tapping on the surface of the watermelon makes a ringing distinct sound.
  2. The pattern of watermelon should be clear, contrasting, without extraneous impurities.
  3. Watermelon's crust should be shiny and dense.
  4. There should be no white or yellowish lanes on the cut (a sign of a large number of nitrates and pesticides).

Store watermelon follows in a dry dark place. The cut watermelon must be eaten during the day. It is not necessary to acquire watermelons lying on the ground under the open sun, especially the freeway. Such fruits quickly absorb all industrial and automotive exhausts and can be dangerous for a pregnant woman.

I think that many women only during the child's waiting remember vitamins. Summer is the most vitamin time. Speak vegetables, berries and fruits. Take, you eat, satisfy the useful substances. And in watermelon, too, there is a lot of useful. Is it worth it to eat, because there is a lot of water in it, and swelling during pregnancy is dangerous?

What is useful watermelon
Watermelon - a berry, consisting of a crust, red pulp and water in which lurk vitamins such as folic acid, B1 and B2, C, A and PP, organic acids, fiber, minerals - copper, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium , sodium, iron, manganese, calcium, zinc, fluorine, cobalt and other utility.

More watermelon treats some diseases mainly associated with the kidneys. If you have sand in the kidneys, it is recommended to have a striped berry at 12 o'clock in the morning in a bath-filled bath. When emissing urine in the water you can see the outdoor sand. It is believed that this is the most optimal time to purify the kidneys from the sand.

Eating watermelon during pregnancy
Doctors positively refer to watermelon during pregnancy. And that's why:

Soothes Nervishka

It is useful when lacking in the body of a pregnant iron (anemia during pregnancy)

Enriches the body with pregnant useful elements that will certainly get to the fetus

Watermelon is good for cleansing the body from sand, toxins, slag and harmful salts

The main rule - eat and write! Watermelon dismisses excess water from the body, i.e. it helps to cope with edema.

Watermelon during pregnancy helps in the work of the digestive system

Eating watermelon during pregnancy is a good prevention of constipation

Despite such important advantages, it is worth refraining from the watermelon if you have a violation of urine outflows, colitis, kidney stones (there is possible, but with great caution), stomach disorders.

How is watermelon during pregnancy

If you do not want to sleep badly at night, running in the toilet, then do not eat watermelon for the night.

There is watermelon in unlimited quantities is still not recommended. Therefore, be sure to ask your doctor how much watermelon can eat on the day. Typically, doctors converge in their recommendations on 800 grams, or 2-3 pieces (it all depends on the state of the health of the future mother).

If, after eating the watermelon, it became bad, then urgently drink activated carbon and at least 1 liter of water.
With black bread, watermelon is impossible to eat due to the possibility of exacerbation of the disorder of the stomach or its diseases. So only white bread or without bread.

The refrigerator is the most optimal place to store striped berries, but not more than 24 hours.

Nitrate watermelons are dangerous for pregnant women. Do not try to even try them! Buy watermelon only during the season, preferably after August 20.

How to choose watermelon
Early watermelons can not be useful. For their strength, various fertilizers use (more often prohibited and imported smuggling) and nitrates. Therefore, no matter how much it wanted to eat it, detect. Watermelon Spectacle season falls on the fourth week of August or early September.

So that you do not miss in the choice of watermelon and do not buy a poison even in season, take advantage of our advice:

Crowd watermelon if the bodies have a yellowish color, then the berry is styled with nitrates. Also this is evidenced by tough white bodies.

Have a good watermelon, the bodies are very thin and soft

If you look at the cut of a nitrate watermelon, it has a perfectly smooth surface

Good watermelon color pulp a little non-homogeneous

Touch the watermelon. If the sound is heard from the blown ball - a bad sign

If the normal watermelon is squeezed with two hands, it will seem soft

Watermelon's crust should be smooth, without cracks or any damage. See how watermelons sell. Often they lie just on the asphalt! Through even a small crack in the berry can get dangerous microbes. Even watermelon with a smooth crust before use is always good.

The surest way to identify nitrates in watermelon is the purchase of nitrometer

If you have already bought a watermelon, you first renounce a piece of meakty and lower it into a glass with water. If water remains colorless, then such a watermelon can be safe. When staining the liquid into a pink or red color, the watermelon is better throwing out and do not even try it!


The very end of summer pleases us with watermelons and melons. It is unlikely that anyone refuses to try at least a piece, taking into account the delicious aroma of solar melting culture - melon.

Some think that the melon is poor on vitamins. And mistaken! Of course, it is not without flaws, but is it useful to melon during pregnancy, can I eat her nursing mothers and how to choose a melon?

Perhaps you first need to start with its useful properties.

Useful properties of melon during pregnancy
Melon - Natural Antidepressant. And during pregnancy, as you know, the mood is very often jumping, both in good and in the wrong side. Therefore, if it seemed to you that in the whole world you left alone with your tummy, you certainly eat a piece of melon. Stunning fragrance and taste will definitely raise the mood.

Vitamin C is another important vitamin contained in melon. Your body weakens, and all his strength directs to the baby to bend. Therefore, it needs beneficial supplements from outside. And who is not vitamin C is able to join the fight against colds?

Folic acid is very important both at the stage of the child planning, and in the first trimester of pregnancy. The body, having received this vitamin group B9, very quickly spends it and needs a new replenishment. Therefore, the melon can become another source of producing folic acid during pregnancy.

Vitamins A (beta-carotene), potassium, B1, B2, iron, calcium, PR, sodium - all this can certainly be found in melon.

It enhances hemoglobin well and has a soft diuretic effect (in contrast to watermelon during pregnancy, which derives fluid from the body more aggressively). Therefore, for preventing gestosis and swelling during pregnancy, you can safely eat a couple of melon pieces in the season.

If you are tormented by constipation during pregnancy, the vegetable fibers of the melt pulp will help your intestine.

Acne during pregnancy ... Frequent and very disturbing future mothers situation. To facilitate your fate, take advantage of the crusts from melon. They not only help with acne, but also struggle with the occurrence of pigment spots and freckles.

When can not?
Despite such a large number of useful properties, a melon has a significant minus - a possible disorder of digestion. Therefore, if you are a nursing mom, it is better to give up a melon at all, because there is a big risk to harm not only yourself, but also a newborn. A weak digestive system of crumbs can not cope with the "heavy" melon.

As for pregnancy, then the main rule is not to get involved! Two pieces per day will benefit you, but from more all the usefulness of melon during pregnancy will quickly evaporate.

The same melon is contraindicated with inflammation of the intestines, diabetes, obesity and in periods of chronic exacerbation of kidney or liver diseases.

How to eat melon pregnant

1. Never write a cool water melon
2. Do not eat her on an empty stomach
3. After / during melon do not drink dairy or dairy products

How to choose a melon
Melon are imported and local. In Russia, the "collective farmer" grade is grown, and from the countries of Central Asia they bring to us "torpedo". These are two main varieties for which it is worth paying attention. Others better not even consider.

1. Aroma. Ripe melon must have a pleasant smell inherent in it. The hotter on the street, the stronger the melon smells. "Catchoz" is less sweet than "torpedoes", but more fragrant.

2. Pay attention to the crust. As with the choice of watermelon, it should be without cracks, dents and other damage.

3. Never buy an already cut melon and do not ask her to cut it with you. It is unlikely that the surface of the knife from the seller will meet all sanitary standards.

4. Shoot the melon. If you hear a deaf sound, then the melon is ripe.

5. Nose and tail. The first must be moderately soft. Do not be afraid a little press on the nose with your finger. If hard, then the melon is not ripe, too soft - overripe. As for the tail, then ripe melon is dry.

6. Since pregnancy is a very responsible condition, then when choosing a melon is better to have a nithenther in its arsenal. Only he can accurately say whether nitrates are in melons that are very dangerous during pregnancy.

7. Melics are sleeping to the very end of summer.

That's all that we wanted to tell you about a melon during pregnancy. Also, I would like to add that if you have a melon while waiting for a child or not, it is better to first ask the doctor at first, and not to solve it.

Special for my lila

Pregnancy is the most responsible and difficult time in life a woman when she answers not only for their own health, but also for the development of the child. Therefore, future mothers try to saturate the body with vitamins and other useful substances.

If the toddler waiting time falls for the summer and early autumn, then the woman is simply impossible to pass by the huge collapse, where watermelons are sold. Sweet slice eliminates thirst and delivers incredible pleasure, but is it useful to the watermelon pregnant, and will he be good support for a woman in a period that cannot be called simple?

Under the influence of physiological processes, the future mother may experience not only positive emotions associated with the expectation of the kid. The pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and sensations, which include avitaminosis, toxicosis of different pregnancy terms, anemic states, swelling, disorders of digestion, heartburn and nervous disorders. Is it possible to have a watermelon? Do not exacerbate negative manifestations?

Consisting by more than 90% water. A huge berry at a competent approach is able to provide extremely favorable effect on the female organism, and in some cases and get rid of the unpleasant sensations accompanying pregnancy.

What is the useful watermelon pregnant?

The benefits of watermelons during pregnancy is obvious. After all, besides the water, the red fragrant meat of watermelon contains ascorbic acid, a, b1 and b2, pp, b5 and b9, as well as iron and magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium, manganese and calcium, zinc, fluorine and many other micro and macroelements. There are organic acids in ripe fruits. Food fibers that positively affect the purification of the body and digestion, natural sugar and other active substances.

Therefore, doctors not only do not prohibit, but also strongly recommend to include watermelons and other magnesium cultures in the diet of a pregnant woman. Why do you have a watermelon during pregnancy? And what does his action appear on the female organism? In reasonable quantities and with proper quality, watermelon pulp will help:

  • remove excess fluid from the body than warning edema;
  • to gently clean the intestine and the whole body of slags and toxins;
  • normalize;
  • cope with anemia;
  • establish the work of the digestive system, playing the role of prevention of constipation and adjusting a regular chair;
  • conduct with stressful states and calm down.

And, among other things, watermelon during pregnancy is a good way to quench thirst, quickly replenish the reserves of the forces and the necessary organism of the elements.

Surprisingly, but a small slice of watermelon in a pregnant woman can neutralize signs of toxicosis.

After such breakfast:

  • improved mood;
  • muscular weakness disappears;
  • he pubened, nausea;
  • receive vomit urge.

In the third trimester, the use of magnesium and potassium, ripe watermelon, a pregnant woman will help cope with the convulsions of the limbs and other muscle spasms.

Lycopene or what a watermelon is useful during pregnancy

One of the signs of ripeness and quality of watermelon is traditionally considered bright red or pink coloring of his pulp. And although today there are varieties with no less sweet and juicy yellow or even pain core, pregnant women to stay better on more familiar fruits.

It is in red meat that contains Licopene. This substance has all the properties of antioxidant, supports immunity and protects future mom from cardiovascular and tumor diseases.

The female organism as the fetus develops serious loads, and thanks to a liquor of a few watermelon slices:

  • help save and increase beauty;
  • we will take care of the strengthening of natural protection;
  • they will protect against unpleasant consequences, if the future mother suddenly becomes scattered, forgetful or starts upset because of the smallest detail.

The use of watermelon during pregnancy for digestion

But answer the affirmative on the question: "Is it possible to eat a watermelon pregnant?" It follows not only for this reason. No less important is the role of watermelon in the diet, if the future mother suffers from intestinal dysfunctions and other digestive disorders.

The most frequent problem on the second half of pregnancy is the supporting female constipation arising from the growing, as the baby develops, the pressure of the uterus on the organs of the digestive tract. During pregnancy, watermelon containing a lot of moisture and fiber can become a soft and efficient tool to normalize the stool.

Red pulp activates metabolic processes, as if sponge cleaned slags, stimulating the activity of the intestine and the stomach, not allowing fecal masses to be aligned and serve as a source of toxins.

Juicy watermelon during pregnancy as a natural diuretic

The kidney of a pregnant woman, besides ordinary functions, take on the obligation to clean the maternal organism from traces of the life of the future kid. Therefore, the load on the organs of the urinary sphere is seriously increasing. So is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy, and will it apply to its use of serious damage?

If you do not get involved in watermelon and other juicy fruits, then they will only benefit. If the future mother has no kidney disease and bladder, the doctor is unlikely to negatively react to the watermelon in the menu. On the contrary, if one day to eat up to 700 grams of fresh ripe pulp, it will serve and help the removal and extra liquid, and toxins.

In order to avoid troubles about the admissible portion of the watermelon, it is better to cope with the attending specialist, and with the slightest deterioration of well-being from delicacy it is better to refuse.

Watermelon Quality Requirements for Pregnancy

However, the useful qualities of watermelon can manifest themselves only under the condition that the fruit is ripe and high-quality, as well as in the absence of medical contraindications. The earlier, the watermelon hit the counter, the greater the likelihood that he is obliged to be a sweetness and color of the pulp, but chemicals who are odd delints pumped foul in pursuit of profit.

And if for an adult organism, the permissible rate of consumption of nitrates reaches 60 mg per day, then for a non-born child, these substances are destructive in smaller quantities. That is why the watermelon is pregnant can not be used before the beginning of their mass maturation, that is, until the middle or end of August.

Recognize low quality watermelon you can:

  • on uneven color of the pulp;
  • on dry or undeveloped sections in the core of the fetus;
  • on coarse yellowish fibers penetrating the flesh;
  • by unusual aroma or shade;
  • on a creepy or water-melt pulp near the seed.

The abundance of sugar and the loose surface make the watermelon pulp attractive for all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms, dangerous for women and the fetus.

In order for the watermelon during pregnancy only benefits, you need to thoroughly wash your bark to thoroughly, and the fridge is not stored even in the refrigerator more than a day. And the eating of summer delicacy is possible only with the permission of the doctor and subject to the strictest measure.

When and why pregnant women can not eat watermelon?

The pregnant woman will have to abandon the use of watermelon if it has diagnosed diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or kidney, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance to the product.

Watermelon during pregnancy is able to provoke the aggravation of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureters and the digestive system.

Since juicy flesh can activate gas formation in the intestines, strengthen the peristaltics and cause diarrhea, then for the future mother it threatens with painful sensations and other unpleasant symptoms. And if there are stones and sand in the urinary sphere, the watermelon activates their movement, which will definitely affect the well-being of a woman. That is why watermelons cannot be pregnant women who did not receive the permission of the doctor. Only following the rules of caution and knowing the measure, you can enjoy the sugar fragrant pulp with pleasure and benefit.

Video about food of pregnant women