Is it possible to sell a wedding dress: signs. Selling a wedding dress: practicality or bad omen

The organization of a wedding celebration requires a lot of material investment. I don’t want to save money on dresses or a banquet, so many couples decide to sell the bride’s dress and shoes after the wedding in order to help out at least some money. In the old days, many believed in and observed them. And only everyday experience will show the truth of these superstitions. When it comes to family happiness, you want to follow all the beliefs so as not to cause trouble.

Folk omens

A popular omen says: a bride should not let anyone (neither sisters, nor mother) try on her wedding dress before and after the wedding. According to another sign, you cannot sell a wedding dress, if it goes into the wrong hands, then the marriage will soon fall apart. In addition to these beliefs, there are still signs that speak of the miraculous properties of a wedding dress. If the firstborn is sick, the mother should put on a wedding dress and sit down next to the child. After this ceremony, the disease will go away. Therefore, it is worth considering whether to sell the dress or not, because it harbors magical properties that can be used during family life.

Clothing also serves as a source of memories of important events in life. Looking at a wedding dress, right on that happy day - the day of the wedding. It is especially touching to remember past events being of a respectable age. You can show wedding dresses to your children and grandchildren.

In some families, there is a tradition: to pass on wedding dresses from generation to generation. You can take this into service.

Where to put the dress

If the marriage broke up soon after the wedding, then the signs lose their force. You can do whatever you want with the dress: sell it, throw it away, burn it, donate it. The ex-bride must arrange her outfit herself.
If the bride decides not to keep her wedding dress, then you can alter it into a beautiful dress and put it on for some kind of celebration.

People who do not believe in omens live more calmly, easily follow the path of life. Human thoughts have tremendous energy that can materialize and appear in reality. Therefore, you should think more about the good, so as not to provoke trouble. If a person piously believes in omens, then he programs himself in advance for the result of some event. And if your soul becomes calmer from the fact that everything is done according to the rules, then you need to observe popular beliefs.

A solemn event took place and after it quite reasonable questions arise: what to do with wedding paraphernalia. In most cases, it is about the dress.

With him, already married girls suffer the longest, not understanding whether it can be sold or whether it is necessary to store it correctly. Before making any decision, you need to know what to do with the dress after the wedding.

When can you sell

Often, the desire to sell a wedding dress is justified by the following factors:

  1. Refund of funds spent (at least partially).
  2. There is no place to store an outfit.
  3. Fear that over time the item will deteriorate and have to be thrown away.

There are no clear rules on whether or not to sell. There is only a set of superstitions that girls rely on. Believe in them or not is a personal matter for everyone. Therefore, if a young lady refuses to believe in superstition, then she can put up her dress for sale.

But at the same time, it should be understood that worn things on the market are 3 or even 4 times more expensive. In this regard, it is better to calculate in advance whether such a sale is worth it, whether you really only benefit from it.

According to folk wisdom, a wedding dress can only be sold after a year lived together, more religious people do it after 5-6 years. In this case, your family has grown stronger and it is not in danger of any misfortunes.

Why you can't sell a bride's dress

It is strictly forbidden to sell the outfit in which the bride was married in the church. After the sacred ceremony, the wedding dress also became charged for your family well-being and you cannot get rid of such a powerful amulet. Superstitions say that after the sale of a wedding dress, divorce and quarrels in the family are possible.

Since the dress will become several times cheaper, its sale is not always profitable. Therefore, it is much better to keep it for yourself and save it for your children. It is not at all necessary to keep it until their wedding.

You can remake a prom dress to make it look more modern. It will be much more pleasant for you that you and your child met a solemn day in a dear to your heart.

The dress can also come in handy for a future wedding, if it did not follow immediately after registration at the state registry office. Even if you don't plan for this moment now, it is possible that in a few years you will change your mind.

It is not uncommon for girls to leave the dress for wedding anniversaries as well. Just imagine how surprised the guests will be if, for a 5-year-old or, you appear in front of them in your dress, which is still for you. The girl will definitely be able to collect a lot of compliments.

Accessories to sell after the wedding

On the wedding day, the bride is wearing not only a dress, but also a large number of accessories, which are absolutely impossible to do without.

Often these accessories are tailored for a specific occasion. Therefore, in consequence, the young lady may never wear them.

There are certain decorations that you should never get rid of:

  1. veil - it is believed that even a dress can be sold, but in no case. She was created in order to save the bride from evil spirits. After the celebration, it must be carefully stored in the closet, in no case throwing it away and selling it. The veil will be a strong amulet that can save the family from hardships. At all times, the bride was treated very carefully to the veil. It can't even be tried on before and after the wedding. In the event that the bride wants to remove the accessory at a gala event, she can entrust either her mother or godmother with storage.
  2. precious jewelry - natural stones or metal can absorb the emotions and energy of the person who wore these jewelry. If you sell them, you are selling a piece of yourself. Please note that this does not apply to jewelry that is energetically empty.
  3. garter - at the very least, this will be unaesthetic, since this element is considered part of the underwear.

But do not despair, there is a list of things that can be sold, donated or given to someone:

  1. outerwear - if the celebration is scheduled for a cool season, the bride puts on additional clothes. Often this is a classic coat or cardigan. In the event that you are not going to wear it further, you can safely sell it. Since the thing has nothing to do with wedding paraphernalia that carries energy.
  2. bags, clutches - a modern girl cannot understand herself without a phone and a minimal set of cosmetics. You shouldn't give up the essential items of your life even on your wedding day. Fashion involves the wearing of clutches by brides.

Despite the list of allowed things, still folk wisdom advises not to sell anything from that day. The most you can do is donate any things. You will be able to do a good deed and not sell a piece of yourself.

What to do after selling your dress

If you already have a customer and you want to sell a wedding dress, then follow the clear instructions:

  1. Cross the customer three times after you complete the transaction.
  2. Cross yourself three times.
  3. After the sale within a week, do not give or give anything to anyone from the house.

If we talk about the opinion of church officials, then we cannot say that they have a definite answer about the sale of a wedding dress. On the one hand, they argue that this cannot be done, since a sacred rite was performed in it. On the other side, those who did it due to an acute lack of financial resources will not be condemned.

Useful video

Can a wedding dress be sold.


Each young lady will have to decide for herself whether it is worth giving her outfit or not. If you want to make money and do not believe in superstition, then think about the rental option. While the outfit is on, even the full amount can be returned for it by giving it to the studio for rental.

Each customer who rented your style will receive a cash transfer. Thus, during the season, you can recapture its original cost. But in the aftermath, it is better to sell such a dress immediately and not carry it home, since it has a lot of someone else's energy on it.

After the wedding, many girls think about what to do with the dress. Superstitions regarding this attribute make you refuse to sell a beautiful outfit, because folk wisdom often warns against trouble.

The wedding dress chosen by the bride keeps her energy, and many girls are unable to part with a part of the history of the new family. However, often a chic outfit is simply nowhere to store, and there is nowhere else to put it on. The site's experts suggest that you familiarize yourself with folk signs and decide what to do with your wedding dress.

1. Popular wisdom says that a wedding dress is the talisman of a created family and keeps it from any adversity. Selling and even renting a dress can get the newlyweds in trouble, which will ultimately lead to discord in the family.

2. Selling a dress due to lack of money is possible, but it is better to part with an outfit not earlier than a year after the celebration. In the event that your family is happy and you have no disagreements, your dress can be a happy talisman for another family. However, clean the outfit well before selling it so that it doesn't have your energy left on it.

3. By convention, the dress used for a church wedding cannot be sold. This outfit should not even be given to the closest people for fitting, so that they do not inadvertently harm your family. The protection given from Above during the sacrament of the wedding is fragile and must be protected from prying eyes.

4. An ex-bride may decide to sell not only dresses, but also accessories. However, the veil should be kept and never parted with it. This attribute is a personal talisman and protects the family. You can sell gloves, a handbag, shoes and jewelry, but try to find one buyer.

5. It is strictly forbidden to sell a dress, sewn or embroidered by you yourself. Previously, girls themselves decorated wedding dresses, embroidering them with patterns, weaving lace and talking dresses for family happiness. In the event that your dress is bought in a salon, it can be sold without much harm to the family.

When deciding to part with a dress for some reason, prepare especially carefully for selling it. Remove hair and adhered threads so that damage or the evil eye cannot be brought to you through them. Before washing, ventilate the dress, and entrust the washing and cleaning to professionals. They will not ruin your outfit, and they will also get rid of energy traces with the help of professional products.

Many people to this day follow wedding signs and try to keep the covenants of their ancestors, so as not to incur trouble. Selling a wedding dress or not is up to you. Superstition notwithstanding, there are many examples of skeptical people avoiding bad consequences. We wish you happiness and well-being, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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Records found: 28

Hello. Please tell me is it possible to sell a wedding dress? They signed and got married in it. I heard you can't sell a veil and shoes. And there are many contradictions about the dress. Thank you in advance


Valentine, you can act at your discretion with a dress, and a veil, and with other items of your wedding wardrobe. There are no special church rules on this score, and everything else is superstition or prejudice.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! Father, tell me, please, is it permissible for a wedding to wear a dress that slightly covers the knees, and with sleeves above the elbow? Is a wedding possible on April 27?


Nina, such "technical" moments, as well as the date of the wedding, must be discussed with the priest with whom you are planning to get married. I think, however, you are unlikely to have time to agree on the wedding on April 27.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, tell me, my husband and I want to get married in what clothes should we get married? Can I rent a wedding dress? Thanks.


Hello Milan. Can be rented. The dress should be light, strict, without a neckline and with long sleeves. The man, of course, is in a classic suit.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good day! Please tell me, as far as I know, you can get married twice, and you can get married three times, but the third without a wedding, is that so? My friend says that you can get married only once in your life, the second time will definitely be unhappy, God will not give happiness to a woman or a man, if, after divorcing, a person decides to start a family again, she made such a conclusion from her situation with marriage. Can a woman wear a white wedding dress if she is getting married or getting married for the third time? They say that in no case is it, otherwise you will be unhappy all your life, you can wear a dress of any color except white. And is it true that the groom cannot see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding, otherwise the groom will be disappointed in the bride and the wedding dress cannot be put on just like that, for example, for a photo or something else? Or is it all fables and superstitions?


"About the white dress" - no comment, everything described is a gross superstition. The church blesses no more than three church marriages (this means, weddings), there is no question of registry office in the canons at all. Another thing is that there is no point in marrying many now even once. Too frivolous. But if a person repents for the mistakes of his first marriage, becomes a Christian not just in words, his next marriage may well be happy and saving. There are enough examples.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good day! From my parents (unfortunately, they are no longer there), there are wedding candles, rings and my mother's wedding dress. Do I need to light these candles, or just store them? And can the wedding dress be washed?


Marina. Wedding candles can be lit and stored - at your discretion. The wedding dress can also be washed.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. During the wedding, namely, when we walked around the lectern, I lagged behind my husband and the priest, and they went ahead a little. Almost six months have passed, but I don't like to remember everything. I do not believe in omens, and I will not accept such. Every day I worry about my carelessness. Are such cases during a wedding not uncommon?


Hello Maria! All this is simply, let's say, "technical issues" associated with the splendor of clothing, and not related to the sacrament itself. It happens that witnesses step on the dress, and the veil falls to one side. Don't reproach yourself. Well, if your thoughts do not give you rest, I advise you to confess.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, I'm going to go to church for confession. I do not wear skirts, can I come in trousers, but put on a raincoat on top just below the knees?


Dear Svetlana, imagine that you came to a restaurant and told the doorman at the entrance: I do not wear evening suits, can I go into the hall in a quilted jacket, overalls and tarpaulin boots? Each place has its own common dress code. A cheap second-hand skirt costs about a hundred rubles, you can buy it especially for visiting the temple, I hope that you will come there more than once, but will visit the House of God more or less regularly. In addition, a dress and a skirt make a woman so beautiful that they should be, at least in small quantities, in any woman's wardrobe.

Archpriest Andrei Efanov

Hello! My husband and I got married on the day of marriage registration at the registry office, I was in a wedding dress. Can this dress be sold?


Elena, why can't you sell a wedding dress? If the things are good and expensive, and you can get some money for them, then, of course, the dress, without any doubt, can be sold. Before you sell a dress, you need to sprinkle it with Holy water, since when you change the owner and when you buy new things, you need to do this. In the prayer book there is a short prayer for the laity, and it is called "At the consecration of every thing", you can sprinkle the dress yourself, and then calmly sell it.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! During her lifetime, she presented her friend with her dress, after some time she died suddenly. At the funeral, I saw that they were burying her in this dress! Her mother says that she did not know about it, and that it’s okay, because I gave it during my lifetime, and I was very scared! I don’t feel sorry for the dress, I’m afraid it poses a danger to me? Then her mother gave me her things, can I wear them? I didn't want to take, again out of fear, but I could not refuse. I know that a late friend would love to share, and if she sees us, she doesn't mind. Can you please tell me what to do? Maybe my fears are simply due to the great stress of losing my girlfriend, maybe I should go to church? Thank you in advance.


Yes, Elena, your fears are absolutely unfounded. Please, throw such superstitions out of your head: firstly, they have nothing to do with reality, and, secondly, they simply darken life.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Explain, please, what is the reason for the rule of women wearing skirts in the temple and that it is not allowed to enter the temple in trousers? It is understandable that each gender has its own clothing. But even priests do not wear trousers and jeans in churches. And yet, what is the reason for the fact that women should enter with their heads covered, and men, on the contrary? I'd like to know very much. Thanks.


Lyudmila, in the beginning, let's immediately separate the spiritual vestments worn by priests from the usual secular clothes worn by the laity - the fact that priests do not go to services in suits or shirts with jeans is not an argument here.
And about the need to wear clothes appropriate for the floor, it is said in the Holy Scriptures: "A woman should not wear men's clothing, and a man should not wear women's clothing, for everyone who does this is an abomination to the Lord thy God" (Deut. 22: 5).
For the woman's head covered during prayer, please read in 1 Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, chapter 11, verses 1 to 19.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. There is one question regarding tradition. I heard from friends that it is customary to bury unmarried girls in a wedding dress. Is there such a tradition? What is it caused by? Is she Orthodox? Thanks in advance for your reply.


Dear Alexey, this tradition, in my opinion, is religiously neutral and simply expresses the grief of those close to her that the deceased did not experience the joys of marriage and motherhood. It is not necessary to introduce it in those areas where there is no such tradition, but it is also not worth fighting with it, if there is no superstition around this rite.

Archpriest Andrei Efanov

Good day! I have a question: in what clothes should women visit the Temple, in skirts, or can they wear trousers? I myself have recently begun to visit the Temple and noticed that almost all women come in skirts, but there are also trousers and even tracksuits! Is there some kind of dress code for visiting the Church, or maybe you can "run" into the temple in a dressing gown (excuse the sarcasm, father)?


Irina, in Old Testament times, they were stoned to death for using clothes of the opposite sex. No trousers intended for women. In our godless, I must say, times both the clergy and the bishops reason like this: it is better to come to church in trousers than not to come at all because of trousers. But when attempts begin to "legitimize" this new type of clothing for women, an inflection begins. A woman should dress in clothes of the same gender: a dress or a blouse with a skirt and have a headdress. It is godly, femininely graceful, beautiful and holy. Moreover, it does not cause any temptation - and temptation in the Church is unacceptable.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Good day! Can you please tell me if it is possible to sell the wedding dress in which you got married?


Although the thought of this can cause superstitious fear, there are no restrictions on this matter. On the contrary, sometimes pragmatism is the best medicine for superstition.

deacon Elijah Kokin

Hello, father! Please tell me if a woman has to wear a skirt to church? I have always thought and believed that God first of all looks at his heart, so that it is open for communication, kind, filled with love, and what a person has come in is up to him to decide. Am I thinking right? Thanks for the answer.


Hello Evgenia! A person who just crosses the threshold of a temple finds himself in a completely unknown world, living according to his own rules, which are not always clear to the "beginner". Among the first rules with which he gets acquainted is the requirement for appearance. These requirements in an Orthodox church (no headdress for men, a skirt and headscarf for women, a modest and tidy look for everyone) today is known to almost everyone. To our contemporaries, they seem outdated, testifying to inert, "illiberal" church thinking. "After all, God looks at the heart, and not at the outward appearance of a person!" they say. Church arguments seem unconvincing to them.
However, in the spiritual life of a Christian, everything matters: appearance, behavior, and inner dispensation. And nowadays, the requirements for appearance not only have not lost their significance, but also acquired a new sound.
Scripture says: "A woman should not wear men's clothing, and a man should not wear women's clothing, for everyone that does this is an abomination to the Lord thy God" (Deut. 22: 5). This was also the teaching of the Church Fathers: Tertullian, Saint Cyprian of Carthage, Saint Ambrose of Mediolana. Agree, clothes should correspond to gender, age and place, and most importantly - to Christian self-awareness.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello Father! Please tell me in one question. When I buried my mother, I dressed her in the old and ugly (unfortunately, I did not know about customs), and now my conscience torments me. I already bought a new beautiful outfit for her, but I don't know what to do with it. Tell me how to be.


Do not worry, but it is better to give the new dress to someone close to your mother or simply to those in need as a reminder of her soul.

deacon Elijah Kokin

I bought a wedding dress, white with red flowers, my husband had a red shirt. I heard that the priest can refuse the wedding. Earlier in Russia, after all, young ladies in red dresses were married. Will they marry us now? I really want to get married.


Of course, the priest is unlikely to refuse a wedding because of the color of the dress, this is not stipulated anywhere. The main thing in the Wedding is not the color of the dress, but the very meaning of this Sacrament, which creates a new Christian family, you can find detailed information about it, including on our website, following the links http: // site / Arhiv / ?? cid = 2 & id = 264

deacon Elijah Kokin

Hello, father! I am tormented by one question. We divorced and debunked my ex-spouse 2.5 years ago. Lived together for almost 12 years. For almost a year now, we have had a trial because of the division of a joint house. I have experienced a lot during this time. I ask the Lord to admonish him so that the ex-husband will stop doing evil to me. After the wedding, the dress and the ring were left. One day I decided to collect the rings that he gave and take to the church. I asked them to decorate the Miraculous Icon of the Kazan Mother of God with them, which I love very much and feel help from her. And then by chance I heard that you shouldn't give your wedding ring to anyone, especially to the Mother of God, otherwise I allegedly "got married" to her. I want a family again, I love one person. What do i do? Did I do something wrong? And what to do with the dress? I tried to sell it, but in six months - not a single person willing to buy it ...


Hello, Natalia! I think that if you think well yourself, you will understand that you will not be able to "marry" the Most Holy Theotokos. Moreover, simply by giving the ring to decorate Her icon. Donated a ring - and thank God! Do not forget to turn to the Mother of God yourself with prayer. With your dress, you are free to do as you want.

Priest Alexander Gumerov

Hello, father, bless. My question is: is it possible to sell the wedding dress in which I got married in the church?


There are no ecclesiastical prescriptions and rules on this score, and put superstition aside and forget about them. Another thing is that for most women, a wedding, wedding dress is a symbol of a new life, purity of thoughts and desires, joy and love, which many strive to preserve as a memory of a joyful event. I hope this desire of yours is not dictated by something negative in your relationship with your spouse, and you are not going to divorce and scatter in different directions? Or are you planning to solve your financial difficulties in this way? In any case, think before you implement your plans, and I would advise you to save it, remembering one of the happiest days in your life when you look at it.

Priest Alexander Babushkin

Bless Father! I had the following question. Modern fashion is focused on immoral clothing. In this regard, I have difficulties in acquiring skirts and dresses of a decent length in the market (I live in a village). I like muslim clothes, long dresses, skirts. Can an Orthodox Christian woman buy and wear Muslim clothing?


God bless you!

I do not quite understand what you mean by the term "Muslim clothing"? After all, not every one, sewn by the hands of Muslims, is at the same time a ritual, which is directly related to the religiosity of a person. Yes, in general, the clothes are Tatar, Uzbek - brighter than Russian, but it does not unambiguously imply wearing, for example, a burqa. Of course, it is impossible for an Orthodox woman to wear clothes that are directly associated with Islam (hijab, etc.). But, I think, most likely, the question is not worth it. You just have to work hard to choose the one that suits your taste or, as has been customary for centuries, to sew by yourself, not only for yourself, but also for the whole family. After all, the supposedly universal tradition of buying ready-made clothes has existed for no more than 50 years. And in rural life, little has changed over the years. Perhaps people ... Well, it's time to learn, at least in a small measure, what our ancestors were fluent in - sewing, knitting, cooking, in general - housekeeping. Very soon, when the neighbors eat exclusively products with the Doshirak brand and wear tasteless clothes of popular brands, your children will learn from you and rejoice: “Mom can do everything!” God's help to you.

Archpriest Elijah Shapiro

Good afternoon, I am writing to you for the second time and I really want to get an answer. Please tell me why the church is not open late in the evening, why it is impossible to come to the church at night and pray, why people are not allowed there, it turns out that it is almost impossible to talk to the priest, because he can do it only in the presence of other people ... And more one question - I will soon have a baby, and we plan to play the wedding on April 21, right after the end of the fast, without a wedding for now, and my grandmother alone advised not to play the wedding until radonitsa, she says you will not live on your own, and your children will not have a life , although all their life they knew that weddings were played on the red hill ... and how does the church relate to the fact that pregnant women wear a white dress and a veil, are there any prohibitions in this area? Thanks in advance for your reply, I really hope you can help ...
2. Forgive me, but I have one more question - I was baptized under the same name, and then for the sake of safety, apparently, I was baptized a second time, the church said that I had never been baptized, and the name according to my passport remained the same, now question - will such a sin affect me? I was little when this procedure was performed and did not quite understand, and now I don’t even know by what name to put a candle for my health, in the end I put two, on two names, but this is not true ... what to do?


Hello Inna, sorry for the delay in answering. Churches are usually open from morning to evening services. There is no such practice for the church to be open all day long. Even in monasteries where monks live and they don't seem to have to go home, the church is closed after the evening service. But this does not mean that God also ceases to hear our prayers - you can pray anytime, anywhere. As for the wedding, I think they may well meet you halfway, because white is not only a symbol of virginity, but also joy. As for the date of the wedding, you are right - traditionally they get married already, starting with Fomina's week (or "Krasnaya Gorka"), but you can postpone the wedding for one or two weeks. Now about Baptism. Of course, being baptized twice is unacceptable, but let's leave it on the conscience of those who did this to you for some superstitious reason. By our actions we do not force God to give us the grace of Baptism a second time. I am sure that what happened will not affect you in any way. So you can read both saints and, accordingly, pray to them and light candles, but you need to use the name that was given to you at Epiphany for the first time.

deacon Elijah Kokin


A wedding is always a solemn event in the life of a couple in love who decided to start a family. Responsible business is not only the preparation of a festive event, but also the choice of a wedding dress. This is probably the longest and most reverent lesson, because every bride wants to look irresistible, so a lot of time is devoted to choosing an outfit. But when the celebration is over, what to do with wedding attributes and can a wedding dress be sold? This is a topical issue that interests many brides. Interest in this topic is due to the fact that there are long-standing beliefs, various superstitions that the ancestors feared.

Selling a wedding dress or not is, of course, a private matter for the bride herself. Considering the mores of modern society, most brides do not believe in superstitions, so the question of selling a wedding dress becomes purely symbolic.

In the old days, they were very sensitive to ritual clothing, this also applied to wedding dress. It was passed down from generation to generation along the female line, as it was considered a talisman for future family life. Therefore, there was no question of selling.

It is forbidden

  1. You cannot sell a wedding dress when the girl sewed it herself, embroidered it with jewelry, embroidered patterns;
  2. It is strictly forbidden to give a dress if the bride was married in it in the church;
  3. A veil is considered a talisman of family happiness and it is not allowed to sell it.
DIY sewn
After the wedding


The dress was sold only after the wedding, when the relationship did not work out in the family, which became the reason for the divorce. It was considered a bad omen to wear the same dress for a wedding if a woman decided to start a new family. According to legends, such a dress can bring trouble and a new family life can be upset again. In such cases, the wedding dress was allowed to be sold, given or burned. It is believed that after an unsuccessful marriage, popular beliefs lose their strength.

It is allowed to sell a wedding dress if it was decided to replenish the family budget in this way. It is recommended to sell it only a year after the wedding.

If there is no way to store the dress at home or the girl is simply afraid that the wedding dress will deteriorate, then it is quite appropriate to talk about selling.

Existing signs

Regarding the signs that exist to this day, among them it is necessary to note the following:

  1. Since ancient times, the bride's dress after the wedding, especially after the wedding, has become a talisman of family happiness, therefore it was impossible to sell or give it to anyone;
  2. The wedding dress has the energy of the girl who wore it. Therefore, if it fell into the hands of envious women or witches, it is possible to purposefully or unintentionally bring damage;
  3. There is the following sign: if you put on a wedding dress for a newlywed who is happily married to remove the corruption of celibacy for an unmarried girl, then the one who wears it will soon get married and become happy. But this can negatively affect the former owner of the wedding dress;
  4. Since ancient times, wedding dresses were sewn in one piece, that is, a skirt with a corset made up a single whole. It is believed that the dress, consisting of two pieces, promised the family disagreement, discord and a quick divorce;
  5. You cannot take a wedding dress for a newlywed whose family life is going wrong. It is said that it is quite possible to incur disaster, and the marriage bond will be severed.

You cannot give the veil to the bride and sell it. She is considered a talisman and a kind of shield from evil people who want to harm or interfere with the family happiness of newlyweds.

To believe or not to believe superstitions is a private affair of the newlywed herself, therefore, only her should decide on the sale of a festive outfit.
You cannot wear a dress if the newlyweds are divorced
The dress can be used to remove spoilage.
Veil - a symbol of family well-being
You can not give a dress to your friends

What can be sold from the image of the bride

If it is decided to sell the dress, then it should be said that from the general image of the bride, only certain attributes can be sold, where the wedding dress is the main one. Sale is allowed:

  • Capes;
  • Bolero;
  • Clutch;
  • Shoe;
  • Gloves;
  • Jewelry;
  • Belts.

As a recommendation, I would like to add separately that the dresses and accessories worn for the wedding are saturated with the energy and emotions of the bride. It is imperative to conduct cleansing rituals so as not to incur trouble on yourself and your loved ones if the sold attributes fall into the wrong hands. The best option would be to have them dry cleaned, so you can clean your wedding dress from your energy and put it in order if you plan to sell it further. The outfit can be handed over to a wedding dress salon, where it will be subsequently sold or rented out.

What to do after

If a woman is not very scrupulous about old beliefs, various superstitions and is practical in nature, then she often asks the question: where can you go to sell your wedding dress. If you do not believe superstitions, then it is still recommended to observe individual instructions:

  1. Before selling, you should remove the protective attributes from the dress, which are specially attached to the eternal love of a husband for his wife. These are red ribbons, amulets, as well as the lower tier of fabric that adjoined directly to the bride's body, if possible;
  2. You definitely need to take the outfit to the dry cleaner to put it in order, so you can clear it of your energy. Already at home, you will need to sprinkle the wedding dress with three waters - non-stop, Thursday and saint. Be sure to hang it up to dry in the sun. In winter, it is recommended to hang a dress on the window on a sunny day;
  3. When the first customer appears, it is imperative that the dress be wrapped with a new broom, which must be bought by a married girl on the bride's birthday. Such a ceremony allows you to sweep away your energy and attract its future owner;
  4. When the sale has taken place, the leaving customer needs to be crossed three times in the back. The same procedure is required to be done by itself, that is, to cross three times;
  5. If the girl is superstitious, but practical, then after the wedding it is recommended to make from the dress, for example, pillowcases for a pillow, an envelope for an extract, or a bedspread for the matrimonial bed. You can make a baptismal outfit for a newborn girl. These things will become a talisman for the family and will be kept in the house for a long time, protecting relatives from evil thoughts, protecting them from everyday adversity.

It is strongly recommended not to give anything from home when a wedding dress has been sold for 7 days, be it relatives, close friends, acquaintances. In conclusion, I would like to say that in today's society, brides pay little attention to superstitions, long-standing omens, therefore they sell their dress without hesitation. There are many options, for example, renting wedding dresses to the salon, renting or putting up for sale on the Internet, suggesting to friends or acquaintances. But it is worth remembering that the price will differ significantly, since the cost of used goods is less than that of new ones. You can make money by replenishing the family budget, and the wedding dress will not gather dust on the niches of the closet, so the sale is considered a logical and completely natural step.
