A set of items for outdoor survival. The Forest Survival Kit is a list of the essentials. Small Survival Kit, or "Alarm Case"

In the fight for survival, the presence or absence of the simplest things in equipment can mean life or death. In connection with this, any traveler must always be ready for an emergency situation and have a set of necessary things with him in order to successfully get out of it.

The very first rule is not to carry extra weight with you. No traveler will load his backpack with bricks or anything as useless. At the same time, if in your luggage there is, say, a tent that is completely useless and inapplicable in the area where you are staying, it is like the same bricks. Why, for example, take a bulky supply of food with you when you have compact, dehydrated food supplies at your disposal? You only need what you really need, and not just delay the backpack.


Travel bag (in Russian - essentials) (Fig. 1) is the most useful part of your luggage. If you always have at hand the simple items listed below, your chances of survival IN ANY TERRAIN AND CLIMATIC ZONE increase dramatically. These items are simple and inexpensive, they are easy to use, they can easily fit in a small tin.

Get such a travel bag, carry it with you everywhere - it will fit in any bulky pocket - and regularly check its contents, in particular matches and pills, for expiration dates. It is better to shift the contents of the toilet bag with cotton wool - this will protect its contents from mechanical damage, while cotton wool can be used for kindling.

Your travel bag should contain the following: a box of matches (7) (preferably hunting) for use as a last resort if other methods of making fire are not available; a candle-bowl (2) - a source of fire and light, I am also a useful thing for kindling a fire, flint with flint (3) - such a simple fire starter can be used hundreds of times and is very useful when matches run out; sewing accessories (4) for mending clothes and other purposes; water purification tablets (5), used when water quality is suspect and boiling is not available; compass (6), preferably with liquid filling (check it regularly for leaks); a mirror (7) for signaling, a few safety pins (8) that can be used to fix clothing items or when making an impromptu oud; fishing kit - a skein of fishing line, several hooks and weights (9), while winding the lines as much as possible - it can be used to make bird snares (see the chapter on food), a hauling file (10) - it can bring down even relatively thick trees, it is better to store it wrapped in oiled paper to protect it from rust; a large, sturdy plastic bag (11) that can be used as a water pail or to produce water in an evaporator or vegetative plant; a container for potassium permanganate (12) for disinfection and prevention of the treatment of intestinal disorders, as well as a coil of wire (preferably copper) for snares on small animals (13).


It is very useful to acquire another travel bag, large in size, which would be placed in a small bag and would accompany you on hiking trips and car trips. As with the small travel bag, keep your travel bag with you at all times and check its contents regularly for suitability.

Here is an approximate list of what should be in a traveler's bag: a sewing kit, pliers with wire cutters, waxed threads, a folding knife, a hauling saw, a folding shovel (of the "werewolf" type), a signal panel of a bright color (preferably bright orange) at least 1 x 1 m in size, fishing tackle (lines, hooks, floats, sinkers), three large safety pins, 50 meters of nylon rope, a safety hook, multivitamins, protein tablets, a large chocolate bar, egg powder, powdered milk, a file, sharpener, three large sheets, a compass, a signal mirror, four candles, bowls, a microphone, a spare battery and a spare lens for it, a flint, hunting matches, a gas lighter with spare flint, a fumigator, a spoon, a fork, 12 ready-made snares, a coil of wire for snare, can opener, plastic cup, water purification tablets, line thrower with ammunition, whistle, soap, two orange signal smoke bombs, 70 m each of nylon twine and nylon cord, a couple of workers gloves, a tin bowl and a mousetrap.

Don't skimp on the quality of the items you purchase for your travel kit! A low-quality product can let you down at the most crucial moment, when your life will depend on it. Also, don't put your kit away until you need it - check the quality of equipment and supplies regularly.


A portable shelter is an important part of any traveler's luggage. As with clothing, tents come in a variety of shapes, capacities, qualities and costs, from ultra-light, insulated arctic and mountain models to simple, fair-weather models. To make the right choice, you need to study the range, visit stores and wholesale bases, consult with experts. Most modern tents are not heavy, but the large internal volume of the tent should be the decisive factor when choosing.

Recently, portable bivi-bag shelters have become widespread - small tents that can accommodate one person in a sleeping bag, with latches, the use of which turns the bivi-bag into a single tunnel shelter. There is very little space inside such a shelter, but it is not blown through, does not let water through and weighs only about half a kilogram. In addition, bivi-bags are made of "breathable" material, they do not accumulate condensate from breathing.

Frame tents come in various shapes and have a large internal volume. In addition, some of them at the entrance, between the mosquito net and the valve, have enough space for luggage and equipment or for cooking. If two entrances are provided, one can store equipment, and the other can equip the kitchen, leaving the main volume relatively free. It is good if the tent is equipped with additional detachable mosquito nets - they are especially useful in the warm season, for example, in the taiga or near a pond with stagnant water.


This problem has two aspects. The first is those spare clothes that you take with you on a car trip or on an airplane when you yourself are relatively lightly dressed (not for an emergency). The second is spare clothes on a camping trip.

In the first case, it would be useful for you to stock up on the clothes that were listed in the chapter “What clothes to wear” (see above). In the second, the list is limited to spare socks, underwear, shirts and underpants, i.e. those things that are in contact with the skin and are soaked with sweat, dirty, rubbed and torn. Outerwear and boots are designed with proper care and good quality for many years of use, so taking extra boots or a jacket with you is just extra weight. It is better to take a wax for shoes and a leather care product. Also don't forget a spare set of shoe laces.


There are many camping utensils for cooking, but when choosing it, be guided by the following rules:
Choose the lightest item possible.
Do not buy a cleverly disassembled set of utensils - in field conditions, its detachable parts are very easy to lose.
Like everything else, choose the burner (primus) for cooking at your discretion. The approximate weight of this unit should be 500-700 grams. Fuel for a camping hearth can be the most diverse - liquefied propane-butane, methyl alcohol, kerosene, gasoline.

If you are cooking inside a shelter, remember that:
Primuses can only be refueled when not in working condition. While cooking, ventilate the tent to prevent accumulation of combustion products inside the tent.
At low temperatures, liquid fuels may freeze.
Gasoline with a high lead content is hazardous to health when cooking with it in an enclosed space. To refuel stoves, use the so-called "white" gasoline (Naptha), which is used to fill Zippo lighters.
Never set fire to cubes of solid fuel (hexamine or dry alcohol) in an enclosed space.

Tableware. Here the choice is huge - from aluminum bowls to stainless steel plates. The latter, as a rule, are sold in sets of five or six pieces, which are folded into one another, forming a compact unit that is convenient to transport. But before buying, ask yourself - do you need so many plates on a hike.

Forks and spoons. As in the case of utensils, there is a large selection of forks and spoons, but it is recommended to choose the most unpretentious and light - plastic or aluminum utensils, which break little and do not rust.

General caloric requirements for a person in a critical situation will be discussed in more detail in the chapter on food. However, a tourist who has had time to prepare for a hike will try to eat quite varied. It is good to have dehydrated supplies in stock, rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and enough calories. It is undesirable to take a lot of canned food with you - they are bulky, heavy and inconvenient for transportation. It is better to take vacuum-packed supplies or convenience foods that you just need to pour boiling water over. There are also special compact food rations for emergency situations that can keep a person in working condition for a day and even longer, if it is reasonable to spend energy.

The following are the British Marines' Arctic Daily Rations that are sufficient to maintain high physical activity (4,500 calories per day). These diets will give you an idea of ​​what foods to take with you on a hike.

Menu 1
Breakfast: hot oatmeal, hot chocolate;
Lunch: meat pate, biscuits (with and without filling), chocolate, chocolate caramel, nuts with raisins, glucose candies.
Main food: chicken soup, granulated meat, powdered mashed potatoes, peas, apple flakes.

Menu 2

Lunch: chicken pate, cookies (with and without filling), chocolate, chocolate caramel, nuts with raisins, glucose candies.
Main meal: vegetable soup, curried granulated meat.

Menu 3
Breakfast: hot oatmeal, hot chocolate.
Lunch: chicken and pork pate, cookies (with and without filling), chocolate, chocolate caramel, nuts with raisins, glucose candies.
Main meal: oxtail soup, mutton pellets, powdered mashed potatoes, peas, apple flakes.

Menu 4
Breakfast: hot oatmeal, hot chocolate.
Lunch: ham pate, biscuits (with and without filling), chocolate, chocolate caramel, nuts with raisins, glucose candies.
Main meal: vegetable soup, granulated poultry meat, rice, peas, apple-apricot flakes.

Whatever food you take with you, always leave an emergency supply of it - even if it's just nuts with raisins, cookies, chocolate or a special diet - it will support your strength and allow you to go during the day.


A knife is an extremely useful thing in an emergency. It can be used for various purposes - skinning animals, cutting fruits, vegetables, cutting trees. Always keep the knife clean, regularly check the sharpening, securely fasten it in the stowed position. There are a huge number of varieties of knives (Fig. 2), but it is best to have a knife with a single blade and a wooden handle.



There is a huge variety of travel backpacks - from a small 20-liter to a huge 100-liter. When buying a backpack, proceed from the purpose for which you are purchasing it. If you buy a 100 liter backpack, when you really only need 50 liters of volume, you will fill the backpack to capacity and end up carrying a lot of extra weight. Although the line between necessity and excess is very thin, you will always have to find it.

In recent years, backpacks of a new generation have appeared, and easel ones with an H-shaped machine are gradually being replaced by them. The main feature of the new backpacks is self-adjusting straps, as well as waist straps and small aluminum lumbar frames (Fig. 3). But if you need to carry a large load for a long time, use an easel backpack, preferably with an internal loom. It is very important that your backpack is comfortable, “lapped” to your back, because just like all people differ in their physical data, so backpacks - in shape. Here are a few things to consider when purchasing a backpack:

The presence of a large number of side pockets, where it is convenient to store things that need quick access.
Side "compression" compartments that allow you to evenly distribute the load in the backpack and are useful for transporting additional equipment.
Bottom compartment that allows you to distribute the load vertically and makes it easier to access.
The presence of a deployable neck with a reliable adjustable valve, which allows you to adjust the capacity of the backpack.
Double stitching, the presence of ties and overcast corners, which increases the reliability and durability of the backpack.

Roll (Fig. 4). This makeshift backpack allows you to carry small loads over long distances with maximum comfort. The roll is done as follows: a square piece of matter 1.5 x 1.5 m is spread on the ground (1), a load is placed from the edge in a line, and then the fabric is rolled from the load to the opposite edge. The ends of the bundle are tied with twine, in addition, it is necessary to tie the bundle in at least two more places (2). After that, the bundle is folded in half in a horseshoe shape, and its ends are fastened together (3). It turns out a very comfortable backpack, which over a long journey can be thrown from shoulder to shoulder.


The Royal Marines use the following rules when carrying cargo to avoid back injuries:

A minimum of cargo is taken on the road; The maximum load that a person is allowed to carry must be a quarter of his weight. It is necessary to avoid loading excess equipment into a hiking backpack.

When carrying, the load must be lifted as high as possible. The backpack should fit snugly against the back, but the straps should not interfere with blood circulation in the hands.

Inside the backpack, the load should be evenly distributed. Canned food, shoes, and other hard and angular objects should not rest against the back.

In a backpack, all items must be packed in plastic bags, as no backpack is completely waterproof. The least necessary things on the march are placed at the bottom of the backpack.

A portable burner (primus stove), fuel containers and other items needed on the march fit into the side pockets of the backpack so that they can be reached without removing the backpack from the back.

During a short halt, it is better not to take off the backpack, but use it as a support for the back in a reclining or sitting position, resting it on a tree or stone.


The highest quality sleeping bags are stuffed with down - the best natural heat insulator. In wet weather, under such a bag, it is necessary to lay a waterproof fabric. In general, sleeping bags with artificial filling (such as holophile) are better suited for wet weather. You can purchase the so-called "all-weather" sleeping bag, which includes the bag itself, a sheepskin bedding and a bivy-bag tent.

It is very convenient and compact, but it is expensive.

The CAC first aid kit includes remedies for restoring breathing and circulation, stopping bleeding, fixing fractures, treating burns, counteracting infections and pain relief.

Pediatric purulent extractor.
Hemostatic pads.
Equipment for blood transfusion.
Arterial clamps.
Suture kit.
Fracture fixators.
Anti-burn dressings.
Antibiotic tablets.
Antibiotic for injection.
Cream Flamazin.
Remedies for gastrointestinal disorders.

Sites are full of questions: "How to complete a bag for survival?". The article answers this question.

The survival kit from the Survival store is the best you can find on the pre-made kit market. You get a set of essential items stowed in a Maxpedition Versipack Shoulder Bag or a 5.11 Hip Shoulder Push Pack. These styles are equipped with only the highest quality products that you will not find in cheap kits. There are simply no other kits like this on the market.

We immediately warn you - the De-Luxe version is offered for analysis, with the best value for money. The items packed in the Maxpedition Jumbo Versipack are of excellent quality, and the bag itself is able to withstand a direct hit from a nuclear charge. It demonstrates the advantages of a running bag (single-strap backpack) and, of course, there is always room for a couple of extra things like a first aid kit or a couple of cans of food. This styling is the best you can find if the time frame of use is not defined.


1. The Maxpedition Jumbo Versipack is the best single strap backpack on the market for this purpose.

2. ESEE Survival Knife - Choose from a 3 or 5 model. ESEE makes the best survival knives on the market. They have a lifetime warranty and perform great in the field.

3. The ESEE AH1 Arrowhead Knife is not only a great small knife, but also an indispensable item for hunting.

4. GSI DukJug 1 liter stainless steel flask - retains water even in the event of a direct bomb hit.

5. Stainless steel pot mug - can be used as a drinking mug or cooking pot. Created specifically for the British Army.

6. A device for heating or cooking in the field - ideal for a bowler mug, but any other bowler hat can be attached to it.

7. Special lid for a mug-pot - reduces the time to boil water and saves fuel.

8. Holder - securely fixes the mug-cauldron over an open fire.

9. Solid fuel - you can choose between hexamine tablets and helium fuel.

10. Hand-type fire starter - this is the model that is produced for the US Air Force.

11. Ultimate Survival Wet Fire - a substance that actually burns while floating on the surface of the water.

12. Signal mirror - a heliograph capable of sending light rays reflected from the sun over long distances.

13. Pocket chain saw - the best in its class!

14. Fishing set - Only quality lures and accessories are included. Let's go fishing tomorrow!

15. Powder for water purification - good for situations where there is no filter and there is no way to boil water.

16. Manual compass - will always help you navigate the terrain.

17. 50 feet of the best 550 series paracord is not a Chinese fake!

18. A device for quickly sharpening the blade - after all, there is nothing more useless than a dull knife!

19. Whistle - remember that the international call for help is loud, long whistles.

20. Canned Wrench - Save your knife for more important things than opening cans!

21. Straw for drinking water with a built-in filter - was created for the US military contingent in Afghanistan, one of the best on the market.

22. Flashlight series K1 - small, light and bright.

23. Waterproof box - comes with the same waterproof matches of long burning.

24. 5 snares for small game and rabbits - indispensable for catching dinner.

The voiced list is exhaustive for those who want to collect their survivalist backpack. Of course, it may differ in details, but the general concept will not change.

Incredible Facts

There are many situations that can lead to the need to fight for your life, and any of them can happen to any of us. It's not always the extreme skier who went off course or the runner who injured his joint in the middle of the desert. You may have accidentally fallen behind your group of hikers, or your car may have run out of fuel on a deserted stretch of winter road. The question is not whether you will find yourself alone in a life-threatening situation, the question is what you will have at hand to get out.

Having a well-equipped emergency kit in your car is an essential necessity if you are embarking on a road trip. If you go hiking, be sure to stock up on everything you need, and put the tools in your backpack. The old adage is true that it is better to take something with you that may not be useful than not to take it and then painfully regret it. Below are 10 essential tools that every traveler should have.

10. Compass and map

You decided that it would be nice to spend your vacation this year in some unusual place, so you chose an adventure tour to the Australian outback. Everything was great until your group went on without you after the lunch break. In this case, your best helpers will be a compass and a map. A person with even the most modest orientation skills will definitely be able to find his way back to the camp.

Compasses work by using a magnetized pointer, interacting with the earth's magnetic field in order to calculate direction. If you have a compass and a map of the area, then you can figure out how to get to the right place. If you are left with only a compass, no map, you will at least be heading in the right direction. Now, when GPS-navigators appeared, compasses faded into the background. Although GPS will certainly serve its purpose in this situation and reveal the exact location of a given point, it requires a charged battery, which you are unlikely to have in such a situation. In this case, a compass that relies only on the earth's magnetic field is the best alternative.

9. Pyro

When it comes to survival, fire provides a lot - warmth in cold weather, heat for cooking and purifying water, and it is also a potential signal of salvation. It also gives you a sense of security and light in the dark, which helps you stay alert.

In addition to a first aid kit, any hiker or car camper should have a small fire kit. Pack your entire first aid kit in a waterproof box, and add a few lighters, small magnifying lenses, flint, and weather-resistant matches. Another good tip is to get a set of sparklers, they are great in combination with wet leaves to light a fire. Use a magnifying glass to "gather" the sun's rays and make a fire, run the flint over the stone a few times to get sparks. On camping trips, you can practice and learn how to make fire with your kit, it's interesting, and one day it may even save your life.

8. First aid kit

You accidentally slipped off the trail while hiking and got hurt badly. The cut on your arm is quite deep and you feel like you've sprained your ankle. At such times, you are very glad that you have a well-stocked first aid kit with you. Hikers, bikers, skiers, hunters, climbers, and ordinary hikers should all carry a first aid kit. It's also important to have another copy in your car in case of emergencies.

It is also important to know what to pack in the first aid kit. Start with the most essential drugs and solutions - antibacterial ointments, alcohol, peroxide, painkiller, antacids, aspirin and anti-histamine. Your kit must include tweezers, gauze, bandages and eyewash. If you are a diabetic or allergic to something, then these types of drugs should be first on your list. Also bring fire protection with you in case of a fire. It is a good idea to purchase a special handbook that describes first aid for any possible accident or accident.

7. Mirror

The mirror is also one of those gadgets that can help you survive. If you're able to find food, water, and shelter in extreme conditions, that's fine, but you still need to escape to get back home. To do this, you will need a signal mirror.

Any old small mirror will work as a signaling mirror, however, many specialist companies make mirrors that are especially suitable for this purpose. Some of these mirrors can float on the surface of the water, and some are designed in such a way that they can easily be attached to a backpack. The size of the mirror in this case does not matter - even the radiance of a small mirror (5 cm by 7 cm) can be seen at a distance of 160 km. The signal mirror works best on clear days with direct sunlight, but it can also be used on overcast days. You can reflect the light of a flashlight and even bright moonlight in order to escape.

6. Signal lights

If you find yourself in an extreme situation, then you need to do two things - this is to stay alive and find salvation. If you're in the same situation as Tom Hanks in the famous movie, and you can't signal to save yourself, then you'll probably get into the habit of talking to a volleyball too. Even though smoke signals are a perfectly legal form of alarm, people don't often seek to acquire one. A signal mirror is a good option, but if you want to have an unmistakable signal at your disposal that no plane, helicopter or ship will miss, a flash is indispensable.

There are many different signal lights to choose from. Some of them require a pistol and a shot to the sky to use. Other pocket variants emit red flames that you can hold above your head. Many emergency kits that come with cars contain them, so check this kit out if you crashed your car in a desert area. The same goes for ships and planes, so you should find some kind of debris to build a life-saving flare. Top of the line in this category is the laser flash, which is a beam that can be seen day and night up to 48 kilometers away and costs about $250, but your safety comes at a higher cost.

5. Survival knife

In 1982, Sylvester Stallone "blew up" all the cinemas with his hero John Rimbaud, a former Green Beret and professional survivalist. While watching the movie First Blood, the teens watched a tough guy sew up his arm with a needle and thread while holding a giant knife. The knife that Rimbaud "lit up" back in 1982 remains an important attribute of outdoor enthusiasts, as well as hunters and fishermen, to this day.

Most survival knives look the same. They have serrated blades and hollow handles. Complete with such a knife, as a rule, matches, fishhooks, a compass, and sometimes even threads and a needle, like Rimbaud, follow. When it comes time to buy such a knife, you get exactly what you pay for. A cheap knife will be a boring and fragile blade. More expensive versions allow you to create a custom package of your choice. Waterproof matches and a small piece of silicon will certainly come in handy, as will a few water purification tablets. Fishhooks are great for emergency fishing, but thread and needle are really only used in movies. It is better to replace them with several tablets of an anesthetic drug.

4. Multifunction device

The name speaks for itself. The Swiss Army Knife is a favorite of Boy Scouts the world over, with its tiny saw, arsonist and toothpick. While a small pocket knife might still come in handy, it won't work as a modern multi-functional device. There are many types of such devices, but the "Leatherman" is probably the one that has received the most widespread acceptance. It gained popularity back in the 1980s, however, since then, both it and multifunctional devices from other companies have gone through a serious development path.

A standard device of this kind consists of two halves, connected in the center. Depending on what you choose, you will have several options at your disposal. As a rule, they weigh 141-283 grams, most of them contain screwdrivers, saws, bottle and can openers. Some other models include scissors, serrated knives and wrenches. However, when it comes to surviving, choose a device with more knives, as you are unlikely to be able to carve fish with a wrench.

3. Kit that protects against snakes

Outdoor play and fun can take a turn for the worse when you hear a rattlesnake approaching you. Although snakes are afraid of people and will do everything possible to avoid meeting you, they are a reality that you should be fully prepared to face. Snake bites are no fun, and depending on the species of snake, a bite can cause everything from nausea and convulsions to death. Therefore, due to the potential danger, you should always have a snake protection kit on hand when you go for a walk or hike in the forest.

Unfortunately, most kits do not contain what you need to help you deal with a venomous snakebite. Sets that contain scalpels are not the best choice, because with this item you will not be able to provide proper first aid for a snakebite. The more dangerous this object becomes if a person does not know how to use it correctly. Therefore, look for kits that feature devices for sucking out poison. Whether you're buying a pre-made kit or building your own, be sure to include anti-inflammatory pills, painkillers, and an emergency whistle. If you are bitten, your body is extremely weakened, so blowing a whistle may be your only way to call for help.

2. Water filters

If you get lost in the desert, the first thing you need is water. People just can't live without it. Without food, a person can live for several weeks, but without water, he will last a maximum of a couple of days. For this reason, you should carry at least one of the water purification methods with you on any hike.

Water filters are the best option, they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and prices. Some of them are no bigger than a straw drinking straw. Other models screw onto your bottle and can filter up to 378 liters of water without the need to change the cartridge. It is also worth taking a few water purification tablets with you. Such tablets usually contain iodine or chlorine, they dissolve in water and make it drinkable. Such water may not taste great, but you won't die. Think ahead and put the filters and pills in different places, if you suddenly lose your backpack, it is best to store them in a special pocket of a device that can be hung around your waist.

1. Knife - machete

Imagine that you are lost in the thickets of the Amazon forest. You have no food and no means of transportation other than using your own legs. All you have with you is the clothes you are wearing and your trusty machete. It sounds like next to nothing, but if you have some basic survival skills and are smart enough, then a machete might be all you need.

Extreme survival experts will tell you that the machete is the most versatile item to help you out. It can be used to cut the path to civilization, it will help you cut bamboo leaves and palm leaves in order to build a roof over your head. If you are on an island or in the jungle, as long as you have a machete you will be able to drink coconut milk, you can also use it to make wood for a fire or to protect yourself from predators. In any case, a machete will be a very valuable tool, so make sure you have it in your backpack if you are going camping.

Once upon a time, I wrote a comic article about how to survive a zombie apocalypse. Judging by the great number of serious comments, not everyone understood that this was more of a joke than a guide to action. But thanks to the abundance of advice received, I had an occasion to rewrite it. However, I still do not recommend reading such texts to people with no sense of humor at all 🙂

Hello, my little or not so fan of the post-apocalyptic genre. Today I will tell you about the things that every person who is used to being ready for any twists of fate should have. We will talk about items that are needed in case of a nuclear war, a flood, an epidemic of a virus unknown to science, an earthquake of over 9000 points, a volcanic eruption, a plane crash, a zombie apocalypse, an invasion of aliens or a Justin Bieber concert in your city. Well, or if you just got lost in the forest, or suddenly found yourself far from civilization.

So, if you are lucky enough to survive, save your eyesight and limbs in any global catastrophe, consider yourself lucky. But now humanity (and, therefore, you) do not have electricity, running water, the Internet and other benefits of civilization - at best. At worst, zombies ate all the food in nearby stores, and a complete lack of provisions was added to all of the above.

Do you already have a special set of things in the pantry of your hut in case of such troubles? Well done, don't read any further. And if you have not yet acquired a “universal kit for long-term survival in any conditions”, then this post is especially for you. What should be in this set?

The first and most important condition is that the entire set must fit in one backpack. Actually it is stored in it. Otherwise, you risk not having time to save your worthless carcass, spending time collecting luggage. Those. in which case you grab such a backpack and go to the nearest safe zone (bunker, high mountain, armored storage - depending on what you need to escape).

The second condition is that the set must be universal, and not include items that help you survive in only one kind of fucked up. For example, we do not need a gas mask in this set, because after a tsunami or earthquake it is useless.
Survival stores sell ready-made survival kits. And two-thirds of the contents of all such sets are useless trash, so we will collect our own.

Let's start with the backpack.

1) Backpack

The backpack should be durable, not too big, but not too small. It is not known how long you will have to carry all your junk on yourself, how often you will be able to take halts, etc. Therefore, you need a medium-sized backpack (not a small one for 30 liters, but not a giant for 100), with a good suspension system. A special tourist backpack of 40-50 liters is suitable. Something like this, maybe a little less:

After a while, you will want to eat. It is not a fact that you will be able to get food on the very first post-apocalyptic day, so you need a supply of provisions for 1-2 days. Since your favorite grandmother's pies in your backpack will go rotten without waiting for the apocalypse, we exclude them, and any perishable analogue. I needed canned food. And as you know, there is no better canned food for the "survivalist" than ...

2) Sublimates

A sublimate, also known as a sublimated product, is a product preserved by sublimation (preservation here means any processing of products for the purpose of their long-term storage).
Sublimation technology includes two main steps: freezing and drying. During vacuum freeze drying, moisture is removed from the product by evaporation of ice. But ready-made, "purchased" sublimates are too expensive, so you can supplement or replace them with other products that will be light in weight, will not spoil and do not require long cooking (dried fruits, soy meat, etc.). Let's take a look at it for a few days. You, as a true warrior and hunter, having assessed the situation and looked around, can you get provisions for yourself? Well, at least scam? Not? Well, then you will die anyway, and then you can stop reading.

It is not very convenient to walk on the ground wet or littered with stones and fragments of broken windows in slippers, patent leather shoes, or stilettos. Therefore, we need something super-convenient, reliable and versatile. And there is nothing more reliable and more versatile than ...

3) Trekking boots

They are used by tourists (not by those tourists like Egypt, the beach, "Taaagiiil", but those that are mountains, taiga, backpack, on foot) as the main type of hiking shoes. They fix the ankle well, thick enough not to be afraid of pins sticking out of the ground, broken glass and pouring stones. In general - a must have. The cost of a pair of such boots at the time of this writing is from 6,000 rubles and more.

You will not meet the post-apocalypse in a T-shirt and shorts, will you? This is at least inconvenient. Therefore, you also need to think about clothes.

4) Clothing

different for different climates. It was very unlucky if the Big Fuck happened in places with a harsh climate - you have to keep another set of winter clothes next to your backpack. But since at the beginning, we agreed that the set would be “universal”, I will describe only the standard set “autumn-spring-summer-mild winter somewhere near Moscow”:

  • Spare linen. Briefs, socks, a pair of sets.
  • Thermal underwear - underpants and a T-shirt, synthetic - more for moisture removal than for warmth;
  • Fleece layer - pants and jacket. Warm and breathable at the same time.
  • The top layer is a dense, fairly warm jacket with a long sleeve and a hood (ideally, a membrane, made of GoreTex), tight pants (the knees and the fifth point can be sealed by making patches of thick fabric in these places).

Everyone knows that the main companion of the "prepper" is a knife. It will be the next item in our set.

5) Knife
The so-called. survival knives - they have hollow handles that you can stuff matches, cords and other useful little things into. But it will not suit us, because it is designed for a one-time use in case you find yourself in a forest or mountains or somewhere else, for no more than a week. And we have to cut enemies with this knife and do a lot of interesting things for, perhaps, a very long time. Therefore, the choice of a knife must be approached more than responsibly.

The first thing to decide is a fix, a fold or a multitool (Swiss). Here you need to think hard, because. most of these knives have both advantages and disadvantages. Fix, or a fixed blade knife is the most reliable of all options, because. has no mechanical joints. But at the same time, it cannot be put into your pocket; you will have to wear it on your belt in a special case, or in a backpack. If worn on a belt, it will attract the attention of outsiders (we agreed that our set should be universal, and if in a zombie apocalypse a blade on a belt does not bother anyone, then in the case when the streets are flooded with military or police, it will be superfluous), and it is not very convenient to get it out of the backpack, because. a knife is a tool that is needed often. Foldable - can be put into your pocket, will always be at hand, while not noticeable. A little less reliable, due to the mechanical articulation of the blade and handle, but if you choose an expensive and high-quality one, then the difference in reliability will be insignificant. A multitool or a Swiss knife is a fold + a set of tools. Pros: multifunctional, not big. Cons: usually not very convenient, and the knife blade is small. As a result, it is worth choosing a good folding knife with a “liner lock” locking the blade.
One of the main parameters of a knife is the grade of steel from which the blade is made. Stainless steel is not suitable for us - too soft. You need to choose high-quality carbon steel. The simplest and cheapest: 440C, followed by 8cr12MoV, followed by Japanese Aus8 steel, everything that is more expensive has even better properties. I would not recommend taking a knife made of steel worse than Aus8.

The blade should be long enough, but not too long (7-11 cm). The thickness of the blade is not less than 3 mm. Remember - in our case, a knife is primarily a tool, not a weapon. As a result, something like this knife will do:

Well, the seller will tell you the brand of steel. The cost of such a knife (at the time of this writing) is from 5,000 rubles to infinity.

Will we burn fires? Of course we will - what a zombie apocalypse without a fire. And how to prepare firewood? And if you can still survive the loss of a knife, then losing the next item should be very upset ...

6) Ax

A small, long-handled, reliable tourist axe. The most “running” brands for today are the Fiskars brands, they are quite suitable:

You will need a lot of water - you won’t stock up, so you need to have some kind of cleaning agent (although you should still throw one bottle in your backpack).

7) Water purification tablets
Sold in tourist shops and in special shops for "survivors". I threw such a pill into a can of swamp water - and after a while you can drink it. Brands: Aquatab, Aquabreeze, Portable Aqua, etc.

And in what way is this water and other things to be transferred? And boil if necessary? And in general, if the matter drags on, you will have to cook food. It's time for dishes...

8) Dishes

The set of dishes should be minimal. Army flasks, "landing kits" and other nonsense immediately into the furnace. Again, travel utensils are best suited. A steel or titanium (steel is cheaper, titanium is lighter) pot with a capacity of 1.5 liters, the lid of which can serve as a frying pan or plate, and a small steel mug and spoon fit inside the pot. As for the spoon, I recommend ordering a special titanium “spoon-fork” on aliexpress or eBay, it is convenient and saves space and weight. Why not take a separate spoon and fork, you ask? Yep, and a dollhouse manicure set. You were going to survive, and not on a picnic with preference and ladies!

What are we going to cook? Do not carry a gas stove with you. You need a means to make fire. Firebox lighters are unreliable and short-lived. We need something more reliable, and something that will last a long time.

9) Matches, ignition tablets and flint

Why both matches and flint and flint? Let's take one box of matches (or rather, 30 pieces of special non-extinguishing ones) - it weighs practically nothing, for the first time, so as not to bother, and quickly make a fire. The same with tablets for ignition - let's take one package, for the first time. It is better to take ignition pills more expensive - because. of our production (the firm "Russian rest", for example) you set fire to horseradish in the wind - it's checked. Well, if the “campaign” to a safe haven drags on, then a steel flint will come in handy. A reliable and eternal means for making fire, but requires some skill. Nothing needs to be refueled, unlike lighters. By rubbing the rod against the flint (one blow is enough), a large sheaf of hot (3000 degrees at birth) sparks is cut. In the picture, complete with a flint and flint, there is also a small multi-tool: a ruler + a file + an opener. It is better to immediately tear off - it will only get in the way. Why do you need a ruler after a disaster, bro?

At night, in caves and catacombs, you need something to light your way. Need a flashlight. But you won’t find batteries after a catastrophe during the day with fire. There is an exit…

10) Lantern-dynamo

There are two options: two-handed (dynamo with a twisting lever) and one-handed - as in the picture. We prefer the second, the right hand in the dark catacombs teeming with zombies and mutants should hold an ax or a machete, and not engage in twisting the handles of dynamos and other obscenities. The flashlight is exclusively diode - a hundred times more reliable than lamp ones.

In principle, if your post-apocalyptic everyday life goes well, then this is enough. What if there is an injury or infection? You need to have a minimum set of medicines for such a case.

11) First aid kit

What to put in the first aid kit? Everything you've ever needed in your life, bro:

  • Sterile gauze bandage, 1 roll;
  • Harness - a piece of elastic rubber tube or the same belt;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • A tube of iodine or greens;
  • Activated charcoal tablets - will help with mild poisoning, indigestion;
  • Citramon - 1 pack, 10 tablets. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Ibuprofen or ketonal is a pain reliever.
  • Adhesive plaster roll, 1 pc.

Well, lastly...

12) Piece of rope

Fuck knows what it is for, it is always useful for some reason, take it. It doesn't take up much space and weighs almost nothing. Right now, it has become fashionable to wear a paracord bracelet - if necessary, it unwinds, and here you have 4-5 meters of strong rope. It will do.

Actually, the list of mandatory items that should be included in the universal survival kit has come to an end. Let's list them again:

  1. Backpack;
  2. sublimates;
  3. Trekking shoes;
  4. Thoughtful set of clothes;
  5. Axe;
  6. Tablets for water purification (throw a large bottle of clean drinking water in your backpack);
  7. Dishes (pot, mug, spoon-fork);
  8. Bonfire: matches, ignition tablets, flint;
  9. Lantern-dynamo;
  10. first aid kit;
  11. A piece of rope.

You can go stock up on all of the above - and you're ready for anything.

controversial points

We have already listed the basic set of the most necessary. But there are still some things that, perhaps, you can really do without, but they can still make your life easier if you survived the Justin Bieber concert in your city. For example, I would add a travel mat to this. You've seen them on tourist photos online, they look like a yoga mat, rolled up and usually attached to the side of a backpack. Sleeping on it on the ground or on stones is much warmer than on a lining of some rags. The risk of freezing your kidneys at night is much reduced.

I really want to add a sleeping bag to the rug. And a piece of tarpaulin as an awning. And then no night cold and bad weather are definitely not terrible. Actually, why wasn't it included in the base set? And who the hell knows, maybe because not being a tourist you just get asshole to buy a normal sleeping bag 🙂

Firearms? Maybe. But, again, what if this is not a global earthquake or an invasion of zombies, but something, after which your city will be flooded with the military or the National Guard? Then you will most likely be shot with a firearm. For it is unlikely that you are a hardened Voroshilov shooter. Well, if so, then I think you have already decided everything on this score.

It also makes sense to throw some money into a backpack (and if it’s also in a different currency, it’s generally good), and keep your passport in it.

Will there be a “universal” addition to the kit with a minimum set of soap and soap accessories? Rather yes than no.

And now a little seriousness: nothing will help you like your own knowledge and skills. Learn to understand mushrooms and plants, provide first aid, set traps for animals, butcher carcasses, shoot, navigate the forest, and the most difficult and most important thing is to recognize human intentions. And then you are not afraid of any apocalypse.

That's all! All the best!

The term "survival" includes a number of knowledge and techniques that allow a person to survive in extreme conditions, with a minimum set of tools and things. Extreme situations are when a person gets lost in the forest, finds himself in a natural disaster, etc. In our difficult time, you can expect anything, even terrorist attacks, from which you may have to hide.

Such situations require knowledge and special skills from a person, as well as the presence of any household items. Otherwise, a very deplorable outcome awaits a person.

Some part of the people are constantly faced with such conditions, due to their profession or residence in a certain area. In such cases, a person should always carry a special, minimal survival kit.

All professional military men take survival courses and they know about the “alarm suitcase”. This is a special bag or backpack where household appliances and items that may be needed in the field are stored. The military take this suitcase with them in case of an alarm, to perform special tasks intended for implementation in places far from civilization.

Almost all residents of Japan are ready for extreme situations and they always have a backpack with essentials. Moreover, it is not hidden somewhere, but is located not far from the front door. The backpack contains a supply of food for 3 days, medicines, copies of all documents located on electronic media, as well as a certain amount of money.

This is due to the fact that Japan is located in a zone of high seismic activity. Earthquakes and tsunamis are fairly common occurrences in this country. When another alarm is announced, the Japanese immediately grab their backpacks and run out into the street.

We can talk about some kind of basic survival kit, which includes a certain set of items that allows a person to hold out for some time until help arrives. This set of items may be conditional, since much depends on the conditions in which a person may find himself. If you just get lost in the woods, you may need a minimal survival kit. But if you get lost in the remote taiga, then you can’t get by with a minimum set.

There are, quite conditionally, two categories of survival kits. For example:

  • The first category is a large set that fits in a medium sized backpack. Carrying such backpacks is not easy, so they can be in the trunk of cars or in other places and wait in the wings.
  • The second category represents wearable emergency supplies (NAZs), which are designed for daily wear. In the West they are called EDC sets (every day carry). The difference between NAZs and EDC kits is that NAZ kits are designed for survival in the wild, and EDC kits are for survival in modern megacities.

Survival kits include very different items, depending on the conditions of the area or season in which a person may find himself. Equally important are the characteristics of each individual person. The peculiarities of the human factor include the presence of various diseases or the tendency of the human body to allergies. In this regard, it is necessary to count on the expansion of the components included in the survival kit. Despite this, there is the concept of a standard survival kit, which makes sense to talk about. In other words, there are items or tools that cannot be dispensed with in any case.

Firstly, the backpack must be reliable and durable, as well as waterproof. You will immediately have to abandon cheap Chinese backpacks, stitched with rotten threads that stick out in all directions. Be that as it may, but you need to count on the fact that this backpack can and should save a person's life. Therefore, the quality of the backpack is in the first place. As a rule, you should opt for a medium-sized backpack: it is unlikely that everything will fit in a small backpack. If you take a large backpack, then it can be a real burden in extreme situations, when every calorie counts. The best option is a backpack with a volume of 50 liters. Another important factor: the backpack should not attract attention. It should have a modest, discreet color: it is not known in what conditions a person may find himself. If you have to run away from terrorists, then a bright backpack can be seen at a great distance, and this is completely useless.

It is better not to use a backpack from Maxpedition and other similar manufacturers, despite their quality. For such purposes, army backpacks are also not suitable, since they do not have the necessary qualities. If you take the most ordinary tourist backpack, then this is the best option. But here, too, the focus should be on quality.

Food for survival: requirements

You can survive without anything, but without food, a person will not survive for sure, especially at first. Therefore, it is very important to have a supply of food for three days, until a person manages to navigate in real conditions.

Food items included in survival kits must meet a number of requirements. For example:

  • Food should be high in calories.
  • It should not deteriorate for a long time.
  • Take up little space and have minimal weight.

Only one type of products meets such requirements - these are products preserved by sublimation. This is a process that contains 2 stages - freezing and drying. Due to the fact that they are not subjected to heat treatment, they retain all their nutritional properties. In addition, they significantly lose in volume and weight.

Shoes for extreme situations should also be chosen correctly. Since you have to move a lot, and even with a backpack, you won’t go far in uncomfortable shoes. Even worse, if the leg is damaged, then the person will lose mobility, and this is fraught with serious consequences. In such a situation, it is not worth saving. This is especially true if a person gets into a mountainous area. A good option is trekking boots that securely fix the ankle, protecting it from dislocations, and a thick sole can protect the feet from sharp objects. Despite the apparent volume, they are not heavy, but at the same time very reliable and durable.

Set of clothes

It is natural that clothes must be selected depending on the time of year. Despite this, the principle of completing a spare set does not depend on any factors.

That's why:

  • Underwear should be made only from natural materials, with the exception of socks. It is better to take socks with the presence of artificial threads so that they last longer.
  • The presence of thermal underwear, the task of which is to remove sweat from the surface of the human body, is not necessary, although it will be difficult without it. As a rule, thermal underwear is sewn from special, artificial fabrics. The removal of sweat allows the body to retain heat, due to the dryness of the body surface. This is very important, especially in conditions of long transitions and low temperatures.
  • Fleece clothing, although made from synthetics, has excellent heat retention characteristics. In addition, it also breathes, as well as pleasant to the touch and tightly fits the body. Therefore, a survival kit should include fleece trousers and a jacket.
  • Thick jacket, with long sleeves and a hood, as well as tight trousers, sewn from both natural and synthetic fabrics (mixture). In other words, the jacket and trousers must be strong and durable.

survival gear

Knife or multitool

Naturally, in such situations, a knife will never be superfluous, and it is even better to have 3 knives, for all occasions. One knife can be of the multitool type, which makes it possible to have a whole set of the necessary tools at hand. The second knife is folding, and the third is durable, like a fix or mora. Naturally, this is an ideal option, so you need to have at least one knife, preferably a folding one.

small hatchet

A small tourist hatchet will do, which will help save lives in dangerous situations. It will also help to make a fire in a timely manner so as not to freeze in such conditions. This is the second tool after the knife, which is difficult to do without.

Today, you can count on the purchase of a ready-made, factory-made filter, both domestic and imported. Naturally, the presence of a factory filter or fixture is an additional usable space, which may not be enough in such conditions. In addition, water purification is possible with special tablets, such as "Aquatab", "Aquabreeze", "Portable Aqua", etc. We should also not forget that you can purify water with the help of potassium permanganate, as well as in the simplest and most affordable way - by boiling.

Need for utensils

If we consider that every cubic centimeter counts, then talking about dishes as such does not make sense.

It is best to use a small camping kit, which consists of a bowler hat, up to 1.5 liters, a lid and a mug, which is inside the bowler hat, according to the combined arms principle. The volume of the mug is about 0.8 liters.

In this case, ordinary matches will help, but they must be placed in a plastic bag and sealed tightly so that they do not become damp. Each box should be sealed separately. Matches are light and do not take up much space. Then you can use matchboxes as needed. It is better if there is another option for lighting a fire - a tinderbox, with which you can get sparks and get a fire using flammable materials. They can be easily found in the forest: dry birch bark, dry moss, fluff, dry grass, etc. Learning to use a flint and flint is not so difficult.

The presence of light (lighting)

In such cases, it is better to have a flashlight that does not shine from batteries or an accumulator, but from a built-in generator that is powered by a special handle. For the operation of this device, it is enough to apply physical force. Recently, LED flashlights have become very popular, as they consume much less energy than conventional light bulbs. Even on batteries, such lighting devices work for a long time. In any case, if there is an alternative light source, then this is a big plus.

Prepper's First Aid Kit

A very important component of a survival kit, especially if there are any chronic ailments that require regular use of medicines. If there are no such problems, then the first aid kit should include:

  • Sterile bandage. It is better to have several packages with different sizes.
  • Rubber tourniquet, which can be useful in cases of serious injuries, with severe bleeding. A rubber band is used to stop bleeding. At the same time, you need to be able to use it: the tourniquet is applied for a time, no more than 2 hours, otherwise you can lose a limb.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, for mechanical disinfection of open wounds.
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.005%. It is also used for disinfection of open wounds by irrigation.
  • Iodine and greenery. They are used to treat small wounds or their edges.
  • Activated charcoal in the form of tablets, which quickly removes toxins from the body in case of poisoning.
  • Aspirin in tablets will serve as protection for the body in case of a cold.
  • Ibuprofen or ketanol, as an anesthetic.
  • Adhesive plaster.

A rope, moreover, strong, up to 3 meters long, will not interfere. In such situations, it is very important to have a rope, because often you have to tie something up, fasten something, etc. With the help of a rope, you can quickly equip temporary housing. Often, without a rope, it is difficult to overcome a small climb or lift a load to a certain height. In short, a rope, and a reliable one, will never be superfluous.

Wearable emergency supply (NAZ)

The difference between NAZ and a large set is that the entire NAZ is placed in a small box, preferably a metal one or in a small bag. Since it is not at all large in size, it can be assumed that it should always be on the human body. It can be attached to a belt, put in a pocket, hung around the neck by a string. In other words, it is a set that is designed for a short period of time.

The average NAZ should include:

  • Not a large folding knife, with a set of blades that perform various functions.
  • A lighter, preferably a bright color, so that it is always easy to find and hard to lose.
  • Not a big flashlight on LEDs with a supply of batteries.
  • A flash drive (electronic storage medium) with basic documents recorded on it, such as a passport, driver's license, birthday certificate and other documents. It is desirable that it be reliably protected from moisture.
  • A simple, well-sharpened pencil with a set of office stickers in bright colors.
  • Not a large mirror with which you can give signals on a sunny day.
  • Super glue.
  • Sealed bags where you can put, for example, documents.
  • Packing of sanitary napkins.
  • Alcohol wipes (wipes for injections).
  • Components for fishing (fishing line, hooks, sinkers, float).
  • "Space" blanket.

Additionally, other components may be included in the kit, depending on the expected conditions. At the same time, it must be remembered that NAZ is a kit that takes up little space and weighs little, but you can always survive in the wild with it, although you should not count on a long period. In any case, you need to rely on the fact that help will come and the sooner the better.

In our difficult time, the question of survival in extreme conditions is increasingly being raised. Someone is faced with similar conditions every day, and someone does not even know what it is. Despite this, each person must be prepared to meet such conditions, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable. No one knows what the future holds for a person.