Newborn baby how to bathe. Fragrant soap and fluffy towel. Bathing and hygiene: What is the connection

The appearance of the baby at home is always joy, reverent expectations and ... stress for young parents. When the first emotions calm down, parents begin to think about the fact that the kid must be washed, dressed and fed. However, in the absence of experience, even simple tasks can cause many questions.

One of the situations that are the cause of confusion in young mammies is the first bathing of the child after the hospital. If there is a caring grandmother nearby or lucky with a choring nurse and a doctor, then swimming will not become a big problem. But if not - moms need instructions. Therefore, we will now give detailed recommendations for swimming a newborn baby.

Preparation of the bathroom and water for the first bathing of the newborn

First of all, it is necessary to refute the myth that you can not bathe a baby until the full healing of the umbilical wound. You can bathe babies from the first day of life, but it is necessary to approach this issue extremely responsible in order not to subsequent infections.

Bathochka . The main thing you need to remember is security. Therefore, in advance to take care of the acquisition of a children's bath. There is a lot of reasons for not batting a child in an adult bath - the danger of location, a rough surface for the skin of the baby, the remains of aggressive detergents, the risk of injury and even random drowning.

Baby bath is safe for a baby in all respects. You should not save when purchasing it. There are anatomical baths, Mommin Belly, ordinary, embedded in adult and inflatable models. The most secure for newborns are the Banches of the "Mother's Tummy". They have a bowl-shaped form, eliminating the possibility of slipping, stable, comfortable for mothers and keep the temperature. In addition, they help with intestinal colic and support those who do not know how to keep the newborn head in the right physiological position.

Water . Kids can be broken only in boiled water and weak grasses. The temperature of the water for the first bathing of the child should be 36.6 ° C, if the mother does not want to cause fear of the newborn in the next few months. The kid should not feel the difference in temperatures. In order to monitor this aspect, you need to buy a thermometer for the bath in advance. Or a bath with a thermostat that will maintain the desired temperature.

To avoid the infection in the umbilical wound, in the water for the first bathing you can add a solution of manganese. To do this, you need to make a strong bright purple solution, take a clean gauze, folded in two or three layers, and pour a solution into the bath, turning through the gauze. Pour until the water is painted in a slightly pink color. You can also add strong solutions of herbs - chamomile, lip, dill.

Funds for swimming. If possible, it should be done with water and bravery with manganese, but if you need to use detergents, antibacterial products and soaps should be avoided. You can use only special fots for babies. On the package it should be indicated that the application is permissible from birth (0+). The foam is necessary in a small amount to dissolve in the water in the bath.

The temperature in the bathroom is as very important. If the water temperature is sharply contrasted with air temperature, the smaller, which is worth expecting - tears and screams; Larger - inflammation of the lungs. The bathroom should be warm, as in the room in which the baby gets after swimming.

The first bathing of the child should be as long as possible. Try to comply with all the recommendations so that it does not cause a long fear.

How to bathe a child?

So, all the preparations are made, and the time has come daily bathing. First of all, it is necessary to stock up the bathing attributes with a spray, a soft towel, cotton balls and flags (in no way with chopsticks), a solution of green, clean gauze, diapers and talc.

Go to swimming. You need to split the baby, if necessary, washed, and clean carefully put / put in the bath. To do this, you need with your left hand (if Mom is right-handed) to keep the head (backstage), neck, back, and right - legs and butters. So the baby is lowered in a lying bath. In the "Mother's Tummy" bath, the kid planting supporting under the mouse and head, carefully clouding about the wall and watching the child to be comfortable. It is necessary to lower slowly and gradually, giving him the opportunity to get used to the water. If everything was done correctly, the baby will relax.

Then you need to take a water outlet (temperature 36.6 ° C) and cautiously pouring a baby's caller, but not head. Water getting into the eyes will scare the child and can cause fear before bathing. Watering the kid with water (or decoction of herbs), you need to give it time to adapt, stroking and talking to him.

What to do after bathing?

After the shelter procedure, you need to carefully remove the baby and immediately wrap in a towel from the head head. The towel must be soft, dry and warm. Up to 6 months, pediatricians do not recommend using anything that is applied to the skin (creams, lotions, oils). The exception is coconut oil, it is hypoallergenic and in small quantities (literally a couple of drops) will help keep moisture. It is necessary to apply it before you dry the skin of the child.

It is necessary to prepare a room in advance in which the baby will fall after swimming. Waste a changing table with a warm, clean and soft diaper, put the diapers and talc. Do not forget to close the windows and check that there are no drafts. In the first 10 minutes you should not put on the baby diapers and the slider. It is enough to cover the child with a terry blank and give the skin to breathe.

Young mother (especially if the child is the firstborn in the family) often knows how to properly approach such a process as bathing newborn baby.

In this article, let's try to figure out how completely bathe babiesWhat requirements to comply with and what means to apply.

Usually, when first and subsequent inspections, pediatricians give recommendations for swimming. But once again we repeat, with what time water procedures should begin.

If the child is healthy, the birth happened on time, and the kid donoshen, then swimming can be started immediately after arriving from the hospital. But with caution, because the umbilical wound has not yet healed. If the wound is very wide, then you should refrain from bathing the first month. It is enough to wipe the baby with a damp soft cloth.

Use baby soap with caution. Be sure to look at the label, for what age detergent is intended. If you are not sure, it is better to do with ordinary water. After all, an allergic reaction is very dangerous at that age.

Bathing and fixtures

Spend water infant procedures You can in any room. The main thing is to be warm and no drafts. And also choose to convenience: in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the children's room. Moreover, the ambient temperature should not be less than 21 degrees.

A bathing driver should be 37-38 degrees, no more and no less. In cold water, the child can freeze, and in the hot he will be uncomfortable.

Very often young mothers teach to check the water temperature elbow. It is not right. The elbow is not so sensitive part of the body to determine exactly 37 or 38 degrees. Do not be lazy to use the thermometer to avoid unnecessary problems and nervousness. According to the experience, let's say if the baby does not like swimming for the first time, then with each hygienic procedure, the whole process turn into torment and for you, and for the baby.

Bathing baby is better in a specially acquired bath. But it is impossible to use it for something else. Do not let underwear in it.

Some battle newborn immediately in a large bath. But there are some significant drawbacks:

  • A large bath every time you have to be very thoroughly flush and disinfect, even if adults who use a shared bathroom are absolutely healthy (which happens infrequently). The slightest infection can cause very large health problems. After all, a small organism is not yet adapted to fight serious threats.
  • Bathing a child will have to be in a very uncomfortable position, lowered the bathroom low. Well, if dad or grandmother helps help. But one mom will do it problematic: it is necessary to hold the baby on the weight, and even at the same time to manage to wash and wash off the soap from the skin.
  • A large amount of water can scare a newborn.

After bathing, use moisturizing agents that are intended specifically for newborns (creams, moisturizing gels or milk). They are usually hypoallergenic and do not contain any harmful impurities.

How often do you need to bathe newborn?

Traditionally it is believed that swimming must be carried out daily. For example, in front of the night bed. But there are reservations in this matter: the baby's skin is very sensitive, and daily water treatments can cause severe dryness and irritation. Is it so dirty baby? Yes, and with the condition that after a fear of you will wash it.

Many doctors advise to bathe newborn 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the time to wipe the folding wet, moistened in warm water, cloth.

In the summer, when it is hot, the amount of bathing can be increased. After all, at a higher air temperature, the baby can sweat. Do not forget to wipe the places behind the ears, in the groin, under the mouses - where the sweat and skin fat accumulate.

Sometimes for swimming, you can use various grasses based on herbs. But use folk remedies (such as chamomile, Melissa) only after talking with a pediatrician.

When and how much time you need to bathe baby?

Immediately after returning from the maternity hospital, the baby bathing should not be delayed more than 5 minutes. By three months, the duration of finding in water can be increased to 15 minutes.

Swimming time is usually assigned to the evening. But sometimes it happens that the water procedures only swing the crumb, and he does not want to fall asleep. Then transfer this process for a day, for example, after lunch.

What washing a newborn?

Today, cosmetic companies offer a wide range of funds intended for babies. These are bathing products, and leather goods after water procedures. You can also use grave champs, so to speak folk remedies. Once again, the herbs must be used with great care after consulting with a specialist.

  • To reduce inflammation or irritation, beams of chamomile or calendula can be used.
  • If the kid is too restless, then you can cook a bath with melissa, mint or lavender. Sometimes you use Valerian, but this grass has a sufficiently unpleasant smell, which may not like the baby.

Even if the child's hair is long, then you should not get involved in shampoo. Sufficiently special detergents that are intended for the whole body. In any case, you need to monitor the condition of the skin and hair to stop the choice on a specific means.

  • Bat the child in a special bath, which is no longer possible for anything. Periodically disinfect bathing container.
  • Before the battery process, prepare everything you need so that everything is at hand, and you are not distracted by outsiders, but watched only for the child.
  • After bathing, do not carry a wet child into another room. Wrap in a towel, and then carry on a changing table.
  • Before bathing, take a short nail short and wash your hands with soap, remove the rings, bracelets, wristwatches.
  • Do not rub the baby with a towel, but just floss it.
  • After wiping, smearing the baby's skin with cream. With the help of moisturizing oil, you can make a relaxing massage. Just first learn to do it in order not to harm.
  • After that, the baby in the cooked clothes prepared in advance. While the hairs do not dry, wear a thin cotton cap.
  • The whole process is accompanied by a conversation, talk gently with the baby. Mother's voice will calm the child.

How to bathe newborn baby for the first time? This question worries young parents no less than breastfeeding and cloth care.

The child seems so fragile, and often parents are afraid to not harm the newborn during water procedures. Useful tips and detailed instructions will help to correctly hold such a responsible event as the first bathing.

Why regular hygiene is important

Be sure to bathe crumb, do not skip the water procedures. Exception is a period of infectious / colds accompanied by high temperature and abundant rash.

Five reasons for regular bathing:

  • hygiene of the body and genital organs of the newborn;
  • preservation of cleanliness of skin folds in which the sweat often accumulates, pathogenic microorganisms develop;
  • hardening effect;
  • the beneficial effect on the nervous system: after swimming, most of the newborn calms down, sleep well;
  • additional communication with parents, establishing emotional contact.

In addition, swimming loves most babies. The procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant. Positive emotions are an important part of the development of crumbs.

How to prepare for first bathing

Immediately after the birth of the child begins pleasant troubles. Many adhere to the rules that "before the birth of the baby, nothing needs to be bought." For 3-4 days, it will have to bring home a lot of useful tools, without which it is impossible to fully care for the crumb.

What to acquire

The first thing you need is a bath. Fortunately, there are no problems with buying a fixture for water procedures. Pediatricians advise choosing a bath from high-quality plastic, preferably anatomical form. "Gorka", supporting the baby, will help to easily cope with the baton of the crumbs alone.

Prepare other items and things for a comfortable bathing of a newborn:

  • thermometer. The optimal temperature is a prerequisite for water procedures;
  • pelinka, a big soft towel to wrap the baby after swimming;
  • selic care compositions;
  • bucket. It needs to pour clean water to rinsing a child after bathing;
  • later buy an inflatable circle, bright plastic or rubber toys that will swim in the bath.

Water and air temperature

At what temperature baths newborns? Optimal indicators:

  • air indoor. Not lower than +24 degrees, but also the "steam room" is not worth it. Heat is also harmful for a tiny organism, like low temperature;
  • water in the bath. The first time - 37 degrees. Gradually reduce the figures per 1-2 degrees.

Tip! Before the first bathing, be sure to measure the water temperature in the bath. During the procedure, follow the reaction of the newborn. If "goosebumps" appeared on the skin, immediately hammer the warm water. When overheating, the baby blues, crying, wrinkles face: immediately add cool water.

Duration of the procedure

It is important to know the measure. The kid must be in the water for a short time, the first bathing is short: not more than 7-8 minutes. From each week the duration of the procedure increase.

Times of Day

When to bathe newborn: day or evening? Many parents choose time before evening feeding. Warm driver has relaxingly, after water procedures, the baby quickly falls asleep, the sleep is long, calm. The child gets used to the regime faster, remembers that if he is bother, he will soon sleep.

The second option is bathing. Refuse evening water procedures if the driver's child acts exciting (sometimes this option is sometimes possible). After the crumb procedure, it cannot fall asleep for a long time, exhibits increased activity. Day bathing will provide the required level of hygiene, will save from long laying to sleep in the evening.

Bathing crumb at the same time. The baby will quickly get used to the regime, it will be better to sleep.

Take note:

  • after a couple of weeks after birth, add decoction from a series of blacks, hop cones, pine needles or juniper branches;
  • wait until the umbilical wound will always lie down, and boldly bathe crumb in herbal bath. Well strain the decoction so that there are no twigs or leaves left;
  • on a medium-sized bath, in which children are usually bathing, 500 ml of healing fluid is enough;
  • do not break the proportions: Saturated decoction sometimes causes allergies. When in a strong solution, a series of tender skin can dry out a slightly;
  • conduct procedures with soothing herbs three times a week at a quarter of an hour (start with 10 minutes).

How often have water procedures

How often do newborn children bathe? Water procedures should become a daily ritual. Do not skip bathing: The skin of the kid in the first days and weeks of life is weakly protected from infection penetration. Sweat, dust, remnants of discharge provoke diameters in newborns, dermatitis, and tooch.

With the disease, be sure to check with a pediatrician, how often you can bathe crumb or while it is better to limit yourself to a thorough toilet face, folds, genitals. With some infectious diseases (streptodermia, windmill) during the exacerbation period, at the stage of active rash water procedures are prohibited.

How to bathe newborn

For the first time, water procedures are desirable to conduct together. Call dad, grandmother, other relatives for help. Conveniently, when one person holds a crumb, and the other waters the water, rinsing a tiny body. Bathing is not only hygiene, but also acquaintance with newborn, pleasant family communication.

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  • check the water temperature, the presence of all items for the procedure;
  • babe Undress, keep a small caller before diving in the bath;
  • put the head on the wrist, carefully, but reliably support the crumb to the same hand near the armpits;
  • second hand be sure to hold tiny legs;
  • gently immerse the baby in the bath, remove your hand to the legs, but the head is sure to raise over the water;
  • carefully wipe the face, then wash the shoulder from the neck to the footsteps. Well rinse the area between the fingers;
  • gently wash your head, watch not to press the springs area;
  • the boys rinse the genital region well, pulling away the extreme flesh, but do not try hard, otherwise irritation will appear on the delicate tissue. The field of genital organs in girls wash only in front of the back, carefully treat the crotch area. Before swimming, the baby must be appropriate;
  • with a good mood, the crumbs are easy to "spend" a tel from one edge of the bath to another: many kids like the tender water pressure;
  • at the end of the procedure, take a child with water from the macker, immediately bite into the peel, then in a towel;
  • transfer the crumb on the bed or a changing table, thoroughly blocked the whole body. Special attention is paid to folds. Slightly let off the buttocks, armpits, inguinal folds for the warning of the Pader;
  • well blown water droplets in the umbilical wound area. Watch that the "clothespin" does not disappear. Dry surface treat 3% hydrogen peroxide, then with a green. Many pediatricians recommend a alcohol solution of chlorophyllipte concentration of 1%. The composition will pick up your pediatrician. Regular care will prevent infection, accelerate the healing of this area.

For the first bathing gel or baby soap do not use: Just only the water of a suitable temperature. The urine is also not useful.

Listen to pediatricians and experienced parents:

  • for the first water procedures, herbal decoctions, mangalls will not need;
  • if a newborn is swimming in the toilet before bathing, be sure to fit the crumb, remove the remnants of feces and urine. Do not violate this rule, bathe a child in clean water;
  • during evening hygienic procedures, create a relaxed atmosphere, do not allow active games. The bath will not calm down, but an exciting action, the baby will sleep badly;
  • when bathing, remember that at first it is important to maintain the head of the newborn until the cervical muscles are stolen. Never deliver the child from the bath only for the handles, watch the head not "fell" back;
  • after healing the umbilical wounds, refuse boiled water. Add a weak chamomile branch or a turn with a soft anti-inflammatory effect;
  • carefully wipe, then point the foldings of the newborn after water procedures: bacteria actively multiply in a wet environment.

Prepare for the first bathing of the newborn, buy all the accessories, select a comfortable bath. Information on how to bathe the crumb, you already have. Re-read the tips, proceed carefully, and the baby will certainly love water procedures.

Video: how to bathe newborn and useful advice to novice parents:

The main fears when bathing the baby in the bath alone numerous:

  • the young mother is afraid that the bath will fall;
  • ensure that he will not hold the newborn and he will slip out of her hands and hit;
  • that the water will cool too quickly and the kid will catch a cold;
  • that in the process of washing it will take something that will not be at hand, but to bring no one.

All these fears are filmed with clear planning and good preparation.

Fundamental rules

How to bathe newborn baby one:

  1. Put the soda-soda bed fastened for special supports - so you do not have to bend low and take over the excess load.

    Children's bath must be cleaned only soda and rinse boiling water - any wildest tools can cause allergies and even burns! Check that she herself stands firmly on the stands and does not stick!

  2. Near the bath, put everything you need for bathing the baby things:
    • shampoo or gel, if you plan to use them;
    • soft washcloth;
    • pre-prepared decoction of herbs;
    • a large jug with clear water, which will rinse the infants if you plan to use shampoo or decoction.
  3. Estate a large soft towel on a washing machine or changing table.
  4. Check the water temperature - it should be 37 degrees, gradually it can be omitted. The air in the room should not be too hot - you do not need to heat the bathroom additionally, if the temperature in it is more than 21 degrees.

With this scenario, the baby washed in the bath. It is recommended for 10-15 minutes when the crumb will grow - you can enlarge the swimming time before half an hour.

Instruction how to get a child in the bath

For swimming baby in the bath, you need to do the following:

But it's all ideally.

We offer to watch a video about how to buy a newborn yourself:

If this happened for the first time - rinse the baby, remove from the bath, wash and dress. Crying baby during swimming will not benefit neither to him nor mom.

Bathing forcibly, under screams and resistance, it is impossible - there may be a persistent fear of water procedures, it will be difficult to overcome it.

Next time think - what could cause discomfort? Tips mom if the kid climbs when bathing:

  • Perhaps the baby is too warm and the driver seemed to him cool. Or, on the contrary, too warm. Experiment with water temperature within two degrees.
  • It is necessary to check whether there are no diarming or rash on the body.

    Even small redness on the skin in newborns when contact with water can cause discomfort and crying.

  • You should not bathe baby hungry or too full - you should feed it a bit in advance of water treatments and inserted - after them. So the baby will be as calm as possible and sleep after the bath will be long and sweet.
  • In no case cannot be bathing a sick child - no additional stress is needed.

In compliance with all these rules, swimming a newborn in a bath alone will not give any problems.

It happens that the young parent is panicly afraid to wash a tiny child alone, but understands that there is no way out and do it anyway. In this case at the first two or three swimming, you can call a visit to a friend: experienced girlfriend, mom, grandmother, neighbor in the end. Let it in any case do not help, just sit in the next room or in the kitchen. This will give confidence that in case of emergency, support will be, and will make it feel calmer.

After buying a child in the bath for the first time successfully and with pleasure, in the future you can perform this procedure with joy and without fears.

During the first twenty-eight days of the child's life, it is customary to be a newborn. This period is a turning point for the kid: he has to quickly master the environment for him for him, so he needs close parental attention.

So, one of the important tasks for parents is to carefully comply with the rules of hygienic care for the newborn, among which, its swimming and arms are included.

What is the difference between bathing and kneading?

Young parents need to understand that bathing and arms are not interchangeable procedures, but absolutely different purposes hygienic processes.

Bathing is a process when the newborn is not only washed through water procedures, but also harvested, completely plunging into the water. While the isolation is the process necessary after each case of defecation, in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bedtime.

Features of the elevation of babies of different sexes


Girls should be screwed up in a vertical position over the shell, bathroom or pelvis. This is explained by the fact that such a position prevents the remnants of the powerful masses to the mucous membranes or inside them.

Movement when you knead the girls should be strictly directed from the pubic part to the smoking.


If we talk about boys, you can use them directly in the bath or pelvis. It is not recommended to use a foam or baby soap once again, which destructively affects the state of delicate skin and mucous surfaces.

The process of arms of the newborn should end with the application of a children's cream or sprinkle on folds. This will avoid skin diapermers.

What is the optimal frequency of bathing of babies?

The battery frequency directly depends on the age category of the child, since bathing is not only hygienic character.

Despite the fact that newborn children do not dock so much to regularly wash them with soap and wash, doctors recommend the first six months after birth to bathe the crumb every day.

It should be noted that in the first year of life, swimming for the baby becomes a preventive measure against various diseases, and also helps strengthen the immune system.

Can I bump baby until the navel heal?

The overwhelming majority of parents under pressure from newly minted grandparents and grandparents are afraid to bathe a newborn in the bath until his umbilical wound will fail to fully (this process takes on average for two or three weeks).

However, modern doctors have their own glance at the question of the frequency of bathing newborns. In their opinion, mom can safely bathe his baby immediately after returning from the maternity hospital. The child during each bathing returns to the environment in which he lived nine months in the maternal womb.

Rules of bathing of newborns

  1. Up to six months, the newborn should swim daily, while the duration of swimming should be equal to five to seven minutes.
  2. While the clothespin does not disappear, it is desirable that the water does not fall into the umbilical wound during swimming (after each bathing, the newborn must carefully process the navel).
  3. From the moment the clothespin will disappear, the baby should not swim three days.
  4. The daily battery procedure should be carried out at the same time. Ideal can be called a scheme when my mother comes from an evening walk home, feeds his chest baby, bathes him, makes a massage and stacked sleeping. After eating it is necessary to wait some time until the baby breaks down.
  5. When the child reaches the age of six months, the amount of water procedures can be reduced. With six months, doctors recommend bathing a kid every other day.

After a year, such a mode can also be observed. The most effective swimming process becomes if you conduct it before bedtime. The evening bathing will calm the nervous system of the child, normalizes his sleep.

Children's bath or shared bathtub?

First of all, the newly-made parents decide where their new family member will swim: in a large shared bath or special children. To make the right choice, you need to consider everything "for" and "against".

Advantages and disadvantages of a large bath

In the first year of life, the child bathes not only in order to be a pure, important aspect is its physical development. In a large shared bathroom there is enough space for freedom of action.

In addition, a temperature of which is optimal for hygiene procedures and hardening is preserved in a large bathroom.

By cons of the large bath can be attributed to the difficult process of washing. If it is used by a large number of adults or washed in it, clean it is necessary to pay special attention.

At the same time, a larger amount of time is required to dial a large bathroom, resulting in water consumption. Therefore, if the kid decides at the beginning of bathing to shift, it will be a little more difficult to change the water.

Bathing in a children's bath: pros and cons

The main advantage of the children's bath is that it belongs exclusively to your kid, therefore, wash it easier. The classic children's bathroom has small dimensions, it can be easily rearranged from place to place, water in it is recruited faster.

By cons can be attributed to the fact that water quickly cools, the optimal temperature is rapidly lost, as well as a limited space that does not allow the child to move freely. Therefore, if the baby is actively moving while swimming, it is better to bathe it in a shared bathroom.

What water is better to bathe baby?

According to pediatricians for swimming a newborn, you need to use conventional tap water if it is fed in purified. In the first month of life, especially in the days, when the umbilical wound has not yet healed, we can add a weak solution from mangalls or sea salt into water.

This will further disinfect the wound, which contributes to its early healing. As for boiling, water should be boiled, only if parents are not sure to clean the water supply system.

The main thing is that the new mammy must remember, the water temperature scored for bathing in the first days of the baby should be 39 degrees.

A week later, it can be reduced to the degree, then another one and so to 36 degrees. Parents should not set the goal to unspoice the skin of the newborn, since the main purpose of bathing still remains hardening.

It is allowed to add various grasses from the grass to the water, however, it is often not necessary to use them. If the baby has a dry-type leather, it is better to use a decoction of chamomile colors for swimming, if there are traces of diameters on the body, a decoction is suitable.

A newborn with diathesis is better to bathe in water with a weak decoction of the laurel sheet.

Use soap or not?

To date, a variety of diverse tools used for bathing babies. These are all sorts of shampoos, gels, classic baby soap, foam and so on. However, doctors still do not recommend bumping babies with their use too often.

Gentle skin of a newborn can succumb to the abrasive effect of soap once or twice a week. For hygiene procedures, it does not matter or swimming, it is best to choose the usual baby slicing soap.

It is also not necessary to abuse special bathing tools, the action of which is aimed at mitigating water. In some cases, such foams can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions in a child, which flow into chronic states.

If parents are resolved to use such funds, it is better to choose products from proven manufacturers specializing in the release of children's cosmetics.

Do I need to handle the skin of the newborn after swimming?

After the completion of water procedures, the newborn should be thoroughly laughing the skin with a dry towel, from genuine, soft tissue. To avoid the occurrence of irritation on the skin folds, they must be processed correctly after each bathing.

The focus should be given to the zones behind the ears, the axillary sets, neck, folds on the wrists and the ankles, the elbow varnishes and varnishes under the knees. For processing it is best to use baby oil.