New Year for children. A holiday in anticipation of a miracle. New Year is a special holiday, and most of all it is children who are waiting for it. New Year is a special holiday.

New Year is a special holiday. A holiday in anticipation of a miracle. Both adults and children are waiting for him. For children, this is one of the favorite holidays. The most awaited.

What is only the pre-holiday atmosphere itself. Especially pleasant are the very last days in anticipation of the New Year. And a beautiful Christmas tree in colorful balls, tinsel and garlands. And matinees, and candy gifts, and a festive mood. And school holidays, and a letter to Santa Claus about your desires, and all New Year's Eve preparations. And the opportunity to go sledding and skiing, make a snow fortress or leave with snowballs.

Meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on New Year's Eve, making wishes under the chiming clock in the hope that they will come true next year. Gifts under the Christmas tree from Santa Claus and surprises from parents. Round dances around the Christmas tree with New Year's songs to the sound of firecrackers and sparkling sparklers. Unforgettable sensations that will warm the soul for many more days.

In the New Year every child has their own desires. What do they depend on?

Nice and bright

As explains System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan All children are different from each other. Every child is born with a certain set of vectors. A vector is a collection of properties, desires and abilities.

In especially bright colors, the New Year appears before children with visual vector. These are kind, impressionable, overly emotional children. Everything beautiful, bright, luminous is a holiday for them. sensitive eye.

Dreamers. They are believe in fairy tales. Revive toys, heroes of fairy tales and films. They write letters to Santa Claus and draw in their imagination that everything they wished will come true. Often very long believe in Santa Claus.

And if children with a visual vector rejoice, then for real. Fun, joy, laughter and good mood.

Everything should be beautiful: the house should be festively decorated, and the dress should be the most beautiful, and gifts should sparkle with magical packaging. AND festive table with beautiful crockery, candles and decorated dishes.

Viewers also like to go on a tour somewhere. Beautiful, festive pictures floating before their eyes will please them very much. heap emotions, impressions and pleasant sensations. They are happy to visit and attend all festive events.

Quiet and secluded

Behaving differently on New Year's Eve kids with sound vector. Introverts. Silent. They do not like noisy companies. Difficulty making contact with other children. They prefer loneliness, prolonged communication tires them. It is better to read a book in the corner. It is not easy for them to show emotions, they are hidden deep inside them.

All pre-holiday bustle of sound engineers is tiring. At a holiday where there are loud sounds, music is yelling and firecrackers are shooting, it is uncomfortable for them to be. They hide from these sounds: plug their ears or sit in a corner. They love silence. They do not like to be the center of attention and go to visit, they will like to stay at home in a calm, quiet atmosphere.

Do not attach importance to material values. It is not so important for them how the gifts are packed and decorated. The external surroundings may not pay attention.

The joy of the holidays for them is not so limitless as for children with a visual vector. But these children also believe in the magic of New Year's Eve. And they will really like it if you go out together on one of the festive nights. look at the stars - this spectacle always fascinates the sound engineer.

Calm and familiar

For children with anal vector it is important to celebrate the New Year at home, with your mother, with your family. In a familiar environment. These children calm, balanced. homebodies. They love home comfort, homely atmosphere. Meeting the New Year in the circle of the closest will bring them more pleasure than going on a visit.

They don't like change. It takes a long time to get used to everything new. Himself difficult to make decisions so they ask their mom for advice.

They do not feel quite confident at matinees with a large number of strangers. Often stubborn, if at the holiday they are called into a general round dance around the Christmas tree, they are embarrassed to answer questions from Santa Claus.

Thoroughly, long before the New Year, they prepare for the holiday. All gifts must be packaged in the best possible way. square boxes. Everyone must give gifts, don't cheat anyone.

Active and on the move

Child with skin vector fast, active. He cannot sit still, he likes to be constantly on the move. Loves all the New Year's fuss. He quickly gets used to people, feels comfortable in any environment. With pleasure participates in all competitions and events.

Succeeds everywhere. He will not hesitate to jump out to be the first to tell a poem to Santa Claus and be the first to receive a gift. loves gifts. And the more of them, the better.

He also likes visiting. Likes a change of scenery.

To make the new year special

To make the holidays pass for the child in a comfortable environment and with the greatest pleasure, its characteristics must be taken into account.. System-vector psychology will help understand the child, its properties and desires. It will show how the New Year should be for him. Will tell you how to make a holiday for your baby special and unforgettable.
Learn more about the properties of vectors at the free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Registration via link:

The article was written using materials

New Year is a special holiday. He came to us from the depths of centuries and still remains the most beloved and long-awaited celebration. On New Year's Eve, miracles happen, dreams come true and hopes come true. It is on this day that we forget all old grievances, sorrows and failures, and with a pure heart we remember only pleasant things. Probably, the New Year is the only holiday that has the power to unite all loved ones.

However, an occasion to have fun only then turns into a real holiday when the appropriate preparations are made. And if so, it is useful to start preparing for the meeting of Santa Claus in advance, without putting everything on the back burner and not leaving it for the last day. So if you decide to celebrate this day by gathering family and friends at home, you need to spend it in such a way that it will be remembered for the whole next year.

December 1st. Before building a schedule, you need to decide how you want to celebrate the New Year, where and, most importantly, with whom. Of course, a hospitable hostess should meet with open arms any guest, even an uninvited one, but it’s still better to play all possible options so that later you don’t have to squeeze out a smile and positive emotions.

December 2nd. Today we need to expend maximum effort and reflect on our plan. Since today is a day off, there is no need to rush to work, you can set aside at least an hour to distribute everything. Think about what room the table will be in, how you will decorate it, how you will seat guests, etc. Maybe someone will consider it insanity to "seat" the invitees a month before their arrival, but this can help you not to get confused at the right time and meet them in full "combat" readiness.

December 3rd. It's time to think about gifts. Since many people have to give gifts on New Year's Eve, it is better to stop your look at inexpensive souvenirs. Guests should also not give expensive gifts. In this way, you can put them in an awkward position not just for the evening, but for the whole year!

December 4th. It would be nice to distribute all household and "non-domestic" duties among relatives. Ask them to help you. However, if the husband stubbornly watches TV or says that he is working, furtively playing solitaire on the computer, and the son immediately has a bunch of lessons, do not insist. Do not try to force them - only ruin the mood. You will have to command the parade yourself.

5th of December. Starting today, make it a rule for the next 3 weeks to spend at least a few minutes a day on yourself. That's exactly how long it takes to stop and think, "What can I do for my own pleasure? How can I please myself?"

At first, all sorts of nonsense will come into my head: they say that nothing, except for an immediate trip to the Bahamas, will decorate my life. However, true joys do not have to be expensive: it is quite possible that you will get much more pleasure if you get up from your computer desk right now and go for a walk for half an hour. With this you will not only please yourself and relax, but also raise your New Year's mood.

December 6. Make a New Year's menu. Remember, the organization of a holiday requires not so much money as fiction and a creative spirit. It is the mood of the holiday that remains in the memory, and not a plentiful table, which in our time will not surprise anyone. Better think over the main idea of ​​the holiday, the purpose for which you are arranging it: do you want to please your child, unite the family, lay down some traditions ...

At the same time, it would not hurt to make a list of products needed for preparing New Year's dishes.

December 7th. When you have decided on food, you can think about other treats. In general, the selection of alcohol on the festive table must be treated with utmost attention. Red dry wines of well-known companies that you trust will not hurt. As for vodka, it is definitely dangerous for health, especially for women. And, of course, not a single New Year is complete without champagne drunk under the chiming clock!

December 8th. Unlike foods that can go bad, alcohol can be bought today. Moreover, the sooner you do it, the less likely you are to encounter the problem of "sorry, but this wine has just finished."

9th December. If you want to please your children and play Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with your husband, you need to discuss everything thoroughly, think over speech and costumes. Guests also almost never refuse such pleasure, and therefore you can stock up on masks, stupid hats, noses and mustaches for them. People with great pleasure dress up in this rigmarole to meet the main night of the year. Moreover, it is much more fun to dance in this form. I propose to address this problem today.

You can, of course, take the path of least resistance: "hire" Santa Claus, but you must admit - in the first case, there will be much more pleasant memories!

December 10th. The New Year holidays are getting closer, there is less and less time left, the prices for gifts are growing ... Since today is a day off - take advantage of the moment and do some shopping. Buy all the gifts on the list, you can not all, but only a part. Do not be upset if something is not on store shelves. There is still time.

December 11th. Once upon a time, many families had a tradition of preparing homemade toys for the Christmas tree. Now this is a rarity. Or maybe it’s worth, while there is still an opportunity, to ask the older members of the family how it was done before, and one fine New Year’s Eve to stun the guests with an unusual Christmas tree - with eggshell fish, golden chains, stars made of foil and straw, gingerbread houses and huts on chicken legs? In addition, for children, this day can become not only fun, but also a whole holiday.

12 December. It's time to think about holiday attire. It is believed that the New Year should be celebrated in something new. However, it is not necessary to buy yourself an expensive evening dress and shoes. You can limit yourself to any accessory or decoration.

December 13th. If, however, nothing in your wardrobe goes well with such an event, you can go shopping today in search of a more suitable outfit. If you want something original, you can try to find a carnival costume (or rent it). For the sake of such an occasion, you can take time off from work early, not forgetting to warn your boss.

December 14th. What do we have today with you on the schedule? Maybe you should buy some of the "non-perishable" products from the list?

December 15th. In the New Year, you want a special benevolent attitude. Talk to relatives, friends, acquaintances, forget old grievances, do not drag them into the New Year. Why not do it today?

December 16th. Agree, a cheerful and unusual holiday is better than a boring and standard feast. How to arrange just such an evening, you ask? It's time to turn on your ingenuity. One of the best ways to make a holiday unusual is to add sweepstakes and contests to it. My friend played a prank on her husband once. She said that on December 31 she urgently needed to fly on a business trip and there was no way to refuse, tk. her job depends on it. And instead, she climbed into a red bag and asked her friends to "deliver" her to her husband ... Until now, they remember this story. Still, in every adult, even the most pragmatic, there is a cheerful, funny and mischievous child who is just waiting for the opportunity to fool around.

December 17th. Don't forget the toast. So that the guests do not get bored at the table and do not drink for the third time "for love and happiness", I propose to think before going to bed about the words of wishes that you would like to utter in front of each of your relatives and friends around you. If nothing comes to mind, you can search for them on the Internet or consult on the forums. By the way, do not forget about online friends!

December 18th. What is the New Year without fireworks, firecrackers, sparklers? That's right, no! I propose to be a pyrotechnician for a little bit today.

December 19th. Do you remember the saying: "You don't enter the New Year with old debts"? Now you know what you can do today.

20th of December. It is also worth thinking about distant relatives. Sending a greeting card to the only and beloved aunt in Samara will not be difficult. And how nice to know that you are remembered and taken care of!

21 December. There is a tradition to make a wish under the clock on New Year's Eve. It will not be good to get confused at such a moment, so you should think carefully in advance what you would like to wish yourself in the coming year.

Dec 22. Think about alternative pastimes. When all the fun has been tried, it will become unbearable to sit at the table, it is worth entertaining the guests with something else. You can buy interesting comedies, or even better, look for old videos taken on New Year's Eve, at a birthday party with relatives, etc., and watch them with friends. Believe me, these hours will not pass without nostalgia and kind smiles.

December 23rd. The best day to buy a green beauty! When choosing a Christmas tree, it is necessary to correlate its dimensions with the dimensions of the room that it will decorate. If you prefer the artificial one you bought last year, take a day off today.

December 24th. Woke up with a cheerful mood? Go ahead - decorate the Christmas tree! Someone prefers to create this miracle later, someone earlier, but I think that a week before the New Year is the very thing: after all, during this time she will not have time to get bored and prick her eyes and will create a pre-holiday mood. Ideal for the Christmas tree would be a bright, well-ventilated part of the room, away from heat sources. Do not use candles and sparklers to decorate the Christmas tree - the fire hazard is too great. But toys made with your own hands will look breathtaking.

December 25th. We have already done most of the work, but it is too early to relax. To make the New Year feel not only in the main hall, where you most likely put the Christmas tree, you should decorate the rest of the rooms. You can even dress up a palm tree in the kitchen.

December 26th. Let's take care of the musical accompaniment today. It is worth choosing not only a dance, but also some light, not distracting, melody for the festive dinner.

27th of December. By the way, preparing for the New Year, it would not be bad to think about spending time on the post-holiday days. You can, for example, buy a ticket to the theater or to the cinema for a sensational film that you did not manage to watch before the New Year.

December 28th. Devote this evening to yourself. Take a bath with aromatic oils. Make yourself masks, pamper your body with balms and creams. Because the coming days will be very busy.

December 29th. I suggest doing some general cleaning. No matter how beautifully decorated the tree is, no matter how rich the table is, dust on the shelves and cobwebs in the corner will not add joy to you or your guests. Therefore, it is worth arming yourself with a rag, a vacuum cleaner and a husband (it’s still worth showing firmness here) and cleaning the entire apartment.

December 30th. The most difficult days remain, but it is worth making the last forced march before the long-awaited rest. This day can be spent on the purchase of missing products and various trifles for the table. I suggest going to bed early and gaining more strength.

Dec. 31. This day is probably the most difficult for housewives. Today you need to do everything: prepare dishes, set the table, put yourself in order, which is not at all unimportant. And besides, after all the trials, it is necessary to maintain a “healthy mind in a healthy body” and not lose your mood until the evening.

In addition to all this, I want to add that you should not forget about feelings. No matter how clear your rules and plan are, remember that any rules are good if they make life better, not complicate it.

The New Year is a special holiday, the approach of which you begin to feel already in early December. There is some special atmosphere of a fairy tale, something unexpected and surprising: New Year's surprises and gifts, dreams come true ... The delightful beauty of the Christmas tree creates a joyful mood for the whole next year. This holiday is awaited by both adults and children.

For teachers and pupils of the Kamensk Children's School of Arts, New Year's parties began on December 20 last year in the assembly hall of the Lenin School, where a concert was held by students of the branch of the Kamensk School of Arts, which immersed the audience in the world of festive magic. The performance was organized by art school teachers. The ideological inspirer and scriptwriter of the festive event K.A. Pavlova, vocal group and piano teacher.
And on December 23, a theatrical performance "New Year's Tale" was held at the Kamenskaya Children's Art School, which was shown to their pupils by teachers of the art school. Yu.P. Safonova and K.A. Pavlova, their creative ideas helped to realize interesting fairy-tale characters: the Boy Vasya, whose role was played by Yulia Petrovna herself, a piano teacher, Kikimora, the Snow Maiden - Karina Andreevna, a vocal group and piano teacher, Postcard - L.V. Adamovich, accordion teacher, New Year - N.A. Ledyan, domra teacher. All of them brightly and talentedly performed their roles, creating an atmosphere of festive fun. The children hanged themselves with all their hearts along with fairy-tale characters, and also received gifts from Santa Claus, whose role was talentedly played by L.L. Shinkevich, balalaika teacher. Grandfather-magician, together with his granddaughter, amused the boys and girls with fun games, contests, round dances. Of course, there were prizes, gifts, gatherings at sweet tables.
"New Year's Fairy Tale" was a success! The happy participants of the event went home, holding packages with gifts that the art school had prepared for them. In working with children, the main thing is to give them joy and faith in a miracle. And then everything that you dream about will definitely happen.
Any New Year's program needs colossal preliminary preparation. This is not only rehearsals and memorization of the text, but also the development of the script, the selection of costumes, the design of scenery and the recording of musical accompaniment. By the way, about the musical accompaniment. The selection of music, the recording of a soundtrack is a process that requires material costs and a lot of time. And I.V. never refuses this help to our school. Petrash, who copes with her work at a high professional level, is passionate about her work and always believes in its success, for which special words of gratitude are due to her. I also want to thank all the employees of the children's art school for their active life position, the desire to look for new forms of work with pupils of the school, for their talent, inspiration and optimism, for making an invaluable contribution to the development of culture, spiritual education and education of the young generation in the best national art traditions.

director of the Kamensk children's art school.
Photo of the author.

On January 1, we all celebrate this fabulous winter holiday.
New Year is a magical holiday, especially beloved! Hardly anyone will argue with this. New Year's Eve revival and bustle, bright sparkling shop windows, elegant Christmas trees decorated with balls of beauty in the squares, New Year's parties, blue lights, and most importantly - a gift under the tree from Santa Claus! Remember yourself as a child? Well, who among us did not write letters to Santa Claus? “In the evening, by all means, you must open the window,” my mother said seriously. And the morning of January 1 - remember? Barefoot in pajamas, little feet stomp rather to the Christmas tree, to check whether Santa Claus came at night ... It's ridiculous, funny, reckless, crazy, magical ... Let this fairy tale enter your home too. Have you noticed how people change on the streets during the New Year holidays? Everything around seems to be getting better. Congratulations on the New Year can be heard from all sides: "Happy New Year", "Happy New Year!", "Merry Christmas". And sometimes complete strangers, random passers-by, in the store, tram and metro will find a second to exchange New Year's wishes with a neighbor. Isn't this a miracle? You should not break such a good tradition, stock up on New Year's greetings for the New Year in advance, and wish those around you the fulfillment of desires, faith in the best, and simply health and happiness, which can be more necessary and more important!

Happy New Year greetings are art! Not everyone is able to congratulate a person in such a way that he is surprised. Happy New Year greetings should be original and individual. Imagine otherwise: you congratulate a person, and it is clear from his eyes and smile that he has heard this verse not for the first time. New Year's greetings should correspond to the age and status of the person being congratulated. It is unlikely that grandparents will understand even a word from some youth verse. It is best if New Year's greetings are drawn up by professionals.

New Year's poems

People have been celebrating New Year and Christmas, decorating the New Year tree for many centuries.
The New Year is a special holiday and all adults and children expect some kind of miracle from it and in the depths of their souls wish to receive New Year's gifts. Therefore, on the morning of January 1, everyone will stealthily glance under the Christmas tree in the hope of finding at least a small New Year's gift from Santa Claus!

It has always been believed that a real gift should be presented sincerely, with good wishes and congratulations on the New Year. In other words, a gift is valuable and pleasant if it is given from a pure heart. It should give pleasure not only to the one who receives it, but also to the one who gives it. And this is true, let's remember childhood, where everything is sincere, incorruptible and honest. With what pleasure did you make gifts as a child for your mothers, fathers, grandparents? Happy gave them their scribbles on album sheets or ridiculous plasticine crafts. And now you yourself accept with admiration the same presents from your children.

Now we have grown up, but the essence of the gift has not changed. It is necessary to put a special meaning into it, to feel like a magician, fulfilling the cherished dream of a loved one. How do you know what to give? Yes, you just need to be a little more careful. A fleeting statement may give you an idea. Or more creative. So you can choose toys for the children yourself, or you can invite them to write a letter to Santa Claus with congratulations and wishes. Imagine what will happen on the morning of the first of January, when a child discovers what he dreamed of under the tree!

Not very close friends and relatives can be presented with trinkets such as Santa Claus figurines or the sign of the Zodiac. Original gifts and all sorts of jokes should be given only to trusted people, whose reaction you can predict.

What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Invisible springs -
That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!

New Year's poems
What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
In the New Year it is golden,
Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

I am Frost, Red Nose,
With a white beard.
Pinch - so to tears!
Don't joke with me.
For what, why
Should I be angry?
I came to you friends
To have fun!
new year, new year
I meet with you
happy new year to all of you
I congratulate you.

Santa Claus walked through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
Walked through the forest for eight days.
He walked through the forest -
Christmas trees dressed up in beads.
This New Year's Eve
He will take them to the guys.
Silence in the meadows
Shining yellow moon..
All trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice sparkles on the pond
The New Year is coming!

Happy New Year!

The New Year is already very close. Do you have time to come up with New Year greetings for your friends and relatives? Everyone is waiting for New Year's greetings, and it is not necessary to give gifts, because just attention is important. New Year's greetings can also be expressed by phone, it will still be very nice. You can come up with congratulations on the New Year, or you can find them in special books or on our website. Happy New Year's greetings always cheer up and enhance the feeling of a holiday! So say nice words to each other and wish happiness in the New Year!
Agree, it is very pleasant to hear congratulations on the New Year addressed to you, to listen to the warm wishes of friends and relatives. But it’s even more pleasant to come up with New Year’s greetings yourself! The most important thing in this difficult matter is a sincere manifestation of attention to loved ones, because it is this that is most valued. Therefore, put in your congratulations on the New Year more of exactly those words and emotions that are most needed at the moment by the person you are congratulating. Don't limit yourself to faceless stamps! New Year's greetings coming from the heart will surely please your friends and family much more than the standard hackneyed ones, they will appreciate your efforts. Look for warm, funny and witty New Year's greetings on the Internet, in literature, remember them in conversations, write them down, add something of your own, and your New Year's greetings will resonate in the hearts of others!
Do not know how to congratulate your friends and loved ones on the upcoming New Year holidays? Especially for you, we have collected the warmest New Year greetings on our website. Write Happy New Year greetings on postcards, wish everyone happiness and smiles in the new year! If you like to receive New Year's greetings, then you should be able to give them! New Year's greetings are a piece of your soul and your warmth, presented on New Year's Eve to the closest and dearest people.

See others

Merry Christmas greetings

Everyone agrees that Christmas should be the most fun and colorful event of the year. Since ancient times, Christmas is a family holiday. The whole family gathers on this day together. It is something sacred, mysterious. Perhaps one cannot but admire the solemnity of this holiday. Light is born in every soul. The brightest, most joyful and elegant holiday!
It is impossible not to admire the fantasy with which houses, offices, shops and streets are decorated for Christmas. A house decorated for Christmas is often the pride of the owner. Entrance doors are decorated with spruce branches, bells, balls and images of Santa Claus, Building facades are decorated with multi-colored flashing garlands. And in the windows, the silhouette of a flickering New Year tree is certainly visible - is this not a miracle ?!
Neighbors compete with each other - who will do it better and richer. The unbridled carnival of colors is dominated by two traditional colors - red and green. Green Christmas trees (Christmas Trees) or branches of evergreens, decorated with red ribbons, lanterns and bells, are the invariable attributes of Christmas.
Every time we cross the threshold of the New Year, the soul becomes especially warm, because in a few days the Christmas Holiday will come!
Christmas is an amazing time when the heart is filled with the expectation of a miracle... And this miracle is happening!.. This is a holiday of hope, a holiday of faith in the best and brightest...
The period from the Nativity of Christ to Baptism is called the Holy Days, or Christmas time. In fact, this is a continuation of the Feast of the Nativity, once these two events were celebrated simultaneously and were called Epiphany.
Peace and joy to all on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ!

Merry Christmas!
Let the whole world not be harsh
To not know and not to meet
Pain and suffering.
My dear man
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, I congratulate you!
Happiness and health, I wish you all the best,
Holiness, deceit - in moderation so that everything,
Joy, good luck. Bad - nothing!

Merry Christmas greetings
Here comes Christmas
The frost ended yesterday
And there were roses in the snow
And, as if splinters from them,
Touched my heart.
A year will fly by - a century will pass,
Ah, time, how it is not eternal,
Flowing like a river,
How careless was yesterday
And now a new man.
Murmurs with his worries
Life flows like water
That joy, and that trouble,
Then the cold comes
But the thaw is coming for them.

Merry Christmas greetings
I heartily congratulate
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
In this bright hour!
Let the light shine on you
From a starry height
And wishes come true
Plans and dreams.
May unexpected luck
Stirs up the blood.
And of course they mean a lot.
Friendship and love!

Merry Christmas!
The great holiday has already come again;
Everywhere fun, feasts, celebration ...
Let's remember what word he told us
The one we are celebrating Christmas now:

"Let everyone always be merciful
To the weak, the orphans, the poor, the sick!
What he has, he will share with the poor
And call him his brother!"

Congratulations on the Old New Year!

Congratulations on the New Year is not just a tribute to the holiday tradition, but also an opportunity to sincerely wish dear people all the very best, to express love and respect for them. Congratulations on the New Year, spoken from the heart, can melt the snow in the heart of every person, help him cope with problems and hardships, believe in his strength and his luck. The New Year is a celebration that brings close relatives and friends together, and it is designed not only to give them all joy and fun, but also once again to make them feel how dear, needed and interesting to each other. Congratulations on the New Year - a verbalization of the feelings that you have for your family, friends and colleagues, and that sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, love and luck that you so sincerely wish them!
Do not forget to give happiness on New Year's Eve to your loved ones along with the site
Choose the most sincere,, congratulations in verse and prose. It would also be nice to memorize a beautiful one for the New Year's feast!
The Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that resulted from a change in the chronology. Due to this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two "New Years" - according to the old and new styles. Thus, on the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to "complete" their favorite holiday. Indeed, for many believers, the Old New Year is of particular importance, since they can celebrate it wholeheartedly only after the end of the Advent.
Interestingly, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars increases every century when the number of hundreds in the year from the birth of Christ is not a multiple of four, by one day. Therefore, from March 1, 2100, this difference will be 14 days. And from 2101, Christmas and the Old New Year will be celebrated a day later.

About the New Year - Anecdote

What can cheer up a warm friendly company? Well, of course, the told anecdote is "in the subject." The New Year's jokes we have collected will be useful to you if you are going to sit with friends on New Year's Eve. New Year's jokes about husband and wife, and many others...

About the New Year - drinking songs

In the New Year it is impossible without songs, In songs everything is fate and life.
New Year is always wonderful, Forget everything and have fun! Happy New Year!

The snow is spinning

Such a snowfall
Such a snowfall
Haven't known this place for a long time!
And the snow did not know and fell,
But the snow did not know and fell!
The earth was beautiful
Beautiful and clean!

A blizzard sweeps along the street

A snowstorm sweeps along the street,
Behind the blizzard my dear is coming.
"Wait, wait, my beauty,
Let me look, joy is on you!

Slowly the ball is spinning, launched by someone's hand,
The blizzard gently sings its song to the walking one.
So many worries, and it seems that the heart can not cope with trouble,
But for the sake of the most important With us, love will remain.

'Cause we've got nowhere to go
Everything will be as it should be
Only from heart to heart
In the world the paths are laid.

Time, jokingly, plays, Makes the first move,
And, like a magician, he changes the Old for the New Year.

The star shines mysteriously, Candles flicker gently,
Each of us is unique, Each of us is beautiful.
Hundreds of centuries decide who we are in this world,
But once a year we are happy, like children.

But we can't go anywhere
Everything will be as it should be.
We only know one way:
Believe in everything good.

Happy New Year SMS!

The New Year is a long-awaited and beloved holiday, but often every time its celebration takes place according to the same scenario, which is already rather tired. I want something new and unusual, fresh emotions and impressions from the attributes accompanying since childhood - a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, gifts and New Year's greetings.
Giving loved ones the feeling of the New Year has now become completely simple and pleasant, and most importantly, quickly and inexpensively - you can send New Year's SMS greetings! This is just a sign of attention, but how precious it can be, especially in the New Year, when everyone deep down hopes for a miracle, for the best. Give joy to others with SMS from!

Toast Happy New Year

How wonderful on New Year's Eve to get together at the festive New Year's table, with champagne and fragrant tangerines, without which, as a rule, no New Year is complete! And the clink of New Year's glasses is always accompanied by toasts and congratulations on the New Year. In order not to be silent at the table, but to be in the center of a friendly and cheerful company of friends and relatives, look at the collection of New Year's toasts. Moreover, New Year's toasts are collected for every taste and size;) Short New Year's toasts and a little more authentic:) Cool toasts and toasts in verse. So choose:

Happy New Year toasts

In every person there is an unquenchable candle of his soul. But this candle is often covered with an impenetrable cap. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year the light of our souls would freely reach our friends.
At this table, all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed by love for us, men, in the New Year.
For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

New Year's toasts in verse

Pour glasses for happiness
I will tell you my celebratory toast:
We drink to the bottom of all the misfortunes,
Let there be no tears in our lives!
I raise my glass - I congratulate you,
You do good and give love,
Despite the years and the weather.

Short New Year's toasts

Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year the tables burst with abundance, and the beds - with love!
May all the troubles in the new year be
as short as the change from one year to another!
May our life be clean in the New Year,
like a drop of spring water, and happiness is playful,
like champagne in this crystal glass!

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New Year's Eve is a special holiday
Let's say goodbye to the old year!
For some, he was both cheerful and cheerful,
And some brought sadness.
One gave both love and luck,
And another vagaries of fate.
The old year is both bad and good,
So it was not in vain that he was after all.

Let the new year be like a new hit
He will knock on all our doors,
And it will be the most, the best holiday.
Let the new year be like a new hit
From house to house flies, flies
Everything is very simple Happy New Year with new happiness!

New Year's Eve, we raise our glasses
For family and best friends.
And we always wish us not a lot, not a little,
And happy cloudless days.
And 12 strokes of the Kremlin chimes
Sound like 12 hits
The whole country will hear them so long-awaited
These songs are understandable without words. New Year's Eve is a holiday special,
Year old say "Goodbye!"
For someone and he was cheerful, and hearty
And someone brought sadness.
One gave love and luck,
And another whims of fate.
The old year and the bad and good
So not in vain he was still.

Let the new year as a new hit
We were knocking on all the doors,
And it will be very, very best holiday.
Let the new year as a new hit
From house to house flies, flies
It "s very simple with the new year with new happiness!

New Year's Eve, raise their glasses
For family and best friends.
And we do not always want a lot, not a little,
Happy cloudless days.
And 12 strokes of the Kremlin bells
Will sound like 12 hits
The whole country will hear them so welcome
These songs are clear without words.