What to talk about with a girl on a first date: the best topics for conversation. Do you know what to say on a first date to a girl?

Feel free to talk about yourself. If the girl agreed to come on a date, it means that the young man is at least not indifferent to her. Rather, she likes him. But if a girl remains disappointed with the first date, she is unlikely to want to date this guy further. Therefore, if a young man does not want the first date to be the last, he must immediately make a good impression on the girl, demonstrate that he is an intelligent, serious, well-mannered person. To do this, you need to tell about yourself - where he studies or works, what plans for the future, what has already been achieved. You can also talk about your hobbies, hobbies, for example, what kind of music he likes to listen to, how he spends his free time.

Don't exaggerate your strengths, but don't underestimate them either.

You can also start a conversation with her hobbies, hobbies. If she was vacationing abroad, the young man may ask about the most liked sights of the country. You need to speak in a confident, calm voice. You should not consider the girl point-blank, otherwise she may be embarrassed, "closed." But periodically meeting her gaze is not only possible, but necessary.

What to talk about with a girl?

Talk about what is interesting to a beautiful person. In order for the conversation to proceed in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, it would be good to first make inquiries about the interlocutor. After all, if a guy knows what a lady is fond of, what her tastes are, it will be much easier for him to interest a girl. Especially if it turns out that they have some common hobbies, hobbies, preferences.

To do this, you can visit her pages on social networks, talk about the girl with mutual friends.

You can ask her tastes, hobbies directly on a date. But one should not be too persistent in inquiries. The girl should not get the impression that this guy is not very tactful.

In no case should you ask a girl about her ex. In the same way, you should not remember your ex-girlfriends, much less compare her with them. If the first date makes a good impression on the girl, she will almost certainly want to continue dating the guy.

On the first date, you should build a conversation in such a way as to be able to get to know the interlocutor better, tell a little about yourself, but at the same time not spoil the impression of the meeting. To achieve this, it is important to choose the right topics for conversation.

Topics to talk about on a first date

First of all, it is worth talking about common interests. The conversation should go easily and naturally - this is very important. You should not turn the conversation into a template interrogation on the topic "What films, musical groups, books do you like." You can discuss interesting novelties, try to find common ground, hobbies that will be of interest to both of you. Tell us briefly about your hobbies and ask about the interlocutor's hobbies. It is very important to do this calmly, in no case criticizing other people's views and tastes, even if they are incomprehensible to you or not very pleasant, otherwise there is a high risk that there will be no second date.

On the first date, it's worth talking a little about your life and the life of your partner. You should not tell or learn everything at once - you need to get acquainted gradually. You can talk about school or work, about how you spend your weekends. This will allow both of you to get a better idea of ​​each other.

It doesn't have to be a serious date. Interesting and even funny cases from your life will not interfere - of course, only those that do not spoil the impression of you, but only amuse or help give a more complete picture of your character and preferences. By the way, sharing funny stories will help determine how developed each of you has a sense of humor and how easy it will be for you to have fun together later.

What can be discussed on a first date

If you feel that contact has already been established and communication is going smoothly, you can gradually and carefully move the conversation to love topics. On the first date, you should not talk about relationships with former partners, about unsuccessful marriages, betrayals and other problems - this is superfluous. Sexual preferences are also better left untouched. But it’s worth discussing your views on the role of a man and a woman in a relationship, on romance, spending time together and other important points. Maybe you will realize that your views do not coincide at all, which means that you will be uncomfortable together, or, on the contrary, you will find out that the period of courtship may well be a truly magical time for you.

On the first date, you can also try to tell some plans for the future, but not about relationships. For example, it is better for a woman not to talk about her plans to get married as soon as possible, but, for example, that she wants to study law, improve her skills, go on a trip.

Not sure what to talk about on a first date with a stranger? We throw you a list of topics for conversation for a successful outcome of the evening.

On the one hand, the first date is always a holiday for which you carefully prepare and look forward to.

But on the other hand, this is a huge stress that makes you tremble with fear: with a stranger, what to wear so that he / she will like it, how to behave so as not to become a disappointment, etc.

The hardest part, of course, is talking.

It’s good if the girl / guy with whom you go on a date is talkative.

But what if both are not too talkative?

In no case!

You can always find a topic of interest to both.

Why is it important to know what to talk about on a first date?

The first date is like a job interview.

If you pass it successfully, you will take the position you dreamed of, improve your financial situation and gain other benefits.

It's the same with the first date: if it is successful for both, then it is likely that your sympathy will develop into great love, which will end with the creation of a strong family.

But in order to get your happy ending “they lived happily ever after”, you need not to fail the first date, you need to know what to talk about and how to behave.

Try not to fail the first date even at the stage of preparation for it:

  • find out where to dress appropriately (guys also need to remember this rule: not only tell the girl about your intentions, but also take care of the wardrobe yourself);
  • do not overdo it with makeup, perfume, hairspray, accessories and other things;
  • think about what you would like to tell about yourself on a first date, and what information you should keep.

If you follow these simple rules, then there is a chance that the first date will be successful.

On the first date, you need to talk about what is interesting to your interlocutor.

Man, being a selfish creature, likes to talk only about what interests him.

Of course, a loving wife is ready to endure half an hour and, pretending to be incredibly interested, listen to how her mechanic husband still found the cause of the engine failure, but they would hardly have been able to become a happy family if he had embarked on these arguments on the first date.

But how do you know what is interesting to your interlocutor?

The first rendezvous will be much easier if you:

  1. You already know the girl/boyfriend you are going on a first date with, then you will have enough common topics to talk about.
  2. Try to collect as much information as possible about the person you are meeting, for example, by studying his page on social networks or asking mutual friends.

In this way, you can find out that the object of your sympathy, for example, loves films with Bruce Willis, is a fan of Bob Dylan, or does not let go of the bait in his free time.

If you can’t find out in any way what exactly the person you invited to the first date is interested in, for example, you met him in a cafe and immediately invited him to a rendezvous, then you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel: just ask direct questions:

“What do you like to do in your free time?”, “What kind of music do you listen to?”, “What movies do you watch?”, “What books do you read?”.

This way you will not only find topics for conversation, but also be able to find out what you have in common.

I remember once my classmate Masha was terribly nervous going on a first date.

She liked the guy at first sight, but they practically did not know each other and she did not know what to talk about with him.

Somehow, at first, the first date did not work out: the young man was shy, answered questions in monosyllables and did not offer topics for conversation.

And then a friend asked a question about his hobbies.

The guy's eyes lit up and he began to tell her about his passion for fishing.

Masha kept the warmest memories of her father, a fisherman, who took his little daughter with him, and always dreamed that her husband would be like her father.

In short, after 8 months they got married and now they go fishing together with a three-year-old toddler.

On the first date, be sure to talk about yourself.

In general, the first date can be considered successful if you had a dialogue, and not a monologue, shaded by the silence of the lambs.

You can't just ask questions and listen.

The first visual sympathy should be reinforced by the belief that you are an interesting person, that you have a lot in common with your potential partner.

On a first date, you can talk in general terms, without going into details, about:

  • to your family;
  • place of work/study;
  • hobby;
  • favorite books, music, films;
  • some plans for the future.

These should be detailed answers, not monosyllabic ones, but don’t get into spatial stories, starting to describe in detail your entire biography, remembering all the teachers, kindergarten friends, knocked knees and gifts from all invited guests for birthdays.

So you will only tire the interlocutor and scare him away with your boringness.

Remember the sense of proportion!

7 things to talk about on a first date

The first date shouldn't be too long.

It is only in melodramas that young people, having seen each other for the first time, chat all night long and cannot part.

In life, everything is a little different: it is difficult for almost strangers to find so many common topics for conversation, and, which almost always causes a first date, will lead to a feeling of fatigue - you will want to relax and rethink alone how your rendezvous went.

If you are not yet ready to leave and go home, and the general topics for conversation have already ended, then you can talk about:

  1. Traveling: what countries and cities have you already visited and what did you like / dislike there, and which ones you only dream of visiting.
  2. Favorite places in your hometown.
  3. The happiest childhood memory.
  4. Best friend/girlfriend.
  5. Favorite dish, colors, car brand, etc.
  6. Cherished dream (if the interlocutor is not ready to talk about it, you should not insist).
  7. Why did he/she choose this particular profession and what did he/she dream of becoming in childhood.

As you can see, there are plenty of common topics for conversation even with an unfamiliar person.

Don't panic if there's an awkward pause.

Smile, joke, like “Who would you take the bribe to, so that there would never be these pauses on the first date” (by the way, a couple of relevant jokes are a great way to impress the interlocutor) and start some new topic.

Tips on what to talk about with guys on a first date

the young video blogger Zik Sheremetyev shares:

What not to talk about on a first date?

It is understandable that most people are nervous when going on a first date, especially if they are planning to meet someone they really like.

It is the excitement that makes us behave unnaturally, clamp down and be silent or chatter various nonsense, which repels the interlocutor.

Remember, even if you don't know what else to talk about on a first date, you still don't need to talk about:

    their former partners.

    Even if you were asked the question “Why did you break up with your previous boyfriend/girlfriend?” no need to wind up a hurdy-gurdy about "this bastard" who inflicted a deep wound on your heart.

    Limit yourself to neutral “It didn’t work out”, “We were different people”, “Everything was fine, but then the relationship became obsolete.”

  1. Something intimate and secret: chronic diseases, complexes, childhood grievances, shameful moments in your biography, boils that appeared on the priest so inopportunely, painful menstruation, etc.
  2. Sex - on a first date it's too early to bring up this topic.

Actually, it's not that important what to talk about on a first date if both of you are comfortable and interested.

But, if you see that your interlocutor is bored, then look for another topic for conversation, otherwise the first date may be the last.

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Project your standards, stories, experiences. Maybe something happened to you now or these are moments from the past. So, you liberate yourself and give more.

You speak slowly with accents. If some moments you speak more expressively - this is normal.

Don't Filter Words: Voice Your Fantasies

You don't have to be afraid to look funny or stupid. A lot of people are stuck and don't say what they really want to say.

Express yourself fully don't filter the words. This means, you voice your fantasies with her and don't be ashamed of them.

Talk to her like you would to your closest friends..

Give value selflessly: tell more yourself

Tell me more yourself!

When you give more, you get much more later. When giving, never want to receive anything in return. You are saying something selfless.

Don't ask a girl too many questions on the first date. At least at first. You should not communicate as if you are interviewing her and asking her question after question. Otherwise, it will look like you are some kind of prosecutor or district police officer during interrogation.

Implement the following beliefs and perceptions

  1. Be ready in advance to see positivity, friendliness in a person, even if you do not know him. In each person, be able to see only light and positive characteristics.
    Even if a person is negative, it is your kind and positive attitude towards him that will change him.
  2. It is we who choose how we will think of a person before we see him..
    Your perception of a person, expressed in words, comes true and is reflected in your conversation.

In this way, you create your own interesting reality, where the girl is involved I.

Your adventures and interests in life

Most men are afraid to talk about what they are interested in, afraid to lose a woman. They are afraid to show their worldview and how they see this world.

If you are not locked up in four walls every day, then you always have something to talk about with people. If a you live a fulfilling life, then you shouldn't have any problems with what to talk about on a first date with a girl.

If every day you have adventures and interesting events, then you sociable person and you always have something to say.

tell me about your day

On the first date, you can always tell a girl about how your day went.

  • Like how you wished people a good day today.
  • Tell me about the delicious soup your mom cooked for you today.
  • Tell us about the books you read, what and who they talk about.
  • If you really have nothing to say and you are lost, say so: “ I do not even know what to say. Ask me about something».

Stories of their childhood pranks and pranks

For all the years that you have lived, you have a lot of interesting events that you can share with a girl on a first date.

For example, you can talk about your childhood pranks or pranks.

For example, my parents told me that as a child I liked to walk around the apartment with a match in his mouth. I pretended to smoke a cigarette or something like that. It's ridiculous to imagine. I must have imitated someone from my cartoon or series. I don't remember. Only instead of a cigarette I had a match in my teeth.

I can talk about myself for hours because I love my life. I can always find right away the right topic for a conversation with a girl.

Tell her what emotions and feelings she gives rise to in you

You can always voice how you feel about her right now.. What emotions does it evoke in you? What wakes up and wakes up in you when she is around.

The girl wants a normal adequate man. Otherwise, if the guy is some kind of secretive, hides his intentions, behaves strangely, doesn’t say something, then this is repulsive.

Don't ask what guys she was with, what cars she drives.

No need to talk to her about guts, terrorists and anything negative.

Video with my approach to a pretty woman

This is an interesting video with an example of my acquaintance.

This video contains a case from my life when what to talk about on a first date with a girl or at the first meeting is not so important for me, and I still get the result.

Here I am making an approach to a fairly mature attractive woman who has her own boyfriend and another child.

Be honest with a girl

When you learn to open up to a girl, you will get close very quickly.

If you speak sincerely to a girl, you will show it to the person with great love, as it is part of you and she is projecting with you.

It is when you open up that people see you as an interesting person.

Speak from the heart and with passion

Secret of trust and comfortis to open up to a girl and talk with passion.

Do not forget about the depth - what are your values, what touches you and what do you love in this world.

Tell, roughly speaking, “from the heart” - and she will immediately feel you on a deeper level. Otherwise, there may simply be no connection between you.

Voice your dreams, ideas and passions

The Secret of Stories

Know that stories are never perfect. You don't have to say it word for word. You don't have to remember the text. Simple enough remember the picture before your eyes to describe it.

Yes, you can make the first date unforgettable, but it will never be perfect. And you don't need it to be perfect, because it's very boring.

Remember that on the first date you can always straighten the conversation, even if at the beginning you started it not quite confidently. These are all trifles, and the girl does not attach much importance to this.

Genuinely interested in a girl

It means you don't ask a girl questions just because you have to. It means that if a girl catches you and you are attracted to her, you yourself at a natural level recognize her and are interested in her.

  • Interesting topic for a conversation with a girlit is herself.
    Get to know her inner world.
  • Ask her to see if she fits your standards..
    Each person should have personal boundaries of what you accept in another person and what is not.
  • Ask a girl, what does she like in this life.
    Because you're wondering why she's with me and why I chose her. I want to know more about her world inside.

Don't be only interested in her body be genuinely interested in her. Keep these tips in mind for your first date with a girl. Then you will be interesting to her. You will be different from most men. Who else is really interested in a woman, if not you?

My video about how a man and a woman are attracted

Here I reveal the truth of what actually attracts a man and a woman to each other.

Why are words really not important? Watch this video to understand what to talk about with a woman on a first date.

Popular mistakes of men

Don't need her - it's repulsive

If you have personal boundaries and personal standards, then when communicating with you, if you don’t like something, show and voice that you do not accept it.

You're not going to spend time with her. just because she's beautiful and she has a great ass. Don't look at how beautiful she is, find out who she really is.

You don't need her looks, uh interested in her inner world. You can leave if you don't like her inner world. Remember these first date rules.

What touches all people when communicating

You can use it in various situations: to keep a girl's attention on a first date or holding an effective business meeting.

You can talk to an individual individually - just looking into the eyes. Then switch to another.

You want to give each person and the whole hall something separately. Whether you're talking to a girl or to a full house. It doesn't matter what you say.

The most important thing in all this is PASSION.! She stands behind your words and this is the very thing that catches all people.

It is important to understand things:

  1. When you're doing something you are not going to the end result, and enjoy the process. The real emotions that cling to you, you get in the process. These two points of beginning and end seem to be excluded. Only process matters.
  2. Thinking and thinking, it would be nice to go on a date with a girl - no pleasure. And when you are already communicating with her, it is at this moment that life and pleasure. Even if you doubt and think that it is not so, it is still so! The moment is now - this is where life is! Not before and not after!

You can also get the most delicious secrets of seduction and the subtleties of social dynamics and rapprochement with girls on my training programs. See you!

It so happened that the initiator of the first date in most cases is the representative of the stronger sex, so the right to choose the meeting place belongs to him. If a man wants to give the initiative to a woman, then often she will still place this task on his shoulders.

In principle, the place can be absolutely anything. But there are several important factors that determine the success of this event:

  • Silence is the key to a successful conversation. You should pay attention to the fact that no one interferes with communication. Loud music around and the presence of noisy companies nearby will not at all give looseness and a kind of comfort on a first date.
  • Unique places - the first step to conquer a woman's heart. If the place where you decide to meet and be together for the first time is unusual, this will be an additional plus in favor of the guy. After all, girls like it so much when they are surprised.
  • Familiar surroundings give confidence. It is desirable that the inviter is already at the appointed place before the meeting. This will give confidence, reduce the risk of being in an embarrassing situation, communication on a first date will become relaxed and exciting.
If, nevertheless, a girl takes the reins of government into her own hands, then most often it can be an expensive restaurant, an exhibition of fine art, a walk in the park or any other crowded place, a club. It is better to find out in advance about the rates of the institution, so as not to be in an awkward situation in the evening.

The emotions and experiences of young or not so young people at the first meeting are directly related to each other, so the choice of place in some way determines the desire to meet this person again. The unusualness of a room or a corner in nature will add spice and leave a pleasant mark in memory, and maybe for life.

Topics to talk about on a first date

For a first date, the main thing is not only to give your appearance an attractive image (make a beautiful hairstyle, skillfully apply makeup and choose an outfit), but also be able to communicate, think over interesting topics for conversation correctly. An awkward silence can only make things worse if both partners are shy and modest. There are several topics for conversation that people of different horizons can support and continue.

Friends and parents

Perhaps one of the safest and most harmless topics for communication on a first date for both a guy and a girl. No need to invent unnecessary words, beat around the bush to find out about the relationship of the partner to the people around him. Thanks to this topic, you can understand the range of interests of the interlocutor at the initial stage of communication.

Everyone knows the folk wisdom from the mouth of the ancient Greek poet Euripides "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are." Friends and people close to him speak about the character of a person, his moral principles, principles.

At the beginning of a relationship, one should not be too openly interested in parents, their interests, activities and means of earning. This can leave a negative aftertaste for a person who is not yet ready to discuss the topic or who has not personally started a conversation about them.

Work and study

For young people who try to get to know each other on a first date, study or work is one of the main priorities at this stage in their lives. They will be discussed anyway. Especially if the conversation has exhausted itself and is a little deadlocked, you can always ask a question about the educational institution, the place of work of the interlocutor, or plans for the future. This is a good way to keep the conversation going.

If common interests coincide, you may not notice how a heated and exciting discussion will turn out of a calm conversation. The main thing is not to go too far with arguments, not to put pressure on the interlocutor.

Hobbies and preferences

It is very important to find out about your partner's hobbies outside of work or school. Its absence can tell a lot about a person. The topics should be touched upon when communication takes place on the first date, because from this you can draw some conclusions, decide whether to continue dating this person or complete everything at the initial stage.

The most safe and unobtrusive topics during the first communication about your favorite musical directions, culinary tastes and preferences. Perhaps, having tactfully asked about preferences, without focusing on this, on the next date you can arrange a romantic candlelight dinner prepared by yourself to your partner’s favorite music. This will surely impress him.

Jokes and anecdotes

Easy and relaxed conversation on the above topics can sometimes be moderately diluted with jokes and anecdotes. This will allow you to overcome the barrier of stiffness, which is very important when communicating on a first date, and at the same time check your partner’s sense of humor. After all, it's nice to listen to the sincere laughter of a person you like, for the sake of which you decided to take such a reverent step.

Improvisation and transition to another topic through communication in a playful manner will help to get out of a tense situation when the conversation has reached a dead end or has become a little constrained due to the diverse interests of too temperamental interlocutors. However, one must understand the line when humor becomes annoying.

What to say to a girl with a guy on a first date

Finally done! He noticed you among many, appreciated and invited you on a date. These joyful experiences cannot be confused with anything. A fashionable hairstyle, make-up, outfit (dress or jeans) - all this was important and necessary to do at the first meeting. But not only. Behavior, gestures, tactile sensations will put the picture together.

The visual effect wears off, the scent of the perfume becomes habitual, and communication takes over. Let's try to figure out what to talk about on a first date with a man.

There are several steps that will help overcome unwanted modesty and excessive shyness in communication. Here are the most important ones:

Guys like to help, so you can ask for advice or ask for an opinion on a particular problem. For example, with a computer. Talking about pets will help smooth out any embarrassment in communication. Pets can be another reason for new meetings.

If a man does not take the initiative into his own hands, does not support communication, then perhaps he simply did not like the girl's company. In this case, you should not be upset, just finish the evening early and say goodbye.

How to have a first date conversation between a guy and a girl

Guys by nature have more pronounced leadership traits than girls, so they are less shy and will quickly find a topic for conversation. But the excitement and fear at the meeting can lead to confusion. It is worth considering in advance what to say on a first date to a girl.

Girls love confident guys. But not everyone can boast of this on a first date. Therefore, before him, you need to relax and calm down. You should not dress too brightly and pompously, pouring toilet water from head to toe. It is enough to be washed, neatly and cleanly dressed and smell slightly of perfume. Flowers are welcome, but not required. You can replace them with a small figurine, a soft toy. It should also be taken into account that with a huge bouquet of roses, the one who gave it will have to walk all evening.

Further joint meetings depend on how the first date goes. The most important thing is to interest the girl, to be attentive and courteous, to be able to listen to her and not stoop to vulgarity and rudeness.

Here are some tips on what to talk about on a first date with a girl:

  • It's very easy to start a conversation. You can first ask the girl about life, friends, study or work, hobbies. The main thing is to ask questions first, so as not to create a situation of “embarrassing silence”. In no case do not turn all this into a form of interrogation, otherwise you can take the guy for a thief or a maniac.
  • Unobtrusively find out about her preferences and tastes. It is advisable not to argue when communicating, expressing the opposite point of view, but on the contrary, to show the compatibility of interests and preferences. This brings them closer and makes it possible to continue communication more actively. It would be good if there really were common ground and it would be possible to talk about it for hours.
  • If suddenly the pause is too long, you can check her sense of humor. Tell an interesting and funny story from your life or fill it with anecdotes. It’s good if you don’t reach such pauses, but alternate them with conversations on general topics.
  • When communicating with a girl, you don’t have to make yourself a “superhero”, attributing non-existent feats. Basically they don't like it. One must be sincere, frank and avoid deceit. Suddenly, such a nature will come across that will quickly figure it out, it will be very unpleasant. Humble and true stories are perfect first date conversation topics.

Forbidden topics on the first date

There are unwanted topics and moments that are inappropriate and unnecessary on a first date. Here are the main ones:
  1. Religion and politics. These topics should be avoided on a first date as they are quite subjective. The points of view of the interlocutors may turn out to be radically opposite, which will eventually lead to a heated discussion and argument. It can also lead to the end of a relationship that never started.
  2. Former partners. Here's what you can't talk about on a first date under any pretext. The topic will be unpleasant for both. You can overdo it and reveal your shortcomings ahead of time by telling why the past relationship broke up. Comparison with the former new man is all the more inappropriate.
  3. Health problems. A story about a broken arm in childhood under funny circumstances can cheer you up, but a story about chronic flatulence, for example, will only scare you away.
  4. Stories about people who are unfamiliar to the interlocutor. The topic is tiring and can leave a negative impression, because it also reveals the shortcomings expressed in relation to various categories of acquaintances.
  5. Auto, sports and technology. Basically, these things are of interest only to guys, most of the girls are far from such topics and special terms (although there are exceptions - then you can). Otherwise, stories about entertaining football matches, knowledge of the standings or the technical characteristics of a motorcycle will not make the right impression on a girl.
  6. intimate relationship. The first date should not be overshadowed by the topic of intimacy and sex at all, otherwise you can take your partner for a pervert or one of those who “just need this from a girl”. Such a conversation on a first date is inappropriate and can lead to further relationships to a standstill. There are situations when the partner is not against it, which follows from the hints and the chosen topic. If everything happens by mutual agreement, then there should be no problems after.
  7. Comments on the appearance of the interlocutor. Even appearance the partner is not satisfied with something, in no case should you talk about it at the first meeting. Of course, if you want to repeat it again.
What to talk about on a first date - look at the video:

The first date will tell partners a lot. So that there is no bitter disappointment that “he said the wrong thing”, it is worth considering topics, remembering stories that can be told. But in general, it's important to just be yourself!

Awkward silence, misunderstandings, accidental or even deliberate insults and a final break - this is what threatens the inability to choose the right topics. What to talk about on a first date so as to avoid negative consequences? How to make a good impression, open your interlocutor?

Rules of good manners, a list of suitable questions and prohibitions - in this article.

How to ask questions on a date

In the way a person asks questions, his mannerisms, ability to communicate, level of culture are displayed. Accordingly, the attitude towards the narrator will differ depending on his communication skills. Below are recommendations on how to ask the interlocutor about something correctly.

Recommendation Not properly Correctly
Avoid interrogations "What is your profession? Like? What experience?" "What do you do? (wait for an answer) Tell me more, please. It is very interesting to me".
Dilute phrases with emotions “Do you like poetry? Hmm, I see…". “Are you into poetry? Awesome! You must be a very refined person. I like it".
Use different types of questions
  • Do you love cinema?
  • What about horror movies?
  • Have you watched "Avatar"?
  • Did you like it?
  • Do you like cinema?
  • What genres do you prefer?
  • Comedy and fantasy.
  • I like them too. How do you like Avatar? What is your favorite moment?
  • Great movie. I love the shots where...
Less dryness, more romance “Why are you dating? Why one/one? “You have an amazing appearance, a pleasant character, how is it that you don’t have a couple yet?”.
Respect the opinion of the opponent, avoid condemnation
  • I love zombie movies! Apocalypse, blood, exclusion zone... Wow, cool! How are they to you?
  • To be honest, not really ... I prefer detective stories.
  • Are those boring ones?
  • How do you like zombie movies?
  • I prefer detectives.
  • Hmm, I don't quite understand them. Can you explain why you like them? Perhaps I will also find something intriguing in them.

What to talk about on a date - 50 questions

Hobbies and interests

  1. What do you like to do in your free time? For some reason it seems to me that you are a person with a whole bunch of hobbies.
  2. What do you usually do when you are sad/lonely/want to have fun?
  3. What is the difference between your leisure time in winter and in summer?
  4. Do you like this place? Or do you prefer others? What exactly?
  5. Which cuisine is your favourite? Is there a favorite dish?
  6. Time for the battle of the century! Books or movies, a club or an evening at home, tea or coffee - what will you choose? Why?
  7. Who or what serves as a source of inspiration, motivation for you?
  8. Do you play or have played any video games? What do you like, repulse?
  9. If there was no money in the world at all, what would you do?
  10. Describe your ideal partner. How did these expectations come about?

A look into the past

  1. If you could change one event from the past, what would it be and how would you change it?
  2. Have there been times in your life when you felt like you were in seventh heaven?
  3. What events made you change your interests, reconsider your own worldview?
  4. Do you have a favorite photo? Describe her, please.
  5. What did you dream about as a child? What were you like as a child?
  6. When were you most scared? What or who made you come to your senses?
  7. What age of the years already experienced do you consider the happiest or most successful?
  8. Do you believe in the hidden meaning of dreams? Have you ever had prophetic dreams?
  9. What is the best gift you have ever received in your opinion? What gifts did you give?
  10. Compare yourself now and 5 years ago. What changed?

Life and everyday life

  1. What biorhythm are you - an owl, a lark, a dove? What time do you feel most active?
  2. How do your weekdays usually go? What about the weekend?
  3. How often do you see your friends, how much time do you spend with them?
  4. What do you like to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Do you stick to a particular diet or do you like spontaneity?
  5. Do you have pets? Which? Would you like more?
  6. Are you a graphic person or an improvisation person? How often are your plans violated?
  7. Have you ever sung in the shower or in the kitchen? What were those songs? Did you do it because you just liked it, because of a good mood or some event?
  8. Do you like to receive guests? What about visiting? Why?
  9. What is your least favorite housework? What seems like an easy task to you?
  10. Does it happen that you work at home? In which room do you find it easier to do this?

Future and ambition

  1. How do you want to live in 5 years? In 10 or 20? Where do you see yourself?
  2. What age do you think is optimal for starting a family and why?
  3. What is your most cherished dream? How do you think it can be achieved?
  4. What area of ​​your life or yourself would you like to develop more?
  5. What new things would you like to learn? What is the reason for this desire?
  6. If you were offered to change something in the whole world, what would it be?
  7. If you had an unlimited supply of money, what would you spend it on first?
  8. If you were the boss of a firm, what kind of business would it be? How many subordinates would you have at your disposal?
  9. Would you like to emigrate somewhere? Travel? Which countries or cities?
  10. What event or period in your life are you most looking forward to?

Character and temperament

  1. Are you a jealous person? What can make you jealous - a real trifle or a direct fact, supported by weighty evidence?
  2. Do you like risk, a sense of excitement? Or do you prefer safety, reliability, rationality, do you like to weigh all the pros and cons?
  3. Is it difficult for you to express emotions, to trust people? How quickly do you meet new acquaintances?
  4. What can drive you crazy in just a second? How often do you get angry or annoyed?
  5. How often do you laugh? How do you endure problems - do you try to think them over, turn them into a joke, or take them to heart?
  6. Are you a sensitive person? What can make you cry? Have you ever experienced a touching moment when watching a movie where your emotions got the better of you?
  7. Imagine a situation: you buy a product in a store, come home and notice a barely noticeable and completely fixable defect on it. Will you go to change the purchase, buy a new thing, or will you try to fix the marriage on your own?
  8. How do you prefer to resolve conflicts with loved ones? Do you try to leave and cool down, do you try to immediately discuss the problem, or do you allow yourself and the interlocutor to throw out emotions?
  9. Do you have phobias or just fears? Have you ever tried to overcome them? If so, how?
  10. Did you have bad habits that you managed to get rid of? What are left? Is there a desire to fight them?

What topics should be avoided on a date?

Even applying the rules of etiquette, using the latest discoveries of psychology, you can get into an awkward situation if you touch the wrong questions. A list of topics that are better not to remember not only on the first, but also on the second or third date:

  • politics, economics, state, official affairs;
  • religious problems, its historical aspect;
  • former relationships, negative qualities of ex-partners;
  • money, earnings, social status associated with them;
  • health problems or difficulties that the interlocutor did not ask about;
  • personal achievements often and in a boastful style.

In order not to worry and not think on the go about what to talk about on a first date, it is better to read the article several times. This will allow you to remember well possible topics, to consolidate knowledge of what it is desirable to avoid. It is not necessary to ask all questions or to voice them strictly in the order in which they are submitted. It is enough to identify a few of the most important things for yourself and memorize a couple of additional ones just in case.