Making corners in a group. Modeling the subject-developing environment of a kindergarten group. Game "Seabed"

When planning a renovation in the bathroom, you certainly have to deal with the choice of materials for finishing all surfaces of this room. Of course, I want them to be not only reliable and have the longest possible service life, but also fully meet the aesthetic needs of homeowners.

Which ceiling in the bathroom to choose is one of the questions that you need to find the right answer. It is important to find a material that is not only beautiful and hygienic, but also has no contraindications for installation in a room with high humidity.

In the modern assortment of building stores, you can find any material that is in demand for finishing work, but you need it to be well suited for a particular bathroom, to match its area, ceiling height, and general design style.

Before moving on to consider the types of ceiling that may be suitable for this room, you need to figure out what requirements they must meet.

If you can choose almost any materials for the repair of other rooms, then because of the high humidity in the bathroom, this factor must first be taken into account. So, materials for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom must meet the following requirements:

  • The water resistance of the material is mandatory for this room, since humidity and vapor saturation are its natural state. In addition, you should not lose sight of the fact that bathrooms are most often flooded by neighbors from above, since no one is immune from a leaking tap or washing machine.

Leaks in the bathroom - very likely, and the ceiling should be "ready for it"

  • Ease of maintenance. High humidity contributes to the formation of condensation on the ceiling, and if you do not periodically treat the surface with detergents, mold may appear there over time. Therefore, the bathroom ceiling should be easy to clean with a soft cloth and a damp sponge and not be afraid of household chemicals.

  • Bath - a room in which all family members take water procedures. That is, a priori, all materials for its decoration should be environmentally friendly, absolutely safe, hygienic.

One of the key requirements is an aesthetic appearance that is in harmony with the overall design of the bathroom.

  • Aesthetic appearance of the surface. If the bathroom is planned to be renovated using expensive materials, the ceiling must match the overall interior. Therefore, the design must be thought out very carefully.

  • Lighting can be attributed to the next criterion, since it is closely related to the ceiling plane. As a rule, there are no windows in the bathrooms, so all hope is only for artificial light sources. If the ceiling is made dark, then more electrical appliances and energy costs will be required to create a comfortable illumination of the room. For these reasons, it is recommended to choose a ceiling of light shades - then it will enhance the brightness of the lamps.

The main types of ceilings and their characteristics

When the selection criteria are clarified, you can move on to information about what types of ceilings can be installed in the bathroom, and which ones are best suited for this room.

So, in the bathroom, the following options are applicable to varying degrees:

  • Leveling the surface with putty, followed by painting or finishing with ceramic tiles.
  • Creating a false ceiling:

- from aluminum rails - rack;

- from PVC panels;

- from moisture-resistant drywall;

- from plates made of various materials.

  • Stretch ceiling installation.

Now it's time to consider what each of the ceilings is, what positive and negative qualities it has and how suitable it is for the conditions of the bathroom.

painted ceiling

This type of ceiling can be called traditional and the most affordable of all existing ones, especially if you have the skills to level surfaces with plaster and putty. If there are none, you can always invite the master to perform this work. Standard bathrooms have a small area, so the work will not cost too much.

One of the most "budget" options - painting the ceiling

Provided that the surface of the ceiling is sufficiently even, then you can do without plastering, bringing it to a smooth state with putty, which is able to close small irregularities.

Putty on your own - it's possible!

If you master the basic techniques of plastering technologies, you can solve a bunch of problems when carrying out repairs on your own. Read how it is carried out - a separate article of our portal is devoted to this.

To do the job efficiently, it must be carried out in accordance with all the rules, using a primer with antiseptic properties and a competent selection of waterproof paint, which can be wet cleaned more than once.

For the bathroom ceiling, water-resistant latex, acrylic, silicate and silicone-based paints are used, which meet all the requirements of this room.

Special moisture-resistant latex paint - surfaces painted with it can be wet cleaned

TO positive aspects This method of finishing can be attributed to the following points:

  • Affordable price for materials.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Having leveled the surface of the ceiling once, it will be possible to change the color and, if desired, apply the pattern repeatedly.
  • Easy to clean painted surface.
  • With high-quality work and properly selected materials, as well as regular surface care, a painted ceiling can last up to ten years without updating, unless, of course, emergencies in the form of a flood occur.
  • The painted ceiling will suit any interior design of the walls and floor of the room. If desired, it can be applied with paint of the desired shade, in harmony with the finishing material of the walls.
  • The ceiling with this finish does not become lower at all, unlike other design methods.

The painted ceiling has its own limitations, many of which are quite fixable:

  • The painted ceiling will not retain water at all when flooded from above.
  • Over time, spots appear on its surface, or the paint can become very dull, and the white color becomes yellow. However, this problem can be easily solved by refreshing the ceiling on top with a layer of paint of the chosen color.
  • A painted ceiling can become exclusive only when applied to it with an original pattern or color gradient - otherwise it will look “just neat”.
  • In such a ceiling it will not be possible to mount spotlights. But today on sale you can find no less original lamps that are mounted directly to the ceiling or hung on special brackets.
  • If the ceiling treatment technology is not followed, mold spots will definitely appear on the painted surface.

With improper surface treatment, along with dampness, its inevitable companions appear - mold spots.

So, the painted ceiling can be called the best option if there is a need to save money or simply at the time of the repair there is no way to purchase a more modern finish. But, if the surface is maintained in order and updated from time to time, then it can be used for a long time.

PVC panel ceiling

PVC panels are a relatively new finishing material, and it is most often used specifically for decorating the surfaces of bathrooms or bathrooms. Panels can be mounted in two ways - by fixing them directly to the ceiling with glue, or on a frame crate installed on the ceiling. It can be made from a wooden beam treated with antiseptic impregnations or a galvanized metal profile. The crate is mounted to the ceiling or lowered from it to the desired distance using suspensions.

Most often, the panels are mounted on a grid, since for them to be glued, the ceiling surface must be leveled, which requires a certain time.

If the ceiling in the bathroom is low enough, you can use a bar with a thickness of only 15 ÷ 20 mm for the crate. Then the overall level will drop by only 25 ÷ 30 mm, since the thickness of a plastic lining of 10 mm is sufficient for ceiling cladding.

Plastic panels have many virtues, which determines their wide popularity for finishing bathrooms:

  • The installed panels form a moisture-resistant coating, since each of the panels has a groove-thorn lock. In addition, specifically for the accurate installation of the material, fittings are produced that hide the joints of the panels with the walls.

  • Installation of this finishing material is quite affordable to do it yourself, even without building skills. It is enough to understand the principle of installing panels and have the necessary simple tools at hand. In addition, the panels are lightweight, so work can be carried out even without an assistant.
  • PVC panels differ from other materials in a variety of shades and patterns that can imitate ceramic tiles, wood texture, metal surfaces, etc. Therefore, the finish can be chosen for every taste and color, it is easy to match the overall interior of the bathroom.

  • The operation of the coating of plastic lining without loss of decorative qualities can last up to 10 years, depending on the quality of the material. Therefore, you should not choose the cheapest options, as they can become stained, fade or change color.
  • By mounting the panels on the crate, you can level the curved surface of the ceiling.
  • Plastic lining is easy to clean up by simply wiping it with a dry or damp cloth.
  • The panels have an affordable price, so even a family with an average income can afford to buy them.
  • Despite the low cost, the finish looks quite respectable on the ceiling.

  • Spotlights can be cut into the ceiling surface sheathed with such a clapboard.

Like any finishing material, PVC panels have several shortcomings. And, although they are minor and quite correctable, they should still be borne in mind:

  • If it is planned to insert spotlights into the panel structure, it will have to be lowered from the main ceiling by at least 80 ÷ 100 mm. - the distance will depend on the height of the lighting fixtures selected for installation. And this, in turn, means that the ceiling will be much lower than expected by the project.

  • In the absence of periodic cleaning, dirty streaks and mold can form on the seams between the panels. Therefore, the cleanliness of the structure must be constantly monitored.
  • If the panel ceiling is installed poorly, and at least a small gap forms at the joints with the wall or between the elements, a favorable environment for mold will be created between the suspended and capital plane, which will not be visible from the bathroom side. It is possible to remove such foci of microflora only by dismantling the panels and putting a lot of effort. Therefore, it is recommended to fill all the resulting gaps with sealant.
  • The panel ceiling will not be able to stop the flow of water from above in the event of leaks, so in this case it will have to be dismantled in order to dry the capital surface. You may need to redecorate the whole room.

From the foregoing, we can conclude: a ceiling sheathed with plastic clapboard is a good, affordable option that can make the ceiling neat and aesthetic. It, with proper care, will last a fairly long time, if during its operation there are no emergencies.

Slatted suspended ceiling

The rack version of the ceiling has the same design as the panel one, but it consists of narrow rails made of aluminum, plastic or thin steel. The metal used for the manufacture of rails has a special treatment and does not rust. The details of this ceiling are mounted on the crate in the same way as the plastic lining, but the ceiling decorated by them has a more respectable look. Reiki are produced in a variety of colors and can be decorated with patterns or have a metallized coating - gilding or chrome plating.

Virtues this material can be considered as follows:

  • Installation of a rack ceiling can be carried out independently, without involving a master in the process. And this means cost savings, which is comparable to the amount paid for the material itself.
  • Reiki have a sufficiently high flexibility, which allows you to assemble curvilinear original designs from them.

  • Qualitatively installed elements of the ceiling in a single plane make it waterproof and do not let steam from the room to the main ceiling.
  • It is easy to care for such a ceiling - it is enough to regularly wipe it with a damp soft cloth and periodically treat it with antiseptic detergents to prevent mold.
  • Such a design can be operated, with proper care, from 10 to 12 years.
  • The material has a higher price compared to PVC lining, but it is quite affordable and corresponding to its quality. The cost may vary depending on the material of manufacture of the rails.

Such a ceiling has limitations, which, in fact, are identical to the negative qualities of plastic structures.

The only thing to note is that the slatted ceiling is not suitable for every interior design of the bathroom; therefore, before purchasing it, it is recommended to draw up a sketch of the design of the room in color.

foam boards

The simplest and most affordable and affordable material for installation can be called thin embossed foam boards. Their installation is carried out on any relatively flat surface using one of the polymer adhesives. The ceiling, decorated with such plates, looks quite neat and is not inferior in aesthetics to the painted options.

One of the simplest and most inexpensive options is foam tiles glued to the ceiling surface.

TO positive properties this material, pasted on the ceiling of the bathroom, can be attributed to:

  • Sufficiently high moisture resistance of the material.
  • Aesthetic and neat appearance of the surface.
  • The lightness of the panels and, accordingly, the ease of installation make it possible to carry out the design of the ceiling on their own, even in the absence of experience in this type of work.

  • The capital ceiling, decorated with foam tiles, will practically not lose in height, since the tile is glued directly to it and has a thickness of only 3 ÷ 5 mm.
  • The service life of such a ceiling is small - only 4 ÷ 5 years, this period is consistent with the low price of the material.
  • If the tile has a flat surface, then dust and dirt can be easily removed from it.

Negative sides The following factors are considered in this design:

  • In order for the tile to serve for a longer period without the appearance of mold under it and in the seams, it is recommended that before gluing it, the surface be treated with antiseptic impregnations of deep penetration, which will lead to additional costs.
  • Spotlights cannot be built into the foam ceiling.
  • This material will not retain water when leaking from the upper floor, and in such a situation, the finish will have to be completely replaced.
  • Since the ceiling in the bathroom requires frequent cleaning and processing, it is not recommended to choose plates with a deep relief pattern for this room, because it will be quite difficult to clean it from dirty deposits.

This method of finishing can be called an economy option, applicable if it is not possible to purchase and install more expensive material. Such tiles, however, are more suitable for rooms with normal humidity.

Plasterboard ceiling

The ceiling can be decorated with drywall in two ways - by gluing it onto the main base and additionally fixing it to it using “fungus” dowels, or by fixing the material to a wooden or metal frame. But both in the first and in the second case, drywall will require additional decorative coating.

To cover the ceiling in the bathroom, sheets of moisture-resistant drywall are used, which has a higher price than ordinary material, as it has the necessary qualities for installation in a room with high humidity. This type has a green surface color and GKLV marking.

Advantages plasterboard ceiling:

  • GKLV material is highly resistant to moisture and mold.
  • From drywall, you can make multi-level exclusive designs.
  • It is suitable for installing spotlights and hiding various communications - electrical cables and ventilation ducts.
  • Drywall is an excellent material for leveling ceiling planes, which is why it is often called "dry plaster".
  • Sheets can be used as a basis for any decorative coatings, so a smooth and durable surface is created.
  • The service life of such a structure is unlimited, unless emergency situations occur, and subject to regular updating of the finishing layer.

disadvantages plasterboard construction are considered the following points:

  • For the manufacture of such a finish, you will have to invite a qualified craftsman, since the installation process is quite complicated, especially if you plan to install a multi-level version of the ceiling. In addition, it is not easy to finish the finished surface, as it requires treatment with primer solutions and high-quality coating with putty compounds.
  • If you take into account all the materials necessary for such a ceiling, the process will be quite costly.
  • Installation of the entire structure, from start to finish, will take a lot of time, especially in cases where the installation is done independently, and experience in this process has not yet been gained.
  • The plasterboard ceiling will not be able to retain water in the event of serious leaks on the upper floors, and in such a situation, the sheets of material will have to be replaced.
  • The ease of cleaning a plasterboard ceiling will depend on the quality and properties of its exterior finish.

So, neat ceilings of various designs are obtained from drywall, which can solve some everyday problems - leveling surfaces, hiding communications, and even insulating or soundproofing the ceiling. But, it is better to mount them in rooms where there is a minimal risk of flooding, otherwise money, effort and time can be wasted.

Tiled honeycomb suspended ceiling

In construction stores, you can find ready-made systems from special metal profiles that are assembled and suspended from the capital base using hangers. Plates placed in the created cells of such systems are made from different materials - they are gypsum fiber, glass, mirror, plasterboard, plastic and others.

Such a ceiling has its pros and cons, which you must be aware of when deciding to install such a suspended structure.

To their virtues may include the following:

  • By installing such a false ceiling, it is possible to level the capital surface, which has irregularities of any degree, since the hooks on which it is suspended allow you to adjust the height of all sections of the structure ideally in a vertical plane.
  • The ceiling allows you to hide various communication elements behind its surface.
  • The structure can be used for installation between it and the main surface of insulating or soundproof materials.
  • Spotlights, recessed lighting fixtures or overhead lighting can be embedded into the slabs - when choosing frosted plexiglass slabs.
  • Ceiling elements have a variety of designs, so they can be matched to any room interior.
  • The panels are not fixed to the surface of the frame and are removable, so if desired, all or some of them can be removed and, for example, repainted in a different color. In addition, in case of leaks from above, the panels can be temporarily dismantled to dry the ceiling, and if necessary, replaced with new ones using the same metal frame.
  • Suspended design gives the ceiling an aesthetic and neat look.

  • The service life of the structure is about 10÷12 years.
  • Installation of a slab ceiling is simple, so it is quite affordable to do it yourself.
  • The complexity of cleaning the surface directly depends on the material of manufacture of the plates.

From shortcomings slab frame ceiling for mounting it in the bathroom, we note:

  • Such a suspended ceiling will not protect the rest of the decoration in the bathroom from water flows during leaks - it performs exclusively decorative functions.
  • Mold will definitely appear in the space between the slabs and the main plane of the ceiling, unless additional ventilation is installed in this space.

These are the main disadvantages, knowing about which you can decide whether such a ceiling can be installed in a particular room.

Conclusion: such a ceiling can be installed in the bathroom, but it is not ideal for it. Therefore, choosing it, you need to take into account the above points.

Mirror ceiling

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the mirror ceiling, although it is also mounted according to the principle of a suspended structure. Having decided to install such an option in your bathroom, you need to be prepared for high costs.

A reinforced metal frame is fixed under the mirror panels, and the elements themselves are fixed on it with glue or special fasteners, for which holes are drilled.

It should be noted that there are more affordable options for mirrored ceilings - these are plastic panels with an imitation of a mirror coating, they are much easier than real plates and are much easier to install. Such panels are laid on a lightweight metal frame, described above, but the service life of this option is lower than that of a real mirrored ceiling.

Positive traits mirror design:

Durability with proper installation and care.

  • An opportunity to save on electricity, as mirrors will double the power of lighting.
  • Exclusive, "rich" design appearance.
  • Moisture resistance of the plane, due to the fact that the panels are fixed on the frame crate.

"Minuses" mirrored ceilings:

  • Inability to retain water during leaks.
  • Complicated surface care. In order for the ceiling to have an impeccable appearance, it must be polished and rubbed to perfect cleanliness, as even minor dirt will be visible on it.
  • Installation of this design is recommended to be entrusted to a master with relevant experience.

Before installing such a ceiling, you need to think about how it will affect the psyche of each of the household members, since not everyone is able to withstand such an abundance of mirrors and shine from them.

Stretch ceiling

A stretch ceiling can probably be called the most ideal option for a bathroom, as it has more positive qualities than negative ones. The most significant practical advantage of a stretch ceiling is its double-sided moisture resistance. It is made of polymeric elastic materials, capable of shrinking when heated by warm air, stretching into a smooth canvas.

Stretch ceiling - both beautiful and practical

TO benefits stretch ceilings for the bathroom before other decorative finishes can be safely attributed to:

  • Waterproof material. In case of an emergency in the form of leaks from the upper floors, the stretch ceiling is able to easily collect water on its inner surface. Thus, the decoration of walls and floors, as well as bathroom accessories, will not be damaged. The polymer material can support a weight of 100 kg per square meter.

If a similar situation arises, then you just need to contact the company that installed the ceiling and call the wizard. He will drain the accumulated water and again stretch the stretched material, which has not lost its original qualities from such a “stress”.

  • Caring for a stretch ceiling is very simple - you can simply wipe it with a damp cloth, removing the dirt that has appeared on the surface.
  • With the help of a stretch ceiling, you can hide all the flaws of the capital base without resorting to leveling it with plaster.
  • The material can be stretched at a distance of only 50 mm from the interfloor ceiling, so it will not “steal” the usable space of the room
  • The design of the stretch ceiling can be chosen for every taste, for any bathroom interior or - design proposals are striking in variety.
  • By itself, the stretch ceiling is also a fairly effective barrier against the spread of noise.

Soundproofing problems can be solved with a stretch ceiling!

Moreover, the canvas itself dampens sound waves. The space between it and the ceiling allows you to additionally arrange. How and with what it can be done - in a separate publication of our portal.

If you decide to choose a stretch ceiling for the bathroom, then you need to know about it. shortcomings:

  • It is impossible to install a stretch ceiling on your own, since this process requires special equipment and auxiliary materials, as well as high skills in such technology.
  • The ceiling is not resistant to mechanical stress, and its surface is easily damaged by hard or sharp objects. If such an incident occurs, the ceiling will lose its unique qualities of retaining water.
  • A white stretch ceiling may yellow over time in areas around installed fixtures. It will not work to wash or paint over this flaw, so the canvas will have to be changed completely.


Let's summarize the choice of the type of ceiling for the bathroom according to two main criteria: practical qualities and aesthetic design.

  • The first place of reliability and safety of the premises from flooding is occupied by stretch ceilings.

- The second place can be safely given to plastic panels and suspended ceilings:

- Painted ceilings claim the third place, as they are easily restored - the color and pattern on them can be replaced without much difficulty. When wet, the painted surface is always easier to dry than those covered with non-removable panels.

  • From an aesthetic point of view, three types of ceilings deserve the first place - these are stretch, slatted, and PVC panel ceilings.

- The second place can be given to the slab version, which also has a variety of design, but, unfortunately, is not suitable for all bathrooms.

- The third place in terms of aesthetics is occupied by a plasterboard ceiling, since it is possible to create exclusive complex structures. But from a practical point of view, it is more suitable for dry rooms.

Of course, the aesthetics of this or that version of the ceiling must be determined for himself by the owner of the home, but it must be remembered that the practical side of the finish is always evaluated first.

And, at the end of the publication, the reader is invited to a video with tips on choosing a ceiling for the bathroom.

Video: which ceiling is more suitable for the bathroom?

When carrying out repairs in the bathroom, the question often arises of which ceiling to make. Everyone wants the ceiling to be not only beautiful, but also durable. What characteristics should you pay attention to when choosing?

The bathroom is a room in which humidity is constantly increased, so it is important that all materials are waterproof. If the rain accidentally hits, then he should normally endure this as well. Also, the ceiling must withstand the pressure of water, which may arise from above. This can happen in case of flooding.

It is very good if he does not need special care. The ideal surface is one that can be simply wiped with a cloth. After all, it is inconvenient to take some enhanced measures to clean the ceiling in the bathroom.

And, of course, a beautiful canvas that fits well into the interior of the room should please the eyes of the household.

Depending on these conditions, you need to choose the right ceiling. There are several types of ceiling finishes in the bathroom:

  • whitewashing or painting the ceiling;
  • plastic from panels;
  • rack or metal;
  • suspension;
  • from drywall;
  • modular mirror;
  • tension.

The video tells which ceiling to choose in the bathroom:

Puttying or painting

Whitewashing the ceiling is considered the most cost-effective way to finish. Such a ceiling can be easily finished on your own.

To work, you need to take a roller and whitewash or paint. If the ceiling is not very even, then it can be leveled with putty. Moreover, all purchased materials must be only waterproof. If you see that the differences in irregularities on the ceiling are too large, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcovering the surface with putty, choose a different finishing method.

Here are the features it has, finished with putty:

  • monochromatic looks simple and primitive, you can add zest by mixing different types of colors;
  • if the materials you bought are of high quality, then the life of the ceiling will be about 5 years;
  • It quickly absorbs dirt, but you can refresh it a little with a new layer of whitewash;
  • it will not be possible to decorate the surface with lamps, it is better to do it on the walls of the bathroom, it will also look attractive;
  • it is impossible to remove the running communications under it, but if a breakdown occurs, then it does not need to be disassembled;
  • any painted surfaces in the bathroom are a good breeding ground for mold and mildew.

Water-based paint will look better than all other options on the ceiling.

Plastic sky from panels

Plastic panels are a great inexpensive option for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom. It is more expensive than the previous method, but it also has more advantages..

  1. The panels are attractive.
  2. Additional finishing is not required.
  3. You can mount it with your own hands.
  4. Careful maintenance is not required.
  5. Allows you to mount additional lighting.
  6. All irregularities in the ceiling will be hidden.
  7. Possibility to mount communications.

On the video - ceilings in the bathroom made of plastic panels:

This type of coverage also has its drawbacks:

  1. Seams will form between the plastic panels, which can then become clogged with dirt. After cleaning, you can give the ceiling its original appearance. But if the bathroom is poorly ventilated, then fungus and mold can begin to develop in the resulting seams.
  2. The metal frame is rusty. It is on it that the plastic panels are attached.
  3. If you want to dismantle it, then you need to carry out a number of complex works.

It is worth noting that wooden beams can be used as a frame. But before that, the bars need to be well processed so that they are resistant to high humidity.

rack or metal

This type of ceiling is similar to the previous view. Long narrow slats are attached to the frame. Rails are made of plastic, aluminum or steel. Aluminum rails do not corrode. The color of the rails can be the most varied and even with a pattern. It is assembled from the rails as a designer, and there is practically no need to care for the surface.

Reiki is a fairly plastic and flexible material, so it can be made tortuous. Often the slats are very highly polished, so it looks like a mirror surface.

Reiki can be divided into three types:

  1. Open view of rails. There are large gaps between the rails. This type is usually used if the ceiling height is more than 5 meters.
  2. closed type. Outwardly, it is very similar to the lining.
  3. Open rail type with one caveat: all the empty space is covered with special inserts.

A quality product must have a protective film, which fakes do not have. The main disadvantage of slatted ceilings is rapid contamination.

The video shows how to make a ceiling in the bathroom:


It is such a ceiling system consisting of a metal frame and square panels. The standard panel size is 60 x 60 cm. What can the panels be made of? Weight options: plastic, polystyrene foam, fiberglass, mineral fiber, aluminum, steel. But when choosing any type of material, be sure to look at what degree of moisture resistance the material has. It should not be below 95%. But if the bathroom has good ventilation and airing, then the coefficient may be less.

A big plus of such ceilings is that you can hide all communications. But there is a drawback: during installation, you will have to hide about 10-15 cm of ceiling height.

On the video - suspended ceilings in the bathroom:

Often a false ceiling is made of drywall. It is worth considering that drywall will be quite expensive. But it's worth it, because he is able to remove all surface irregularities. Before starting installation, consider the following nuances:

  1. The material must be moisture resistant and impregnated with special substances that reduce the risk of fungus. Usually such material has a green color and a special marking.
  2. Drywall requires good ventilation both from above and throughout the room.
  3. It is better to take care of the hydrobarrier. The grooves that are made on the sides prevent moisture from entering the ceiling.

The false ceiling can be made multi-level, which will add zest to the room. You can also install different kinds of lighting. Wiring can also be hidden under the ceiling. The service life of this type of ceiling is from 5 to 10 years.
On the photo-ceiling in the bathroom of plasterboard:


The mirror ceiling is classified as a modular system. Usually such ceilings are easy to manufacture. All plates are ready for mounting. Additional staining or processing is not required. Before installing such a ceiling, you need to think carefully about whether it will fit into your bathroom. Usually from such a ceiling system it exudes formality and coldness. Comfort and warmth - such concepts have little to do with mirrored ceilings.

Mirror tiles are the most expensive option. For installation, a reinforced frame will also be required. Mounting the ceiling yourself will not work. Certain skills are required. In the care of such ceilings are quite difficult, you need to wipe each mirror tile separately, as well as polish it. Instead of expensive mirrors, you can use plastic panels. But the service life of such a structure is much lower.

On the video - a mirrored ceiling in the bathroom:


Currently, the most common way to finish the ceiling is to use PVC film. The manufacturer of PVC film, which is used for stretching, says that it is able to bear a load of 100 kg per 1 square meter. Such a ceiling has many more advantages:

  • resistant to moisture;
  • mold is not terrible for such a coating;
  • the ceiling can be operated for at least 10 years;
  • the surface can be cleaned using special cleaning products;
  • the material does not emit toxins;
  • very large range of colors;
  • the surface can be matte, glossy, fabric;

In the process of installation under the ceiling, it will take only 3 cm in height. But this is provided that you do not need to mount an additional lighting system. To install a stretch ceiling, you need to hire a specialist. The surface of the ceiling must not be subjected to overheating to avoid melting. Consider this when choosing the power of lamps built into the ceiling.

If white was chosen as the color of the PVC film, then be prepared for the fact that yellow spots may appear that are difficult to wash off. In this case, a complete replacement of the film is necessary. And these are additional costs.

On the video - stretch ceiling in the bathroom:

Where to fix your eyes

You can approach the choice of a bathroom ceiling based on two points of view: design and practical.

From a design point of view, you have to think about how a certain kind of surface will fit into the interior. A white, smooth, even ceiling will fit well into any design, no matter what material it is made of. And the ideal option for a bathroom is a black floor and a white ceiling.

In the case of textured ceilings, you can experiment with the dimensions of the bathroom. Visually, you can narrow, expand the room, make the ceilings higher or lower. This can be achieved using rack, modular, tiled type of ceiling.

If the bathroom is large, then multi-level plasterboard ceilings are well suited for it. Based on a practical point of view, the first place here is occupied by PVC panels. This cover is ideal for the bathroom. The material is durable, beautiful and practical.

On the video - reviews on which ceiling to choose in the bathroom:

Today we will talk about two ceiling designs - the undisputed leaders in the arrangement of bathrooms. Rack or tension: are they really equivalent in practicality and decorative value, or are there differences, without taking into account which a high-quality bathroom renovation cannot be done - read in today's review.

Description of structures

The device of a stretch ceiling is familiar to many due to its simplicity. It consists of two parts: a baguette profile fixed to the walls along the perimeter of the room, and a canvas or film stretched inside. The main feature of the tension system lies in its factory production, while a minimum of installation work is carried out locally.

The design of the rack ceiling is more complex and at the same time more interesting. The system of fastening profiles looks very familiar, something similar is used when assembling the frame for lining with plastic clapboard. The guide U-shaped profile, however, has an additional decorative function, framing the ceiling along the perimeter and providing a tight, beautiful connection between the ceiling and the walls. And instead of the usual rack-mount profiles, special stringers are used, on which shoulder straps (slats) are fixed by snapping into slots.

Aesthetics and decorative value

Differences in the device due to the difference in appearance. This is perhaps the most important component of any ceiling system: if we are still ready to put up with the cost or complexity of installation, then flaws in design and appearance immediately push the type of ceiling in question to the end of the list.

Fortunately, both types of finishes we are considering can be safely attributed to highly aesthetic ones, they are just different and must be combined with the overall style concept of the bathroom interior. Stretch ceilings are good because they allow you to withstand the spirit of minimalism, which is so popular these days. This is especially true for small bathrooms, where a ceiling with some kind of pronounced pattern will attract too much attention.

Glossy vinyl canvases have a very interesting visual effect: reflected in the mirror coating, the walls get their logical continuation, so the corner connection is usually made in the middle of the top row of tiles. An excellent alternative to mirror ceilings, besides, there is always the opportunity to choose high-quality colors from a wide palette for a complete combination or to diversify the mirror surface with a light pattern.

Matte fabric ceilings are timeless classics, such a finish remains completely invisible and allows you to focus on more interesting and unique things - high-quality tiling, plumbing and decorative installations.

Slatted ceilings in terms of appearance are the complete opposite of stretch ceilings. Longitudinal stripes, at first glance, do not harmonize too much with the “checkered” look of the tile, although this depends more on the format of the tile. However, upon closer examination, this type of ceiling fits well into "sterile" interiors and becomes a stylish accessory that looks really rich.

The color scheme is also diverse, and the strict direction of the stripes helps to visually correct rooms with not very attractive geometry, for example, very elongated ones. Slatted ceilings, unlike stretch ceilings, are distinguished by a more free choice of shape. Based on them, it is possible to make both multi-tiered structures with radius edges and wavy planes, for which special types of panels and mounting profiles are intended.

Appearance or practicality

The second most important aspect after the appearance is how the ceiling will behave in conditions of high humidity and how easy it is to maintain. Vinyl gloss turns out to be the most tricky in this regard: drops of condensate that form constantly spoil the specularity, especially if the ceiling is noticeably lowered. In this case, you can’t do without special cleaning products: a solution for stretch ceilings and brushes; without them, washing a sagging canvas can be another task.

Fabric covers are surprisingly easy to care for and clean. The antistatic cloth does not collect dust and does not fog up due to its high vapor permeability. All minor impurities, such as salt stains from splashes, “hide” against the background of a slight visual noise formed by the microtexture. The fabric of the canvas is impregnated with polymers that prevent rotting and mold formation.

Slatted ceilings behave in many ways similar to glossy ones. Metallized polished inserts lose some of their attractiveness if traces of dried drops appear on them. However, let's be fair: this is far from the same thing as in the case of a mirror surface, and the surface fogs up somewhat less due to the presence of gas exchange with the area under the draft ceiling. By the way, due to the vapor permeability, the exhaust duct can be placed hidden, the same applies to fabric stretch ceilings.

From the point of view of the installation process

For the end consumer, stretch film ceilings will be the most problem-free. Specialists will independently measure, make a canvas and carry out installation in a couple of hours. You cannot do this work yourself, because you need a heat gun. You can save money by installing lock profiles yourself, but how significant will such savings be, given the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom?

Fabric ceilings can be mounted completely independently, starting from the fastening of the baguette profile and ending with the stretching of the canvas itself. All that is required from the special tool is a rounded spatula, with which the fabric is tucked into the groove, and a pair of clean gloves.

Slatted ceilings in installation are the most difficult, but at the same time, the process of assembling them is quite an exciting activity. It all starts with fixing the starting guide profile around the perimeter of the room in a common horizontal plane. Marking is easiest to do with a laser level, but in the absence of such, an ordinary water level will do. Before fixing in the central shelf of the profile, it is necessary to make a perforation in increments of 40-50 cm, while drilling is better from the outside so that the remaining burrs do not interfere with a snug fit to the wall.

After fixing the guide profiles, the load-bearing stringers are mounted and the strips are assembled, then inter-rail decorative profiles are inserted between them. The main difficulties come down to trimming the extreme strips and making grooves for installing spotlights. However, the material of the panels is quite malleable and only a segment knife and metal shears are needed to work with it.

Care and maintainability

Although the bathroom cannot be called a room where domestic activity is in full swing, damage to the ceiling can take place even here. The most expensive in terms of repair can no doubt be called a film stretch ceiling. In case of damage to the film, it will not be possible to do without a little blood: you will have to change the entire canvas, which is quite expensive.

However, the fabric canvas also changes entirely, only its cost is much lower. In addition, there is a problem to pull out the remnants of the fabric from the lock of the mounting profile, but it is quite possible to do this with the fabric pulled together.

Unlike lining, the rack ceiling will not have to be completely disassembled in case of damage to one or more panels. The rail is simply drilled in several places and pulled out, a new one is inserted in its place and the interpanel profiles are returned to their place.

In care, both types of ceiling finishes we have considered are very unpretentious: they do not absorb dirt, do not form a breeding ground for mold, and are not subject to rotting or corrosion. They should be washed either with clean water or with compositions that do not form a soap film to which dust adheres. Naturally, there is no question of any painting and other “new things”: the materials retain their appearance for several decades.

As in any other room, the ceiling in the bathroom can be finished in completely different ways. There are ways that are expensive and spectacular, practical, traditional, original - it all depends on the financial capabilities and taste of the homeowners. But when choosing an option, you must also take into account the specifics of the room, otherwise the finish will very soon lose its decorative effect. Let us consider in more detail which ceiling is better to make in the bathroom so that it is attractive, reliable and does not cause trouble with cleaning.

The bathroom is characterized, first of all, by high humidity, which affects the durability, strength and aesthetic appearance of the finish. Dampness and heat contribute to the development of mold on the ceiling and walls, corrosion of metal elements, the formation of smudges and stains on the coating.

That is why the ceiling in the bathroom must meet several important requirements:

  • be resistant to moisture, easy to clean and wash;
  • do not emit harmful fumes;
  • have a neat appearance and match the style of the bathroom interior;
  • there should be easy access to hidden structural elements.

Finishing materials, in addition to water resistance, must be resistant to fungi and corrosion, and be durable enough so that the ceiling does not have to be repaired every year.

Ceiling "Starry sky" with blue lighting and gold accents

Bathroom ceiling options

The most budgetary finishing methods include plastering, whitewashing and painting the ceiling surface. The most expensive are glass panels with photo printing and stained glass windows, mirrored ceilings. There are many options in the middle price segment: plastic sheathing, slatted ceilings, figured structures made of waterproof drywall. To figure out which one is the most optimal, it is worth studying the pros and cons of each type.

Plastering and whitewashing

Now in any hardware store you can easily find waterproof plasters and putties, and at a very reasonable price. With their help, it is easy to eliminate small irregularities, small cracks, other defects, to give the ceiling a very neat look. It is not difficult to master the application process, and many homeowners prefer to do it themselves, which saves on the services of a master.

It is very important to prepare the surface well, clean everything that is loose, close up the joints between the floor slabs and deep cracks. The plaster itself is applied in several layers, each of which is carefully rubbed and primed. For whitewashing, chalk or slaked lime is used, diluted in water to the desired consistency.

  • materials are cheap and environmentally friendly;
  • work can be done on your own;
  • if necessary, it is easy to eliminate defects in a separate area;
  • lime has antiseptic properties, so mold will not appear on the ceiling.

  • too simple look;
  • preparation and leveling of the base requires a lot of physical effort;
  • whitewash from wet fumes peels off and turns yellow over time, so you need to renew the coating annually;
  • if splashes get on the ceiling, after drying, ugly streaks will remain.


As in the case of whitewash, the surface of the ceiling requires perfect alignment, especially if the paint is with a glossy sheen. The choice of paints for bathrooms is simply huge, almost all of them are environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture and abrasion, and have a wide color palette. Most compositions have vapor barrier and anti-fungal properties, which is of great importance for rooms such as a bathroom. It is not at all necessary to make the ceiling monophonic: paints can be combined in color, draw ornaments and patterns, use various stencils.

  • decorative, the ability to show imagination;
  • ease of application;
  • affordable cost of materials;
  • paint is much more durable than whitewash;
  • work can be done independently;
  • the ceiling can be washed.

  • the surface must be perfectly level;
  • over time, the color fades, white paint turns yellow, spots may appear on the coating;
  • in case of flooding from above by neighbors, the finish will be hopelessly damaged.

Moisture resistant wallpaper

This type of finish is quite rare due to its impracticality. For wallpapering, the ceiling is prepared as carefully as for painting, since any irregularities clearly appear under a thin coating. Waterproof vinyl wallpaper can be repainted several times to update the bathroom interior.

  • finishing will be relatively inexpensive;
  • wallpaper gives the ceiling an attractive and cozy look.

  • it is very difficult to glue wallpaper on the ceiling on your own, you need an assistant;
  • cutting, fastening and docking of canvases require great accuracy;
  • mold often develops under the wallpaper;
  • when flooded by neighbors from above, the coating will have to be completely changed.

plastic ceiling

Sheathing with plastic panels is a very popular type of finish for bathrooms. The panels are attached to an aluminum frame mounted on the ceiling. The frame hides all the defects of the ceiling surface, allows you to mount built-in lighting, hide communications. The panels differ in size, thickness, colors and texture, so you can choose an option for almost any style of interior.

Profile for fastening panels is fixed with a hanger

  • the ceiling looks very aesthetically pleasing and attractive;
  • the cost of materials is not too high;
  • no need to level the surface;
  • installation does not require special skills and is within the power of anyone who knows how to handle the tool;
  • the design is durable, if necessary, individual panels can be replaced with spare ones;
  • the coating is absolutely not afraid of moisture, does not deform, and can be easily cleaned with detergents.
  • the ceiling becomes several centimeters lower;
  • dirt can accumulate at the joints, and in the absence of proper ventilation, a fungus develops there.

This option has a very stylish modern look. The design is a metal frame sheathed with narrow strips of plastic, aluminum or thin steel with an anti-corrosion coating. The color range of such coatings is very wide, slats for gold, chrome, with a pattern are in special demand. Installation can be open and closed: in the first case, gaps of a certain width are left between the rails, in the second, all elements are fastened end-to-end. The assembly is very simple, anyone can master it.

  • spectacular appearance, a wide variety of colors;
  • simple installation;
  • no need to level the base;
  • it is possible to install built-in lighting;
  • the material is resistant to moisture, corrosion, temperature extremes, fungi;
  • ease of care;
  • if necessary, it is easy to replace individual elements;
  • in case of flooding from above, there will be no harm to the coating;
  • The average service life is 30-35 years.

  • rack ceiling will cost a little more than a regular plastic one;
  • Dirt can accumulate on seams and joints.

Among suspended structures, a cassette or modular ceiling is in high demand. It is a suspended metal frame, in the cells of which decorative panels are placed. For the bathroom, panels made of aluminum, plexiglass, galvanized steel, acrylic, mineral are used. They differ in color and texture, can be plain and with a pattern.

  • no need to level the surface of the ceiling;
  • the frame perfectly hides communications, there are opportunities for built-in lighting;
  • if a separate panel is damaged, it is easy to replace it;
  • access to communications remains - just lift one of the modules;
  • panels give the ceiling a modern and very attractive look.

  • high price;
  • the hanging system takes up at least 15 cm of space, so it is not suitable for bathrooms with low ceilings.

Ceiling tiles

Finishing with polystyrene foam tiles is also quite popular. The tile gives a cozy and aesthetically appealing look, suitable for most interior styles. To glue the tiles, the ceiling should be well prepared, leveled, puttied, be sure to cover with a primer. Expanded polystyrene is resistant to moisture and mold, it can be periodically repainted.

  • low cost;
  • light weight of the material;
  • variety of textures;
  • tiles are easy to process during installation;
  • ease of care.

Cons: you need to carefully prepare the surface;

  • cutting and joining tiles require accuracy and precision;
  • the material breaks easily, so when gluing it is impossible to press hard on the tile;
  • dirt can accumulate in the joints;
  • when flooded from above, the coating may peel off and have to be replaced.


Plasterboard constructions are quite common in large bathrooms. They are metal frames, most often multi-level, shaped, with built-in lighting, sheathed with sheets of moisture-resistant drywall. From above, the casing is puttied and painted with waterproof paint. Such multi-level ceilings look very original and stylish; the material is easy to process, installation does not require special skills.

  • the frame perfectly hides all defects, wiring, pipes, there is no need for careful preparation of the base;
  • sheathing perfectly tolerates the effects of steam and temperature changes, can be washed, resists the development of fungi;
  • the ceiling looks attractive and solid.

  • no access to communications;
  • the frame takes a few centimeters of space;
  • the arrangement of the ceiling is quite expensive;
  • in case of repair, it is problematic to replace a separate section;
  • periodically the ceiling needs to be painted to refresh the appearance.

Stretch ceiling

The popularity of stretch PVC ceilings is only growing every year. They are combined with any style of design, they are distinguished by a wide variety of colors and textures. Ceilings with photo printing and 3D images look especially impressive.

  • high decorative effect;
  • resistance to moisture, temperature changes, condensation does not accumulate on the ceiling;
  • when flooded, the coating retains a large volume of water, after draining which again takes on its previous shape.

  • installation requires special equipment and professional skills, so making a stretch ceiling on your own will not work;
  • such a finish is quite expensive compared to rack and cassette ceilings;
  • the film is easily damaged by a sharp object;
  • no access to communications;
  • in case of damage, the coating must be completely changed, it cannot be repaired.

Glass ceiling

Such a finish is an expensive pleasure, but unusually spectacular. Plates of tempered glass can be matte, mirrored, colored, with drawings and stained glass windows, with built-in lighting. Installation is carried out according to the type of cassette ceilings, but the frame is reinforced, since the weight of the glass is quite large. Of course, the base must also be especially strong, otherwise the whole structure may one day collapse down.

  • the ceiling looks unusually impressive and original, visually expands the room;
  • glass is not afraid of moisture or fungus, it can be washed with any detergent;
  • with careful care, the coating will last for more than a dozen years.
  • high cost of materials and installation;
  • installation requires accurate calculations of the load on the base and significant labor costs, so a specialist should deal with it;
  • not suitable for rooms with weak ceilings;
  • stains easily remain on the glass surface, so you need to take care of it more carefully.

Which ceiling to choose

Each of the described options is attractive in its own way, but given the optimal ratio of cost, decorativeness and ease of installation, the best option is a plastic or slatted ceiling. Thanks to a wide selection of panels, you can find an interesting and unusual combination of color and texture, or, conversely, choose a discreet classic version. If the bathroom is decorated in a high-tech or loft style, mirrored panels, as well as chrome and metallic colors, are ideal. This is a great opportunity to show your imagination, to feel like a designer.

Installing a slatted ceiling in a bathroom

Installing a slatted ceiling is the final step in finishing a bathroom. Previously, the draft ceiling must be cleaned of dust, peeling plaster, paint, all existing cracks must be embroidered and sealed with putty. The places affected by the fungus must be cleaned and treated with antiseptic agents. Finally, the surface is covered with a waterproof primer with antifungal additives to prevent the appearance of mold in the future.

Advice. Before installation, wiring for lighting fixtures should be done and the wires should be fixed to the ceiling with dowel nails and plastic clamps.

In the process of work you will need:

  • decorative slats made of plastic or aluminum;
  • aluminum profiles;
  • stringers (carrier tires);
  • suspensions;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • metal scissors;
  • level; drill with a set of drills.

Step 1. A straight horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the room on the walls at a distance of 15 cm from the rough base. It is very convenient to use a laser level for marking, but for lack of it, a regular building one will do.

Step 2 On the marking line, every 40-50 cm, points for holes for fasteners are marked, and the same marks are placed on the profile. Drill holes in the guides, then in the walls, using the appropriate drill. The hole diameter should be 6 mm.

Step 3 Dowels are inserted into the holes on the walls, they are hammered flush with the surface, a profile is applied and self-tapping screws are screwed in.

The profile must be located strictly along the line, horizontal deviations will lead to a skew of the structure. For joining in the corners, the ends of the profiles are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 4 Between two opposite walls, load-bearing tires - stringers are installed. There should be a gap of about 10 mm between the ends of the stringers and the profile wall to compensate for thermal expansion. In this case, the elements are located strictly perpendicular to each other.

Advice. To connect two stringers to each other, it is necessary to put one on top of the other, align the perforated holes and fix it on both sides with self-tapping screws.

Step 5. On the ceiling, mark the location of fasteners for stringers at a distance of 20 cm from the walls and about 0.7-1 m between them. Holes are drilled, dowels are inserted and stringers are screwed on. Self-tapping screws are not completely screwed in, leaving the possibility to adjust the height of the rails during installation.

Step 6 They fix the first rail: apply it to the starting profile, insert it into the grooves of the stringers and press until it clicks. There should be 5 mm gaps between the ends of the rail and the profile wall.

Rail profile (plastic)

Installation of plastic rails

Step 7 In the same way, all other rails are attached to the location of the lamp. To make a hole for it, mark the center of the cutout on the panel with a pencil and drill it with a crown of the desired diameter. Next, insert the housing of the lighting device into the hole, holding it, attach the panel to the stringers, insert the wire inside and connect the light bulb.

Step 8 In the same way, they mount all the other lamps, check their work, complete the installation of entire rails. If the last bar is wider than necessary, it is cut to width with metal scissors. The material is quite thin, so it is not difficult to cut it.

Advice. For convenience, you need to draw a cut line on the rail, then make perpendicular cuts on the same side at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other and slightly bend the material. After that, cutting off the excess is much easier and faster.

Step 9 Having fixed the last bar, check the horizontalness of the coating and, if necessary, tighten the screws in the stringers. The holes between the rails make this easy to do.

First, the last rail sawn along is installed, after it - the penultimate one-piece

Step 10 Now it remains to close the gaps with special inserts, if they are provided for by the design. They are cut to the required length, inserted between the slats, pressed tightly until it clicks.

The finished coating should not have gaps and cracks between the elements, all rails should be in the same plane. If the ceiling is wavy, it means you haven't tightened the stringer mounts enough. To fix the problem, you need to carefully pry off the inserts in problem areas, tighten the screws and return the inserts to their place.

Video - Which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom

Video - Installation of a rack ceiling