He doesn't write to me first. Fear of appearing uninteresting and being ridiculed. # 6 You text him too often

In fact, this may not be due to the fact that they treat you badly or they are not at all interested in you (although each case is separate, but still), you just need to understand that people are primarily interested in them themselves. We are all actually those selfish, right? Well, people tend to think of themselves more often than of you. With age, you understand this and begin to perceive it easier, you understand that very few people will really think about you often, be the first to write, call, in short, they will be interested in you. In fact, as sad as it may sound, this thought greatly simplifies life, communication and perception of other people. And that is precisely why people who often call and write, are interested in us directly or indirectly, should be appreciated, even if their attention seems to us due, for example, relatives.

In general, with age, the intensity of communication with friends and acquaintances may decrease, this is normal. If you study together, then you communicate more, since you have a common road. Later, when work, love, family, children come, people see and communicate less than usual. The roads become different, and constant communication is maintained only if there is, let's say, a spiritual connection, common tastes and hobbies. In addition, do not forget that interests in different periods of life are different, and if yours and a friend are at odds, then communication may become less, come to a minimum or stop altogether without any quarrel.

From experience: you do not need to build any communication schemes and strategies with such people - do not waste your time, the desire to communicate is natural, this is the primary impulse to friendship, this is further in order to make friends you need to behave correctly, but the initial impulse is either there or not. It is better to turn your attention to those with whom this impulse is mutual and it is present not only from your side, but also from the other side. Do not terrorize people who are not announced by the questions: why don't you call? do not write? All these "frank conversations" are possible only with a very small percentage of people in our environment. From the rest, you, most likely, simply will not get an adequate and honest reaction. Maybe a lie ("business, business ..."), reproaches ("why don't you call
? "), bewilderment (" he / she seems to be fixated on communicating with me. ") As a rule, this will only have the opposite effect. It makes sense to ask such questions to a close relative who has disappeared from the social circle or a friend with whom grief and joy were sipped from the same pot For years, there are much more chances of getting an honest answer without first preparing the interlocutor for the question, and for everyone else - I don't see much point in asking them.

In general, from my own observation: the ability to be friends is still a problem for modern young people. It's true. So the question is very relevant and sad.

Have you personally observed from your acquaintances how people changed under the influence of wealth (if it happened, then they often changed for the better or for the worse)?

At the initial stages of acquaintance, an obstacle to further communication is often encountered - this is the first phone call after a date. When should he call? And what does it mean if a guy doesn't call or text? The question is often repeated - can a woman call first?

Have you seen the film What Women Want? In it, the character Alex gives advice to one of the heroines about men and relationships. Alex tells Gigi that if a man does not call a woman, it means that he is not interested in her. That's all. According to Alex, this principle actually applies to every guy - if he wants to, if he cares about the girl, if she charmed him, and if he wants to meet her again, the guy calls. It's simple.

The Internet is bursting with posts on forums in which women wonder why men do not answer their calls and SMS. “The meeting was successful, it even seemed to me that a spark ran between us. Said we'll meet again. A week has passed, and he is still silent. Didn't call, didn't send SMS, didn't accept my invitation to Facebook. Why?".

“After the date we parted. He said he would contact me soon. I thought that soon is tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. When he finally showed up on the fifth day, I was more offended than pleased. "

Still, the champions among the search for possible reasons why a guy does not call or write are girls. Here's what girls think most often:

- He accidentally lost my mobile number;

- Doesn't want to show how much he liked me;

- He's probably ashamed of me;

- Temporary problems with the phone, maybe lost or sent for repair;

- Busy right now. He'll definitely call on Saturday. Or Sunday ...

Some excuses sometimes seem completely absurd - for example, he wrote down the number on a piece of paper, which he put in his pants, and then gave them for washing. The most deceived will be those girls who thought that the date was successful. But in fact, the scheme is very simple: the guy charmed you on a date, he acted as if he really liked you. Maybe he even managed to kiss you goodbye. He said he would call. But after the date, I lay low. A few days later, I posted a photo of myself with a very attractive girl on Facebook. No, not with you.

he didn't like you

It's time to dispel doubts, the likelihood that he incorrectly wrote down the phone number or took a wait and see attitude is very small. Exceptions only confirm the rule, the guy does not call or write, because you are not interested in him. And the point. This happens nine (well, let it be, eight) times ten.

On the forum, many men answer the question why a guy does not call and does not write from his own experience: “I don’t call a girl for one reason - I didn’t like her.”

If a guy does not call and does not write, it all depends on him.

Greg Berendt and Liz Tuccillo write in their bestseller "He Just Doesn't Like You": "He doesn't give a damn about you if he doesn't call you." And: "he doesn't give a damn about you if he doesn't meet with you." At the same time, they add that men know how to use the telephone. “Of course, they don't want to ring, they explain it by their busyness, that they didn't even have a minute to pick up the phone. The proliferation of mobile phones and speed dialing allows the busiest men in the world to call their lovers. ”

It is very easy to keep in touch in today's world. It is enough to add a person as a friend on social networks, and you can keep in touch 24 hours a day. You can send SMS -, MMS -, e-mail, leave a voice message. Thus, excuses in the style of a guy does not call or write, because he is busy, lost his phone - this is a deception to himself.

If a guy doesn't call or text, know your worth.

If you get the impression that his promise was kept and he showed no desire to continue the acquaintance - do not take it personally. The fact that someone did not answer you does not mean that something is wrong with you. We are unable to be responsible for the thoughts and actions of other people.

If the guy doesn't call or text, go back to your business.

Let waiting not be for you a "business" that replaces all your daily duties. Waiting for a call shouldn't take a lot of time and thoughts. Get on with your life even if the guy doesn't call or text. Do what you did before and get a sense of happiness out of your life.

If the guy does not call or write, the phone is still silent.

Of course, if your phone is silent a few hours after the meeting, then you should not go into panic. Even if he had a great time with you and is thinking about you, he has a life of his own to take care of. But when day after day passes, soon the weekend, and he does not publish signs of life, sorry - nothing will come of it. All the same Greg Berendt and Liz Tuccillo write:

“If he doesn’t call you, it means that he doesn’t think about you. 100% of the men participating in the survey admitted that they were never too busy to call the woman who really matters. ”

In addition, if he gave his word that he would call or write and did not keep it, it is better to forget him: you should not be with someone who does not fulfill his promises.

If the guy does not call and does not write - be here and now

Psychologist Colin Sisson has a very wise idea. Our suffering is the result of the "speculation" of our minds. We remember the past, which is already gone, we experience what we did once, on which we no longer have any influence. Or we envision a future that we fear. For example, the fact that he will never call again. And this is a source of stress. Most importantly, neither the past nor the future exists.

There is only NOW. Therefore, in order to restore harmony, you need to focus on the present. A simple breathing exercise will help you with this:

- sit up straight, close your eyes, and take it calmly, without haste, 20 breaths in a certain cycle: 4 is normal, and 5 is very deep, and so on four times;

- try not to pause between inhalation and exhalation, as well as between exhalation and inhalation;

- listen to your heartbeat at the same time, be here and now.

If you repeat this exercise 3 times a day, it will be easier for you to understand your needs in the present, and not to give in to the imagination.

If the guy does not call or write, communicate appropriately to the situation.

All of the above reactions - resentment, indifference, claims are not appropriate if the guy does not call and does not write. Think about it. The fact that someone did not call you exactly when you expected it does not mean that they wanted to offend you with this.

Communicate normally and naturally. At the moment of contact, get out of your fantasies, and open up to real information

Curiosity about the other person and her motivation will help clarify the situation. Perhaps he will immediately say: “I'm sorry I didn't call earlier. I had important exams. " However, this is only possible in an atmosphere of benevolent exchange of views.

Can a woman call first?

Yes. Maybe. A phone call should be used as an ordinary gesture of a person who, after a pleasant meeting, gives a signal of his interest. React to the words and tone of voice of the other person. So you will find out if your phone call brought joy, or maybe embarrassment.

We wish you a wonderful acquaintance.

Watch a video on what to do if a guy doesn't call or write

They say that women are from Venus and men are from Mars. This phrase personifies that invisible barrier between our sexes, the barrier of misunderstanding, through which it is sometimes so difficult to break through. We do not understand the reasons for their actions, but they do not understand ours. It is difficult for women to understand what it means when a man does not call or write, and how to behave in such a situation.

Reasons for silence

There may be several reasons and it is not always easy to identify the one that applies specifically to your man. If a man does not call after the first date, if someone with whom is not the first year in a relationship does not call, if he does not call for a couple of days, a week, a month - all this must be taken into account, because depending on the reason, the options for how should be different enroll woman.

  1. After the first date
    The evening went great, you are elated and happy returning home, but neither on this day, nor on the next, he did not call back or write. This may indicate that the man just took a little time out. He was frightened of his feelings and wants to understand himself. Psychologists say that in the opposite sex the process of falling in love does not proceed as rapidly as in women, they need a little more time before they are ready to "jump into the pool with their heads."

    Important! In this case, the pool is a woman. Of course, we are not talking about a few weeks, but 2-4 days.

  2. Excess tenderness
    Another option for the development of events after the first date is that the woman simply frightened off her boyfriend with an excess of feelings. Again, men are not used to expressing everything that has arisen in their souls at the first meeting. Yes, and did not arise, but rather began to emerge.

    Advice! If a girl chirps about love, talks about marriage, grandchildren and old age together, after the meeting throws him an SMS with declarations of love, then it is no wonder that the young man will run away.

  3. Not everything is so smooth
    Women often imitate, you know what, but men have learned to portray interest and delight. If everything went great on the last date, it was fun and the time flew by quickly, this does not mean that everything was the same for him. Perhaps he was simply bored and not interested in listening to your monologues about equestrian sports or the next TV series.

    Important! Think about how often he took part in the dialogue? Maybe only you had fun?

  4. After a quarrel
    If a scandal broke out between you the day before, it would be quite reasonable to assume that this is why the man does not call or write. In such situations, they tend to take the position of the victim, to translate the arrows, so to speak.

    Interesting to know! Not every representative of the stronger sex is able to withstand the attacks of an angry companion, especially if the reason for the quarrel is insignificant.

    Very often, after scandals, men “lie low” and wait until all the passions in a girl’s soul subside.

    Important! They do not like a loud showdown, and if you are not able to do it calmly, be prepared that one day he will disappear for good, and not for a few days.

  5. Not a fan of calls
    Yes, and there are some. Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, there are still some men who do not like to call or write messages. They prefer live communication and will not touch their gadgets unnecessarily. In a relationship with such a gentleman, you should not measure the depth of his feelings by the number of missed calls or received messages. Just learn to take it easy.
  6. Busy
    Yes, in most cases this is a banal excuse, but if your chosen one is a careerist or works in a serious company, and even in a responsible position, then you should not be surprised that there is no news from him. It may well happen that some unexpected difficulties appeared at work, or a lucrative contract, or something like that, and your man simply plunged into work, losing interest in all other areas of his life for a while.
  7. Finances sing romances
    It's no secret that modern girls often have a little cooler requests than walking in the park and listening to Yesenin's poems performed by their beloved. We want a cafe, a movie, a bowling alley or something else, and all this requires money. Every self-respecting man takes the payment of entertainment events upon himself.

    Interesting to know! If you have been together not so long ago, then the guy is simply afraid to admit that at the moment he has problems with money and he simply has nothing to take you for a walk.

  8. Typical Casanova
    Alas, this happens. If this is your case, then you can only sympathize and advise you to be more careful. He charmed you, got everything he wanted and drove off into the sunset. You will not hear about him again - such men do not go on a second date and do not call back after a stormy night.

    Important! If he told tales about what a successful businessman he is, took you for a ride on a yacht or a cool car (most likely rented), then it simply makes no sense for him to continue supporting the expensive legend. As soon as the goal is achieved, it disappears.

  9. Married
    If your boyfriend is married or already has a girlfriend with whom he is in a long-term relationship, then you should not be surprised that he does not call after meeting. Serious relationships dull the hunter's instinct in men, and if, nevertheless, he succumbed to fleeting weakness and flirted with an unfamiliar girl at a corporate party, then it is not a fact that in the morning or in a week, he will decide to continue this acquaintance.
  10. No reciprocal feelings
    It makes sense to consider this option only if we are talking about the beginning of an acquaintance. The first date, after which the man did not call back, most likely made him understand that the woman was not suitable for him. This does not mean that you are ugly, stupid or boring. Perhaps he just realized that he did not correspond to you, decided that you have too high requirements for your life partner, or your interests and hobbies do not coincide.

Some more interesting information can be found in the video.

Doesn't call, but always answers

It also happens that a guy does not show initiative, but always picks up the phone if a woman calls herself or responds to messages with enthusiasm. The reasons for this behavior are no less than ignorance.

How many young girls and mature beauties languish in anticipation of a call from a gentleman who has sunk into the soul - you cannot count. And how many excuses they come up with - and even more so. If a man does not call, then most likely he does not want it himself. Girls become discouraged, they have complexes and self-doubt on the basis of silent refusals.

The male view of this problem cuts out most of the reasons that young ladies can come up with. According to the survey:

  • 1% do not call because they lost their phone;
  • 2% due to an incorrectly written number;
  • 7% for fear of rejection;
  • 11% because of a quarrel or resentment;
  • 79% due to lack of interest.

However, despite the sad statistics, the men named several other reasons for the lack of calls. They think it's a waste of time. They do not betray such importance to constant communication and gentle SMS, as the weak half of humanity. There is no reason for them to pick up the phone if there is nothing specific to say.

Interesting to know! It takes a little longer for a man to get bored. The girl is ready to dial the number of her beloved immediately after separation, he also needs to have time to get bored.

The second reason most often voiced by men is the lack of money. Yes, perhaps for romantically inclined women this is not a problem at all, she will close her eyes to the lack of gifts and agree to have a hot dog snack instead of salmon steak, but for men this is a serious reason to “lay low”.

Important! As soon as his financial situation evens out, he will definitely call and remind of himself, if during this time a new beauty does not appear in his environment, overshadowing the previous one, of course.

Often men doubt their abilities, they are not sure that they will be able to evoke sympathy in response from such a beauty, therefore they remain passive. They do not know that women need to be achieved and that even the most unsightly little man can make a woman's heart flutter if she chooses the right strategy.

The psychology of men and women is very different, therefore it is important to learn to look at the situation with “male eyes” and not be afraid to ask direct questions.

Below in the video you can get acquainted with the male view of this problem.

Test "How does your beloved man treat you?"

Does your man greet you from work?

Does your man give you flowers?

Are you talking to your man about the future?

How does your man react to other people's children?

Do you visit him and your friends together?

Do you live together or separately?

Do you often talk to each other about love?

Does your man give rise to jealousy?

Does your man sacrifice his interests for you?

Do you often quarrel with your beloved?

How does your beloved man relate to you?

Serious intentions

Your man takes you very seriously, he makes plans for your joint future, even if he does not yet voice them. But he takes out your garbage without reminders, and will take care of you, gradually arranging your life and your life. He considers himself responsible for everything that happens to you, and in the future will take responsibility for raising children.

Hold me if you can

Your man will be with you, but only if you yourself will keep him next to you, take the initiative into your own hands and "lead him along a string." You will have to push and guide him throughout your life, constantly reminding him that he loves you.

Periodic relationship

Your man will never put you first in his life, his own life and work are too important for him. It may appear in your life on a rare weekend, but frankly will let you know that you should not count on more.

Fleeting attraction

You are not too interested in this man. Are you sure that he treats you as a woman he loves or likes, and not just as a comfortable and reliable friend? Although this is not bad - such men know how to value friendship, and if you do not pretend to his heart, you can become an important part of life for him.

What a woman should do

The main thing is not to fall into despair and keep yourself in control. If a man abruptly stopped calling or disappeared for a whole month, then in any case, this is not a reason to declare the Apocalypse.

  1. The first step is to calm down - at the peak of emotions it is difficult to reasonably assess the situation.
  2. If you understand that the reason for this behavior was your harsh statement about him, then why not correct the situation and apologize?
  3. Call first. First you need to come up with some innocent but convincing excuse. If a man intends to break off a relationship, he is unlikely to talk about it directly, but his tone will speak for himself. Listen to the voice - is he glad to hear you or is he cold and annoyed?
  4. If a man does not call or write for a month or more, then it is hardly worth hoping that he will show up. In such a situation, it is worth letting go and forgetting, being distracted by a new hobby, plunging into work - doing everything so that there is no time for sad thoughts.
  5. Do not intrude - if your chosen one has lost interest in you and stopped paying attention, you should not bombard him with SMS, calls and leave a bunch of voice messages on the answering machine. This behavior will only alienate reserved men even more, but there will be no positive result.

Psychologists and relationship counselors advise focusing on yourself. If a man disappears or decides to part with you, do not get depressed, do it to become better and more interesting so that the next gentleman falls at your feet.

  1. Develop. Find a new hobby for yourself, go horseback riding, try polymer clay toys, sign up for cooking classes, paint, sing - whatever interests you.
  2. Change the look. Many women find that changing their style is beneficial for their lives. The new image attracts attention and opens up opportunities for new acquaintances. A bright, well-groomed and beautiful woman will not go unnoticed.
  3. Refresh your wardrobe. This will not only help you become more attractive and fresher, but will also cheer you up. What woman doesn't love shopping?
    You can buy a new dress, brightly colored shoes or radically change your style by filling the hangers with new things - everything is in your hands.
  4. Take care of your appearance. The man may have stopped calling because you stopped taking care of yourself in a long-term relationship. Often women forget that men love with their eyes. You have to stay great, no matter if you are dating for a month or three years.
  5. Vivid emotions. Finally, decide on a trip to Egypt, a parachute jump, go to a rally, do what you always wanted, but were afraid - bright emotions will help you survive the separation and drive bad thoughts out of your head.
  6. Avoid seclusion. For a day or two, you can allow yourself to cry to the "Bridget Jones Diaries" in an embrace with a bucket of strawberry ice cream, but no more. This will negatively affect the figure in the end. Get off the couch, grab your girlfriends and go in search of adventure!

Psychology by the signs of the zodiac

According to astrologers, the reasons why a man does not call or write can be found in the stars.

  1. Aries prefer live communication to virtual, but men in love with this sign are ready to devote a day and night to the understanding of their beloved, therefore, if Aries stopped calling you, it means that he has lost interest. To dislike him is as easy as to please. They are fickle and windy, and besides, they are terribly touchy. If Aries is offended, he will not call first, even if he is wrong.
  2. Taurus. Men of this sign are greedy for attention, but they will continue to communicate with the lady only if she is really interesting to them. It will not work out. Taurus are slow and take a long time to think about serious steps, and they like to do it alone with themselves.
  3. Twins. This sign is hypercommunicative, he will be happy to call and correspond even with someone with whom he does not intend to build a serious relationship. If Gemini disappeared and does not get in touch, it is only because someone appeared in his environment who interested him more.
  4. Cancer. These men are extremely touchy, they find meaning where there is none. If your chosen one is Cancer, it is better to immediately find out the reason for ignoring, because over time everything will only get worse, and he will also be offended by the fact that you don't care about him.
  5. A lion. These men are not used to courting, they believe that others should seek his favor. He will not write SMS and call first, and his pride is as easy as shelling pears. It is not worth delaying with reconciliation, he will quickly find a replacement and will not blink an eye.
  6. Virgo. Men of this sign are happy to express their feelings and are the first to make contact, but not everyone can understand their inner world. One fine day, this man may decide that the initiative comes exclusively from him, then he will close in himself and plunge into his resentment.

    Read more about the character and characteristics of such a man in ours.

  7. Scales. He needs constant support and communication, he easily writes romantic messages and can spend hours on the phone with his beloved. If he suddenly disappeared, then the reason for this was another woman, to whom all his efforts and emotions are now directed. If he does not call after a quarrel, then it is better to take the first step - just say that you are sorry about the conflict.
  8. Scorpion. The passion and emotionality of this sign will not be expressed over the phone, but if he suddenly completely stopped communicating, then most likely this is because of a strong resentment. Do not immediately call him and demand a meeting, give him time to cool down, otherwise everything will end badly.
  9. Sagittarius. These men are sociable, and they do it with pleasure both live and on the phone. They are quick-tempered, but quickly move away. If the Sagittarius doesn't call after a fight, just invite him to the park - a sincere conversation will settle everything.
  10. Capricorn. This sign uses cellular communication only for business conversations, it is not one of those who will chat for hours and write frank messages. If he doesn't call, then he is busy. Business comes first for him. If the reason is in a quarrel, then it will not be easy to make peace. Capricorn not only requires complete surrender, but will also wait from you for actions aimed at correcting the error.
  11. Aquarius will happily correspond, discussing everything in the world or call ten times a day. However, it is very easy to offend him, be careful and choose your words carefully when speaking on sensitive topics. Even if the quarrel occurred through his fault, it is better to call and apologize yourself.
  12. Fishes. This man will not write poetry or sing a lullaby on the phone, they prefer deeds to words. If you had a fight, sad messages and tearful calls only pushed him away, he does not believe the words, his feelings will have to be proved by deeds.

You can learn more about the features of character and behavior with a partner of different signs of the zodiac in the video below.

I did not expect such agility from myself! Falling in love with a casual acquaintance before losing sleep and appetite is something you have to try. I tried my best and now I could only think of him - the owner of a steep chin with a dimple, whom I met a week ago at a picnic.

I was sure that I made an indelible impression on the cool-bearded, he did not leave me a step, laughed, as soon as I opened my mouth slightly, we danced tango, kissed in the bushes, exchanged phones and tender glances at parting, and in general it was in the hat but ... he didn't call me.

From the choking passion, I was ready to crash to the ground, but I forbade myself even to think about the digits of his phone number. And she pinched her hand if she reached out to like his photo on VKontakte. Two days later, things took a steep turn. I drew up a detailed wedding menu for ninety persons and bellowed over it non-stop. A day later, poetry came out. Natasha agreed to be a witness. And I learned how to beautifully sign his name. But the scoundrel Cool beard still showed no signs of life. Although sometimes stuck online in social networks. I gradually lost my human appearance, but I stood my ground. Practical Masha used to say: "Call yourself, well, what will you lose from you?" Olya - Miss Compromise - offered to write a message. But I knew for sure that I should not be the first to remind of myself! Because…

... they don't call us for one of ten reasons:

1 reason

He didn't like you

Anton, 26:“I met Oksana at the club. And I didn't even count on such a quick victory - the girl was a real beauty. But we left the club together.

In bed, the beauty ... made a noise. I don’t know, in fact, she felt so good, or she tried to make a pleasant impression, but her screams were unbearable. I had to stop and ask her to be quiet every ten seconds. I was happy when she went home. I won't call her back for anything! "

Pavel, 26:“If a man does not call for a long time, then he either does not want or cannot. There are no other reasons. Girls, leave your illusions! We cannot have a phone call for three days, we cannot lose it or accidentally erase your number! If I liked a girl, I’ll find a way to get through. ”


It's hard to imagine a role more ungrateful than the rejected applicant. Just imagine - the stars have folded obliquely. You're not his type. He forgot to think about you, well, except that “if only this long one (short, fat, stupid, painfully clever, etc.) didn’t call. And then - once, a call from you! That is what he will be glad about!

2 reason

He liked you too much

Igor, 24:“Dasha struck me on the spot. Face, figure, laughter - everything I dreamed of. And a very light character. It seemed to me that I had known her for a hundred years. We met at a concert at the Cosmonaut and went for a walk. But I didn't call her. Didn't want to look like an idiot in love. She might have thought that I could be twisted as you like. Or that I had never seen a woman, since I pounced on her like that. A week later I was going to call, but decided that she would not remember me. A month has passed, I think about Dasha all the time. Hope for a chance meeting. "


Do you already know that masculine logic is in no way inferior to feminine in terms of originality? He will easily interpret your call as "she is testing the strength of her influence on me." And he will not answer.

Reason 3

Fills the price

Renat, 31:“The more rivals a woman has, the more likely she will want to fight them. I have an agreement with a friend - when one of us goes on a date, the other calls him several times. And the one on the date portrays a conversation with an annoying girlfriend. The tactics work like clockwork!

And after the date, you need to shut up. The thought that she might lose such a valuable frame will haunt the girl. "


Stupid tactics! Such a prize is not needed for nothing. After all, he will invite all new athletes to participate in the competition. If you call this stock speculator back, it will mean that his overpricing scheme was successful. But your deal is by no means a good one!

4 reason

He has a girlfriend

Sergey, 27:“I really love my girlfriend Masha. But recently in "X" at my friend's bachelor party, we crossed paths with Mila. Sultry brunette Mila looked like an erotic dream of any man. I agree that I am an animal and a moral freak, but I slept with Mila that very night. Right in my car. Immediately after this process, a cruel feeling of guilt began to plague me. I dropped Mila off at the house, covered up the traces of the crime and tried to forget about the stupid episode. But Mila found my phone through a mutual friend and bombarded me with gentle SMS, assuring me that she had been waiting for me all her life! I'm really afraid that Masha will find out. Maybe change the number? "


Guys who disappear the next morning after sex are much more common than we'd like. Managed to fall in love with a sensation hunter and a fighter against family routines? Manage to pull yourself together! Yourself, not your phone.

5 reason

Afraid that he didn't like it

Ilya, 23:“We met these girls on the street. I immediately fell for Ira. She seemed to be smiling at me. But, it seems, she looked at my friend more often. We had a good evening, sat in a restaurant and exchanged phone numbers with Ira. But I didn't call her. I didn’t feel much interest in me on her part. Although a friend who began to meet with Ira's girlfriend said that she asked about me. I will wait for an opportunity - a holiday or a joint trip, to make sure that I am really interested in her! "


In general, a normal man is characterized by an unshakable confidence in his own irresistibility. And the one who doubts himself so much can easily arrange a cheerful life for you. Do you want to babysit him to a ripe old age, convincing him how good he is? Call immediately!

6 reason

Keeps the face

Dima, 30:“As long as you are calm and disinterested with her, everything is fine, the situation is under control. And the girl behaves like a person! But as soon as you show that she means something to you, whims, control, show off immediately begin.


Tough, not needing macho calf tenderness - partners are not for the faint of heart. But from this macho material, over time, the most harmless henpecked ones are made. True, at the very beginning he needs to play along and not bother with his calls ...

7 reason


Nikita, 27:“Even if I get to know Miss World, she will have to accept the fact that my life is completely filled with emotions. Sports, study, rehearsals, work. Business is time, sex is an hour! After the date, I need two days to figure out where to insert the next. It's minimum. I am never in a hurry with calls and other communications. "


The organisms of boys and girls need different amounts of romance. We give ourselves to love without a trace, and they cynically take time for it.

Reason 8

No need for change

Gregory, 31:“My life is organized the way I have always dreamed of. I have a penthouse with a view of the bay, houses are sterile clean. The wonderful au pair takes care of this. I have dinner at my favorite restaurant. Fishing, mini golf, ski resorts. Wednesday is poker. On Saturday - football and the following sauna. Karaoke club on the third weekend of the month. In general, life is so beautiful that I am afraid of change. I suspect the carrier of change in everyone! Sometimes I invite girls to visit, but if I see a special “master's gaze” around me, the next morning I block her number. ”


Maybe he will fix his picky gaze on you - why not? But this is unlikely to happen if you dial his number now. What can attract this self-sufficient fearful individual is your complete disinterest.

9 reason

Force Majeure

Vitaly, 29:“I met Alena at her friend's birthday party. We liked each other's company so much that we fought off our own and left to wander around the city at night. We were so amused that we ran through the lawns, ordered pizza on a park bench - and we accepted our order, greeted the dawn. Then we went to breakfast at my favorite coffee shop. “So I met her,” I thought happily. In the morning, as soon as I arrived at the office, my best friend called and said that our dream is coming true - fishing in places where no human has ever set foot. It was necessary to take off the same evening. Romance is romance, but fishing with the guys ... In general, I did not have time to call back. The trip surpassed all dreams, but I thought only of Alena. When he returned, he called her, not hoping for anything.

“Well, finally,” she said cheerfully, hearing my voice. "I thought you wanted to wait for my retirement." And I realized that I was ready to spend my whole life with this girl ”.


Any of us, while waiting for a call, paints exactly this picture! Here he is, pressing his unshaven cheek to the butt, sneaking into the thickets of reeds. But he saves the world as part of a special forces. He burns out with love for you, but there is not a single cell tower around. But if there are no towers, why dial a number?

Not every girl decides to write to a guy first, since there is an opinion that a man should take the initiative in communication. In order not to be mistaken and to take the right step, you need to consider the features of the situation that has arisen in communicating with a guy. You need to know what to do if you like a guy, but there has not been a conversation with him yet. It is necessary to find out whether it is worth writing to the girl's ex-lover after a long silence or to the person she likes after one meeting.

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Why doesn't he write first?

When a woman is in love with a certain man, she becomes suspicious and sensitive. Because of this, there is a constant desire to analyze each of his actions, including the possibility of showing initiative in communication. Every girl who likes a particular guy (new acquaintance, stranger, ex) expects a message from the object of sympathy, but this person is not always the first to start a conversation.

If the guy does not write to the girl first, then this behavior has the following reasons:

  • a person is busy with his daily affairs, and he does not have time for correspondence;
  • the guy wants to intrigue the girl with his silence, checking her reaction (this behavior of men is observed after meeting or);
  • the young man is offended and does not want to initiate communication, as he is waiting for an apology;
  • the guy lost his phone, forgot to write down the number of a new acquaintance, or got into an unpleasant situation;
  • the young man is not interested in the girl, so he does not see the point in continuing the acquaintance.

If a girl does not know what to do, if he does not write, then she should consider the lack of initiative on the part of the object of sympathy from the point of view of psychology.

What date can you kiss

Unfamiliar man

It so happens that a woman is waiting for a message from an unfamiliar man with whom she managed to fall in love. If people did not even have a short conversation, then it is in vain to expect messages from a guy, because he simply does not know that someone is waiting for news from him, even though today any person interesting to him can be found with the help of social networks.

If a girl has contacts of the object of sympathy (a link to a profile on a social network, a mobile number), then she can get acquainted on her own. A friend invitation, a greeting, a reminder of where the meeting might have taken place, and a neutral conversation will help strike up a conversation with the person you like. Next, you need to monitor the behavior of the young man and his desire to continue the dialogue.

How to prove to a guy that you love him

After the first date

After the first meeting with the object of sympathy, each girl waits for her lover to write and invite him to meet a second time. If the long-awaited message is not on the first day after the meeting, then psychologists recommend monitoring the behavior of a man for the next three days.

If during this time the object of sympathy has never written, then the reasons for this behavior may be:

  • The acquaintance took place on the Internet, and the first date was a meeting in real life. The girl's personality could not coincide with the fictional guy's image, so he was disappointed and did not want to continue communicating. Silence on the part of the man can be explained by the fact that the girl behaved incorrectly when meeting (spread gossip, got drunk, hinted at sex, used obscene language in communication).
  • The guy is interested in another girl and has not yet made his choice.
  • The young man has no free time, although this reason is unlikely.

A girl can write to a guy she likes, even if he doesn't write anything after the first date. In this case, you do not need to immediately inquire into the reason for the silence and arrange an interrogation. You can politely ask about what the guy is doing and how he is doing. If the young man keeps up the conversation, you should not abuse the communication. After a few messages, you can say goodbye and continue to see if the guy writes first next time.

If there are no messages from him, then this indicates that the girl is simply not interesting to him. The same conclusion is made if the young man read the message, but did not consider it necessary to write an answer.

After a quarrel or breakup

If a girl had to, then this does not mean that she is indifferent to him. Many women are waiting for messages from their ex-lover, as they miss and dream of getting back in a relationship. If the ex hasn't been writing for a long time, then the reasons for this behavior may be as follows:

  • the person has put an end to the relationship and does not want to return them;
  • the guy harbored a grudge against his former passion and expects an apology from her;
  • the young man does not have the courage, because he believes that the girl no longer has feelings for him;
  • the guy has already fallen in love with another and is actively building a relationship with her, forgetting about the ex.

The behavior of a girl waiting for messages from an ex should depend on the specifics of the situation. If the breakup was due to a quarrel, then she should analyze her behavior. In the case when a person has realized his mistakes and wants to apologize, you can safely write to your beloved and ask for forgiveness. If a guy loves his chosen one, then he will listen to her and want to try to build a relationship again.