Primary signs of early pregnancy. Early pregnancy symptoms

For many women, pregnancy is a long-awaited happiness. That is why, when planning this event, a woman listens to her own feelings in order to understand that pregnancy has finally come. If a woman has not been pregnant before, then it can be quite difficult to understand the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage.

Conception process

Any pregnancy begins with conception. In order for this happened, the egg must be fertilized by the sperm. During ovulation, a mature egg leaves the ovary and moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus, if at this time it meets a sperm, conception occurs.

The fertilized egg must attach to the wall uterus in order to be able to develop further.

After which the egg begins to divide rapidly. So quickly that by about the 8th week of embryo development, vital organs are laid.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

In the early stages, it can be difficult to determine pregnancy without the use of special tests. However, if you listen to your body, you can find out the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. They are due to the changes that have begun in the body and the hormonal surge:

In addition to these first signs of pregnancy, swelling of the extremities may appear in the early stages, especially in the evening, frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, attempts to get pregnant do not always end in success. Sometimes, instead of a normal pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. This means that the ovum is fixed outside the uterus - in the fallopian tube, ovary, abdominal cavity. Signs of early pregnancy with the development of the ovum outside the uterus are as follows:

  1. Bloody discharge of an uncharacteristic color - brown, brown.
  2. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which increases with a change in body position.
  3. Weakness in the body, chills, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process.
  4. Lowering blood pressure, which may be accompanied by fainting, general malaise.

In this case, it is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner for surgery.

How to determine pregnancy

You can determine the "interesting position" by the early signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation:

These early signs of pregnancy in the first week are not entirely accurate, so when they appear, you should purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy or resort to other methods of determining the "interesting position".

Toxicosis during pregnancy

One of the early signs of pregnancy after a delay is toxicosis. This is due to the fact that the body is not ready to accept the fetus and reacts to it as a foreign body. Toxicosis most often manifests itself in women who have a tendency to hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure. Toxicosis can manifest itself as follows:

It is not at all necessary that all pregnant women should experience toxicosis; in some cases, a woman does not feel the slightest discomfort throughout the entire period. If the toxicosis is too severe, it is recommended to seek qualified medical help, otherwise there may be a threat of miscarriage. Normally, with a moderate manifestation of toxicosis, its symptoms disappear by the 14-16th week of pregnancy, when the woman's body gets used to the fetus inside.

When the belly starts to grow

After realizing the fact of the onset of pregnancy, any woman begins to be interested in the changes that will occur with her body. First of all, the expectant mother begins to be interested in what sensations during pregnancy and when the belly begins to grow.

Normally, a noticeable growth of the tummy begins at the 14-15th week of pregnancy. However, many women notice signs and sensations of pregnancy as early as 5-10 weeks. They also include the beginning of the growth of the tummy. Experts note that at such a short period of pregnancy, the abdomen can begin to increase not only from the rapid growth of the fetus in the uterus, but also due to the accumulation of gas in the intestines, which is inevitable for a woman.

At the same time, a rounded belly becomes noticeable to others at the 20th week. At about the same time, a woman needs to update wardrobe, in order to place the growing tummy there.

The growth rate is very important, since the doctor can use it to determine possible pathologies - polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, fetal growth retardation and others.

HCG analysis

One of the early signs of pregnancy in the first week is an increase in the level of hCG in the body - a hormone that is secreted by the placenta during gestation. An analysis for hCG can be taken already 10 days after conception, it is at this time that it will show the presence of pregnancy.

In addition, the delivery of an analysis for hCG makes it possible to track the intrauterine development of the child until the time when the time allows for an ultrasound scan. This test is not expensive and can be done in any hospital or laboratory. In order to obtain the most reliable results, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. On the day before the test, it is necessary to do without significant physical work or sports.
  2. Blood for analysis must be taken on an empty stomach, that is, at least 4 hours after the last meal.
  3. When taking hormonal medications, you should discuss the test with your health care provider and inform them, as some medications can affect the test results.

A small amount of the hormone secreted by the placenta is in the urine, according to this principle, pharmacy pregnancy tests work.

Definition of pregnancy using ultrasound

Noticing the first signs pregnancy, after a week of delay, you can contact an ultrasound specialist to diagnose pregnancy. In this case, it should be remembered that the embryo is about 4 mm in size, so it is rather difficult to consider it. For this, the doctor must have extensive experience, and the medical device must be in perfect condition.

A gynecologist, when examined with an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, notes the following changes in a woman's organs:

  1. The uterus is an elastic organ, which softens and becomes more pliable with the onset of pregnancy, in addition, after a while, its growth is noticeable.
  2. The vagina also changes. It becomes a different shade, its density also changes.

The method of ultrasound diagnostics is the most informative for determining pregnancy, since it not only confirms or refutes its fact, but also gives a detailed picture of the state of the internal genital organs or the development of the fetus.

Use of iodine

Many women wonder how to determine pregnancy before a delay without a test. This can be done with ordinary iodine, which is found in any home medicine cabinet. There are two ways to help determine if you are pregnant:

  1. It is necessary to moisten a paper towel in the morning urine, and then drop a little iodine on it. If the stain becomes purple, then we can confidently talk about the onset of pregnancy.
  2. The first morning urine must be collected in a container. After that, a little iodine must be dropped into the liquid. If the drop dissolves quickly in the urine, then the test result is most likely negative. In the presence of pregnancy, the drop will linger on the surface of the urine for some time.

Despite the fact that this method does not provide a 100% guarantee of an accurate determination of pregnancy, many women continue to use it successfully.

Soda test

The signs and sensations of a first pregnancy can be confusing for a woman who has never experienced similar symptoms. Having discovered unusual manifestations of an "interesting state", a woman will undoubtedly want to confirm her suspicions. You can do this with regular baking soda.

To do this, it is necessary to collect a portion of the first morning urine in a clean container. Then you need to drop a teaspoon of soda there. If a reaction occurs and the liquid begins to fizzle and foam, then the woman is not pregnant. If the soda falls to the bottom of the container, then we are talking about a successful conception.

This method, like the method using iodine, cannot be called 100% accurate, however, women who have tested it, in most cases, confirm its effectiveness.

Grandma's methods

How was pregnancy previously defined without tests? There are many alternative methods, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries of use before the advent of pharmacy pregnancy tests. The most common methods for determining pregnancy at home are:

  1. It is necessary to take clean dishes and dissolve a little potassium permanganate in water so that the water turns pink. After that, you need to add a little of the first urine to the water. If she dissolves in water, there is no pregnancy, but if a precipitate in the form of flakes has fallen, then, most likely, the woman is preparing to become a mother.
  2. The first morning urine must be mixed with red wine in a 1: 1 ratio. If the color has not changed, then conception has not occurred, if the liquid has become cloudy and a precipitate has appeared, then pregnancy takes place. When using this method, it should be remembered that the wine must be completely natural, otherwise the accuracy of the method is minimized, it is advisable to use homemade grape wine.
  3. The first morning urine is placed in an iron container and boiled. If a woman is pregnant, then a precipitate in the form of flakes will fall out. However, this method should be treated with caution. For example, if a woman has kidney disease, large amounts of protein in the urine may clot and be mistaken for sediment.
  4. It used to be said that during pregnancy, a woman may dream of fresh fish. This method has no scientific justification, however, many young mothers note that in the early stages of pregnancy, fresh fish can really dream.
  5. It is necessary to touch your stomach with your fingers 7-8 cm below the navel. At the same time, you can hear a barely noticeable pulsation, this will indicate pregnancy.
  6. Dandelion leaves should be poured with a fresh portion of morning urine. If they soon lost their color and became covered with bubbles, then we are talking about a successful conception.
  7. A small amount of urine must be mixed with toothpaste. If the test result is positive, then mixing should result in a blue liquid. You can also use chlorine bleach instead of toothpaste, the result will be the same.
  8. Fortune telling on onions. To do this, you need to plant two onions in cups and guess which one means pregnancy and which does not. Which of them will germinate faster to a size of 4 cm, that result is positive.

It is worth remembering that traditional methods of determining pregnancy do not give 100% of the result, therefore, in order to obtain reliable information, it is recommended to use pharmacy pregnancy tests or use the services of medical institutions.


Undoubtedly, pregnancy is an unusual condition for any woman. That is why the expectant mother is interested in what are the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages, in order to determine the "point of interest" as quickly as possible. There are many manifestations and symptoms, but this does not mean at all that a woman will feel them all on herself. It often happens that the expectant mother notices changes in her body on an intuitive level or does not even know about conception until the time of delay in menstruation.

In any case, from the moment pregnancy is determined, a woman should contact an antenatal clinic for registration. This is necessary so that doctors have the opportunity to monitor the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

How long does it take to show signs of pregnancy? And how to determine if fertilization has occurred? The answers to these questions are especially interesting for women who have made a decision or really dream of having a child.

How long does it take for the first signs of pregnancy to appear?

Usually, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear 10 days after conception, since already 7 days after fertilization, serious hormonal changes occur in the female body, and you can feel them on your own. Therefore, knowing the exact date of ovulation and paying special attention to her well-being, a woman may well be able to notice signs of the onset of pregnancy. It can be excessive emotionality - tearfulness, moodiness, increased irritability, etc.

Regardless of the gestational age, in each specific case, expectant mothers have individual sensations, but there are also general feelings that most women experience. Not the least role here is played by the characteristics of the organism, the state of health and even the desire to become pregnant (in fact, as well as the absence of such). And therefore, it is difficult to unequivocally answer at what time the signs of pregnancy will appear exactly.

10 signs of early pregnancy

As mentioned above, the body of the expectant mother begins to respond to pregnancy as soon as conception occurs, or rather, as soon as the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus. And therefore, certain signs may appear already in the early stages - they most likely allow us to assert about the onset of pregnancy. However, it is worth noting that many women do not feel any changes at all, but those who really want to get pregnant are able to find signs of pregnancy in themselves, even if there really is none.

So, here are 10 signs of early pregnancy that will help determine that you will soon become a mother even before the delay. At the same time, it is important to understand that the appearance of one or two of them is not yet a reason to run to the doctor. You need to assess your condition in aggregate, according to several criteria.

1. Bloody discharge. About 6-12 days after ovulation, bloody, pinkish or brown vaginal discharge may appear, accompanied by minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen. They feel very much like the beginning of menstruation, but, nevertheless, the woman comes to the idea that menstruation does not start as usual. This so-called implantation bleeding, caused by the attachment of the ovum to the wall of the uterus, is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy;

2. Increase in basal temperature. Among the 10 signs of pregnancy, this one is one of the most reliable. Women keeping a temperature chart are well aware that basal temperature rises at the time of ovulation. And if fertilization has not occurred, it decreases again. However, when pregnancy occurs, it remains at 37 ° C (sometimes slightly higher);

3. A feeling of general malaise, accompanied by an increase in temperature. This change entails a change in hormonal levels. Not knowing about the onset of pregnancy, a woman thinks that she just caught a cold or got sick;

4. Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. During pregnancy, increased blood flow to the pelvic organs, so women can "feel" their uterus literally from the first days of implantation of the ovum;

5. Increased breast tenderness or swelling of the mammary glands. This sign of pregnancy appears one to two weeks after conception. The chest becomes so sensitive that sometimes it is simply impossible to touch it. However, some women, on the contrary, are surprised that for some reason the chest does not hurt before menstruation, as usual;

6. Nausea, vomiting, aversion to odors. Early toxicosis is one of the first signs of the onset of pregnancy. This condition can also be accompanied by a decrease in appetite, salivation, a change in taste preferences;

7. Frequent urination. Frequent urge is due to hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. As the flow of blood to the pelvic organs increases, the overflow of blood vessels causes temporary changes in the functioning of the kidneys, bladder and ureters;

8. Slight drop in pressure. This sign of pregnancy is considered universal. In women whose blood pressure did not exceed the norm before pregnancy, it can lead to headaches, dizziness, weakness, fainting;

9. Bloating, bowel upset, gas. During pregnancy, as a result of hormonal changes, the blood supply to the vessels of the abdominal cavity increases, intestinal motility slows down, and the rate of movement of its contents decreases. As a result of this, bloating occurs, constipation appears;

10. Profuse vaginal discharge, thrush. An increase in vaginal secretion is a protective reaction of the body that occurs during pregnancy. So it prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes, but at the same time creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of yeast fungi, which leads to thrush.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay

By far the first clear sign of pregnancy is when menstruation stops. It is this fact that prompts a woman to buy a pregnancy test. However, monthly bleeding may be absent for various reasons, including due to irregularities in the menstrual cycle, stress, climate change, any disease, and even banal overwork. Therefore, delay is not always an early pregnancy symptom. But if it is accompanied by some other signs, you can almost 100% assert about the onset of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay include:

  • Breast augmentation. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by colostrum discharge from the nipples. This is explained, again, by hormonal changes in the female body, which begins to actively prepare for the upcoming childbirth and lactation;
  • The presence of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine and blood. All pregnancy tests are based on determining the level of this particular hormone in the urine, and a clinical blood test can confirm it. More reliable, of course, is a blood test. It can be done as early as 10 days after the estimated date of conception. By the way, it is not necessary to wait for a delay in menstruation;
  • Enlargement of the uterus. True, only a gynecologist can determine this during an examination conducted no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the onset of the delay. However, it is this symptom that is the reason for the diagnosis of "pregnancy in question" and the appointment of an ultrasound examination;
  • Detection of the ovum by ultrasound. Even in the absence of any signs of the onset of pregnancy, this method allows you to make sure that the woman is in position. Only now to do an ultrasound scan, in order to get more accurate results, is recommended at least 6 weeks after a delay in menstruation.

In any case, your assumptions should be confirmed either by a test or by the results of an examination by a gynecologist. Then we can safely say that soon you will become a mother! Smile and tune in to positive emotions!

The first days of pregnancy were different for each woman. But, interestingly, each remembers in detail how the early stage of her interesting position proceeded.

When Mom Doesn't Know Yet ...

When we talk about the very first weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, we are talking about the time when the expectant mother does not even suspect that a new life has arisen inside her. During this period, the body begins to give the very first signs, as hormonal changes begin. Although it also happens that the sensations that many experience, some do not manifest at all.

For example, a pregnant woman's temperature may suddenly rise sharply - after a couple of hours, it also unexpectedly normalizes for a woman. Or at some point, her lower back starts to ache or her stomach hurts - these are the first sensations that they cannot yet convey to the pregnant woman important news for her.

It is believed that in the first days of pregnancy, the body itself partly understands that a fetal egg is developing in the uterus, but this information has not yet reached the brain. Therefore, he is lost in conjectures, not knowing how to react to the changes that are taking place. At the same time, the majority of women admit that in the early stages of pregnancy, the thought suddenly occurs to almost everyone: “Am I pregnant?”, Although there seemed to be no reason for this. If you realized that you are expecting a baby, closer to 12 weeks, then you already had to experience a variety of sensations.

Avoid Overwork

So, how does pregnancy manifest itself at different times and what are the feelings of a woman? First of all, there is a familiar feeling of overwork. A pregnant woman (if she is not yet aware of what happened) thinks that she is getting sick, because her body aches as before the onset of a cold, she constantly wants to sleep. But no matter how much time a woman spends in a dream, she begins to "nod off" within a few hours after waking up, and not having time to do important things or work.

It turns out that by sending such sensations to a woman, a smart body accumulates strength for the upcoming changes and enables a woman to recover if she was exhausted mentally or physically. Almost every pregnant woman says that at such moments it was simply not possible to fight sleep - as if someone pressed an invisible button so that it would instantly turn off.

Doctors explain: this happens during pregnancy because the body turns on the energy-saving mode, when overloads are unacceptable. So every time a woman tries to do something tedious or "overwork", the body immediately stops her, as if teaching the fair sex to set priorities right now.

Don't eat clay

How else does the early stage of an interesting situation manifest itself? Of course, a pregnant woman in most cases does not want to eat, or, on the contrary, she is constantly overcome by hunger. It all depends on the state of the body, lifestyle and physique.

It is believed that thin girls at this time begin to lean on buns, because they are drawn to them. Thus, the body is in a hurry to stock up on the fat it needs, which will also serve as protection for mom and baby. Women in the "body" can become selective in their diet, and after childbirth they often become much slimmer than they were.

In general, the relationship with food in pregnant women becomes difficult immediately - this is how pregnancy manifests itself in almost everyone. Someone, suffering from toxicosis, already in the early stages cannot see raw meat or nuts and eats only canned corn. There are also those who pretend to love pickles. Of course, there are lucky women who do not know what morning sickness is, and can eat absolutely any food without problems, but there are very few of them.

After the 12th week, the situation returns to normal, but keep in mind that the very course of pregnancy suggests odd eating behavior throughout the entire 9 months. For example, vomiting, which appeared in a woman from the moment of conception, can pursue her until the birth of a baby.

Such a manifestation of an interesting situation can and should be fought. To get rid of the unpleasant sensation that occurs in the morning, you need to eat a small piece of cookies, even before you get out of bed. Also, avoid stuffy and smoky rooms - otherwise, you are guaranteed to faint.

This stage of pregnancy is also characterized by the fact that you may be drawn to inedible "products" (chalk, earth, clay). It is believed that in such a non-standard way, the body tells you what elements are missing in your diet. Also, by the way, it comes when it sends you a signal to eat a food product that you are not used to.

Consult a doctor - perhaps, after a series of tests, he will prescribe you a course of vitamins. Try not to eat what you really want - after all, these "products" can lead to poisoning or ingestion of infection, which is dangerous in your condition.

Body and Mood: Change Is Coming

The course of pregnancy, of course, at an early stage has a number of features. In addition to all of the above, a woman may also feel a desire to empty her bladder more often. This is due to the fact that the uterus grows from the very first day of pregnancy - so it can put a little pressure on its "neighbor" who is responsible for urination during this period.

Due to extensive hormonal changes, emotions will replace one another at incredible rates. Therefore, do not be surprised that you will be annoyed even by the little things or suddenly want to cry. Try not to shout at loved ones, as much as you would like it - remember that pregnancy manifests itself in this way, and in a couple of minutes you will be ashamed of your act. Over time, these emotional outbursts will be smoothed out, but be prepared for the fact that you will cry with emotion at the sight of babies (even in advertising) for all 9 months.

The early stage of an interesting position can also manifest itself at the physiological level. First of all, a woman's periods stop. At the very beginning of pregnancy, unpleasant sensations appear in the area of ​​the mammary glands, because they are the first to prepare for childbirth. The breasts may swell and hurt, and the nipples may become sensitive to even the slightest touch. Sometimes even wearing a bra can cause discomfort.


The initial period of pregnancy always causes excitement in a woman preparing to become a mother. Many of them do not know or doubt a successful conception. Nevertheless, there are early signs of pregnancy, which make it very likely that conception will occur. This is signaled not only by the test results, but also by other symptoms manifested by the body and characteristic of most expectant mothers.

When the first signs of pregnancy appear

The manifestation of the first symptoms of the onset of pregnancy in each woman manifests itself in different ways, in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body. In some cases, an altered state is felt almost immediately after conception, and sometimes a woman is aware of herself as pregnant only at the first movement of the fetus.

The onset of ovulation occurs approximately two weeks before the onset of the next menstruation, depending on the length of the cycle. Direct fertilization occurs within 24 hours, after which the egg is sent to the uterus. During the advancement in the fallopian tube, it has nothing to do with the mother's body, does not have any effect on it, therefore, during this period, there are no symptoms of pregnancy.

After about seven days, the future embryo enters the uterus. From its outer layer, special substances are released that melt the endometrium and contribute to the consolidation of the embryo. During this process, slight bleeding and pink discharge may occur throughout the day. Many women confuse them with periods that started and stopped quickly.

After implantation, the organisms of the embryo and the mother begin to contact each other. From this time on, pregnancy begins to manifest itself little by little. Its signs are still very weak and are detected only with the manifestation of increased attention to their own body. Often, assumptions become erroneous due to the similarity of many symptoms with premenstrual syndrome.

At the beginning of implantation, chorionic gonadotropin enters the mother's blood. Under the stimulating influence of this hormone, the corpus luteum is formed, develops and actively functions, producing progesterone, which contributes to the preservation of pregnancy. It is at this time that hormonal changes begin, under the influence of which the first signs of pregnancy are observed. The breast coarsens, becomes painful, increases in size, the nipples darken. The final diagnosis of pregnancy is made a few days after the delay in menstruation.

Early pregnancy signs

The manifestation of the main symptoms of pregnancy in most women is observed at a very early stage, and only a few find out about conception much later. If you carefully listen to your body, then you may feel the slight changes that are caused by a new nascent life.

Some primary signs are manifested in the form of implantation bleeding. It becomes noticeable 1-2 weeks after conception, when the embryo is fixed on the uterine wall. The color of the discharge can vary from light yellow to brown. The presence or absence of bleeding is associated with the individual characteristics of the female body. Sometimes such discharge indicates possible erosion of the cervix, which increases with the onset of pregnancy.

At an early stage, there is a slight malaise. There is a decrease in immunity, as a result, the woman quickly gets tired, her temperature rises slightly, dizziness or headache occurs. In some cases, pregnancy symptoms resemble the common cold, accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat. In such a situation, you should not abuse traditional medicines. If necessary, it is recommended to use folk remedies - honey, decoctions, herbal teas.

Certain physical changes are also worth noting. After about 1-2 weeks, the breasts become more sensitive, the breasts enlarge and swell, and the areas around the nipples become darker. These sensations can be complemented by a slight tingling sensation in the uterus and a heaviness in the pelvic region. In the early stages of pregnancy, the basal temperature changes. This is due to the release of estrogen, under the influence of which the temperature decreases by one day. In the future, there is a rise in temperature to 370. This level is maintained until the placenta begins to function.

The first sign of pregnancy is irritability.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman becomes overly irritable. The body undergoes internal restructuring, which leaves its mark on the mental state. This leads to frequent mood swings, control over behavior is lost. The irritation turns out to be directed against the surrounding people, who, in the opinion of the pregnant woman, are absolutely all behaving incorrectly. It is this state of a woman that is one of the proofs of a successful conception.

Substantial physiological changes lead to the release of a large amount of the hormone progesterone, which controls the emotional state. Roughly the same situation occurs during menstruation, when the concentration of progesterone increases. In the future, a pregnant woman secretes a huge amount of estrogen, which neutralizes the effect of progesterone.

The first signs of pregnancy before delay

In fact, pregnancy occurs a week before direct conception. It is on the first day of the last menstruation that an egg is formed, which is the future embryo. At this time, the body selects the best of hundreds of thousands of newly formed eggs. At this stage, it is too early to talk about any signs of pregnancy.

The real primary symptoms are recognized or felt only 2-3 weeks after the onset of the last menstruation. Practically, this is the middle of the first month of pregnancy. At this time, discharge appears, slightly similar to those observed at the beginning of menstruation. They are secreted in small quantities, have a predominantly yellowish-brown color and are called implantation bleeding. This phenomenon is the very first sign of pregnancy, which appears 6-12 days from the moment of conception. Its presence is optional and can be completely invisible. However, if bleeding recurs after a delay, you should immediately visit a gynecologist, since there is a high probability of miscarriage.


Most expectant mothers are more or less susceptible to toxicosis, manifested in the form of nausea. This phenomenon is most troubling in the morning hours. Most often, the onset of toxicosis manifests itself in the initial period, but it can occur at a later date. At this time, the body quickly adapts to the changed conditions, and toxicosis acts as the main side effect. The complete absence of toxicosis is extremely rare and is considered a happy exception to the rule.

The primary symptoms of toxicosis are observed approximately 5-6 weeks after conception. In most cases, nausea stops at 11-13 weeks for a normal pregnancy and at 14-16 weeks for multiple pregnancies. If pregnant women have gastroenterological diseases, these unpleasant phenomena can last much longer. According to doctors, too early onset of toxicosis increases the risk of its severe course. In some cases, medical treatment and hospitalization are required.

Toxicosis is considered late if it appeared in the 2nd and 3rd trimester and continues until the very birth. In some cases, the symptoms become less severe around 35 weeks after the abdominal sinking occurs. During pregnancy, proper and adequate nutrition is of great importance, since nausea is most often manifested with an empty stomach.

Breast change

In early pregnancy, certain minor changes also occur to the breast. She becomes coarser, her sensitivity increases. Any changes largely depend on the genetic characteristics of each woman, so it's not worth talking about the exact timing.

However, in the first days after conception, you may notice a slight increase in the size and hardening of the breasts. It rises slightly and becomes beautiful, however, painful sensations are added to these positive manifestations, especially during squeezing. Therefore, choosing the right underwear is important.

By the 8th week of pregnancy, the changes become more noticeable. The breasts become approximately one size larger, the skin on the nipples darkens and becomes brown. Cyanotic dilated veins appear on its surface, disappearing after childbirth.

Starting from the 1st week, the breast requires special care. Due to the rapid growth of the mammary glands, the skin is stretched. You need to deal with this with the help of special means applied twice a day. They are applied to clean skin with a gentle massage.

Delay of menstruation

The most obvious primary sign of pregnancy is delayed menstruation. However, this factor should not be considered decisive and rely only on it. All changes affecting the menstrual cycle can be associated not only with pregnancy, but also with various types of diseases.

A delay in menstruation by itself is not an absolute sign of pregnancy. Nevertheless, if a woman does not suffer from severe hormonal disorders, exhaustion, is not subject to mental trauma, then a delay in menstruation gives almost one hundred percent guarantee of successful conception.

In the absence of menstruation in a woman in due time, it becomes necessary to measure the internal temperature of the body. For this purpose, a thermometer is inserted into the rectum, for about 5-7 minutes, to a depth of 2 centimeters. If for several days the temperature values ​​exceed 37 degrees, we can talk about the onset of pregnancy. The data obtained can be confirmed using a special test.

Other signs of pregnancy

Altered dietary habits and cravings for salty foods are also indicative of pregnancy. During this period, almost every woman thinks food is bland or unsalted. Therefore, pickles, tomatoes and other vegetables act as a kind of guarantor of satisfaction of the changed taste preferences.

In addition to the standard signs of pregnancy, there are others that are quite rare. One of them is the activation of the vaginal microflora, which causes abundant white discharge in the form of flakes. In other cases, persistent intolerance to certain foods or odors occurs. In addition, taste buds may change. It is not uncommon for a metallic taste to appear in the mouth. Some women suffer from sleep disorders, experience increased fatigue, and are prone to excessive sleepiness.

These symptoms are not considered to be a guaranteed confirmation of pregnancy. More accurate results are obtained with a strip test. If the answer is yes, you need to register with a gynecologist and carry out all the necessary tests.

Early pregnancy diagnosis

Early diagnosis of pregnancy is an essential activity for every woman. The final diagnosis is made by a gynecologist, so until that time a woman should still behave carefully and carefully.

Diagnostics is based on a comprehensive collection of information. Indirect signs have already been considered. Among them, the most characteristic are nausea and dizziness, changes in the mammary glands, increased sensitivity to familiar odors, fatigue, emotional instability and other manifestations.

More accurate information about the beginning of pregnancy can be obtained by conducting a special test. It is enough to dip the test strip into urine and after a short time you will see the result, which appears as two strips. One of them is considered a control one, confirming the performance of the test, and the other appears only if there is chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. This hormone is only produced in pregnant women. The vast majority of tests give correct results. In very rare cases, negative results appear too early or with a disturbed course of pregnancy and with a low level of the determining hormone.

More precisely, the first signs of pregnancy are diagnosed using a beta-hCG blood test. In this case, it is possible to determine the presence of chorionic gonadotropin even with its insignificant concentration.

What symptoms are more common at each stage of pregnancy? How does the fetus develop?

It is normal for these questions to arise during pregnancy. A woman should know in advance what symptoms will appear at different stages. Pregnancy can differ from woman to woman. Even for the same mother from one pregnancy to the next.

A typical pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks from the first day of a woman's last menstrual cycle, which is about two weeks before conception.

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each of these periods lasts 12 to 13 weeks.

Stages of development of the embryo during 38 weeks

During each trimester, changes occur in the body of the pregnant woman as well as in the developing fetus, and a summary of these stages will be described below.

Concept and implantation

About two weeks after the woman has spent her period, she ovulates and her ovaries release one mature egg. An egg can be fertilized within 12-24 hours of its release as it travels up the fallopian tube towards the uterus.

If an egg meets a sperm cell that has made its way into the fallopian tube, it merges into one cell, a process known as fertilization or conception.

At fertilization, the sex of the fetus is already determined, depending on whether the egg receives the X or Y chromosome from the sperm. If the egg receives an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl; The Y chromosome means the baby will be a boy.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, it takes about three to four days for a fertilized egg (or embryo) to move to the lining of the uterus, where it attaches or implants to the wall of the uterus. After the embryo is implanted, the cells begin to grow. It eventually becomes the fetus and the placenta, which is tissue. This tissue can transport oxygen, nutrients and hormones from the mother's blood to the developing fetus throughout pregnancy.

First trimester (weeks 1-12)

A woman will have many symptoms during the first trimester as she adjusts to the hormonal changes in her pregnancy. In the first weeks, the pregnancy may not appear on the outside of her body, but many changes take place on the inside.

For example, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that will be present in a woman's bloodstream from the moment of conception. HCG levels can be detected in women's urine about a week after a missed cycle. This is why a woman will have a positive result on a home pregnancy test.

Other hormonal changes can contribute to pregnancy symptoms: An increase in estrogen and hCG levels can cause nausea and vomiting, known as morning sickness, which a woman usually experiences during the first months of pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day.

The woman will also feel more tired than usual. This is due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone, which increases sleepiness. She may also need to urinate more often as her uterus grows and presses on her bladder.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's breasts will feel more tender and swollen, which is another side effect of increased pregnancy hormone levels. Her areola, the skin around each nipple, will darken and enlarge.

A pregnant woman's digestive system may slow down to increase the absorption of beneficial nutrients. But decreased mobility of the digestive system can also cause common complaints such as heartburn, constipation, bloating, and gas.

As more blood circulates to the woman's face, it will give her skin a more rosy color, described as the "pregnancy glow."

In addition to physical changes in a woman's body, she can also experience emotional highs and lows in the early months of pregnancy and throughout. These emotions can range from decay, mood swings, and forgetfulness to fear, anxiety, and excitement.

First trimester embryo / fetal development

A developing baby is called an embryo from the moment of conception, which occurs until the eighth week of pregnancy.

During the first month of pregnancy, the heart and lungs, arms, legs, brain, spinal cord, and nerves begin to develop, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

The embryo will be the size of a pea for about a month. In the second month of pregnancy, the embryo will grow to the size of a bean. In addition, ankles, wrists, fingers and eyelids appear, bones appear, genitals and inner ear appear.

After the eighth week of pregnancy and before the baby is born, the developing baby is called a fetus.

By the end of the second month, eight to ten of the main organs of the fetus have formed. During this stage of pregnancy, it is extremely important that pregnant women do not take harmful medications such as illegal drugs. The first trimester is also the period when most miscarriages and birth defects occur.

During the third month of pregnancy, bones and muscles begin to grow, buds appear for future teeth, and fingers and toes grow. The intestines begin to form and the skin is almost translucent.

Second trimester (weeks 13-27)

By the second trimester, some of the unpleasant effects of early pregnancy may diminish or disappear as a woman's body adjusts to her changing hormone levels. Sleep may become easier and energy levels may increase.

Nausea and vomiting usually get better and go away. But other symptoms may occur as the fetus continues to grow and develop.

A more visible baby appears when the uterus grows behind a woman's pelvis, and the skin on her expanding belly may look like stretch marks.

As the fetus gets larger and the woman gains more weight, she may also experience lower back pain.

Between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, the mother may feel the first fluttering movements of the fetus. If a woman has had a baby before, she is more likely to feel the fetus kicking, wriggling, or turning even earlier because she knows what to expect.

Week 20 usually marks half of a woman's pregnancy.

Second trimester embryo / fetal development

In the second trimester, the fetus grows faster and will be 3 to 5 inches long. Between 18 and 22 weeks, an ultrasound scan can reveal the sex of the baby if parents want to know this information in advance.

By the fourth month of pregnancy, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and neck are formed, and the skin has a wrinkled appearance. In addition, during the fourth month, the arms and legs may bend. The kidneys begin to work and can produce urine and the fetus can hear.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetus is more active and the woman can feel her movements. The fetus also sleeps and wakes up in regular cycles. Fine hair (called lanugo) and a waxy coating (called vernix) cover and protect the delicate skin of the fetus.

By the sixth month of pregnancy, hair begins to grow, the eyes begin to open, and the brain develops rapidly. Although the lungs are fully formed, they are not yet functioning.

Pregnancy stages over a period of nine months.

Third trimester (weeks 28-40)

In the third trimester, when a woman's enlarged uterus pushes her diaphragm. The main muscle involved in breathing may become short of breath because the lungs have less room to expand. Her ankles, arms, legs, and face can swell as she retains more fluid and blood circulation slows down.

The mother will need to urinate more often because there will be more pressure on her bladder. She may also have more back pain and pain in the hips and pelvis as these joints relax in preparation for childbirth.

Dark spots may develop on her face and stretch marks may appear on her abdomen, thighs, chest, and back. She may also notice varicose veins in her legs.

During the third trimester, female breasts may experience some leakage of colostrum, a yellow fluid, as they prepare to breastfeed. The baby will sink lower into the belly.

During the last weeks of pregnancy, it becomes more difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, so women can be very tired.

As labor approaches, some women enjoy the experience of being pregnant, while others may feel like they can't wait for it to end.

Embryo / fetal development in the third trimester

By the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus is hitting and stretching, and may even respond to light and sound and music. The eyes can open and close.

During the eighth month of pregnancy, the fetus gains weight very quickly. The bones harden, but the skull remains soft and flexible to facilitate labor. According to ACOG, different areas of the brain are forming and the fetus is capable of hiccups.

The lungs are now fully matured to prepare to function on their own. The fetus continues to gain weight rapidly.

The new definition of prolonged pregnancy is when a baby is born after 39-40 weeks.