Lesson plan (middle group) on the topic: Synopsis of the regime moment "Washing". Middle group. Organization of regime moments in a preschool education institution

Organization of washing is one of the important elements in the kindergarten regime. Promotes the instilling of sustainable hygiene skills, the development of independence, the education of mutual assistance. It is carried out in a differentiated manner, however, children must learn the rules common to all:

  • wash your hands thoroughly before eating, and if necessary, wash your face.

  • enter the washroom gradually, in small groups;

  • do not linger at the sink;

  • wash your hands, roll up your sleeves, do not pour on the floor;

  • wipe your hands dry with a disposable napkin and put it in a special container.
Those who eat more slowly wash their face first; they sit down at the table and start eating without waiting for the others.
^ Organization of dressing.

For children of primary preschool age, educators and junior educators teach the procedure for dressing and undressing. Children are taught to undress while sitting on benches, in a certain sequence, without unnecessary fuss, haste and pranks. In a certain order, carefully fold the removed clothes, put on clothes and shoes correctly. The teacher himself exercises the younger ones in the skills of correct and consistent dressing, carrying out purposeful work in this regard. Adults help kids to tie hats and laces, button up. In the older preschool age, children dress themselves, adults only remind the order of dressing. They help children to fasten a zipper, tie a hat, a scarf, see if everyone is wearing it for a walk. When getting ready for a walk, it is advisable to dress children gradually and bring them out in subgroups.

^ List of cultural, hygienic and labor skills in preschool children




Personal hygiene

Self service

^ Food Cultures

Labor activity

Early age

With the help of an adult, he washes his hands before eating, and after being soiled, wipes them dry. Washes his face, uses an individual napkin, handkerchief. He wipes his feet at the entrance.

He takes off and puts on clothes in a certain order, unfastens and fastens the buttons in the front, unlaces his shoes, and folds the clothes. Notices untidiness in clothes, with the help of adults, he puts himself in order.

Eats independently and neatly, holds a spoon in his right hand, chews food thoroughly, uses a napkin reminding adults, thanks after eating.

Carries out the simplest assignments of adults, helps to bring toys to the playground, bring and remove material for classes. Lays out pencils, boards, removes toys.

Second junior group

When washing hands and washing, rolls up his sleeves, does not spray water, does not wet clothes, uses soap. He knows how to dry himself dry with an individual napkin, hangs it up in a certain place. Cleans teeth, uses a handkerchief in a timely manner.

He dresses and undresses on his own in a certain sequence with a little help, neatly folds and hangs clothes, and turns on the front side. He tries to fix problems in clothes himself, if necessary, he turns to adults.

Chews food well with a closed mouth, uses a fork, wipes his lips and fingers with a napkin without reminder. Leaving the table, he thanks, quietly pushes the chair.

Maintains order in the group room and on the site, removes toys, books, building material. Handles objects with care. She sets the table with the adults, lays out spoons, napkins, arranges bread bins. Takes care of plants. Collects leaves on the site, helps adults

Middle group

He washes his face thoroughly, washes his hands correctly before eating as it gets dirty, after using the toilet, knows how to use a comb, handkerchief, covers his mouth with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing,

turns away.

Greater independence in self-service (undressing, dressing, buttoning, lace up shoes). Protects clothes, shoes. Noticing problems in clothes, he fixes them on his own, with the help of an adult he puts the clothes in order.

Independence increases, knows how to properly use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife), a napkin, takes a little food, eats silently, rinses his mouth with water after eating.

Takes care of flowers. Maintains order in the group and on the site, takes part in their cleaning. Helps the teacher with the repair of books. She is on duty in the dining room. On duty on GCD

Senior group

Keeps the body clean, knows how to wash feet, rinses his mouth after eating without being reminded. Asks to change the handkerchief in a timely manner, tidies up the hair.

Improves skills previously acquired. She quickly dresses and undresses, puts clothes in the closet correctly and neatly, puts shoes on. Tactfully tells a friend about a problem in his suit, shoes, helps to eliminate them.

Sits down at the table neatly with clean hands, combed. Eats neatly, skillfully using cutlery. Maintains the correct posture at the table, does not interfere with comrades, and provides assistance if necessary.

Keeps the group clean and tidy. Independently and conscientiously fulfills the duties of a duty officer, completely sets the table. Regularly performs some duties at home: cleans the bed, toys, books, watering the plants, helping to set the table. He does everything he can himself, without requiring the help of his elders.

School preparatory group

The habit of independent, quick and thorough implementation of the skills acquired earlier has been developed.

Quickly dresses, undresses, monitors the cleanliness of clothes and shoes, can sew on a button, wash socks and a scarf. Should always be neat, tidy, have an attractive appearance.

Consolidation and improvement of skills acquired earlier. He sits right at the table, does not put his elbows on the table, takes bread from the common dish with his hands and eats, breaking off pieces.

Consolidation and improvement of skills acquired earlier. On the site: helps the teacher dig up the beds and flower beds, plant seedlings, seeds, water, spud. Take care of order in the group and at home.

^ Organization of daytime sleep.

Sleep provides full functional recovery of all body systems. Adequate sleep of children is one of the most important factors of their psychophysiological well-being and prevention of childhood neuroses.

Sleeping rooms are specially designated for the sleep of children. Sleeping rooms - in calm colors, have a beneficial effect on the mental state of the child. Bedrooms are equipped with stationary beds. Semi-darkness, muted sound stimuli, empty bowels and bladder, a comfortable and clean bed, affectionate treatment of the child - these conditions are necessary for a calm and normal sleep of the child. The bedroom is ventilated before going to bed, with a decrease in the air temperature in the room by 3-5 degrees. Wet cleaning in sleeping rooms is carried out after a nap. The duration of daytime sleep is 2.0-2.5 hours for preschool children, for children from 2 to 3 years old, daytime sleep is organized once for a duration of at least 3 hours. 30 minutes before bedtime, active and emotional games are excluded. Perhaps reading fiction that is well known and loved by children, which does not require conversation and questioning or calm classical music. Children with difficult falling asleep and sensitive sleep are laid down first and crushed last. During the sleep of children, the presence of a caregiver or junior caregiver is mandatory. The rise of children after sleep is done gradually, as the children wake up. Lazy gymnastics is performed in bed. In order to prevent postural disorders for children, sleep without pillows is provided on the recommendation of a doctor, in agreement with their parents (legal representatives).
^ Carrying out hardening procedures

Target: helps to improve health, reduce the incidence of children.

When organizing hardening, the following must be observed requirements:

  • take into account the age and individual characteristics of the state of health, the degree of fitness of the child's body;

  • create a positive emotional attitude;

  • to carry out hardening effects against the background of the thermal comfort of the child;

  • use in a complex natural factors and hardening procedures;

  • observe a gradual increase in the force of influence of various factors and the continuity of hardening measures. (In this case, the type and method of hardening change depending on the season and weather);

  • the effects of natural factors should be directed to different parts of the body:

  • differ and alternate both in strength and duration;

  • observe the technique of the selected type of hardening.
The time spent on hardening procedures is directly related to the age of the children and the hardening method. Hardening activities are carried out taking into account regional climatic and seasonal characteristics, as well as the existing conditions for hardening procedures.

^ Hardening activities

Hardening form

Hardening effect

^ Duration (minutes per day)

2-3 years

3-4 years

4-5 years old

5-6 years old

6-7 years old

Morning exercises

(in warm weather - outdoors)

5 minutes

5-6 minutes

6-8 minutes

8-10 minutes

10-12 minutes

Staying a child in lightweight clothing at a comfortable room temperature

Air bath


Outdoor, sports games, physical exercises and other types of physical activity (indoors)

Combination of air bath with physical exercise; barefoot climbing using a ribbed board, massage mats, rope.

up to 10 minutes

up to 15 minutes




Outdoor activities, sports games, exercise and other types of physical activity (outdoors)

up to 10 minutes

up to 15 minutes

up to 20 minutes

up to 25 minutes


Walk in the morning and afternoon

Combination of light and air bath with exercise

2 times a day for 2 hours

taking into account weather conditions

Gargling your throat (mouth) after dinner

Water hardening in daily life

3-7 minutes

3-7 minutes

3-7 minutes

3-5 minutes

3-5 minutes

Preparation and the procedure itself

Daytime sleep

Air bath, taking into account the season of the year, regional climatic characteristics and the individual characteristics of the child

In accordance with the current SanPiN

Exercise after naps (lazy gymnastics)

Combining an air bath with exercise

3 minutes

3 minutes

3 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

Hardening after a nap

Air bath and water treatments

5 minutes

7-10 minutes

Play massage

Play massage: face, hands, ears, feet.





Walk- a very essential part of the daily routine. A walk is one of the most effective means of hardening the body of preschoolers, aimed at improving health, realizing the natural need of children for movement. The work is carried out in the main areas of children's development (cognitive-speech, physical, artistic-aesthetic and social-personal).

General principles for organizing a walk:

  • the content of the walk should take into account regional, climatic and seasonal characteristics;

  • creation of conditions for optimal physical activity of children; formation of positive motivation for physical activity in children;

  • taking into account age-specific patterns of physical and mental development of children, age-related and individual characteristics of the state of health and development of children;

  • the use of preventive, health-improving and corrective technologies, taking into account the age and health status of children;

  • prevention of injuries.

The daily duration of a walk for children is at least 3-4 hours. The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the afternoon - before the children leave home. When the air temperature is below minus 15 ° C and the wind speed is more than 7m / s, the duration of the walk is reduced. During the walk with the children, games and physical exercises are carried out. It is advisable to carry out outdoor games at the end of the walk before the children return to the room. During the walk, the teacher must monitor the condition of the children, preventing them from hypothermia or overheating.

^ The walk consists of the following parts: observation, labor activity, independent play activity of children, individual work with children to develop physical qualities, outdoor games and sports games and exercises, independent physical activity, experimental activity.

Depending on the previous educational activities and weather conditions, the sequence of different types of activities of children on a walk also changes. So, if in cold weather an educational activity was organized with children, requiring great mental effort, perseverance, then during a walk it is necessary first to carry out outdoor games, jogging, and then proceed to observations. If, before the walk, musical or physical education was carried out directly, then they begin with observations, calm games. To prevent children from overheating and catching colds, going out for a walk is organized in subgroups, and the duration is adjusted individually, in accordance with age, health and weather conditions.

From the age of 3, targeted walks and excursions are conducted with children. Targeted walks and excursions are children leaving the site and the territory of the kindergarten. They must be pedagogically justified, and the movement of children must be safely organized. During targeted walks and excursions, children must be accompanied by at least two adults: one at the beginning of the column, the other at the end. Before leaving, it is necessary to have a conversation with the children about the rules of safe behavior on the street.
Target walking rules:

  • topics, place, time of targeted walks should be planned in advance,

  • the place and the road must be safe for the life and health of children and must be approved in advance,

  • responsibility for the excursion rests with the educator of this group,

  • going on a target walk is allowed only after the head of the briefing, issuing an order for the preschool educational institution and familiarizing the educator with it, an entry in the journal "Journal of target walks", as well as a route sheet, the duration of the target walk should be provided for by the preschool educational program, according to the age of the children.

Lyudmila Shershneva
Consultation for educators "Methodology for conducting regime moments"

Consultation for young educators on the topic:

« Technique for conducting regime moments» .

From morning to evening.

(regime moments in the garden)

Reception of children - the beginning of the working day educator... How saturated this period of time is with the most varied things! The teacher carries out at the same time complex multifaceted tasks: accepts children, organizes games, supervises the work of those on duty, meets with their parents pupils... Only the teacher's ability to understand the state, plans, possible worries of each child will allow him to carry out the reception in such a way as to create a cheerful mood in preschoolers, a desire to play and communicate with peers. Because, as children undress, talk with parents, comrades, the teacher finds out which of them is agitated or calm, cheerful or sullen, agitated or lethargic. Politeness, an affectionate word, attention and patience towards children should become the main thing in the behavior of adults. During the reception of children at the site carried out games and free activities with different material. With skillful leadership educator from an early age, children develop such valuable qualities as independence, mutual assistance, courtesy, and kindness.

Educator meeting children, encourages those who greet them without reminding adults, provides a service to a friend, independently starts work, and follows the rules of behavior in a team. The caregiver organizes situations, directing children to comply with these rules, helps them to show initiative in fulfilling assignments, work duties, teaches children to persistently bring the work started to the end, to save materials and objects of labor. Discusses with the children what toys, benefits, depending on the weather conditions, should be prepared for the walk. Conducts individual work, pays attention to the culture of behavior.

Reception of children is over. Further into mode days are gymnastics, breakfast, walks, lunch, naps, etc. Each of these elements is important for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, independence, organization, culture of behavior in a team of peers, hard work and much more. The teacher understands that when he conducts breakfast or gymnastics, prepares children for bed or helps them dress, it not only fulfills requirements regime(feed the children, put them to bed on time, conduct walk of the specified duration, but also carries out the tasks of a comprehensive education... This shows the complexity and continuity. educational process.

The washing process is one of the important elements in kindergarten mode... It promotes the instilling of sustainable hygiene skills, the development of independence, self-help education... The correct organization of washing is always associated with the fulfillment of the established rules and certain requirements by children. educator... Already in the younger group, it is necessary to ensure that these requirements are comprehended and were perceived each child as necessary, and their fulfillment became a necessity. One of the conditions for the best assimilation and consolidation of any skill in a child is to create a favorable environment for children to experience positive emotions. In the process of washing, basic self-service skills are developed, and the child's speech also develops. Practical skills acquired in the process of washing are consolidated in the classroom in nursery rhymes, when examining special posters, while reading fiction, conversations, didactic games, stories by the children themselves. At the same time, children develop thinking, learn a coherent story, and enrich their vocabulary.

The organization of meals in different age groups pursues not only health goals. All the details of the nutrition process (calorie content and variety of food, table setting, presentation of dishes, children's behavior at the table and after meals) contribute to the acquisition of a number of sustainable skills and education positive moral qualities.

At an early and junior preschool age, the timely satisfaction of food needs determines the well-being and all behavior of the child, therefore, strict adherence to feeding hours is the primary responsibility of staff. The development of the child's independence in food intake contributes to the development and coordination of his movements. Educator uses uniform techniques, different at different age levels, taking into account individual characteristics. In the process of eating, the child comes into contact with many objects, learns their properties, names, the child's vocabulary expands, and his sensory experience is enriched.

Daytime sleep is a very important element. daily routine... It turns off the nervous system of children from irritants; gives you the opportunity to take a break from all the impressions of the first half of the day. The organization of daytime sleep should contribute to the complete rest of the children and the restoration of their cheerfulness. The most essential part regime are walks, in the process of behavior of which the broadest program is carried out education and training of children... These are outdoor games and sports entertainment, the continuation of the games started in the group, and labor in nature, observing what is happening, around and independent various activities. The better the conditions on the site are thought out, the more clearly it is carried out mode, the fuller, broader and more interesting the activities of children, the more it enriches preschoolers with knowledge, develops and improves thinking, memory, imagination, curiosity, encourages search, and influences the formation of positive relationships in a peer group. And the teacher is the organizer of observations, the participant of games and fun, the head of children's activities. The world around us captivates, encourages conversations, arouses interest.

And how children need explanations from a teacher! How difficult it is for them, without the help of an adult, to single out the main thing from the observed, to focus attention on the characteristic, essential. It is imperative to organize the children during their walks, and not leave them to themselves. Based on work plans educators you can offer the following activities during walks:

Independent calm and active games,

Round dance games, games with rules

Simple work orders,

Independent games.

As a result of the pedagogically correct relationship of observations during walks with other activities of children (games, activities, labor) unity and continuity is achieved educational process, taking into account always the individual characteristics of children.

The day is drawing to a close. Mothers, fathers, grandmothers come for children. A the teacher is watching... Since these observations will help him draw a conclusion about how pedagogically correct the day was organized today, whether he created sufficient conditions for children's various activities, whether he supported their calm emotionally positive state, what needs to be done to improve performance regime.

A new day is ahead - a new search. But the developed style of work and the reliance on an expedient routine, subordinated to pedagogical requirements, always remain unchanged.

Related publications:

Report on the topic: "Hardening of children - as one of the forms of organizing regime moments in a preschool educational institution." EDUCATOR MBDOU № 3 Taranova L. V. I work.

Card file of regime moments MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 12" with. Tatarino, Kamensky municipal district, Voronezh region Card file of regime moments. Performed.

The purpose of the consultation: to acquaint teachers with the rules and peculiarities of carrying out articulatory gymnastics with children. Plan Introduction 1.

Consultation for teachers "Using the artistic word in organizing the regime moments of children 2–3 years of age" Observing the little ones, I noticed that some children hear not words, but intonation, benevolent, disposing, inspiring confidence.

Consultation for educators "Organization of educational activities during regime moments in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard before" The educational process in a preschool institution should go on continuously, throughout the day, and not only during periods of immediate educational.

Victoria Zhikhareva
Article "Features of the organization of the regime in groups of early age"

Conditions and features of the organization of the regime in groups of early age.

For the normal development of the child and the strengthening of his health important:

1.execution regime throughout the entire period of raising children in a preschool institution, starting from early age;

2. preservation of constancy, consistency and gradualness in conducting regime processes... Consistency should be maintained not only in terms of daily life, but also in terms of the constancy of requirements from all personnel group.

The main task group personnel in the organization of security moments is to take care of the health and physical well-being of the child. This promotes:

Timeliness of food intake;

Timeliness and sufficient the duration of daytime sleep;

Compliance of children's clothing to the microclimate in group and season on the street.

Principles for effective division of responsibilities among staff group:

the educator works in the area where the pedagogical requirements are more difficult and responsible. The teacher must do the bulk of the work in the initial period of the formation of skills of independence.

The caregiver assists children who have already partially mastered the skill.

Basic principles organization of the regime in groups of early age:

1. To ensure the unity of health-improving and educational work.

2. Ensure the unity and consistency of the approach on the part of ALL educators, and exactly:


Continuity in the work of all personnel group.

3. Provide frequent and predominantly individual communication between the child and adults, especially during the adaptation period;

4. Provide friendly communication between an adult and a child, creating a favorable emotional environment in group... Communication should be mostly smooth, calm, affectionate and emotional. You should not be afraid of affectionate words addressed to children. But it must be remembered that they must go from a pure heart. Avoid the usual words and phrases!

5. Ensure proper adult behavior. Remember the golden the rule: Adult behavior is a child's role model. The child is a mirror, in the game copies the actions of adults, especially negative sides (this is how parents find out what is being done in the d / garden).

6. Ensure an active, cheerful state of children in group.

At organization of the regime certain regulations:

1. Each of regime moments should take place against the background of the game.

2. When conducting regime processes are first taken subgroup children of the smallest and most weakened, slow and, on the contrary, easily excitable children;

3. Provide for the unity of requirements on the part of adults raising a child in a child care institution and at home.

4. To create in children a certain mood for carrying out a particular process (do not injure the nervous system).

5. Implementation of any regime the process should proceed without fuss. Adults should accompany their actions with gentle, unhurried speech.

6. To form the child's confidence that everything will work out, he will be able to complete this or that action to the end. Notice what the child has already learned.

7. It is necessary to remember about hygiene requirements: to the premises (compliance with the schedule of wet cleaning, ventilation); to the size of the furniture in accordance with the growth; to the appearance of children and adults; to the feeding process, etc.

8. Use such a method of relationship between an adult and a child, such as mother therapy.

9. It is necessary to observe individual communication and approach to children. The teacher must be able to pay attention to all children, at the same time ensure frequent communication with each one individually, and master specific methods. group education

10. For the successful education of cultural and hygienic skills, their systematic reinforcement is necessary.

Specificity organization of regime processes.

Organization of the walk.

Staying in the fresh air promotes health and hardens organism, comprehensively develops children, activates their motor activity, cognitive capabilities.

Gathering children for a walk (like the return) is the most laborious and time consuming process. About 15% of the staff time is spent on dressing the children every day. Therefore, rationality is very important. organizing this process... The most convenient method is considered to be the so-called frontal method of dressing children, when they simultaneously put on leggings, shoes, sweaters and, last of all, coats. (jackets) and hats. At the same time, one should not forget about adherence to consistency and gradualness, as well as an individual approach to children.

Organization of the feeding process.

Feeding isn't just about satisfying hunger. During the meal, an adult should communicate knowledge to children and expand ideas and vocabulary. Tell them the names of the dishes, their quality and condition: sweet, tasty, hot, salty, etc.

During feeding, tables at which children sit should be shared between the caregiver and the caregiver for supervision and assistance. Children who sit down first should finish eating earlier. Otherwise, the rule is violated according to which younger and weak children go to bed first. Adults should be able to properly feed children. Never hang over your child! You need to take a high chair, sit next to the child, and feed him with a clean spoon. (another).

Remember to pay attention to moral education based on imitation. WITH early childhood, it is necessary to educate the correct behavior during food: eat in silence, do not disturb others, be careful, etc.

It is necessary to form a positive attitude towards the process of eating and towards food. Children cannot be force-fed.

Organization direct educational activities.

Classes in early age groups are held 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening, lasting 10 minutes for subgroups... The assistant teacher plays an important role here, since the rest of the children are under her supervision.

The teacher must use various techniques in order to maintain an optimal state of excitability, protecting children from fatigue, which can occur with the constant stay of children in a team if in the process organization upbringing mistakes were made.

Organization physiological treatment and washing.

It is necessary to monitor the regularity of physiological corrections, but remember that at the same time in the toilet room there should be no more than 3-4 children and no more than 3-4 minutes. Mass planting is carried out before the start of direct educational activities, a walk, after it ends, before going to bed and after getting up.

At organization the process of washing with children, an educator and an assistant educator must be present, since two skill: Wash hands and face correctly and dry hands properly with a towel.

Irina Senicheva
Developing self-care skills in nursery school children

Target: to identify effective methods and conditions for the formation self-service skills(dressing - undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures) at nursery children


Regime processes (feeding, going to sleep, getting up, getting ready for a walk and returning from it, carrying out hygiene procedures) takes up a significant part of the waking time. Children need patient teaching and direct adult help.


1. To study and analyze the theoretical foundations of the problem of formation self-care skills in toddlers.

2. To enrich subject- the developmental environment of the group(didactic games, manuals).

3. Select the appropriate activities for the formation of toddler children self-care skills.

Predicted result:

Mastery self-care skills for nursery children;

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in education self-care skills in nursery group children.

Stages self-education:

Stage 1 - the study of scientific and educational literature

Stage 2 - the formation of experience on the topic, implementation into practice

Stage 3 - presentation of experience on the topic

Long-term work plan

Regime moments Direct educational activities Joint activities of the educator and children

Practical activities children

Working with parents

October, November, December

Power Game situation "How my mother taught the bear to eat correctly" Reading nursery rhymes "Okay, okay", "Carcasses, tutushki" Did. the game "Let's show Bunny how to hold a spoon correctly" Consultation for parents "Formation self-care skills in children 2-3 years old»

Washing and skills neatness Examining and talking about pictures: "Children wash their hands", "Mom washes her daughter"

Did. the game "The doll got sick" Reading nursery rhymes "Vodichka, vodichka"

"Bul - bul - bul murmurs voditsa" Did. control "Let's make boats"

"How we wash our palms and wring out the hands"

"Let's dress the Masha doll for a walk", "Let's undress the doll after the walk" Reading the nursery rhyme "Our little Masha", "The sun walks in the sky" Did. the game Show your towel Did. the exercise "Shoes quarreled _ made friends", "Put your clothes in their places"

January February March

Did. the game "Let's feed the doll Masha", "The doll Tanya is having lunch" Reading a nursery rhyme "At the grandmother's kalachi", "The cat went to market" Role-playing game "Visiting Mishka", Playroom situation: "We're having lunch"... Games children in the doll's corner with tableware "

Memo for parents "Age features children 2-3 years old»

Washing and tidiness skills Lesson"Soap Gloves"

Game situation "Let's tell the bunny how to use a handkerchief"

Consideration of plot pictures: "Children are swimming".

Reading a nursery rhyme "Cockerel - cockerel" Did. control "We will comb the doll"

Role-playing game: "Salon"

Dressing - undressing Did. the game "Let's find clothes for the dolls" "Put the doll in order"

Reading K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Did. the game: "Sly shoes"

Class: "Buckle and Lace Up".

Didactic exercise: "Let's put the doll Olya to sleep".

April May June

Food Did. the game "Lunch at the dolls" "We will help you set the table" Reading a story "Masha is having lunch"

Reading a nursery rhyme: "I will cook a roll" Did. control "Let's show Piggy how to eat right"

Games children in the doll corner: "Let's set a table for dolls", "The doll Katya is drinking tea".

Round table “The use of rhymes and did. games in education self-care skills in children»

Washing and Did's neatness skills... the game "Little water, little water" Game - lesson "Noses - snubs Didactic the exercise: "Let's show the bear how to dry himself with his own towel.".

Did. the game "Let's wash the doll"

Reading a nursery rhyme "Ay frets, frets, frets" The game "Fontanchik"

Did. the game: "We bathe doll Katya"... Consideration of plot pictures.

Dressing - undressing Did. games "Let's teach Stepa how to dress for a walk".

Did. the game "Let's teach Bunny to button up"

Reading nursery rhymes: "Here they are boots" Learning a verse "Masha put on a mitten"

Role-playing games "House" and "A family": - entering a game situation "The doll Katya wants to sleep" Consideration of plot pictures "Children for a walk" (at different times of the year).

July August September

Food Did. games "What does a doll need!" "Lunch at the dolls" Did. control "Let's tell Piggy how to eat properly"

Reading S. Kaputikyan "Who will finish the drink sooner" Gaming situation:

"The bear invited a bunny and a hedgehog to visit"

Did. ex. "How I can eat neatly" Conversations with parents:

We accustom children dress up at home in the correct order.

Washing and skills neatness Consideration pictures: "The grimy girl", "The girl is neat".

Game-situation "Wash the doll's hands", "Washer" Reading poems by A. Barto "The grimy girl"... Staging "How Moidodyr gave Vanya soap"... Didactic the game: "Why do we need this?" (with toilet items)... Did. the game “Dolls visiting children»

"Grow, braid, to the waist"

Dressing - undressing Did. the game "Let's teach Mishka to put things in a locker"

Did. the game "Each thing has its place"

Reading I. Muraveika "I myself"

Reading a nursery rhyme: "One, two, three, four, five, we're going for a walk" Did. the game "The doll Olya woke up" Game situation "I can dress myself"

Game situation "Let's show you how to fold clothes before bedtime"

We all know perfectly well that it is customary to wash our hands after the street, toilet, before eating and sometimes after eating. But babies cannot always correctly navigate the hygiene items located near the sinks - that is why a detailed algorithm for washing hands in kindergarten in pictures is drawn up for children. The teacher should try to do everything so that the information was conveyed to the pupils in full and intelligibly. We will tell you how to do it.

Talking about the benefits of hand washing

To make children more willing to remember the algorithm of actions during hygiene procedures, they should be told about the benefits of this process. And adults would not hurt to know about the danger that forgetfulness can bring in this regard. And so, with dirty hands we have:

It would seem that it could be easier than washing your hands. But it is better for the child to show each sequential action in the form of a picture, so that it is perceived easier and faster. It is important to remember that a stand with pictures of hand washing should be positioned at children's eye level or slightly higher. There is no need to hang the algorithm high (as for parents) or unnoticed. Ideal right above the washbasins for toddlers.

Print the pictures large or draw them yourself, and then talk with the guys what they see. You can even play a game by correctly placing the available pictures in the correct sequence. In addition to the process itself, children should learn the accompanying words: soap, foam, wash, dry, soap dish, tap, slippery, wet, microbes and others. And so, to the algorithm:

Roll up your sleeves so they don't get wet.
Open the tap with water.
Get soap.
Lather your hands.
Wash off the foam from your hands.
Close the water tap.
Wring out your hands.
Towel dry.
Lower sleeves back.

Of course, the first trial manipulations at the sink should be carried out by everyone together, you can even invite the children to practice on dolls. Another important point is the explanation, carried out in three ways: verbally, visually and practically. They need to be presented gradually, one by one. That is, first you tell (in the form of a game, jokes, dolls), then show by example, and after that you go all together to wash your pens.

Additional knowledge

After telling and showing how to wash your hands correctly, do not forget to mention and explain the situations that arise:

  1. It is necessary to wring out the water from your hands in order not to wet the floor. Otherwise, someone might slip and fall.
  2. The towel should be hung in a straightened form, not crumpled - this way it will dry faster before the next arrival of the baby. And we need a loop in the middle so that the towel does not fall to the floor.
  3. The water pressure in the tap should be medium or low so as not to splatter the floor and clothes.
  4. Be sure to put the soap back in the dish and not leave it in the sink, otherwise it will become too soft and deteriorate quickly.
  5. It is worth rinsing off the foam very carefully so that it does not accidentally fall into the eyes or mouth. The soap stings the eyes a lot.

Algorithm of hand washing in kindergarten in pictures helps kids to navigate, get used to cleanliness and serves as a decoration of the toilet room. Children's hygiene in general is in many ways more important than adult hygiene, since babies are just forming, they develop habits after all not to take their hands or toys in their mouths. The educator is responsible for ensuring that kindergarten students always have access to a sink with soap and a towel.