Fetus 27 weeks pregnant what happens. Changes in the body. The daily routine of the expectant mother

The 27th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the third trimester. Due to the growth of the fetus, the increase in the size of the uterus, the load on the body, many mothers experience a number of ailments (headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, swelling, pressure surges, dizziness). The danger of unpleasant sensations of this period lies in their similarity with the symptoms of serious diseases that occur latently, negatively affecting the health of the mother and fetus. Consider how the pregnancy goes, the fetus develops, what hidden diseases may appear by the third trimester.

27 weeks pregnant: how many months?

The twenty-seventh week "opens" the third trimester of pregnancy. From the day of conception, only the twenty-fifth week comes. And if you calculate the obstetric period in the usual way, then six months three weeks come. Literally after 15-20 days, most pregnant women will begin to feel such ailments as swelling, insomnia, hypertension, and convulsions. But all the troubles are smoothed out by communication with the baby, who tries to cheer up his mother with pushes and movements.

There is very little time left before the birth. The threat of miscarriage is no longer so important, since doctors can leave premature babies at this time. By the way, this is why many mothers calm down and begin to make “culinary” indulgences at 27 weeks of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus can increase significantly even in two weeks.

And the consumption of citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, and other “allergic” products causes redness in the child. If premature birth occurs, the baby will be with a red rash. Mothers begin to eat forbidden foods because they learn about the restrictions during breastfeeding. But your taste weaknesses negatively affect the baby, who may have a predisposition to allergies.

Mom's feelings: how to overcome heartburn?

The long-awaited 27 weeks of pregnancy have come, what happens to mom? The stomach rises to the ribs, because of which there is pressure on the lungs, intestines, and peritoneum. Weight by this point adds about nine to thirteen kilograms. Because of this, a woman suffers from frequent shortness of breath, heartburn, constipation, and frequent urination. These ailments should be put up with, as they can accompany a pregnant woman until childbirth.

But some of them can be alleviated. If heartburn rarely occurs, then try simple tips.

  • Every morning, have breakfast with oatmeal or oatmeal without sugar, butter, jam. Prepare porridge with milk diluted with water. For sweetness, add a little honey.
  • Eliminate spicy, fried, fatty foods from your diet, from which there is no benefit to either your body or your child.
  • Eat small meals six times a day. After seven weeks, you need to reduce meals to four or five.
  • Move for half an hour after any meal.

If the feeling of heartburn torments the pregnant woman constantly, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for a drug that is safe for the health of the fetus.

Varicose veins, hypertension

Weight at 27 weeks of gestation is a huge inconvenience for many women. Due to the increase in body weight, there is a huge load on the legs. Some mothers develop varicose veins. The causes of this complication can be hormonal disruptions (lack of estrogen, an excess of testerone, relaxin), placenta previa, increased venous pressure. Do not underestimate this complication, as it can appear in the rectum, vagina, abdomen, chest, buttocks, legs.

Varicose veins do not directly affect the development of pregnancy (week 27), but can cause premature birth. The uncontrolled nature of which can lead to brain disorders, injuries of the spine of the newborn. This happens due to premature rupture of amniotic fluid, placental abruption, bleeding, weak labor activity. Doctors forbid women suffering from varicose veins to give birth themselves.

Most mothers suffer from hypertension by this time. High blood pressure (greater than 140/90) is most dangerous for fetal development. What is associated with compression of the blood vessels of the uterus. Because of this, the fetus does not receive a full amount of oxygen and nutrients. Its growth slows down, and with prolonged restriction of normal blood flow, the placenta exfoliates, bleeding appears. Therefore, urgent medical intervention is needed.

Edema, gestosis

Almost every pregnant woman is faced with edema throughout the entire period, the 27th week of pregnancy is no exception. Only some women are limited to mild, rare edema, while in others this ailment turns into a serious disease of preeclampsia.

  • Do not drink liquids more than one and a half liters. This applies to juicy berries, fruits, especially watermelons. Because of this, the stomach at the 27th week of pregnancy will only swell, the feet and fingers will immediately swell.
  • For long walks, get comfortable shoes.
  • Once every two weeks, arrange a fasting day (with the permission of the doctor). Drink a liter of kefir and eat four hundred grams of fatty cottage cheese. This will help drive up to 1.2 liters from the body.

If a pregnant woman suffers from hypertension, kidney disease, overweight, then edema can gradually and imperceptibly develop into preeclampsia. It, like varicose veins, blocks the access of oxygen to the fetus, causes intrauterine growth retardation. In a pregnant woman, brain activity is disturbed, bleeding appears, loss of consciousness occurs. Preterm labor is then uncontrollable.

General health of a healthy mother

If the 27th week of pregnancy proceeds normally, then the woman may experience mild ailments, characterized by mild fatigue, shortness of breath, frequent urination, and back pain. All this is due to an increase in the load on the internal organs and the spine. Wear a pregnancy brace, it will help alleviate the condition. Choose comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothing to prevent unnecessary pressure and weight on your feet.

If the belly is very large (large fetus, multiple pregnancy), then there may be discomfort with sleep or insomnia. Then contact your gynecologist to prescribe harmless drugs that help improve nighttime rest.

Appetite is normal at 27 weeks pregnant. The weight of the fetus is actively increasing. By the way, cravings for certain foods can sometimes arise. This organism signals a lack of a vitamin-mineral complex. Tell your doctor about your wishes to determine which tests to take.

Occasionally there are pains on the sides in the abdomen. This is due to the stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. Wear a bandage, and also lubricate the stomach with a special cream that the gynecologist will advise you.

Analyzes and examinations

In general, the 27th week of pregnancy does not require unscheduled tests. Each pregnant woman has her own calendar of doctor visits. Usually the interval is three to four weeks between doses. The fewer complications during pregnancy, the less frequent visits.

This week, expectant mothers undergo “examinations based on complaints” according to the same plan:

  1. Reception at the gynecologist.
  2. Delivery of blood and urine tests.

Sugar tests will have to be taken by women who have relatives with diabetes in their family.

From the twenty-eighth week for all pregnant women, a visit becomes mandatory every two weeks. The closer the birth, the more often medical examinations become. At this time (27 weeks of pregnancy), the development of the fetus is examined by ultrasound diagnostics, especially with any complications.

Due to the fear of childbirth, problems with pressure, swelling, and sleep may appear. Ask your doctor to prescribe sedatives and sign you up for pregnancy courses. Communication with other ladies in a position will give confidence and strength.

27th week of pregnancy: fetal development

The child has almost reached the parameters of a newborn. In case of premature birth, his internal organs will be able to function normally. However, it is better to reach the deadline, since the baby still does not know how to maintain body temperature, and therefore will be placed in an incubator.

His lungs produce surfactant, which will be needed to straighten the lungs and breathe spontaneously at birth. The kidneys work, removing urine into the amniotic fluid, the intestines function, which digests the amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus, turning it into meconium.

At this time (pregnancy 27 weeks), the weight of the child is actively increasing. Now his body weight is more than a kilogram, and his height is thirty-five centimeters. Despite its large size, the fetus continues to move in the abdomen. His tremors can be painful, strong, frequent with a lack of oxygen, or smooth, pleasant. He sleeps for twenty hours, but even during rest you can see protrusions of heels or priests on his stomach.

Immunity begins to function actively, but still receives most of the antibodies from the mother's body. At week 27, his immunity is most susceptible to allergens, so be careful with citrus fruits, chocolate and other foods that cause allergic reactions in a child. The endocrine system functions independently, so the fetus does not need the mother to produce hormones.

Ultrasound parameters

Ultrasound diagnostics is prescribed if the child at 27 weeks of gestation has malformations, complications of pregnancy are observed, or there are problems with the health of the mother. The doctor reveals the norm or pathology of the development of the child, the state of the placenta, the position of the fetus. If the baby takes the wrong position, then an ultrasound scan may be prescribed just before the birth to indicate the type of obstetric care (caesarean section) in the exchange card. Also, this examination is prescribed for pregnant women, if the parameters of the abdomen have not changed since the last gynecological examination.

By the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the fetus has the following parameters:

If there are abnormalities in the development of the fetus, then a Doppler of the artery of the umbilical cord and uterus is also performed.

The main danger for a pregnant woman

The main risk is preterm birth. They can be uncontrollable, pass very quickly, and therefore, the child will receive a number of injuries to the cerebral vessels, hypoxia, intracranial hemorrhage, spinal injuries.

The causes of premature birth can be awkward falls on the stomach, endocrine system disorders, genital infections, abnormalities in the development of the uterus, malformations in the child, multiple pregnancy, large fetus, polyhydramnios, stress, isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Therefore, follow the sensations during this period (pregnancy 27 weeks), the movement of the fetus will intuitively tell the mother that something is wrong. Aching systemic pain or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, cramping cramps, vaginal discharge of amniotic fluid, a change in the number of shocks indicate the threat of premature birth. Remember, if the birth starts prematurely, then a caesarean section will not be done. And this is a big risk for the child and the mother.

The Hidden Dangers of the Period

Many severe illnesses in terms of symptoms resemble the usual ailments of a pregnant woman at 27 weeks of gestation. What happens if women do not pay attention to their well-being? Most importantly, precious time is lost when it is possible to eradicate the disease at an early stage.

If you ignore your well-being, then the following complications may appear.

  • Preeclampsia. This disease causes abnormalities in the development of the fetus, disrupts the work of the vessels of the mother's brain. Accompanied by edema, high blood pressure, poor urine tests (protein appears).
  • Anemia. The disease disrupts the activity of the brain, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and immune systems. Accompanied by low hemoglobin, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, distraction, nausea.
  • Preeclampsia. The disease causes pathology of fetal development, and in severe forms (eclampsia) is dangerous for the life of the mother and child. Accompanied by high blood pressure, rapid weight gain (from a kilogram per week), edema, the presence of protein in the urine, insomnia, vomiting, flies or white spots before the eyes, stomach pain.

Do not be afraid to seem stupid in front of the doctor, talking about all the sensations of your body. It is better to endure and give birth to a healthy child than to regret your mistake all your life.

The 27th week of pregnancy is already almost the end of the sixth month, a little more, and it will be the third trimester. The main thing is not to get confused in the calculations, the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy is a slightly different concept than women put into the familiar phrase “nine months”, since from the point of view of doctors, gestation lasts ten months, because we count from the beginning of the last menstruation.

27 weeks pregnant - movements

At the 27th week of pregnancy, fetal movements are very noticeable, he continues to swim, play, test the strength of his mother's belly and in every possible way demonstrate his presence and desire to show a normal childish character. Restless, naughty, in general, a normal, active child.

27th week of pregnancy - position of the fetus

The position of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy is changing all the time, so do not be scared if the doctor said that his presentation is incorrect. Think! Do an ultrasound in half an hour, it will be quite correct.

He is already quite large, has grown to 36 centimeters and weighs almost a kilogram. Its formation has almost come to an end, even (if anything) it’s not scary to give birth, doctors will help and will definitely bring to the finale what nature should bring to the end.

27 weeks pregnant - what happens to mom

The 27th week of pregnancy is usually characterized by the fact that it becomes extremely uncomfortable to manage your own body, which is forced to “split in two”, and only one is supposed to wear it. All the already familiar symptoms - heartburn, constipation, swelling and other "pleasures" do not go anywhere, and in some they also increase. However, proper nutrition and rest regimen can significantly reduce discomfort. At the 27th week of pregnancy, it's time to understand what is more important - a child or hard work in an emergency mode.

at 27 weeks

Feelings in the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy

Pregnant women may experience shortness of breath, which increases with physical exertion. Its reason is that the growing uterus presses on the diaphragm and lifts it up. And she, in turn, tightens the lungs, and they cannot fully straighten out when inhaling.

Some future mothers at the 27th week of pregnancy may note that their favorite shoes have become cramped, and the rings are now difficult to put on their fingers. The reason for this is swelling, which may indicate the onset of preeclampsia. Similar symptoms are a reason to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist.

What happens at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy

Fetal size at 27 weeks gestation 35.5 cm Fetal weight at 27 weeks gestation 1135 grams

At the 27th week of pregnancy, growth hormone, somatotropin, begins to be produced in the pituitary gland. It regulates metabolic processes in cells and stimulates the growth and development of the fetus.

The pancreas now produces sufficient amounts of insulin, a hormone that promotes the absorption of glucose. The thyroid gland of the fetus intensively synthesizes hormones that regulate mental development, the work of the heart, the respiratory and reproductive systems, the processes of sleep and wakefulness. Now the baby no longer needs the support of the endocrine organs of the mother. All the necessary hormones his body produces itself.

Photos and ultrasound at 27 weeks pregnant

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Medical examination of a pregnant woman


  • A consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary if a pregnant woman has any complaints.



  • They are carried out only if the woman has any complaints.

Possible deviations from the norm

  • the threat of premature birth;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • preeclampsia;
  • intrauterine growth retardation.
  1. In case of swelling on the shins and / or hands, it is necessary to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. If preeclampsia is treated at the initial stage, then severe complications can be avoided.
  2. Once a week, it is recommended to independently measure the pressure on both hands with the same tonometer. The results should be recorded, according to these data, it will be easier for the doctor to understand whether your blood pressure is rising. After all, at the time of visiting the doctor, it can be normal.
  3. If you are short of breath, try to lead a less active lifestyle (for example, do not run after the bus, do not wash windows, do not do spring cleaning). If you feel short of breath before going to bed, put another pillow under your head. Breathing in a half-sitting position is much easier.
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The twenty-seventh week of pregnancy is the transitional period between the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. By this time, all the organs and systems of the baby are already actively functioning and continue to grow up to 9 months.

At the moment, the baby is already in the seventh month of its development and is fully viable. The main pitfalls of this period are poor thermoregulation (the baby is not yet able to independently maintain body temperature if born at this time). In the lungs, the synthesis of a surfactant (a substance that covers the lungs from the inside and straightens them) is just beginning - that is, the baby's lungs collapse when breathing, which is fraught with his stop without the appropriate medical equipment.

At 27 weeks, the embryo, which at this time is already commonly called a fetus, actively moves, even makes respiratory movements, despite the fact that its lungs are filled with amniotic fluid and do not participate in gas exchange. This is necessary for the development of the respiratory muscles of the baby. The fetus has already opened its eyes, actively blinks, makes sucking movements with its lips, sometimes even sucks its thumb.

By the beginning of the third trimester, pregnant women are actively beginning to gain weight, but this is a sign of the correct course of pregnancy. During this period, the substances necessary for the development of the baby in the next 2 months and in the postpartum period are stored. Usually, the weight gained during pregnancy disappears quickly after birth.

27 weeks pregnant - fetal weight

At week 27, the weight of the fetus approaches 1-1.5 kg, depending on the constitution of the parents. At the same time, the fetus is very thin and elongated in length, since it gains the bulk during 8-9 months of pregnancy, i.e. over the next 13 weeks. The baby is also actively growing in length - at the moment its length is 30-35 cm, and by the time of birth it will increase to 50-55 cm.


Pregnancy 27 weeks

27 weeks pregnant - how many months?

Behind 6.5 months of pregnancy. This and next week - and there will be seven, and this is already a kind of milestone. You may have noticed that a little less time has actually passed, and this could confuse you a little in the calculations. This is because months are measured differently in obstetrics: 1 month is not equal to 30-31 days, but four weeks, that is, 28 days.

You are now entering your 27th week of pregnancy. The baby has already grown enough and improved, but its development does not stop even for a minute. What's in store for us this week?

fetus at 27 weeks pregnant

The fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy enters the next phase of active growth. Now its weight reaches 900 g, and the size (full height) is on average 36 cm. It begins to grow rapidly, and this is due not least to the active development of the brain. So, the pituitary gland produces the hormone somatotropin, which is responsible just for the growth of a small one.

Other endocrine glands are also activated. The pancreas produces insulin, the thyroid - calcitonin, thyroxine, triiodomarin, which are responsible for the calcium content in the body of crumbs, the development of mental abilities, and metabolic processes.

The baby becomes less and less dependent on the mother's hormonal status and can even take over some functions, which the mother feels as she feels better at the 27th week of pregnancy.

All the main organs and systems have already been formed by this time, the immune and respiratory systems continue their active development, preparing to ensure the vital activity of a small organism in the "that" world. Alveoli and alveolar ducts continue to form. From the 27th week of pregnancy, surfactant begins to be produced - a special substance that will help the alveoli open after the baby takes its first breath. By the time of birth, the concentration of surfactant must be sufficient for spontaneous breathing, otherwise the child will have to be connected to the apparatus. But even if, for some reason, childbirth occurs now, then with adequate help from doctors and the use of modern equipment, the baby will be able to live!

It becomes more and more like a newborn: eyes, ears are formed, soft nails grow, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the head are visible, the genitals are clearly visible, so during the ultrasound there are very high chances to see the sex of the child.

The skin is still quite wrinkled - this is understandable, because the body is always in the water. But on the other hand, it is no longer so bright red, and the further, the more it will brighten - subcutaneous fat is deposited at a high speed.

Your baby's eyes are already opening and closing and are responding well to light by this time. In general, the little one behaves like a baby: he experiences emotions, feels tastes and smells, hears sounds coming from inside and outside, plays, and he has already developed a more or less stable sleep and wakefulness regimen.

Although the baby has already grown up enough, he still has enough space for vigorous activity: he swims, somersaults, pulls his legs up to his face, trains his limbs, which every day become more and more overgrown with muscles and become stronger. Mom already feels very well all the pushes, turning and changing positions. Sometimes you can even guess which part of the body the child rests on the stomach. Sometimes he begins to hiccup: as a rule, the fetal hiccups are short-lived and do not bring him any discomfort.


Almost all of these changes can be seen on ultrasound at 27 weeks of gestation. During its passage, an assessment is made of the location, growth and development of the fetus, its organs and systems, motor activity and heartbeat. So, at week 27, the baby's heart makes 140-150 beats per minute, it makes up to 40 respiratory movements.

The parameters of the child are very important, as they help to establish the correspondence of his development to the gestational age and assess his well-being. Also, the ultrasound specialist will certainly examine the location of the placenta, the amount and condition of amniotic fluid, the condition and size of the uterus and, if necessary, the cervix.

In principle, there is usually no need to undergo an ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy. But in some cases, an ultrasound examination can be prescribed to the mother to exclude any suspicions. An indication for its implementation may be suspicions of a non-developing pregnancy, its unfavorable course, infections transferred by the mother and diseases present, and so on. Of course, you should not worry if the doctor refers you to an ultrasound. Just sometimes reinsurance is not superfluous.

But, if by this time you still do not know the sex of the child, then perhaps it will appear during an ultrasound scan at the 27th week of pregnancy, because from this period the reliability of determining the sex increases significantly.


The uterus is necessarily examined during the passage of ultrasound. An assessment is given of its location, size, bottom thickness, condition of the myometrium, and so on. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus rises 5-7 cm from the navel or 27-28 cm above the womb.

The mass of the uterus at 26-27 weeks increases dramatically, and you will feel it: it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position. The uterus is already quite large and heavy, so in some positions it can infringe on the vena cava, blocking the return of blood from the extremities to the heart, which can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness. In this regard, it is not recommended to sit for a long time, cross your legs, and also lie on your back. The most physiological position for sleeping during pregnancy is considered to be lying on your left side.


All the main events in your life are now taking place in your stomach, so both your attention and the attention of doctors are riveted mainly to it. The attention of others also already falls first on the tummy, because at the 27th week of pregnancy it has already grown enough.

You may experience some discomfort due to the growing belly. This is insomnia, shortness of breath, heartburn, bloating, constipation - the uterus squeezes the internal organs, so they often give a slight malfunction. In addition, sometimes mom feels rhythmic shudders inside - this is your baby hiccuping. You already feel him very well, you can guess what he is doing now and in which direction he will turn. Sometimes excessive activity and movements of the child cause discomfort and even pain, and are especially annoying at night, preventing sleep. In this case, try to calm the baby as if you had already done it with a born baby: stroke your tummy, sing a lullaby, “lull” (walk around the room).

The skin on the abdomen continues to stretch as it grows, which can cause itching. But if the itching becomes unbearable and spreads to other parts of the body, and also increases markedly at night, then it is necessary to pass tests for liver tests.

If the stomach at the 27th week of pregnancy stiffens or hurts, then you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Pain at 27 weeks pregnant

In general, a pregnant woman is a living person and anything can hurt her. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary. Although many pains are really harmless and are temporary in nature associated with pregnancy, including pain on the sides of the abdomen. Firstly, the ligaments continue to stretch, holding the growing uterus (you especially feel such pain when you suddenly change the position of the body). Secondly, training bouts are already beginning as preparation for childbirth. But such

Under the weight of the weight, the spine, back, lower back and legs may begin to hurt at the 27th week of pregnancy. Try not to walk for a long time, wear comfortable shoes, do not stick out your stomach forward, take care of the prevention of thrombosis. Massage or a water bath with cool or slightly warm water will help relieve fatigue from the legs. The appearance of cramps in the calf muscles indicates a lack of calcium in the body - its deficiency should be replenished.

You should know that sometimes pains that radiate to the lower back and lower abdomen are caused by diseases of the urinary system. If at the same time you notice painful urination, pain and burning in the vagina during urination, fever or other symptoms associated with pain, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

The mother's body at the 27th week of pregnancy is already beginning to actively prepare for childbirth, and in connection with this, pain in the pelvic region and in the pubis may appear. The bones gradually soften and begin to diverge, opening the birth canal. You may have a "duck walk" - this indicates symphysitis.

In addition, pain in the rectal area may well indicate the development of hemorrhoids. But if you immediately react to the situation, then it will be possible to correct it only by correcting nutrition.


In some cases, the doctor may prohibit you from having sex at 27 weeks pregnant. Most often this is due to increased tone of the uterus. Please note that in this case, any actions that can lead a woman to orgasm are contraindicated, because at the peak of pleasure, the uterus begins to actively contract.

However, if everything is fine with health and pregnancy, there are no threats to bearing, then sex at the 27th week of pregnancy can bring a lot of pleasure to expectant parents. And don't let your big belly fool you. Yes, some poses will already be uncomfortable and even dangerous, deep penetration and sharp rough movements should be avoided. But in no case do not deny yourself intimacy if you have a desire and there are no contraindications to this. Pleasant emotions will only benefit everyone, and often it is sex during pregnancy that brings together and reunites spouses like never before.

Of course, it should be sex not just with a regular partner, but also with the one with whom you had sex before pregnancy. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing genital infections, even if the man is healthy. The fact is that the female vaginal microflora gets used to the male one, the change of which can provoke a “conflict” between microorganisms. To suspect something was wrong in the first place will help discharge from the genital tract.


You should be alerted mainly by colored and smelling discharge. White, yellow, green, purulent, earthy, scarlet, brown, red discharge with a strong smell of beer, fish or some other is a sign of sexual infections, and bleeding that has begun may indicate placental abruption or the threat of premature birth. Serious sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others rarely develop during pregnancy. But candidiasis (or thrush) worsens very often, and it must be cured before the onset of labor, since the risk of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal is very high, and this has its consequences.

You should also pay attention to the consistency of the discharge. In the case of pathology, they become thick, curdled, bubbling, flaky.

But the discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy may well be normal, physiological. Do not be afraid of translucent liquid discharge of a homogeneous consistency. However, by the end of pregnancy, they can become a little cloudy and smell sour.

Watery liquid clear discharge with or without a sweet smell may be amniotic fluid. If they leak, you will have to go to the hospital. It’s bad if the water gushed in a stream - call an ambulance or go to the hospital right away.

In addition, discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy can also be observed from the chest. This is colostrum, and apart from hygiene, nothing else needs to be done. In no case do not try to squeeze milk out of the breast!

Tests at 27 weeks pregnant

So that you do not have any reason to worry, do not neglect planned visits to the gynecologist and passing the necessary tests. At this time, visits to the clinic should be made once every two weeks.

At each examination of his ward, the doctor will certainly measure the circumference of the abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus, the woman's blood pressure, listen to the baby's heartbeat and the mother's pulse.

The usual laboratory test, as before, includes determining the level of sugar in the woman's blood, the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, the presence of protein. Urine analysis is also mandatory.

Don't be afraid of elevated blood cholesterol levels at 27 weeks of gestation. It is necessary for the placenta, which produces hormones, in particular progesterone, which is involved in preparing the breast for feeding and milk production.

Starting from the 27th week of pregnancy, there is a risk of developing preeclampsia, which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, and the occurrence of edema. But if you regularly take tests, then there is nothing to worry about.

Also, if you have a negative Rh factor, then in addition you may be assigned a blood test for the Rh conflict.


At the 27th week of pregnancy, you already begin to feel tired from your position. You may be plagued by multiple inconveniences and discomforts: various pains, heaviness, shortness of breath, constipation, heartburn, bloating, frequent urination, fatigue, insomnia ... Perhaps now your arms and legs will begin to go numb.

Remember that this condition is temporary and that a lot can be avoided by following certain rules and recommendations. Try to establish proper nutrition, do not spend a lot of time on your feet, do not bother yourself and do not lift weights, control your posture, give up difficult work, try to sleep on your left side. Be sure to take a walk every day, it is especially useful to take a walk before going to bed. Avoid smoky rooms and other harmful factors that may affect your well-being and the development of the baby.

Listen to your little one. If you have established contact with him, then you already know how to recognize his various movements. Each movement of a child can tell a lot to mom: whether he is playing, or is excited or dissatisfied with something, or requires something.

Now the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman is extremely important. Try to eliminate everything from your life that can upset or excite you and learn to react calmly to any situation, no matter what. It matters a lot!


There are no special changes in nutrition at the 27th week of pregnancy. The recommendations remain the same: everything is healthy, natural, better in small portions, but often. Try to minimize the consumption of salt, flour, sweet, fatty, smoked, spicy, fried. Be sure to provide calcium to the body and consume protein every day.

It is better to have breakfast with carbohydrate foods (muesli, cereals), but protein is ideal for lunch. It is well absorbed and does not burden the digestive system. In general, you can’t eat up at night, so if you have already had dinner, but your appetite has broken out again, try to deceive the body with low-fat yogurt or fruit.

Drinking is also important. You need to drink enough to not feel thirsty. Best of all - plain clean water. You can also unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks. Fresh juices are also useful, but very high in calories. Therefore, be careful with them - you don’t need extra weight now.

If your weight exceeds the allowable limits, then in addition to sweets and flour products, exclude or reduce the use of spices during cooking.

Weight at 27 weeks pregnant

Excess weight during pregnancy is fraught with a number of complications in the present and future, so it should certainly be kept under control. By the 27th week of pregnancy, you could gain 7.6-8.1 extra pounds. The increase mainly consists of an increase in the mass of the uterus and the child, the amount of amniotic fluid and blood volume, weighting of the breast. Actually, my mother had to recover only a little.

If you did not abuse forbidden foods and did not get fatter than expected, then do not be upset about your size: during childbirth and during breastfeeding, they quickly decrease. Also remember that the increase is a rather relative number and may normally differ in each individual case. But do not justify yourself with this when your weight is really much higher than the permissible norms.


27th week of pregnancy with photos and videos - Pregnancy by weeks - Moms Club

The child grows rapidly, gains weight, accumulates fat and develops muscles. Such intensive growth is caused by the work of somatropin, a hormone that is secreted by the lower cerebral appendage.

The fetus is actively gaining weight, gradually preparing for the release of light. The glands are very active, and therefore calcium is perfectly absorbed, which strengthens bone tissue. The fetus already has alveoli that help in gas exchange, and this prepares the lungs for independent breathing. If premature birth occurs, then the baby is already 85% ready for independent living.

Fetal development

The thyroid gland produces hormones that are necessary for normal metabolic processes in the body. If you start having any problems with the production of hormones, then the formed endocrine system will take over their function.



Fetal development

The baby continues to "get fat", he accumulates subcutaneous fat, the skin folds are smoothed out, the skin becomes pink, while it is still completely covered with fluff.

This is what your baby looks like at 27 weeks

The eyelids blink, when awake, the eyes are slightly open, the child can even hide if the mother on the beach turned her tummy to the bright sun that hit his eyes.

All organs of your baby are actively included in the work. The endocrine glands, the digestive tract work. The brain is actively maturing, nerve connections have an increasingly perfect mechanism. The child feels pain, clenching and unclenching his fists. The facial muscles are actively working, the baby learns to swallow and suck.

The fetus is growing, there is already little space for it in the uterus, but the mobility remains at a fairly high level, so the mother very well feels all his movements, including hiccups, and can even determine which part of the body the baby kicked her again.

The production of surfactant and the maturation of the lungs continue - even with premature birth, the chances of surviving the baby are quite high, especially with the help of medical professionals.

Ultrasound at 27 weeks pregnant

An ultrasound examination this week is not mandatory, and is prescribed only for certain indications - suspicion of intrauterine growth retardation, infection of the fetus, problems with the placenta.

At the same time, the size of the fetus, the functioning of its organs, uteroplacental blood flow, the size of the placenta, the degree of its maturity, the location relative to the internal pharynx, as well as the amount and condition of amniotic fluid are assessed.

What happens in your body at 27 weeks?

The main changes in the body are associated with weight gain. At this point, if your pre-pregnancy weight was within the normal range, you should gain 6-7 kg. The breast, the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and, finally, the baby increase.

An increase in the size of the abdomen leads to the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks can also appear on the chest and thighs. Often this is accompanied by itching, which is difficult to remove even with the help of special means. Do not use heavily scented creams to lubricate the skin, they can cause allergies and a state of overexcitation of the nervous system.

A characteristic feature at this stage of pregnancy is an increase in cholesterol. Cholesterol is a building material for the placenta, from which it produces hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Hormonal levels, a large volume of blood, an increase in total weight contribute to increased sweating and a feeling of heat.

How do you feel at 27 weeks?

Internally, all expectant mothers have a whole bunch of feelings: this is joy, anxiety for the health of the baby, and fear of the upcoming birth, and fatigue from waiting for something new and still very incomprehensible. Your mood can be changeable, even you yourself cannot predict its changes.

The tummy continues to grow, and you constantly feel the baby move. Do not forget to note the nature of the movements and even count their number, this will help the doctor to correctly assess the condition of the child.

The breasts are enlarged and ready for feeding. She, like her tummy, needs extra care. Previously, you lubricated your face and hands with cream, now you will have to significantly increase the “treatment area” - stretching skin needs nutrition and hydration.

The feeling of heartburn increases in proportion to the growth of the uterus, now it can torment not just at rest, but even in sleep. The intestines also suffer - constipation becomes almost habitual.

With errors in nutrition, convulsions often appear, especially at night. Do not forget to tell your doctor about this, he will tell you how to cope with the disease.

Discharge from the genital tract

With a normal pregnancy, a woman at this time should not have any pathological discharge. Careful monitoring of your condition will allow you to detect any deviations in time.

A change in the color of the discharge (green, yellow), consistency (curdled, frothy, very liquid), smell (“fishy”, putrefactive, etc.) indicates an infection that has settled in the vagina. Her treatment should be complete and timely. If necessary, treatment can be not only local, but even general, especially if a specific pathogen is found in the study of secretions. Do not refuse prescribed drugs. Any treatment will be less dangerous for the child than an infection. If you doubt the adequacy of therapy, seek additional help from the head of the consultation, but you should not ask your girlfriends for advice, they are unlikely to have the necessary knowledge.

Bloody discharge should alert a pregnant woman at any time; immediate consultation with a specialist is necessary here. You should not get on your own, it is better to call an ambulance.

Photo of tummies at 27 weeks

Examinations at 27 weeks

At this time, your doctor will definitely ask you to take a urine test to assess the function of the urinary system.

A complete blood count may also be ordered to monitor hemoglobin levels.

Additional examination methods - antibody titer with Rh-negative blood in the mother, coagulation analysis, seeding from the pharynx and nose, blood for infections - are prescribed by the doctor according to indications.

Risks at 27 weeks

The 27th week is not a critical period of development, however, this does not mean that you can forget about caution.

Mom is not recommended to make sudden movements, excessive physical activity should be avoided. If you have managed everything on your own so far, finally ask your relatives for help - hang curtains or linen, wash the floors, bring heavy packages from the store.

Loads and overwork can lead to placental abruption, early rupture of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.

Important at 27 weeks

  • do not cross your legs - this disrupts blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • do not hold your hands above your head for a long time;
  • do not lift weights of more than 3 kilograms, which is especially important if there is already a toddler in the house, caress him without picking him up;
  • wear a bandage that will help you avoid discomfort in the lower back and prevent the baby from sinking into the small pelvis ahead of time;
  • watch for the appearance of edema - do not hide your weight from the doctor, even if you are afraid that you will be scolded a little - extra pounds on the hips are unlikely to confuse your gynecologist, but placental edema can be critical for the baby.

Nutrition at 27 weeks

Eat small meals, 5-6 times a day. It is better to start the morning with a glass of cold boiled water to make it easier to deal with constipation. During the day, include dried fruits, sour-milk products, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, cereal dishes in the diet.

Alcohol is still prohibited, even a small sip can damage your child's brain cells.


The expectant mother needs a good night's sleep. Before going to bed, it is best to ventilate the room and take a walk outside so that the baby gets enough oxygen.

The legs are swollen, the stomach is heavy, the back hurts, however, this does not justify your constant lying on the couch. Being in one position is not desirable, periods of rest must be alternated with warm-ups.

Your pregnancy calendar


27 weeks of pregnancy - sensations, nutrition, fetal development, photo

Term 27 weeks of pregnancy - congratulations, you have entered the third and last trimester of pregnancy. You have already gone most of the way from conception to the birth of a baby. Normal development at 27 weeks gestation does not involve any dramatic changes during this 7-day period. The baby at the 27th week of pregnancy is getting bigger, the tummy of the expectant mother is increasing.

Baby at 27 weeks pregnant

The growth of the baby is no longer increasing rapidly, it is somewhere around 35 cm (plus or minus 2 cm), but at the 27th week of pregnancy, the weight of the child is approaching a kilogram, on average, at this time, the baby weighs 900 g.

The fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy continues to develop, so this week the state of his body can be characterized as follows:

  • lungs filled with amniotic fluid are being developed, preparing for breathing air; increases the concentration of surfactant in the lungs,
  • the pituitary gland continues to produce the necessary hormones,
  • pancreas produces insulin
  • in turn, the thyroid gland produces three important hormones: thyroxine, calcitonin, triiodothyronine,
  • the metabolism independent of the maternal organism is gradually formed,
  • the cerebral cortex is becoming more and more developed, neural connections are improving,
  • the fetus is already able to feel pain,
  • opens and closes the eyes, all layers of the retina are fully formed,
  • sleeping and awake
  • wiggles fingers and toes
  • the hairs on the head can already be clearly distinguished (they have grown and darkened).

27th week of pregnancy, the movements of the fetus are more and more noticeable, he stubbornly pushes his mother from the inside with his fists, legs, tosses and stretches.

Mom at 27 weeks pregnant

The belly at the 27th week of pregnancy is already large, because of this, the center of gravity is shifted and the expectant mother is at risk of losing balance and falling. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful, especially during ice in winter or in rooms with slippery floors.

The weight of the pregnant woman continues to increase. The uterus is already 7 cm above the navel. The positions and movements of the baby can be seen at the 27th week of pregnancy by ultrasound, but at this time it is rarely prescribed.

A large amount of fluid in the body of the expectant mother continues to cause swelling of the limbs, especially the legs. It is best to fight the disease with comfortable shoes, sleep and rest in a position where the legs are raised in relation to the body.

If the swelling of the legs is excessive, then you need to consult a doctor, he can prescribe diuretics (but no self-medication, some medications can harm the child).

As in previous weeks, it is necessary to monitor the discharge of 27 weeks of pregnancy. They should be moderate and milky in color. If they are not, then you should immediately consult a doctor, perhaps even call an ambulance.

You can not do without the intervention of doctors, when during pregnancy 27 weeks it hurts and pulls the stomach too much, for a long period of time.

Nutrition at 27 weeks pregnant

Than on 27 weeks pregnant nutrition different from previous dates? Yes, nothing. Vitamin-containing foods, a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates are also relevant. Pregnant women still have to refrain from eating sweets and pickles, fried and fatty foods, exotic fruits and unusual dishes.

Nothing changes in the diet: often (up to 6 times a day) and in small portions.

Photo 27 weeks pregnant

Like sand through your fingers, the hours of pregnancy slip through. Stop memorable moments help 27 weeks of pregnancy photos. These can be professional 27 weeks of pregnancy photos of tummies taken during a photo shoot of the expectant mother. Or cute 27 weeks pregnant belly photos taken by dad-to-be on a smartphone camera. Or pregnancy 27 weeks baby photo.

Such a frame can only be obtained thanks to the 27th week of pregnancy ultrasound photo. Bring joy and 27 weeks of pregnancy photos of the fetus, posted on Internet resources.

Any expectant mother worries about her baby. In the second half of pregnancy, some pregnant women are especially concerned about the location of the fetus in the uterus. And what should be the position of the crumbs in the womb at 27 weeks of gestation? Can it change?

The movements of the fetus in the womb can be too abrupt and active. Probably something is bothering the baby, but most likely he is just active (after all, all children are different). But weak or rare movements of the expectant mother should alert, as this may be a symptom of hypoxia or pathology.

27th week of pregnancy: the position of the fetus can still change?

When the 27th week of pregnancy has gone, the position of the fetus, in fact, can be anything. The thing is that her baby is very small. So, its weight barely reached one kilogram, and its length is no more than 35-37 centimeters.

At this stage of development, there is an active formation of all the organs of the unborn baby. The fetus is already very active, it can make more than 10 obvious movements per hour. And while space allows the baby to move, because he himself is not so big yet, but there is enough space in the uterine cavity.

The baby has a lot to do: he can suck his thumb, yawn, hiccup, and even play with his umbilical cord. Probably, at this time, the baby will first try to open his eyes. He cannot see yet, but he will most likely be able to recognize light and darkness. Also, the fetus reacts to voices and sounds, so that some pregnant women notice that when they start talking with the unborn child, he begins to show activity, as if answering his mother.

The nervous system is developing, so it is possible that if the baby does not like something, he will make displeased grimaces or actively pull his legs and arms. This is such an interesting life.

The position of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation

If the 27th week of pregnancy has gone, doctors usually do not consider the location of the fetus at such a time as the final one. The thing is that the baby moves a lot, turns over. And since there is still plenty of space in the uterus, so far such actions are possible and practically unlimited. So if the baby is active and loves to tumble, then you should not worry about the fact that at this time he takes a breech presentation. Everything will change, and more than once.

There have been cases when the baby turned over just before the very birth. Surprising but true. Perhaps, at some instinctive level, the baby may be aware of how he should be located (it is not for nothing that in most cases there is a head presentation). But it also happens that the abdominal muscles do not allow the uterus to grow properly (this happens especially often in athletes), which limits the space for the baby to move.

And if the fetus is also large, then this completely complicates the situation. But do not panic ahead of time. You can report your experiences to the doctor, who is likely to prescribe special exercises to change the position of the fetus. Therefore, in any case, even if the 27th week of pregnancy has gone, breech presentation is not an indication for a cesarean section, because there is still a lot of time before childbirth.

Causes of the incorrect position of the fetus in the womb

What factors can provoke an incorrect position of the fetus at week 27 (although in most cases it is too early to talk about the final position of the crumbs). The main ones are listed below.

    With repeated pregnancies, the uterus stretches more, which creates additional space for movement.

    If the abdominal muscles are weak, as is the uterus, then it is likely that the fetus will not be properly fixed.

    Polyhydramnios. If there is a lot of amniotic fluid, but the baby has the opportunity to move freely in the uterus even in the last stages.

    With fibroids or pathologies of the structure of the uterus, there may be obstacles to the normal location of the fetus, so that the baby will take the most comfortable or possible position.

    Malformations of the fetus can also affect its location in the womb.

    Low location (previa) of the placenta.

How to change the position of the fetus in the womb?

The location of the fetus at week 27 can be changed, moreover, by quite conservative and very simple methods. So, there is a certain set of exercises. Some of them are presented below.

    You need to lie on your side, preferably on a hard surface. First you need to lie down on one side for about 10-15 minutes, then the same period of time on the other. In total, you need to change the position about 3-5 times. You can perform such a simple exercise, for example, while reading a book, without looking up from this exciting activity. Usually after a week the effect is observed.

    If there is a breech presentation of the fetus at 27 weeks, then the knee-elbow position may help. You need to get on all fours, leaning on your elbows and knees. In this position, you need to be about 20 minutes, you need to repeat such manipulations at least 3 times a day.

    You need to lie on your back, placing pillows under the buttocks, lower back and legs. Thus, the pelvis should be raised, while the legs are located 30 centimeters above the head (you can rest them against the wall, for example). In this position, you need to spend 15 minutes, repeating the exercise 3 times a day.

If you regularly perform such exercises (and this is very easy to do), then you can change the position of the fetus in the womb. But even if the baby will still be in a breech presentation, it means that he is so comfortable. After all, a third of all newborns are born by caesarean section.

The formation of fetal sensitivity begins long before birth. So, it was found that almost the entire surface of the skin of the crumbs is already ready to accept tactile information from about 14 weeks of pregnancy. So it's not as easy as it used to be.

In conclusion, it remains only to add that it is not worth worrying much about the location of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy. But you can report your worries to the doctor so that he assesses the situation and, if necessary, takes effective measures.


27 weeks pregnant

Most of the pregnancy has already passed, the third last trimester is underway, as important and responsible as the other two. You should be aware of some of the changes that occur at the 27th week of development with the baby and how to behave properly for the expectant mother at this time.

27th week of pregnancy - how many months?

The 27th week from the moment of conception corresponds to the 29th obstetric week (as obstetricians-gynecologists write in the diagnosis). Therefore, this is the beginning of the seventh calendar month from the period of the last ovulation, as we usually think, but the beginning of the eighth obstetric month (there are exactly four weeks in one such month).


An important point in the development of the fetus at this time is the production of surfactant - a substance that helps the lungs to straighten out. Therefore, nursing children born at this time is greatly facilitated, but no one will give a 100% guarantee that pathology can be avoided. Surfactant is not yet fully produced, so there is a risk of atelectasis (collapse) of the lungs.

The second important feature of this period is the formation of the fetal immune system, so it can already protect itself to some extent from various infectious agents. At this time, there may be prerequisites for the development of immune disorders in the future.


The 27th week of fetal development is not the period at which a planned ultrasound is shown. This period occupies an intermediate position between the second and third ultrasound screenings provided for in the standard of pregnancy management. However, there are situations when this study is necessary to assess the state of the fetoplacental system and the fetus.

In what cases is ultrasound indicated at 27 weeks from conception? These situations include:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract (during the study, premature detachment of the placenta, its presentation or low location are excluded or confirmed);
  • a change in the nature of fetal movements (in this case, it is advisable to combine ultrasound with dopplerometry, that is, an assessment of the blood flow in the fetus in the uterine and umbilical vessels);
  • the presence of watery discharge (with the help of ultrasound, the amount of amniotic fluid is assessed - the amniotic fluid index and the vertical pocket);
  • at risk for the development of preterm labor (it is required to evaluate the cervix - its length, internal os);
  • at risk for the development of placental insufficiency (ultrasound must be combined with dopplerometry).


An increase in the size of the uterus at this time is primarily due to the growth of the fetus, and not the placenta or a change in the amount of amniotic fluid, although these two indicators also increase.

The uterus continues to remain in a normal tone during a physiologically proceeding pregnancy, but occasionally it can be toned.

Through the wall of the uterus, small parts of the fetus (handles, legs) can “bulge out”, which is especially noticeable when moving.


At this time, further growth of the pregnant uterus continues, which is manifested by an increase in the abdomen. According to its circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, which the doctor determines at each of your visits to him, he can indirectly judge the course of pregnancy. If these parameters do not correspond to the norm, one can suspect the syndrome of fetal growth retardation, an abnormal amount of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios), the transverse position of the fetus, breech presentation, etc.


The appearance of cramping pains in the lower abdomen indicates a possible risk of premature birth, so you should immediately seek medical help to save the pregnancy.

Premature birth at 27 weeks always proceeds quickly, that is, in a few hours, and all drugs that are used to stop them are effective only when the cervix is ​​​​opened up to 3 cm. Otherwise, their appointment has no effect and childbirth continues, and for birth a child at this time requires less opening of the cervix than with a full-term pregnancy.

Thus, the appearance of regular cramping pains is a reason to urgently contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.


At 27 weeks of fetal development, sexual life is allowed, but it has some restrictions that are associated with the choice of positions. Not all previously used poses are available to you, since the stomach has significantly increased and rounded.

However, there are restrictions on sexual activity, which include.

Twenty-seventh week of pregnancy development- this is the beginning of the third trimester and the seventh month of the birth of life in your body. It becomes more and more difficult to move, roll over from side to side (it is very difficult to sleep on your back), it becomes more and more difficult to breathe, sit, your body continues to take on new forms, changes occur inside the body. But if you have been and continue to do sports, it will be much easier for you to control your body and perceive its changes.

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby becomes very active: looking at her stomach, the mother can notice the "greetings" of the baby, which he makes with his elbows and heels. During this period, care should be taken with the products used. Try to eat fewer allergens.

At 27 weeks, the baby is about the size of a cauliflower, about 24 cm tall and weighing about one kilogram.

The location of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy.

The weight of a pregnant woman is growing rapidly (there are exceptions, in such cases you need to be careful, as it can rise sharply and increase much faster than those who gain it gradually). The norm of weight gain for the entire pregnancy is 12-15 kg. Anything above this is not only extra pounds, but also an additional burden on mom and baby.

At 27 weeks of pregnancy the uterus has already risen almost to the ribs, it begins to squeeze the lungs and intestines. This leads to constipation, nausea, but does not affect your appetite. All this can last until the day of the onset of childbirth. To cope with constipation, you need to eat right, eat healthy food and in small portions.

This week your doctor will tell you about the position of the baby inside. Do not worry if you are told that the baby is lying with his legs down, he can still roll over a hundred times, the correct position of the child is upside down. If the doctor decides that the child is not lying correctly, he can prescribe special exercises for you, which will help ensure that the child takes the correct position.

How the fetus develops at the 27th week of pregnancy.

The development of pregnancy is gaining momentum, the belly is growing rapidly, and with it the child. The weight of the baby is already about one kilogram, and his height is 24 - 30 cm. This week, the baby sleeps about 20 hours a day, while he wakes up every hour.

If pregnancy progresses well, then childbirth that occurs ahead of time will not affect the health of the child, at this time the child may already survive, but the usual environment will not work for this, a special installation is needed that repeats the intrauterine state of the baby, the baby's organs will already be able to function.

The development of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation implies the development of the baby's immune system. The immune system begins to work actively and during this period the child's body, to some extent, can already cope with some viral diseases. Also, the baby will already be able to cope with some infections. The child's body is already able to react to allergens, so the mother should try not to eat foods that can cause an allergic reaction.

Movement of the child at the 27th week of pregnancy.

The baby continues to grow and develop, he begins to push more sharply, in comparison with previous weeks. The baby learns new positions in the mother's womb, he tries to roll over from side to side. In the moments when the baby is pushing, the mother can see how her stomach changes during the pushes, sometimes they can be a little painful. During this period, the child begins to react to bright lighting and its change, the same way the baby already feels when the mother takes a contrast shower.

Finally, let's say that if your doctor prescribes additional tests for you, then they are needed to clarify some inaccuracies. Mostly at the 27th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers take a urine test and in the case of low hemoglobin, they also donate blood for a general analysis. If you are sent for an ultrasound examination, then it is unscheduled, and will allow you to clarify all the existing nuances.

Also, don't forget to wear loose-fitting clothing that won't constrain you or cause discomfort. In order to feel more confident, you can make yourself a beautiful hairstyle and makeup, this will make you feel beautiful and desirable.

Do not forget to always carry an apple and water in your purse

A period of 27 weeks is an active period of life and intrauterine development of the baby. Its weight is about 0.9 kg with growth close to 36 centimeters. The baby is able to blink, respond well to light stimuli. Behaviorally, in many ways, the fetus is similar to a newborn. He recognizes sounds, distinguishes his mother's voice, has active taste buds and is able to recognize tastes, he plays, experiences emotions, has his own biological rhythm.

Development of organs and systems of the fetus

At a gestational age of 27 weeks, the nervous system and brain structures develop rapidly. The pituitary gland produces growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) - this is a polypeptide that activates the growth processes of the fetus.

The hormonal system of the child has joined in the work and is actively working, he is less and less dependent on the mother's hormones. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. The thyroid gland produces:

  • thyroxine;
  • calcitonin;
  • triyomarin.

Thanks to them, the level of calcium in the baby's body is maintained and a normal metabolic process is going on. In addition, these hormones are involved in the process of intellectual development of the child.

Most of the organs and systems are formed, in the future there is only a process of their growth and development. During this period, the immune and respiratory system is actively formed, alveolar pathways are formed, and surfactant begins to be produced. It is a surfactant, composed of phospholipids and proteins, that promotes the opening of the components of the respiratory system of the newborn at the first breath. If this substance is not enough, the child is not able to breathe on his own and needs a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation).

At 27 weeks, the fetus is viable. And if for some reason it needs to be removed or an early delivery occurs, with proper medical care, such a child is able to survive, although the development process has not yet been completed.

At week 27, the development of the internal systems of the fetus enters the final stage. Most importantly, the future baby is already viable and, with proper care, will be able to exist outside the mother's body. At this time, it is very important for women to be careful, to develop the correct daily routine - this is necessary for comprehensive preparation for natural delivery

During this period, the fetus already visually looks almost like a newborn. All skin appendages (nails, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes) are formed, the organs of vision and hearing are functional, sexual characteristics are visually clearly distinguishable. The skin is not so bright scarlet, but it is still wrinkled and quite transparent.

Examination of a pregnant woman at the beginning of the III trimester

The frequency of visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy is increasing, now you need to go to the antenatal clinic 2 times a month. The standard inspection includes:

  1. measurement of blood pressure (pressure);
  2. abdominal circumference;
  3. the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  4. measuring the weight of a pregnant woman;
  5. listening to the baby's heartbeat.

If there are complaints, even seemingly minor, you should inform your doctor about them. Perhaps he will prescribe an additional examination and ultrasound examination.

Laboratory examination of a pregnant woman

It is better to take tests before a planned visit to the gynecologist, so that the results are ready at the time of the examination. This is especially true at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, since the development of preeclampsia may begin during this period.

This phenomenon is accompanied by edema, often significant, it is characterized by the presence of protein in the urine, may be complicated by a persistent increase in blood pressure and vomiting. In severe preeclampsia, the functional state of a number of organs and systems may be impaired.

At a period of 27 weeks of pregnancy, an increase in blood cholesterol levels may be observed. This is normal, as the placenta requires high levels of cholesterol to produce hormones such as progesterone. If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, most likely an analysis will be added to the standard laboratory examination, indicating the presence / absence of the development of the Rh conflict. All of these examinations are needed so that the doctor can make sure that the gestation process is normal or that the pathology can be detected in time and correct the situation (if possible).

In general, the following tests are carried out:

  • determination of blood sugar levels;
  • blood biochemistry, including cholesterol levels.

Ultrasound diagnosis at 27 weeks

Standards for ultrasound diagnostics

A fetal ultrasound at 27 weeks gestation may be ordered in connection with suspected SZVR. Such suspicions may arise with an insufficient increase in the volume of the abdomen. In order to identify growth retardation, its type (symmetrical / asymmetrical), fetometric measurements are carried out and compared with the standards.

Even when conducting an unscheduled ultrasound at week 27, the doctor must take fetometric indicators and compare them with the established standards. This is necessary to exclude late fetal pathologies.

It is important to measure all limbs (upper and lower) to assess their proportionality and symmetrical growth. Modern ultrasound scanners allow you to calculate the approximate weight of the fetus and the indices of the ratio between its sizes. This gives reason to judge the intrauterine development of the child (his norms and pathology).

Normal fetometric indicators at 27 weeks of gestation are as follows:

  1. BP (thigh bone) - from 47 mm to 55 mm;
  2. PC (shoulder bone) - from 43 mm to 51 mm;
  3. KPP (forearm bone) - from 37 mm to 45 mm;
  4. KG (shin bone) - from 43 mm to 51 mm;
  5. BPR (biparietal size) - from 64 mm to 76 mm;
  6. coolant (abdominal circumference) - from 205 mm to 253 mm;
  7. OG (head circumference) - from 235 mm to 273 mm;
  8. LZ (frontal-occipital size) - from 80 to 96 mm.

If signs of the development of SZVR are detected, the procedure of dopplerometry of the MAG of the uterus and umbilical cord is mandatory. This allows you to determine the degree of suffering of the child in the womb. It is especially advisable to conduct this examination in complicated pregnancy.

Finally, you and your baby are moving into the last trimester of pregnancy! There is very little left before the long-awaited meeting! The baby is already quite active: looking at the stomach, the mother clearly distinguishes the movements of the little elbows and heels.

How many months have passed since the beginning of pregnancy? This period is already seven months without a week (obstetric months: one obstetric month is four weeks).

Your baby at the 27th week of pregnancy already weighs about a kilogram, and its total length is 34 centimeters.

What's happening

Fetal development at 27 weeks gestation

The baby has already formed a mode of wakefulness, followed by sleep. He already knows how to open, close his eyes. The sucking reflex is so formed that the baby actively sucks his fingers, and uses the fingers on both the arms and legs for this. The maturation of all organs continues, and a child with premature birth has a very high chance of surviving, since the lungs will already be able to work, although they have not yet fully matured.

Very important changes at the 27th week of pregnancy take place in the respiratory system. There is an improvement of the alveolar passages and directly the alveoli - the smallest bubbles where air exchange takes place. Also, the formation of surfactant occurs, which during inspiration ensures the full opening of the alveoli. It is the 27-28th week of pregnancy that characterizes the preparation of the baby's respiratory apparatus for extrauterine life.

Interestingly, at this stage, the expectant mother can already clearly feel how the baby hiccups! This process does not cause any inconvenience to the baby, it can take several minutes.

The development of the brain continues, the fetus becomes more active. If you watch the video, you can see that the baby often changes the position of the body, can roll over, his movements become more intense and strong.

The baby's immune system is gaining activity. He may already be reacting to incoming allergens, and mom should be especially careful about choosing products. Proper nutrition of the mother will lay the foundation for a strong immune system of the child.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Mom's Feelings

The third trimester of pregnancy begins, your body is preparing for the final stage.

There is already quite a long time behind, and it is not surprising that you often get tired, the body's need for rest and sleep increases. Soon the long-awaited maternity leave, you can relax, pay more attention to yourself. If there is an opportunity to go on maternity leave earlier - by all means use it! A good rest, the correct daily regimen is for the benefit of both the expectant mother and the baby! Moreover, in the third trimester, pains, a feeling of heaviness in the lower back, general malaise, frequent urination, and a good rest will help you a lot! Enjoy the changes in your sensations, the movements of your baby! At home, you will have more opportunity to read books about child development, you can go to training courses, breastfeeding school.

At this stage, new sensations may appear that bring anxiety. Very often during this period, pregnant women notice the appearance of swelling of the hands. They often disturb during sleep. In order to prevent them, try not to take a position during sleep that squeezes the limbs. Also try not to overload your wrists. It is very useful to periodically do light gymnastics for the hands, lifting them up.

An enlarged belly often causes shortness of breath, sleep disturbance, heartburn. Remember that these phenomena are not a cause for concern. Be sure to discuss all your feelings with your doctor - he will help to cope with them.

At the end of the second - beginning of the third trimesters, spasms of the muscles of the legs often occur. They are usually caused by low levels of calcium in the body, as well as high levels of phosphorus, fatigue, and strain on the veins. To relieve pain, you can do the following:

  • the level of trace elements helps to restore special calcium tablets, but be sure to consult your doctor: he will help you choose the best ones;
  • try to eat more foods rich in calcium;
  • the cause of pain in the legs may be an increased load on the venous apparatus, and it is very useful in such a situation to wear special compression stockings;
  • be sure to do gymnastics for the legs: you can choose any set of exercises that you like, the main thing is that absolutely all joints and muscle groups are involved;
  • foot massage is very useful: it will help reduce the load on the veins, relieve muscle fatigue, and it is easy to do it even on your own. With light stroking, and then with more intense kneading movements, massage your legs from the bottom up - along the venous and lymphatic vessels. Such a massage even relieves swelling of the legs.

Belly at 27 weeks pregnant

Your baby is already quite large, and the uterus almost reaches the level of the ribs. The bottom of the uterus is located 27 centimeters above the womb, 5-7 centimeters above the navel. The mass of the uterus by the beginning of the third trimester increases significantly, and this must be taken into account. The uterus can compress the inferior vena cava, while severe dizziness may disturb. For this reason, you can not lie on your back for a long time. Try to sleep on your side.

The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, especially affecting the bowels. Therefore, special attention should be paid to nutrition that prevents constipation.

The 27th week of pregnancy with twins is characterized by the fact that the uterus already rests against the costal arch. The double weight of babies brings mom more trouble, it is already quite difficult to maintain normal activity, it is necessary to rest more often, lie down to reduce the load.

Weight at 27 weeks of gestation normally increases by 9 kilograms. Until the end of pregnancy, it is quite acceptable to gain another 3-5 kilograms. Weight should be controlled, since you cannot dial more than these numbers: this can harm both the baby and the mother.

At this time, the baby often changes position. Do not worry if the doctor says at a routine examination that the baby is in a breech presentation: the position of the fetus can still change even several times!

Fetal movements at 27 weeks

Your baby has grown even more, and even without an ultrasound, you can clearly see how he moves, see the movements of arms and legs on the surface of the abdomen, feel how the baby kicks if he doesn’t like something, for example, music. When you take a contrast shower in the morning, the baby behaves more actively, and when you are calm, resting, he also rests.

Every woman who feels all the increasing movements of her baby is overwhelmed with joy. And if the baby is calm, there may be concern that the fetus moves a little ... The baby's movements are not only a reflection of his health, but also his temperament, even his mood. If a woman does not have any risk factors, the baby is developing well, then his rest period should not be disturbed. Surely every future mother by this time already knows and understands her baby, his level of activity.

In some cases, your doctor may ask you to count your baby's movements. This is very easy to do. You need to choose a period of maximum activity - often this is the time after a meal or before bedtime. Sit comfortably, relax and count how much time it takes for 10 movements of the baby. Follow all your doctor's recommendations. Experts note that a clear figure for the number of movements is not very informative; anxiety should be caused only by the complete absence of movements for 1-2 hours at the usual time for activity.

Pain at 27 weeks pregnant

During this period, a woman may be disturbed by rather unpleasant, but completely harmless painful sensations. Often it is soreness, heaviness in the lumbar region. Such sensations are associated with the increasing size of the fetus, uterus, compression of the nerve plexuses. To alleviate them, it is necessary to do special exercises for pregnant women.

Often at this stage, pain on the sides of the abdomen begins to disturb. They are associated with stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. Its size increases, the ligaments stretch more and more. Such sensations decrease with a change in body position, rest.

At this stage, a woman may feel training contractions. They are still rather weakly expressed. Usually women note that the stomach often becomes stony. If these periods are short and do not cause pain, this is quite normal. If the pain increases, and especially if the pain in the abdomen is accompanied by discharge, this is a reason to go to the clinic.

Required studies and analyzes

As a rule, only and are held this week. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound. An unscheduled examination may be prescribed to diagnose the condition of the fetus or the health of the mother.

Useful video


Tell me, liquid discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy - is it not dangerous?

During pregnancy, and especially towards its final stage, it is quite normal to increase the amount of discharge. Normally, the discharge should be clear, liquid, by the end of pregnancy it may become slightly cloudy. However, if the color, consistency or smell of the discharge changes, this is an alarm. White, yellow, earthy, cheesy, purulent discharge, an unpleasant odor are signs of an infectious pathology. Scarlet discharge can be a symptom of placental abruption, as well as premature labor.

I am 27 weeks pregnant, my stomach hurts ... The sensations are not very pronounced. It doesn't hurt much, it hurts from time to time. This is fine?

At this stage, pain may appear in the abdomen, which are associated with an increase in the size of the uterus, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, pressure of the uterus on the nerve plexuses. If these sensations gradually increase with an increase in the duration of pregnancy and are not intense pain, this is a variant of the norm. If the pain in the abdomen arose abruptly, its intensity is high, or constant aching pain bothers you for a long period, this may be an alarm. If your sensations are too intense and cause anxiety, do not put off a visit to the doctor.

Tell me, please, is it normal if my stomach pulls periodically for several minutes?

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman may already feel training contractions - short, non-intense pulling sensations in the abdomen. Many women describe these sensations as follows: the stomach is tense, it turns to stone. Such feelings are normal.

Is sex contraindicated at 27 weeks pregnant? My husband is very sensitive to the long-awaited pregnancy and is worried, is it possible?

If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then sex is not contraindicated and is even very useful. Positive emotions for future parents are only good. Naturally, you need to avoid sudden movements, pressure on the stomach, and then there is no danger.

If childbirth occurs at this time, can the baby survive?

By this time, the fetus has already matured enough, and according to statistics, the chance of survival is more than 80%. The respiratory system has not yet fully matured, and special equipment is needed for life support, but the baby may well survive.

I went to an unscheduled ultrasound, and in conclusion they wrote to me: 27 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation. What to do?

First of all, don't panic. At your gestational age, the baby is very active, and there is enough space in the uterus for full movements. He can change position several more times, so if now the presentation is breech, this does not mean that it will remain so by the time of birth.

I occasionally have a feeling that my stomach is turning to stone. What is this? How to distinguish the tone at the 27th week of pregnancy?

The tone of the uterus is the contraction of its muscle layer before the onset of labor. This condition requires a doctor's consultation, as the causes may be different. It can also increase with coughing, sneezing, and with stress, negative emotions. But it can be a symptom of threatened miscarriage. Women usually feel the tone as a pulling pain, reminiscent of the sensations during menstruation, which radiates to the lower back. Feeling that the stomach turns to stone, may be during training bouts. In any case, in order to prevent a possible threat of a change in your well-being, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor who is in charge of the pregnancy. Especially if such sensations are accompanied by discharge or other changes in condition.