Why it is not possible to get pregnant a second time reasons. Planning a second pregnancy is easy and hassle-free. Weight and conception

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Motherhood is a miracle given to us by nature. Once having felt all the joys of the birth of a baby, after a while the woman is again ready to become a mother. But it so happens that the long-awaited pregnancy does not come. A woman buys in packs of ovulation and pregnancy tests and asks the question: “What's wrong and why can't I get pregnant with my second child? What should be done to make the desired happen? " Well, let's figure out how to get pregnant with a second child.

The essence of female physiology

Oddly enough, the problem of inability to get pregnant arises not only in those couples who are planning a baby for the first time. Often married couples who already have a child are also worried if they cannot get pregnant with a second for a long time. Both childless and already established mothers write in the Google search bar: "how to get pregnant with 2 children." But before looking for the cause and ways to solve it, it is important to understand: how long should pregnancy not occur to start worrying?

If for the first time you managed to get pregnant from the first cycle, and you have been planning to conceive a second child for several months, but pregnancy does not occur, do not despair! It's hard not to worry. But then you were younger. It is known that the older a woman becomes, the less often she ovulates, and accordingly, the chances of quickly becoming a future mother are significantly reduced. Gynecologists say that women over 30 years old ovulate less often than before. This means that it will take time for the desired to take place. The female body is not a Swiss watch, it cannot work exactly under any circumstances. Research confirms that only 20% of women become pregnant with their second child from the first cycle. The remaining 80% have to wait at least a year before the second pregnancy occurs. Therefore, if you are wondering why you are not able to get pregnant with a second boy or girl, think, maybe your time has not come yet?

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Conception of a second child

Secondary infertility

You should also not worry if you just became a mother and are still breastfeeding your first child. Breastfeeding is known to inhibit ovulation and therefore pregnancy. There may be no monthly periods from a month to six months or more. The problem is high levels of prolactin in the blood. In addition, the body has not yet had time to recover and gain strength to bear a new life. If you have been unable to get pregnant for more than a year, you still don’t need to worry. Better not to get upset if you can't get pregnant with your second child and don't ask yourself: "Why can't I get pregnant with my second child?" Try to figure out the reasons and start doing something with your husband.

Remember that today the diagnosis of "infertility" is practically not made by doctors. As such, infertility that cannot be overcome does not actually exist. And with the modern level of medicine, every woman can become a mother.

What could be the reasons

The reasons why it is not possible to become pregnant with a second child may be associated with such aspects:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

Physiological cause

The physiological reasons are very broad. Most likely, you will need to visit some doctors to find out why you cannot get pregnant with a second child the first time. Let's take a look at the likely health problems that can prevent a second pregnancy for a year or more.

  1. Partner health problems. Do not rush to blame your body for all the failures. Male health problems can also be the cause of a long-awaited pregnancy.
  2. Violation of the hormonal background of a woman. The hormonal system of a woman is vulnerable, she reacts to many factors: lack of sleep, overwork, stress. Unfortunately, the life of a modern woman is not devoid of all this. If you cannot get pregnant within a year and at the same time there are irregularities in the menstrual cycle, most likely the case is in female sex hormones.
  3. Inflammation and genital infections. It is known that inflammation of the reproductive system can proceed completely unnoticed. Often you will not find any symptoms indicating that a genital infection has settled in the body. However, it can be a serious threat to getting pregnant. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions in the pelvic organs - these are the consequences of genital infections in women. A genital infection can be "picked up" in the hospital (both after cesarean section and after natural childbirth) or through hygiene products in public places.

Psychological reasons

The reasons do not always lie in the problems with the physical health of men or women. The psychological aspect is also very important. It has been proven that in 30% of couples who cannot conceive for a long time, the so-called psychological infertility is found. Often it is associated with a woman's obsession with quickly getting pregnant with a second child the first time. We can measure daily basal temperature, we can buy ovulation tests, waking up and falling asleep with the thought of conceiving a child. If you are worried about why you cannot get pregnant second, the body is under stress. And stress is known to block ovulation. A vicious circle, isn't it?

Stress in the body can also cause conflicting feelings. Today you want a child, and tomorrow you are already afraid of such global changes in life, the jealousy of the first baby. After all, you remember the sleepless nights of the first year of the baby's life, and colic, and "I do not want to give birth." Thus, the desire for a second child and the unwillingness to change the established way of life seem to compete, interfering with conception.

How to quickly fix the problem

Any problem can be solved. Tune in to this. And get started. In less than a year, your first baby will have a brother or sister.

Physiological aspect

Remember that a physiological problem cannot be solved on its own. Therefore, find a good obstetrician-gynecologist who is able not only to find out the reasons, but also to help you cope with them. In addition, the doctor must be right for you. How do I find it? Go to a dedicated forum or read reviews on the Internet. Such a specialist does not necessarily work in a private clinic or in a large office with modern equipment. It can be an ordinary local obstetrician-gynecologist without a bunch of certificates, but loving his job, someone who knows what to do and how you can get pregnant with your second child within a year. Queues usually line up for these. But there are very few such doctors among hundreds of doctors.

  1. The partner's health problems will be revealed by a spermogram, to which the urologist will refer him. According to the doctors, after taking medications and correcting the lifestyle, everything usually falls into place. So in case of successful treatment, you and your husband will definitely be able to conceive a second child within a year.
  2. To determine if there are hormone problems, your doctor will order a blood test to be taken on certain days of your cycle. If there is a violation of the hormonal background of a woman, one should not only be treated under the guidance of an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also try to avoid stress and overstrain. Also, you need to find out if there is a hormonal imbalance and eliminate them.
  3. Before talking about the presence of inflammation or genital infection, you need to undergo the following tests:
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs; with its help, the doctor monitors ovulation;
  • smear to detect genital infections;
  • check for patency of the fallopian tubes (hysterosalpingography, hydrosonography, diagnostic laparoscopy).

Treatment of genital infections occurs with antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs. If the infection has not become chronic, its treatment is very successful. As a rule, both partners must be treated, otherwise there is a risk of re-infection.

If there are problems with the patency of the fallopian tubes, the doctor will suggest performing a surgical operation (laparoscopy, fertiloscopy, pertubation). According to doctors, after such an intervention, we can talk about planning a second child, although not from the first month after the restoration of the cycle.

Psychological aspect

As we have already found out, we cannot cope with physiological problems if we cannot get pregnant the second time. The psychological problem is different. First of all, its decision depends on you! Of course, you can seek help from a psychologist who will help you find the root of the problem. But only you should overcome the psychological problem.

Therefore, if you notice that the idea of ​​having a second child becomes obsessive, try to switch to something else. Do what you love, walk with your first child, take the whole family on an unforgettable journey. Don't think about pregnancy! There are so many interesting things in life!

Once you relax and “let go of the situation,” conception can happen by itself. When you have conflicting feelings, try to sort them out with the help of a psychologist or loved one. Are you planning a pregnancy just because your friend Masha has already become pregnant with the second, and you still have one child? Or just thinking about why not getting pregnant with your second child? Do you really want a baby or are you trying to get pregnant because your husband wants a son? If this is your desire, "spoiled" chest or sleepless nights are not able to scare you. If you are worried about your career or financial independence, figure out what is more important to you. Perhaps you just need to wait for a more opportune moment, create the most suitable conditions in order to get pregnant the second time.

Many people believe that folk remedies and the advice of friends can help to get pregnant. However, if you are following the path of solving a problem that prevents you from getting pregnant with a second child, do not forget about the general recommendations for a successful conception.

  1. Do ovulation tests from days 10 to 17 of your cycle. So you can understand when the most favorable moment for conception will come.
  2. Have romantic evenings with your husband. Candles, delicious food and a relaxing atmosphere remove stress and promote successful conception.
  3. Get enough sleep and don't overexert yourself! We can get pregnant the second time, if the body is rested.
  4. Take a trip. About two months.
  5. Start drinking prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid. So it will have time to accumulate in the body and it will be enough for the full development of the baby.
  6. Don't forget about exercise. When you are actively involved in sports, hormones of happiness are produced. In addition, the more active the blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the better they work.
  7. When flipping through photos of a young son / daughter, remember happy moments. This will help you tune in to the positive.
  8. Your food should be healthy and balanced. Get used to healthy food now, if you haven't done so before.
  9. After intercourse, you can become in the "birch" position or just lie down calmly.
  10. Pray. Prayer is able to tune in a gracious mood and believe in your own strength.

Love. Husband, first child, myself, life. Love as much as you can. And the second baby will not be long in coming!

Many women who have experienced the joy of motherhood begin to think about conceiving a second baby. Some, despite the excuses of others, persistently tell their relatives: I want to get pregnant with my second child, period! But it is important that this decision was, first of all, conscious, and the gap between the first and second births was appropriate.

Any qualified gynecologist, answering the phrase “I want to get pregnant with my second child”, will ask you questions about the first pregnancy and your health, carefully study the history of the first birth and prescribe you a number of studies that you should definitely go through.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant with your second child faster

In order to become a happy mother of a second baby again, you need to adhere to some rules that will help to significantly speed up the process of conception. At first, You need to count and determine the most prosperous days. Three days before their onset, you should refrain from intercourse. In order to increase your chances and become a mom again soon, you need to have sex every day.

Secondly, you need to let go of the situation and stop thinking about your cherished goal all the time. Professional psychologists advise women not to think constantly about the fact of conception and not to cheat a partner. Sometimes the reason for the long non-onset of pregnancy lies precisely in this.

Thirdly, adjust the daily routine, rest as much as possible. Quite often it happens that after a woman who wants to become a mother begins to rest and relax more, pregnancy begins. Women in their thirties with this problem will need urgent consultation with a reproductive specialist.

If all your attempts during the year are unsuccessful, then you need to consult a gynecologist. He will assign you all the necessary tests and additional examinations. In some cases, a gynecologist, after a series of additional examinations, gives a referral for IVF or ICSI. Modern medicine has stepped far and in any case there is no need to be upset and worry, and your "I want to get pregnant with my second child" will become a reality!

What to do if you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding

The main thing: there is no need to panic in any way. If your baby is breastfed, you just need to stop breastfeeding your baby. When the firstborn is fed, prolactin may be released into the bloodstream, which affects ovulation. And only after switching to artificial feeding, you can plan a second baby, and your wish “I want to get pregnant with my second child” may soon come true.

What to do if the second pregnancy does not occur

To resolve this issue, you, first of all, need to analyze the state of your body, take tests, get advice from a professional gynecologist. Make sure that the cause of infertility is in you and not in your partner. Many information sources also advise you to simply change your surroundings and go to warm countries. Carefully analyze your diet, include foods rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Buy vitamins for pregnant women at the pharmacy and drink the course.

After the first birth, less than a year has passed, and the second pregnancy does not occur - why

“After the birth of the first baby, less than a year has passed, and I cannot get pregnant, I want to get pregnant with my second child” - with these words, many newly minted mothers come to see a gynecologist. Any specialist will tell you that planning a future pregnancy is possible only two to three years after the first one. Doctors have found that such a period of time is necessary for the recovery of the female body. Doctors do not recommend getting pregnant immediately after 1 birth, as a miscarriage may occur, and there may also be certain negative consequences for the second baby.

Can't conceive a second child for more than a year: reasons

Today, there are several most common reasons why you may not be able to become a mother a second time. So, consider them:

  • Diagnosis of obstruction of the fallopian tubes
  • A small percentage of active sperm in the ejaculate
  • Pathology of the uterus
  • Ovulation does not occur

According to the latest research, it is not young spouses who experience problems with conception most of all, but families who already have children. And this is due to a significant deterioration in the quality of the partner's sperm. If you have had problems with childbirth for more than a year, then you should know - it's time for you to see a doctor.

Expert advice on planning a second pregnancy

The best age for the onset of 2 pregnancy, according to doctors, is thirty-four years. It is at this age that most women are healthy and provided with material benefits. In the 21st century, medicine has made great strides. If you have problems with childbirth, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, get competent advice and strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions and prescriptions. And in order for your "I want to get pregnant with my second child" to come true, you need:

  • Do not be nervous and have an active sex life. Do not constantly focus on the problem.
  • Do not follow diets aimed at weight loss, as a possibly reduced diet will deprive your body of the substances and elements it needs. If you still want to put your figure in order, then you will have to wait with the birth of your second baby. Choose products for yourself so that they are healthy and tasty.
  • Worry less and rest as much as possible - this motto in your life in this period should become the main one.
  • Move and travel more. A change of scenery can help, too. And you will definitely succeed! The main thing is not to neglect all the doctor's advice.

Start your journey to happiness - now!

The first childbirth is behind and the decision has already been made to give birth to a second child, but pregnancy does not occur, which leaves the woman perplexed. She is constantly worried about the question: "Why can't I get pregnant with my second child?" Especially if the first pregnancy did not have to wait long, and the birth went well.

Excessive anxiety in such cases cannot solve the problem, on the contrary, it interferes with the occurrence of pregnancy. And there may be various reasons that after the first child it is not possible to get pregnant with the second. Why is this happening? Consider what to do and how to get out of this situation.

What can be an obstacle to a second pregnancy

When a woman says that I want to, but cannot get pregnant with a second child, then the question immediately arises, how did it happen the first time and is it possible to compare the first pregnancy with the second? Of course, this cannot be done, since the value is not constant and its ability depends on many factors.

Those who have been waiting for their first pregnancy for a long time, preparing for it, understand that in order for conception to occur, a favorable combination of many circumstances is needed:

  • absence of pathologies of the reproductive system of women and men;
  • the presence of ovulation;
  • timely and correctly performed sexual intercourse, even posture can make a difference;
  • preparedness of the uterus for implantation;
  • psychological calmness.

Important! Stimulating for the purpose of pregnancy is dangerous. It should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, but in some cases, short-term oral contraceptive use can help. After they are canceled, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases dramatically.

What are the reasons that prevent conception

The absence of pregnancy, immediately after the decision to give birth to a child, should not cause panic. You can start worrying when conception does not occur during the year, with regular sexual activity. Although the first birth has already proven a woman's ability to have children, you need to think about what has changed since that time:

  • the sexual partner has changed. This often happens, the number of divorces and remarriages is growing;
  • the previous birth was difficult or was caesarean, which could lead to disorders, adhesions and secondary infertility;
  • neither you nor your partner have grown younger during this time, and with age, the number of ovulations often decreases, and the activity of sperm cells;
  • after the first birth, diseases of the genitourinary system could occur (infections, cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, tumors);
  • there are violations of the hormonal background of the body (stress, decreased immunity), or diseases that change it (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases);
  • too little time has passed since the first birth and you are breastfeeding your baby.

These are just some of the reasons that explain why pregnancy does not occur, we will consider them in more detail.

Sexual partner problems

If this is your second marriage, then first of all you need to do a sperm analysis of your new partner. Even when he has children in another marriage, a spermogram is necessary, since in many cases a change in the quality of sperm cells can be for reasons so subtle that men do not even pay attention to. This happens when:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system (infections). In men, even after a course of treatment, they can become chronic and not show severe symptoms. But even a chronic course affects the quality of sperm;
  • some diseases that cause azoospermia (lack of active spermatozoa), for example, mumps, rubella, can also be infected by adults, if they did not suffer from it in childhood;
  • taking medications, many drugs temporarily reduce sperm activity, for example, Erythromycin;
  • overwork, stress, too active sex life;
  • immunological incompatibility of partners, it will have to be checked with additional tests.

The spermogram should be checked, even if it is your partner, from whom the first child.

Reproductive problems in women

There are many different problems that require study, for this you will have to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, which may include:

  • study of the microflora of the vagina (smear);
  • examination for latent infections;
  • sonography (ultrasound) of the reproductive organs and the pelvic area;
  • determining the regularity of ovulation;
  • checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.

In some cases, you will have to donate blood for hormones or conduct diagnostic laparoscopy. If diseases are identified in which pregnancy is impossible, then the question will immediately disappear: "Why can't I get pregnant second?" and you will have to undergo a course of treatment.

Ovulation problems

With age, the number of ovulations, even in healthy women, decreases. Why does this happen? The fact is that the number of follicles in the ovaries is limited, and many of them undergo reverse development, and with inflammatory processes in the ovaries, they can die. It can also be affected by changes in hormonal levels, for example, endocrine diseases or stress.

When you have recently given birth, but you want a second child, you cannot get pregnant if you are breastfeeding the first. Of course, there are exceptions, but usually with breastfeeding, an increase in prolactin in the blood prevents ovulation and pregnancy does not occur.

To increase the likelihood of conception, you should monitor the days of ovulation. To do this, you can use special tests for ovulation, keep a calendar, measure basal temperature.

Important! Already at the age of 35, many women ovulate only 3-4 times a year. And then you have to think about using the IVF procedure to get pregnant.

How to prepare the uterus for implantation

Pregnancy must be planned, and even when the first time it came quickly, it does not mean that the second time you may be accidentally lucky. Taking into account the tension of the rhythm of life, the problems of environmental pollution, the level of increased radiation, you must be able to prepare your body for the embryo to take root.

For this you need:

  • establish a normal daily routine;
  • do not overwork at work and try to limit yourself from stress;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • do not adhere to different newfangled diets, unless they are aimed at losing weight with obesity;
  • take special vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • enough rest.

How to eliminate the psychological factor that interferes with getting pregnant

When a woman comes to a gynecologist with the question: "I can't get pregnant with my second child, why, what is the reason?" an experienced specialist can identify the psychological factor that prevents the desired pregnancy. In this case, many doctors advise you to just go to rest. A joint vacation with her husband, preferably without a child, let him stay with his grandmother for this time, can help a pregnant woman return from vacation. There are a few little secrets about your vacation:

  • you need to plan rest a week after menstruation, this is the most favorable time for ovulation;
  • no need to go on vacation to tours, rich in various programs, shows. You need time to be alone;
  • try not to go to the other end of the world, as changing time zones can negatively affect your well-being;
  • use during sex, certain positions that promote conception, and do not jump out of bed after that, so as not to miss another tour of significant places. Lie down in a calm environment.

Getting pregnant with a second child is not so difficult, you just need to want it and make every effort. The fact that the first time everything went quickly and without certain complications does not mean that it will always be this way. We must try, get ready for examinations and after a while another baby will appear in your house.

We often hear this statement from young mothers: "I want a second child, but I can't get pregnant." Some couples dream of weather children, and then this problem becomes serious.

However, pregnancy sometimes runs counter to our assumptions and calculations. And sometimes it makes you wait unbearably long.

Not everyone who cannot get pregnant is diagnosed with infertility. From a medical point of view, this diagnosis can be made if, with regular unprotected sex, pregnancy does not occur for 12 months or more. In this case, the age of the expectant mother should be taken into account. If she is under the age of 35, then this period is reduced for the diagnosis of infertility.

Many people turn to doctors with the question: "Why can't I get pregnant with my second child?" It is not possible to answer this question unequivocally, since there can be many reasons.

Let's try to consider several of the most common reasons, excluding which it will be possible to understand why it is not possible to get pregnant with a second child.

Stress and nervous strain

Many people are familiar with the situation when a young woman literally "gets hung up" on her pregnancy. A strong desire to have a child makes her impatient, depriving her of sleep and rest. She cannot think of anything else. Moreover, all her thoughts are aimed at pregnancy. Every month she expects the coveted two strips on the dough, and her absence is tragic. The woman is irritated by the doctor's attitude and his advice “do not worry and relax”, she changes doctors in panic, hoping that the next one will act immediately, declaring to everyone again and again: “I want a second child”.

When it is impossible to get pregnant with a second child, a woman experiences no less than the first time, but everything is aggravated by her lifestyle, which is sharply different from the previous one. Now she has a baby who needs to be taken care of, not to get enough sleep, to worry about his health. Naturally, stress in life is added, and this leads to increased production of stress hormones and a general change in hormonal balance. Therefore, stress is not a psychological, but a completely physiological reason for non-conception.

There is also not always free time left for regular sex, and it often happens that the mode of sexual life changes radically.

If the reason lies only in a nervous state, then you should go on vacation, change the rhythm of life to a calmer one, relax and enjoy life, leaving everything else to nature.

In order to remove all worries about this and not torment yourself with thoughts of why you cannot get pregnant, you should understand what is the norm and what is pathology.

Norm and pathology

Doctors believe that the optimal age for a woman to conceive a second child is 32–35 years. It is at this age that a woman still has good health, and the material base of the family is excellent for planning the replenishment of the family. At this age, a woman is already gaining enough experience in caring for a child and may well calculate her strength and time to take care of the second baby without prejudice to the first.

However, it is women of this age who most often turn to a doctor with a panicky question: "why can't I get pregnant with a second child?"

It should be understood that the reasons can be different, and doctors divide them into three main categories:

  • physiological;
  • psychological;
  • technical.

If we have already familiarized ourselves with the psychological reasons, then we will try to understand the reasons of a physiological nature.

Physiological reasons that prevent getting pregnant a second time

“I can't get pregnant with my second child” - this is the problem that brings a woman to a gynecologist.

But before conducting an examination, taking tests, the doctor begins to ask seemingly insignificant questions. In fact, he collects a detailed history in order to identify all possible reasons for the absence of a second pregnancy.

Some of these issues may include:

  • whether there were problems with conceiving the first child;
  • whether there were attempts to become pregnant a second time during breastfeeding;
  • whether your sexual partner has changed;
  • at what time you tried to get pregnant.

And also many other questions that will shed light on the reasons for the absence of pregnancy.


Every woman should be aware that there are certain days when the female body is ready to conceive a child. It is during this period that it is worth activating sex life in order to have a positive result and increase the percentage of the likelihood of a long-awaited pregnancy.

The term "ovulation" comes from the Latin word "ovum" meaning "egg". This is the process when a healthy egg is released from the ovary and is ready for fertilization. In a healthy woman of childbearing age, the day of ovulation occurs every 21–35 days. In this case, the frequency of ovulation depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. It is better not to be tormented by a problem in vain, but simply to draw up an ovulation schedule.

To use the ovulation and conception calculator, you need to know the first day of the cycle and its last day, and then you will get the most likely days for pregnancy.

The highest percentage of the likelihood of pregnancy is 33% and falls on the day of ovulation. The day before ovulation, the percentage of the probability of fertilization of the egg is 31%, and two days - 27%. Three to four days before ovulation, the probability of fertilization is 14-16%. It should be remembered that the next day after ovulation and within 6 days before it, the percentage of the likelihood of pregnancy decreases sharply.

Many women say “they can't get pregnant with their second child,” but they don't even want to count the days when they ovulate. But this is not difficult at all if you have a regular menstrual cycle. An approximate ovulation calendar looks like this:

  • 4 days before ovulation;
  • day of ovulation;
  • 2 days after ovulation.

If the menstrual cycle is irregular, then measuring the basal temperature will help to draw up an ovulation calendar. Basal temperature readings should be taken throughout the menstrual cycle. On the day of ovulation, it will decrease by 0.5 degrees. So, by measuring the temperature over several cycles, you can accurately determine the day of ovulation, as well as determine the most favorable days for conception.

If the schedule is drawn up and the couple sticks to it, but the pregnancy does not occur, it is worth looking at other possible problems.

Problems in the male reproductive system

The reason why a woman does not become pregnant with her second child may be hidden in a man's body. To identify and eliminate it, the future father should go to the test -. Unlike the lengthy and costly screening of women, this test is easy and inexpensive. In this case, one of the possible reasons for the absence of pregnancy can be identified.

Complications after the first birth

Often the first childbirth was complicated. In this case, a more complete examination of the woman is required. It consists in passing the following tests:

  • for latent infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • smear for microflora;
  • checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Such a comprehensive examination will allow you to identify problems that have arisen after the first birth, and therefore indicate ways to eliminate them.

Pregnancy while breastfeeding

Some families want to raise children with small age differences. And if pregnancy does not occur immediately after the first birth, mothers in horror declare: "I want a second child, but it does not work." In response to such a statement, the doctor will explain that during the feeding period, the woman's body synthesizes the hormone prolactin, which regulates milk production, but at the same time blocks the attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus, that is, it is itself a natural contraceptive. In this case, you should reconsider your plans for conceiving a second child and wait for the moment when the body is ready for this.

Where to start treatment?

If you are worried about the problem of conceiving a second child, and communication with specialists in an antenatal clinic or a district clinic does not suit you, you should contact one of the specialized reproductive centers, which will help you in planning a child.

The prescription of treatment is carried out individually, and a specific tactic is chosen in each case. Treatment is necessary for everyone who is worried about the question: "I want a second child, but I can't get pregnant with a second child."

When preparing the female body for pregnancy, the drug Pregnoton is often prescribed, which, due to herbal components, normalizes the hormonal balance, reducing the production of prolactin, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and allows the woman's body to recover faster from stress. This drug contains vitamins and minerals necessary for conception, which will be useful for the unborn child during the period of his early intrauterine development.

After the birth of the first child in the family, some married couples want to conceive a second child right away, so that the children have a small age difference. But it is not so easy to conceive a child immediately after the first birth. Many women are diagnosed with infertility after the birth of their first child.

One of the reasons why a woman cannot conceive a second child after having her first child, despite the fact that she is breastfeeding, is milk production, which in turn is a natural defense. It is not always possible to get pregnant with a second child at the moment when you wanted to.

Even if a woman after the age of 35 is regularly fertilizing a child, with her spouse, it may end in failure, since the egg is not released during every menstruation. The older a woman gets, the less often an egg is released during the menstrual cycle.

There are two reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant with her second child:

  • Physical;
  • Psychological.

Let's consider in detail the first reason

  1. Every modern woman endures stress, lacks sleep and is overworked. If you have lost your menstrual cycle during the year, then it's all about female sex hormones. The hormonal system of a woman is at.
  2. If you cannot get pregnant during the first two years, consult a doctor, but keep in mind that your spouse also needs to check his health, not everything depends on you. So do not rush to blame yourself for all the troubles, since men's health plays the same important role in fertilization as yours.
  3. Also, let's not miss the moment that a woman's sexual diseases especially affect the fertilization of the second child. You may not feel anything, but according to the tests, an infection or inflammation may be found in you, which prevents the long-awaited fertilization. You could pick her up at the hospital or in a public place.
  4. Every modern woman endures stress, lacks sleep and is overworked. If you have lost your menstrual cycle during the year, then it's all about female sex hormones. The hormonal system of a woman is sensitive.

When a pregnancy test is negative, you should not refer only to physical difficulties, there are also psychological ones. When a woman lives with annoying thoughts about a second pregnancy, falls asleep with them and wakes up, constantly checks the test, etc., or, on the contrary, does not want to have a child, at this time the body suffers stress.

The first child is worried too

Also, do not forget that you already have a child and you are still worried about his health and for him, which also leads to stress. And stress prevents fertilization during the menstrual cycle. Try to worry less.

Any difficulty can be solved, be it physical or psychological. To solve physiological problems, find yourself a good obstetrician-gynecologist who can help you become completely healthy. Go through all the procedures, check your genitals: take tests, smear, do an ultrasound and check the patency of the fallopian tubes, etc.

If you are overweight, then you need to get rid of it. Also, your sexual partner should consult a urologist who should give a referral for tests. This procedure will show if your man is healthy. Diseases are treated with antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics, so it's not all that bad, even with surgery.

As for psychological problems, everything is much simpler here. You must calm down, rest and decide for yourself what you really want, whether you need a second child, are you ready for it, etc. If you yourself are not able to cope with these questions, then talk to a loved one who will give you good advice, or go to a specialist.

Follow some tips, and you will definitely be able to get pregnant with your second child:

  • observe the correct diet;
  • get enough sleep and try not to overwork;
  • go in for sports, fitness;
  • relax, travel the world;
  • spend more time with your spouse arranging a romantic;
  • consume more vitamins.

As scientists recognize, the appropriate age for fertilizing a second child in a woman is from thirty-two to thirty-five years. During this period, the body has fully recovered after the appearance of the first child and is ready for the second birth.

Love your family and your dreams will definitely come true. After all, the one who sets a goal and goes to it, always reaches it.