Why does the baby cry while breastfeeding? High muscle tone. The order of introducing complementary foods

Causes of crying and mother's mistakes in organizing feeding

The crying of a baby is the only way for him to communicate with his mother and the world around him. However, sometimes parents are faced with the fact that the newborn is anxious during feeding. Why does a baby cry when a mother offers him milk from a breast or a bottle? When trying to figure out the reason for this behavior, some women think that the baby is lacking in nutrition or does not like the taste of milk. However, is this the only thing?


Thinking that the baby cries only when hungry, mothers often switch to mixed or fully artificial feeding. Lactation experts have identified many reasons why a newborn is anxious when eating. A crying baby at the mother's breast may indicate physical or psychological discomfort. The child screams when he eats if:

  • his tummy hurts: the baby twists his legs, pressing them to the body. This is due to an immature digestive system that makes it difficult to digest food;
  • he swallowed air along with milk, which is why gases collect in the stomach and intestines, which give very unpleasant sensations;
  • he does not like the taste of milk because, for example, his mother ate garlic or other spicy foods. In this case, the baby will pick up the breast, throw it, cry, pick it up again, etc.;
  • the jet hits too hard due to the excessive amount of milk from the mother, so the newborn does not have time to swallow and chokes;
  • milk is not enough: this can be easily checked with the wet diaper method and weekly weight gain analysis.


The baby can cry not only near the mother's breast, but also when he eats the mixture from the bottle. In addition to colic, which occurs with both natural and artificial feeding, it can cause anxiety and cry of the child:

  • ear pain is a fairly common problem among babies in the first year of life. If the crying of the baby during feeding is strong and sharp, intensifies with weak squeezing of the tragus of the auricle - this gives rise to suspicion of otitis media. It should be noted that such a disease often proceeds without fever and other characteristic symptoms;
  • inflammation in the mouth, which can be triggered by thrush or pharyngitis;
  • headache, which is a consequence of any neurological disorder, it often intensifies with swallowing movements, which causes severe crying;
  • the appearance of teeth, which leads to itching and irritation of the gums, and the pain increases when the baby eats;
  • nasal congestion, which occurs as a result of acute respiratory viral infections or allergies.


Incorrect mother behavior often leads to crying of the newborn during feeding and even to further complete refusal of the breast. Many parents adhere to a strict regimen, and if the baby asks to eat "at the wrong time", they give him a dummy. However, this can lead to the baby making the final choice in favor of a more comfortable nipple.

If the mother does not have enough milk in her breast, pediatricians advise supplementary feeding. But it is a mistake to do it from a bottle. The kid eats from a teaspoon with pleasure, the mother just needs to show a little more patience when feeding. Also, water (if necessary) and medicine should be given from a spoon.

Some, especially inexperienced mothers, do not know how to latch a baby to the breast. If the nipple is not properly seized, the baby experiences discomfort, which is signaled by strong crying. According to pediatricians, almost 100% of children accustomed to a pacifier and a bottle do not know how to breastfeed correctly.

How the newborn is cared for during the day also influences the behavior of the newborn at the breast. Bathing, swaddling, gymnastics and massage, walks, other procedures should not cause discomfort to the child.


If you figured out why a baby cries while eating, you need to understand how to help him. In the first place is the mother's desire and her willingness to change the usual mode of relationships with the baby. Correct actions to establish psychological balance:

  • Carry the baby in your arms, in special devices (kangaroo, sling) as often as possible. Lie down next to him for a day's rest.
  1. Feed only on demand, even if the baby needs breast for more than 20 hours a day.
  2. Provide skin-to-skin contact: while the baby is eating, he and the mother should be wearing a minimum of clothes.
  3. Have a night's sleep with your newborn.
  4. Temporarily limit the child's tactile communication with other relatives.
  5. Exclude guest visits.
  6. Talk to the baby more often, sing songs to him, read books.

To cope with your toddler's physical ailments, do the following:

  1. After each feeding, lift the baby upright and carry it in this position for several minutes. This will allow excess air to escape and prevent gas from accumulating in your tummy.
  2. To get rid of colic, offer your child (with a spoon) dill water or pediatrician-recommended neonatal medications.
  3. Establish your own diet, exclude foods prohibited when feeding.
  4. See your pediatrician or breastfeeding specialist for any difficult or strange situations.


It is important to know what the infant's behavior is not his refusal to breastfeed. If a newborn has difficulty taking a nipple, often loses it, twists his head for a long time, grunts and moans when he eats, he learns to suckle. In this case, the mother needs to help the baby by taking a comfortable position and correctly inserting the nipple into the baby's mouth.

Restless feeding behavior is also typical for children 5-8 months old. At this time, the baby may be distracted when eating, resist feeding. Any sound or the presence of a stranger can distract the child. You need to wait a little, and the usual feeding process will definitely return.

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In the first weeks after birth, the newborn and his mother are just getting used to each other, and much of the baby’s behavior is incomprehensible to the mother. Why, for example, does the baby worry about the breast during feeding? There are many reasons for this, and we decided to describe them and suggest ways to overcome difficulties. Let's start with the cause of the child's anxiety, which mothers call the first, but which really exists the least often.

Lack of milk

This is the first thing that comes to mind for a nursing mother, whose baby cries a lot, including at the breast. One of the biggest difficulties with breastfeeding, oddly enough, is that breastfeeding mothers do not know exactly how much milk their babies are getting, and if they are getting enough of it.

If your child is overly anxious, most outside well-wishers will most likely point out to you that the child is probably hungry. Since you are a mother, such remarks can make you feel guilty. After all, it is you who are responsible for feeding the baby! How to dispel doubts and fears associated with a lack of milk?

  1. Watch your little one urinate and defecate. After the sixth day of life, you should receive at least six wet and one dirty diapers per day. If so, your milk is enough for the baby.
  2. Frequent feedings are normal. In the first few weeks of life, a newborn usually needs 8-12 feeds per day. In the beginning, you may need to hold it against your chest at times almost constantly. For several hours, he will demand it very often, and then fall asleep for four to five hours. As the baby learns to suckle more effectively, the number of feedings decreases.
  3. Monitor your baby's weight. By two weeks, the baby should have regained the weight at which it was born, and in the next two to three months gain at least 150 grams per week.

If you are still worried that you are low on milk, you may find it helpful to have a lactation consultant monitor, evaluate your baby's weight gain, and advise on ways to increase milk supply, if necessary.

Swelling of the breast

Sometimes the baby's restless behavior near the breast is caused by breast swelling. Excessive breast swelling most often occurs in the first weeks after childbirth. To reduce it, express some milk by hand or with a quality breast pump to make the breast softer and easier for the baby to pick up. Avoid expressing too much milk, as this can cause excess milk production later on, which will only worsen the swelling. Apply cold compresses to your breasts between feeds to reduce swelling and soreness.

Flat or depressed nipples

The baby may also feel nervous when latching on to the breast if the mother has flat or depressed nipples. To stretch them out, you can wear special pads between feedings. Turning on the pump for a few minutes before putting your baby to your breast will help pull the nipples and also start the flow of milk, so the baby will receive it right away and will be more likely to continue to suckle instead of quitting and crying.

In some cases, a woman has to use pads to help suckle until the nipples bulge. This should happen after about two to four weeks of breastfeeding. If you are having difficulty with flat or depressed nipples, seek help from a breastfeeding consultant as soon as possible.

Improper attachment, uncomfortable posture

Another reason for restless breast behavior is wrong position... Both the mother and the baby can be uncomfortable, which makes the impact on the breast not as it should be, and a sufficient flow of milk is disturbed. If your baby is very nervous, it is best for you to use the armpit position (when you hold the baby to the side of you, placing it firmly against the nearest breast) or the cradle (when you hold the baby horizontally at the breast), since these positions allow you to control his head.

These positions provide the ability to guide and hold the baby towards the chest. The baby's nose and chin should be pressed into the mother's chest. He usually sucks better when his mother holds him tight. If something makes you uncomfortable while feeding, contact a counselor. Perhaps this is the reason for your baby's anxiety.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Almost all children have gastroesophageal reflux to some degree. This medical term denotes a condition in which the annular muscle (sphincter), which blocks the entrance to the stomach, has not yet fully formed and does not always completely cover the opening. Because of this, some of the milk, along with gastric juice, can flow back into the esophagus, causing what we call heartburn.

As anyone who has ever experienced it knows, it is quite an unpleasant sensation. In the same way that an adult can relieve heartburn by sitting upright, a child can usually be helped by being held upright.

Reflux can sometimes occur during feeding. It can be prevented by holding the baby more upright or by taking breaks from time to time to let the baby "stand" for a while. As the baby develops, so does the muscles, so reflux becomes more rare.

Sometimes the problem is so serious that the baby is unable to eat properly due to reflux. In such cases, you need to see a doctor.

Increased gas production

All newborns have flatulence... When a child begins to eat, he triggers reflex gas production, which is necessary for the waste generated during feeding to be quickly excreted from the body. This prevents constipation.

Because breast milk is very easy to digest, it takes very little time for this food to pass through the baby's gastrointestinal tract. You can often hear characteristic sounds when your baby is still sucking. Although all children have gas, some tolerate it better than others. The time of day can also affect this. Apparently, the problem of flatulence becomes more noticeable at the end of the day. Traditionally, this time is considered to be the most hectic. The child does not seem to want to let go of the breast at all, and this, in turn, can aggravate flatulence. This problem disappears on its own as the baby develops.

How to calm a crying child
Many of the methods that promote tranquility involve simulating prenatal conditions in one way or another. Make sure the air temperature is comfortable - not too hot or too cool. Change diapers in time. The baby can feel calm if he is firmly pressed to himself or rocked. Swaddling or monotonous sounds such as music or the hum of electrical appliances can be effective. You can carry your baby in a sling, thereby providing him with comfort and getting the opportunity to do some business at the same time.
You can involve someone from the family in calming the child - for example, a father, grandmother or grandfather; in this case, the baby will not smell breast milk coming from the mother, which can turn him on. It will also give the mother the opportunity to take some time for herself.

Physiological lactase deficiency

At the beginning of breastfeeding, breast milk is more saturated with milk sugar - lactose. It is called "front". After 10-15 minutes of feeding with the same breast, she begins to produce hind milk. It is richer in fats, which neutralize lactose and thereby reduce gas production. If the baby is getting too much front milk and not getting back milk, excess lactose and a lack of the enzyme lactase, which increases flatulence.

Try to have your baby suckle from one breast for at least 12-15 minutes to get hind milk. When the baby grows up and suckles more efficiently, it will begin to get to him in a shorter period of time after the start of feeding. Hind milk has a soothing effect and helps restless babies to fall asleep. Most newborns naturally fall asleep at the end of a feed due to the sedative effect of hindmilk.

The child chokes on milk

While the child only learns to suckle the breast, the so-called milk ejection reflex may be too powerful for him and lead to the fact that he will choke. Because of this, the baby may throw up the breast and become nervous. Press firmly on the breast for about a minute to stop the milk from flowing too fast, and then attach the baby to the breast again. Try expressing some milk before breastfeeding and see if you can trigger an ejection reflex before the baby takes over. Feed your baby in an armpit position. As you grow older, your baby can easily deal with the effects of the milk ejection reflex in any feeding position.


On rare occasions, the baby is nervous and throws the breast from soaps or creams you put on your breasts or nipples... If you start using a new product and the baby becomes more nervous, wash it off and start feeding again.


A baby in the mouth or mother's nipples may develop yeast infection- the so-called thrush. You will see white specks in your baby's mouth.

Your nipples may turn bright red or start to itch, and they may feel a burning sensation after feeding. During feeding, the baby may be more restless than usual.

See a doctor. If he confirms you have a fungal infection, both you and your baby will have to undergo treatment.

Too noisy and light

In some children, excessive anxiety is associated with hyperstimulation. They can be calmer during feeding if it is done in a dark and quiet room.

Wants to calm down with chest

Up to 12 weeks, babies practically do not know how to calm themselves down and often reach for their breasts just for the sake of comfort. They begin to suck to calm down, without experiencing the need for food at this moment. For parents, this need of the baby should be on a par with all the other vital things that you provide for the child.

The underlying causes of a newborn's restless behavior disappear after the first six weeks. Some problems may last a little longer, but they are usually resolved by three months.

During this period, you must definitely take care of yourself. Eat well. Drink plenty of fluids and exercise outdoors. Try a variety of relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, massage, or a warm bath to help you get through a difficult time.
Share your feelings with the baby's father and other family members, and have them take turns comforting, numbing, and rocking the baby.
Set small goals for yourself, such as reading one chapter from a book or going for a 15-minute walk.
Classes in groups for young mothers are very useful, because there you will learn that other mothers and their children, like you and your child, go through exactly the same adaptation period.
The main thing you need to remember is that this is a very short time in your own life and that of your baby. Try to hug and cuddle your child as often as possible to help him get through a difficult time. Together you can do it.

Nancy Nelson licensed nurse, member of IBCLC

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I am grateful to the nurses in the hospital immediately showed how to apply correctly, how to express. How and what to anoint after, so that it does not hurt. And she fed with pleasure for up to a year.

Please tell me my daughter is 3 months old when she cries when I start feeding she is nervous 9 and the breast doesn’t take yelling, I don’t have the reason I can’t find it for a month already so tormenting sucks and poaches again sucks and starts crying for whom it was

11/12/2018 19:06:18, zilola

I fed my baby for 1.3 years and we managed to establish breastfeeding in just one month

A very useful article, and most importantly a very sensible description of what front and back milk is, otherwise there is really no information anywhere. And with the problem of depressed nipples, good advice, it's a pity I didn't see it before, otherwise at the beginning of feeding there were the same problems.

I had the installation for up to a year. In principle, it turned out that way, but there were moments that I thought everything was over (((At three months there was a lactation crisis, only thanks to Apilak I saved breastfeeding. It is natural and it contains a lot of vitamins. But in general, now even if and they feed, then they try to get rid of it as soon as possible. ”Honestly, I don’t understand such mothers.

Comment on the article "12 reasons for anxiety of a baby while breastfeeding"

12 reasons why a baby is worried about breastfeeding. I was breastfeeding my baby for 1.3 years and I was breastfeeding Why, for example Why, for example, does the baby worry at the breast during feeding? Why is the child crying. This is rare during night feedings.


Hello, we have such a problem, we have been eating milk from a bottle for almost 3 weeks and have been breastfeeding now for 3 days already, I can’t suck a bottle, although I want to eat and fiddles with a bottle, I’ll eat a little and again because of what it can be of help please

07/10/2018 16:21:14, Mary Rafikovna

Mine, too, tugs at his ears :) Well, he just comes across his arm :)

12 reasons why a baby is worried about breastfeeding. I fed my baby for 1.3 years and we managed to establish breastfeeding Why the baby is crying. The baby is crying while feeding. What are you doing before that? It was also in the evenings, I ...


Maybe gaziki? This is how it is with us. As soon as you eat, it seems that pressure is created in the tummy and the child wanders.

Most likely the tummy hurts, but maybe the throat and ears. Look at the neck for redness, Press on the middle of the ear, where the cartilage, when the child calms down, if the ears, then he will cry. Feel your tummy if it is swollen, soft?

The baby cries while feeding !. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Can I breastfeed during colic? Breast-feeding. Why, for example, does the baby worry about the breast during feeding? Lack of milk.

Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, feeding on demand, prolonged hepatitis B. Therefore, the baby begins to turn away during feeding, often doing it with the breast. Why does the baby cry. The baby is crying while feeding.


1. Before feeding, it is necessary to express (a couple of "sprinkles") from the breast that you will feed.
2. Regarding "unreasonable" crying: review YOUR DIET. Perhaps you eat FAT food (enough for colic in a baby sometimes and shortbread cookies: ((). It is NOT recommended for a nursing mother to eat dishes with all kinds of seasonings, spices. :)).
3. It is recommended to feed (at one feeding) ONE breast. The next feeding - another.

maybe we should go back to one breast and eat it completely? Here, several girls have already shared their experience that if you express a little front milk before feeding, then the child feels better and is less worried about the stomach. M. b. do you get that the baby from both breasts eats only the fore milk and because of this, and in weight gain worse and the stomach aches?
Also try to look for positions where the child eats almost vertically.

Why is the baby crying. The baby is crying while feeding. Don't cry baby! Cry in the evenings. The baby is crying while feeding. 12 reasons why a baby is worried about breastfeeding. It was also the same in the evenings, I got up, walked - and fed, then ...

Why, for example, does the baby worry about the breast during feeding? "Non-dairy" mom. How to reduce the calorie content of milk? If the baby wriggles and cries during feeding, do not immediately think that there is no milk. I have a completely different opinion on this - I immediately think ...

Therefore, the child begins to turn away during feeding, often doing this with For some reason, it is often believed that refusal after 9 months is self-weaning of the baby from the breast. For this, I offered only breasts for 2 - 3 days. What were the concerts, we cried together.


A ty kushaesh sama chto? Mozhet, kapustu ili ogurzy treskaesh? A perez w pishu kladesh? Ili winograd hwataesh? eshe neszja kukuruzu, bobowye, chesnok.
Prower "!

Tummies ache - how familiar. Maybe our experience will help. 1. The "sub-simplex" went well 3 times a day, 15 drops (diluted with milk - gave from a spoon, it is sweet). You can also smect (it says on the bag how).
2. But the heating pad has gone even better. An ordinary adult heating pad (there was no child at hand) was filled with water - warm, but not hot, made it flat-flat, wrapped in a diaper - and the baby on the tummy on a heating pad. A few yells - and it was turned off! And this after two days of incessant screaming! After that, it went easier for us. First, all the time on the heating pad (well, when he cries). Then she warmed the bed with a heating pad and on the tummy for a warm one. Then - just on the tummy.
3. Massage therapist - as usual, palm clockwise. We massaged him to the point that we thought he would have a callus on his stomach. Nothing, nothing happened :)))

09/22/2001 20:07:23, Family


Good afternoon, Irina Viktorovna! I have already consulted with you before and you helped us a lot then, thank you, everything is fine with us! link http://deti.mail.ru/vopros/vrach/pediatrija_pediatr/82317/ Unfortunately, after a while, the child completely abandoned the breast. Now the boy is almost 4 months old, his weight at 3 months was 5400, he adds about 700 grams per month. We feed 5 times a day, at an interval of 3.5 hours. The night interval is about 8 hours. For more than a week some kind of nightmare with feeding, eats ml 60-90 and begins to push the nipple, whimper, cry, then takes it again, swallows a little and cry again. The mixture was not changed, still the same. I read about GERD, and with fear I look for his symptoms. True, they mention regurgitation, we have them, but not with every feeding. (((We breed now about 150 ml. But he does not always drink, there was something that demanded even more. All this was before, when I ate with pleasure, and now it comes to the point that you just bring the bottle while feeding and he starts crying. We try not to shove him forcibly, it just happens to vilify him with a column, then offer him food, he can still suck. At this age, the norm is still the same, 1 / 6 about body weight? We have another "world" problem - sleep, especially daytime. Almost from birth. We sleep very badly: from the very early morning (4-6 hours) getting up, then during the day it is difficult to put him to sleep. in a stroller on the street, not at home in a crib. Then after an evening bathing and feeding at about 19.30-20.00 he sleeps for 8 hours. Now, in the last month, they learned how to lay him on his hands while walking around the room and humming lullabies. Falls asleep for 30 minutes, but how as if the timer goes off inside and then n falls asleep (all this time we hold in our arms) and you need to get up again, walk around and pump him up, then he can still sleep for a while (on his hands, if put, he wakes up), but this also does not always work. If you rock the cradle and not on your hands, you fall asleep with great difficulty, crying for the same 30 minutes, and you won't be able to pump everything up. So we came to the conclusion that if we want the sleep to be longer, keep only on the hands with pumping. In the wheelchair, the same thing, wakes up in half an hour and cry. Let's go home ((And all would be fine, I would not bother with this dream if it was good for him, well, you are not asleep and do not sleep, that means enough. But he gets tired, rubs his eyes and freaks out, arranges concerts for us. At age, after feeding, he is awake in a good mood for 1.5 hours and then a scandal begins.We went to a planned visit to a neurologist, told about our problem, the neurologist began to ask if I had anemia during pregnancy, and whether the baby had an umbilical cord entanglement. Yes, both happened. She said that this behavior is a consequence of hypoxia. Gave honey a withdrawal from the vaccine. We went for an ultrasound of the brain - there is no intracranial, there is a slight increase in the right ventricle of the brain, the uzist said to come again in two months. The neuropathologist prescribed 1 ml kartal twice a day and 3 ml calma bi at night for a month. There were no changes. As a result, we once again visited another neurologist, about whom I read good reviews. He also said that hypoxia is the reason and that it will pass over time, he prescribed dibazol with glucose for 1 month. and 5 sessions in a pressure chamber. In general, we were like a pressure chamber, breathed oxygen. We did not notice any special improvements. Can you please tell us what to do, in which direction to move? Feeding bothers me a lot too

Hello! I can not replace in any way - different specialties. The daily amount of food up to 6 months is roughly determined in the same way - 1/6 (then there will be no more than 1 liter per day and no more than 200 ml per feeding, but complementary foods will need to be introduced). It is even more difficult for an artificial person to establish feeding than with GW. The fact that when sucking the child bends and cries is usually explained by increased intestinal motility during sucking movements. But why she has become especially strong lately is difficult to understand. What mixture do you feed? maybe change the mixture? With dreams, I can only advise you to use a sling (the baby is not very big yet - it may well get used to it). At the birth of my first grandson, I categorically objected to its use, but then I "tasted it" - believe me, it greatly facilitates the life of both the mother and the child. It is only desirable that someone show you how to put it on (or wind it up - it all depends on the type); otherwise at first we were almost disappointed in him. But sling consultants can now be found not only in big cities, but also in small ones, and Skype can help (look for slingom communities on the forums). Babies "growing" in a sling are much calmer and more agreeable; and it is much easier for the mother to deal with them. And gastro-oesophageal refluxes are in one way or another characteristic of all babies due to the peculiarities of the device of the sphincter of the entrance to the stomach: it is initially very weak. Of course, this is not GERD in full; one can speak of the classic version only at an older age, and even then, in many respects, GERD is a fashionable diagnosis (it defines the disease, but only its symptom). Good luck!

Many young mothers are faced with the fact that the baby cries during feeding or refuses to eat at all. There may be several reasons: the baby's well-being, features of the anatomical structure of the mother's breast, external factors, etc. As a rule, it is easy to establish the process if you make an effort and show patience. If a newborn screams during feeding, gets nervous, freaks out, worries and even wriggles when he is applied to the breast or given a bottle, this not only prevents him from eating enough, but also makes the mother worry that it can provoke a lack of milk. and bottle feeding, it is necessary to carefully observe the child and exclude the causes of his restless behavior. Determine when your baby is getting nervous:

  1. before feeding;
  2. at the first attachment to the breast or taking a bottle;
  3. in the process of sucking milk or mixture;
  4. before the end of feeding.

Reasons for a baby crying when feeding on HBs include:

  1. unpleasant taste of breast milk;
  2. difficult process of obtaining milk during sucking;
  3. too much milk flow during lactation;
  4. insufficient amount of milk while breastfeeding;
  5. haste of the child when sucking;
  6. flat or depressed nipple of a nursing mother.

First of all, a woman during lactation should adhere to a special menu that will make breast milk saturated with vitamins and microelements. If you eat something spicy, too spicy, smoked on GW, be prepared for the fact that this will affect the taste of the milk. The child may not like it, and the baby will be nervous during feeding and will give up the breast altogether, which means that lactation will stop.

To make breastfeeding easier and normalize the flow of breast milk, you can express it several times by hand or using a breast pump. You should also avoid wearing a smaller bra that squeezes the breasts and interferes with breastfeeding.

If the flow of milk is too strong, the mother can also use a breast pump for partial expression or a special technique for feeding the baby in an upright position using a sling.

Sometimes the baby is naughty at the breast when eating, tries to suck, but worries, wriggles and cries. This may indicate that he does not have enough milk. Then measures should be taken to increase the production of breast milk by drawing up a new full-fledged menu, including special teas in it. You may need to feed the baby on HB with a mixture.

There are times when a baby who is on HB is so hungry that he tries to suck very quickly and at the same time constantly swallows air. As a result, colic appears, and the baby cries at the breast. It is easy to determine this by the fact that the baby begins to wriggle and tries to pull the legs to the stomach. This is accompanied by intense crying. The mother should put the child in an upright position and wait for the excess air to come out with a burp. You can then continue feeding.

Often the reason why the baby cries is the anatomical features of the mother's breast. The problem of latching on to the breast with flat or depressed nipples can be solved by using silicone pads, which are sold at the pharmacy.

Do not forget that you can contact a breastfeeding specialist who will guide you throughout the lactation period and help you in difficult situations.

Causes of baby crying when bottle feeding

Feeding problems are not only experienced by mothers who breastfeed. This also applies to those who prefer or have to give to the baby. The reasons for the child's anxiety in this case are:

  1. too hot or cold mixture;
  2. incorrect position of the child;
  3. the taste of the mixture;
  4. unsuitable.

The preparation of the mixture should be carried out according to the well-known rules: only sterilized dishes are used, the temperature of the milk mixture itself should be at least 36 and not higher than 37 ° C. For sterilization, use special devices for the microwave oven, called sterilizers, or ordinary boiling. The temperature is checked using a special thermometer or by dripping the mixture onto the inside of the wrist.

Try to make the baby comfortable in the process. Sometimes the answer to the question of why a baby screams during feeding lies precisely in an uncomfortable position. The bottle feed should try several positions for the baby - on the side, on the back, reclining.

To bottle feed a baby, you need to choose not only the mixture that he will willingly eat, but also the correct nipple. From the vast assortment of trial and error, choose the one that will make feeding convenient and enjoyable. Sometimes the child cries while feeding the formula, because through the holes in the nipple he cannot get enough of it, it is difficult for him. Watch him, change the nipple to the one with more holes.

Causes of baby crying, independent of feeding method

If you have done everything to make feeding comfortable and correct, and the baby is crying, you should pay attention to some of the reasons that occur during breastfeeding and artificial feeding:

  1. wet diaper;
  2. cutting teeth;
  3. headache or ear pain;
  4. runny nose;
  5. annoying external factors;
  6. deviations in the anatomical structure.

If the baby is naughty at the breast, continues to worry, cry and wriggle in your arms, gets nervous during feeding, check the diaper. The feeling of wet buttocks is a common reason that prevents a baby from eating calmly.

When the baby is restlessly breastfeeding, it is possible that his teeth have begun to cut. Use special gels - they will ease the baby's condition.

Interferes with the normal feeding process and runny nose. When a nursing baby cannot breathe through his nose, he begins to freak out because he cannot cope with sucking. Rinse the baby's nose with saline solution, use an aspirator, drip vasoconstrictor drops for children from 0 years old.

Loud sounds, movements of strangers nearby, new bright toys can get nervous during feeding and make you worry. Children at 5 months of age are already interested in everything that surrounds them, so a nursing mother should take care of a calm environment.

Headaches and anatomical abnormalities can make the baby nervous when feeding. As a rule, such violations are established during periodic visits to the pediatrician. In the first year of life, they are held monthly. If your baby does not have a diagnosis, and the neuropathologist claims that his health is normal, then when answering the question why the baby cries during feeding, these reasons can be excluded. Only a runny nose, which provokes ear pain, can alert you.

Parents should always be alert to the fact that the baby is restless during feeding. Observing the changes in his behavior will help the pediatrician in solving the problem of crying.

quotes from the article are very similar with your symptoms. Lactase deficiency can be suspected by the following signs:

Liquid (often frothy, with a sour odor) stool, which can be either frequent (more than 8-10 times a day), or rare or absent without stimulation (this is typical for formula-fed children with FN);
restlessness of the baby during or after feeding;
in severe cases of lactase deficiency, the child gains weight poorly or loses weight.
There is also mention in the literature that one of the possible symptoms is profuse regurgitation.

The baby usually has a good appetite, eagerly begins to suck, but after a few minutes he cries, drops his chest, presses his legs to his stomach. Stools are frequent, thin, yellow, with a sour odor, frothy (reminiscent of yeast dough). If you collect a chair in a glass container and let it stand, it becomes clearly visible stratification into fractions: liquid and denser. It should be borne in mind that when using disposable diapers, the liquid part is absorbed into them, and then stool disturbances can be overlooked.

Typically, symptoms of primary lactase deficiency increase with an increase in the volume of milk consumed. At first, in the first weeks of a newborn's life, there are no signs of abnormalities at all, then increased gas formation appears, even later - abdominal pain, and only then - loose stools.

It is much more common to deal with secondary lactase deficiency, in which, in addition to the symptoms listed above, there is a lot of mucus, greens in the stool, and undigested lumps of food may be present.

Lactose overload can be suspected, for example, in the case when the mother accumulates a large volume of milk in the breast, and the child has good increases, but the child is worried about pains similar to that of primary FN. Or green sour stools and constantly leaking milk from the mother, even with slightly reduced increases. So what are the possible treatments for lactase deficiency or a similar condition?

1. Correct organization of breastfeeding. In Russia, almost half of infants are diagnosed with lactase deficiency. Naturally, if all these children really suffered from such a serious illness, accompanied by weight loss, man would simply become extinct as a species. Indeed, in most cases there is either "treatment of analyzes" (with the normal condition of the child, without expressed anxiety, and good increases), or incorrect organization of breastfeeding.

And what does the organization of breastfeeding have to do with it?
The fact is that for most women, the composition of milk released from the breast at the beginning and at the end of feeding is different. The amount of lactose does not depend on the mother's diet and does not change much at all, that is, at the beginning and at the end of feeding, its content is almost the same, but the fat content can be very different. More watery milk flows out at first. This milk flows into the breast between feedings when the breast is not stimulated. Then, as the breast sucks, more fatty milk begins to flow. Between feedings, particles of fat adhere to the surface of breast cells and are added to milk only on hot flashes, when milk is actively moving, is thrown out of the milk ducts. Greater fatty milk flows from the stomach into the baby's intestines more slowly, and therefore lactose has time to be processed. Lighter, foremilk moves quickly, and some of the lactose can enter the large intestine without having time to be broken down by lactase. There it causes fermentation, gas formation, frequent sour stools.
Thus, knowing the difference between front and rear milk, one can understand how to deal with this type of lactase deficiency. It is optimal if a breastfeeding consultant helps you with this advice (at least it makes sense to get advice on the forum or by phone, or better in person)

A) Firstly, you must not express after feeding, because in this case, the mother pours out or freezes the fatty milk, and the breastfeeding baby gets just the less fatty milk with a high lactose content, which can provoke the development of FN.
b) Secondly, it is necessary to change the breast only when the child has completely emptied it, otherwise the child will again receive a lot of front milk and, not having time to suck out the back milk, it will again switch to front milk from the second breast. Perhaps the compression method (described in) will help a more complete emptying of the chest.
c) Thirdly, it is better to breastfeed with the same breast, but more often, since with long breaks in the breast, a greater amount of fore milk flows.
d) It is also necessary to correctly attach the baby to the breast (if it is not applied correctly, it is difficult to suck out milk, and the baby will not receive hind milk), and also make sure that the baby does not just suck, but also swallows. In what case can improper attachment be suspected? In case you have cracked breasts and / or feeding is painful. Many people think that breastfeeding pain is normal in the first few months, but in fact it is a sign of improper breastfeeding. Pad feeding also often results in improper grip and ineffective sucking. Even if you think that the attachment is correct, it is best to check it again (see)
e) Night feedings are desirable (more hind milk is produced at night).
f) It is undesirable to wean the baby before he is full, let him suck for as long as he wants (especially in the first 3-4 months, until the lactase is fully ripe).

So, we have a correct grip, we don’t express ourselves after feeding, we change our breasts every 2-3 hours, we don’t try to feed less often. We give the child a second breast only when he has completely emptied the first one. The baby sucks for as long as needed. Night feeding is desirable. Sometimes just a few days of such a regimen is enough for the child's condition to return to normal, the stool and bowel function to improve.

Note that infrequent breast alternation must be used with caution as this usually leads to a decrease in the amount of milk (therefore, it is advisable to make sure that the child writes about 12 or more times a day, this means that there is most likely enough milk). It is possible that after a few days of this regimen, the amount of milk will no longer be sufficient and it will be possible to switch to feeding from two breasts again, while the baby will no longer show any signs of FN. If your baby has high gains, but has symptoms similar to FN, it is possible that it is a decrease in breast alternation (every 3 hours or less, as described in) in order to reduce the total milk volume, which will lead to a decrease in colic. If all this does not help, perhaps we are really talking about lactase deficiency, and not about a similar condition, which can be corrected with the help of the correct organization of feedings. What else can you do?

2. Elimination of allergens from the diet. Most often we are talking about the protein of cow's milk. The fact is that cow's milk protein is a fairly common allergen. If the mother consumes a lot of whole milk, its protein can be partially absorbed from the intestines into the mother's blood, and accordingly into the milk. If cow's milk protein is an allergen for a child (and this happens quite often), it disrupts the activity of the child's intestines, which can lead to insufficient breakdown of lactose and to LN. The way out is to exclude whole milk from the mother's diet, first of all. You may also need to exclude all dairy products, including butter, cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, as well as beef, and anything cooked with butter (including baked goods). Another protein (not necessarily cow's milk) may also be an allergen. Occasionally it is necessary to exclude sweets as well. When the mother eliminates all allergens, the baby's bowel activity improves and the FN symptoms stop.

3. Expressing before feeding. If it is not enough to change breasts less often and eliminate allergens, you can try expressing some portion of carbohydrate-rich front milk BEFORE feeding. This milk is not given to the child, and the child is applied to the breast when there is already more fatty milk. However, this method must be used with caution so as not to trigger hyperlactation. Optimally, when applying this method, get the support of a GW consultant.

If all this does not help, and the child is still suffering, it makes sense to see a doctor!

4. The enzyme lactase. If the above methods do not work, your doctor will usually prescribe lactase. It is the doctor who determines whether the child's behavior is typical for an infant or whether there is still a picture of FN. Naturally, it is necessary to find a doctor who is as friendly as possible to GW, advanced, familiar with modern scientific research. The enzyme is given in courses, often they try to cancel it after 3-4 months of the child, when the maturation of the lactase enzyme ends. Getting the right dose is important. If the dose is too low, the FN symptoms may still be severe; if the dose is too high, the stool becomes too thick, similar to plasticine; constipation is possible. The enzyme is usually given before breastfeeding, dissolved in some amount of breast milk. The dose is naturally determined by the doctor. Usually, the doctor recommends giving lactase every 3-4 hours, in which case it will most likely be possible to feed on demand in the intervals.

5. Lactase-fermented breast milk, low-lactose or lactose-free formula. In the most extreme cases, the child is transferred by doctors to lactase-fermented expressed breast milk or lactose-free formula. It is quite possible that it will be enough to replace only part of the feedings with lactose-free formula or fermented milk. If there is a need for these measures, it is advisable to remember that complementary feeding of the baby is usually a temporary measure, and the use of a bottle in this case can lead to refusal of the breast. For feeding the baby, it is better to use other methods, such as a spoon, cup, syringe (see more in).
The near and far consequences of feeding healthy babies from birth with a lactose-free formula are unknown, so a lactose-free formula is usually only recommended as a temporary remedy. Also, there is always a risk of developing an allergy to this mixture, because soy (if it is a soy mixture) is a common allergen. Allergies may not start immediately, but after a while, so it is advisable to preserve breastfeeding as much as possible, which is preferable. This method of treatment is applicable primarily for genetic diseases associated with the non-degradation of lactose or its components. These diseases are extremely rare (approximately 1 in 20,000 children). For example, this is galactosemia (violation of the cleavage of galactose).

In the case of secondary FN, all of the above treatment methods may be joined by

6. Treatment of the so-called. "Dysbiosis", i.e. restoration of intestinal microflora and intestinal condition. In the case of treatment of primary FN, correction of intestinal dysbiosis accompanies the main treatment. In the case of secondary FN (the most common), usually the main focus should be on treating the underlying disease that caused damage to the intestinal walls (for example, gastroenteritis), and reducing the amount of lactose in the diet or fermentation with lactase should be considered as a temporary measure, necessary until the surface condition is restored. intestines. In mild cases, it may be enough to give the enzyme lactase for some time, and the intestines will recover without additional treatment. Treatment is again prescribed by a doctor.

Caution - lactose! In the treatment, drugs such as plantex, bifidumbacterin, etc. can be prescribed. Unfortunately, they contain lactose! Therefore, with lactase deficiency, they cannot be used. In the event that the child does not exhibit FN symptoms, one must nevertheless be careful with medications containing lactose so as not to provoke diarrhea, frothy stools and similar FN symptoms.