DIY crafts on the theme of Khanty and Mansi. Presentation on the world around (regional component) master class “Siberian gatherings: acquaintance with dolls - amulets of the Khanty and Mansi peoples. Topic: "Ornaments of the peoples of Khanty and Mansi"

In this article, I will briefly talk about the Khanty doll, which I happened to learn about in the ethnographic museum of Sovetsky, Ugra District.

In addition to their special toys, the Khanty also have a certain culture of play. The first doll in girls appears at about 3 - 4 years. Each Khanty girl has her own bag for needlework, where sewing accessories, patches are stored, and a bag in which dolls with their outfits are stored. The girl begins to make a doll herself from the age of 5, while the size of the doll should not exceed the size of her palm, and not be smaller than the little finger (a small doll is used in funeral practice), so the doll seems to grow with her mistress. In my opinion, there is practical use in this, the child trains fine motor skills, I don’t know if the ancient Khanty really realized this.
According to the Khanty tradition, it is believed that a large doll looks like a person, and it is forbidden to repeat the image of a person, copy his features, otherwise the doll can take on the soul of this person, it is also impossible to repeat other people's dolls (in this I also see a useful psychological aspect of education). Therefore, the creation of dolls is completely controlled by older relatives. Playing with dolls is allowed only during daylight hours; at the end of the game, the doll must be taken apart so that it does not come to life. Shreds of fabric from the doll are straightened and stored independently.
The main feature of such a doll is its temporality, that is, the dolls change, the clothes remain.

Dolls are made from various materials, they depict people, trees, plants, which are often endowed with some elements of human clothing, such as a scarf. Looking at the doll, you can tell what kind of woman the girl who made it will grow up to be.
There may be elements of wood - pine or cedar cones, dolls - cones are made from them. They appear to be the guardian spirits of the puppet family. There is a metaphor in the Khanty folklore, where cones represent the change of human generations: “When the time comes, cedar cones, pine cones will fall…” This form is an illustration of ideas about the birth of a new generation of people.

Now we will make a tree doll.
Tree dolls are made from fabric folded in 2-3 layers, the thickness depends on the type of tree. The fabric is rolled and folded in half so that the lower part forms improvised legs and makes the figure stable. A characteristic feature of this group of dolls is the presence of long hair made of thread, resembling the crown of a tree in color.
A characteristic feature of this group of dolls is the presence of long flowing hair made of threads, resembling the crown of a tree in color.

We will now make a birch doll.

We will need:
1) a square of white fabric (I only had gabardine, it’s uncomfortable with it, it’s better to choose cotton) I swept the edges on a typewriter so that I wouldn’t hesitate.
2) needle
3) threads, one of which we will sew the body of the doll, I took black, and niktki on the hair of the doll, I took two green different shades to convey the shades of the birch crown
4) a rectangular cardboard box, in my case it will be a plastic card. We need it in the manufacture of hair
5) scissors

1) we begin to twist the flap of fabric from both sides to the middle, I’ll say right away that I had to tinker with gabardine, because when one edge twisted, the other unraveled, I had to use my teeth.

Rolled up, now bend in half in this way.

Then we sew with a needle on the sides in two places, leaving one third to indicate the head, plus the body and legs.

Here's what we should get. (Due to the fact that I took gabardine, I got a fairly thick trunk, this is a fat birch, but you can take thinner)

With the remaining black thread, I decided to add texture.

Now we wind the threads on a card or cardboard along.

On the one hand, we start the needle and thread the thread.

Then we tie the thread in such a way as to collect and fix the threads that will serve as hair for our tree.

And now you need to cut the threads on the opposite side.

Now we simply sew the resulting hair, with the same thread that tied them, to the top of the tree and the birch chrysalis is ready!

In the game, tree dolls are always motionless, they can only stand and serve as decorations.

Dolls-berries in the play space are inactive, they are mostly in a sitting position - they sit, "spreading the hem of the dress around them." These dolls have no hair, their heads are completely covered with scarves that match the color of the ripe berry.

A striking character is the doll-berry Pansameli (cranberry). This is a swamp berry. This berry is taken by the Khanty in spring, then it is sweeter than in autumn. According to a Khanty tale, "Cranberry" is the hardest-working berry. She is engaged in needlework, cooks, looks after the household and, in general, is not used to sitting idle. Her constant neighbor is a grass chrysalis - Pomsaveli ("Pigtail Grasses"), these are paired characters of the same fairy tale.

To make a cranberry doll, we need:
1) A flap of yellow or brown fabric - which will symbolize the color of the soil of the north (there is a lot of sand)
2) A green flap is a swamp on which cranberries grow.
3) A triangular flap of red color, the color of a ripe berry.
4) A piece of fleece for the doll's head
5) Thread

So, we take a green flap and put it in front of us like a square, and put a yellow one on it, but already a rhombus.

We put a piece of cotton wool in the middle and tightly squeezing the inserted cotton wool, tighten it with a thread, fixing it with a double knot, the ends of the thread are not removed, it will be possible to hang beads on them at the end.

Now we take the red triangle, put it on the cranberry head and tie it, completely covering the “face”

We wrap the long ends of the triangle around the head, “from the back”, from the side where the back edge of the scarf sticks out.

And finally, we tie the ends of the scarf into 2 knots from the side of the “front”, that is, the “face” covered with a cloth.

Then we straighten the green and yellow edges of the berry to plant it on the "swamp".

We got such a cranberry doll and a birch doll (I had already made a cranberry, I took off her scarf to show how to tie)

These pupae serve as scenery for the game, as amulets, they go back to the ancient forms of religion, when a person believed that behind any tree, any flower there is some kind of spirit that can influence his fate.

Dolls - “horror stories”, images of supernatural characters, for the Khanty are no longer a toy, but a way and form of expressing discontent, disagreement, a kind of abuse: they take on speech functions. In the traditional culture of this people, in the "norms" of children's communication, it is forbidden to call another child names, and it is completely unacceptable to speak ill of an adult. Therefore, the “calling” takes on a horror doll. When the younger brothers and sisters do not obey or the older sister is stubborn, then in response it is shown, and the adults are imperceptibly thrown up, a horror story. Children were forbidden to make and show such dolls to anyone - just as we are forbidden to use indecent expressions.

The doll-horror story "Por-ne" (forest, root woman) is essentially an idol, a figurine of the spirit, the Khanty Baba Yaga. Such a doll is made in secret from adults. After the game, it cannot be disassembled, because it consists of cut pieces. Adults, having discovered the Por-ne toy, scolded their girls very much.
(from the magazine "Ugra Childhood")

Human dolls (sokh pakyt) are made not only from fabric, but also from natural materials: grass, skins of small animals, wings, tails and feathers of birds. In the latter case, the character has the meaning of some animal or bird.
Also, the function of the doll can be performed by a pillow and a scarf. The scarf is folded, imitating a baby, and the pillow is tied with a scarf, depicting a child in a cradle.
Such toys are mainly used by little girls of 3-4 years old, who still cannot sew on their own.
The doll in the role of a toy is very mobile, it can be changed several times, depicting various actions. In each game period, it is original, has its own and common names. Dolls represent all categories of the population: babies, boys, girls, men and women, old men and old women. Age categories are indicated nominally: ko ​​is a young man, pyrs ko is an old but neat person, pyrs iki is a sloppy old man, auveli is a pretty girl, auvel inki is a mischievous, fast girl, paerl inki is a boy, par parry is a sloppy, lazy boy. Toys depicting boys may have names according to the name of the animals: Planki - Mouse, Coachman iki - Chipmunk, Ok iki - Fox. The dolls are also named descriptively according to the habitat of the characters: Nyörm ne - Bora young woman and Nyörm iki - Bora old man, Voch ne - City woman and Voch iki - City old man.
The main feature of the doll is the short duration of its existence. After the end of the game, the doll must be disassembled.
With the help of a scarf, you can highlight the age characteristics of the pupa. The more open her face is, the older she is.

There is also a doll in very beautiful outfits and beaded jewelry. This is a Doll in a dress (Ayvit sikm yarnasnat), she depicts a craftswoman dressed in beautiful outfits to show them to guests. According to legend, such a Sun-like, Moon-like girl in a beautiful dress came from the world of the gods and showed women a new fashion.

"Male dolls" are mainly sewn from fur and leather. The fabric is used for tunic-shaped shirts made of dense fabric and mosquito nets. For the base - a puppet form - use a coarse dense fabric, satin or cloth.

In fact, human dolls are made in much the same way as a cranberry or a tree. The body is made in the same way as for cranberries - fabric + a piece of fleece is wrapped with a thread, and hair is sewn onto the head, made according to the principle of making hair for a tree doll, that is, in my master class we completed these two main elements, only clothes for the doll and hairstyle remain , which can be seen from the photographs, is also quite easy to make. So you can safely take your children with the creation of such toys, the main thing is to make sure that they do not prick themselves.

The article also used photographs of the collection "Dolls Nyorym-yakh" (bog people) of the Surgut Museum of Local Lore.

The presentation describes the step-by-step production of the hand-made souvenir "Crow" and can be used to conduct a creative practical part at the national holiday of the peoples of the Khanty-Mansi "Crow Day".



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Master class on making ritual crafts for the holiday "Vurnga-Khatl" (Crow's Day)

For work you will need: -5 patches of colorful fabric of different lengths (from 25cm to 20cm); - square of black felt 4 x 4; - triangular cloth napkin with a side of 15 cm; - braid 50 cm; - woolen thread of any color - 40cm; - beads; - wooden stick (skewer).

Fold the fabric in half, folding the edges 1 cm.

Fold the strips in half

Tie the ribbon to a wooden skewer and make knots at the ends of the ribbon

Trim at an angle the edges of the strips on both sides in descending order Place the beak (felt triangle) between the 2nd and 3rd strip of fabric

Fold all strips of fabric in half. Insert a wooden stick inside.

Wrap the crow's head with a thread, after decorating the ends of the thread with beads.

Put on a scarf (a triangle of fabric napkin) by folding the edges, thereby creating wings and a tail.

Make a few turns of thread around the scarf and tie in a knot.

A little about P. Bazhov. Crafts according to the tales of Bazhov.

About Pavel Bazhov

The Urals is famous for its minerals, as well as craftsmen, craftsmen, ancient traditions and legends.

We get to know them with the help of the tales of Pavel Bazhov, known to many since childhood. His collection "Malachite Box" includes: the tale of the same name, "Silver Hoof", "Stone Flower" and other works created by Bazhov on the basis of folklore, which he heard from childhood, the so-called "secret tales" - old oral legends of the Ural miners .

These legends preserve the richest language of the people, their way of life, knowledge and ideas about the surrounding nature. And the myths of the peoples who have long inhabited the Urals (Khanty, Mansi, Mari, etc.) are intertwined with the knowledge and dreams of serf workers in mines and mines.

Malachite is a mineral, copper oxide. It forms where copper oxidizes because the copper ore is at shallow depths or on the surface of the earth.

And if somewhere on the surface of the earth you can find malachite, then there is also copper ore underground at great depths. That is why Bazhov in his fairy tale called the mythological Malachitnitsa the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, although malachite, not copper, was mined there.

The main characters of Bazhov's tales are honest, fair, disinterested, kind, hardworking, inquisitive, have purity of thoughts. Therefore, these works contribute to the moral education of children.

The collection "Malachite Box" has been translated into many languages ​​of the world, films and cartoons, musical works, sculptures, paintings, and decorative and applied arts have been created based on fairy tales.

The theme of the task of the contest "Magic World of Fairy Tales" in June - "Tales of Bazhov".

Crafts based on the tales of Bazhov

As it turned out, Bazhov's Tales is not the easiest topic for children's creativity. Perhaps that is why this time there are very few works on this topic.

To inspire the participants, this month my daughter and I also made new crafts based on Bazhov's tales and talked about old ones. It:

  • - deer made of beads and beads

Crafts based on the tales of Bazhov
(works of the participants of the competition)

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Making crafts from leftover yarn. "Smart little girl".

Master class with a detailed description.
Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, primary school teacher at the Laryak Correctional (Special) General Education National Boarding School for Students with Disabilities.
Description: this master class provides a detailed description of the manufacture of crafts "Elegant Malitsa".
The material can be used by primary school teachers, preschool teachers, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: the work can be used as a gift, interior decoration.
Target: do crafts using cardboard and thread.
1. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, a sense of volume and shape, logical thinking, and creativity.
2. To expand and enrich children's ideas about their native land, the life and work of the peoples of the North.
3. To cultivate industriousness and perseverance, the desire to bring the work begun to the end. To develop and nurture accuracy, aesthetic taste.

Malitsa is a full-length reindeer fur coat with a hood. In terms of cut, it resembles a spacious shirt that reaches to the knees, has a sewn-on hood, mittens are tightly sewn to the sleeves with fur outward. To protect malitsa from dampness and sun, the peoples of the North have long worn a malitsa shirt made of cloth of different colors over it. Craftswomen decorate it with a unique ornament made of different furs, colored cloth, and beads.

Materials and tools: colored cardboard, knitting threads, embroidery threads, needle, scissors, pencil, ruler, glue.

Stages of the craft:
1. We start by preparing the base of the craft. Using the template, we will prepare the parts from colored cardboard.

2. Cut out the main part from blue cardboard and use a thick needle or awl to pierce parallel holes, as shown in the photo.

3. On the intended punctures, we embroider a cross-shaped pattern "Goat".

An enlarged view of the "Goat" seam.

4. Let's start making the hood of the malitsa. To do this, we will prepare a ring of thick cardboard with a diameter of 4 cm. We will cut the threads for knitting 10-12 cm long.

5. Having folded the thread in half, forming a loop, we connect it with the ring.

6. It turned out such a "shaggy" hood.

7. Let's give an aesthetic look by cutting the ends of the threads with scissors.