Poplin - high quality at an affordable price. At what temperature to wash (in a typewriter) bed linen made of natural or delicate fabric

Poplin is a fabric that for many years has been considered one of the best for making underwear and bedding. The things sewn from it are distinguished by the softness of the linen, pleasant to the touch and very beautiful. This fabric appeared many centuries ago, but it is still in demand and very popular.


The history of poplin origin dates back to the 14th century, when the technology of its production was developed by French weavers. So, masters from Avignon made poplin canvases and sewed clothes from it for the Pope's entourage and for himself.

"Poplin" (papalino) in translation from the Italian language means "papal", that is, this fabric is named after the Pope.

The first import of textiles of this type to Russia took place presumably in the 18th century. In our country, this fabric was known as "European coarse calico", it was expensive and was used for sewing clothes of wealthy people and interior items of their mansions.

Composition and properties

Initially, poplin was produced, for the most part, from silk threads. But later, weavers improved the technology of its production and began to make it from cotton and synthetic fibers. The density of high-quality poplin is approximately 110 g / m2.

Today cotton poplin is the most demanded in the sewing industry.

Textiles of this type can be bleached and dyed, which, in turn, by the method of applying the dye, is divided into printed, plain dyed, multicolored. There is a rare type of this fabric, which is made by combining natural silk and woolen threads.

  1. The original grayish-yellow color changes to snow-white as a result of the fabric bleaching procedure.
  2. Printed (printed) - the images are applied to the fabric with a cloth typewriter.
  3. Plain dyed - after the bleaching procedure, the material lends itself to monochromatic dyeing.
  4. Multicolored - threads of different colors are used in the production, the fabric is obtained with the effect of colored stripes or cells.

Poplin received high performance characteristics due to its positive properties:

  • keeps warm well;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • easily passes air;
  • pleasant to the body;
  • high strength of the material;
  • smooth fabric structure;
  • soft and gentle to the touch;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • is not an allergen;
  • things made of poplin keep their shape well and are durable to wear;
  • does not stretch, does not roll, does not deform and does not lose color brightness after washing, drying, ironing;
  • lends itself well to sewing, cutting, dyeing;
  • withstands a large number of washes;
  • no ironing required after washing;
  • relatively low cost of the material.

Poplin in cost significantly outperforms similar materials (calico, satin). Its price is low, and the quality is much higher, in operation it is more wear-resistant and durable.


Poplin manufacturing technology is the use of a plain weave of fibers. The warp and weft threads are intertwined in a 1: 1 ratio. A distinctive feature of this type of textile is the presence of small scars on the surface of the canvas.... They arise as a result of the use of threads of different thickness in the weaving process: a thin thread is taken for the warp, and a thicker thread goes along the weft. The thickness of one fiber is approximately 1.5-2 times greater than the thickness of the other.

Modern production technologies make it possible to produce poplin with a 3D effect. It is achieved by using a special diagonal weave of fibers.

Application and care

What is sewn from fabric?

Quite a lot of products are sewn from poplin, namely:

  • linens;
  • underwear;
  • pajamas and nightgowns;
  • uniform;
  • clothing for sports;
  • summer clothes (dresses, men's shirts, blouses, robes, sundresses);
  • poplin with silk threads is used in sewing evening dresses and accessories;
  • curtains;
  • kitchen textiles (napkins, potholders, towels).

Poplin is also used in modern types of needlework: patchwork, textile applique, scrapbooking, sewing toys, accessories, jewelry and interior decor items.

Washing and ironing

In care, this fabric is very unpretentious. It can be washed in water up to 60 degrees, but at temperatures up to 40 degrees this material is perfectly washable. If the pollution is strong, then digestion is permissible for cotton poplin. In a typewriter, this procedure is performed at 90 degrees. Machine wash can be spinned at maximum speed. It is recommended to dry poplin outdoors in a shaded place.

The structure of the fabric is such that the canvas practically does not wrinkle and there is no need to iron it. If items of clothing are sewn from poplin, then iron them on the "cotton" mode (up to 110 degrees).

Poplin products are a good choice, for a relatively inexpensive price, the consumer receives a thing that is beautiful, high-quality, and durable.

Sooner or later, every housewife thinks about the correct washing of bed linen. The cleanliness and softness of sheets and pillows are the key to healthy sleep and well-being in the morning. But the white sheets turn gray and yellow, the fabric is covered with pellets, strongly electrified. All these problems can be avoided by choosing the correct washing cycle and a gentle detergent.

What mode to wash

The washing mode directly depends on the type of fabric from which the bedding set is sewn. Most often it is cotton (, satin, less often -), linen, bamboo, poplin and silk. For delicate fabrics, special modes with a gentle spin are provided, these include silk, silk and semi-silk satin, bamboo.

On a note
The mode according to the type of material is often tied to a certain temperature and the length of time that the laundry is in the machine.

At what temperature to wash

At what temperature to wash the laundry, sorting by type of textiles and degree of soiling:

  1. 90 degrees - for disinfection and cleaning of heavily soiled laundry. Only 100% cotton, predominantly white, is subjected to this test.
  2. 40-60 degrees - for regular washing of cotton and linen products, including coarse calico. It is important to read the manufacturer's recommendations: not all dyes can withstand temperatures of 50 degrees and above.
  3. 40 degrees - normal satin wash. Mode - "color" or "synthetic", depending on the quality of the material.
  4. 30-40 degrees in the same modes - most colored fabrics. With heavy pollution, a temperature of 40 degrees is allowed, if the fabrics are well-colored - 60.
  5. Without heating and up to 30 degrees on a delicate setting - bamboo and silk.
  6. But for sparing modes are not suitable, since the villi will not have time to cleanse. Also, unlike smooth fabrics, you should not fill the drum tightly with terry products. To wash the pile, it must be rinsed well with water. Therefore, the "Cotton" mode is selected. Temperature - 40-50 degrees.

Choosing a detergent

Despite the high cost, compared to granular powder, liquid detergent is preferable for washing both bedding and other things. It rinses out better, keeps fabrics soft, does not leave streaks, does not cause an allergic reaction, and at the same time takes care of the condition of the washing machine.

The use of the air conditioner should not be frequent. These products make the laundry soft and fragrant, but their regular use clogs up the fibers.

If bleach is used, it is added in minimal amounts. Aggressive substances in the composition of the product destroy tissue fibers. Abuse of bleaching products leads to rapid deterioration of textiles.

Washing baby clothes

How and how to wash baby clothes:

  1. The product must be hypoallergenic. On sale there are special gels marked "for baby underwear."
  2. Overly odorous powders are not recommended.
  3. Children's clothes are washed separately from the rest.
  4. Soda-based powders are not recommended because it does not rinse well.

Advice! Expensive means will completely replace a solution or shavings of laundry soap. Pour it into the main compartment or into the cap, which you place with the laundry in the drum.

Washing bed linen will no longer be difficult if you heed these recommendations:

  1. Don't ignore the labels on the labels. Manufacturers recommend such conditions of care that will allow you to enjoy the good condition and appearance of the kit for a long time.
  2. If there are buttons and locks on the linen, they must be fastened before immersion in the machine.
  3. Duvet covers and pillowcases are turned inside out.
  4. The basic rule: white is erased with white, color - with color.
  5. Bleach is not used on colored fabrics. For this, there are stain removers with a corresponding mark.
  6. If the laundry is heavily soiled, it is pre-soaked in the basin. This shortens the washing time, saves energy, and the product retains the state of a new thing longer.
  7. Don't overload the drum. An incomplete load of the washer will rinse your garments more thoroughly. The approximate weight of one set is 2 kg.
  8. The safety of the laundry depends not only on the method of washing in the washing machine, but also on drying, ironing and storage. Many types of fabrics are dried and stored in the dark. The cotton should be slightly damp before ironing.
  9. The kit is replaced once a week. So the laundry will not have time to get too dirty, and it will not need a long wash at high temperatures. Pillowcases can be changed more often as they get dirty faster. Duvet covers - a little less often, once a week and a half, because they stay clean longer than sheets.
  10. The laundry is loaded into the wash immediately after removal. It will be much more difficult to restore its freshness if it is left in the dirty basket for a long time.

Washing your bed linen correctly is not difficult at all. The first step is to purchase a quality kit with detailed instructions on the label. Modern washing machines and detergents provide the most gentle and effective washing for any materials, including baby clothes.

Poplin bedding has been known since the 14th century. But domestic manufacturers have long ignored this material, preferring coarse calico to it. Everything changed a couple of decades ago: due to its properties, poplin not only became one of the most popular materials for making bed linen, but also significantly pressed its closest competitors.
Those who have recently become the owner of a bright and elegant poplin bedding set (CPB) often make mistakes when caring for this material. Although manufacturers place recommendations on fabric care on packaging, most often their advice is laconic, which does not give a complete picture of the rules for washing, drying and other nuances. The tips below will help you avoid the most common mistakes.


As with any cotton fabric, poplin bedding is best hand washed. True, not every housewife will agree to this. A compromise can be a machine wash in a delicate mode, the water temperature at which does not rise above 30 degrees, and the number of drum revolutions does not exceed 600 per minute. It is better to refuse from preliminary soaking, and even more so from boiling. As well as from detergents containing chlorine and other bleaches.

It is impossible to load poplin KPBs into the machine together with other fabrics, since there is a high probability of the formation of pellets.

Rinse and spin

Due to the peculiarities of the weaving of the threads from the poplin, it is difficult to wash out the remnants of powder and rinses. To completely remove them during machine wash, select one of the available modes - "super rinse", "rinse +", "additional rinse" or something else of a similar theme. For hand washing, poplin bedding is rinsed in 2-3 waters.

Machine spinning of poplin is performed at medium speed (400-600 rpm).


Poplin bedding is best dried naturally and out of direct sunlight. In order to avoid burnout, it is better to turn the duvet covers and pillowcases to the wrong side.

The linen is hung evenly so that there are no distortions and creases. Neatly hung laundry, firstly, does not stretch or deform, and, secondly, facilitates subsequent ironing.


All poplin linen manufacturers claim that they do not need to be ironed. In principle, it is so. But still, some of the housewives prefer perfectly ironed linen, on which there is not a single fold. For them, ironing can be recommended at medium temperatures, preferably from the wrong side. The laundry should be slightly damp.

The ironed linen is not immediately put into the closet, but allowed to cool completely.


It is best to store clean and ironed poplin linens in a closed linen closet, as poplin, like most other cotton fabrics, is prone to fading. Our grandmothers kept bedding in specially sewn linen bags. Most modern housewives do not have them, so they put the set in a pillowcase. But it is not worth replacing the fabric bag with a plastic bag, since over time, poplin, especially in places where it is folded, can change color.

If desired, bedding can be transferred to a lavender or mint sachet. It is better not to use perfume for this purpose, as stains may remain on the laundry.

Caring for poplin bedding, an article specially prepared for the Women's Club Jet Housewives

Knowing at what temperature (in the machine) to wash bed linen, you will retain the brilliance of colors and the strength of the material. For natural, use temperatures up to 60 degrees and revolutions, no more than 1200, and for delicate - 30-40 ° C with a minimum number of revolutions. Heat the baby's underwear at 800 rpm and be sure to iron. If the stains that appear on the sheets cannot be removed at home, contact a dry cleaner.

The modern choice of bed linen puzzles housewives, especially young ones, since each set requires its own care. A feature of processing such products is the structure of the fabric, the mode and at what temperature to wash the linen (bedding), so as not to thin the fabric and keep the colors.

How to properly wash bedding in a vending machine

Washing bedding by hand is a laborious process, since oversized bedding is now popular.

In such cases, it is practically impossible to pay attention to the entire area of ​​the duvet cover or sheet. The optimal way out of the situation is to wash in a typewriter, but a number of nuances must be observed so that the fabric does not fade or "shrink" after washing.

Which program to use

It is important to change the bedding on time, otherwise it will affect the process and quality of washing. If the snow-white linen is heavily soiled, soaking is required, otherwise the fabric will soon wear off and turn gray. Modern ones are equipped with a soaking function, so be sure to turn it on if you change the bed at the wrong time.

The mode is selected based on the fabric from which the kit is made.

Table 1. Programs for washing adult bedding in the machine

Most kits consist of several types of fabric, have a pattern, so it is important to consider the manufacturer's label on the eve of washing. The icons describe in detail how to process this particular set, whether it can even be washed in a typewriter. Before starting washing, be sure to read the manufacturer's data to avoid unpleasant consequences.

We select the temperature regime

This nuance is also described on the label, but if the icons are missing for some reason, rely on general recommendations.

General characteristics:

  • Wash white, very dirty sets of linen, cotton, coarse calico at 90 degrees. Colored do not tolerate more than 40 ° C;
  • bamboo - up to 40 ° C;
  • flannel - up to 60 ° C;
  • synthetics, silk, 3D, satin, jacquard (for example, Diana sets) - maximum 30 ° C;
  • wool, terry and knitted fabrics - 30–40 ° C.

Silk and woolen products absolutely do not tolerate boiling. After the procedure, the fabric shrinks or loses its shape, so under no circumstances should you resort to exceeding the optimal temperature.

The correct washing temperature for bedding will prevent fading and damage to fabrics!

Choosing a detergent

The choice of detergent depends on the type of set: adult / child, the degree of soiling and colors.

  • We use bleaches, "Whiteness", hydrogen peroxide only for white (not delicate), so that;
  • We wash slightly soiled colored items from any fabric with vinegar, soda, ammonia, and heavily soiled with powder with the addition of dry or liquid "Vanish";
  • diapers, accessories from blankets, pillows, kits for the discharge of a newborn baby powders and hypoallergenic stain removers, folk remedies.

Take care of baby linen with full responsibility. Do not use ordinary powders and stain removers, otherwise the child will develop an allergic reaction, accompanied by prolonged treatment.

How to properly wash bedding, see the video:

Features of washing different bed linen

Bed made from natural fabrics is easiest to wash, because it is less whimsical to the temperature and washing mode, but delicate ones (bamboo, cambric, silk) require special care.

We wash bedding from cambric, bamboo

Washing cambric or bamboo bed linen in the washing machine requires a minimum temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

It is best to handle such products by hand, because they are very delicate and do not tolerate carelessness. However, if you still prefer to wash in the machine, do not spin at high speeds, setting them manually to the lowest amount.

Instructions for processing cambric and bamboo in a typewriter:

  1. If there are stains, wash them by hand.
  2. Place the product in the drum.
  3. Set a delicate wash.

After turning off the machine, immediately remove the laundry, shake it and hang it flat on a string. In most cases, this eliminates the need for ironing.

It is much more difficult to get out of bed, or.

Silk linen

Silk products (not of Chinese origin) are expensive, but they need to be cared for in the same way as bamboo.

Use stain removers, powders only as a last resort. Wash your laundry in time and, if stubborn stains appear, try to remove them with improvised means.

If you do not trust folk remedies, use a liquid powder specially designed for silk products (in combination with a softener).

What is the best mode to wash, at what temperature, see the table.

Table 2. Washing parameters

We wash baby things (newborn)

At how many degrees to wash baby bedding is usually set in the program by the manufacturer of the washing machine.

Usually it is 50-60 ° C. Considering that things can be in feces, stains from yogurt, baby formulas and other products, wash them first by soaking them in a solution of folk remedies:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. vinegar, 50 g of soda, 2-3 tbsp. l. ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in 5 liters of water.
  2. Submerge dirty diapers in the solution for 2 hours.
  3. Hand wash stains with laundry soap.
  4. Load the wrung bed into the drum.
  5. Add baby powder to a special container.
  6. Run the machine in the “baby clothes” mode with 800 revolutions (spin) and a washing temperature of 60 ° C.

The fresher the stains, the easier and better their removal. After such treatment, the baby bedding will become like new. But if the laundry is very bright, liquefy the washing temperature to 40 ° C so that it does not fade.

After drying, be sure to iron and smooth out the folds pressing the newborn into the back.

How to wash bedding without a washing machine

It is very difficult to wash the bed without an automatic machine, because after it gets wet it takes on a heavy weight.

First, wipe the stains with a homemade solution or stain remover. Further:

  1. Fill the bath with water.
  2. Add dry or liquid powder suitable for fabric and color.
  3. Let sit for an hour.
  4. Hand wash your laundry.
  5. Squeeze, but do not twist too much to avoid damaging the fibers.

After hand washing and drying, the laundry will be wrinkled. Be sure to iron it, fold it several times, and put it in storage.

How often to change bedding

Change of bed linen should be carried out regularly, and not as it gets dirty, because your health depends on it.

Replacing dirty laundry with new ones

Factors requiring frequent washing:

  • dust mites. They develop actively in unwashed laundry. May provoke a decrease in immunity or an allergic reaction;
  • bacterial diseases. A favorable flora for pathogens is sweat absorbed by the sheet and duvet cover;
  • aesthetic beauty. Sleeping on freshly washed linen is much more pleasant than on a worn and stained set with wool, dandruff and hair.

Change your bedding weekly in the summer, because sweating increases in hot weather. In winter, once every 2 weeks is enough, but if you sweat frequently and in cold times, be sure to wash your sheets once every 7 days.

Instruction for the care and use of bed linen

  • be sure to wash new laundry;
  • avoid the use of bleaches, powders containing chlorine;
  • turn garments inside out before washing;
  • wash each set separately;
  • Treat polyester and natural fabrics separately. So they will stay soft longer;
  • when starting the machine, be sure to follow the recommendations indicated on the manufacturer's label;
  • do not load the drum more than 50%;
  • damp products are smoothed with an iron easier and better;
  • iron from the inside out.

If you have planted a hard-to-remove stain, have it dry cleaned. Specialists will carefully remove it using special tools and equipment. Of course, the cost of the procedure is high, but only she can restore your favorite underwear.

Larisa, 28 August 2018.

Poplin is very similar to the well-known coarse calico. This material has the same strength, durability and wear resistance, but softer and more pleasant.

Poplin bedding

Poplin is a plain weave fabric made of cotton, viscose, silk or synthetic fibers with a small transverse rib (thin main (longitudinal) threads of the fabric are intertwined with thicker wefts). Thanks to this weaving, thin threads seem to bend around thick ones and close them in such a way that thicker and coarser ones are located inside the fabric, and thin and soft ones are outside. That is why poplin turns out to be so delicate and pleasant to the touch, but at the same time has high strength. Poplin fabric is characterized by a peculiar noble shine, which is why it is compared to satin. Also, this material looks great in any color scheme. Poplin can be produced: bleached, plain dyed, multi-colored and printed. Currently poplin bedding is becoming more and more popular, as it has many advantages at a low cost. The density of high-quality poplin is 110 - g / m2. The composition is usually 100% cotton. Poplin bedding does not need to be ironed. They are particularly lightweight, breathable and hardly wrinkle.

Basic properties of poplin

  1. Strength.
  2. Wear resistance.
  3. Softness.
  4. Noble gloss of fabric.
  5. The fabric does not require any special maintenance.
  6. Withstands many washes without losing its original color and shape.
  7. Air permeability.
  8. Ease.
  9. Poplin bedding does not need to be ironed.

"The fabric got its name from the Italian word papalino - papal, since it is believed that poplin was first obtained at the residence of the pope in the medieval French city of Avignon."

How to care for poplin bedding

  • It is recommended to wash the bedding set before the first use.
  • Turn pillowcases and duvet cover inside out before washing.
  • All zippers and buttons must be fastened.
  • Do not use powders containing bleaching agents.
  • Bed linen does not require special care, it is easy to wash at a temperature of 30 ° C.
  • Poplin items do not need to be ironed. They are particularly lightweight, breathable and hardly wrinkle.