Nursery rhyme patty where were. Favorite games with the baby: patties and finger games, nursery rhymes and jokes. Rhymes about washing


"Paladushki" is one of the very first games in which an adult begins to involve a child. First, the adult himself takes the baby's hands in his own and claps them. At 8 months, children begin to make "patties" themselves at the request of an adult. Dr. Idit Salkin from Ben-Gurion University (Israel) showed that playing "Ladushki" (songs accompanied by rhythmic clapping of hands) strengthens communication skills in young children, but also has a positive effect on schoolchildren: in children who play "ladushki" "during breaks, more accurate handwriting and fewer spelling errors." Okay "okays" increase concentration, but at the same time relieve nervous tension and improve mood.

Actions that accompany "Okay":

  • "Okay, okay" - clap your hands;
  • "Flew" - raise the handles high above the head;
  • "They sat on the head" - touch the handles of the head.

In the popular version, the questions in the nursery rhyme sound like this: "What did you eat?", "What did you drink?" We have replaced "What" with "What", since the first variant, according to the rules of the modern Russian language, seems to us illiterate. We will teach the baby to the purity of the tongue from the cradle! If you disagree with us or think we are wrong, !

Damn you, alright.
- Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did they drink?
- Brazhka.
- What's for a snack?
- Sauerkraut.
- Did you drink? Have you eaten?
Shit, let's fly.
They sat on the head.

darlings, darlings,
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
Butter bowl,
Brazhka sweetie,
good grandmother,
Drank, ate
Home, fly!
Sat on the head!
The paws sang.

Damn, darn it!
- Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
Sweet porridge,
Brazhka khmelenka.

Damn, darn it!
- Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
Shuu! Let's fly!
sat on the head
The paws sang.

Clapped their hands
Clapped their hands
Let's rest a little.

Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
- What's for a snack?
- Sauerkraut.

darlings, darlings,
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
- What's for a snack?
- Bread and cabbage.
Drank, ate
They sat on the head.

(compiled and edited by Olesya Emelyanova)

From the very moment of birth, special attention must be paid to the development of speech and thinking of the child. This, like nothing else, is facilitated by direct communication with him in the language of songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies and persuaders that have existed since time immemorial and passed from generation to generation. Everyone knows such traditional characters as two merry geese, a white-sided magpie, a horned goat, a roar-cow, a cat-cat, an owl with a big head and a gray top.


* * * * *

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese.
one grey,
Other white -
Two cheerful geese.

Washing goose paws
In a puddle by the canal.
one grey,
Other white -
They hid in a ditch.

Grandma is screaming:
“Oh, the geese are gone!
one grey,
Other white -
My geese, geese!"

The geese came out
They bowed to the grandmother.
one grey,
Other white -
They bowed to the grandmother.

* * * * *

Geese, geese!
Ha, ha, ha!
Do you want to eat?
Yes Yes Yes!
So fly home!
Gray wolf under the mountain
He won't let us go home!

* * * * *

grandma, grandma,
torn slippers,
Give us porridge
Baby porridge.
To whom do you give porridge,
He is our prince!
grandma, grandma,
Red Hat,
Give us pancakes
Give me hotels
Sweet porridge
In golden cups.
If there is no porridge,
So give me some candy!

* * * * *

Bye, bye, busi!
The geese have arrived.
The geese sat in a circle,
They gave Vanya a pie,
They gave Vanya a gingerbread.
Sleep soon, Vanechka!

* * * * *

Like on Vanka's name day
Baked an epic pie -
Here is such a height!
That's the width!
Eat, Vanechka-friend,
birthday cake -
Here is such a height!
That's the width!
Eat, eat well
Grow big soon
Here is such a height!
That's the width!

* * * * *

The birds have flown
They brought water.
Gotta wake up
Gotta wash up
To make your eyes sparkle
To make cheeks burn
To laugh mouth,
To bite your teeth!

* * * * *

Where were - at the grandmother!
What did they eat - porridge,
What they drank - brew!
almonds, almonds,
We're going to grandma's again!

* * * * *

You are the water
Queen of all seas
Let the bubbles
Mine and rinse!
My eyes, my cheeks,
My son, my daughter
My cat, my mouse
My gray bunny!
mine, mine at random
Let's move everyone!
From the swan goose water -
Thinness from our baby!


* * * * *

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word
Don't lie on the edge!
A gray wolf will come
And grab the barrel
Yes, drag it into the woods,
Under the willow bush.
You, top, do not go to us,
Don't wake our kids!

* * * * *

Am! Am! Am! Am!
I'll give you candy
But first, for our mother
Eat a spoonful of semolina!
Am! Am! Am! Am!
Eat, Vanya, porridge yourself!
Eat a spoon for dad
Grow up a little more!
Am! Am! Am! Am!
You won't eat, I'll eat it myself.
And for a whole mile
I grow with every spoonful!
I will become big
And then I'll eat you!

* * * * *

The top sleeps for a long time in the forest,
Sleeps without a fuss
Yes, without crabbing
Without rocking
No babble!
bye bye bye
Well, go to sleep!

* * * * *

Bye-bye, bye-bye!
Babai climbed into our house!
He crawled under the bed
Wants to take the baby.
And we will not give Vanya,
We need Vanya ourselves.
Bye-bye, bye-bye
Get away from us Baba!

* * * * *

Let the cat get sick
The dog gets sick
There will be a disabled cat
And the dog is disabled!
And you may be lucky -
All your sickness will be gone!

* * * * *

One two three four five!
Nowhere for the bunnies to roam!
Everywhere the wolf-wolf walks!
He snaps his teeth!


* * * * *

There is a horned goat
For the little guys.
Who doesn't listen to their mother?
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Who does not help his father?
Gore! Gore! Gore!

* * * * *

At the goat, at the horned
Little goats at home.
They are merrily jumping on the benches,
They don't mess around, they don't cry.
Mom will come from the forest
Milk will bring them.

* * * * *

A goat walks in the meadow
Around the peg in a circle.
Eyes clap-clap!
Top-top legs!
Waving his tail,
And sings and dances.
Small children are amused
Mom tells me to obey!

* * * * *

A goat walks at night
Closes everyone's eyes.
Well, who does not want to sleep,
Those goats will gore!
Close your eyes quickly
Bye-bye, bye-bye!

* * * * *

Grow your legs
run on the track,
Grow pens -
Get to the clouds
Squeeze rain from clouds
Water our garden!
Grow big
Don't be a jerk!
Eat porridge,
Mama listen!

* * * * *

Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother.
One-two, one-two! Gray goat!
Grandmother loved the goat very much.
One-two, one-two! I loved it very much!
The goat decided to take a walk in the forest.
One-two, one-two! Take a walk in the forest!
Gray wolves attacked the goat.
One-two, one-two! Gray wolves!
Remained from the goat horns, yes legs,
One-two, one-two! Horns and legs!

* * * * *

There was a goat-goat,
popping out the eyes,
With an unshaven beard
With an unwashed mug
Somersaulted through the stump -
The horns stood on one side.

* * * * *

I am a dereza goat
Storm all over the world!
Who will beat Vanya
It will be bad for him to live!


* * * * *

roar cow
Broke up again.
This is how tears flow
You can choke.
Quiet, roar, don't cry
I'll give you a roll!
Stop crying baby
Cow roar!

* * * * *

You grow, grow, son,
Like a wheat ear
So that your father loves you
I did not scold for leprosy,
For mom to take care of
I baked pancakes every day!
Well, I'm for you
I'll give you fresh milk!

* * * * *

Stop crying, roar,
Here, look, a cow!
She says: “Moo!
Why are you crying, I don't understand?
I came from afar
I brought milk
Enough for us to eat
And for a cup!
You drink my milk
You'll be happier right away!"

* * * * *

At the child of the king,
Princely, boyar,
The cradle is new
heavily gilded,
How the swan flies
Yes it hangs high
On silver hooks
Yes, silk straps.
The positions are from brocade,
Instead of tsatsek kalachi,
beaver blanket,
From a peacock feather.
Turn around on the barrel
Get some sleep, fool!

* * * * *

Bye-bye, I need to sleep
Everyone will come to rock you!
Come horse - calm down
Come pike - lull
Come catfish - give us a dream,
Come pesterka - give me a pillow,
Come piggy - give me a feather bed,
Come kitty - close your mouth,
Come weasel - close your eyes!
Bye-bye, I need to sleep
Everyone will come to rock you!

* * * * *

early in the morning
The horn sang: “Tu-ru-ru-ru!”
And the cows are in harmony with him
Tightened: "Moo-mu-mu!"
You, Burenushka, go
Take a walk in the open field
And come back in the evening
Give us milk to drink.


* * * * *

Where was? - Far!
The stove was stoked
cooked porridge,
I interfered with the tail,
Jumped on the threshold
The child called:
"Children you, children,
Collect the chips
I'll make porridge
Golden Cups!

* * * * *

white-sided magpie
cooked porridge,
Feeding the kids!
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
But she didn't give it:
"You didn't carry water,
You didn't cut wood
You didn't turn on the stove
You didn't wash the cups!
We will eat porridge ourselves,
And we won’t give lazy people!”

* * * * *

Not a feather on the tail
Drove across the field
Lost the tail.
Hiding under the bridge
Has grown a ponytail
And now he's scurrying -
The tail does not lose.

* * * * *

Hey, kachi-kachi-kachi!
Look, lamb kalachi!
Look, bagels-kalachi
From the heat, from the heat of the oven!

* * * * *

You dance, dance, dance
She has good legs!
Good - not good
You still dance!
stomp your feet,
Clap your hands!

* * * * *

Grow braid to the waist
Don't shed a hair!
Grow braid to toe,
Red girl to the ridges!

* * * * *

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger curled up
This finger is already asleep!
And the last one is the fifth finger
Quickly jumping like a bunny.
We'll put it down now
And we will fall asleep with you too!


* * * * *

Kitty cat, cat,
Kitty, gray pubis,
Come sleep the cat
Download our baby.
Bye-bye, bye-bye
Sleep soon, sleep!
The cat goes to the market,
Buy a cat pie
The cat will bring it to us
And put it right in your mouth
Bye-bye, bye-bye
Sleep soon, sleep!

* * * * *

Like a cat, a cat
Cradle of gold
At my child
Yes, paint it.

Like a cat, a cat
Feather down
At my child
There are softer ones.

Like a cat, a cat
The curtain is clean.
At my child
There is a cleaner one.

There is cleaner
Yes, paint it.

* * * * *

Tritatushki! Three-ta-ta!
The cat met the cat!
The cat is calling the cat
Walks and purrs.
Tritatushki! Three-ta-ta!
A cat married a cat!
For Kot Kotovich
For Pyotr Petrovich!

* * * * *

The cat abandoned the cat
Bit off half a tail
And the cat is offended -
Half tail is not visible.

* * * * *

The cat went into the woods, into the woods.
The cat found a belt, a belt.
To pick up the cradle, pick up.
Put Katya in the cradle, put it.
Katya will sleep soundly, sleep soundly.
Kitten Katenka to swing, yes to swing.

* * * * *

Like our cat
The coat is very good.
Like a cat mustache
Amazing beauty.
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.
The cat walks on the bench
Catches everyone by the paws.
Tops-top on the bench,
Tsap-scratch for paws.

* * * * *

Cat, cat, cat!
Don't steal your breath
Our child
Not souls in bed!

* * * * *

The cat-kabysdoshka came out
From an open window
Went down through the air
It entered the ground with a corkscrew.
So it is necessary for a cat
Kabysdoshka cat.

* * * * *

hiccup, hiccup,
Go for the cat!
And from the cat to Jacob,
From Jacob to everyone!


* * * * *

Owl, owl, owl,
remote head,
black legs,
Boots on the feet
Flying through the forest
Scared the mouse.
Flew around the yard -
Scared the cat.
You, owl, do not fly to us,
Don't scare our baby!

* * * * *

Oh you Owl Owl
In two girths head!
Sitting on a stump
turned his head,
Fell into the grass
Rolled into the hole.

* * * * *

Uh-huh, uh-huh!
I can not take it anymore,
Calm down in the cradle
This capricious!

* * * * *

Let's go, let's go
For cones-nuts!
Over the bumps, over the bumps
By berries, flowers,
Stumps and bushes,
green leaves
In the hole - boom!

* * * * *

Mokli-mokli! Mokli-mokli!
The owl's feathers are wet!
Stop, stop crying
Stop dripping tears.
Already in the pillow
The frogs are croaking.
I don't want to live with a crybaby!
I'll fly away into the dense forest!

* * * * *

Oh! Wow! Wow! Wow!
Burdock grows in the yard!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Oh!
Thistles in the yard!
Oh! Wow! Wow! Oh!
Peas grow in the yard!
Wow! Oh! Oh! Wow!
A rooster is sitting on the fence!

* * * * *

Like Savishna Owl
Two heads on the shoulders
And eyes like saucers.
Everyone laughs at her!

© Compilation and processing. Olesya Emelyanova. 2001

Today, most young mothers and fathers are aware of the benefits of finger games. Finger games stimulate the process of speech and mental development. This is evidenced by the studies of physiologists, and the experience of many generations. On this page, along with finger games, a variety of fun games are collected, which are also very important for the development of the baby in the first years of life. This is the "Horned Goat", and washbasins with wake-ups, and much, much more. Our grandparents came up with a lot of interesting nursery rhymes for children, with which it is more fun to dress, eat faster, and take the first steps easier.
"Wake Up"(from birth) Podyaushechka-darling Drive away the dummy! (Name) get up, get up, Cheer up, cheer up, Look around - The sun is coming to visit us! Pull-ups! And in the legs - walkers, And in the hands - grabbing ones, Across - plump ones, And in the ears - hearers, And in the eyes - little eyes, And in the nose - sopushenki, And in the mouth - talk, And in the head - intelligence! "Washers"(from birth) Water, water, Wash (name) face, To make the eyes shine, To make the cheeks blush, To make the mouth laugh, To bite the tooth.

Combing a girl, we say:
I'll braid my hair,
I'll braid the Russian.
I weave, I weave, I weave.
I say:
You grow, grow, braid,
The whole city is beautiful!
"Okay" We teach the baby to open his fists - "clapping" fists and we sentence: (from 1 month) Views, views, Views view, Beaters I beat, I Sentence. By 3 months from fist bumping move on to the game of clapping hands, for starters, you can pat your baby's hand on your mother's hand. Clap, clap, you are a palm, Clap, clap, my baby! By about 8 months, most babies are ready to play patty on their own. But sometimes, games in "Okay" Begin to like the child only 1-1.5 years. "Ladushki" (Russian folk song) - Ladushki, patty! - Where were you? - By Grandma. - What did you eat? - Kasha. - What did you drink? - Brazhka. Oily porridge, Sweet mash, Kind grandmother. They drank, ate, They flew home, They sat on their heads, Ladushki sang. (you can say: “Shu flew, sat on the head”) (put the baby’s hands on the head) Rhymes for gymnastics Palm-elbow, Palm-elbow, Elbow-palm, Be healthy baby! (they say to the girl) Grow strong, son! (sentence to the boy) ( when stroking hands) Potrushechki-potrushechki, Grandmother baked cheesecakes, Cheesecakes, kolobushechki. (when massaging a baby, you can say, doing stroking and rubbing) Pull the canvases, sip, Put them in the box. ( For passive exercise such as crossing the arms over the chest. If the child already knows how to sit down on his own, talking about canvases, you can play the following game. Sit your baby on your lap with his legs wrapped around you. Straighten your legs, keeping them slightly elevated. The child should hold on to your fingers. Put the baby on your feet, and then with a little help and sipping on the handles, help him return to an upright position and sit down. This is a good exercise for the back muscles and the press) There is such an endless fairy tale about an owl, before telling which the children were told: “Listen and do not interrupt!” The owl flew cheerful head. So she flew, flew, She sat on a birch, turned her tail, looked around, sang a song And flew again. So she flew, flew, She sat on a birch, turned her tail, looked around, sang a song And flew again. (Say more?) This fairy tale is boring, of course, but kids usually really like the rhyme. Therefore, it can be used when performing various exercises during gymnastics, as well as for training on the ball(Bobas ball). Ooty swam, uti swam ... (arm movement built in) Shu, flew, sat on the head. (put baby's hands on head) Let's walk together When the baby takes the first steps, the adult says: "Top Top" Big feet walked along the road: top-top, top-top. And the little feet ran along the path: top, top, top, top, top.

« In the hole boo "
child seatedOon his knees, the adult sways, imitating a trip over bumps, and at the word: “bang”, he depicts a fall into a hole.
We drove, we drove
For cones, nuts
On a flat path
On a flat path.
And then over bumps, over bumps,
Along narrow paths.
Hopping, jumping
Down the hole!
I am a red fox
I am a master of running.
I ran through the forest
I chased a bunny
And into the hole - bang!

We move the index finger along the baby’s palm, sentence, bend the baby’s fingers one at a time, starting with the big one, at the end of the joke we pull the little finger.
white-sided magpie
cooked porridge,
She fed the kids.
I gave this
He went to the forest.
I gave this
He chopped wood.
I gave this
He carried water.
I gave this
He fired up the oven.
But she didn't give anything to the little one.
Didn't go to the forest
Didn't cut wood
Didn't carry water
The oven didn't turn on.

We eat
It is more fun to eat from a spoon if during the meal an adult hums or says: Ay, cradles, cradles, gulenki have arrived. The ghouls began to say, What is (name) to feed? One said: “Kashkoi!”, The other: “Curdled milk!”, Well, and the third: “Milk And ruddy pie!”

Magpie-white-sided, where was it?
- Far. cooked porridge,
She fed the kids.
Jumped on the threshold
Called guests.

Joke from hiccups
hiccup, hiccup,
Go to Fedot
From Fedot to Yakov,
From Jacob to everyone.
(sometimes they add: get away from everyone, hiccups, to the green swamp)
While saying, take the child in your arms facing you in an upright position. Pressing to him, stroking and lightly pat on the back of the baby.

On a walk

On the swing.
There is a swing in the meadow - Up, down! Up down! (or kach-kach, kach-kach)
I'll run to swing- Up, down! Up down! (or kach-kach, kach-kach) When the baby jumps and jumps: Baba was sowing peas. Jump-jump, jump-jump! The ceiling swirled. Jump-jump, jump-jump! Baba stood on her toe, and then on her heel, And then she went to dance merrily in a squat. Baba was sowing peas and said loudly: “Oh!”
This funny joke is also loved
for playing in the water.

If the baby is crying
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry
I will buy you a loaf.
If you cry -
I will buy a thin bast shoe!

"Goat horned"
An adult depicts horns with his fingers, hums and tickles the baby a little.
There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
For the little guys.
Legs - top, top!
Eyes - clap, clap!
Who does not eat porridge
Who does not drink milk
Gore, gore, gore!

Games with children from 1.5 years old
An adult tells or sings and shows what the baby should do. A kid in such a game is called, for example, a hare, who silently repeats all movements after adults.
Older children, for example, brothers and sisters, can also play such games with babies. If there are many children, then they can stand around the younger one and dance around.

"Tit" A nimble tit jumps, She can't sit still. (jump) Jump-jump, jump-jump, spun like a top, (wrap around yourself) Sit down a little for a minute (to squat) Scratched her chest with her beak (nozzle tilting head left and right) And from the track to the fence, (get up and jump) Tili-shadow, Tili-shadow. " Zainka" Zainka, come out, gray, come out! That's it, that's it, get out! Like this, come on out! (the hare is shown how to get out, e.g. in the middle of the circle) Hare take a walk, gray take a walk! That's it, that's it, take a walk! Like this, take a walk! (several steps in one direction or the other) Zainka stomp your foot, gray stomp your foot! That's it, that's it, stomp your foot!
Like this, stomp your foot! (stomp foot several times) Hare turn around, gray turn around! That's it, that's it, turn around! That's it, that's it, turn around! (wrap around yourself) Hare hands to hips, gray hands to hips! Like this, like this, hands to the sides! Like this, like that, hands to the sides! (put hands on waist) Hare jump, gray jump! That's it, that's it, jump! That's it, jump like that! (jump) Dancing hare, little gray dance! Like this, dance like this! Like this, dance like that! (make a dance move) Hare bow, gray bow! Like this, bow like this! Like this, bow like that! (hare bows and the game ends) "Loaf"(a game for kids on their birthday and not only) To make it clear to kids what they are playing, they should be told that a loaf is such a big round bread. One of the kids is placed in the middle of the circle, the rest hold hands and dance around him, singing: As on (child's name) name day ( or birthday) We baked a loaf! Here is such a height! ( raise your hands) Here is such a bottom! (put your hands down and bend over) That's the width! (spread circle wider) Here's a dinner! (narrow the circle) Loaf, loaf, Whom do you love, choose! After the last words, the child, around whom the loaf was driven, chooses any of the dancers and changes places with him. When choosing a replacement for themselves, adults and older children can say: “I love everyone, of course, but this one (or the player’s name) is the most!”. The game is repeated over and over as long as there is a desire to "drive a loaf"! " Finger games» Not least, in my opinion, is the fact that kids in the process of such games learn to use gestures to show various definitions and actions, to depict animals and objects. It is quite possible to come up with finger games yourself, reading children's poems and singing songs, try to show which horns a cow has, claws a cat has, that the cow is big and the cat is small. It's easy to pretend that someone is sleeping or crying, and using your thumb to show how good your mood is. Toddlers often come up with their own finger gymnastics for themselves, for example: they press the piano keys with their fingers (index fingers) or depict a dancing man with their index and middle fingers. "Thumb" Squeeze the baby's hand into a fist and raise your thumb, saying: This finger is the most important. He has (name) in order If they ask: “How are you?” Loudly you will answer: "In!"
"Salad"- We sharpen knives, sharpen (we move back and forth with the edges of the palms on the table) - We chop the cabbage, chop (knock the edges of the palm on the table) - We three, three carrots (with three fists of one hand on the palm of the other) - We salt the cabbage, salt ( holding our hands above the table, we make movements with our fingers, as if we are salting a salad) - We press the salad, press (squeeze and unclench our fists) - They interfered with the spoon in the cup and into the mouth "Am" (move the finger of one hand over the palm of the other and raise the finger, as spoon to mouth) "Steamboat"“The steamboat floats along the river and it puffs like a stove: puff-puff-puff-puff” (Put palm to palm, thumbs up. Steamboats can not only float on the table, but also meet and get to know each other.) "Top Top"- Big feet walked along the road, (we knock with the right, then with the left palm on the table depicting steps) - Top-top, top-top. - And the little legs ran along the path, (we knock with all 10 fingers on the surface of the table, depicting the clatter of many small feet) - Top-top-top-top. "Lock" We fasten the hands - a finger through a finger, and we get a lock. - There is a lock on the door, who could open it? - Pulled, pulled, (we pull our hands in different directions without opening our fingers) - Twisted, twisted, (turning up and down, alternately with one or the other hand without opening our fingers) - Knocked, knocked, (knocking the bases of the palms on each other friend without opening his fingers) - Op, the lock opened (we separate our palms and spread our arms in different directions). "Birdhouse" We make a house with our hands above our heads - by connecting the tips of the fingers and spreading the elbows of the hands in different directions. - Beaks protrude from the birdhouse (we show the beaks by connecting the thumbs with the rest) little squirrels (connecting the palms as if we are going to draw water into them) - Beak once (show the beak with one hand), beak two (show the beak with the other hand) - Paw, foot (we put our hand alternately on the table with our fingers spread out), head (we make a “lock”). - Cook and hid (show the house over your head or hide your hands behind your back). "Flowers" Keep your hands in front of you, folding your elbow to elbow, fingers to fingers (bud). - Flowers of unusual beauty open, (spread fingers apart without tearing the base of the palm from each other) - The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway, (fingers move as if in the wind) - It sways, it sways. ("flower" leans to one side or the other) - Flowers of unusual beauty close, (press fingers against each other again) - Fall asleep quietly, quietly (you can fold your hands, bring it to your ear and tilt your head) " Bear"- Like on a hill (show a gesture with your hands - a hill) snow, snow (tapping movements with your fingers in the air, while the hands are spread apart "drawing" a hill) - And under the hill there is snow, snow (the same movements with fingers, hands divorced in a straight line) - And under the hill the bear is sleeping (attach fists to the top of the head, as if it were the ears of a bear) - Quietly, quietly, do not make noise! Shhh (shake index finger and put finger to mouth) "Hedgehog"- Under the birch, (we reach up, stretching our arms up, "opening" like palm leaves and spreading our fingers) on a hill (show a gesture with our hands - a hill) - An old hedgehog (fold the lock with our hands, but spread our fingers - needles) made a mink (fold fists , hands at the elbows, twist each fist around the other hand) - And under the leaves rustle five (show five fingers) tiny (fold your hands like a boat) hedgehog (fold the lock with your hands, spreading your fingers)

Inflate the ball with the fingers, (fold the palms, blow on them)
He gets big. (bend fingers, palms take the shape of a ball)
The balloon burst, the air came out - (clap, fold your hands)
He became thin and thin. (we raise our hands with folded palms with a snake up, we depict how the ball flies when air comes out of it)

Nursery rhymes for the little ones are short, rhythmic poems, which, as a rule, do not carry a deep meaning. Some young mothers are wondering: why do we need nursery rhymes? Do they do anything for the baby? Early development specialists confidently answer: yes! About the meaning of nursery rhymes for the smallest - in the material below.

How useful are nursery rhymes for the little ones?

1. We calm or amuse the baby

A small child perceives poetry much better than ordinary speech (which, by the way, is also true for an adult). are clearly rhymed verses with a clear and simple rhythmic pattern. Hearing such a speech, uttered by a native and familiar voice, the baby calms down and listens. If you voice a nursery rhyme with a cheerful, perky intonation, this will amuse the little one, and if you pronounce the words slowly, thoughtfully, you can calm the baby, prepare for sleep, relieve daytime stress.

2. We learn words with the child and train his memory

Consist of simple, easy to pronounce words. Even if these words are not yet clear to the baby, he will remember them, and later try to pronounce them. Memorizing a short cheerful rhyme, the child develops memory and attention, the speech center of his brain is actively working.

3. We introduce the baby to the outside world

The plot of most nursery rhymes for the smallest is of a domestic nature and introduces the child to the outside world, to its objects and events.

4. We teach the child to do something

Some fun for the little ones are aimed at teaching the baby in a playful way to any useful action. There are nursery rhymes that a mother can say while doing gymnastics with a baby, for example:

You little mouse, stretch
Mom, baby, smile!
Now come on buddy
Let's go back to the barrel!

There are nursery rhymes that help the baby wash, dress, etc.

Rhyme texts for the little ones

Probably the most popular nursery rhymes for kids - " Okay, okay, where they were - with my grandmother" And " There is a horned goat»:


Sweeties, sweeties!
- Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.

Butter bowl,
Brazhka sweetie,
good grandmother,
Drank, ate
flew home,
sat on the head,
The lads sang!

"A horned goat is coming"

There is a horned goat
For the little guys
Legs top-top,
Eyes clap-clap.
Who does not eat porridge
Who does not drink milk
I will gore him, I will gore him!

But there are also not very popular nursery rhymes, no less funny and useful for the development of the baby. Below we present the texts fun for the little ones united in meaning.

Nursery rhymes about animals

"In this house"

This house has five floors:
On the first floor lives a family of hedgehogs,
On the second lives a family of rabbits,
On the third - a family of red squirrels,
On the fourth, a tit lives with chicks,
On the fifth, an owl is a very smart bird.
Well, it's time for us to go back down:
On the fifth owl
On the fourth tit
Belchata on the third
Bunnies - the second,
On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them.


Snail, snail,
Stick out the horns
I'll give you a snail
Piece of the pie!
Crawl along the path
I'll give you cakes.

"Squirrel sits on a cart"

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts
(bend fingers)
Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear fat-fifth,
Mustachioed hare,
Who cares
To whom in a scarf
Who cares.


The turtle went for a swim
And bit everyone from fear,
I'm not afraid of anyone.


A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank carries a head.
Waving a white wing
She shakes off water on the flowers.

Nursery rhymes about parts of the body (telling, you need to show the child his fingers, legs, arms - according to the meaning of the nursery rhyme)

"Legs, legs, where have you been?"

Legs, legs, where have you been?
- We went to the forest for mushrooms.
- And you, pens, helped?
- We collected mushrooms.
- And you, eyes, helped?
We searched and looked
looked at all the stumps.
Here is Vanechka with a fungus,
With a boletus.

"Where are our pens?"

Where are our pens?
Here are our pens.
Where are our legs?
And here are our legs.
Well, what is this? Stomach.
Well, here's the baby's mouth.
And here are the eyes
And here are the ears
And here are the cheeks -
soft pillows.
Show me your tongue
Let's tickle your barrel.
Ai lyuli lyuli lyuli
They brought the baby to mom.
Little baby
Little maaamenkin.
(Instead of "Baby" we substitute the name of the baby).

"Finger is a boy, where have you been?"

Finger - boy, where have you been?
With this brother - I went to the forest.
With this brother - cabbage soup cooked.
With this brother - ate porridge.
With this brother - he sang songs!

"One two three four five!"

One two three four five!
Let's count fingers
Strong, friendly
All so necessary.
On the other hand five:
One two three four five!
Fingers are fast, though not very clean!
A lot of trouble for fingers:
They play patty
Then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
Grandma's books are torn...
Having redone all things,
They pull the tablecloth from the table.
They climb into salt and compote,
And then vice versa.
Friendly fingers, all so necessary!

This finger wants to sleep
This finger - jump into bed,
This finger has already taken a nap,
This finger is already asleep.
This one is fast asleep
And he tells you to sleep.

Rhymes about washing

Ay, alright, alright, alright
We are not afraid of water
We wash clean
We smile at mom.

Water, water,
Wash our face
To make the eyes sparkle
To make cheeks blush
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.

Cleaner wash, do not be afraid of water!
Open the faucet, wash your nose!
Wash both eyes at once!
Wash your ears, wash your neck!
Wash your neck, good!
Wash, wash, bathe,
wash away the dirt
Wash away the dirt!

Oh, who's naked?
Who went swimming?
Who found the water?

Ah, good water!
Good vodka!
We bathe the baby
So that the face shines!

Rhymes about the first steps

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!
Don't sit on the path
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.

Top, top, toppers...
Toys are surprised
The cat jumped on the window
Olya is walking on the floor!
Walks without palms
And stamping his feet,
little feet,
Red boots.
And I'm surprised myself
Why doesn't she fall!


Big feet
We walked along the road:
small feet
Run along the path:
Top top top

Rhymes about food

Trunks there-carcasses!
Grandma baked cheesecakes.
All for cheesecake
Yes, a glass of milk.
Sweeties, sweeties!
Grandma baked pancakes.
poured oil,
She ate everyone.

We make, we make pies,
Kneaded from flour
We sat down on a bench
Treat grandma
Run to the garden
All the people gathered there
Here is a pie for the kitten
Here is a duck pie
And son on the tooth.

In the kalachi oven,
Like fire is hot.
Who are the livers for?
For the baby kalachi,
Hot for a kid.

Oh tata, tata, tata!
Please sieve:
sift flour,
Make pies.
And for our sweetie
Let's make pancakes
Let's bake a pancake
Let's feed our son!

Boil, cook, porridge,
In a dove cup
Cook quickly
Bubbling more fun.
Cook, porridge, sweet,
From thick milk
From thick milk
Yes, semolina.
The one who eats porridge
All teeth will grow.

The cat went to the stove
Found a pot of porridge.
On the kalachi oven
Like fire is hot.
Gingerbreads are baked
The cat's paws are not given.

Nursery rhymes for the little ones are good not only for entertainment. They introduce kids to the world around them, train their memory, teach sounds and words. Nursery rhymes are perfectly remembered, and if mom didn’t remember a suitable rhyme, she can easily come up with it herself! We wish you and your kids a wonderful mood!