Congratulations to the musical leader of a kindergarten on graduation in verses and prose. Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Preschool "Congratulations from the Soul! Congratulations to Municipal Garden Employee

What is music, tell me?
It's a cure for the soul
Included in the heart of music stream ...
Musicians to all - our congratulations!
Congratulations we congratulate all the musicians -
Composers and orchestrants,
Opera artists and estate -
With their wonderful musical holiday!
Get greetings from congratulations -
All in the light of music lovers!

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Music teach us to live
And laugh and love
All forgive, not angry,
Young stay!
Love everyone and regret everyone
Good heart to have!
Congratulations to musicians
Excellent talents!
And we wish you to create
As if in a good fairy tale, live,
In the music of this day
From the fans of the congratulations!

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(Minsk literary and music association "Galaxy" and the literary site "Infinity") have the honor to congratulate all women of our "yard" with the most worker female holiday! And let the men pretend that they worked for three, preparing this day to their halves, they only pretend, and women do everything else

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Congratulations on the national holiday of the Educator Day and all preschool workers.
Dear workers of pre-school educational institutions!
In 2004, for the first time the day of the educator and all preschool workers, it is celebrated throughout the country.
In each municipality of the region, September 27, 2004, solemn events are held on the national holiday of all employees of pre-school educational institutions.
Today, more than ever, the fate of every child depends on wisdom, kindness and patience of adults. Educational institutions, and first of all - pre-school, hold on inephorty enthusiasts, loving children, on personalities, obsessed with their profession. With your help, children of preschool age will know the secrets of the surrounding world, learn to love and take care of their homeland. Your pupils build new Russia.
In your professional holiday, dear staff of preschool institutions, take greetings and sincere wishes of kind health, creative success, well-being, optimism and confidence in the future.
Sincerely, Director of the Department of Education M.V.Korshkov

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Dear teachers, childcare facilities and pre-school veterans!
September 27 - a new national holiday "Day of the educator and all preschool workers." I sincerely congratulate everyone on the day of the preschool worker!
The day of the preschool worker was established on September 27, 2004 on the initiative of a number of all-Russian pedagogical publications. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis holiday is to help society to pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general.
The pre-school education system is the first link in universal education, it retained its best traditions and is constantly evolving, taking into account the real needs of the inhabitants of our area. Today, pre-school education is the educational component that is most in demand by the population, and this is a serious reserve for maintaining the Network Dow and his personnel potential. This is a way to create equal starting conditions for all preschool children.

The tutor is not only a profession, the essence of which to give knowledge. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation of a person, the approval of a person in man. Thanks to your kindness and skill, every day a child in kindergarten turns into a day of joy and happiness. You invest a lot of strength and energy in the development of the personality of a little man, take care of the well-being of every child.
I express sincere words of gratitude for your noble work, love for your profession.
Happy holiday! I wish all good health, happiness, optimism and success in all good endeavors, well-being in the family.
Head of the Batcherevsky district N.I. Glukhov

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Social Day
Great holiday to remember
About those who take care every day
About old men, patients, helpless.
They work at the limit
Their work is not easy. After all, everything is in nerves.
Happy social worker
I hurry to congratulate one of the first!

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Day of forest workers
Home Places, Forestry, Henser!
Squeeze the forests, raise the forests!
Let it not scare the earth
Forests are so famous for our land.
Green patrol - Your assistance.
In the forest, they seemed like in the temple.
And the forest is he is a temple of nature, miracles.
Love, store the green forest.
When the duration of the autumn in the forest comes,
Forest workers people congratulate.
Their holiday profession people inspires
How help is needed to those who are protected by the forest.

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Congratulations on the Educator Day !!!
September 27 - a new national holiday "Day of the educator and all preschool workers."
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis holiday is to help society to pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general. On this day, solemn events dedicated to the Day of Employees of Preschool Educational Institutions are held.
Preschool age is a particularly important and responsible period in the child's life, personality is being formed at this age, and health foundations are laid. Promotional childhood and the further fate of each child depends on the wisdom of the educator, his patience, attention to the inner world of the child. With the help of his educators, preschoolers will know the secrets of the surrounding world, learn to love and take care of their homeland.
We congratulate on the feast of all the workers of preschool institutions that give daily warmth of their hearts to children! We are confident that your kindness and pedagogical skills will turn out every day for pupils in kindergarten on the day of joy and happiness!

Comic greeting-congratulation with the beginning of the new school year for music leaders


  1. Pre-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-si,
    In the 6th kindergarten all came.

We will sing you.Okay?

  1. We are not the first time we leave on the scene,
    Again the eyes are burning with smiles.
    The long-awaited meeting was waiting for all of us -
    Musicians everyone is happy.
    We love our meetings rare -
    And ready to chat all day,
    We are very interested in us,
    And without the occasion.


Meet this summer

At the cottage on the "sand"

Shielded in the pool -

Well, one word - "Ah!"

Two granddaughters and two grandchildren

We wrapped up slightly,

Snacks stayed -

Farm kebabs. - 2 times

  1. "Blue carriage"

Years every year everything is faster,

Here again the educational comes,

Many people have long been for 50,

But he also dances and sings.


Children rose, we did not notice

As the second grandchildren, the grandchildren grow.

Tablecloth, tablecloth just let it be sprinkled

Creative and sometimes our hard work.

For their work, after all, we all also not note

Like grandchildren, the great-grandchildren will go.

  1. "Here is someone from the board"

Our whole life is a solid childhood,

That Santa Claus, then Freken side,

Huge experience in our work

And our studies are waiting again.

Who on the tops meets

He does not face study,

And about the criteria of course

The head does not hurt them.

And we visit the courses,

Then "seminar", then "competitors",

Everywhere we recruit points,

Oh! Surprising yourself.

  1. And now the academic year has come.

Who rested, and maybe who is tired?

Well, let's smile

What everyone saw

How great that we all gathered.

Colleagues you smile all

How good that gathered,

So smile with us, have fun.

  1. "Grandmas-old women"

We are sad without a defense, we know about it,
Just smile to us - immediately come to know.
Without boys and girls, everything is not interested,
And we sing about it in a famous song. - 2 times


Grandmothers, grandmothers we, but we are not an old woman,

Grandmothers, grandmothers, we can sing a chastushki!

Twice we grandmother, but we are not an old woman,

So be we weeping for all the chastushki. -2 times

  1. Chastushki:
  • Like a garden tutor

For children, we, too, Mom -

Educators - draw,

Well, we - we drink, dance.

  • MUZ. Managers -

Always like children

MUZ. Managers -
Best in the world!

  • No music no mood

Without her, life is not sweet!
We wish you inspire you
We wish you happiness in full!

  • Let your life be successful

Like music funny move.
And in the school year, of course
The success of the ocean is waiting for you!

  • We wish you appreciated

Gave a lot of good words
We want in the children's world
Talent Your love!

  • We also wish songs new

On all fields - awards!
From musical training -
The best result!

  • Let it be working to you

Positive mood!
And other problems -
Let them bypass!

Ekaterina Nazarova
The scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Preschool "Congratulations from the Soul!"

Goal:Congratulations to colleagues with a professional holiday, creating a festive mood, cohesion of the team.

Description: The day of the preschool worker only entered into legal force, and the traditions of his celebration are still only folded. I will tell you how this holiday celebrated in our kindergarten. This holiday is definitely not without participating in him children, our pupils. As with any other holiday, the children under the supervision of the musical leader and educators have learned poems and songs, they prepared dancing and learned the scenes. Kindergarten workers together, friendly team decorated the music hall for the holiday. And parents did not remain aside - happily responded to our invitation, helped us organize the speech of children. It was not without honorary guests from the district center and local administration. The holiday was held in a cozy atmosphere. In the air paris the atmosphere of joy and holiday.

Purpose: The script can be interesting to employees of Dow - teachers, music leaders.

Necessary equipment:laptop, musical system, projector and screen. Also according to the script there are balls for congratulations to the children's garden workers.

Event flow:

While the children's garden workers are gather in the hall, the backstone sounds the song "Kurnos Kursniki" (words A. Bulycheva, Music B. Emelyanova).

On the final words, two leading scene.

Lead 1: Hello, Dear Colleagues! Today we gathered in our cozy and beautiful hall to celebrate our professional holiday - the day of the preschool worker!

This holiday is celebrated in our country since 2004, although preschool education in Russia has been 150 years old. The work of pre-school education workers is highly appreciated and therefore since 2016 our holiday rightfully took an honorable place in the list of official holidays of the country!

Educator - not work,

Not measured life.

This is a service without calculation

In it, calling - to love.

Lead 2:

How should the educator be?

Of course, kind should be!

Love children, and this is the main thing!

Love your profession!

Today we are glad to congratulate our expensive educators who - tirelessly in working with children show patience, care and caress of the mother, wisdom and demanding of the mentor. Their talents do not read - they sing, dancing, draw. They are excellent artists, inventors and clatters. They do not just love children, they give them their hearts.

Do not count the talents and other kindergarten workers: the head and her deputies, a speech therapist and a psychologist, a musical leader, a swimming instructor and physical culture, our chefs and doctors, cleaners and watchdis, technical staff and all-all-all! Each of us works without donating hands from day to day for the benefit of our pupils! With a professional holiday, dear colleagues!

1 room. Music includes girls of the senior group PA)

Take a look at kindergarten!

Yes, see every happy

Here toys carefully,

As the stringie stand.

We sing and we dance.

In general, we have fun.

For a walk, we walk together.

And I grow quietly!

Our moms are discharged

And calm their soul.

In kindergarten, and though

Our life is so good.

Congratulations to all today,

Who dedicated to children's life!

You health and health!

Many joy and strength!

One who since childhood is true friendly

Never aging!

Thank you telling us!

Be happy always!

2 number. The song "Din-Din kindergarten" sounds, in the hall includes children of a senior group with balls and give them to guests.

After the children come out.

Lead 1: Children no longer wait to demonstrate their talents, and they rush to the stage to congratulate each of you.

Leading 2: Meet the guys of the senior group! They will execute the "Waltz" dance for you.

3 number. The senior group dances "Waltz".

Lead 1: Honorary guests arrived at this wonderful day to share this holiday with us.

The word is provided___

On the scene is invited___

Lead 2: And now our naughty children from the preparatory group are invited to the scene. Let's meet them with stormy applause!

The preparatory group comes to the music.

4 number.

1. Pooh "We go to kindergarten every day." Is reading___

We go to kindergarten every day, where you are waiting for us at the door.

Smiles of bright starfall in a hurry to give you soon!

On the day of the educator, we want you to wish all the lots of earthly!

And for good thank you, because we love you like relatives!

2. Children perform the song "What is kindergarten?"

3. Poems "Educator". Is reading___

Your merit that we found in you and mom and friend.

We have a tear with a handkerchief more than once rested

When moms in the kindergarten left us,

When harmful soup suddenly spilled on the table,

And the cunning sock did not wear everyone.

You, right, wizard!

You manage to be a fox alice and shine like the sun!

Play, amaged, understand and regret ...

We wish the soul never to grow old!

Children go to the music.

Lead 1: Poems read, the song was performed, but what about without dance? For you, dear guests, guys will perform the dance "Tango"! We meet!

5 number. Children from the preparatory group perform the dance "Tango".

Leading 2: Our mischievous children, funny, beautiful, and most importantly - talented in everything, aren't it? So the guys from the older group prepared a scene. Artists have already prepared and hurry to please you! Meet!

6 number. Children from senior groups perform a scene "Kindergarten"

Lead 1: And now the debut performance of our novice small artists. They were very seriously preparing for their first speech and are very worried, because they want to like it.

Lead 2: Let's support them with stormy applause and smiles, because you need your support! Meet the guys from the middle group with the congratulatory song "Kindergarten".

7 number. Children of medium groups perform the song "Kindergarten"

8 number.

The guys come to the music from the middle group "A" to read the poems.

1 child: ___

Many, many days in a row in summer and winter

We come to kindergarten, kindergarten native.

2 Baby: Ruslan

We will not fall early, it is impossible to be late.

In the garden we are waiting for toys and friends.

3 baby: Ilona

Here we are taught to dress, brush your teeth, wash.

And cords to tie and poems to tell.

4 Baby: Bulat

Among us there are boasts, plaks, drapes, panties.

But each other we always forgive and reproach do not grieve.

5 Baby: Zarina

Kids in kindergarten live, they play and sing here,

Here friends find yourself, go to walk with them.

6 Baby: Alice

Together argue and dream, they will unnoticate.

Kindergarten - the second our home, how warmly, cozy in it!

(Salaev "The second Your House")

Lead 1: And again for all of you, in honor of this wonderful holiday, to raise your mood, our small artists are serviced - guys from the middle group. For you, they prepared a cheerful and prime dance "Good Beetle"!

9 number. Children of medium groups A and B performed the dance "Good Beetle".

Poems I. Gurina "Educator".

Mom goes to work.

And dad has a lot of things.

So it is necessary that someone

And you came with us!

Who feeds porridge from a spoon

Who is a fairy tale reveal,

Who will put on us boots,

Who knows poems and songs?

Who comes, shakes,

Who is a girlfriend and buddy,

Who is going on all day?

Well, of course, the educator!

Lead 2: With another congratulatory number for you, the guys from the older group are invited to the scene. Meet!

11 number. Senior groups come to the scene

1. Poems

A. Vishnevskaya. "I work the child."

I will stand, Mama Wokutuke. Nadovu himself pants.

I wonder myself. And tea drink, and I will not forget the book.

I already wait for me, I have to work hard!

Seeking kishka, take a walk, sleep, have fun!

I'm at work all day: I sing, pole, dancing.

Then we will drink, again we sing the letter.

And if you ask me, I will answer very loud:

"I'm in kindergarten, I'm working as a child in kindergarten!"

2. Performed by the song "Kindergarten is a house for the guys"

Leading 1: And now for congratulatory speech, we invite our head to the scene!

Music comes out of the congratulatory speech.

Lead 1: On this cheerful note, our congratulatory concert comes to an end. Dear colleagues! Thanks for your work. With a professional holiday!

You are good faces leading to knowledge,

Giving joy, bearing light.

Hope you happy, great recognition,

And new discoveries, and new victories!

Lead 2:

Let a thousand reasons be for happiness:

Favorite people, gifts, flowers,

Good news, warm meetings,

Pleasant troubles, plans, dreams.

Good luck in affairs, the mood is cheerful,

Smiles, support for relatives and friends.

Comfort and comfort, good relationship

And a lot of happy and joyful days!

Songs together with you
And learned to dance
Do you want to graduate
We, thank you, say everything.

We wish in your
Heart music sounded
To love and kindness
With you in the notes hit.

For farewell to wish
You talented children
So that songs sounded, dancing
In the light of the festive lights.

Music in our hearts
Now he sounds fun!
Everyone in these verses
From the heart thanks!

Let all the time happiness notes
You play on your soul!
Let your favorite work
You only deliver joy!

There is no happy childhood without songs and music, and you are the same person who every day for our children turned into a wonderful dance of funny notes and fabulous melodies. Dear musical leader, congratulations to you with graduation guys and we wish to always take high notes of success, to compose your melody of happiness and love. We also wish you wonderful ideas for work, sincere joy of kids in the tonality of every day and a large inspiration for your heart.

The whole kindergarten sings and dances
And the joy shines,
With murruce wonderful ours
There is no other way.

Thank you for fun,
Per bouquets of melodies
With musical tongue
Let all life goes out!

You are a wonderful murrupper,
And there are no more people on this light!
You are a very talented teacher,
And with you fun any concert!

We are you for musical classes
Say "Thank you" sincerely want!
Thank you for all the events,
For our leisure, we are now told!

We wish to receive only pleasure
From this wonderful work!
Excellent wish you mood
For long days, months and years!

You are a fairy music in our garden,
You will congratulate you with graduation!
We adore you like a bright star,
In total, you sincerely wish you.

Let dream come true with you
Let life be calm and careless.
You have taught to sing perfectly us,
For that, thank you infinitely.

We thank a man who since his childhood instilled in our kids love for the beautiful, filled their lives with music and taught the heart to feel notes. Let both of your life will always be harmony. Let both music always sound in your heart. We wish you constant inspiration so that new ideas that contribute to the development of our children continuously appear in your soul. With graduation!

Dear musical leader, congratulations on the graduation! Thank you for decorated childhood with joyful melodies, cheerful songs, dancing and dances. Let them in your life there will be more major chords, positive tones, creative inspiration and personal happiness!

So many good songs
It was spitto with you,
How was fun
And nice and children!
Will be long, in the soul of the motive,
Sadika melodies - like emotions an explosion!
MUZ. leader
In this graduation
From each parent
Bow we helmet big!
Let it be with you happiness,
Good luck and love,
And matinees often
You spend again!

We are sang with you a lot of songs,
Passed lessons on "Hurray"!
We attached to you managed
But go goodbye to us!

We wish the sea inspiration
Melodies only harmonious
Good, colored mood
And a lot of songs are excellent!