Happy birthday to your partner. Happy birthday greetings to a dear woman to a colleague at work. Happy birthday to a colleague in verses

May your working days be always successful, may all your money be honestly earned, but, at the same time, they will be enough. And let work, under no circumstances, interfere with your personal life, and let this life be harmonious, but let it harbor many pleasant surprises and happy events.

Please accept my kindest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday! With special warmth we want to say that we are proud and value the established relations of warm cooperation and mutual understanding. With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, and success in your work. May good luck accompany you and your loved ones.

On this wonderful day - your birthday - I sincerely want to congratulate you! I wish you just a little - may everything that you have brings you joy, may everything that you do not have is not a necessity for you, may everything that you dream of miraculously appear in your life. I wish you to be a happy person, to enjoy every new day, to find pleasure in simple things: a cup of morning coffee, rays of sunlight, a breath of wind, the looks of dear people. Appreciate what you have, and fate will surely bestow you even more.

A colleague has a birthday! How to congratulate the lovely representative of our friendly team? First, it’s probably worth starting with thanks. I would like to say a huge thank you for the wonderful character and relationship in the team, for the optimism and responsiveness. Secondly, of course, to wish all the best and the embodiment of the most cherished hopes. Be happy, stay always the same cheerful and please us with your smile.

Dear colleague! May your aspirations and goals, victories and triumphs evoke only respect and admiration from others! We wish you honest victories and well-deserved awards! Health and happiness to you and your loved ones! Happy birthday from the whole friendly team!

We are glad that you became our colleague. And today, on your birthday, we would like to sincerely wish you all the best! Let your life's road creep in flowers, kind, sincere friends always surround you. Life is full of happiness, health abounds in spring floods. Life is fun, soundly. We congratulate you on such a bright and joyful holiday! And we want to wish you immense happiness, constant good luck!

Colleague, I admit that you are my type, so we found a common language from the first meeting! We do one thing and get joy and great pleasure from communication! I wish you excellent results and worthy remuneration for your work! I wish you always look dazzling, stunning and stunning!

Dear Colleague! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and from the whole team we wish you success at work and good luck in business, peace and quiet in the family! And we also want to wish you good health, a lot of strength, happiness and warmth!

Today is an important day for me, because today my friend and wonderful colleague is celebrating my birthday. And on this day, accept such congratulations from me. Happy Birthday to you! May there be no insurmountable obstacles in your life. May you have the strength to deal with any difficulties in an instant! After all, you are a real man and you have a grasp for life. May luck lead you by the hand along the path of life towards real happiness.

The whole team listens to your opinion. Thanks to you, the work is debugged and stable. We wish you the same smoothness and stability in the growth of wages.

Our dear colleague! Thank you for the excellent work and warm relations in the team! May work bring joy and impressive results! We wish you happy sunny days, female happiness and a cheerful smile!

On your birthday, please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes for good health, fulfillment of your plans, personal happiness and prosperity! May good luck in business, spiritual joy and festive mood accompany you!

Dear Colleague! Your erudition and outlook are unique, and help in different situations is invaluable! May happiness, love and luck always help to enjoy life! Happy holiday to you!

We know you not only as a responsible and knowledgeable employee, but also as a benevolent and sociable person. In extreme situations, we can always rely on you. You always find time for self-development, stay as cheerful, beautiful and energetic as possible.

Colleague, you are a first-class manager and you absolutely know how to conclude profitable deals, you always believe in a client by 300% and bend your line, no matter what! We look with admiration at the exciting process and strive to achieve the same perfection, professionalism and skill in our business! We wish you good luck, reciprocity in love, happiness and triumphant career results! Happy birthday!

We are pleased to admit that we can boast of such a soulful and experienced employee as you are. Your discretion in solving everyday work problems sets a good example for the whole team. The company owes many of its achievements to your enthusiasm.

Dear Colleague! We want to congratulate you on your birthday and thank you for your excellent teamwork, support and understanding. It is comfortable and pleasant to work with you, so let everyday work bring you satisfaction in your work and the realization of all your plans. You are an inexhaustible source of energy and love for life, we wish you good health and new ideas.

Happy birthday! As my best colleague, I wish you great success today! I do not want new horizons, because as it approaches, the horizon recedes, and therefore I only wish those heights that can and should be conquered for self-improvement, personal growth and, without a doubt, a decent salary!

Colleague, on your birthday, we would like to congratulate you at home, since we are all here at work - one big friendly family! You have so much hard work, responsiveness, lightness, healthy humor and we hope that we will always remain a real team. We wish you good luck, success and, most importantly, health!

Please accept my most sincere birthday greetings from all your colleagues. Our wishes are also sincere, although they are not new: great human happiness, great love, vigor, enthusiasm and good health, so that all this would be constant. I wish you success in your work and enjoy it as much as we get from communicating with you.

Happy birthday, we congratulate you, colleague and want to say that you are a wonderful person! It is a pleasure to work with you, since you are a professional in your business, and your personal qualities are also at their best. We wish you well-being both in your family and in our friendly team, which can confidently be called a second family. I wish you health and a happy holiday!

We are very pleased to congratulate you on your birthday, because this holiday gave us a wonderful colleague, a good mentor and a kind comrade. We wish you in the future to also keep the high bar of a specialist and a true professional in your field, full of creative strength and endless life energy.

On the eve of your birthday, I racked my brains for a long time, thinking: what to give you to surprise and delight? I went shopping, looked, chose ... It is very difficult to choose a worthy present for you, because you already have everything you need, and I don’t want to give a useless thing. Therefore, I decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to act simply - this envelope contains a modest amount that you can spend as you see fit. I am sure that such a gift will not be useless, and you will definitely find a use for it.

I want to wish you great happiness, Siberian health, optimism, longevity, love and attention from your relatives, good luck and prosperity!

Today is your holiday - your birthday! And I am very glad to be there for this solemn moment! I want to wish you cloudless happiness. Let your mood always be upbeat, let only welcome guests knock on the door, let the gifts be necessary and pleasant, let the congratulations be warm and sincere, let everything in your life turn out the way you want. I wish you well-being, career growth, may both bosses and employees appreciate you. I wish you mutual love - bright, sincere, all-consuming. Be the happiest woman in the world - you, like no one else, deserve it!

You celebrate your holiday in a close circle, among the people closest to you, and I am very glad to be among them. I will not talk for a long time, I just wish you immense happiness and perfect health! May all your innermost dreams and desires come true, may your life flow peacefully and calmly, without troubles and shocks! Happy Birthday to You!

A wonderful day has come - today we celebrate your birthday together! We wish you to remain as beautiful as you are now, to be always in high spirits, to be distinguished by good spirits and the strongest health. Let there be no problems in your life, let difficulties disappear by themselves, let your acquaintances admire you, appreciate you at work, and love you by your relatives. Let love warm your heart so that you always feel desired, the only one, necessary. And most importantly, just be happy!

Today you already seem to have wished everything that is possible. Love, health, happiness, well-being, fulfillment of all desires - all this has already happened. I would really like to be original, so I wish only one thing - take care of what you have, rejoice even with a little luck, appreciate the people who are with you. As the saying goes: "He who does not know how to rejoice in a little is not worthy of more!" Be grateful to fate for what it has already presented to you, and then it will not skimp on gifts and pleasant surprises.

I wish you everything on your birthday and a lot, a lot. If health, then the strongest, if love, then bright, passionate and mutual, if work, then interesting and well-paid, if friends, then reliable, if luck, then immense, if happiness, then endless. Let all the good in your life be too much, and the bad - only a little, and then only so that you do not stop appreciating the good!

Today, on your beautiful birthday, I have prepared two bouquets for you. The first one is this bouquet of wonderful flowers. The second is a bouquet of sincere compliments, which, in order not to forget anything, I wrote down on a beautiful postcard. There are few women like you in the world. You are distinguished by beauty and grace, slender figure, charming smile. Your sharp mind and decisive character can be envied. Your sense of humor does not leave indifferent any of your interlocutors. You are cheerful, sociable, easy-going. It's nice to have a heart-to-heart talk with you, you know how to listen and understand.

Colleague, happy birthday to you,
We hasten to congratulate you at an early hour
And wish you good luck
And promotions to boot.
Health strong as steel,
Reliable friends, like an altar,
I wish you success in your service, in your personal life.
So that in general everything is fine!

Let it be
Health - good,
Any day - fine
Home - cozy
And the wind is fair
Luck is familiar
the dream is unusual
Smile - careless
Love is endless!

Happy Birthday
And we wish you happiness in life!
Let the weather be in the house
Protected from bad weather!
Always be successful in business,
May your salary grow
Know that in our team,
You are both pride and joy!

Happy birthday to a colleague in verses

To the one who offered his shoulder
When it was very hot.
To someone who does not betray and humiliate,
Whom a difficult task will only bring closer!
We congratulate you, dear colleague!
And on the birthday of one we wish:
You stay with us for a very long time
There is more sense in the team with you!

From the heart of the whole team
Congratulations, colleague,
We appreciate as a specialist
We love you as a person!
May luck help
Charges with optimism!
Be happy, healthy,
And they are successful in their personal lives!

May it be wonderful
And a joyful holiday
Leisure - interesting
Great career!
Decent work
And life is harmonious
Wealth is great
And excellent health!
Promising ideas, success, luck!
Let the luck in business await!
Happy birthday!

I wish you breaks
For lunch, for tea, for beer
That the salary went up
The wallet did not fit
So that working days
Flew like a rocket
The weekend didn't end
Well, vacation is only in summer!

Congratulations to a work colleague

Dear colleague,
We is in a hurry to congratulate you,
A wonderful holiday - birthday
And the gift will be with us.
We wish you health
Life without hassle and worries
And a gorgeous feast
And turn to wealth.

Our wishes are short:
Health, happiness, less troubles,
So that everything is in order in the family
And life is many, many years!

We wish our colleague health,
And money to live - not to be sad,
Always so that the feast thunders
And to invite us - do not forget.

So that fatigue does not take you,
Not old age by fraudulent means,
At work - mind, in bed - rage,
We drink a glass for you!

We appreciate you, we respect you,
They are always sure of you
And happy birthday congratulations,
We wish you happiness for years.

Congratulations in verse to a colleague

On this glorious, enchanting day
We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
So that worries are an inseparable shadow,
I decided to leave you for a day.
In our bank there is no lady sweeter,
What we admit to you timidly,
And to congratulate we go to you soon
Even though we do it so clumsily.
How many times have you opened the doors
And rushed to us like a tsunami
We live this feeling of the week
Looking forward to a date with you.

You have become the diva of the office
Goddess of the Economy!
We are your admirers
And eternal fans!

I think you can barely find
Better team than ours.
The atmosphere at work
True, Aerobatics!
Respect reigns among us
And wherever you look
Courtesy and respect,
So as not to jinx it, knock!

See how we crowded -
A thought comes - for a reason!
Is there a culprit? What happened?
Yes, the hero of the occasion!
What a dear colleague,
Accept congratulations!

Where will you hear the strength of the heart -
Listen to everyone's word.
The one who pleases - laughs.
If you love, then we love.
Believe that there is on earth
Hearts are a friend and not one!

We didn’t ask what we want.
We know so - we do not live a day.
Seven feet under the keel!
We drink to your health!

Comic congratulations to colleagues

Our comrade-in-arms is handsome and young,
Tall and strong and broad-shouldered.
Although a former apparatchik,
In his heart he is still an artist!

In the land of his beloved, everyone knows
That cadres decide everything for us,
And everyone is glad to see you: you came -
We have acquired a valuable frame!

We all want, without exception
Wish you all sorts of things:
Good luck, happiness and luck,
And never lose heart
So that a lucky ticket falls out,
So that your vacation is not rainy,
Great success at work,
And the authorities be held in high esteem!

I want to raise a toast today
For the boss to smile
Increased salary more often
And summer vacation allowed
May your work be successful
In spring, summer and winter!

Congratulations in verse to a colleague

Time has passed. You are blooming!
Many difficulties along the way
You had to meet and pass!
Now you will not be lost!
Stand firmly on your feet
Your competitors are not a hindrance.
And everything contributes to success.
In business, more and more scope awaits.
Reliable course!
And we wish you health, happiness and love!

To a cool employee,
Office genius
May they always accompany
Happiness and luck!

Let the bouquet of fragrant flowers
And a box of your favorite chocolates
Decorate your holiday table
And they will be taken as a compliment!

Happy birthday together, congratulations
And we wish the colleague all the best,
Bright days, sonnet congratulations,
Don't get sick and live for many years!

So that the law loves you, the drama does not play out,
We, colleague, will tell you frankly -
Make friends only with worthy people
Do not trust honey flatterers.

Cool congratulations to a colleague

Colleague, we are allies, friends,
After all, the team is almost a family!
We are close, together every new day,
We miss you when the newsletter is issued!
And therefore we wish not to get sick,
At the festive table - joke and sing!
We wish you to eat deliciously and sleep softly,
It is beautiful to live, love and prosper!

A character made of solid gold,
The soul is like a fresh spring!
We wish you to look young,
And walk straight to the goal!

Waiting for a break
We were thinking about a toast -
So that it is lively and playful,
So that he was quick, but not easy ...
We do not waste our run
That was taken by us in the morning -
Happy birthday to you, colleague!
Better not to tell us!

My colleagues and I spend
Half life.
We meet every day
We know everything about everyone.

I want to congratulate you
Wish you health.
May you always be in everything
Success comes along!

Labor is the nobility of the soul, the time spent with the benefit of the mind and self-development. The main thing in life is to know when to stop and not waste energy, leaving completely in the working environment. The birthday girl knows the value of rest and working time, so she is happy to share her wonderful experience with employees.

In this article, we have collected the most amazing birthday greetings to a work colleague, which you can safely present to the recipient on this solemn day, causing her to smile gratefully.

Each person dreams of "being in his place" all his life, but also to work for the good of society, family, for the sake of personal interests. It's great if the team is active, curious and grateful to all those who work in a close-knit professional team in an office or organization.

It is important to think in advance about what is desirable to give a colleague at work for his birthday: Name folders for important personal documents, a leather-bound notebook or passport cover, a housekeeper with beautiful views of the city, a certificate for the purchase of clothes, furniture, household appliances.

It is always worth remembering that when purchasing a souvenir, you should take into account his or her personal preferences so that it is useful and joyful. Camping brings together kindred spirits, helps to get rid of fatigue and to have a great time.

Trust our original poets on the birthday greetings site to a work colleague. You can decorate them with a garland or a poster, or add them to your toast during a feast.

It's only happiness to work with you,
I can't find my colleagues more reliable!
Let's celebrate your holiday as it should,
It happens only once a year.

They can congratulate you on your birthday
All people are dear to you later.
I want to note how the company needs you,
You are the best in a business so difficult.

You can easily help with advice without showing off,
That's why I want to wish so much
So that you always remain in the team
And I certainly didn't think about changing my job!

Birthday boy precious
I wish you
To make the experience incomparable
He served in the service in labor.

Congratulating my colleague,
I'll mention it anyway
So that as little as possible
Met hypocrites and nerds.

The team wants to wish you
The brightest and most important victories!
Let fate prophesy for you
Less grief and sorrowful troubles!

May health always be strong
And in business and in work you are lucky!
Let's celebrate our birthday today
Your career rapid growth!

So that everything in life is beautiful
To live in joy all the years!
So that there is enough desire and strength
Always win in this life!

I wish you women's qualities not to lose,
And stay a woman at work,
It can be difficult to combine
But I wish to sincerely try!

May life bring you a lot of happiness,
Work will bring pleasure
May good luck await you,
And hard work will soon glorify you!

In our friendly team
You have always been in the asset.
Now we will be active,
And happy birthday

You just heartily!
Let the days be good!
You are our wonderful colleague -
Let life be a full cup!

Dear employee!
Dear you are our colleague!
On your birthday

Brings you a reward!
And we are work colleagues -
We will help you for your good!

And the mood is great!
May the houses love and appreciate you,
As a jewel they cherish

They always help you in everything
And they never offend!

Dear employee!
Dear you are our colleague!
On your birthday

May your work success be difficult
Brings you a reward!
And we are work colleagues -
We will help you for your good!

Your income will be a decent way,
And the mood is great!
May the houses love and appreciate you,
As a jewel they cherish

They always help you in everything
And they never offend!

I wish you, dear colleague,
So that in life you are lucky one day
To go forward, worries and without not knowing,
To make them look good, to spite enemies.

I know that you deserve success,
And career growth will soon come to you,
Another milestone
May it bring joy and good luck!

We wish you happiness and good
May everything in life be wonderful ...
Things always go well
And desires necessarily come true,

The house will be filled with joy
And success, luck awaits in everything!

Happy birthday, dear colleague!
Joy in life, success in work!
Loyal friends and high salary,
We are always very glad to see you.

Is it your birthday today?
And the setup for fun!
There are more generous guests

Orchestral brass trumpets,
So that the music thundered!
And the dancing did not end
And all your desires,

Of course they did!
Walk the birthday man - this is an order!
Everything on this day is just for you!

Any person's birthday is always a holiday. On this day, it is customary to give gifts to the birthday man, arrange a feast, say congratulations and eulogies. At home, the hero of the occasion gathers his relatives and friends. But there are still colleagues at work who also want to congratulate their employee on his holiday. Happy birthday to a colleague is a difficult and responsible task. Although you know the person well enough, the relationship at work is not as close as in the family. Therefore, it is worth very carefully choosing words and expressions in order to congratulate a colleague as best as possible. Practice shows that usually the head of the organization pronounces congratulations from the team, and then all the rest, usually in the form of toasts at the festive table. Since the director of the company is a rather busy person, he will entrust this task to his subordinates. But you need to remember that you cannot let the manager down, so congratulations should be the best.

We want to wish you success in everything
Let fate itself help in life,
And for one good, good day,
Another, even more beautiful, is coming.
May everyone who is dear live happily
After all, the happiness of loved ones means a lot,
May joyful meetings wait in life,
Love, health and great luck!

If you get little
No buzz from work
And the boss accepts
For the stupid idiot
If you are by the end of work
You can't feel your legs under you
We will console you a little:
Know that you are not alone!

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar.
Zebra striped, rainbow too.
Let life be a striped zebra
but not 2-color, but multi-colored.
Let there be a lot of green
Green is hope and warm summer.
Let the bright sun shine with yellow
Red - life illuminates with love
Blue will rise above the bustle,
he will be a true and good dream
I wish you so many colors
happiness, health, love and longevity!
Happy Birthday!

May it be wonderful
And a joyful holiday
Leisure - interesting
Great career!
Decent work
And life is harmonious
Wealth is great
And excellent health!
Promising ideas, success, luck!
Let the luck in business await!
Happy birthday!

Let it be
Health - good,
Any day - fine
Home - cozy
And the wind is fair
Luck is familiar
the dream is unusual
Smile - careless
Love is endless!

Congratulations, colleague,
happy birthday from the heart.
May you always for hard work
pay money, not a penny.

Let the years go by slowly
I wish you to prosper
and let it look outwardly
You are always number five!

Good luck, happiness on your birthday!
So that there is no time to be bored
Adventures happened more often!
Hurry to take all the best from life!

Let the successes multiply hour after hour
And the joy in the soul does not go out,
And the calendar of fate counts milestones
Brilliant achievements and victories!

We want to congratulate you sincerely, heartily
And to wish a lot of happiness in life.
May all dreams, ideas and hopes
Luck helps to embody!
We wish you love, well-being,
Support of close and dear people,
Success, interesting undertakings
And real loyal friends!

Honey, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You,
You are always with me, I know
You are my partner.

I wish you happiness
Peace, joy, love,
Be strong and don't give up
Go up the career.

You are a colleague and friend
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish that in a circle
Joy has always lived!

Many vivid impressions
Rainbow love to you!
Amid abundance and gifts
You, partner, live!

May it enrich you
Let our work help.
And let the beautiful ones
They are calling for a trip!

Happy birthday, partner. Wish to be a steel lady in work and a lady of perfection in life. Colleague, may every day be successful and happy, may there be many ideas and prospects for work, may all roads to dreams and hopes be open for you. Be loved and confident in your aspirations.

We are always together with you
We will resolve all issues.
And when only you are with me -
The matter is arguing, laughing.
Happy birthday, congratulations
Darling, I love you!
The world around - I wish
Gives joy and earth
It takes a running start for you.
Let it bring profit, success,
Both wealth and love.
Many more everyday life
We will overcome you and me.

Happy birthday, my partner!
We've been working with you for a long time.
I sincerely congratulate you,
Let a new step in your career be given.

May your income increase
Let relatives always wait at home.
Let life bloom like a rainbow
No troubles are disturbing.

My dear colleague,
Happy birthday, congratulations
Happiness in life and work
I sincerely wish you.

You, partner, are beautiful
Don't change, be yourself
Let your life always flow
A full-flowing river.

Partner, beloved colleague, happy birthday!
Greetings from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you carefree fun
Let it surround everything that the soul so desires.

Let your health be stronger
Let the work bring, of course, income.
Let a miracle happen in life,
And let your beauty bloom as before.

My partner, colleague,
I wish you with all my heart
In the career ladder of success,
Mutual and great love!

Let every moment give
Only joy, a sea of ​​positive
After all, this glorious birthday
You must be beautiful!

Happy birthday, colleague.
Let the victory await you.
To achieve all your goals
And a very successful career.

Feminine, of course, happiness,
To with tenderness and passion.
Always be lucky in everything
Everywhere the first, the best!

You, colleague, in the middle of everyday life
To me, you will be like the light in the window.
I'll finish everything
If only you were next to me.
Wish you: on your birthday
So that it shines and blooms.
You are my sympathetic friend!
Even if there are hundreds of miles around
Emptiness and darkness.
You and me flowers
And we will plant, and we will nourish,
We will be able to disperse the darkness.
And we'll look beyond the horizon
There we will walk along the alleys.

I wish you happiness and luck,
Love and tenderness, warmth,
So that you become richer
And so that your career grows up!

I wish you joyful moments
Live without troubles and fuss!
Let them give you a sea of ​​impressions
Dreams come true!