Swelling on the labia in a pregnant woman. Why labia ache during pregnancy. Painful sensations - the norm or reason to see a doctor

If a woman's labia swells and changes color during pregnancy, this may be a sign of infectious or cardiovascular diseases. It is impossible to independently understand why the genitals enlarge and hurt. Therefore, it is recommended to report the problem to the gynecologist. It is necessary to regularly go to the doctor for examination at all stages of pregnancy, and monitor the condition of the veins in the legs.

Why labia ache and swell

The internal and external genital organs of a woman change during pregnancy. If no other pathological symptoms are observed, edema is considered physiological and safe.

The reasons for the increase and discomfort in the perineum:

  • Violation of blood circulation in the small pelvis due to an increase in the uterus and pressure on all organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Preparing the body for childbirth, the deposition of fat in the labia.
  • Hormonal imbalance.

After childbirth, this feature gradually disappears, and the size of the reproductive organs returns to normal.

If a woman experiences itching, pain or redness during swelling, it is necessary to check for the following diseases: varicose veins, infectious vulvovaginitis, inflammatory or bacteriological bartholinitis, genital herpes.

Also in the last months of pregnancy, late toxicosis may develop. Because of it, not only the legs and face swell, but the whole body. This condition cannot be ignored, as it is a threat to the mother and child.


Pathological swelling of the labia arises due to the inflammatory process. It occurs in the case of an advanced infectious disease in the vagina. Such changes can be provoked by the settlement of gonococci, streptococci, chlamydia, various fungi and E. coli.

Vulvovaginitis occurs in a woman during pregnancy and is more often chronic in nature. In this case, the symptoms constantly return and can be disturbed almost every month. Therefore, if you develop swelling and redness in the perineal region, and discharge of a serous-purulent color has begun from the vagina, you should immediately consult a doctor.


When the Bartholin gland, which is located at the base of the labia, becomes clogged, an inflammatory process begins. Bartholinitis can develop due to microbes or due to a running infectious process in the organs of the genitourinary system.

The glands constantly accumulate mucus, which leads to the enlargement and thickening of the large lips. Most often, an asymmetric form of the disease is observed. The launched process turns into a tissue abscess or cysts form at the site of the glands.

With swelling of the labia in a pregnant woman, there is the appearance of seals and local pain. The discomfort increases during intercourse and when urinating.

Genital herpes

If a woman has a herpes virus in her blood, then a relapse may occur during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during this period, immunity is sharply reduced.

The enlargement of the labia during pregnancy is accompanied by itching and a rash in the form of small blisters. In addition to external manifestations, there is a lesion of the vaginal mucosa, the appearance of ulcers on the tissues.

Genital herpes is a very serious condition that can lead to fetal development disorders, miscarriage, premature birth, and even in some cases, death of the baby. Also, infection can occur during delivery.

Venous varicose veins

With an increase in the external genital organs during pregnancy and the appearance of a bluish tint, varicose veins are diagnosed. Most often, this disease develops in the last trimester and is a consequence of an increased load on the pelvic organs and a violation of blood circulation in them.

A woman feels discomfort and heaviness after prolonged standing or sitting, a tingling sensation is felt in the perineum. There is also swelling of the legs and the appearance of a venous mesh on them.

If the disease is severe, a caesarean section may be prescribed. A woman needs to wear special compression underwear, do therapeutic exercises, use ointments to improve blood circulation.

Other reasons

Puffiness of the labia can be not only due to infectious and inflammatory processes in the vagina. This symptom is also a sign of diabetes mellitus, renal and hepatic failure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are the following factors that provoke an increase in the reproductive organs:

  • an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear or panty liners;
  • absence or violation of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • genital trauma;
  • stress and nervous disorder, mental strain.

To eliminate puffiness, especially if the labia began to hurt, you must consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic examination for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or other chronic pathologies. If a woman had varicose veins before pregnancy, a phlebologist's consultation is recommended. If you are prone to allergies, it is necessary to exclude citrus fruits, smoked meats, marinades, coffee and chocolate from the diet, and also wear linen made from natural fabrics.

Alarming symptoms

A slight change in the volume of the labia during pregnancy should not bother a woman. Most often, the problem goes away after childbirth and goes unnoticed. The following symptoms accompanying puffiness are not the norm:

  • discoloration of the labia (blue or redness);
  • itching of the labia and vagina;
  • violation of urination;
  • soreness during intercourse;
  • the appearance of a rash and irritation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the perineum, especially after physical activity.

By the nature of the pain, the gynecologist determines the disease: it can be dull, aching, acute, pulling, be temporary or permanent, be tolerant or strong, occur during rest or after touching, physical activity.

If labia enlargement occurs, it constantly itches, there is a burning sensation after using the toilet or washing, you may have herpes, vulvovaginitis, or allergies. Various variants of diseases imply a different method of treatment, therefore, it is not recommended to independently determine and prescribe therapy for oneself.


When the labia in pregnant women are changed and additional pathological symptoms are present, a gynecologist's examination is necessary. If a rash or a change in the color and relief of the skin is detected, the doctor directs it for laboratory diagnostics. It is necessary to pass the following tests:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • vaginal smears for cytology;
  • bacteriological culture from the vagina and urethra.
  • For a more accurate diagnosis, colposcopy is prescribed.
  • Scraping is also taken to identify worms.

A woman with edema is referred for a consultation with an endocrinologist, urologist or phlebologist, the referral is written out depending on the indicators of blood and urine tests.

What to do with pain and swelling

Basically, puffiness is not treated or is eliminated with the help of a general course against preeclampsia during pregnancy. If the edema constantly increases and is accompanied by pain, the woman is prescribed gentle therapy.

In the case of varicose veins, it is recommended to use folk recipes or topical ointments. It is recommended to walk every day and do therapeutic exercises to accelerate blood circulation in the small pelvis. With inflammation of the lips, which are accompanied by cheesy discharge, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

If you notice swelling of the external genital organs, be sure to tell about it in the antenatal clinic. Some diseases with this symptom can lead to impaired fetal development or miscarriage.

Preventive actions

To make pregnancy easy and not be accompanied by the development of pathologies, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle. Visit your gynecologist regularly and follow all his prescriptions. It is also recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • during pregnancy, regularly examine the labia;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene, wipe yourself correctly;
  • maintain immunity;
  • treat chronic and sexually transmitted diseases in time;
  • rest more often, do not overstrain physically and mentally;
  • do not wear tight and synthetic underwear;
  • wear comfortable shoes, especially during the third trimester.

If before pregnancy you had manifestations of varicose veins, monitor your condition and do not allow blue discoloration in the perineum. To eliminate the swelling that has already appeared, it is recommended to take a warm bath and rest more.

A slight change in the shade and size of the labia during pregnancy is a normal physiological condition. However, if the skin is covered with a rash, reddened, or turned blue, swelling is a symptom of the disease. It is impossible to independently diagnose and treat this condition, since it can cause fetal development disorders, threaten the health and life of a woman and a child.

If the perineum is swollen during pregnancy, then this may be not only a natural sign of the body's preparation for the upcoming birth, but also a symptom of the pathological process. It is important to determine the causes of this phenomenon in a timely manner in order to prevent complications and calmly wait for the appearance of a healthy baby.

Why does the perineum swell during pregnancy?

The genitals during the period of gestation of the baby can change, which is explained by several reasons. It can be hormonal changes in the body, an increase in body fat in the tissues associated with general weight gain, preparation of the body for childbirth. Perineal edema during pregnancy can be observed in later stages, when the uterus enlarges and presses on other organs of the small pelvis.

If the natural changes in the body, leading to a change in the shape of the labia, are asymptomatic, then there is no need to worry, but it will be useful to consult a gynecologist in addition. After childbirth, the organs will gradually return to their previous state.

Alarming symptoms

If perineal edema occurs simultaneously with other symptoms, then there is a possibility of developing an infectious or viral disease. This is evidenced by the following signs:

The above signs refer to symptoms of gynecological diseases that require treatment, since there is a risk of complications for pregnancy. If the labia is swollen during pregnancy and at least one of the above symptoms appears, then you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnostic measures.

Possible diseases

Swelling of the genitals, which is accompanied by additional discomfort and pain, may indicate the following diseases:

Only a doctor will be able to analyze the symptoms and establish an accurate diagnosis, therefore it is not necessary to delay with the consultation of a gynecologist, and even more so, to self-medicate.

All of the above diseases can provoke serious complications not only for the health of the expectant mother, but also for the development of the child. Untreated infections are transmitted at birth to a baby and getting rid of them in a newborn is much more difficult. With advanced stages, for example, genital herpes, a planned CS is prescribed.

What to do if the labia is swollen?

If there is swelling of the small lips during pregnancy or the entire perineum is swollen, you should immediately consult a doctor without waiting for a planned appointment. Additional tests may be required, for example, smear, blood and urine tests. Based on the data obtained and the examination, treatment will be prescribed if pathological processes take place in the form of the development of an infection. It may include general strengthening measures, the use of external agents, in extreme cases, antibiotics are used, adapted for the body of pregnant women, with the exception of viral diseases. Their treatment is carried out according to a special scheme, including antiviral agents.

During pregnancy, changes are observed in the entire female body. The same applies to the genitals. In some cases, changes are not harmful at all, and some symptoms indicate that medical attention is needed.

Darkening of the labia or the so-called cyanosis appears as early as 10-12 days after conception. Gynecologists consider this process as a sign of pregnancy, when at an early stage it cannot yet be determined by manual examination or by ultrasound.

The reason for the darkening of the labia is that during pregnancy, blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis increases. At a later stage of pregnancy, venous blood stagnation may occur due to the fact that the fetus squeezes the vessels. At the same time, the labia may acquire a brighter bluish-crimson hue and slightly swell.

The symptom of blue labia without painful sensations should not cause concern, this is a completely normal condition that goes away by itself after childbirth.

If, in addition to changing the color of the labia, there is pain, severe swelling, itching, a doctor's consultation is necessary. This could be a symptom of inflammation or infection.

Labia during pregnancy - swollen or sore

Quite often, women note that the labia are swollen or sore during pregnancy. This happens for various reasons: changes in hormone levels, long sitting in an uncomfortable position, incorrectly selected underwear, etc.

In addition, the body begins to produce relaxin - a hormone that is responsible for relaxing the ligaments of the groin area and prepares the body of the expectant mother for childbirth. As a result, fetal pressure increases and pain, heaviness in the labia may occur.

If there is swelling of the labia during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. This may be the result of increased blood circulation in the pelvis. Then this process is normal and does not require any treatment.

Other causes of labia swelling include infectious diseases such as genital herpes or thrush. With timely diagnosis, these problems are successfully treated, do not harm the mother and fetus. Another reason why the labia swells during pregnancy may be varicose veins.


This symptom in most cases disappears after childbirth. During pregnancy, varicose veins can be a manifestation of existing problems with veins in the expectant mother, or it can be the first sign of the disease.

Varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy occurs as a result of impaired venous circulation in the small pelvis. This can be due to hormonal disruption, high weight gain, vascular hypotension, venous dysfunction, physical inactivity, and other factors. The uterus increases in size and presses on the veins of the small pelvis, as a result, the outflow of blood may be disturbed and the load on the vessels of the small pelvis may increase.

The veins on the labia during pregnancy thicken and become embossed, protrude strongly. In addition, spider veins and screeds appear on the skin of the labia. The woman feels discomfort, burning sensation, itching, there may be aching pain, “radiating” to the sacrum.

This condition requires medical supervision and treatment. A woman can completely get rid of varicose veins of the labia only after childbirth, but it is impossible to ignore the symptoms of this pregnancy pathology.

Varicose veins of the labia increase the risk of perineal rupture and severe bleeding during labor. Severe varicose veins may even be an indication for a cesarean section, if the doctor decides that such a delivery is safer for the mother and fetus.

A pregnant woman should listen to her body. If she noticed changes in the labia or other unusual symptoms during pregnancy, it is advisable to inform the doctor about this. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe timely treatment, which will help alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman and eliminate the risks of complications.

Some changes in a woman's body after conception occur in the first days, others a little later. She does not feel all of them, but she feels that the external parts of the genitals are swelling in the first week.

This is a normal reaction of the body to changes in hormonal levels. The speed of local blood flow increases, the uterus increases, pains appear in the labia.

During pregnancy, the immune status decreases, so vulvar edema can be caused not only by increased production of progesterone. Favorable conditions are created for the exacerbation of chronic diseases - genital infections that are in a dormant state at the usual time, and cause vulvovaginitis and bartholinitis. At a later date, varicose veins may begin.

What to do in such a state and how can you remove discomfort if the labia are swollen and sore during pregnancy?

Physiological changes

Normal physiological changes in the outer part of the genitals in the first weeks after conception are discoloration and slight swelling.

The lips may turn brown, purplish-bluish, even black. A slight itching may be felt, but in most cases it appears if the woman is dressed, that is, normal overheating occurs.

The labia are bleeding during pregnancy, ulcerations have appeared on them, the color and nature of the discharge have changed, the cyanosis is pronounced and the swelling is strong - this is abnormal. Slight discomfort, for example, severe pain that causes inconvenience is a reason to see a doctor.

Genital infections

Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy can be caused by an infection that many women even consider to be a symptom of this condition itself - candidiasis.

The flora of the vagina consists of different types of bacteria and fungi - candida - are always present in it. While immunity is normal, they are in balance with beneficial lactobacilli, but as soon as it decreases, the fungal flora begins to multiply actively.

Candidiasis symptoms:

  • characteristic white discharge resembling curdled milk;
  • swelling of the vaginal mucosa;
  • soreness and severe itching in the perineum.

Do not expect thrush to disappear on its own - it requires therapeutic effects. Thrush during pregnancy is treated with topical drugs, which are prescribed by a gynecologist.

The fact that the labia are swollen during pregnancy may be to blame not only for thrush. "Wakes up" and other pathogenic flora, which was suppressed by normal immunity - gandarella, vaginal Trichomonas. If the first microorganisms are conditionally pathogenic, then the second are sexually transmitted. Vulvovaginitis occurs.

Symptoms of this condition:

  • burning and severe itching of the labia;
  • swelling of the outer part of the vulva;
  • increased discharge that becomes grayish or greenish;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • pain in the perineum, which increases with exertion - walking or during intercourse.

The therapeutic scheme for eliminating vulvovaginitis is prescribed on an individual basis.

It is imperative to find out what provoked it - during pregnancy, you cannot blindly drink broad-spectrum antibiotics - and for this you need to take a smear test.

The inflammatory process is stopped with the help of local agents - the microbial flora is destroyed with the help of irrigation, ointments, suppositories. Medicines are selected aimed at destroying microorganisms that are the culprits of diseases. Antibacterial drugs are rarely prescribed, especially in the first trimester.

If the labia is not only swollen, but liquid discharge appears that lasts up to a week, the woman feels weak, her temperature rises, and itching in the labia appears - such symptoms may be a sign of an exacerbation of genital herpes.

Not always during pregnancy, herpes sores on the labia take the form of papules with liquid serous contents, it can be almost asymptomatic. Any change in condition is a reason to see a doctor.

But still, the most common symptom for which herpes is detected is a rash. They can be localized on the labia, vaginal walls, cervix.

For a developing fetus, this is a very dangerous disease - if herpes appears for the first time, it is a sufficient reason for artificial termination of pregnancy. But even if the herpes virus was in a dormant state, and an exacerbation appeared against the background of a decrease in immunity, treatment of a pregnant woman is required without fail. The acute form of herpes infections can disrupt the formation of the fetus, cause malformations - defects of the brain and central nervous system, deviations in physiological development, provoke a miscarriage.

Malaise and rashes in the genital area disappear after 10-14 days on their own, but a wait and see attitude should not be taken. At the first sign of genital herpes, you should see your doctor.


Sometimes in a pregnant woman, edema is most pronounced on the one hand and there are acute pains in the perineum. This is how bartholinitis manifests itself - a disease in which the glands that produce vaginal lubrication are clogged. The Bartholin glands are a paired organ located in the thickness of the labia majora.

Bartholinitis symptoms:

  • pronounced edema of the labia;
  • pain in surrounding tissues;
  • redness of the lip mucosa;
  • painful sensations when moving and in a calm state.

During pregnancy, the inflammatory process manifests itself against the background of a decrease in immunity.

It can be caused by:

  • Escherichia coli, which, under normal immune status, are suppressed by beneficial bacteria;
  • staphylococci and streptococci, which were in a "dormant" state - for example, if the body had chronic pharyngitis or caries, and pathogenic bacteria penetrated the bloodstream;
  • specific microorganisms that excite genital infections.

In most cases, bartholinitis is treated with a complex effect - operative and conservative. To eliminate the infection, antibiotics are selected that are most safe for the fetus. The most commonly used antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series, especially in the first trimester.

Varicose veins of the labia

From the middle of the second trimester, discomfort to women can be caused by another disease that causes edema of the external gynecological organs - varicose veins in the labia.

During pregnancy, the local blood flow in the pelvic area increases, a third circle of blood circulation appears - the placental, the load increases on the vessels located in the small pelvis and labia. At first, a woman can feel only a slight heaviness in the perineum, then the skin acquires a purple hue, severe pain appears when walking, urinating and intercourse.

If varicose veins are not very pronounced, then during pregnancy it can be left untreated. The doctor will advise you to pay more attention to intimate hygiene, to rest more often in the supine position. You should also avoid the possibility of injuring the external genital area, so as not to cause a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels.

In pregnant women, itching in the labia is quite common. And there are a lot of reasons why the labia itch during pregnancy. Such a phenomenon often does not have a pathological origin, however, in any case, the problem cannot be ignored, so as not to harm your body and the unborn child.

Pregnancy is a constant change

Pregnancy necessarily entails changes in the woman, both external and internal. This is due to the fact that the content of hormones in the blood and other tissues increases.

Changes in hormonal levels affect women in different ways. In some pregnant women, there is a rush of blood to the area of ​​the labia and mammary glands, in others - a change in the color of the areolae, which become much darker. Just the flow of blood to the labia is one of the reasons why they can start to itch.

If itching begins late in pregnancy, it may be caused by fetal pressure on the arteries in the pelvic region. In especially severe cases, varicose veins of the labia may occur.

Causes of itching

There are quite a few reasons why the labia are itchy. A sharp change in hormonal levels, food preferences and habitual lifestyle can lead to the fact that the vaginal microflora changes, and local immunity decreases. This, in turn, will lead to the activation of pathogenic bacteria, and the labia may begin to itch and redden as a result of diseases such as candidiasis, vulvovaginitis, or other gynecological infections. In the above situations, pregnant women may complain of heaviness, lower abdominal pain and white or slightly yellowish vaginal discharge.

Changes in the work of internal organs

In some cases, pregnancy disrupts the work of the organs of the female body and therefore the labia may begin to itch during pregnancy. There is an additional load on the kidneys and liver, which is why they experience an increased load and may not work properly. This can lead to the accumulation of various toxic products in the tissues and blood and the appearance of itching, in particular, of the labia. Also, a change in hormonal levels sometimes affects the work of the pancreas and thyroid glands, which can lead to diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. As a result, it is possible that:

  • headaches will appear
  • your heart rate becomes irregular;
  • weakness will arise;
  • a feeling of apathy will appear;
  • the woman will feel dizzy and itchy.


Redness and itching in the labia may indicate the presence of a dangerous disease for all pregnant women - genital herpes. As a result, small watery bubbles will open, which will cause a woman to experience burning sensation, redness and pain. It is especially worthwhile to be on your guard if the disease occurred for the first time in the last months of pregnancy.

The baby is at great risk in the postpartum period, because the aforementioned virus can have a detrimental effect on the baby's brain and its visual system.

To exclude the occurrence of adverse consequences for the newborn, it is necessary to regularly see a doctor and apply effective antiviral therapy.


Itching in the genital area and their redness is often the cause of a banal allergy. It can be caused by food, scented sanitary napkins or, for example, intimate hygiene products. Uncomfortable underwear, which will cause severe itching, can also be the cause.

Hygiene procedures

Itching can also appear because a woman overdoes hygiene procedures, or vice versa - she does them too rarely. This leads to the fact that the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, which causes itching and pathological discharge.

Prevention and treatment of itchy labia

Any woman who experiences regular itching in the labia should see a gynecologist. He will examine the problem area, conduct a microbiological examination of a sample taken from the vagina and a number of biochemical studies that will help him determine the cause of this phenomenon. After that, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications that are completely safe for the woman's body and her fetus, which will help eliminate itching and relieve redness.

If it's an infection

Any infection that can be detected during the examination of a pregnant woman should be eliminated with antimicrobial or antifungal therapy. During treatment, the doctor will use completely safe medicines and constantly monitor the patient. If the herpes virus is found, you will need to drink a number of antiviral drugs for a long period. If genital herpes occurs in the last months of pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe a Caesarean section to keep the baby healthy.

What to do with allergies?

In cases where itching is provoked by an allergy, it is enough just to exclude contact with the allergen. No competent doctor will prescribe antihistamines, however, the use of certain sorbents and external medications is permissible. To avoid allergies, a pregnant woman should carefully choose food, giving preference to natural food.

Disruption of the endocrine system and organs

If itching occurs as a result of malfunctions of the endocrine system and internal organs, a pregnant woman should consult several doctors at once. The fact is that violations of the liver, kidneys or endocrine glands can damage not only her body, but also the life of her baby.


Itching resulting from varicose veins in the intimate area is very noticeable and immediately noticeable. In some cases, gynecologists find that the labia is blue. This symptom does not bring any harm to the woman and her unborn baby. Many pregnant women with varicose veins on the labia give birth without Caesarean section, and the disease recedes immediately after childbirth.


Now you know why the labia itch during pregnancy. If you find itching and redness in the intimate area, be sure to seek the advice of your local gynecologist. Only he will be able to detect the cause of the onset of the disease and prescribe the appropriate safe treatment!

Varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy is not a pleasant disease that many girls suffer from and experience real discomfort. How to treat it, what it looks like, a photo of similar problems of girls - I want to get all the answers to the questions posed. Contrary to statistics, varicose veins are manifested on the lower extremities, the disease can develop on the genitals. More than 20% of pregnant women are prone to pathology. The article will consider in detail the disease: a therapeutic method of treatment and with the help of folk remedies.

A common disease that occurs as a result of great physical exertion. During pregnancy, a woman gains weight, and the volume of circulating blood increases. The walls of blood vessels become inelastic, it is difficult for them to withstand strong pressure. The pathological process looks different.

For the prevention and treatment of varicose veins disease in the legs! Phlebologists recommend using anti varicose gel VARITOX against varicose veins. Quick and effective disposal, acts on the cause of the disease, relieves pain, relieves swelling in the legs, relieves of blue veins, restores blood outflow, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents blood clots and seizures.

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In pregnant women, ugly nodes may appear in the perineum, in others, varicose veins appear in the form of asterisks and small neoplasms in the form of bluish bumps. A common feature is that due to varicose veins, a pregnant woman has a lot of negative consequences.

In the perineal region, excruciating pains occur, which are aggravated by walking, going to the toilet and having sex. The experienced discomfort develops into serious psychological stress, which is highly undesirable for a pregnant woman.

Complications of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy can be deadly; if the blood vessels rupture, the patient can die from severe blood loss.

Varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy can be avoided if you follow certain rules and monitor weight gain.

Causes of the appearance on the labia

Many are mistaken and believe that mainly varicose veins are characteristic only of the lower extremities. Varicose veins can appear not only on the legs, but also on the labia; veins are also present in this area. The reason for the appearance of varicose veins on the labia is the excessive load on the woman's body.

This hormone is able to reduce the tone and elasticity of the walls of the veins by almost half, which leads to the inevitable appearance of varicose veins.

The appearance of the disease may be associated with genetic inheritance. If a woman in the family had close relatives: mother or grandmother, the likelihood of varicose veins on the labia increases significantly.

Varicose veins of the labia can also appear in non-pregnant women. The main reason for the development of this disease is overweight and obesity.


Swelling and discomfort (heaviness, swelling, itching, and pain). On visual examination of the mucous membrane, bluish nodes and bumps can be seen; larger formations of spider veins may develop on the skin of the perineum. The negative symptoms of this disease are not limited to this.

If the disease is already at the next stage of development, the pain in the perineum intensifies and radiates to the sacrum. When urinating, the pain becomes excruciating. At this stage, the feeling of discomfort does not leave the woman; psychological tension can turn into severe depression.

Having sex becomes very painful, a woman begins to avoid any contact with a man. If the appropriate treatment is not started on time, the disease will progress rapidly.

Here are the clear signs and the symptoms of varicose veins at the last stage of development:

  • The skin and mucous membranes become dry and swelling;
  • First, one small knot appears on the mucous membrane, then their number increases and a whole conglomerate of nodules and bumps of a bluish tint forms in this place;
  • Also, the labia are swollen to the point that women sometimes find it difficult even to sit;
  • Venous nodes increase in size, interfering with normal walking and sexual activity;
  • Symptoms become very noticeable, the perineum takes on an extremely unaesthetic appearance;
  • In the last stages of pregnancy, pain becomes intense, a pregnant woman will need urgent hospitalization.

Treatment of varicose veins of the labia

There are two main ways to treat this pathology. Medication and conservative. At the initial stage, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is recommended to follow conservative treatment. The method includes many activities that are aimed at reducing the blood supply to the pelvic organs and lower extremities.

  1. It is necessary to purchase special compression underwear, on which there are no tight parts and elastic bands (after all, it is they who impede the outflow of blood).
  2. It is necessary to perform remedial gymnastics (exercises are selected individually and only on the basis of a doctor's recommendations).
  3. It is strictly forbidden to wear shoes with heels, this can aggravate the situation.
  4. Do not lift weights, avoid physical activity.
  5. You should also refuse to take hot baths, it is better to limit yourself to a warm shower.
  6. Long walks in the fresh air are recommended.
  7. Special tonic creams can be applied according to the doctor's prescription.

These simple changes in a pregnant woman's lifestyle will help slow the progression of the disease process. Full recovery from varicose veins on the labia is possible only after the birth of the child. During pregnancy, you can only suspend the development of the disease and reduce negative symptoms.

On small lips

Varicose veins of small lips have the same symptoms during pregnancy as large ones. The only difference is that the venous nodes pop out on the labia minora. Nodules appear that look like soft swelling.

Gradually, they increase in size, the discomfort increases, and the appearance of the genitals becomes unaesthetic.

Varicose veins of the vagina

This is a more dangerous type of varicose veins during pregnancy. It is characterized by damage to the vessels of the female reproductive system, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Veins with this pathology expand in diameter, the vascular walls become thinner. They form nodules that disrupt normal blood flow. Most often occurs in pregnant women who previously suffered from varicose veins.

It is difficult to diagnose the disease on your own. It is worth contacting a gynecologist for examination and palpation.

With an incorrect diagnosis, inadequate therapy or its absence, complications often develop. Therefore, to eliminate errors, after a visual examination, an ultrasound examination is performed for a woman.

The consequence of the disease can be a thickening of the blood. This is due to the fact that in pregnant women it becomes more viscous. Rarely, pelvic venous thrombosis occurs.

With this type of disease, the main symptoms of varicose veins are joined by:

  • complaints of the lower limbs and pelvis, for example, muscle cramps, a feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • problems with the urinary system: oliguria, frequent urination;
  • flatulence, constipation;
  • lower abdominal pain.

Compression underwear

Dilated veins are not an obstacle to natural childbirth. But doctors prefer to do a cesarean section in situations where varicose veins are rapidly progressing, and the nodes are greatly increased in size.

In most cases, early treatment will help correct the problem even before delivery. After the birth of the baby, the factors provoking the pathology disappear, so the disease passes.

In rare cases, when the disease is running, additional treatment may be needed in the postpartum period.

Important: varicose veins, manifested during the first pregnancy, with a high degree of probability, can be in the second. Accurate adherence to your doctor's recommendations and preventive measures will help minimize risks.

Varicose veins of the vulva

During pregnancy, it may not have pronounced symptoms, manifested mainly by pain in the lower abdomen. The only reliable method for diagnosing the disease is examination using an ultrasound machine.

Among the symptoms of varicose veins of the vulva are also distinguished:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • itching in the groin;
  • the appearance of dryness and age spots.

In the later stages, a distortion of the shape of the labia, spider veins and nodules on them are noticeable. See the photo.

It is imperative to treat

These processes during pregnancy often lead to damage to the vessels of the uterus and pose a threat to the condition of the fetus. If untreated, varicose veins of the vulva can lead to one of the most dangerous complications - rupture of the vaginal veins and severe bleeding. Doctors advise giving birth by caesarean section.

Varicose veins of the perineum

During pregnancy, it occurs in a third of all cases of varicose veins. The uterus with a growing fetus is the main cause leading to compression of the great veins. The following symptoms occur:

  • expansion of veins in the perineum, vulva, vagina;
  • feeling of heaviness, itching;
  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • intense, bursting pain from the inside;
  • acute form of varicothrombophlebitis;
  • ruptured blood vessels and severe bleeding.

The intensity of bleeding is spontaneous. Often they are provoked by sexual intercourse or the beginning of the process of childbirth. It is difficult to stop it as it is caused by high blood pressure.

The simplest solution

Varicose veins recovery
the doctor has a manifestation of a vein
lingerie conservation

Treatment methods

Before treating varicose veins, the patient must undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. In addition to visual inspection, specialized studies are carried out:

  • dopplerography - detects vascular formations, helps to determine the nature of blood flow;
  • Ultrasound with abdominal and transvaginal sensors;
  • phlebography - assessment of the functionality of the valves of the veins;
  • laparoscopy - to detect pathological abnormalities.

Despite the fact that in most cases the disease recedes after childbirth, treatment helps prevent complications and alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

Sclerotherapy is a popular type of correction. The procedure involves the introduction of a special adhesive solution into the affected veins, which stops the progression of the disease.

The duration of therapy depends on the type and severity of the disease. After sclerotherapy, a woman is prescribed tonic drugs:

  • Detralex;
  • Lyoton;
  • Heparin;
  • Flcbody;
  • Troxerutin, etc.

Wearing compression garments is an important part of the fight against illness. It tones the veins by squeezing the affected areas.

To prevent the development of pathology during pregnancy, prevention will help:

  • restriction on spicy and salty foods;
  • lack of excessive physical exertion;
  • compliance with the rest and sleep regimen;
  • performing therapeutic exercises recommended by a doctor;
  • weight control;
  • wearing a bandage. It will save the pelvic organs from the pressure of the enlarged uterus;
  • observance of intimate hygiene, wearing underwear made of natural materials.