Products for lactation of a nursing mother. What to eat to have more milk. How to increase lactation in simple ways

New mothers do not always have enough breast milk, which is why the baby is deficient in food, loses weight, and is naughty. You can fix the situation - for this you need to fix it. It is not necessary to use drugs at all - there are foods that increase the production of breast milk if included in the diet of a nursing mother. And it is worth noting that this method of improving lactation is absolutely safe.


Proteins are called the building material for the fragile body of the baby, which is why they must be present in the baby's diet in sufficient quantities. For this, the mother needs to consume daily meat, chicken, cheeses, kefir, cottage cheese or ryazhenka. If you correctly combine these products with fresh vegetables or fruits, as well as whole grain bread, you can fully provide your and your children's body with the necessary trace elements, while improving lactation.


It is known that nuts are a great helper in increasing the production of breast milk. This is used by many young mothers. However, it is important to remember that this product, and especially walnuts, contains a lot of fat, so it is poorly absorbed by a small, fragile body. To improve lactation, it is enough to eat 2-3 walnut kernels, and the daily supply of useful trace elements (potassium and magnesium) is provided.

Almonds are allowed, even recommended, for breastfeeding - it contains less fat. However, it is not recommended to eat more than 4-5 kernels - a large amount of almonds provokes gas formation and bloating in the baby. Pine nuts can be used to make nutritious smoothies. To do this, a tablespoon of kernels is poured over 250 ml of water overnight. In the morning, this mixture is boiled, cooled and drunk. To make the cocktail taste more pleasant, it can be sweetened with honey. Please note: nuts are quite an allergenic product, so always monitor the reaction of the baby, and you should completely refuse peanuts.

Vegetables and fruits

It is unnecessary to talk about the benefits of gardening products - everyone has heard about it ( we read: And ). But many do not suspect that vegetables and fruits that are familiar to us are an excellent tool for combating hypogalactia (lack of breast milk). To increase lactation, it is recommended to include in the diet:

  • radish;
  • blackberry
  • carrot;
  • gooseberry;
  • currant (white, black);
  • watermelon;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • seeds of flax, sunflower, cumin;
  • dill greens;
  • blueberries;
  • fennel leaves.

Mixing several types of herbal products is not recommended, as they often do not combine at all. The result of this incompatibility is increased gas formation in the child, abdominal colic.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...


Honey is a strong allergen. But a nursing mother should not refuse him. Of course, if you eat half a jar of honey at a time, it will be bad for both the baby and the mother. But from 1 teaspoon there will be no harm - only good.

Honey contains trace elements that have a positive effect on the formation of blood cells. Honey prevents constipation, soothes, improves bowel function. But most importantly, it improves lactation. Therefore, if an allergic reaction to this product is not found in either the mother or the baby, you can safely take a small portion of honey daily. If the baby has an unpleasant reaction, this product should be discarded, choosing the best alternative.

Dairy products

To improve lactation, a nursing mother should make it a rule to consume a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk every day. Whole milk should be abandoned for a while - this product can cause bloating in a baby, upset the gastrointestinal tract.


Refusing liquid, a nursing mother risks worsening lactation. To prevent this from happening, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. It can be warm drinks: herbal infusions, juices. Warm tea with the addition of milk or honey helps to improve lactation. Drink such a drink should be before feeding the baby (20 minutes).

Among other drinks to increase lactation, the most effective are:

  • compotes based on dried fruits;
  • dill tea, decoction of cumin or anise seeds: 200 ml of boiling water is poured over a spoonful of seeds and infused for 3-5 hours in a thermos. Ready infusion is taken in two doses;
  • lactic acid cocktail with dill: dill seeds are crushed (you can use a coffee grinder) and mixed with a glass of kefir, nutmeg and salt are added (a pinch each). The cocktail is filtered and drunk (it is better to take it in the morning on an empty stomach);
  • lemon balm or mint teas: the herb is added to tea or the leaves of these plants are brewed as an independent drink. Such teas perfectly soothe, relax, improve lactation;
  • fresh juices from currants and carrots, which are best diluted with boiled cooled water;
  • ginger teas: pour a liter of boiling water over the root of the plant and boil. Add lemon, honey. Drink three times a day, a single serving - 50 ml;
  • barley broth (you can make your own) or ready-made barley drinks (sold in diet food departments);
  • A decoction of dandelions is prepared as follows: the root and leaves of the plant (a teaspoon) are crushed and the grass is poured with boiling water. After insisting, the broth is filtered and drunk 3-4 times a day, 50 ml each;
  • dandelion leaf juice: fresh leaves of the plant are interrupted with a blender or meat grinder, squeeze the juice, salt it and leave it for half an hour. Next, honey (sugar) or lemon juice is added to the juice. Drink in small sips, slowly, no more than 2 times a day.

Even if a nursing mother knows all the secrets of how to improve lactation, consumes all products that contribute to the production of breast milk, observes the drinking regimen, she must also remember about good sleep and rest. Do not overwork, overload yourself physically, avoid stress. And most importantly - do not forget about night feedings: they often become the main trigger for lactation.

Increased lactation in 3 days

If it seems to you that breast milk is getting smaller every day, do not rush to transfer the baby to adapted formulas. It is better to take measures to increase the amount of milk.

Lactation is cyclical, and every 1.5-2 months the milk decreases a little. The first such crisis is the most difficult. When you overcome it, nothing can interfere with the full feeding of the child. Set yourself up for prolonged breastfeeding. After all, now you know what happiness it is!

Products to increase lactation

Analyze your diet. A nursing mother does not have to eat twice as much as usual. Just every day on your table should be 200 g of protein products (for example, veal, poultry or fish), 250 g of milk or kefir, 100-150 g of cottage cheese, 20-30 g of hard cheese.

Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day (this includes soups). Prepare yourself a carrot drink 2-3 times a day if the baby is not allergic to its components.
3-4 tbsp Pour a glass of milk with finely grated carrots and drink immediately. All drinks should be very warm, almost hot.

Frequent feedings increase lactation

Feed your baby in close contact. Touch each other with your skin, look the baby in the eyes. The tenderness and love that you feel for your baby will help you restore the optimal amount of milk. Breastfeed your baby as often as possible - after all, demand creates supply!

Check if the baby takes the breast correctly. Hold him so that his chin touches his chest. The lower lip of the child should be slightly turned outward, and above the upper lip, a part of the areola is visible.

Therapeutic bath to increase lactation

Before going to bed, take a bath for the chest. This is an effective means to increase lactation.
Pour hot water into a large bowl and place it on the table. Stand near the bowl as close as possible and release your chest there. Top up with hot water periodically. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes. After the bath, dry your chest, put on cotton underwear and a woolen vest. Don't chill your chest! Or go straight to bed with a blanket over your chest.

Contrast shower to increase lactation

Take a contrast shower in the morning and evening. Direct streams to the chest and do a light massage in a clockwise direction. Then turn around and submerge your back under the water in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Rest and walks increase lactation

Set aside all household chores for a couple of days. Go to bed with your baby. Walk outdoors as often as possible.

Gymnastics to increase lactation

Do specific chest exercises. They will help not only to increase the amount of milk, but also to maintain attractive forms.

Massage to increase milk

Massage your breasts for 2-3 minutes using castor oil. Lubricate your palms generously. Then place your left hand under your chest and your right hand on your chest. At the same time, move your hands clockwise, lightly rubbing the oil. The touch should be light and not uncomfortable, and the oil should not get on the nipple and areola.

It is good if an experienced massage therapist gives you a back massage in the area of ​​​​the thoracic spine. Just do not forget to warn him that you are a nursing mother - because now you need to avoid a strong impact on the chest muscles.

Herbal decoctions that increase lactation

In each case, only one herb will effectively help. For example, brew yourself anise (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and take ¼ cup every hour. After half a day, you should feel at least a slight increase in milk (if this is "your" herb). In this case, do not stop drinking the decoction, but continue to take it ¼ cup before each feeding in a warm form for 3 days.

But if nothing changes on the first day, look for another herb for yourself.
Herbs recommended for increasing lactation can be divided into three groups:
I group- anise, fennel, cumin, dill help if mom has digestive problems.

I I group- mint, oregano, lemon balm are useful for mom's nervous overload.

III group- nettle is recommended for anemia, low hemoglobin, physical exhaustion of the mother.

Positive emotions increase lactation

Do something that you especially enjoy. Remember how long it has been since you sat down to knit or read a book. While the baby is sleeping or walking with his grandmother, listen to pleasant music, dance with your loved one.

Positive emotions will help increase lactation. Talk to a successfully breastfeeding mom or lactation consultant. Make a little effort and save what nature itself has given you.

Breast exercises to increase lactation

Don't be afraid of a short-term decrease in the total amount of breast milk. We suggest you use a unique strategy. You will really cope with the problem in three days! The main thing is to follow all the recommendations in a comprehensive manner and believe that it is in your power to succeed.

Exercises to increase lactation
Bend your arms at the elbows at chest level, join your palms, while pointing your fingers up. On the count of 1-2, firmly press the palms into each other, on the count of 3-4, relax them without changing the position of the hands.

Get down on all fours, raise your head up. In this position, move around the apartment. You will achieve a great effect if you take off your bra during gymnastics.

Spread your straight arms to the sides, then cross in front of you and spread them again. Raise them higher with each swing. For a count of 10, cross your arms over your head. Gradually return to the starting position.

After the birth of a child, it is important to think about getting them all the necessary substances that only full breastfeeding can give. You can stimulate lactation by including special products in the diet: this will allow you to maintain “natural feeding” without supplementary feeding with mixtures and give the baby a full range of vitamins and minerals.

Restrictions on the menu for lactation

There are foods that can harm the production of milk in a woman's body. They retain water in the tissues, so the release of milk may slow down. In the mother's diet, such food should also be absent due to its harmfulness to the baby, because we are talking about:

  • Smoked products (meat, fish), especially hot smoked products;
  • Salted food;
  • Spicy seasonings, spices;
  • canned foods;
  • Food additives (monosodium glutamate, preservatives, etc.).

Among the seemingly harmless tea herbs and garden greens, there are also “violators” of milk production. These include sage, mint, parsley, and they should not be on the menu at least in the first 2-4 months of lactation.

The best foods for excellent lactation

There are foods that can be eaten periodically for optimal breast milk production, and the main ones are described below.

1.Warm tea

The easiest option is to drink green tea with honey (not strong) or weakly brewed black tea with milk. If a baby or mother is prone to allergies, it is better not to abuse honey, but add milk to tea. If you drink a drink 30 minutes before feeding your baby, milk production will definitely increase.

2. Cumin and cumin bread

You can chew cumin, or eat black bread with its seeds. You can also prepare a cumin drink for yourself: brew 1 teaspoon of cumin with a glass of boiling milk and leave for 2 hours. You need to take this drink half a glass 15 minutes before feeding.

3. Uzvar

Uzvar is a compote of dried fruits (plums, pears, apples, apricots), some sugar, water. It is recommended to take uzvar in a glass twice a day. And it will strengthen lactation and is rich in vitamins.

4. Pure water

Suitable for increasing milk production and plain water, non-carbonated and clean. It should be drunk up to 2 liters per day, then there will be no problems with feeding. But just before feeding, it is better to drink a drink with a more pronounced lactogenic effect (for example, a glass of milk or a cup of green tea).

5. Nuts

The mass of useful components in nuts will not only allow the baby to grow better and improve health, but also to eat breast milk in sufficient quantities. Every day you need to eat 2-5 pieces of almonds (without salt and roasting), but do not abuse it because of the risk of abdominal pain in the baby (causes gas formation in the child and can cause severe constipation.). Other nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts) work similarly, but are quite oily. You can also prepare a cedar cocktail: 1 table. pour a spoonful of pine nuts with a glass of water overnight, boil in the morning, add honey and drink.

6. Dill tea

Our grandmothers used dill tea as a lactogenic remedy. A spoonful of dill seed is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted overnight in a thermos. Drink twice a day for half a glass. You can replace dill seeds with caraway seeds, anise. On the basis of these plants, another herbal tea can also be prepared: 20 g each of anise and dill seeds, 30 g each of hay fenugreek seeds and fennel fruits, crush and stir. Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist and take 2 times a day for a glass of infusion 15 minutes before feeding.

You can make yourself a dill milkshake. To do this, mix the crushed dill seeds with kefir, season with nutmeg, salt, strain and drink before breakfast.

However, it is worth remembering that both anise and dill can cause allergies.

7. Herbal tea

Plants that increase lactation can be purchased at any pharmacy. Among them, oregano, nettle, lemon balm, dill, anise, hawthorn (berries) are popular. You should make fees from them (combine in equal proportions), brew a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and take 100 ml three times a day. A doctor's consultation before consuming any herbs is required.! They can cause colic or allergies in a child!

8. Nut milk

Nut milk is easy to make. Grind 50 g of walnuts, pour 250 ml of hot milk, cook until slightly thickened. Add sugar to taste in the drink, take it in 70 ml. before the next feeding (30 minutes before).

9. Lactogenic products

There are foods that can increase the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation and supporting it. Many of them are of animal origin, high in protein, so they should be on the menu according to the daily norms for lactating women. Here is the list of products:

  • Low-fat meat soups, broths;
  • Fish and lean meats;
  • Hard cheese, Adyghe cheese, cheese;
  • Dairy food.

From non-animal food, seeds, carrots, honey, as well as vegetables and fruits, which have a lot of fiber, accelerate the production of the desired hormone.

10. Juices

Freshly squeezed juices. Juices prepared at home are much more useful than store-bought ones, they must be taken immediately, without standing in the refrigerator. Perfectly cope with the increase in milk juice of carrots, currants, blackthorn berries. It is important that the juices are fresh, without preservatives, diluted with water.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

11. Barley water or barley coffee

Barley coffee is an excellent tea substitute. It is better to drink such drinks with honey, sugar and milk. These barley drinks can be bought at the grocery store in the diet section.

12. Radish with honey

There is a drink that does not taste great, but works just as well as juices. This is radish juice. Squeeze the juice, dilute it equally with water, add a spoonful of honey to a glass of liquid. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such a drink should not be taken.

13. Dandelions

Dandelion has the best effect for increasing lactation from herbs. It can be applied in the following ways:

  1. Grind fresh young dandelion leaves in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, salt, let it brew for 30 minutes, and drink 100 ml 2 times a day in small sips. To improve the taste, you can add lemon juice, honey, sugar.
  2. A decoction of dandelions: add a glass of boiling water to 1 teaspoon of crushed dandelion roots and leaves and insist for an hour. Then strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
  3. Dandelion milkshake. Mix a glass of milk with 4 glasses of kefir, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dill leaves, dandelion petals, 10 g of grated walnuts and beat with a mixer. Drink half a cup for breakfast.

14. Ginger tea

Peel the ginger root, chop, boil in a liter of water for 3-5 minutes. Cool, drink 50 ml 4 times a day. If desired, you can flavor the tea with honey, lemon.

15. Vitamin mass

From dried fruits, you can cook not only compote, but also prepare a vitamin mass. To do this, rinse well 100 g of dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes, add the same amount of walnuts or pine nuts, grind everything into a homogeneous mass. It is allowed to put honey in it to taste. You need to eat a vitamin "dish" half an hour before feeding the baby, washed down with warm tea.

16. Hercules

If you eat cereals rich in fiber for breakfast, it will not only be useful for the intestines of a young mother, but also increase milk production. Oatmeal is especially good for this purpose. You can cook cereals in water or milk, eat muesli, or pour oatmeal with water, leave overnight and consume with kefir. Porridge goes well with dried fruits and honey.

17. Buckwheat

Experts advise washing buckwheat groats, then frying it in a pan and eating it like seeds. This is also beneficial for lactation.

18. Watermelon

Watermelons are an excellent product for lactation - they should be purchased only during their ripening season (from August). Do not buy watermelons until August, they can be dangerous due to the high content of nitrates and pesticides.

19. Carrots and onions

Onions, carrots are easy to get, and their ability to influence milk production is also high. Fresh and boiled, boiled, carrots and onions have a positive effect on lactation, so try to add them to all dishes.

20. Salad

To increase lactation, it is useful to eat any kind of leaf lettuce that is seasoned with olive oil or sour cream.

Additional tips for new mothers during lactation:

  • Do not be nervous;
  • Observe the regime of the day, sleep;
  • More rest;
  • Avoid stress, overload;
  • Be sure to feed your baby at night. Moms take note!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

A caring mother will always strive to ensure that her child is healthy and happy. She is ready to give her baby all the best. However, the question often arises for many young mothers: how to increase lactation of breast milk?

After all, its lack can affect the health and mood of the child. To begin with, it is worth understanding why lactation is reduced and what are the signs of a lack of milk.

Mother's milk or formula?

There is no doubt that breast milk is the best food for a baby. After all, it includes all the necessary components:

  1. Essential amino acids, including the amino acid taurine. This substance is necessary for the maturation and normal development of the organs of vision and the nervous system. Albumins predominate in the composition of breast milk. These are proteins that are small in size and help digest proteins of large sizes - casein.
  2. Lymphocytes, phagocytes, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins, nucleotides, enzymes, and hormones.
  3. Fatty polyunsaturated acids, including arachidonic, linolenic and linoleic. They provide stability to cell membranes. These components are necessary for the formation of mucous membranes and skin in newborn babies.
  4. Vitamins D, K, E and A. These substances are necessary for the normal development and growth of the child's body.
  5. Phosphorus and calcium. They are necessary for the normal absorption of vitamin D, as well as for normal mineral metabolism. Thanks to these substances, the risk of developing rickets is reduced (more about rickets in infants >>>).
  6. Beta lactose. Contributes to the normal development of the intestinal flora. This allows you to protect the baby from dysbacteriosis.

All of these substances are very important for a newborn baby. Infant formulas do not allow to fully saturate the baby's body with useful components. If the amount of milk has dropped sharply, then the problem should be solved immediately.

Only 2.8% of women are not able to feed a child with their milk. And this is due to the physiological structure of their organs.

So how to increase lactation while breastfeeding?

A short video on the subject:

Signs of a lack of milk

Lactation is a complex process that requires some control. There are a number of factors that can affect the amount of milk produced by the mammary glands. How to determine its lack?

Here are a few main signs:

  1. Child's weight. If the child is not getting better or is gaining weight less than the norm, then it is worth considering. The baby should regain its original weight two weeks after birth.
  2. The number of urination. You can determine by wet diapers or panties. If a child is older than 10 days, urinates less than 10 times in 24 hours, this is an alarm signal. Ideally, if the number of urination during the day is 12 or more.
  3. A very rare stool in a baby can also be considered as an indirect sign of a lack of breast milk.

Basic principles of breastfeeding

So that lactation does not decrease, several basic principles of feeding should be observed:

  • Within an hour after the birth of the child should be attached to the chest. This stimulates the production of colostrum and then milk.
  • The baby must latch on to the breast correctly.

It is very important to teach him this. In one of the video lessons of the Breastfeeding Secrets course, you will learn how to breastfeed your baby correctly and learn comfortable positions for feeding.

If the breast lock is not corrected, then this will lead to weak stimulation of the breast, the occurrence of abrasions and cracks.

  • Regime organization.

For a small child, the regimen is not needed. Put the clock in the far corner of the room, and apply the child at his request. Frequent attachment to the breast, in the correct position helps to increase milk production.

  • The baby knows perfectly well how much milk he needs, and when he is full. Therefore, do not limit feeding time frames.
  • Do not refuse to put the baby to the chest at night. This allows you to increase lactation. Try to feed at least 3-4 times at night.
  • Bottle feeding is not recommended. The baby may refuse to breastfeed altogether. After all, sucking milk from it is more difficult than from a bottle.

Remember how a house is built: first we lay a solid, solid, reliable foundation, and then we build a beautiful house on it.

So here: you can increase the amount of breast milk by following the above rules of breastfeeding. In addition, study the video course "Secrets of Breastfeeding" so that milk comes and is enough for your baby.

How to improve lactation? Important Products

For good lactation, you need to adjust your diet.

Usually nursing mothers are prescribed a special diet. In general, during breastfeeding, the diet should include foods such as:

  • cereals with fruits, preferably buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • fish, eggs, meat;
  • raw and boiled vegetables (onions, radishes, carrots, pumpkins, and so on);
  • nuts (pine, walnut and almond);
  • royal jelly, honey;

A young mother should give up mayonnaise, smoked foods, as well as dishes flavored with a lot of spices.

Various drinks

There are other ways to increase lactation. They cannot be attributed to the main ones, but nevertheless they can provide temporary assistance to the body.

Start monitoring your drinking regimen, drink at least two liters of fluid during the day. In this case, you should not take into account milk soups and drinks. It is best to drink water or tea. So, how to increase lactation for a nursing mother with drinks? Start drinking more drinks like:

  • green tea;
  • compote made from fresh or dried fruits;
  • tea from herbs that increase lactation (anise, cumin, oregano, dill, and so on);
  • fresh juices;
  • carrot infusion;
  • oatmeal decoction;
  • nut milk;
  • fruit drink from blueberries or black currants.

Dill water is considered no less useful. This drink allows you to spur lactation, and helps get rid of constipation in the baby. All drinks must be warm, but not very hot.

Drink plenty of pure water without gases.

Pharmacy funds

There are situations when proper and balanced nutrition does not allow increasing lactation. As a result, breastfeeding becomes much more difficult. In this case, you can add, as a temporary measure, pharmacy products. The most effective are:

  1. Tea to increase lactation: "Grandma's basket", "Hipp", "Lactavit".
  2. BAA "Laktogon", "Apilak". They are made on the basis of lactic herbs and royal jelly of bees. Also, many recommend "Femilak", which is a source of protein.
  3. Vitamin complexes that are developed specifically for nursing mothers.
  4. Homeopathic remedies that allow not only to increase, but also to maintain lactation under constant stress and nervous tension. These drugs include Pulsatill and Mlekoin.

Before taking this or that drug, you should seek the advice of specialists. Do not forget that many drugs have a number of contraindications and can cause the development of side effects.


How to increase the lactation of breast milk with folk remedies? There are many alternative medicine recipes that can solve this problem. Here are some simple and inexpensive remedies:

  1. Cumin with sour cream. A pinch of cumin fruit should be softened. Then they need to be added to a glass of sour cream. The composition must be boiled. This one takes no more than 3 minutes. The finished product should be consumed three times a day for a tablespoon.
  2. Take two tablespoons of dill, oregano, and anise. All this should be poured with a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist the drug for half an hour. Take the finished product is up to three times a day for a tablespoon.

Only by observing all the rules of breastfeeding, you can increase lactation and consolidate the result. Do not forget that proper nutrition is important for the baby. Therefore, you should not transfer it to infant formula and deprive it of the opportunity to feel maternal warmth.

Breastfeeding is a responsibility. A nursing mother should eat varied and balanced, so that the baby receives all the necessary microelements. And so that the question “how to improve lactation” does not bother mom.

It happens that the baby does not have enough breast milk. Before you supplement your baby with formula, make sure your baby is really malnourished. And then try to improve lactation. Read on to find out which foods will help improve lactation.

What not to eat breastfeeding mom

Review your diet and give up those foods that harm lactation. In addition to the list of products that improve lactation, it is worth remembering those that are prohibited for a nursing mother.

First of all, these are canned foods, smoked meat and fish, hot spices and seasonings. These foods retain water in the body and can impair lactation. Also remember that parsley and mint reduce lactation.

1. Warm tea

The most proven and harmless remedy is green tea with honey or weak black tea with milk. Such a warm drink is good to drink half an hour before feeding. Not that tea improves lactation, but a warm drink helps milk flow.

2. Cumin and black bread with cumin

In order to improve lactation, you can simply chew cumin, you can eat bread with cumin. And you can make yourself a cumin drink: 1 teaspoon of cumin, brew a glass of boiling milk and leave for 2 hours. You need to take this drink half a glass 15 minutes before feeding.

3. Uzvar

An excellent tool to increase lactation is sweetened dried fruit compote. That is, from dried apples, plums and a small amount of pears. Firstly, it is good for lactation, and secondly, there are a lot of vitamins.

4. Pure water

In addition to milk, juice, kefir, tea, soup, a nursing mother needs ordinary boiled water without gas. drink at least one and a half liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. And 30 minutes before breastfeeding, drink a warm drink - it can be a glass of milk or a cup of green tea.

5. Nuts

Almonds (not roasted and not salted) improve lactation. A couple of pieces can be eaten every other day, but it must be remembered that almonds cause gas in a child and can cause the strongest.

Improve lactation and walnuts, and pine nuts. But you also need to be careful with these nuts, because they are quite fatty foods. You can also prepare a cedar cocktail: 1 table. pour a spoonful of pine nuts with a glass of water overnight, boil in the morning, add honey and drink.

6. Dill tea

We prepare dill tea for lactation as follows: 1 table. pour a spoonful of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 2 hours. You need to drink this tea half a cup 2 times a day. Instead of dill seeds, you can take cumin or anise.

You can make a real cocktail to improve lactation: chop and stir 20 g of anise and dill seeds, 30 g of hay fenugreek seeds and fennel fruits. Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist and take 2 times a day for a glass of infusion 15 minutes before feeding.

You can make yourself a dill milkshake. To do this, mix the crushed dill seeds with kefir, season with nutmeg, salt, strain and drink before breakfast.

7. Herbal tea

Teas from lemon balm, oregano, nettle, dill, anise, hawthorn improve lactation. It is important to consult your doctor before drinking this tea. And at the same time find out in what proportions you need to prepare this tea.

8. Nut milk

To improve lactation, you can cook nut milk. We do it this way: boil 100 g of peeled and ground walnuts in 500 ml of milk until the mass begins to thicken. Then you need to add sugar to taste. Nut milk can be drunk in a third of a glass half an hour before feeding.

9. Lactogenic products

It’s not worth eating for two, but you need to focus on lactogenic products. Among such products: non-fat meat broths and soups, Adyghe cheese, cheese, carrots, seeds, nuts, honey, milk, dairy products.

10. Juices

Among the juices that improve lactation are currant juice, carrot juice, blackthorn juice. But it is important that the juices are fresh, without preservatives, diluted with water.

11. Barley water or coffee

These barley drinks can be bought at the grocery store in the diet section. Barley coffee is an excellent tea substitute, can be drunk with milk and honey, and improves lactation.

12. Radish with honey

Radish juice with honey, diluted 1 to 1 with chilled boiled water (per 100 g of radish - 100 g of water and 1 tablespoon of honey) is an excellent product for improving lactation.

13. Dandelions

Dandelion leaf juice will help improve lactation. We do this: grind fresh young dandelion leaves in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, salt, let it brew for 30 minutes, and drink 100 ml 2 times a day in small sips. To improve the taste, you can add lemon juice, honey, sugar.

You can make a decoction of dandelions: add a glass of boiling water to 1 teaspoon of crushed dandelion roots and leaves and insist for an hour. Then strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

You can make a milkshake from dandelions. Mix a glass of milk with 4 glasses of kefir, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dill leaves, dandelion petals, 10 g of grated walnuts and beat with a mixer. Drink half a cup for breakfast.

14. Ginger tea

Ginger tea can be used to improve lactation. We take 1 medium fresh ginger root, grind, boil for 5 minutes in a liter of water. You need to drink 3 times a day, 60 ml, adding honey and lemon to taste.

15. Vitamin mass Excellent increase lactation watermelons. However, you should not buy these first berries, they can be dangerous due to the high content of nitrates and pesticides. So you have to wait until August. If you want enough milk for the baby, don’t be nervous and put off the showdown until later. And do not be lazy to feed the baby at night, because they are necessary to improve lactation. Night feedings contribute to the production of the hormone prolactin, which improves lactation.