Passage of doctors in 1 year. Routine medical examinations of children: age, tests and specialists

Newborn first examination at the clinic. Within a month, your baby has grown and become stronger. He must add at least 400g. and grow by about 3cm. He focuses his gaze on a stationary object, begins to smoothly follow a moving object, listens to the voice of the mother, begins to smile when he sees her or hears the voice of his mother. lying on his stomach.

Newborn first examination at the clinic

At 1 month you will have your first visit to the children's clinic. Probably, the district nurse has already left you an invitation for an appointment, perhaps, she gave directions for an ultrasound scan of the head, hip joints, abdominal and kidney organs and for audio screening.


Ultrasound of the brain is recommended for all children at the age of 1 month in order to detect abnormalities in the functioning of the child's central nervous system in time, the first examination is screening, i.e. is carried out for all children, in the future, ultrasound for children is carried out according to the prescription of a neurologist.

Ultrasound of the hip joints (also recommended for all children) helps to identify such a serious deviation as congenital dislocation of the hip and cure the child in the first year of life, if the child has hip dysplasia (delayed formation of the heads of the femurs), the mother will be explained how to do gymnastics and massage to the child ...

Ultrasound of the abdominal and kidney organs can reveal congenital anomalies in the development of these organs. The most common diagnoses given to children by ultrasound of the abdominal organs: hepatoegaly (enlarged liver), splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) - this may not mean anything special, but requires further ultrasound monitoring of the child. Children with this diagnosis are referred to a gastroenterologist. Those children who have found abnormalities in the ultrasound of the kidneys are referred to a nephrologist.

Audio screening - examination of your child's hearing is carried out in the hospital, but if for some reason it was not carried out in the hospital, or your child has a dubious result, you will be offered to examine the child in a polyclinic.

It will be more convenient for you and your baby to undergo ultrasound and audioscreening before seeing the doctors so that they can evaluate the results of the examination.

What to take with you to the clinic?

Two diapers (one for the changing table, the other for the scales), sanitary napkins, a rattle, a pacifier (if your child is used to it), a spare "diaper", in the summer - a bottle of water.

Examination results (ultrasound, audioscreening).

And, of course, a notebook with your questions, it would be nice to write down there the doctor's recommendations and the characteristics of your child - you will get something like a mother's diary.

Newborn first examination at the polyclinic doctor's examinations

At the polyclinic, you will be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and vaccinated against viral hepatitis B.

You need to make an appointment with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, and surgeon in advance.

  • Oculist reveals congenital and inflammatory diseases of the eye and lacrimal ducts. The most common congenital dacryocystitis (impaired patency of the nasolacrimal duct and inflammation of the lacrimal sac) and conjunctivitis. If necessary, he prescribes treatment. The optometrist also detects changes in the fundus, which also reflects the state of the child's central nervous system. A neurologist will definitely pay attention to this.
  • Neurologist will examine the child, check reflexes, measure the circumference of the head and chest, evaluate the results of an ultrasound of the head and examination of the fundus and, if necessary, prescribe treatment for your child.
  • Surgeon he will check if the child has hernias, and in boys he will examine the external genitals. Will give his recommendations.
  • Orthopedist will check the condition of the musculoskeletal system in order to exclude congenital diseases (for example, clubfoot, hip dislocation), this is where the results of ultrasound are needed.

Examination by a pediatrician

At the appointment with the pediatrician, the child will be weighed, measured for height, the doctor will examine him, assess his physical and neuropsychic development, and give recommendations.

Usually, from 1 month on, all children are prescribed vitamin D in a dose of 500 IU - 1 drop of solution (now vitamin Dz is used - water-soluble) - 1 time per day - to prevent rickets. The doctor will definitely tell you about this, perhaps your child will need a different dose or for some reason you do not need vitamin D, you will also find out about this at the appointment.

If everything is in order for your child, the pediatrician will send you for a vaccination against viral hepatitis B. This vaccination against hepatitis is the second for your child - the first one was given in the hospital, on the first day after birth. There were no reactions to this vaccination during my practice. The instruction for one of the vaccines is placed under the heading "Vaccines" This vaccination must be entered in the vaccination certificate. By the next appointment, you will probably be given directions to

Next time you will be examined at the clinic at 2 months.

In this article:

From the first moments of life, a newborn is faced with many medical procedures. Even a healthy baby is not spared this fate - from birth he is constantly monitored, body parameters are measured, and the development of organs and systems is studied. Doctors at the age of 1 month of a child's life try to identify all pathologies in the child's body: congenital malformations and beginning diseases. Many problems diagnosed early are easier to treat.

Having left the walls of the hospital, the newborn comes under the close attention of a pediatrician and a local nurse at home. The first examination of the child at 1 month will take place in the children's clinic. The pediatrician will not only examine the little patient, but will also tell the young parents what kind of doctors a newborn needs to undergo at 1 month.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

The first visit to the newborn by the doctor takes place the day after discharge from the hospital. The pediatrician will come without a special call: the medical staff of the maternity hospital will inform the clinic about the arrival of the newborn at the place of residence. In the first month of life, the specialist will come to the baby once a week. If the child's condition raises any concerns (for example, the baby has a cold or is not breastfeeding well), visits will be more frequent. The district nurse will also visit the newborn - also up to 4 times during the month.

For the arrival of the pediatrician, you need to prepare in advance, write down all the questions that interest the young mother at the moment, so as not to forget anything. The doctor should be comfortable examining the child. As a rule, during the examination, the baby should be completely undressed, since the specialist needs to assess the condition of his skin and mucous membranes, heart rate and respiration, muscle tone and reflexes.

During the visit, the doctor advises the young mother on nutrition and baby care. Later, the specialist will invite the parents with the baby to the clinic for a routine examination of the baby at 1 month.

The first examination by a pediatrician in a polyclinic is the most interesting for young parents. During it, the doctor will not only examine the baby, but also carry out a control measurement and weighing the baby. Most often, in the first month of life, babies gain 500-700 grams and add 2-3 cm in length. After the examination, the district nurse writes out referrals for consultations of narrow specialists, analyzes and additional examinations, as well as in the vaccination room.

What kind of doctors do you need to undergo?

The list of doctors who need to go through a newborn at 1 month is not small.


The main task of the neuropathologist is to monitor the neuropsychic and mental development of the child, as well as to control his motor activity. At 1 month old, a neurologist checks the presence of congenital reflexes and their gradual fading in a child. An increased or, on the contrary, decreased muscle tone may be found in a baby, which will become the basis for prescribing a baby massage.

If in doubt, the doctor will prescribe a referral for an ultrasound of the brain. You need to undergo an examination immediately, while the child's fontanelle remains open. In the future, the doctor will assess the development of new skills by the baby, for example: the ability to smile, roll over, sit, climb on all fours and much more.


For the first time, an ophthalmologist will examine a newborn in the maternity hospital for congenital eye pathologies. A scheduled examination of the baby at 1 month will allow the specialist to examine the fundus of the baby, the condition of his lacrimal glands and assess the tendency to squint and other visual impairments. The doctor will check if the baby can focus his gaze on a particular object. During the examination, the eyelid and obstruction of the lacrimal ducts are most often diagnosed.

Often the diagnosis of a neurologist depends on the diagnosis of an ophthalmologist - in recent years, many children in the first year of life have certain problems with the vessels of the brain and fundus.


A medical examination of a child at 1 month necessarily includes a visit to an otolaryngologist. A child at this age will have to undergo otoacoustic testing for the first time. It does not hurt at all and is safe for the baby. The specialist will use a special device to check the child's hearing, as well as examine the tonsils and nasal passages.

During the examination, the ENT doctor can reveal the following problems in the baby:

  • hearing impairment, complete absence of any reaction to sound stimuli;
  • sulfur plugs;
  • difficulty or absence of nasal breathing;
  • ear pain, otitis media;
  • foreign bodies in the ENT organs.

Also, a specialist can advise a young mother about why her child is bad or refuses to suck from a bottle: this may be due to ear pain. If everything is in order, then the next examination by an ENT doctor is not waiting for the baby soon - at 12 months.


The surgeon assesses the child's reflex development, the presence of muscle hypo- or hypertonicity, diagnoses umbilical and inguinal hernias. In male infants, the external genital organs are carefully examined to exclude pathological conditions such as cryptorchidism, dropsy, and non-prolapse of the testicles into the scrotum, hypospadias.

Also, the surgeon can note deviations in the structure of the newborn's body. Most often, anomalies such as lymphangioma, vascular and internal organ damage are detected. If necessary, the specialist gives a referral for a massage for children or explains how to work with a child at home, which muscle groups it is important to pay attention to.


An orthopedist examines a 1-month-old child in a polyclinic, assessing the development of his musculoskeletal system. A doctor may detect conditions such as clubfoot, congenital dislocation of the hip joint, dysplasia, or underdevelopment of the hip joints. Dysplasia needs to be identified as early as possible, until the baby has learned to stand up. To exclude this diagnosis, almost all children are prescribed an additional ultrasound of the hip joints.

During the examination, the orthopedist will carefully examine the newborn, actively bending and pushing his legs to the sides and performing other manipulations. The kid may not like this approach, but this is important, since the doctor can detect a variety of pathologies of the development of the musculoskeletal system. For example, torticollis, in which the child can only turn the head in one direction. Also, the specialist will give recommendations on home gymnastics and the treatment of dysplasia, which must be followed.

Vaccination room

If the newborn in the hospital received all the necessary vaccinations, then at 1 month you need to do another one - from hepatitis. The vaccine is injected into a large muscle of the baby - the buttock or lower leg. Before visiting the vaccination office, it is imperative to show the child to the local doctor. The pediatrician will assess the readiness of the body for vaccination, exclude the presence of infections. Vaccination can be carried out only under the condition of absolute health of the newborn.

Additional examinations

Tests for a newborn at 1 month must be taken. As a rule, this is a complete blood and urine test. To carry out tests for a newborn at 1 month, you need to collect any portion of urine, preferably the first morning.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible with such young children, as newborns urinate more often than adults. Therefore, it's okay that a portion of urine for testing in newborns at 1 month will not be the first, no. The most important thing is to wash your baby well before collecting urine. For convenience, you can use a special urine collection bag. Blood for analysis of a newborn 1 month old can also be taken at any time, regardless of the meal.

As an additional examination of a newborn at 1 month, the doctor prescribes an ECG (electrocardiogram), the purpose of which is to diagnose diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular, to exclude heart disease, cardiopathy and much more.

Screening a baby at 1 month includes an ultrasound examination of the brain and hip joints.

It is prescribed for all children who have reached 1 month to detect abnormalities in the work of the nervous system. The first ultrasound examination is mandatory, in the future they can be prescribed by a neurologist at his own discretion.

Ultrasound of the brain is most relevant in patients after complicated pregnancy and childbirth, with low results in terms of neuropsychic and physical developmental delays, with hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscular system.

Ultrasound examination of the hip joints is also mandatory for all newborns. The study helps to timely diagnose congenital hip dislocation and hip dysplasia. Treatment of these pathological conditions is effective only in the first year of life, while the baby has not yet begun to get up and walk on his own.

Of course, the observation of a newborn in the first month of life and his first visit to the clinic to a pediatrician and narrow specialists is a very important moment in the life of the baby and his parents. The latter can once again make sure that their child grows and develops according to age.

If any deviations are identified, there is no need to panic and sound the alarm. Most pathological conditions are successfully treated in the first year of life, the main thing is not to delay the prescribed treatment and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Useful video about the examination of a baby by a pediatrician

Good day everyone! Do we have recruits mom here? Have you already had a newborn examination at 1 month old? Then with the "baptism of fire" you, in the coming year you will be regulars in the queues of the clinic, because you have several more such examinations. If you still do not know why you need the first scheduled inspection, today I will try to explain to you its importance. It is in the first month of life that sometimes very serious pathologies are revealed in crumbs, which need to be immediately corrected.

"Sister" at home

As soon as your miracle is born, it falls into the caring hands of a neonatologist and neurologist. They are the ones who examine the baby, evaluate his skills and reflexes. Then all data, including height and weight at birth, as well as characteristics of childbirth, are sent to the children's clinic. On the second day after discharge, your local pediatrician will definitely visit you. In addition to the condition of the baby, he will also examine the living conditions of the new man, his crib.

I still remember that I almost burned out with shame when an elderly doctor reproached me for wrapping my son up. “Remove the bike blanket, cover it with a sheet, August is outside,” she commanded. There was nothing to be done, I had to obey. And you need to accept that at first the doctors will "command the parade", make comments, appointments. And we are obliged to listen and be on time for a scheduled examination.

The visiting nurse will most likely tell you which doctors will see you at 1 month. Well, I will cover this issue in more detail.

Preparing for inspection

Referrals to specialists will be written by your pediatrician. You will be obliged to come to him and upon completion of the examinations, he will write his general opinion on the condition of the baby. If your city polyclinic has a coupon system or electronic registration, take care of this in advance. Remember that on the 5th week you must come to the hospital with the most precious thing - your miracle. By the way, do not forget to take a medical policy and a book where the work is noted.

So, your first joint "journey" around the clinic begins with your baby. One of the first specialists to examine the baby will be surgeon... There is no need to be scared and imagine a person with a knife and scalpel. Pediatric surgeons are unarmed and completely safe. They examine newborns very carefully, consistently: lymph nodes, tummy (on palpation, it should be painless and soft). Be sure to take a diaper with you to the appointment, the doctor may not have disposable, and putting the baby on the “bare” couch is unhygienic and cold.

Examines the legs of the kids orthopedist... As a rule, at 1 month, babies are prescribed an ultrasound of the hip joints, so you need to go to an orthopedist with the results of the study. The doctor will examine the baby's limbs, they should be the same length. He will especially closely focus on the possible. If a pathology is detected, the specialist will offer options for its correction.

What studies are still carried out with the help of an ultrasound machine at the age of one month? Well, of course, a study of the brain, or neurosonography. With its results, you will then go to the children's neurologist... This doctor will check how well the baby's reflexes are working, and whether the child has sufficient physical activity. Perhaps he will recommend some kind of exercise or massage. Don't refuse.

The child will definitely examine and optometrist... What is included in this technique? Well, of course, not reading small letters and squiggles on the table. Now the doctor will simply assess the baby's eyes: are there any conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis and other vision-threatening diseases. He will also advise on the best way to handle the eyes if they fester.

Vaccinations and tests

The first "deliberate" vaccination will also be at the age of 1 month. It will be a revaccination against hepatitis. Your baby was first given this injection right after birth. It is done in the muscle (usually in the thigh), and after that it does not carry any complications. If, after the vaccine, there was a reaction in the form or a rash, you may have been vaccinated without taking into account the contraindications. This is why you should definitely check with your pediatrician before getting vaccinated. He will look at the neck, assess the condition of the skin, listen to the heart and lungs through a stethoscope and give a verdict: you can get vaccinated now or it is better to postpone the injection for now.

In addition to all of the above, it must be said that in 1 month all organs and systems of the little man are subject to detailed attention of specialists. For example, the ears also require examination in order to identify possible deafness as early as possible and begin, if possible, to treat it.

An abdominal ultrasound is also done for the first time one month after birth. Please note that during the study, the baby may not be in the mood and cry from hunger, because it must be carried out on an empty stomach, otherwise the results will be distorted.

Do not forget to pass urine and blood tests. Use a sterile drainage bag to collect urine. Before that, wash your baby well. Blood from a finger from the smallest is not taken on an empty stomach. Therefore, before submitting it, you can eat breast milk. It will not affect the result in any way.

Our first hospital trip has come to an end. Agree, it is so interesting and great for the first time together with a baby to visit several doctors and make sure that you are growing and developing well. Well, if suddenly you have found small deviations or pathologies, you should not be very upset. Identified at such an early date, they are subject to correction and by the year, with a high probability, they will completely disappear.

Now you know everything about the first medical examination with an infant, and next time you will be bolder and more collected. Everything comes with experience, don't worry. By the way, I will be very glad if you tell us about your "adventures" in the hospital corridors. How are your examinations going, which doctors does your baby like, and which ones are capricious? Leave your stories in the comments below, and do not forget to share the publication on social networks.

Children's health requires the close attention of parents and specialists - medical examinations of a baby cannot be neglected. Which doctors are important to visit at the age of 1?

After discharge from the hospital, the first meeting of the newborn with the doctor takes place at home: the baby is visited by a pediatrician and a visiting nurse. They open the child's medical card, in which they enter the main indicators of the baby: weight, head and chest circumference, and mark the way of feeding.

The pediatrician acquaints parents with the schedule of planned visits to the clinic, recommends coming on "healthy child days" in order to avoid the risk of contracting any infection.

When visiting a doctor, you must take a diaper with you,
change of diaper, drink and food for the baby, toys and pacifier.

Approximate schedule of visits

1 month
The child is examined by a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, surgeon, orthopedist and cardiologist. To make sure the baby's health, the absence of diseases and deviations from the norm of development, ultrasound of the hip joints, neurosonography and echocardiography of the heart are recommended. If the baby is not sick, he is vaccinated: the second hepatitis B vaccine.

2 months
Scheduled appointment with a pediatrician.

3 months
Scheduled visits to a pediatrician, neurologist and otolaryngologist. Also, the child is vaccinated - the first DPT vaccination.

4 months
Visit to the pediatrician.

4.5 months
A second DPT vaccination is given.

5 months
Scheduled appointment with a pediatrician.

6 months
At this age, the baby is shown to a neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, orthopedist and pediatrician. The child is given 2 vaccinations: the third DTP and the third against hepatitis B, as well as blood and urine tests.

7 months

8 months
Scheduled appointment with a pediatrician.

9 months
Visit to a pediatrician and dentist.

10 months
Scheduled appointment with a pediatrician.

11 months
Planned visit to the pediatrician.

12 months
The child visits a neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist and pediatrician. Also, the baby will have a Mantoux test and vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps (mumps), and without fail - the appointment of blood and urine tests, feces for worm eggs.

If a neurologist detects developmental abnormalities in a child, he may
recommend massage, physical therapy, or medication as treatment.

What experts check during appointments

Visit to the pediatrician
It includes weighing the baby, measuring his height, chest and head circumference. The doctor examines the baby's throat, ears and nose for inflammation and redness, listens to the heart, and checks the baby's belly. Also, the pediatrician assesses the general development of the baby, advises on the introduction of complementary foods.

Visit to a neurologist
The neurologist assesses the degree of development of the child's neurological functions, the state of muscle tone, motor and mental development, and identifies possible signs of disorders. Also, the doctor examines the fontanelle of the baby, measures the circumference of the head and chest.

In assessing the development of a baby, a neurologist is interested in the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Before seeing this specialist, parents need to pay attention to the baby's habits, his sleep, whether his chin is trembling, how the child holds his arms and legs. For a neurologist, any detail that characterizes the state of the baby is important.

Visit to an ophthalmologist
The child's vision is formed in the first 3 months, so you cannot neglect a visit to an ophthalmologist. The procedure includes checking the reaction of the pupils to light, examining the fundus and its veins, assessing the child's ability to fix his gaze and follow moving objects. The doctor can identify or exclude blindness, malformations of the lacrimal canals. Also, the specialist is obliged to give recommendations for the care of the child's eyes.

Visit to the surgeon
The task of the surgeon is to timely identify the problems of the navel and the umbilical ring in the child, malformations of the organs of the chest and abdomen, hernia, in boys - dropsy of the testicle and undescended testicles.

Visit to an orthopedist
The orthopedist monitors the development of the child's musculoskeletal system, identifies and treats problems associated with the development of the skeleton, hip joint, foot deformity and poor posture.

Visit to an otolaryngologist
The doctor identifies problems related to the health of the child's ears, nose and throat, examines the ENT organs for inflammatory processes, and also identifies their malformations.

Visit to the dentist
The dentist assesses the condition of the oral cavity, gives recommendations for the care of the first teeth and for the prevention of caries.

The child's clothes should be comfortable and simple so that in the office
the baby's doctor could be quickly dressed and undressed.

The "golden rule" of visits to pediatricians

When planning visits to doctors, you should not try to get to several specialists at once. Toddlers get tired quickly, and fear of strangers is added to this. A child's nervousness can lead doctors to misconception about his condition. Therefore, so that the baby is not ascribed to a false diagnosis, it is advisable to plan a visit to one, maximum, two doctors a day.

Olesya Butuzova, pediatrician:“Immediately after discharge from the hospital, the newborn is examined daily by a pediatrician at home until the 10th day of life. Then he comes on the 14th and 21st days, and at 1 month the baby and his mother go to the clinic for the first time. Until the age of one year, you should show your baby to a pediatrician once a month. "

Expert: Olesya Butuzova, pediatrician
Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

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Immediately after the baby is born, it is examined by pediatricians, neurologists and neonatologists. This is necessary for all children. At this stage of life, doctors pay attention to the reflexes and skills of the baby. After discharge from the maternity ward, all documents for your child are transferred to the children's clinic. It is here that over the next years the baby will be monitored. Many mothers are worried about what kind of doctors are newborns at 1 month. After all, it is at this age that the first trip to a medical institution is made.

This article will tell you about how the physical examination takes place in the 1st month. Which doctors to undergo will be described below. You will also learn the basic nuances of such medical procedures.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

The visiting nurse always tells which doctors to undergo in 1. Before going to the clinic, the baby should be examined at least twice at your home. In most cases, the doctor visits a small patient in the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital. After 2-3 weeks, the nurse visits. It is she who talks about the need to go through certain doctors.

It is worth noting that both health workers must examine the child. The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the lungs and heart. The nurse examines the skin, reflexes and skills of the baby. In addition, patronage marks the living conditions in which the child lives. If new parents have any questions, then doctors always give answers and help with advice.

What kind of doctors do you need to undergo in 1 month?

So, your baby is about 5 weeks old. It’s time for some experts to appear. For a start, it is worth visiting a pediatrician or approaching a nurse. She will write you the necessary directions for examination. If your clinic provides for the issuance of coupons, then you need to take care of getting them in advance.

Which doctors you need to go through in 1 month depends entirely on your baby. For a healthy child, this will be a neurologist, ophthalmologist and pediatrician. You will also have to get tested and visit the vaccination office. When the crumbs have congenital pathologies, the list of specialists can expand. Let's try to figure out how the child goes in the first month of life.

Surgical room

What doctors do you see in 1 month? One of the first on the list of specialists is the surgeon. The doctor always examines the undressed child. That is why it is necessary to take a diaper with you to the consultation.

The doctor examines the skin. They must be clean. After that, the surgeon probes the baby's lymph nodes in the armpits, groin, neck and back of the head. There should be no increase in these areas. Next, the stomach is probed. It should be soft and painless. However, many children at this age have intestinal colic. This is noted on the card, but, as a rule, is not considered a dangerous pathology.


What doctors do you see in 1 month? The child must be shown to an orthopedist. Also, the doctor prescribes to all babies. Depending on the work of the clinic, the diagnosis can be carried out directly by an orthopedist or another specialist. However, you need to go to the doctor's appointment with the obtained research result.

The orthopedist examines the baby's legs and pelvis. The limbs should be the same length. The feet are also evaluated in the staging. However, at this age, this indicator is not focused on. An orthopedic examination is necessary in order to exclude hip dysplasia. It is this pathology that is often found in newborn babies.

Neurological office

What doctors are undergoing in 1 month yet? Not the least on this list is the neurologist. Before going to the doctor, you need a head called neurosonography. This study allows you to assess the blood flow to the brain and mark possible pathologies.

A neurologist evaluates the baby's physical activity. The doctor also checks reflexes. Quite often, neurologists prescribe a kind of treatment for children. Some babies really need it. Do not refuse correction, because the lack of treatment can lead to serious pathologies in the future.


What other doctors pass in 1 month? An optometrist is on the mandatory list. Of course, the baby will not yet be able to name the letters and thereby show his eyesight. However, the doctor can measure the baby's eye pressure and examine the organs of vision.

Some babies develop eye problems after birth. Pathologies such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis and so on appear. It is these diseases that the doctor can identify at an early stage of development. Timely correction will help avoid vision problems in the future.

Vaccination room and the first vaccine in the clinic

If your child was vaccinated in the maternity hospital, then another one should be given in one month. This is the hepatitis vaccine. The drug is injected into the baby's muscle. For this, the shin is predominantly selected.

Remember to visit your pediatrician and get permission before getting vaccinated. The doctor should measure the temperature of the baby, examine its throat and listen to the lungs. The vaccination is done only when the baby is completely healthy.

Additional diagnostics of the health of a newborn child

What other specialists do you need to go through with a one-month-old baby? All children need to check their ears without fail. For this, a special ultrasonic device is used. The instrument is directed into the ear of the baby and receives a reflection from the eardrum. Such a device allows detecting deafness in a baby already in the first month of life.

Also, the baby needs to do an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity in one month. It will allow you to evaluate the work of organs and exclude possible pathologies. diagnostics are performed strictly on an empty stomach. Before the examination, the child should not be fed for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the result will be distorted.

Blood and urine tests are also performed at the age of one month. In this case, you can collect any portion of urine, it is not necessary to use the morning one. Remember that the baby needs to be washed before taking the material. Use a urine bag for convenience. Blood can also be donated after meals. Surely a child at this age eats exclusively breast milk or an adapted formula.


You have learned what kind of doctors you need to go with your baby in the first month of life. Remember that such studies help to identify pathologies and start correcting them as early as possible. Never give up going to the children's clinic. Undergo regular examinations and follow the recommendations received. Also try to adhere to the prescribed vaccination schedule. This approach will help you avoid health problems for your baby. If you have any questions, please contact your local pediatrician. Health to your child and correct development!