A bun for long hair with a donut. Stylish bun of hair: how to make with a donut. What are the advantages of a bagel hairstyle

Any girl dreams of a universal hairstyle that would be appropriate in any situation. Among the endless styling options, the bundle stands out especially. This hairstyle is good both for celebrations and in everyday life. It can be done for work, party, wedding. In addition to versatility, the donut bun has another plus. It's easy to do.

How to make a hair bagel?

Bundles became especially popular in the middle of the last century. They remain at the height of fashion even now. This hairstyle is very feminine. If earlier it was available mainly to owners of long hair, now everything has changed. The reason is simple. In the last decade, many accessories have been invented for such hairstyles. They don't just serve as decoration. Rather, they help to create a bundle on their own in a matter of minutes.

Various bagels are quite popular. They are a foam rubber device that holds the shape of the hair. Such accessories can be purchased at specialized hairdressing stores or made by hand.

Donut hairstyles are made from the most common sock! The part where the fingers are located is cut off. As a result, you get a kind of pipe. It is better to choose a long sock. This will make the bagel denser and keep its shape better. The trimmed workpiece begins to roll up. The top of the sock is simply folded into the inside of the ring. The result is the same bagel.

To make it stronger, it is better to choose a sock that is not made from natural materials. Color also matters. For dark-haired people it is worth stopping at muted shades. Brown homemade bagels are suitable for light brown. Remember that the larger the workpiece is made, the more magnificent the beam will turn out. In order to make different hairstyles, it is worth stocking up on bagels of 2 sizes. One should be larger than others. In addition to this device, you will need a wide fabric and thin silicone rubber bands, invisible.

A bun of hair with a donut: the classic method

The classic donut bun is a little more complicated than other versions. It's all about the finishing touches. The ends of the hair must be perfectly hidden. For the first time, do your hair near the mirror. You can use outside help. The longer your hair, the more difficult it will be to straighten it into a finished hairstyle. A bun of hair with a donut is made according to the same principle for different lengths.

  1. Start by combing your hair. They should be perfectly smooth. Consider the location of the beam. It can shift to the top of the head, be located below or generally on the side.
  2. Tie a ponytail in the right place. We fix it with a wide fabric elastic band to match the hair. We thread the tail into our bagel. We leave the tips. Their length should be about 7-8 cm. We wrap the bagel with the tips. They are fixed at the back of the fixture. Then we begin to wrap the remaining hair. This is done with a simple movement - the bagel rolls over itself. At the same time, it fixes the hair.
  3. Continue twisting the bun down to where the hair is. The last turn should be especially tight. Make sure that the bundle is well fixed. To do this, roll your head in different directions. The final touch is the straightening of the strands that have come out. They should be fixed with invisible ones or laid with your fingers. The tuft should look smooth.

This hairstyle is perfect for working days. If you want to transform it into something solemn, then use a tiara, invisible pearls, decorative hairpins in the form of flowers.

Bagel hairstyles: 3 options

If experience and skill are needed for a classic bun, then they will not be required for other types of hairstyles. There are very simple options. The lightest are made according to the braiding principle.

To create a bun with a braid, you first need to comb your hair. Styling foam will help to achieve perfect smoothness. You can use an iron.

Gather the strands into a ponytail, focusing on the center of the crown. Secure the high ponytail with a wide elastic band to match your hair. Pull the donut through the strands. It should fit over the elastic. Start separating your hair into strands. Place them in the direction from the back of the head to the forehead. They should overlap the bagel by curving under it.

Secure the strands around it with a thin silicone rubber band of the desired color. You should have strands sticking out to the sides. We form braids from them. We use any weaving. The simplest thing is possible. We wrap the braids around the bundle. They kind of hide its base. We fix the ends with invisible ones.

Another interesting bun with a braid can be done a little differently.

Comb your hair. Form a parting and distribute the strands on 2 sides. Take a strand from the left above the ear. Divide it into 3 parts. Start braiding a spikelet. Do it until you reach the end of this half of the curls. You no longer need to add additional strands to the weaving.

Finish the pigtail. Comb the second part of the hair again and tie it into a low ponytail with an elastic band. Stretch into a bagel. Wrap it in strands. Try to bend the ends of your hair under a bagel. The pigtail is beautifully laid around the bundle. Use invisibility to fix it.

For a special occasion, you can make a voluminous bun in the spirit of retro hairstyles. For this you need a very large bagel.

Treat wet hair with styling foam. Comb and blow dry. They should be perfectly smooth. Use a wide elastic band to tuck them into a very high ponytail. Pass it into a bagel. Pull the attachment up to the top of your head. It should be behind the elastic. Start shaping the bundle. To do this, pull your hair to the side. Hold them with your left hand. Under it, you should have free ends of curls. Hide them under a bundle. Fix it with invisible ones. Take a wide satin ribbon. Tie it around the bundle. Try to fix it securely. The ends of the hair should fit snugly under the tape.

If you are afraid that the hairstyle will come out unstable, secure the bottom edge with invisible ones. In addition to ribbons, a headscarf can be used to decorate the bundle. Usually it is folded in the form of a triangle, which is positioned in a certain way. The wide part is placed under the bundle (from the side of the neck). The remaining ends of the scarf are tied on top. Thus, you get additional fixation of the beam and decor. A similar hairstyle is suitable for a casual look or urban style clothes.

It is believed that the beam goes to absolutely everyone. This is absolutely true. The only thing worth thinking about is its shape and height. They can focus attention on facial features. It is believed that an open bunch should be done with the correct oval. It can be of any height. If your face is triangular, then it is better to beat the hairstyle with bangs.

Hairstyle with a bagel: photo

Another rule is that the wider the cheekbones, the more verticals in the image. Long earrings can be used for this. It is also worth considering your height. A high bun is recommended for short girls. On the contrary, if you have model parameters of the figure, then you should choose a non-voluminous hairstyle. This will help maintain visual proportions.

The hairstyle with a donut is most often done in the form of a bun. It suits almost everyone. The bundle is perfect for a holiday or just for a trip to the store. In order for the strands to lie perfectly, it is worth using additional devices. You can make a bagel yourself. Just cut off the sock and roll it inward.

A bun is one of the most versatile and simple hairstyles that have won the love of modern girls: it is quickly created, suitable for any occasion and any appearance, however, it has some requirements for the initial data. In particular, hair length and thickness play a role. In order to avoid difficulties when working with short curls, it is important to know how to make a bun with a special donut, because this is a real salvation for owners of medium length hair. What nuances need to be considered? And is it possible to replace something with a hairdressing accessory?


How to work properly with a hairstyle bagel?

This accessory is, in fact, very multifunctional: with its skillful use, it allows you to build not only the simplest bundle, but also more complex hairdressing compositions. But before you start creating, you need to purchase the accessory itself - it is advisable to pick it up to match your hair.

In addition, today in professional stores you can find bagels with artificial strands, which is ideal for owners of short hairstyles, since it allows you to mask the auxiliary element as much as possible.

  • In order to make a hairstyle with a donut, you need to have invisibility that will hold the accessory itself at a given point - hairpins will not cope with this. But to fix the curls, short hairpins are already used, which are bent in the last third at the tip.
  • A bagel is an excellent way out for girls who do not have enough length or thickness to work only with their own hair, however, it is not universal either: to make styling based on it, you must have a cut line in the middle of the neck or below. Otherwise, there is a risk that the bagel will not be completely closed.
  • Choose the diameter depending on the thickness and length of your hair - very short, but thick enough, you need a small (6 cm) accessory. With curls reaching the chest, you can use any, including a large one (10 cm). Medium is aimed at long hair. However, here it is still important to take into account the idea - some styling requires a large volume, which cannot be achieved with a small donut. In addition, focus on the overall thickness of the base of the tail - if it is minimal, the large donut will constantly slide off.

In hairdressing stores today, such an accessory is inexpensive, however, if it is needed very urgently, and there is no time to wait or look, it can be built on one's own... To do this, you need a regular thick sock, and the longer its upper part, the better. Cut off the toes, twist the resulting tube into a circle with a hollow core, and use in the same way as a donut.

Classic bun: basic methods and techniques for short hair

This hairstyle is a little more complicated than the one that does not involve the use of voluminous auxiliary accessories, but there is one important nuance - the need to mask both the donut itself and the ends of the strands.

If this is your first time using this technique, it is recommended to do styling between the mirrors in order to track everything that happens behind. Or you can try your hand at the side beam, and only then, when your hands remember the movements, do it on the back of your head or crown.

  • If the hair is not too long, it is recommended to carefully pull it out before starting the main work: firstly, after that it will lie much better on the accessory; secondly, it will add a few centimeters of length, which can be decisive.
  • Comb the entire mass of hair with natural bristles, gather in a ponytail with your hand, make sure there are no strands that come out. Pull with an elastic band, iron it again and spray with a moisturizing spray on loose curls. Make sure that the elastic is thin - otherwise the subsequent steps will be more difficult to carry out.
  • Put a donut on the base of the tail, correct its shape, if necessary, and secure it with invisibility: aiming the tip inward, towards the base of the tail, pick up the bottom area of ​​the donut (in contact with the head), and then, with a stitching movement, grab several parts of the hair. For the fixation to be of the highest quality, direct the invisibility clearly perpendicular to the direction of the strands.
  • The next step must be done very carefully: select the strands from the tail one by one, iron with natural bristles and process with a small amount of varnish. Once it dries, lay the strand flat on the bagel and tuck the tip under it, trying to smooth it out as best you can. With this technology, it is required to style each strand, making sure that the hairstyle looks solid and neat.

This algorithm works great for hair, reaching the shoulders or cut a little higher. Longer strands are best collected using an alternative method, which will be discussed below. With regard to a short haircut, it is worth noting a few more nuances.

  • It is undesirable to make a high bun even with a donut, since the lower layers will fall out, creating a sloppy look.
  • If you do not want to use styling products, but you need a persistent hairstyle, before making a ponytail, braid from the temples down and back along a French braid or twist these parts of hair into bundles, picking them up in places with the help of invisibility.

Finally, we offer several detailed videos with interesting options for styling short hair in a bun.

Bun Variations on Medium Length Hair

To make a bun with a donut on hair longer than shoulder level is best according to the algorithm below. This technology allows you to make the most accurate styling and facilitate the task of hiding the ends. In addition, noteworthy is the fact that the hairstyle does not require not a single hairpin or invisible. Don't believe me? Watch the video and try it yourself.

  • Comb through the entire mass of hair and with the help of an elastic band with hooks (it allows you to do this as carefully as possible), put it in a tail, which can be located absolutely in any zone: long curls allow you to work without restrictions.
  • Put a donut on the very tip of the tail, then begin to twist it out and down, twisting the hair with it, shortening the free length. As you make new turns, do not forget to lightly redistribute the strands so that they completely cover the donut towards the end.

The key to the strength of this styling is the right accessory. If it has a small diameter, it will sit very firmly on the elastic at the base of the tail, which means that when making turns, it will securely fix the curls, and the hairstyle does not really require the presence of hairpins.

But styling products may be required if you work with an asymmetrical layered haircut.

Voluminous bun on long hair

On long hair, you can also make a bun using the technology proposed for short hair, but the scheme for masking the ends will look somewhat different. This hairstyle is performed at the top of the head and is called "babette". To understand all its nuances, we recommend watching the video.

  • Pull your hair into a high ponytail, secure with an elastic band, and place a donut over it.
  • Comb through the free mass, distribute it around the circle; this must be done so that all strands evenly overlap the donut.
  • Now put on a thin elastic band on top so that it is at the base of the hairstyle and pressed the curls to the donut. It is important to take a very tight and not stretched elastic band, otherwise it will not hold the hair in a given position.
  • Start pulling the strands lying on the roller to the side: this must be done carefully, only giving a little more volume and lightness, and not trying to make sloppy "roosters". Walk around the entire circumference. If you can't pull it out evenly with your hands, use a comb with a needle tip.
  • If the elastic is still not tight enough, fix it with a pair of invisible ones: do not worry about their presence - in the next step you will close both them and the elastic.
  • At the base of the bundle, exactly above the vertical line of the spine (if you mentally draw it up), take a small part of the hair from those that remained free, and begin to twist inward and upward, into a not too tight bundle. Moving clockwise, grab new curls as you continue your weaving.
  • Make a full circle, return to the starting point: you should have a twisted tail in your hand, which should be hidden under the resulting tourniquet and secured with invisibility. Now this must be done carefully so that the place of fixation is not visible.

Long, well-groomed, loose hair is certainly beautiful, but not always appropriate. In everyday life, at work, study, during sports, loose strands interfere, get confused and cause discomfort to their owner.

It is for this reason that a hair styling accessory called a bagel was invented. With its help, you can make a stylish hairstyle for every day, as well as surprise others with a chic evening look. Most importantly, it is very easy to use.

What is a bagel

Many ladies wear bun or bun styling. However, not everyone knows that for a perfect look, you need to use this simple attribute in the process.

The bagel is so named for its shape, which is exactly like the sweet treat of the same name. The material from which it is made looks like a synthetic washcloth or sponge. The accessory is very flexible and elastic, which allows you to use it with both thin and thick hair.

Note that today on sale you can find a lot of bagel options that are used to create various hairstyles. Let's list what accessories are:

  • A classic round-shaped bagel, in another way it is called "donut".
  • A round flat roller is used to add volume.
  • An oval hairpin made of flexible material with a cut in the center, called a twister, is also used to create a bun.
  • The transformer hair clip is a long roller with a fastener. If you wrap it around the tail, you get the same donut.

Each girl can choose the best option for herself and start creating a stylish look.

Accessory benefits

Hair donut hairstyles are popular with both female students and business women. Bagels are bought for both little girls and adult women.

What is the secret of the demand for an accessory: Let's look at the points:

Ease of use and a host of benefits make donuts a versatile everyday gadget.

Rules for working with a bagel

How to make a hairstyle with a donut? In order to turn everyday styling into a masterpiece, you should know a few rules.

It is better to choose an accessory to match the natural color of your hair. Some people use handmade donuts. Models covered with fake strands look more advantageous on short hair. There is no problem with masking the donut itself.

Is it possible to make a bun with a donut and without hairpins? Unfortunately no. Ordinary hairpins will not work, you need invisible ones that will hold the device in the right place.

When buying a bagel you should pay attention on its diameter and choose the one that suits you... For short and thick curls, a donut of small diameter is suitable, for medium-length hair, large models can be used, for long ones, medium size will be ideal.

An important point is that if a woman wants to achieve a voluminous hairstyle, a small diameter donut will not work.

Even if your hair is not very long, using a donut, you can make a bunch... Of course, with hair 5-6 centimeters long, this will not work, you need the hair to be collected in a small ponytail. So, follow the instructions:

For short hair, bagels are ideal, which are already decorated with artificial curls to match. You should not make a high bun, as small strands will be knocked out of the hairstyle.

Bun for curls of medium length

A feature of the technology is that it does not require the mandatory use of invisible pins and pins. As girls who regularly do this hairstyle assure, the hair holds well on the donut itself.

Hairstyle is done in three steps:

  • The tail is collected neatly.
  • In this version, the donut is put on its very tip.
  • With rotational movements, wrapping the curls together with the accessory, he moves to the base of the tail.

If there is no desire to create a large volume, it is better to take an accessory with a small diameter, it will sit more tightly and give the hairstyle a hold without invisibility and styling products.

Bagel hairstyle for long hair

Hairstyles with a bagel for long hair have the most variations. With this hair, you can create a bun on the top of your head, which is called "babette". It is done quite simply:

The tourniquet can be replaced with a regular pigtail, its tail is hidden in the same way.

Dulka with pigtails for little princesses

The children's version of the hairstyle will be especially appreciated by little women of fashion. A beautiful look is obtained due to one or several braids, it all depends on imagination.

To get a beautiful hairstyle, follow the instructions:

  • The tail is laid, as in the previous cases, and the donut is put on its base.
  • After the formation of the classic muzzle, the remaining curls are braided into pigtails and fixed around it with invisible ones.

Such a donut made with a donut looks very good and adorns a little fairy.


naya kultyshka

Deliberate slight negligence is now at the peak of popularity. To create such an effect, it is worth knowing a few nuances.

Tie a ponytail at the side of half of your hair without brushing it. From the end of the tail, twist the donut upward, and collect the rest of the strands above the muzzle to the right. Twisting them with a tourniquet, put on top of the first bundle and secure with hairpins. After the tips have been tucked away, individual strands are pulled out to create a slight carelessness.

Bagel is a versatile device designed to create beautiful hairstyles every day and festive styling for a festive mood. The simplicity and affordability of execution makes this accessory one of the most stylish and popular among women.

There are a lot of hairstyles for which a donut is used. This is due to the fact that such a hairstyle is relevant both for strict ceremonial events and for working days.

Having learned about all the secrets of creating this luxurious hairstyle, you can choose the options you like the most for yourself and always look spectacular. In order for a hairstyle to be stylish, you must learn how to make a correct and neat ponytail.

What are the pros of a bagel hairstyle?

  • Reliable fixation of your strands, which completely excludes the possibility of their loss and unaesthetic appearance of the hairstyle in the future.
  • You can choose not only the height at which the tail will be tied, but also experiment with fixing the jewelry. These nuances affect the perception of your hairstyle by others.
  • This hairstyle goes well with bangs.
  • It doesn't matter what your hair density and structure is. If the bagel is chosen correctly, then even with a thin ponytail, you can create a wonderful hairstyle.
  • It will take a few minutes to create an original and stylish hairstyle.
  • Owners of long hair like to use a bagel in the summer, as it is not very convenient to walk with loose hair.

Professional stylists advise to do a bagel hairstyle no earlier than the second day after washing your hair. During this period, hair is easier to cope with, they are more obedient.

How long should the hair be to create a donut hairstyle?

Medium or long hair is optimal. With a very long length, the remaining strands can be fixed in various ways around the donut, which will give the hairstyle even more sophistication and beauty. To do this hairstyle you need very little hairdressing supplies.

What should be on hand for quick beam creation?

If you decide to make a bun from freshly washed, very fluffy and unruly hair, you cannot do without specialized cosmetics. It can be mousse, styling gels, wax is also suitable. After applying them, the hair will become softer, which will greatly facilitate your work. For girls with curly curls, it is recommended to straighten them before creating a bun. To do this, it makes sense to use special cosmetic products for straightening or take a hair straightener. When the hair is straight and smooth, the hairstyle is much more luxurious.

Don't forget about fixing varnish. They will need to be used after the complete creation of the hairstyle, securing the resulting result.

Making a bagel at home.

In order to make a bagel at home on your own, it will take very little time and one knitted sock. You should cut off a part of the sock to the levels of the toe, and twist it 3-4 times, which will make it look like an elastic band.

What tools should I prepare for my hair?

  • Thin elastic bands 2-3 pieces;
  • Several invisible ones;
  • Several hairpins;
  • Bagel;
  • Decorations for the beam.

How to make a hairstyle without a donut?

There is such a thing as a perfect tail. It should be located on a line drawn from the cheekbones to the crown. The hairstyle looks especially impressive with this arrangement of the beam.

If you don't have the donut itself, you can not despair and use a wide elastic band.

The main task is to create a voluminous elastic band, so you can take a few small ones for this. Also for this hairstyle, a twister hairpin is used.

Classic bagel hairstyle. Stages of implementation.

There are a great variety of hairstyles using a foam rubber band. By choosing a few that are most suitable for yourself, you can be beautiful in any situation.

  1. A high and neat tail should be made. You need to pay attention to small strands that should not stick out. To get rid of the strands sticking out, you can take a fine comb. The position of your bun depends on where you made the tail on the head.
  2. We put a donut on the hair and move it to the base of the tail.
  3. The hair should be wrapped with a foam rubber band, and the remaining curls should be carefully secured with invisible ones, tucking them under the bun.
  4. To complete the hairstyle, use varnish to fix it.

A bun with a braid for women of fashion for long hair.

Retro hairstyle with a donut.

A neat bun is made in a classic style. The curls should lie flat. Next, a beautiful ribbon or thin scarf is taken, which is folded in such a way as to make a ribbon. Carefully wrap the bundle with tape and secure with invisibility.

Some of these rules are:

Decorative items for hairstyles with a bagel.

To make your hairstyle even more original and memorable, there are many ways to decorate it.

Here is some of them:

  • The use of bows, which are fixed to the bundle with hairpins or invisible.
  • Hairpins decorated with pearls or multi-colored pebbles look very impressive, they will help to create an elegant evening hairstyle.
  • Headbands made of artificial flowers can also visibly decorate your hairstyle.
  • Satin ribbons and scarves will help create a retro look. In this case, the presence of bangs is only welcome.
  • A bundle made of braids can be decorated with hairpins and rhinestones, which will only further emphasize its sophistication.
  • You can experiment and make a grunge bunch. To do this, the bun must be made more careless, and the curls that have come out of the hairstyle must be dyed using hair crayons in some bright color.

Owners of hair of any length start each new day by inventing a new hairstyle. We propose to consider how to make a bun using a donut, what kind of elastic bands there are, as well as great ideas for long, medium and even short curls.

Types of twisters and their application

A donut, an elastic band or a hairpin for a bun is called a twister or a sophisticated twist, with their help you can make a hairstyle on almost any strand, but, of course, on short hair it is much more difficult.

Types of twisters and their use:

Video: a bun on donut hair using hairpins

How to make bagel buns

Each type of twister has its own specific application. Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to make a beautiful bun of hair using a bagel with photos.

  1. Comb the strands, remove the parting, otherwise the couafure will not turn out smooth and beautiful enough;
  2. Then take a large curl, comb it again, and pass a twister through the end of the resulting tail;
  3. Gradually, from the very tip, start winding the hair, pull it up each time, this is very important so that the bun can stay on the head;
  4. Now, after the main part of the hair is tightened on the donut, you can start winding the twister further, as in the photo;
  5. Having reached the crown, straighten the hair that is out of the total mass, if necessary, decorate the hairstyle with beautiful hairpins in diameter.

French twister relatively easy to use, but the most important thing here is to comb the curls correctly before starting the work process. They need to be transferred to one side, as in the picture, and then hold with your hand.

  1. After that, bring the bagel to your hair and begin to gently wind it around it;
  2. Also try as hard as possible (but without fanaticism), pull up the curls on a French bagel;
  3. After all the curls are on this tool, pick them up with hairpins. Interesting decorative options with pearls or shiny stones look the most beautiful. It is best to place them evenly so that the hairstyle does not look messy.

Hegami quite easy to use as it perfectly changes shape in the right direction. You can make a flat clip, a round classic bagel, a babette, a French shell out of it. Consider how to make a flat bun on the back of the head with such a donut:

  1. Comb the curls at the back of the head, remove the parting, bring them to the bottom of the head;
  2. Give the hegami bagel a slightly flat shape, for example, an oval;
  3. Twist the hair onto the resulting donut, for this, thread the curls into a twister and wind from the ends to the roots;
  4. Fix additionally the cuff with hairpins or invisible pins.
Photo - Hairstyle with hegs

For long hair, you can make a bun using classic donut without hairpins... Depending on your preferences, you can also make a ponytail or twist the curls directly onto the twister. In the first case, you will get a neater hairstyle, and in the second, a little disheveled, which is now in vogue. Let's discuss a neat bunch:

  1. Make a high ponytail, tighten the curls well;
  2. After that, you need to comb the ends of the tail and thread a donut through it;
  3. Now carefully pass the strands one by one through the twister;
  4. Pull them up to the stop, each curl, hiding under a donut, also tuck the ends under the elastic;
  5. Now decorate your hair with hairpins with stones and straighten the strands.
Photo - Ideas with a classic bagel
Photo - Hairstyle with a classic bagel

Of course, you can make a bun on your head. using a donut without elastic, but then it is necessary to stretch the curls from the ends to the back of the head. In this case, it is more convenient to start working with the entire mass of hair at once.