Bedtime stories for adults. How to excite a man by SMS? Erotic SMS: examples. Examples of short phrases and mind-boggling SMS

What should be the ideal lover? Sometimes - naive and meek, sometimes - vulgar and impudent. An experienced, sexy, temperamental, gentle woman always knows, By SMS? One of the spiciest options!

A real "tigress" knows how to turn on a loved one literally from a half-word, how to bring him to "loss of momentum." An unpredictable, spontaneous, impulsive, wise, attentive and subtle woman never really even thinks about how to excite a man via SMS. The main thing is not to be shy about your desires.

How to excite a man by SMS: show imagination

So, in more detail. Knowing that by SMS, you can have no doubt: he will always dream of intimacy with you. To do this, you only need your imagination and think about what excites your man the most. You can even play a groovy word game. Show yourself to the fullest, he will definitely like it.

By the way, SMS messages can also help you if you are a little shy about direct contact. Or if you have tried a wide variety of ways of seduction and crave variety.

A cell phone is a very useful thing

How to excite a man by SMS? Everything depends on you. The main thing is the presence of a mobile phone. After all, it is intended not only for calls. With the help of messages, you can excite your man so much that he will rush to you in a matter of minutes, demanding to continue.

The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that you can tell your partner about your own intentions or desires at any time, wherever you are. Imagine, for example, that love correspondence takes place right at business negotiations ...

spicy negotiations

Erotic SMS in correspondence is, of course, just something! If this really happens in negotiations, believe me, they will be very piquant. The need to hide sensitive information and the business environment will only heighten the interest of your partner.

Well, you shouldn't be shy. Just write what you want. Do not worry about the fact that you may seem too depraved woman. Believe me, in this case, your man will not think badly of you. Try to describe to him a picture of what awaits him after work, what he will be rewarded with, etc.

Voice mail

By the way, erotic SMS can be not just text messages. Messages on will be able to excite your man even more. Your flirtatious voice will drive him crazy. Many girls use this method, but without exception, all men are satisfied.

You can also add a photo to a voice message. Hint to your partner about what you are waiting for. Let this surprise be small, but it will excite your loved one, remind him that you are thinking about him even when he is not around.

By the way, this is a psychological moment. Your man will feel for his person from your side. This will create more trust and intimacy in your relationship.

Start with words

Before considering some examples of exciting SMS to a man, you should think about the phrases that you will be ready to write to him. Believe me, a well-constructed correspondence will drive your other half crazy. Be a little Cleopatra, who knows how to conquer the stronger sex, and maybe a little girl from the Phone Sex agency. In general, try your best.

How to apply

Best of all, of course, is an exciting SMS to a man. In your own words, tell us what you want. Add as much sexuality to your phrases as possible. No need for sharpness. Just a certain amount of intimacy in the right place.

A very important element in your SMS message will be the appeal. Write to him "my best", "native", "favorite". The sound of one's own name is always pleasant for a man. However, in addition to it and its pet derivatives, there are many other options. You can also turn to your beloved, for example, like this: “my hero”, “my happiness”, “desired”, “kitten”, etc. Well, then - the message itself. What can be written? Try these options:

When you've got enough...

And on social media

Of course, today no one is limited to only mobile phones. Social networks also allow you to connect with your loved ones erotically. SMS that excite men will be stored in the message history for a long time, again and again warming up the interest of partners, reminding them of a spicy conversation and their feelings.

A good and passionate lover can hone the art of a seductress for months and years. The main thing is to be able to start a loved one at a distance. Just do not forget about literacy. If a man understands spelling better than you, and you send him SMS with gross errors, you will not excite him, but rather make him laugh.

Well, you just have to decide what kind of messages they will be. SMS or MMS… Poetry or prose… Show your imagination. Look for the right approach. And if you can find it, everything will be great.

It all depends on the stage of the relationship.

It is no secret to anyone that men are turned on by vulgar SMS. But do not forget that you need to control yourself, not to cross the line. The content of the text is very important for a man.

If your relationship is at an early stage, try not to surprise him too much with your impulses, your frankness. Write, for example, something like:

  • “I wanted to write you a message at this very moment. I can't look at your photo. I want to see not only the photo, but also you. Kissing a picture won't get an answer... Let's see you?"
  • “I had a wonderful dream today. You were the lead. Call me, I'll tell you what we did with you.

Well, if you have already had a sexual relationship, you can even play. For example:

Before - more information

One more moment. It is important not only to know what words excite men. SMS will have a much greater impact if you subtly hint in it at a certain quality of your man, at some feature or character trait that is unique to him. That is, before sending such letters, you need to know as much as possible about him ... If you have known each other for a long time, this will not be a problem. If your relationship is just beginning (or you are just planning to get acquainted), carefully follow his profile on social networks. As a rule, users describe their preferences and habits here, and post a variety of photos. If you know your chosen one well, it will be much easier for you to find the right words to excite him. After reviewing the information he posts on social networks, try to use For example, take a look at his photos carefully. He must be proud of them. Hint in your messages that you are insanely turned on by his abs (biceps, shoulders, etc.).

By the way, men talk about themselves in different ways. Some "post" on the Web almost their entire lives. It’s like “I’m like this, I live like this, I think like this, I do this or that.” Others are limited only by the date of birth (city, specialty, place of work). The first, as a rule, are selfish. With the latter, you can start an erotic correspondence with the following message: “Hello, stranger. You are so mysterious…” Intrigue the man, keep the mystery and spontaneity, don't ask unnecessary questions, play with him. In this case, you will not be able to get bored with him and will not move to the standard category. At a meeting, your chosen one will surely please you, will not disappoint you.

By the way, do not forget to pay attention to the number of women in his contacts. If there are too many of them, he definitely wants to please the opposite sex and is successful with him. Tease him. For example: "Shall we play?" Let's let your imagination run wild...

Brief but enticing

Exciting SMS to a beloved man in prose or poetry should not be too long. Such messages do not start. They tire. Especially if they come to your chosen one in parts. In this case, it will be quite difficult to catch the meaning. A short message will make a man turn on his imagination, think about you even more. Send such SMS that would stimulate him to respond. Fill them with a mass of feelings, emotions. It will be impossible not to respond to such messages. Start with the innocent: "What do you think of the one who thinks about you all day?" Don't forget to use punctuation marks. This technique will also stimulate your man's curiosity. Ellipsis can play a big role in such messages. For example, write to him: “I think ...” And pause. As a rule, having received SMS from a person of interest to us, we want to immediately answer him. Wait for this answer. And do not continue the correspondence immediately, having received it. Otherwise, you will create the impression that you just play in this way in the first phases of erotic correspondence. Your chosen one will start to worry when you are late with the answer.

And finally. The fact that you should not write too long messages, of course, should not be forgotten. But even if you write briefly... Write only in a good mood. Your even carefully concealed negativity can completely ruin everything. Never talk about (either directly or indirectly) whether or not you enjoyed your evening. Try to do everything so that the man does not feel under pressure. Just play with words. And be patient. Sometimes SMS messages do not require a response. Do not think that if a man does not immediately answer you, he is indifferent to you. Perhaps he is just trying to find the right words to express his interest, his attitude, his feelings for a woman. Men, they are like that… They need to digest information… Especially with such unambiguous content…

Hello Beloved! So I want to kiss your plump lips now! Such soft and sweet offended lips! I want to undead and caress them until a happy smile takes over them! And then you can sit comfortably on my shoulder and listen to a new fairy tale born in my dreams!

Today this tale will be about one girl who dreamed of me on amazing nights under the quiet crackle of logs in the stove and the mysterious light of a small lamp on the wall. This lamp was in the form of a cute gnome with an umbrella and it seemed that he was doing magic!

So, there was a girl. She lived peacefully and calmly, and everything was enough for her, except for one thing! She was very lonely, and therefore there was no happiness!

And then one day the girl went to look for this happiness! Every time she met good and kind people on the way, it seemed to her that she had found her happiness! But time passed, and interest in her disappeared, too quickly everyone around got used to the quiet and trouble-free wanderer. Then she again went in search. But the path was not always so serene. And not only good people met her.

Once, on the threshold of a house, a very polite and courteous young man opened the door for her. And she went there without fear. The weary traveler was fed and put to bed. And at night, an evil spell fell on this house. And only in the morning with the first rays of the sun, she woke up exhausted on the street. But the fear of the events of this night was stronger than fatigue, and she rushed to run away as fast as she could! Since then, she never trusted any young man again. But the belief that somewhere in the world happiness awaits her helped to move on.

And then one day she sat down to rest on the banks of a small river under the rays of the bright spring sun. A mischievous brook sang to her a cheerful song about distant lands, to which he directed his trickles. The girl admired this picture so much that she did not hear light footsteps from behind. Someone's warm arms wrapped around her shoulders, and a gentle voice asked:

- How far are you keeping the path, Bunny?

“I have traveled a lot, seen everyone! And now my path in loneliness is over! Hello my happiness! Hello my beloved!

The girl turned, took her Happiness by the hand and never let go again!

I love you! I love you, my happiness! I will never give you up to anyone! And if you suddenly want to leave, I will hug and kiss you so hard that these hugs cannot be broken!
Author: julia katrin

bedtime story
Once upon a time, Sultan Gzhamid, the owner of a huge state, which stretched from the seashore to the endless desert. The Sultan was only thirty-five years old. His hair was black and straight, his eyes were so dark that it was impossible to tell the pupil from the iris. The sun painted his body in the color of dark chocolate. Chest, shoulders and arms overgrown with thick dark hair.
Having taken the throne, Jamid became the absolute ruler of all his subjects. He could instantly turn a person into a rich man, or he could sentence him to death.
And now the sultan sits on the throne, drumming impatiently with his fingers. The Grand Vizier bent before him in a bow. Gjamid asks his adviser:
- What else do you intend to torment me?
- An envoy from Persia has arrived, my lord. He brought you gifts.
The Sultan casually nodded his head and the vizier hurried to introduce the Persian guest.
The Sultan, in a silver-blue robe, wide trousers and black boots, settled himself comfortably on the throne and waved his hand to make the envoy straighten up.
- It's a pity for the time, go straight to the point.
- Your Majesty, I brought you gifts from Persia. These are wonderful things that I think you will like.
He clapped his hands twice and four slaves entered the hall, each carrying a large red basket. The envoy unrolled before the lord a magnificent Persian carpet of marvelous beauty, on which the slaves began to pile precious stones and ornaments one by one. Soon an impressive hill of diamonds, emeralds and rubies formed on the carpet. There were also opals and crystal of various colors and shapes.
Another slave bowed at the feet of the envoy and opened his basket. The messenger, like a conjurer, began to take out more and more silk rolls and threw them on the precious stones piled on the carpet.
- Fine! Thank the Shah of Persia on my behalf. These are indeed very valuable gifts.
- That's not all. I have another gift, which in its value is not even comparable to what is here.
The guest clapped his hands three times, and the slaves left the hall. A minute later they entered again, holding before them a stretched curtain of red silk, embroidered with silver thread. Once right in front of the Sultan, they lowered the screen, behind which was hidden a small figure, completely covered with multi-colored silk bedspreads.
- This gift, I hope, will bring your majesty the greatest sincere joy.
He began to take off the covers one by one and stopped only when he reached the cover made of silver material, which hid the figure from head to toe.
- If your majesty orders that all the courtiers leave us, then your eyes will be able to enjoy the beauty that I brought you.
The Sultan nodded his head in agreement and the vizier immediately ordered everyone to leave the hall. Only he himself, the sultan and the envoy remained, who tore off the last veil with a theatrical gesture. A girl appeared before the eyes of the rest. The lower part of her face was covered with pendants made of pure gold. Otherwise, she was completely naked.
The Sultan stood up and carefully looked at the girl. Her skin, which had never seen the sun, was clean and without the slightest blemish. Small mature breasts looked very appetizing. High hips smoothly turned into long, slender legs. The hair between the legs is shaved off, and the swollen lips are exposed. The girl stood motionless, except for her palms, which trembled slightly.
- I want to see her face, - said the Sultan, having seen enough of the beautiful girlish body.
The messenger slightly tilted back her head, which until now had been obediently tilted forward, and removed the last item of the toilet. Although the girl stood with her eyes lowered, the Sultan noticed that they were of an unusual blue color for their region. Light waves of hair hugged a fragile figure. Her face was as beautiful as her body.
- She never left the female half of the palace in Persia, your majesty. She was prepared especially for you by one of our eunuchs, but no one told her how to make love. We decided that you yourself would be very willing to teach her this art.
- What is your name? - Asked the Sultan.
- Siren, oh lord, - the girl answered in a barely audible voice.
- Do you want to serve me?
- Oh yes, my lord.
- Are you afraid of me?
It was evident that the girl hesitated, not knowing how to answer, but after a second she nevertheless said:
- Yes, my lord.
The Sultan laughed out loud.
- At least you're not a liar. Well, look at me! he ordered.
Sirena lifted her eyes and looked at the Sultan for the first time. Her face expressed fear and great tension.
The Sultan chuckled. Demonstrating your power to a girl is as pleasant as teaching her love games.
- Is it true that she is still a girl? he asked the envoy.
- Yes, my lord. She is completely innocent. And I hope you enjoy it.
- Of course, you will like it, - the sultan turned to the vizier.
- Take her to the women. Let them prepare it. Bring her to me tonight.
In the evening of the same day, the naked Siren was brought to the Sultan. She was very surprised because they were not left alone. Four slaves stood next to the Sultan, and at the opposite wall - two girls who looked and whispered among themselves. All were completely naked, like herself.
The slaves pushed her to the middle of the room and closed the doors. The girl bowed low and froze, not knowing what to do next.
“Come here,” the Sultan called her.
Finely stepping with her bare feet on the carpet, she approached the armchair in which Vladyka was sitting. She really wanted to cover her bare breasts, but she didn't dare.
- Do you know what happens between a man and a woman in bed? - asked the overlord.
Her only response was a blush that spread all over her body. Then the Sultan snapped his fingers, and two slaves took off his robe.
- Look at me. Have you ever seen a naked man?
Again, there was silence instead of an answer.
He picked up his long, already erect phallus.
- With the help of this, I will open your love gates today. But first you must learn how to treat him properly.
He snapped his fingers again, calling to one of the girls.
- Anyuta, come here! I want to show Sirena how a man and a woman should love each other. Prepare me.
Anyuta knelt down before the Sultan and took his revived penis into her mouth. At first she only sucked him, and then she began to slowly massage with clenched lips. The girl repeated the movements back and forth until the member of the Sultan straightened out to its full length. At the sight of such a powerful erection, goosebumps ran down Sirena's back. "He won't fit in me," she thought fearfully.

Now show me what you've learned. Caress it yourself.
Sirena hesitated.
- Learn that when I give an order, it must be carried out immediately! It's clear?
The girl nodded her head.
- This time I forgive you, but if you hesitate even once, I will punish you.
Sirena knelt before the Sultan and looked at his huge penis.
- Do not be afraid, touch him, - the Sultan ordered, - then take him in your mouth, as Anyuta was doing now.
Sirena timidly touched the penis with her fingers, then put her whole hand on it. She was overwhelmed with the desire to serve her master, but at the same time she was too scared. The girl trembled, and recoiled back, looking at the Sultan. He silently cast an expressive glance at one of the slaves. The siren turned her head in the same direction and saw that he was holding a whip in his hand, which, without any doubt, he would use at the very first order of the sovereign.
- I see you understand everything. Then do what you are told.
She again took the phallus in her hand, nervously licked her lips and lightly touched them to the tense head. She felt the sultan tremble as she shoved her penis deep down her throat. Sirena even slightly tilted her head, freeing up more space in her mouth. After several movements, the Sultan grabbed her by the hair, throwing her head back.
- I see, you quickly grasp science, - he said contentedly. Raising her and lowering his hand down, the sovereign put his finger between the exposed folds of skin on her bosom. The girl remained dry, but this did not surprise the Sultan. He was patient, Sirena was worth it to restrain herself and lead her through all the thorns of love science.
- And now look at how sexual intercourse between a man and a woman looks like. Anyuta, I want you. Get ready!
Now she lay down on the bed and spread her legs wide. Then she slipped her hand between them and showed that, unlike Sirena, she was already ready to receive the royal phallus.
The siren involuntarily wanted to look away, but suddenly she felt how the Sultan's fingers grabbed her hair and forced her to turn her head towards the bed.
- You must carefully study how it is done in order to quickly master all the intricacies.
The Sultan bent over Anyuta's body and began to suck on her nipples. Gradually, the mistress became more and more excited, and the Sultan's head sank lower and lower. In the end, his caressing tongue reached the intimate triangle. Sirena saw him lick the love juice flowing from there, sticking his shameless tongue into the most secluded corners of her body.
The Sultan looked at Sirena and said:
- I'll save my penis for you, my dear, since pleasure can be given without using it.
He turned to Anyuta and began massaging her swollen clitoris even more violently with his tongue. Sirena did not know where to hide her eyes from shame, but gradually the spectacle began to capture her more and more. While the Sultan's tongue was licking Anyuta, his palms were squeezing her sensual breasts. Then he changed the rhythm, moving from licking movements with his tongue to quick, light blows with his help. Suddenly, he plunged his tongue to its full depth into the girl's slit, forcing her to scream loudly, which meant the onset of orgasm.
The Sultan got up and looked at Sirena.
- Have you seen what pleasure a woman can experience?
- Yes, my lord.
- Do you want me to love you in the same way? Such caresses will give me great pleasure, but this will not yet be real intercourse. But I'll take you later, in some other way.
Sirena took a deep breath. To her surprise, she realized that she really wanted to test herself in Anyuta's place. But in response, she whispered a little audibly:
“I want you to be pleased, my lord.
- Then lie down.
Sirena stretched out on the bed. She had already begun to feel the itching between her legs, the moisture escaping with every movement she made. The Sultan slowly bent down and tasted her love nectar.
- Well, you are ready to accept me, - he said with a satisfied smile. - But now I will show you entertainment that is just right for those who are just learning to give and receive pleasure.
With his long fingers, he parted his lips between her thighs, after which he violently and passionately began to lick her. Feeling the growing excitement, he stretched out his hands and took it, carefully squeezed her hardened nipple with his fingers. Sirena was breathing rapidly, keenly feeling how the Sultan's tongue was drilling into her flesh, and his teeth were biting her a little, and his fingers were rhythmically caressing and tugging at the hardened nipples on her breasts. After some time, she shook her head in complete unconsciousness, and her body shook from convulsions. Feeling the language of the Sultan in her depths, she screamed at the top of her voice and drowned in orgasm.
With a quick movement, the Sultan lay down on the bed next to Sirena and pulled her over, hoisting her from below by the thighs. He parted her thighs and impaled her slippery body on his sharp stake.
- I want to see your breasts above my face.
Then he took her hand by one of the nipples and gently pulled her so that she bent over, hanging her delicious breasts right above his lips. Slightly raising his head, he caught one of the nipples with his mouth and began to caress him.
He loved her until he felt his penis explode, scattering his majesty into millions of dazzling suns.

- Funny and vulgar tales!

Pros: funny, fun, turns on

Disadvantages: accidentally read by children

We all love fairy tales since childhood. But when children grow up, their circle of interests changes dramatically. And even stories about familiar from childhood and favorite characters may be of interest to an adult reader only if they are overgrown with more “adult” details.

Yes, I mean vulgar tales). So, if you want something to entertain your soulmate before going to bed, I can offer you a couple of interesting, but vulgar fairy tales for adults!)).

Once upon a time there were Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. Happiness and harmony were in the family, but there was not enough understanding: no matter how Ivan Tsarevich asked, Vasilisa did not give him. Nobody knows the reasons, and Ivan Tsarevich has nowhere to go, as long as she is his lawful wife. Over time, the peasant had to get used to and forget about this matter.

But one day, trouble came to the kingdom: the Serpent-Gorynych got into the habit of ruining villages in the kingdom and kidnapping local girls for obscene purposes. Ivan Tsarevich led the detachment, they went to look for the damned snake. We walked for a long time, told many ruined villages on our way. And now they see: the Serpent-Grynych is sitting in an open field, waiting for them. The good fellows were frightened, they gave a tear. One on one, Ivan Tsarevich fought with a snake. But as he realized that he was losing, he began to retreat into the forest. Decided to spend the night here. Ivan Tsarevich was looking for a place to sleep and wandered to the swamp. The poor fellow got lost, completely despaired. And suddenly he hears a thin voice:

Warm me, Ivan Tsarevich, take a nap. I want warmth and sex.

Better take me out of the swamp, - he answers, seeing a green frog in front of him. You are not fit for this job. You have holes, go, no!

And you love me the way I am: cold and green - I'll take you out of the swamp. Get your farm, I'll open my mouth wider - plant me as your soul desires!

At first, Ivan was afraid of such a proposal - what if he picks up some other disgusting thing in this swamp. But he remembered his wife, which did not give him, remembered the Serpent-Gorynych, whom he could not defeat if he did not get out of the swamp. And made a decision. He sees: the frog has already opened its mouth. He put it in her mouth all the way to the bottom. And the frog was just waiting for this - how let's try! Ivan Tsarevich received incredible pleasure, all the seed splashed out, accumulated over the years. He looks - and instead of a frog in front of him, a naked girl is already sitting on her knees, offering to stay with her until morning. Ivan Tsarevich could not resist, succumbed to the charms of the Frog Princess. And in the morning the hero got up, straightened his shoulders, and it became easy for him, as if a large stone had been removed from him. Ivan Tsarevich went into a clean field, took a sword in his hands and defeated the Serpent-Gorynych.

Once upon a time there was one normal kid in the world, whose name was simply - Ilya. He is simple Ilyukha, correct, but he had one oddity - he did not want to get off the stove! He told everyone, they say, he is sick, his legs do not hold, and not only from a hangover. Well, the villagers quickly realized that our Ilyusha was too lazy to just get up from the stove. And his father was a noble governor, but he died in an unequal struggle with the damned Polovtsians! All that remained of him was chain mail and a rusty sword.

The villagers got tired of Ilyusha's wild life and his heroic strength. After all, whoever says anything against him can get hit on the head with a log from the stove. Ilya has already killed three of our fellow villagers, crippled eight, filthy Herod!

The villagers gathered and decide what to do with Ilyusha?

"Let's get together with the whole gang, we'll fall on him, and we'll plug him with stakes in the ass, for the glory of Perun!" - alas, this decision was not liked by the mother and sisters of the uterine Ilya, who offered to simply humanely make him drink marsh water, rape him and strangle him with a rawhide strap.

But there was one stray sorcerer, who, for being allowed to get drunk, offered to cure Ilya. However, he did not want to get up from the stove, to defend his homeland - he sent the old man to hell. The sorcerer was offended, rolled out the zenki, built a goat on both hands, spat the jamb on the floor, waved his hand, and went back to the forest, swollen. And a miracle happened here! He used to swear, booze, women tore in different poses, and weak legs were not a hindrance. Now, in general, the mouth does not open, the member hangs from the stove to the floor, does not eat, does not drink, does not fart, does not fuck, swears.

But the sorcerer nevertheless took pity on Ilyusha and promised to remove the curse. But for this, Ilya had to give the old man his stocked joint. After the words "Get up and go, damned" - Ilyusha, disenchanted, jumped from the stove, swung at the grandfather, and he had already caught a trace.

Having nothing to do, our great Ilya Muromets went to perform feats for the glory of the Russian land! ..

Video review


beautiful blonde was sitting next to Borea when I entered the room. Since Borya in appearance (but, unfortunately, not in bed) is not a competitor to me, the first thing I asked him, taking him aside, was he with her and, of course, would he mind ... I was lucky - Borya with he hasn't been to her yet, but he doesn't seem to care, he can wait. I don’t remember how I rejuvenated her, but that same evening we, three couples, lay down in the same room, on different beds. The sleeping quarters were covered with curtains. Vitya was lying with Kenya, Borya with Tanya, I was with the new blonde. The beginning was good - she began to do “miracles” with her tongue, licking me from head to toe. A couple of minutes after we lay down (so that the creaking of beds and different sighs did not hurt the hearing of neighboring couples, music was playing) I made an attempt to "invasion" - first I felt the entrance with my fingers and felt something: I took out someone's full of smelly sperm condom! The excitement vanished. Confused, I raised the condom in front of her nose and asked
- What is this? (and abruptly threw the condom on the floor)
- I don’t know, yesterday I watched the video and fell asleep (and blushed thickly)
I quickly jumped up (I finally realized what I had taken out of there), and dressed, went to the washstand. She got dressed and ran after me. Someone, Borya or Vitya, jokingly shouted - Why are you so fast? I wanted to immediately tell how she stopped me and asked me to be silent and not tell anyone (so I listened to her ... while she was washing, I told everyone everything and asked not to laugh). We went to the washbasin, I washed my hands and led her into the shower. I went into the room, and from a laugh that was hard to contain, she guessed that I had let it slip. No matter what, we slept with her, and in the morning she disappeared.

To Natasha friend arrived. Pretty. I just went to spend the night (usually I slept there with Natasha's neighbor, Tanya, just like that, without full contact) and, seeing my girlfriend lying freely, lay down next to me (without saying hello or name ...). At night, she did not resist for a long time (more precisely, she did not resist at all), and in the morning we finally met - it turned out that her name was Valya, she came to have an abortion. Once an abortion, then an abortion, I said, and as I was leaving I asked Valya to come back when she wants, i.e. when it heals. Strange, it healed up in a couple of days. Apparently I really wanted to. But personally, I was busy, and I lost interest. And my friend, Sasha, immediately agreed. In the morning - everything is in his blood, the whole bed is in blood (and I didn’t tell him that I was with her - why spoil relations and impressions). Long story short, I thought it was a girl. And he was too shy to ask. I told him that she had an abortion two days ago, and probably not the first.

Larisa. I wanted to go to the village to a friend, I was waiting for the bus. She stood beside him and waited. The bus didn't show up, but word by word we went to the hostel... I've never seen such a monster in sex. We did not sleep all night or, on the contrary, slept 7-8 times. In the morning, she said that for the first time she was tired of sex in her life (at 17 years old?). I understand that this is a compliment. During the week spent with her, I finished as many times as in the next 5 years of my life. She told about her life - she began to masturbate at the age of 13, if she doesn’t masturbate at least three times a day, she feels bad, at 15 she was raped by a neighbor, to whom she just went up to drink a cup of coffee, except for sex she is not interested in anything, she never cooked eat, never cleaned. The fact that she does not know how to cook manifested itself immediately - she ruined my scrambled eggs. The mess in her apartment was also surprising - you can only move with long steps, stepping over piles of garbage and unnecessary things ... Once we had a rest visiting Sasha and his girlfriend. Got drunk. Larisa put forward an ultimatum - either I'm leaving or Jeanne (Sasha's friend) will go to the shower with her to make love. Zhanna (a devout girl, a Catholic) was in such a state that she took this news as a joke and we persuaded her to take a shower with Larisa. The girls are gone. After some time, Larisa flies in, out of her mind, to the questions where Zhanna is, she answers that she doesn’t know where this fool is ... she ran away from her, no one knows where ... Larisa falls on the bed and falls asleep. We go to look for Zhanna and find her in one of the corridors of the hostel, all in tears and cowardly, it is not clear why. They listened - Larisa, as soon as they went into the shower (there was a common shower in the hostel, it was lucky that there was no one at the moment when they came in), closed the common shower doors and attacked Zhanna - started tearing her underwear, kissing between her legs, moaning ... and Jeanne, of course, resisted. Here, too, the girls began to knock on the door - why did they close there? Zhanna escaped, opened the door and ran away... Zhanna was calmed down and returned to the room. I went to Larisa, who was sleeping with a show off, and there was “little space” for me - a drunken nymph bit and scratched during sex (it can be seen from anger that Zhanna did not work out) and haunted me all night ...

Young accelerator. A girl of 16 years old came to a mutual friend, her height and weight are higher than usual ... She is pretty, she is studying to be a cook at a school ... We drank together and Borya arranged a separate room for me to spend the night with her. Everything would be fine, but the girl seemed to fall in love and after the first night she wanted a second, third ... But I had to go on a business trip for a few days, so we broke up. In a few days I arrive, she is waiting for me like (as if in love). None of my friends says anything to me, but I, naive, think that everything is in order and spend the night with her as usual ... The next day she leaves home, says that she will arrive soon, but I already feel something is wrong ... Something else came through three days, when the “faucet dripped” and the underpants began to get dirty. I had gonorrhea for the first time, I cured it on my own, consulting with friends. I learned that during the period of my departure, there was a queue for the “supposedly in love accelerator” - Borya, Sasha “Borzoy”, Armenians and others (I don’t know others) Everyone, except Borya, fell ill. They fell ill from one of the people on the waiting list (like from the Armenian, who was also infected by someone and did not recover). She, of course, never came back.

Lily. The masculine character, beautiful, strong, “kept” almost the entire hostel at bay. We drank together a couple of times, but the opportunity to get to know each other better came when she quarreled with her friend - she herself called me to her place. I didn’t have to hint for a long time - if I liked the girl, then I showed activity myself. The marathon, which she demanded for complete satisfaction, I could not stand, so in bed we did not fit each other. Once again, she made peace with her friend (alfonso, a drunkard, was in her care) and we remained good friends. Subsequently, she married my classmate, a roommate in an institute hostel. She had a beautiful friend, I don’t remember her name, but according to her stories, she loved men very much. In absentia, she introduced us a long time ago. One evening, she brings this friend, and I bring my friend (who later married Lila) and we have no choice but to lie in pairs in the same room to the sounds of Dr. Alban (popular music at that time). Yes, men in the life of that friend occupy not the last place ... Not even a few seconds had passed after we lay down, as we had already begun the “jumps” - waiting until the neighboring couple fell asleep, the girlfriend would not have had the patience ... It’s a pity that the case, not brought me together with this friend again - perhaps in a separate room I would be more liberated ...

Nurse. Borya met them on the street, during a city holiday (Kyiv Day). He introduced me to a nurse, my name is Irina. We walked, agreed to meet in a couple of days near the metro. I drove up on a motorcycle (I had Java then). She had just finished her daily duty and really wanted to sleep. With the condition not to pester, I took her to my dorm to rest (sleep). I did not fulfill the condition - the resistance was active and I remember the fact that the resistance activity turned into an active offensive as soon as I touched the clitoris with my finger. Like I pressed a button! After the first contact, she changed her mind just to rest, smoked, told me a story that I was her second (and why do girls tell this? I never ask, but I listen to these revelations from every second - they probably justify not virginity) Then we again fell asleep and broke up. Oddly, she didn't leave an address or phone number... and never showed up again.

Vika. This girl loves to fuck, knows how to fuck, literally her whole life is to fuck! She “made” me in the bathroom, then in bed, then in the country ... We made love under the covers, while she was smoking and talking with friends who came in at the wrong time, through the open door! They didn’t even notice - we thought we were just lying (I pretended to be sleeping) We didn’t agree on the time of the process - she needs a marathon, at least two hours and right away, in the very first episode! In the first series, I can’t even take five minutes, and I’m reluctant to go to the second or third with an already “former” girlfriend.

Youngsters. I was lying in a room with three girls, i.e. I lay with one, the other two lay on adjacent beds. It was about one in the morning. Borya came in and asked me to help unload the car, which allegedly came with some kind of goods and urgently needed to be unloaded ... It turned out that this was just a false excuse to get me out of the hostel - on the street he said that two underage girls were waiting for us at his friend's apartment . With the one that will be with me, no one has yet been (-clean, he checked it himself-, to himself, Borya probably thought then). We went to the apartment, the girls (14 years old) were lying and watching porn videos. I silently lay down with mine (without saying a word - I already had such an experience once), having settled down behind, did my job (under the covers) and fell asleep. In the morning I woke up before everyone else, and after saying goodbye to Borey, he went about his business. I never saw those girls again, but I remember this incident because I caught the gonorrhea again. This time the treatment was more painful - without testing, I recovered on my own, but as it turned out, I simply healed the disease. A few months later, for no apparent reason (I didn’t sleep with anyone at that time without a condom), I started to leak again. He passed the tests, received a prescription and was cured with more potent antibiotics ... Borya was ill with gonorrhea (and not only) chronically, so these diseases did not cling to him ...

Mandavoshki and scabies. Half of the dorms itched, at first it was scabies, then lice began to find ... It's nonsense that mandavoshki are transmitted only sexually - my friend Sasha and I picked them up then for no "apparent reason" - we didn’t sleep with anyone (sometimes it worked out that way, there were no suitable girls), and pubic lice were picked up ... I also transferred scabies to my student hostel, infecting all my neighbors and friends. Everyone was satisfied - firstly, they gained experience, secondly, a two-hour hour before bedtime very much calmed the nerves and distracted from insomnia. They were treated for scabies with sulfuric ointment. From mandavoshki - shaving on the head and kerosene.

Borya. Walking sex, but no brains. A person of Caucasian nationality (like me). Sleeps with everything that moves - with beautiful girls, with ugly girls, with beautiful and ugly boys (blue). From the age of 15 in prison, diagnosed with kleptomania, car theft. At 30 he was released and ended up in Kyiv, to his brother. In the same place, in Kyiv, I accidentally “stumbled upon” this hostel of the Kyiv shoe factory. And pulled me...