Irritation after epilation on the legs what to do. How to relieve irritation after waxing? Medicinal and cosmetic preparations

The problem of removing body hair worries almost all women. Therefore, they are constantly looking for quick, painless and effective ways. In addition, there is another requirement for the procedure: the absence of irritation after epilation. But often this cannot be avoided.

Appeared red dots, itching and peeling may indicate both an incorrectly performed procedure and an allergic reaction of the body. Therefore, it is important not only to choose a method of hair removal, but also to know the correct technique. It is also recommended to find out in advance how to relieve irritation after epilation.

Why does irritation occur?

When removing body hair, regardless of what was used for depilation, negative consequences may appear in the form of irritation, redness, spots and itching. They may be due to various factors.

  • Severe irritation is observed if the epilator is used for the first time. Such a reaction of the skin is considered normal, since it is not yet accustomed to such exposure.
  • When removing hair with wax or a razor, it is worth monitoring the quality of the products.
  • The removal procedure may be carried out incorrectly, out of sequence.
  • On the surface of the skin, symptoms of an allergic reaction to depilatory formulations may occur.
  • A woman's skin may be sensitive.

Irritation is considered a special reaction of the skin to stressful situations or infection. In the first case, the reaction is observed on the surface of the skin, which is located in delicate areas with special sensitivity: face, bikini, armpits. In these areas, there is a particularly deep arrangement of hair. Also, during epilation, the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged.

Pimples can appear if the razor is old or dull

Infection is possible if the procedure is carried out without observing the rules of hygiene. Among the violations, insufficient cleanliness of the skin before removal, as well as the use of low-quality cosmetic preparations for depilation, are distinguished. In this case, it is easier for pathological microorganisms to penetrate into the damaged layers of the skin.

Acne and red dots after epilation

After removing the hairline, rashes in the form of pimples may be observed. Their appearance is due to a number of reasons.

  • Pimples appear when hands and epilation tools are not clean enough.
  • The skin may be particularly sensitive.
  • Rashes can be the result of mechanical action on the epidermis.
  • When carrying out wax and sugar epilation, individual intolerance to some substances of the compositions for hair removal can be observed.
  • A rash can occur if a woman's body cannot resist infections when the immune defenses are weakened.

When removing hair, problems may also appear in the form of red dots. They form for the same reasons as acne. Not following the rules of epilation, the nerve endings are damaged, which leads to the appearance of rashes similar to dermatitis.

Ways to eliminate irritation

Any woman needs to have a cream, lotion, ointment or prescription remedy for irritation available. After all, rashes, dryness, itching and redness can appear suddenly. If there were no available drugs at hand, then it is worth using some means. They will help to remove irritation quickly and without consequences.

  • An excellent option for eliminating infections that could cause redness is disinfection. This can be done using hydrogen peroxide. The bactericidal properties of the solution allow you to get rid of the negative effects of microbes and bacteria. After treating the affected area with peroxide, it is important to apply a moisturizer to the skin.
  • Calendula infusion has similar properties with a calming effect. It is wetted with gauze or cotton wool, with which lotions are made. After three applications, a moisturizer is applied to the skin.
  • You can relieve irritation with aloe. The procedure requires a plant stem. With the oozing part, you need to attach a piece to the area of ​​\u200b\u200birritation for several minutes. After that, it is recommended to grind the plant and re-apply to the affected area for 15 minutes.
  • Chlorhexidine is used to eliminate inflammatory processes, narrow pores and disinfect wounds.
  • Anti-burn ointment is considered an effective remedy for irritation on the legs and body. It has an antibacterial effect, as well as high fat content. Due to these properties, the tool helps to eliminate pain, cleanse and soothe the skin. It is necessary to choose drugs that contain pantestin and panthenol.

Disinfectant solutions are used to eliminate irritation.

Folk remedies

With irritation after epilation, you can use not only special preparations, but also folk recipes. Effective of them are tools that are easily prepared from improvised components.

Oils are considered useful for irritation. They nourish the skin, allowing you to cope with the troubles after epilation. You can use essential oil of tea, rosewood. 5 drops are mixed with three tablespoons of vegetable oil. The composition wipes the skin areas that are irritated.

If there are no oils available, then you can use ordinary sunflower oil. It not only softens the skin, but also disinfects.

Oil helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms

Remove irritation on the skin and decoctions based on medicinal plants.

Among them are:

  • chamomile;
  • succession;
  • celandine.

They soothe the skin and help it recover faster. You can make lotions with them by applying a cotton swab dipped in a decoction to the affected skin. It is also allowed to apply a compress for 15 minutes.

You can use children's cosmetics for the skin. They eliminate irritation, restoring skin condition. It is allowed to use baby powder or cream, depending on the nature of the irritation.

Any remedy for irritation after epilation is most effective immediately after the procedure. If you apply them to the skin later, there is a high probability that the inflammatory process will spread to the upper and inner layers of the epidermis. Then it will be necessary to eliminate inflammation, not irritation.

How to avoid irritation?

It is easier to avoid irritation when removing unwanted hair than to repair damaged skin. To prevent the appearance of redness, dryness and itching, you must follow some precautions.

  • Epilation is carried out in the evening so that the skin recovers overnight.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to wash the surface of the skin in a bath or shower, steam it, and clean it with a scrub. You can disinfect the hair removal area with an antiseptic solution.
  • Shaving should be done with a new sharp razor. It is important to use a special cream.
  • Hair removal is carried out according to growth with any type of hair removal.
  • With frequent irritations, it is worth abandoning this method of hair removal, replacing it with an easier procedure.

Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid irritation

After epilation, it is recommended to moisturize and soothe the skin with a lotion or cream, as well as oil. If the appearance of pimples could not be avoided, then it is worthwhile to cool the irritated area for a while with an ice pack.

Most often, irritation appears under the influence of sunlight on the treated area. Therefore, after epilation, you should refuse to visit the beach, solarium.

In the event that unpleasant symptoms appear constantly and with any impact, you should entrust the process of hair removal to professionals. Therefore, epilation can be carried out in beauty salons.

Hair removal has become very popular in recent years.

There are several ways to remove unwanted hairs: shaving, depilatory creams, waxing or laser hair removal, sugaring, using mechanical devices.

Women perform this procedure both in salons and at home. And everyone expects that after it the skin will become smooth and soft.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

But it is not always possible to achieve such an effect.

Many people experience irritation, red dots, pimples, abscesses or ingrown hairs after epilation.

As a result, instead of aesthetic pleasure, women experience suffering from smooth skin.

Especially a lot of problems create acne after epilation. They may be in the form of a small reddish rash or pustules.

Why do they appear

There are many different causes of acne and pimples after hair removal.

It is better to know them all in order to worry about prevention in advance and take all measures to prevent their occurrence.

Photo: irritation and the formation of rashes after shaving

So, why do acne appear after epilation?

  • The most common reason is poor hygiene. If hands, tools and the place where the hair is removed from are not disinfected, bacteria can get under the skin. Indeed, with any method of epilation, the top layer of the epidermis is removed along with the hairs. And in some cases, there may be minor damage to the skin, for example, when shaving or waxing.
  • Often, redness and irritation of the skin, as well as purulent acne, appear in people with sensitive skin. Therefore, they should not use aggressive hair removal methods. For the same reason, such a reaction often occurs to the first shave in a place where the skin is thin, for example,.
  • An allergic reaction to cosmetics used before and after epilation, as well as to the methods of hair removal themselves, for example, sugaring.
  • Hair in women is very thin, and after epilation, the skin becomes rough. Therefore, it often happens that the hair cannot break through and clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands. This leads to their inflammation and acne.


Since each person develops acne for different reasons, therefore, there are no specific recommendations on what to do in this case.

Photo: antibacterial ointments can be used to treat rashes

Often a woman has to look for a remedy that would help her through trial and error.

There are some of the most common ways to get rid of acne and pimples after hair removal.

  • You can use conventional acne creams: Zenerit, Metrogil and others.
  • Anti-inflammatory and healing ointments will also be effective: "", "Rescuer", "Boroplyus" or "Levomekol".
  • Disinfectant solutions that are best used immediately after epilation. It can be salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or iodine.
  • Such ointments help well: ichthyol and Vishnevsky ointment.

Folk recipes

Many women prefer to use natural products after epilation.

Photo: to prevent the appearance of a rash after epilation, you can wipe the skin with decoctions of herbs

They relieve irritation well and are suitable even for sensitive skin, for example, on the pubis:

  • the most effective remedy is a compress of aloe pulp;
  • lotions and wiping the skin with medicinal decoctions help well:, calendula, succession;
  • with ingrown hairs, baths with medicinal herbs help to steam out the skin and painlessly remove such hairs.

Video: "Hair epilation is the most effective"

Prevention measures

If you know why acne appears after epilation, you can take steps to prevent it.

  • Before removing hair in any way, as well as after the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with an antiseptic.
  • It is very important to disinfect your hands as well, and when carrying out the procedure in the salon, make sure that the beautician is wearing gloves.
  • When removing hair by shaving, you need to use only high-quality razors. Be sure to rinse them well after each use.

Photo: for shaving you need to use a quality machine

  • When shaving, try to injure the skin less. It is not recommended to use soap, it is best to use a special gel or foam.
  • With waxing and other methods that use hair pulling, the skin needs to be steamed well so that it is less traumatized. After the procedure will help to narrow the pores.
  • After other aggressive methods of hair removal, you need to protect the skin from external influences for several days: do not touch it with your hands, try not to injure it with clothes, do not go to the bathhouse and pool.
  • Be sure to apply a soothing or healing cream to the skin after the procedure is completed.

Skin care

In order to avoid acne, and the skin after epilation becomes smooth and clean, it is important to properly care for it.

After hair removal, any skin becomes more tender and sensitive, especially in the deep bikini area and on the face.

Therefore, you need to choose more carefully, without chemical additives and alcohol.

Photo: after shaving, you can apply an antiseptic cream on your face

  • You can use a quality aftershave cream to prevent skin irritation. They often include antiseptic and healing substances and natural ingredients that soften the skin.
  • Sometimes it is recommended to use a nursery. But it will only protect against irritation and redness, but does not protect against infection. And it is recommended to use it on the legs or arms.
  • Well softens and disinfects the skin, and also prevents irritation of tea tree oil. But it must be diluted in a base oil: avocado, grape seed or almond.
  • To prevent ingrown hair after epilation, you need to carry out the procedure. It is best to use the mildest products designed for sensitive skin. This will help to remove the top layer of the epithelium and prevent the development of infection.

Questions and answers

Many women who did not know how to get rid of unwanted body hairs suffer from another problem after that.

Photo: ingrown hair after epilation

Sometimes they even have to go to a dermatologist, because instead of smooth and delicate skin, they get irritation and pustules.

Especially great discomfort is caused by rashes in the intimate area.

Many questions in women are also caused by the problem of ingrown hairs.

Do I need to see a doctor if purulent acne appears after epilation

These rashes usually go away after a few days.

But, if purulent acne appears after depilation, and they do not respond to any treatment, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

This is especially important if hair removal was performed on a person who suffers from skin diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Urgently needed if abscesses spread throughout the body, for example, appear on the back, on the priest or head.

If purulent acne appears on the face, this may indicate the development of an infection.

Without proper treatment, this condition can lead to serious complications.

Can there be complications after shugaring?

Sugaring has become a popular way to remove unwanted hairs - hair removal with sugar paste.

It is almost painless and rarely causes ingrown hairs. But acne after such a procedure appears often.

  • They occur mainly when the shugaring technology is not followed or due to insufficient disinfection of the skin and instruments.
  • Some women may also have increased skin sensitivity or exacerbation of chronic skin conditions.
  • Sugaring often causes a decrease in immunity. This can cause an exacerbation of herpes, especially if the epilation was carried out in the area of ​​​​the upper lip.

A clean and beautiful body without excess hair is the dream of every girl. For the sake of smooth, flawless skin, many are ready to do anything, even endure painful types of hair removal. The trouble is that the desire for an ideal result often breaks into reality - after epilation, the skin turns red, swells, inflames and becomes covered with a scattering of small red spots. In especially severe cases, pustules appear on the places of the removed hair, which heal for a long time and leave behind unethical dark marks. So can this be avoided at home and what exactly needs to be done to relieve irritation after epilation?

Causes of irritation

With any type of hair removal, the follicles, that is, the hair follicles, are injured. The hair does not live alone in the skin, it is fed by the thinnest blood capillaries, a system of nerve endings approaches it, which makes us, reacting to changes in the environment or our nervous system, become covered with “pimples” and standing on end hair on the body. The follicle has a sebaceous gland that lubricates it with its secretions.

When pulling out the hair “with the root”, this entire system, which is very complicated, but completely invisible to the eye, is somehow damaged. Hence the reaction of the skin - redness, swelling, inflammation. When using a razor, microscopic damage to the skin surface is still possible, which increases irritation and soreness of the skin. When using depilatory creams, a chemical burn and an allergic reaction are possible, so popular types of depilation also do not always protect against skin irritation and inflammation.

If the body is not properly and very carefully prepared, then there is a high risk of infection. After hair removal procedures, especially after epilation, the body is covered with a scattering of tiny wounds. If the skin was not clean enough or the instruments were not disinfected, after the procedure the area was not treated with special solutions, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the appearance of signs of inflammation and even suppuration.

But there are ways to reduce the risk of redness and the formation of pustules to almost zero.

How to avoid irritation after epilation

In order for epilation to be painless and not leave ugly marks on the body, the following basic principles for its use should be used:

  1. Proper and thorough preparation.
  2. Performing epilation in compliance with the technology.
  3. Proper treatment of the epilated area after the procedure is completed.

Before performing epilation, the body must be thoroughly cleaned. That is why cosmetologists advise removing unwanted hair immediately after water procedures, and even better - how to steam the body.

During bathing, our skin is very well cleansed of microorganisms and dirt present on it, its surface layer swells and becomes loose. The mouths of the sebaceous glands expand, the follicles are not so tightly held in place. As a result, during epilation, the hairs are removed more easily, break off less, and the skin does not suffer so much from rough mechanical stress. On steamed skin, the process is less painful than on dry skin, since the hair is more easily pulled out of loose tissues, the nerve endings are almost not affected.

In order to reduce the risk of goosebumps, ingrown hairs and pustular rash, you need to treat the skin well during a bath or shower with a scrub or specially designed for the body. At the same time, excess "layers" of dead cells will be removed from the surface of the skin, which will facilitate hair removal and reduce the risk of damage to the skin.

Another way to avoid inflammation is to remove hairs according to their growth, and not against it. Yes, this will make the epilation process longer, but it will reduce the risk of redness and significantly reduce the number of ingrown and broken hairs.

The processing stage after the end of epilation is especially important. Do not use spray-containing preparations immediately after epilation or participate in water procedures - this will certainly cause severe discomfort and soreness, and the surface of the body will become inflamed and suppuration may begin. It is better to listen to the numerous recommendations for treating the skin after epilation.

Traditional methods of dealing with skin irritation

There are many effective folk remedies for treating the skin after epilation, which prevent the formation of redness, swelling and rashes:

  1. The skin can be soothed with aloe juice or gel. You can use ready-made preparations that are sold in pharmacies or cosmetic stores, for example, Korean-made thick aloe vera gel works great. If you have the right plant at home, just take a couple of old leaves (from the bottom of the plant), rinse them well, remove the prickly edges of the leaves and squeeze out the healing juice. This is a mild product, so it can be used on the skin of the face, underarms and bikini area.
  2. Decoctions of medicinal herbs work well. You can brew chamomile, calendula flowers, celandine grass and string, add mint for freshness. Ready cooled and strained broth can be used for compresses, rubbing the skin or spraying the body from a spray bottle.
  3. An ice cube helps a lot with irritation, especially if it is made from a frozen herbal decoction. Ice narrows pores, relieves inflammation, tones blood vessels and reduces swelling and soreness after epilation.
  4. It is good to apply tea tree oil on the treated area. But we must remember that the skin is never lubricated with pure essential oils, this can cause severe inflammation or an allergic reaction. Tea tree oil is added to a spray in the form of a few drops or added to a special care product for epilated skin.
  5. To care for the skin of the body after epilation, you can make a homemade cream or lotion based on a decoction of herbs or aloe juice. To do this, you need to take your usual body cream, which has already been tested and does not provoke skin inflammation, and add healing herbal extracts, freshly squeezed aloe juice and filtered through sterile gauze, or a few drops of tea tree oil. Shake the liquid mixture thoroughly, and mix the thicker cream carefully. The resulting product should be stored in the refrigerator. By the way, additional cooling will only benefit the body after epilation - it will cool it, narrow the blood vessels, refresh and reduce swelling and soreness. It will double or even triple the benefits.

It doesn’t matter which product is used, it is important that the skin after epilation is carefully treated with an antiseptic and protected from harmful effects.

Salon techniques

If hair removal is performed in the salon, then the woman has nothing to worry about. The epilation protocol includes careful preparation of the skin with special products before the procedure and processing it after the process is completed. Each hair removal line in the salon has its own products, which necessarily include an alcohol-free antiseptic, emollient and healing preparation, cream or mask with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Many of these products can be used at home, in addition, numerous ready-made preparations for skin care after epilation are sold in cosmetic stores. Most of them not only actively nourish and moisturize the skin, but also relieve inflammation and prevent infection. A number of them are equipped with additional properties - they prevent the formation of ingrown hairs and slow down the growth of new ones.

If such a tool was not at hand after the procedure, it is quite possible to use the gel after shaving your husband. Such drugs contain anti-inflammatory and wound healing substances, the main thing is that they do not contain alcohol, and the fragrance is not too harsh.

Pharmacy funds

Even in the absence of any cosmetic products for treating the skin after epilation, you can cope with potential inflammation using improvised preparations that can be purchased at any pharmacy for a penny.

You can treat the skin after the end of the procedure with the following pharmaceutical products:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Only a 3% solution is used, otherwise you can get a serious chemical burn of the skin. This is the cheapest, most effective and affordable tool for everyone.
  • Alcohol-free pharmacy antiseptics: Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, an aqueous solution of Furacilin (you should be careful with it, it stains the skin yellow and can stain linen and clothes). When inflammation and a purulent rash appear, ordinary zinc ointment dries them well.
  • Pharmaceutical preparations based on panthenol: Bepanten ointment, Panthenol in spray (it is especially convenient if you need to treat large areas).

Some time after epilation, the skin, especially in very sensitive areas (on the face, in the armpits and in the bikini area), can be lubricated with a thin layer of Rescuer or similar drugs with anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. The main thing is to remember that all ointments on the skin can be a breeding ground for bacteria, so after a few hours after epilation, for example, in the morning of the next day, they must be thoroughly washed off the skin.

If you follow the simple rules for preparing and performing epilation, as well as using the right care products, you can achieve very smooth, clean and healthy skin in all epilated areas.

Christina Voronina

The desire of every woman to become a little more beautiful is quite understandable. And what not to do to achieve this goal. But unfortunately, some procedures are absolutely not fun, and their consequences make you suffer for a long time. One of these procedures is epilation.

Causes of inflammation

This procedure is very simple and very painful. After all, along with the hairs, you get rid of the roots. But if it was all about short-term discomfort, would you be reading our article now? Of course not!

In addition to, so to speak, the pain aspect, the consequences of such a procedure may be redness, inflammation, and even wounds may appear. But that's not all! There is also a problem with ingrown hairs, which have to be pulled out manually. In general, the female lot is hard, because beauty still requires sacrifice, and, as it turned out, rather big ones.

But, let's not talk about sad things, because our task today is to find out how to make this procedure more enjoyable and get rid of all the consequences.

First of all, let's see why the skin turns red and inflamed. There are several reasons for this:

  • Too delicate skin;
  • Removal of the top layer of skin along with hairs;
  • Poor-quality means for an epilation;
  • Allergy.

It should also be said that if this is your first time doing such a procedure, then you should not be scared and think that irritation is your eternal companion. Perhaps, over time, in a few minutes after such an execution, you will forget that you were in pain. But for the first time, the skin, not yet accustomed to " bullying"of this kind, will definitely react sharply to" bullying".

How to relieve irritation after epilation

If you have been doing hair removal for quite a long time and constantly endure all this discomfort associated with irritation, then we hasten to please you: there is an opportunity to alleviate your suffering!

First of all, you need to remember a few rules that you need to follow every time before epilating. First, be sure to steam the skin, then the pores will be expanded, and the roots will break out much easier. Secondly, be sure to disinfect the skin immediately after the procedure.

For these purposes, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol, and even thermal water are suitable. Be sure to use a special cream after epilation for irritation on the legs, arms and other parts of the body. It will cool the skin and help to cope with minimal irritation.

Never epilate immediately after shaving. You have already harmed the skin with a razor, and then there is such a blow. Such experiments threaten you with serious irritation, which you will not be able to stop in one or two days.

You also do not need to take intense sunbathing immediately after such a procedure. You will at least have to smear the skin with Panthenol, even after lying in a harmless shade. So it's better not to risk your health for a moment of pleasure!

And one more thing, if you yourself removed excess hairs from any part of the body several times, and each time you had severe irritation, then it is better to quit this thankless task (I mean getting rid of vegetation on your own) and make an appointment with a good specialist. Of course, you will have to spend a little money, but the result will exceed all your expectations.

Why there is irritation from waxing

Getting rid of excess vegetation with wax is a separate conversation. It would seem that a natural product should not cause any adverse reactions, and the procedure should be easy and almost painless.

But it was not there! In terms of pain, this way to become beautiful without extra hairs is no different from other types of hair removal, and irritation in this case is also not uncommon. What's the matter?

And the reasons are the same: improper preparation for the procedure, the use of conventional baby creams, and so on. We remind you once again: it is impossible to sunbathe before the procedure, it is not recommended to smear the skin with cream before epilation.

You should also not do waxing during critical days - the sensations will be 10 times stronger! Yes, and with varicose veins, it is also not recommended to use wax, as well as steaming the skin before other procedures.

How to relieve irritation on the legs after epilation

Fortunately, inflamed skin on the legs after getting rid of excess vegetation is a rare phenomenon. But if you systematically smear the legs with a soothing cream, then we can bring to your attention a more effective way.

First of all, immediately after the procedure for getting rid of vegetation on the legs, wipe the skin with a sponge dipped in alcohol or peroxide. In principle, any product that contains alcohol is suitable.

The next step is to apply a small amount of Panthenol to the skin. But here the principle of use is slightly different than with burns. Leave the product on the skin for fifteen minutes. Then it must be thoroughly washed off with cold water.

Perfect for relieving inflammation and decoction of chamomile. You just need to blot your skin with a cotton swab, after dipping it in a decoction, and the redness will disappear before your eyes.

Irritation on the face after epilation

The face is a separate topic for conversation. First of all, you should know that the appearance of excess facial hair in women is not the norm. And before getting rid of such a nuisance, it is worth finding out what caused such a phenomenon.

There can be several reasons: ranging from heredity to experienced stress. But if the cause cannot be eliminated, but you want to look good, then hair removal is exactly what you need.

Unfortunately, the skin on the face is quite delicate, so redness is not uncommon here. So it is worth taking some steps in order to avoid discomfort. You need to start the procedure in the same way as for the skin on the legs, with disinfection. But alcohol will not help you here!

- a very common problem that affects many women and men. The depilation procedure itself is the process of removing the visible part of the hair that rises above the skin. In this case, the hair follicle remains intact. Depilation allows you to remove unwanted hair only for a certain time, after which they grow back.

There are several types of depilation, including:

  • Depilation using chemicals (products containing dimethyl sulfoxide);

    Depilation with wax strips;

    Depilation with an electric epilator.

However, whichever method of depilation is chosen, each of them can lead to irritation, especially if the procedure is carried out incorrectly. Skin irritation is manifested in the form of its swelling, inflammation, peeling, ingrown hairs, redness, itching and burning. Sometimes a punctate rash on the skin and even small vesicles may appear. To avoid such troubles, you need to know why irritation occurs, how to prevent its occurrence and how to quickly get rid of it.

Causes of skin irritation after depilation

Which method would not be chosen for the implementation of the depilation procedure, it will be stressful for the skin. It does not matter and the place of hair removal, the reaction to stress from the dermis will follow in any case. However, the degree of its severity will largely depend on what caused the skin irritation after depilation.

Provoking factors include:

    Skin hypersensitivity. It is known that light-skinned people have hypersensitivity.

    Removal or damage to the upper layer of the epidermis. Most often this happens when using a razor for depilation.

    Carrying out the procedure of depilation for the first time. The skin will react especially sharply to the initial hair removal, but as the dermis adapts, the degree of inflammation will gradually decrease.