Fasting day on cottage cheese during pregnancy. Various menu combinations. Fasting days during pregnancy

During pregnancy every woman gains weight. This happens, first of all, because the lifestyle and habitual diet are changing, as well as due to significant hormonal changes in the body. Estrogen levels rise during pregnancy, which promotes fluid retention and fat accumulation in the thighs and buttocks. Thanks to these fatty deposits, an additional store of energy is formed, which is extremely necessary during childbirth, in the postpartum period, during breastfeeding.

Many pregnant women are worried about too active weight gain, and therefore decide to go on a diet. However, it should be remembered that any diets during pregnancy be sure to discuss with your doctor.

The main effect of a diet is to restrict calories and nutrient intake, but during pregnancy such restrictions can very badly affect the development of the fetus and the health of the mother herself.

At the same time, doctors have long known the relationship between rapid weight gain and the development of gestosis in pregnant women... Gestosis is a serious complication of the second half of pregnancy, which is manifested by the development of edema, the appearance of protein in the urine, and an increase in blood pressure. Overeating can be one of the causes of preeclampsia. can also provoke hypoxia and fetal growth retardation. In addition, overweight women find it more difficult to give birth, as their tissues lose elasticity, stretch much worse and are prone to tearing.

In most cases, with overweight or rapidly increasing weight, the doctor recommends fasting days... The essence fasting days during pregnancy lies in the fact that due to a decrease in the volume and calorie content of food, the woman's body begins to consume its own reserves.

Basic principles of fasting days during pregnancy

1. Fasting days you can start after the 28th week of pregnancy, at a time when all the important systems of the child's body have already been formed.

2. Fasting day during pregnancy carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. It is better to immediately choose a certain day of the week, which will always be unloading, so the body will get used to such days faster and easier.

3. Long-term observance of the fasting day menu is unacceptable.

4. Fasting days pregnant women must be prescribed by a doctor, and only after excluding all contraindications. During fasting days, you do not need to limit the amount of fluid and refuse to take multivitamins.

There are many different types of unloading options for pregnant women. Doctors recommend using one-day fasting days, and do not use longer diets.

Examples of fasting days

1.Watermelon day.

Throughout the day, you can eat one and a half kilograms of watermelon pulp. Juicy watermelon during pregnancy well removes excess fluid from the body, which means it eliminates edema and prevents their appearance.

2. Apple Day.

On an apple day, you need to eat one and a half to two kilograms of apples. You can eat apples as they are or as a salad. You can also bake the apples without adding sugar. Apples are an excellent source of iron and vitamin C, as well as iodine, especially if the apple is eaten with the seeds.

3. Vegetable day.

On a vegetable day, it is recommended to eat about one and a half kilograms of fresh vegetables. Zucchini, pumpkin and cucumbers are especially useful, they improve the elasticity of the tissues of the birth canal and normalize the intestines. You can eat these vegetables with vegetable oil or with a little low-fat sour cream.

4. Sour milk day.

Fermented milk products are the most complete sources of calcium. Any fermented milk drink with a low percentage of fat (no more than 1.5%) is suitable, which must be drunk up to 1.5 liters per day. You can use cottage cheese (up to 600 g), dividing it into six receptions.

For those women who are very difficult to tolerate food restrictions, there are more "Nourishing options" of fasting days ... For example:

2. Meat day.

On these days, you can eat 400 g of boiled lean meat, as well as raw vegetables (up to 800 g) per day, without adding salt.

It must be remembered that each of the above fasting days has its own therapeutic effect and its contraindications.

For example, fermented milk day is very useful for atherosclerosis and obesity, and apple and watermelon days are recommended for hypertension, various kidney diseases. But meat days are contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the digestive organs.

If the diet on the fasting day is selected correctly, then in one day you can get rid of the extra 300-800 g. But I want to remind you again that consultation with a doctor before choosing a fasting day during pregnancy required!

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It is advisable to arrange fasting days during pregnancy if the weight gain is significantly higher than the norm. Normally, a woman's weight during pregnancy increases by an average of 12 kg.

Excessive weight gain is fraught with complications such as high blood pressure, shortness of breath, edema, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, oxygen starvation of the fetus. Also, excess weight puts an excessive load on the spine of the expectant mother and pressure on the child himself.

To avoid these negative moments, get rid of constipation and maintain a figure after childbirth, pregnant women are advised to arrange fasting days. Strict long-term diets for pregnant women are strictly prohibited. A regular diet should be complete and include proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber.

Rules for fasting days for pregnant women

Often, fasting days are prescribed by doctors. This is usually done with excess or unevenly growing weight, with the appearance of edema and other manifestations of preeclampsia. During delivery, extra pounds will also not be beneficial.

If the expectant mother arranges for herself a fasting day on her own, you need to discuss with your doctor whether this is possible for her, and consult on choosing the most suitable fasting day. In one unloading day, you can lose from 300-800 g. Basically, this is excess fluid.

When carrying out fasting days, the following recommendations must be observed:

There are many options for fasting days, which can be conditionally divided into two groups: "full" and "light". For a variety of diet, they should be alternated. The most optimal and healthy are kefir, fruit, vegetable and juice days. You need to be careful with milk and meat days.

Any of the fasting days has a certain therapeutic effect and contraindications. Fermented milk days are recommended for atherosclerosis and obesity, cucumber - for hypertension, apple and watermelon - for hypertension and kidney disease. Meat fasting days are contraindicated in chronic gastrointestinal diseases and cardiovascular diseases, as well as in women who smoke.

"Well-fed" fasting days

"Full" unloading is suitable for those who have a hard time tolerating food restrictions, as well as against sudden changes in diet. The calorie content of the diet every day is about 700-1000 kcal.

Meat day

Boil 400 g of lean meat, do not salt. Each serving can be washed down with a glass of sugar-free tea. It is allowed to add some raw vegetables, without spices and salt.

Fish day

Boil 400 g of low-fat fish: pike, perch, pike perch, bream, cod. You can drink 2-3 cups of rosehip broth or 2 cups of unsweetened tea with milk. Some stewed vegetables are allowed (cauliflower, tomatoes, green beans, eggplant, zucchini). To prevent the fish from looking completely bland, you can pour it with lemon juice.

Potato day

Divide 1 kg of boiled potatoes into 2 doses. You can drink 2 glasses of low-fat kefir.

Seafood day

Boil 500 g of seafood (2-3 types) or bake without salt. You can add fresh vegetables, drink weak tea.

Rice day

Boil 150 g brown rice. You can add grated apple, carrots or bell peppers to each serving.

Buckwheat day

Boil a glass of buckwheat or pour boiling water in a thermos overnight. Eat like rice.

"Light" fasting days

Such days allow the digestive system to rest as much as possible from daily stress, while simultaneously saturating the body with vitamins and minerals.

Apple day

Eat 1.5-2 kilograms of apples during the day in their pure form, or make a salad of them with the addition of lemon juice and olive oil, herbs, parsley or celery root. Apples can also be baked, but not sweetened. Drink mild green tea without sugar. Such a fasting day is excellent for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, but is contraindicated in gastritis.

Watermelon day

1.5 kilograms of watermelon pulp to eat during the day. Remember to drink water.

Fruit day

1.5 kg of any fruit, except for bananas and grapes.

Vegetable day

Juice day

Drink freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, fruits or berries throughout the day, about 1 liter per day.

Compote day

Boil 1 kg of fresh apples or 100 g of dried fruit in 1.5 liters of water, add no more than 4 tablespoons of sugar.

Fermented milk day

Take 1.5 liters of any fermented milk product with a fat percentage of not more than 1.5%: kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt.

Curd day

Divide 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese into 5-7 receptions. You can drink skim milk. In addition to cottage cheese, nothing else can be eaten on this day. Cottage cheese gives a greater feeling of satiety compared to fruits and vegetables. For taste, you can crumble some apples into it.
If it is very difficult on such fasting days, you can try the following options:

Fruit salad

Season 1-1.5 kg of different fruits with 300 ml of low-fat yogurt. At night, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Berries with cottage cheese

In the summer, you can take 800 grams of berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries) and 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. Wash down with weak tea.

If for the entire period of pregnancy you gain no more than 10 - 12 kilograms, then with the advent of the child you will not have to resort to any diets for the sake of losing weight. And in this, the competent use of fasting days during pregnancy can significantly help.


There is a mistaken opinion that if a woman is in a position, she can eat everything and in unlimited quantities, which is called "for two." However, doctors are of a different opinion.

Moderate, balanced nutrition helps the pregnant woman to maintain her health and makes the process of childbirth easier. While excess food and indiscriminateness lead to the appearance of various diseases and excess weight. In situations where the weight has already begun to get out of control, fasting days come to the rescue.

Fasting days - This is a restriction in nutrition and a decrease in the calorie content of the daily diet. By themselves, they have a beneficial effect on the health of the pregnant woman and on the fetus. It is very important that the days of light meals are carried out correctly and after consulting a doctor.

There is always one fasting day! If the restriction in nutrition occurs for two or more days, unloading becomes a diet, and this no longer benefits the expectant mother. On the contrary, a prolonged restriction in food leads to a deficiency of various substances, a constant feeling of hunger and, as a result, to a breakdown and overeating.

In some cases, the diet is indicated for a pregnant woman for health reasons, especially in the presence of chronic diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus,
  • obesity,
  • cardiovascular disease, etc.

In such cases, such a measure is prescribed by the doctor.

Indications for fasting days

The nutrition of the expectant mother implies moderation. You shouldn't overeat, but you don't need to limit yourself too much. However, doctors sometimes prescribe fasting days for a woman.

The main indications for fasting days:

  • Gestosis... The consequence of complications can be placental abruption, delayed development of the fetus, a decrease in the amount of nutrients and oxygen supplied to the baby, as well as trauma and cramps during childbirth;
  • Fast weight gain... In a normal state, a woman's weight increases by 300-500 grams weekly, and over the entire period of pregnancy, the weight gained is no more than 12 kg. The exception is women who are underweight before pregnancy. In this case, they can gain more than the specified weight;
  • Obesity... Moreover, both before conception and during pregnancy. Excess weight can trigger gestational diabetes mellitus, as a result of which blood flow is impaired and there is a risk of obesity in the infant. Large children weighing more than 4 kg are especially susceptible to this;
  • Constipation, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases(especially the liver and kidneys);
  • Swelling;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


Often, pregnant women themselves experiment with nutrition and introduce fasting days. This should not be done categorically, since this procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • Being underweight before pregnancy;
  • Certain chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases.

Care must be taken to approach the question if there is:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • food allergies;
  • endocrine diseases.

It is important to remember that strict diets, fasting, and unbalanced mono-diets are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women.

The harm and benefits of fasting days

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of fasting days:

  1. The body is cleansed of toxins.
  2. Toxins are eliminated.
  3. Additional vitamins are supplied from food.
  4. Excess fluid is removed.
  5. With regular fasting days, weight is reduced.
  6. With the right approach, there is no harm to health.
  7. Blood pressure stabilizes and reaches normal.
  8. The walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle are strengthened.
  9. Edema subsides.
  10. The digestive system is relieved and relaxed.
  11. Enzymatic reactions are activated.
  12. Metabolism improves.
  13. Renal function is restored.
  14. Metabolism is activated: excess subcutaneous fat is broken down and protein synthesis is activated.
  15. Hair and nails become stronger and skin smoother and healthier.

If you follow all the doctor's prescriptions, pay attention to your body and listen to it, then there is no harm from such unloading.

Fasting day rules

To take out the maximum benefit from the fasting days and not harm yourself and your child, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Be sure to consult with your doctor first.
  2. It is necessary to unload not earlier than 28 weeks of pregnancy... By the third trimester, the baby's body is almost completely formed, which means that small restrictions on food will not harm his development.
  3. Do not get too carried away with fasting days or turn their diet. One fasting day a week or one and a half is more than enough. With such regularity and small restrictions, you can easily lose from three to five kilograms in just 2-3 months of fasting days. It's better than losing weight strenuously after childbirth.
  4. With a rapid weight gain in excess of the norm, do not skip fasting days.
  5. For convenience, you can choose one day of the week for unloading.
  6. During unloading (1.5-2 liters per day), if desired, you can add half a liter of rosehip broth.
  7. Divide the prepared amount of food into 5-6 small portions and have a meal every 3-4 hours. Avoid both overeating and intense hunger.
  8. If hunger becomes unbearable, drink a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  9. Do not add salt or sugar to food. Compliance with this rule will save you excess fluid and eliminate swelling in the tissues. By the end of the fasting day, you can lose up to 800 grams of weight.
  10. Do not unload with toxicosis. Hunger only intensifies the feeling of nausea. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a fasting day with increased portions and shorter intervals between meals.
  11. Practice different fasting days. This way you can get all the vitamins you need.
  12. Eat very slowly, savor the taste and smell, admire the food, and chew food thoroughly. Make the most of your food. This approach will allow you to feel full faster and get the most energy from food. In addition, chewing thoroughly improves digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  13. Stick to your limits. If you are unloading on fruits or vegetables, the weight of what you eat should not exceed 1.5-2 kg, if on meat - no more than 400-700 grams.
  14. Skip diuretics. The kidneys are already under tremendous stress.
  15. Do not cleanse the intestines on fasting days. It is better to do this procedure in advance.
  16. Severe food restrictions can cause bile congestion. If there are no contraindications, you can add natural choleretic agents to the diet of the fasting day.
  17. Spend your unloading day at a leisurely pace and relax. Avoid physical and mental stress. Do something enjoyable: read books, watch an interesting movie, do handicrafts. You can go for a pleasant unhurried walk.
  18. The calorie content of food eaten on a fasting day should be in the aggregate not less than 1000, but not more than 1500 calories.
  19. You can start a fasting day in the evening at 18.00 and end the next day at 18.00. So it will be much easier to endure food restrictions.
  20. Take your main meal either in the morning or in the afternoon.
  21. Limit the fat content of your menu for this day.
  22. Remember that a fasting day is only one day. Don't turn it into a diet.
  23. Get out of the fasting day gradually.

How to make your fasting day easier?

In order to turn unloading into a more enjoyable activity, you can use some tricks:

  • Use small dishes... In it, the portions will not seem microscopic and incapable of satisfying. Such a little brain trick will help defeat hunger.
  • Find an interesting activity that you can go headlong into.... This will help you distract yourself and not think about food and hunger.
  • You can find yourself a companion and spend days of light meals with him. I am. The support of a like-minded person helps a lot to overcome temptation and bring the matter to the end.

Correct exit from a fasting day

Do not rush to gorge on the next day after unloading the body. Such eating behavior will plunge the body into stress, and there will be no effect. For the next day, try to eat a balanced and light meal.

So, for breakfast, you can eat a fruit salad seasoned with low-fat yogurt, porridge or a boiled egg; for lunch - lean fish, poultry or rabbit meat with vegetables or light vegetable soup; for dinner - cottage cheese or boiled meat with vegetables.

Types of fasting days

Fasting days are very diverse. It is best to choose the appropriate options for unloading in conjunction with your doctor, depending on the purpose and state of health.

It is important to understand that each type of fasting day has its own healing properties. So, for edema, hypertension and kidney diseases, he recommends watermelon and apple days, for atherosclerosis and obesity - kefir, and for constipation - buckwheat.

Fasting days on meat and fermented milk products are contraindicated for pregnant women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. In general, unloading on meat is of little benefit.

Optimal fasting days for a woman in position are spent on kefir, apples and buckwheat. For all their lightness and low calorie content, these foods keep you energized and satisfy hunger. But if you have gastritis, apple days won't work.

"Well-fed" days

Suitable for those who do not tolerate the feeling of hunger, and who do not like the idea of ​​restrictions on food. On such fasting days, the feeling of hunger is not felt. “Well-fed” days are also good for nursing mothers.

R / D options The diet
Fasting day on cottage cheese For such unloading, you will need about 400 grams of cottage cheese and 600-1000 grams of berries. Berries must be seasonal. You cannot add sugar to a delicacy, but you can eat cottage cheese with berries every time you want to have a snack.
If cottage cheese without sour cream is very dry for you, you can add a little low-fat kefir or milk to the diet.
Fasting day on buckwheat - The unloading option on buckwheat is good because this cereal contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins, folic acid and the amino acid lysine.Buckwheat should not be boiled, otherwise all its beneficial properties will be easily lost. A glass of buckwheat can be poured with kefir (1.5 cups) and left to swell for 12 hours in a cold and dark place, but not in the refrigerator.
Another way to cook buckwheat is to put it in a thermos or a saucepan and pour boiling water over it, then close the thermos and wrap the pan with a towel. Leave it on for a few hours. Salting buckwheat is also not worth it.
You can add a salad of fresh carrots, apples or bell peppers to it.
Fasting day on meat For such a day, you will need 400 grams of boiled lean meat (rabbit, skinless chicken, turkey) and 800 grams of vegetables.
It is desirable that vegetables be rich in fiber, for example: bell peppers, corn, any cabbage, pumpkin, etc.
You can cook vegetables in different ways: steamed, baked, stewed, or made a salad. Divide the entire meal into 4-5 meals.
Fasting day on fruit To spend such a day, you will need 1 kilogram of fruits and berries. It can be absolutely any fruit. You can eat them neat, but you can make a salad. Low-fat yogurt or 10-15% sour cream are suitable for dressing.
Fasting day on potatoes For unloading, you need to boil or bake 2 kg of potatoes. It is not forbidden to drink 2 glasses of kefir.
Fasting days in the 3rd trimester best done with lean fish or rabbit meat.
Fasting day on fish You will need 400 grams of any lean fish. The fish can be boiled or baked. Lemon juice can be used to add flavor to the fish. You can also serve fresh vegetable salad or stewed vegetables with the fish.
Fasting day at seafood For unloading, you need to take 2-3 types of seafood (in the amount of 500 grams). They can be boiled or baked. Fresh vegetables are suitable as a side dish.
Rice fasting day Boil 150 grams of brown rice until cooked without salt. Carrots, apples, and bell peppers work well as an additive.
Fasting day "varied" If sticking to one meal all day is difficult, you can unload with different meals. Menu for the day:
  • 200 ml of fat-free or with a minimum percentage of fat content of kefir;
  • 100 grams of white cabbage and cucumber salad;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 grams of boiled chicken;
  • 4 baked apples (no sugar)

"Hungry" days

"Hungry" days are much more effective than "full" ones. The digestive system is resting, the body is cleansed.

R / D options The diet
Fasting day on vegetables Vegetables are perfect for unloading the body. It is better to give preference to zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage, bell pepper. Vegetables can be eaten raw or boiled. The main thing is that they are seasonal and fresh. You can eat 1.5 kg of vegetables per day.
Fasting day on kefir On this day, you cannot eat anything, but you can drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir.
Fasting day on apples
Apples are great for iron deficiency anemia, but they are categorically not suitable for people with gastritis. It is not recommended to drink them with water. In addition, it is advisable to spend such a day in the summer - in the apple season. You can eat apples fresh, or you can bake them. You cannot use sugar in this case, but you can sprinkle the apples with cinnamon and pour over the honey. The daily limit is 1.5 kg of apples.
Fasting day on juices One of the types of "hungry" days is a day on fresh juices. Juice can be squeezed out of vegetables, fruits and berries. You can drink up to 1 liter per day.
Fasting day on compote First you need to prepare compote. To do this, you need to boil 1 kilogram of fresh apples or 100 grams of dried fruits in 1.5 liters of water. Sugar can be added no more than 4 tbsp. l.
Fasting day on watermelon During unloading, you can only eat watermelon up to 1.5 kg. Don't forget about water. Its quantity must reach at least 1.5 liters.
Fasting day on a cucumber
Only cucumbers are allowed. Such nutrition helps to reduce swelling, remove unnecessary fluid, and normalize blood pressure.

Fasting day with edema

By itself, slight swelling during pregnancy is a natural occurrence. This is due to the large amount of the hormone estrogen in the body of the expectant mother. This hormone stores fluid in the body and slows down the removal of water. This allows the fabrics to be kept elastic in order to preserve them during childbirth.

The bulk of the water will leave the body already during childbirth, the remaining fluid will be excreted during the first week after childbirth during hormonal changes in the body.

In order to reduce swelling, you need to lead a healthy active lifestyle and do not forget to eat right:

  1. Reduce the amount of salt consumed, it is she who retains excess water in the body.
  2. Drink no more than 2 liters of water.
  3. Avoid all spicy and fatty foods.
  4. Mainly steam or bake food at low temperatures.
  5. Eat as many fresh vegetables, fruits and greens as possible.
  6. Divide food into small portions and eat every 3-4 hours.
  7. Have light snacks between meals: fruits, yogurt, raisins, dried apricots, kefir.
  8. Be sure to do fasting days if there are no contraindications. A fasting day on potatoes with kefir or on cottage cheese is best suited to reduce edema.

Protein diet for pregnant women

Protein is the building block of our body. The presence of protein is important for any organism, especially when it comes to a woman in an excellent position. The amino acids contained in protein regulate muscle growth and improve the development of the body.

Lack of protein leads to the following consequences:

  • Changes in hormonal levels and hormonal disruptions;
  • Slow absorption of vitamins and minerals;
  • The function of the liver and kidneys deteriorates.

Fasting days on protein foods are safe. With weight loss, muscles are not affected, only fat is broken down. At the same time, there is no feeling of hunger.

Protein days are especially useful for diabetes mellitus, circulatory disorders, obesity, atherosclerosis. Such days are also good prevention of blood clots.

What to eat during a protein diet?

The selection of products is quite extensive:

  • Lean white meat: turkey, chicken, rabbit;
  • Any fish (it is better to give preference to sea fish);
  • Legumes: peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans, etc .;
  • Mushrooms;
  • By-products;
  • Dairy products;
  • Fresh vegetables and herbs.

Meat can be baked, boiled, steam cutlets and meatballs (both meat and fish) can be made. Be sure to have a lot of vegetables and fresh herbs for the side dish. This will help maintain the acid-base balance, which means prolonging youth and beauty.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman at different times

The emergence of a new life occurs in stages, which means that at different periods of pregnancy, different products are required for mom and baby.

First trimester

Most likely, in the first days of pregnancy, the diet of a young mother will practically not change. However, even if taste preferences remain the same, you need to take care of the correctness of your diet and supply the body with the necessary substances in advance.

  • Squirrels... In order for the body to have enough proteins, legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas), soybeans, eggs, meat, milk must be included in the diet;
  • Vegetable fats and unsaturated acids... Add unrefined flax, olive, sunflower oil to your daily menu;
  • Carbohydrates(cereal products);
  • Folic acid. It is found in buckwheat, bananas, pumpkin, spinach and cereals;
  • Magnesium... You can replenish magnesium from bran, barley, almonds and cabbage;
  • Iron... There is a lot of it in apples, cocoa, buckwheat, chocolate, liver, fish, mushrooms;
  • Calcium... This element can be obtained from broccoli, Chinese cabbage, dairy products.

Fasting days in the early stages are not practiced. Exception: if mom gains weight more than 600 grams per week. Then the doctor may prescribe fasting days, but this is rather an exception.

Second trimester

During the second trimester, the child grows vigorously, various systems of the body continue to develop and organs are formed. This explains the increased appetite of the expectant mother and unpredictable food preferences. You need to try to stick to a varied diet in order to replenish all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but at the same time make sure that the food is healthy. No pastries, harmful sweets, fried and spicy foods.

Fasting days in the 2nd trimester are carried out as directed and under the strict supervision of a physician. Meals are still fractional and frequent.

Third trimester

The diet of a pregnant woman in the third trimester practically does not differ from the second. The only difference lies in the fact that now the food should be complete and standard: 4 times a day. Fasting days are recommended to be spent on vegetable salads, fresh and baked apples or cottage cheese.

A pregnant woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for her unborn child. Therefore, you should not both eat everything indiscriminately, and starve or put yourself on a diet without consulting a doctor.

A video for those who are afraid to get fat during pregnancy!

Useful articles:

Doctors often recommend that pregnant women spend fasting days. Such advice is usually given in late pregnancy to those expectant mothers who are overweight, severe swelling, or other manifestations of preeclampsia (late toxicosis). Unloading contributes to the healing of the whole body, therefore it is necessary for all women who feel a heaviness in the stomach, headaches and general weakness.

Naturally, fasting days for pregnant women are very useful, but before limiting your diet, you need to consult a doctor, for some expectant mothers such food experiments are contraindicated.

Fasting days during pregnancy

The optimal weight gain during the period of gestation of the baby is in the range of 8-12 kg and depends on the physique of the woman before conception. Basically, a noticeable increase in body weight begins to occur after the 20th week, before this time the expectant mother is gaining only 30% of her "pregnant" weight.

The health of both the mother and the baby depends on the correct set of body weight. Fasting days during pregnancy are simply necessary for a woman if she is overweight. As practice shows, after unloading food, lightness is felt throughout the body, the appearance of the pregnant woman, overall health and even mood improves.

It is especially useful to carry out fasting days for women with such a clear manifestation of late toxicosis as puffiness. Retention of fluid in the body and, as a result, the appearance of edema is inherent to a greater or lesser extent in all pregnant women. This complication affects all organs and systems of the expectant mother, not in the best way affecting the state of her health. In addition to edema, late toxicosis is manifested by high blood pressure, protein in the urine. The result of fasting days for pregnant women will be the removal of excess fluid from the body and, accordingly, a decrease in the severity of edema.

Food unloading rules:

  • Fasting days can be arranged only after the 28th week of pregnancy, when the baby has already formed all the systems and organs;
  • It is recommended to rest the stomach once every 7-10 days;
  • Before unloading, you should consult a doctor. A specialist will help you choose the most suitable menu and schedule;
  • It is important to combine various options for fasting days for pregnant women in order to avoid a deficiency of certain nutrients and vitamins;
  • Food unloading should be carried out on the same day of the week, so that the body can get used to and adapt to this process;
  • The allowed daily portion of products must be divided into several receptions (at least 5-6). Eating should be done at regular intervals to help avoid hunger without overloading the digestive system. Do not forget that chewing food slowly and thoroughly contributes to greater satiety;
  • Drink at least two liters of fluid a day. Then the cleansing of the body will be more effective.

Before unloading, you need to refrain from plentiful food, dinner should be light, no later than 7 pm. The next day, you should not do hard things, it is better to choose some interesting activity for yourself, so that there is no temptation to "refresh yourself from boredom."

Menu for pregnant women on fasting days

Today, dietitians offer moms-to-be a wide variety of different daily diet options. The most beneficial during pregnancy are considered to be unloading, based on the use of only fruits, vegetables or fresh juices during the day. There are also meat, kefir, dairy and other fasting days for pregnant women.

  • Apple day. During the whole day, you can eat only one and a half kilograms of apples. They are allowed to be consumed both unchanged and in the form of a salad with the addition of parsley, celery and vegetable oil;
  • Watermelon day. Watermelon mono-unloading involves the use of one and a half kilograms of watermelon pulp throughout the day;
  • Vegetable day. For a vegetable one-day mono-diet, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin with the addition of olive oil or sour cream are recommended;
  • Juice day. Unloading is carried out with the help of freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, fruits or berries, of which it is recommended to drink at least one liter per day. If fasting days fall on the cold season, you can replace the juices with compotes from dried fruits;
  • Fermented milk day. During the day, one and a half liters of any fermented milk drink and about 500 g of cottage cheese are allowed.

There are also "well-fed" options for fasting days for pregnant women:

  • Meat day. 400 g of lean unsalted meat are eaten a day. Each serving is washed down with sugar-free green tea. You can eat up to 800 g of raw vegetables without salt and spices;
  • Fish day. Instead of meat, low-fat varieties of fish are used; if you wish, you can add stewed vegetables, drink rosehip broth;
  • Potato day. They eat one kilogram of boiled potatoes per day, you can drink two glasses of kefir;
  • Rice day. According to the rice one-day diet, 150 g of rice is divided into three servings and consumed boiled.

Sample menu for pregnant women on fasting days: 4.6 out of 5 (5 votes)

Being overweight during pregnancy is known to multiply the load on the body, and can also cause pain in the legs and lower back, varicose veins and edema.

Perhaps, those women who follow their menu and do not allow a significant excess of the calorie content of the diet do the right thing. In this case, after giving birth, all the gained kilograms will evaporate by themselves, and the figure will be the same build as before pregnancy.

Fasting days during pregnancy: benefit or harm ^

Many gynecologists advise their patients to have unloading once a week, which will serve as a wonderful prevention of edema and weight gain. To do this, it is better to choose one day of the week and eat the recommended foods. You do not need to expect a noticeable weight loss after a fasting day, but in this way you can lose weight by 500 grams per month.

Rules for one-day unloading for pregnant women

  • A one-day restriction can be carried out after 28 weeks, when the organs of the fetus are already formed and the lack of nutrients will not affect its development.
  • You should eat in small portions, and it is better to divide the entire daily food intake into 5-6 meals.
  • It is imperative to observe the drinking regime: during the day you need to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of clean water.
  • It is advisable to alternate the options for the one-day menu so that the baby's body does not lack vitamins and trace elements.

In any case, you should ask your doctor for permission, he will also advise the optimal diet products.

Indications and contraindications

There are situations when fasting days are prescribed for therapeutic purposes. These include:

  • swelling;
  • overweight;
  • too fast an increase in kilograms;
  • gestosis of pregnant women;
  • hypertension.

Contraindications are conditions when careful control over the calorie intake is required, for example, in diabetes mellitus. It is better to refuse a fasting day if there are serious diseases of the digestive system, allergies to any components, chronic pathology of internal organs, or simply feeling unwell.

During pregnancy, it is better to choose light vegetable, fermented milk products, cereals for the one-day menu. Some women cannot stand even a slight hunger, then you should stop at a combination of lean meat and vegetables, cottage cheese and berries, rice porridge and vegetables. Such a diet is limited to 1-1.5 thousand calories and does not allow you to feel hungry.

The best recipes and menus ^

Fasting days for pregnant women: the best recipes, menus

During a light day, the body is perfectly cleansed of toxins, the metabolism improves, the digestive organs rest.

Fasting day during pregnancy with edema

The menu involves the inclusion of foods with a diuretic effect. The following options will help to remove excess fluid from the body:

  • Cucumber fasting day. Prepare 1.2 kg of cucumbers and divide the amount into 3 doses. Salads are prepared from vegetables with the addition of fresh herbs and drops of vegetable oil. It is also allowed to drink 3 glasses of kefir per day. The intake of vegetables and kefir should be alternated at regular intervals.
  • Watermelon fasting day. Watermelons are known for their diuretic effects and are beneficial for women in the second half of pregnancy. You can eat 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day, while not forgetting to use another liquid
  • Fasting day on rice with dried apricots. Rice does not allow the feeling of hunger to develop during the day, removes fluid and cleanses of toxins. Boil a glass of brown rice until tender and divide into several portions. You can crumble some dried apricots, apples into the finished porridge, add grated carrots or sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon.

Cranberry and lingonberry infusion, rosehip broth help well to remove excess water. Such fasting days for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, when there is edema or dropsy, will be especially useful.

Fasting days for pregnant women to reduce weight

Usually, with extra pounds, doctors advise to give up sweets, flour and fatty foods, prepared foods with preservatives, ketchup and mayonnaise.

But some women complain that even proper nutrition does not lead to weight stabilization. For weight loss it is better to choose vegetable, cheese, fruit "light" days.

Fasting day on apples during pregnancy

Experts advise choosing seasonal fruits that grow in the region, such as apples. They are eaten fresh or baked, you can boil compote or sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

  • They eat 1.5 kilograms of fruit per day.

Fasting day on buckwheat during pregnancy

Buckwheat is one of the most beneficial for the body, since it contains many minerals and lysine - an amino acid that promotes better absorption of calcium. During heat treatment, buckwheat retains the bulk of its nutrients.

  • To lose weight and cleanse the body, 250 grams of cereals are poured into a thermos, steamed with 500 ml of boiling water. The thermos is wrapped in a terry towel and left until morning.
  • The buckwheat menu will help diversify low-fat kefir, a glass of which is drunk after eating porridge.
  • Another option is to alternate buckwheat with apples.

Fasting day on kefir during pregnancy

Women with chronic diseases of the digestive system should be careful with this product.

  • If the stomach does not bother, then 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink is drunk per day, it is also allowed to eat 600 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Drinking water is chosen without gas.

Fasting day on cottage cheese during pregnancy

  • 600 - 700 grams of cottage cheese are seasoned with natural yogurt or kefir.
  • You can drink 2 glasses of tea per day, the rest of the liquid is water.

Fasting day on vegetables during pregnancy

  • Zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage are preferred.
  • One and a half kilograms of fresh or boiled vegetables without salt are eaten per day.
  • Season with vegetable oil or yogurt.

Reviews of doctors and results ^

As doctors say, a one-day dietary restriction will not negatively affect the child, he will take the missing elements in the following days.

To avoid malaise, you should take into account the reviews and recommendations of doctors about fasting days during pregnancy:

  • If you have gastritis, high acidity, peptic ulcer, it is better to choose a cereal day for unloading.
  • Be careful with a vegetable or fruit menu in case of intestinal disorders, bloating.
  • The results of fasting days for pregnant women should be consolidated using a properly composed menu in the following days. It is recommended to eat light food. The following diet is suitable: porridge with an apple for breakfast, low-fat vegetable soup and chicken for lunch. So you can gradually switch to a healthy diet.

Reviews of our readers

Reviews about fasting days for pregnant women sent to the editorial office are also very positive:

Lydia, 25 years old:

“Here's my fasting day - cottage cheese with milk. The effect is wonderful, but it is difficult to eat cottage cheese every 2 hours. But what can you do, it is necessary "

Elena, 27 years old:

“The doctor told me that you should never go hungry. It is better to eat right, but there are few fruits. It's easy to gain weight from a lot of glucose. "

Katerina, 30 years old:

"I used a kefir diet for unloading, I managed to lose up to 500 grams of weight in a day"

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