The child has a cold and urinates frequently. Causes of frequent urge to urinate without pain in children - physiological and pathological factors

The anatomical structure and functional capabilities of the body of a child and adolescent are still at the stage of formation. If, as the baby grows older, there have been changes in his behavior or habits, then you should not make hasty conclusions about the deterioration of health.

Frequent urination in a child can also be caused by natural causes, but you should definitely consult a doctor. Before a visit to the doctor, parents need to count the number of visits to the toilet by children, and also ask them about possible pain when emptying the bladder. Frequent urination in a child may be a sign of pathology.

Age indicators

Undoubtedly, it is worth paying attention to the frequent urination in a child. If the baby drank cranberry juice, ate watermelon or melon, then such a reaction of the body is quite expected. Even if the baby does not complain about any discomfort, it is worth contacting a pediatric urologist.

Pollakiuria, or frequent bladder emptying syndrome in children and adolescents, develops under the influence of many negative factors. In addition to reducing the body's resistance to infections, a stressful situation sometimes becomes the cause of the pathological condition.

This may be a change of educational institution, moving to a new place of residence, divorce of parents or death of a close relative. The nervous system of the baby can not cope with such a load, and the body reacts to this with urination disorders.

For the primary diagnosis of a possible disease, the doctor needs to know how many bladder emptyings the child has during the day. If the indicators do not exceed the norm, then in the absence of complaints of the child for pain or burning, further treatment is not carried out. Pediatric urologist focuses on the following values:

  • in the first days of life, the baby urinates 5 times a day;
  • the number of urination in a child up to 6 months - 20 times;
  • by the year the baby urinates no more than 15 times;
  • from a year to 3 years, the norm is 10 urination per day;
  • from 3 to 6 years - no more than 8 times;
  • from 6 years and older - 5 times.

Hypothermia is one of the reasons for the frequent urge to empty the bladder.

The frequency of bladder emptying changes as the child grows older. This is due to the gradual formation of the organs of the urinary system. Until adolescence, the development of all systems of life occurs. For example, human kidneys take several years to form.

These paired organs perform the most important functions:

  • maintain an optimal balance of minerals and biological fluids;
  • remove metabolic products, toxic compounds, toxins from the bloodstream;
  • respond to the accumulation of glucose reserves in the body;
  • stabilize blood pressure.

The active growth of the child, excessive loads and natural changes in the structural elements of the kidneys affect their functioning. First of all, this is expressed in an increase in the number of urination.

A slight deviation from the norm should not cause alarm. Parents do not need to constantly count the number of visits to the toilet by the baby and compare the obtained values ​​​​with the indicators of yesterday. If today a child often sits on the potty, then this is not a cause for concern. Perhaps he and his dad went sledding down a hill for a long time or drank a lot of delicious lemonade with his grandmother in a cafe.

natural causes

Pollakiuria, which arose under the influence of natural factors, is called physiological. As a rule, this condition does not require medical intervention. The number of emptying of the bladder in a child can be corrected by changing the diet or reducing physical activity. Frequent urination in children without pain occurs for the following reasons:

  • a large amount of liquid. The reaction of the baby's body to a significant amount of liquid drunk is quite predictable: the more juices, water or lemonade in the diet, the more often he asks for a potty. But such a reason for frequent urination should alert parents if the child constantly asks for water, complains of thirst. This should be a signal to visit an endocrinologist to rule out violations of the endocrine glands;
  • diuretic drugs. If the child began to urinate frequently during the treatment of any disease, parents should carefully read the attached annotation. The active ingredients of many drugs have weak or pronounced diuretic properties. The baby will become less likely to visit the toilet immediately after recovery;
  • diuretic products. Children will often urinate when eating sour berries (lingonberries, cranberries, black currants), cucumbers, watermelons, fruit drinks. The composition of many herbal preparations for babies includes rose hips and pharmacy chamomile. These drugs have a diuretic effect, so it is best not to use them at bedtime;
  • spicy and salty foods. As the child grows older, food prepared with the addition of pepper, turmeric or cumin appears in the child's diet. Smoked fish or meat, salted nuts and cheese cause intense thirst and frequent urge to empty the bladder. The volume of fluid consumed increases - and urination becomes more frequent;
  • hypothermia. Long walks or being in a cold room provoke a reflex spasm of the renal vessels. Accelerates the filtration of urine and its removal from the body. The frequency of urination decreases immediately after warming the baby;
  • increased motor activity. The excitement experienced in the process of games leads to the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream. This hormone raises blood pressure and makes the heart beat faster. In the child's body, metabolism increases, which causes the kidneys to increase the volume of blood filtration and excrete a lot of urine;
  • emotional stress. An unfriendly atmosphere in a kindergarten, school, family can provoke urination disorders. Adults should find an approach to the child, talk with him about what is happening, help eliminate negative factors from life. If the baby is closed in himself and does not respond to the attempts of adults to resolve the situation, then parents and the baby need to consult a psychologist.

Pollakiuria of physiological origin is temporary. After the elimination of the provoking factor from the life of the child, the frequency of urination returns to normal. But parents should be alerted by other changes that have arisen against the background of pollakiuria.

Fever and frequent urination in a child are a signal to see a doctor

Pathological causes

Frequent urination that is accompanied by thirst, painful cramps in the lower abdomen, or changes in the color and smell of urine are cause for concern. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor for diagnostic tests.

The sooner treatment begins, the fewer complications will occur and the faster recovery will come. There are many diseases that contribute to the violation of urination in a child. Frequent emptying of the bladder is one of the main symptoms of pathology.

Diabetes of sugar and non-sugar origin

Despite the similar name, the mechanism of development of these pathologies is different. But they share a common symptom - frequent urination. The cause of diabetes of sugar etiology is a violation of the endocrine system of the child.

Due to insufficient insulin content, the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream increases. The disease is characterized by a chronic course, impaired metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, changes in the water-salt balance.

Parents should pay attention to changing the drinking regimen of the baby. Other symptoms of diabetes include:

  • increased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • dryness of the skin.

Frequent urination provokes persistent dehydration of the child's body, which should be eliminated with the help of pharmacological preparations. Otherwise, after a few months, inflammatory foci form on the skin, blisters with purulent contents appear. A characteristic sign of endocrine pathology is unbearable pruritus.

Diabetes insipidus origin develops due to a decrease in the functional activity of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. These parts of the brain are responsible for the production of vasopressin. The hormone is involved in the regulation of fluid reabsorption during blood filtration by the kidneys.

Insufficient content of a biologically active substance in the body leads to an increase in the volume of urine excreted. This pathology is a rarely diagnosed disease that requires urgent correction of the hormonal background. The symptoms of diabetes insipidus are similar to those of diabetes.

Diseases of the urinary system

Frequent painful urination without changing the baby's drinking regimen can serve as symptoms of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the organs of the urinary system. It is worth asking the child about what he feels when emptying his bladder, whether his tummy hurts. Parents need to pay attention to the volume of urine, its color and smell.

Hypothermia often causes acute cystitis. The disease often develops in girls due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure (wide and short urethra). In boys, cystitis is accompanied by urethritis, an inflammatory process in the urethra.

For a pathological condition, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • there are cramps, burning during emptying of the bladder;
  • there are painful cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • the temperature rises;
  • the color of the urine changes, a sediment in the form of flakes or blood clots is found in it.

Cystitis, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis parents will be able to recognize at an early stage. If the baby laughed, sneezed, coughed, and he had an uncontrolled emptying of the bladder or urine leakage, it means that pathogenic microbes have entered the body.

Inflammation of the urinary organs in a newborn is difficult for parents to determine. You should pay attention to the constant crying, lack of appetite, weight loss. The symptom is constipation.

Respiratory diseases

ARVI or flu develops in a child's body after harmful microbes enter the upper and lower respiratory tract. Infectious foci formed in the bronchi or bronchioles are called primary. Weakened immunity of the baby sometimes causes the spread of viruses and bacteria, the appearance of secondary foci in the organs of the urinary system.

Substances produced during the life of microorganisms provoke intoxication. The child opens vomiting, sweating increases. Against the background of fluid loss, urination becomes more frequent, especially at night, but the amount of urine excreted is very small.

With colds in children, a very dangerous pathological condition can worsen -. It is caused by developmental disorders of certain organs of the nervous system, which are responsible for filtering blood and excreting urine. Emptying the bladder is not accompanied by pain, there is no inflammation in the kidneys, urethra or urinary canal. The disease must be treated quickly, otherwise the baby develops enuresis, incontinence and urine leakage.

Daytime urinary frequency syndrome in children

At a certain age, a boy (rarely a girl) suddenly increases the amount of urination. The child can visit the toilet every 20-25 minutes without feeling pain, burning or pain. This condition usually develops in children 4-6 years old, when the baby already knows how to control his bladder.

The causes of frequent urination in children are worms, in the vast majority of cases, pinworms.

The provoking factor of pollakiuria is a stressful situation. But the pediatric urologist still makes a diagnosis to detect an inflammatory focus in one of the sections of the urinary system. The baby will need to urinate, and the doctor will check whether the bladder is completely empty. Treatment of the syndrome of daytime frequent urination in children is based on the elimination of the cause of the pathology. In some cases, it may be enough to visit a child psychologist several times.

Urine analysis will help determine the cause of frequent urination


Frequent urination in children can serve as a signal of developing diseases, so a pediatric urologist conducts a thorough diagnosis. The doctor will examine the child, interview the parents, and examine the history of the disease. Laboratory tests of urine and blood are mandatory. A preliminary diagnosis is possible at the stage of studying the results of the tests:

  • urine: an increased concentration of proteins, uric acid and its compounds, leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process in one of the organs of the urinary system;
  • blood: a low level of hemoglobin, a small number of platelets indicate a general deterioration in the health of the baby.

Laboratory assistants will inoculate a biological sample into a nutrient medium to determine the type of pathogenic agent of cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis in boys and girls. In this way, the sensitivity of viruses and bacteria to antimicrobials is also clarified. Sometimes the urologist recommends collecting daily urine to determine the localization of the infectious focus.

To differentiate pathologies, children undergo instrumental studies of the pelvic organs:

  • computed tomography;
  • x-ray;
  • cystoscopy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

These examination procedures are assigned to children depending on age. MRI and CT should not be done on a newborn or small child. Boys and girls are not able to remain still throughout the procedure. Diagnosis allows you to timely detect pathology and start its treatment at an early stage, when cells and tissues have not yet undergone irreversible changes.

A balanced diet is an important part of a comprehensive treatment


If parents notice an increase in urination in a teenager or child, you should immediately make an appointment with a pediatrician. Before visiting the doctor, you should not give the child antibiotics or antimicrobials, as this will have a bad effect on the test results, making them unreliable. After examination and diagnosis, the pediatrician will write a referral to narrower specialists for therapy:

  • nephrologist - with renal pathologies;
  • urologist - with inflammation of the walls of the bladder or urinary ducts;
  • to an endocrinologist - if diabetes and diabetes insipidus are detected or if a violation of the adrenal glands is suspected;
  • a neurologist if a stressful situation has become the cause of frequent urination.

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, a decrease or increase in the production of adrenal hormones, require the joint work of an endocrinologist and a nephrologist. To avoid the occurrence of frequent urination, parents need to monitor the child's compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, try to avoid hypothermia during games and walks.

If a negative symptom of numerous diseases nevertheless appears, then you should not treat the child yourself with heating pads with hot water or antibiotics purchased at the nearest pharmacy. Such "therapy" will provoke severe complications, will not allow timely diagnosis of the pathological process.

Frequent urination in children: why it occurs and how to treat it

Constant urge to go to the toilet is called pollakiuria. In some cases, the cause may be minor, but it happens that the symptom is associated with a disease (kidney or bladder). We tell you how to recognize the unhealthy child by frequent urination and cope with the problem.

The rate of urination of the child

For newborns and toddlers who are less than six months old, it is absolutely normal to urinate 15 to 25 times a day; about 15-17 trips to the toilet "in a small way" are done by babies aged from six months to a year; the number of urination is reduced to 10 in the period of 1-3 years; further up to seven years, the figure fluctuates in the value of 7-9 times; 7-10 year olds urinate up to seven times a day; for children older than ten years, the number of urination is five to seven.

Physiological pollakiuria

Before thinking about the possible illnesses of the child, pay attention to how much fluid he drinks. By the way, it’s worth clarifying here: the baby can drink a lot of the same teas and juices, because he’s so used to it or feels thirsty, but it’s also possible that drinking plenty of water and frequent urination are associated with development.

Plus, drugs with a diuretic effect sometimes become provocateurs: the same furosemide and other diuretics. After taking certain medications, the frequency of urination in the child increases, as such a side effect has occurred (here, for example, metoclopramide with diphenhydramine is isolated).

In addition to medicines, you often want to go to the toilet from some food and drinks: green tea with soda, coffee, carrot juice, cranberries and lingonberries (in the form of compotes, decoctions and fruit drinks), watermelons, melons, cucumbers. Another reason may be hypothermia, when the kidney vessels spasm reflexively, urine is filtered rapidly and also quickly excreted from the body. It is worth warming up, as pollakiuria passes. Stress and overexcitation can also affect the frequency of urination: adrenaline actively secreted by the body simultaneously increases urine production, the bladder becomes more excitable. As soon as the stressful situation is resolved, the symptom will cease to appear.

Diseases and frequent urination

If the cases described above are not dangerous to the health of the child and the number of urges returns to normal when the factor is eliminated, then in a situation with bedwetting, you should be wary. The child may complain of abdominal pain with urgency, burning, high fever, sweating with weakness; noticeable weight loss. All this suggests that you need to contact a specialist so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Of the pathologies, the most common is cystitis associated with inflammation of the bladder. With cystitis, pollakiuria is accompanied by pain during urination, and the lower abdomen often hurts. If the urethra is inflamed (), there are cramps, burning at the time of urination. But (inflammation of the pyelocaliceal system and connective tissue structures of the kidneys) in itself is not distinguished by such active urges, until it manifests itself along with it. The child feels weak, pale, eats poorly, can tell about pain in the abdomen; he also feels sick, vomits, has a fever. In addition to the described violations, the cause may be in a small volume of the bladder (congenital anomaly or tumor in the bladder); ; ; ; other hereditary and acquired pathologies (the same renal diabetes with phosphate diabetes, congenital tubulopathy, etc.).

Neurogenic bladder dysfunction (hyperreflex type)

The violation is manifested by improper functioning of the bladder: collection, "storage" of urine and untimely emptying. The cause of the pathology is a delay in the maturation of the nerve centers responsible for the functioning of the organ. Pollakiuria in this case is isolated, aggravated by stress and, while there is no inflammation of the urinary tract with pain during urination. Sometimes enuresis with urinary incontinence is possible against the background of dysfunction.

Pathologies of the endocrine system

We are talking about diabetes and diabetes insipidus. The first pathology (glucose accumulates in the blood without reaching the cells of the body) involves the control of sugar levels. In the initial stages there is thirst with increased appetite and weight loss. A lot of urine is excreted, boils with folliculitis, blepharitis, and itching develop more often on the skin. As for the second pathology, it is associated with improper functioning of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, which produce the hormone vasopressin. It helps to absorb water while filtering blood through the kidneys, so if the hormone is low, more urine is produced than needed. Signs other than pollakiuria are thirst with polyuria (large amounts of urine).

Violations of the activity of the central nervous system

The bladder is emptied by the action of brain impulses passing through the dorsal to the nerve cells of the organ. Breaking the chain threatens with frequent urination a little bit and urinary incontinence. This happens due to injuries, tumors of the spinal cord and brain, inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord.

External causes

This refers to situations where the volume of the bladder is reduced not only due to abnormal development, but also squeezing the organ from the outside: these are tumors of the small pelvis, pregnancy in adolescence.

Neuroses with psychosomatic disorders

We have already said that stress often makes a child go to the toilet more often. Also, in addition to them, neuroses, neurasthenia and psychosomatic states (the same and others) can influence. Pollakiuria in this case is constant, albeit not pronounced. In addition to frequent urination, nervousness with mood swings, tearfulness or aggressiveness, phobias, etc. is noted.

How to find out the causes of pollakiuria

Physiological causes are ruled out first. Then, after the interview and examination, the specialist needs to check the urine (general analysis) to check for cystitis or pyelonephritis. Plus, this analysis can detect glomerulonephritis with urolithiasis and diabetes mellitus. Further studies are carried out, focusing on the result of the analysis. It may be necessary to make tests of Nechiporenko, Addis-Kakovsky (to detect hidden inflammation of the urinary tract); Zimnitsky (assessment of kidney function). Diagnosis is supplemented by a biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the bladder with kidneys (they check for stones, inflammation, etc.). Sometimes it does not do without a load test with glucose, a study of blood hormones, consultations of a nephrologist and endocrinologist with a neurologist (or psychiatrist), neurosurgeon. As a rule, these diagnostic methods are sufficient to determine the cause of the disorder.

Problems with urination in young children alert attentive parents and force them to go to the clinic. If there is frequent urination in children, the doctor will help to understand the causes of this phenomenon and recommend medications for treatment.

The urinary process is a complex system of regulatory mechanisms that ensure the evacuation of waste fluid from the body. Like any system, the genitourinary system can malfunction, which is why frequent “small” trips appear. If the child urinates frequently, it is necessary to check his genitourinary system.

Physiological pollakiuria

A disease in which there is often an urge to go to the toilet is called pollakiuria. The reasons for this phenomenon may not be at all in problems with the functioning of the internal organs responsible for the process of excretion of urine. The diagnosis of physiological pollakiuria is quite common, but after the elimination of all factors of the disorder, the problems disappear. The cause of frequent urination in children may be:

  1. drinking too much liquid, for example, if a young child is given too much water;
  2. taking diuretic drugs, such as furosemide;
  3. the use of products that have a diuretic effect is cranberries, melons, cucumbers, kefir;
  4. hypothermia of a baby is a physiological state when the organ is not inflamed, but as a result of a reaction to cold, the child's body tries to get rid of excess fluid. After the baby stays warm, urination returns to normal;
  5. stress and severe overexcitation, which also cause frequent urination. Usually, after stress, the number of urination is normalized.

In such cases, you should not worry, because the child is not sick, and increased frequency of urination is just a normal response of the body to negative external influences. Specific treatment in this case is not required.

Pathological pollakiuria

When should parents sound the alarm and see a doctor to diagnose a problem with the urinary organs? There are clear indications for this:

  1. You can talk about the pathology of urination when the child is constantly worried about frequent trips to the toilet, and they are replaced by times when he goes to the toilet much less frequently.
  2. The second aspect is when pollakiuria is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: the baby may not feel sharp pains, but he is present, there is a need to strain when urinating.
  3. A situation where, with frequent urination, a child has other unpleasant symptoms, such as fever, severe weakness, sweating, cold sweat on the forehead, rapid weight loss.

There are a number of diseases in which frequent urge to urinate in children becomes the most striking marker. These are pathologies of the urinary system, neurogenic deviations in the regulation of the bladder, dysfunction of the endocrine system, diseases of the central nervous system, compression of the bladder (for example, by a tumor), psychosomatic abnormalities and neurotic disorders.

Pathologies of the urinary organs

Diseases of the urinary organs are one of the common causes of pathological pollakiuria in young children. Children often develop acute cystitis, as well as pyelonephritis. All these diseases can be accompanied by pain, and sometimes children do not feel it at all. Pyelonephritis, for example, is very often combined with cystitis, while the chronic course of the disease provokes pain, but not when urinating - the baby complains of pain in the abdomen, but not in the bladder area. It helps to clarify the diagnosis of general symptoms: lethargy, weakness, pallor of the skin, fever, nausea and vomiting. The key stages in the diagnosis are urine tests, hardware methods for examining internal organs, for example, ultrasound or tomography.

Other pathologies of the urinary system include:

  • congenital anomalies of the organ, for example, its small volume or reduction in capacity due to the presence of a tumor in it;
  • glomerulonephritis - immunoinflammatory lesion of the renal glomeruli;
  • urolithiasis - the presence in the urine of salts, sand or stones;
  • renal failure - a disease characterized by severe pathological processes leading to the extinction of the main function of the organ;
  • hereditary kidney pathologies or acquired after birth - renal diabetes (sodium deficiency), phosphate diabetes (impaired absorption of phosphorus) and congenital metabolic abnormalities (impaired transfer of electrolytes and organic substances).

Neurogenic dysfunction of the organ is accompanied by a violation of its work - the bladder does not collect, does not store and is not emptied in a timely manner from its contents. Pathology develops due to untimely maturation of centers in the brain that regulate urination in the body. Usually the pathology is isolated and is not complicated by concomitant diseases. With neurogenic dysfunction, there are no signs of cystitis, children do not feel pain when urinating, but there is prolonged pollakiuria. It is aggravated by nervous tension, colds. Also, neurogenic dysfunction leads to urinary incontinence and urination at night.

Endocrine pathologies

Very often, problems with the excretion of urine from the body occur due to dysfunction of the endocrine system. The most common cause of this is diabetes - diabetes and diabetes insipidus. In diabetes, the baby's absorption of glucose is impaired - it is not transported to the tissues, but remains in the blood. It is the blood test that is the main marker of diabetes mellitus, because it is on it that you can detect a persistent increase in fasting sugar. The main symptom of diabetes is thirst, increased appetite, children often urinate. Such children are prone to inflammatory diseases and skin itching. Therapy for diabetes is to control the readings of glucose in the blood.

Diabetes insipidus manifests itself in problems with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. These two glands are responsible for producing vasopressin, which is needed to return water when the kidneys filter blood. With a deficiency of this hormone, water does not enter the bloodstream, but is converted into urine and excreted from the body during urination.

Diabetes insipidus is a very rare condition and is usually diagnosed at a young age. The characteristic symptoms of this disease are thirst and frequent urination. It is necessary to treat diabetes insipidus by introducing into the body substitutes for vasopressin - desmopressin, adiuretin.

Pathologies of the central nervous system

Frequent urination in children without pain is provoked by deviations in the activity of the central nervous system. Normally, the emptying of an organ from urine is regulated by a number of nerve impulses that the brain gives when the organ is overflowing with urine. With the help of the spinal cord, signals are transmitted directly to the organ, and the baby urinates.

If this transmission chain becomes defective, then emptying occurs spontaneously - as the organ fills with urine. Urine comes out not only often, but also in small portions. CNS dysfunctions can occur when the integrity of the spinal cord is damaged, neoplasms, and diseases of the spine, for example, compression of the nerve by a hernia, disc protrusion, etc. In this case, the treatment of the underlying disease is necessary, after which the urine excretion function will gradually improve itself.

Small bladder volume

Insufficient organ capacity may be a congenital pathology in a newborn, in which pollakiuria is observed. A bladder that is too small is simply not able to hold all the volume of urine produced by the kidneys, so urine comes out in the form of leakage and frequent urination. Some children suffer from urinary incontinence. Usually, treatment is aimed at increasing the volume of the organ by infusions of various solutions in order to stretch it. Therapy is carried out for a long time, and in girls the effect of treatment is observed later than in boys.

Also, tumors can develop in the bladder, which reduce its volume. The appearance of neoplasms is a rather rare situation, but it also leads to pressure and a decrease in the volume of the organ. Treatment of the tumor is carried out by surgery.

Psychological problems and neuroses

Neurotic disorders and psychosomatic problems are the most difficult to diagnose causes of frequent urination in children without pain. As already mentioned, nervous tension causes physiological pollakiuria in the baby. If stress does not go away, and pollakiuria persists for a long time, this is recognized as a pathology. In young patients, neurosis, neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other abnormalities can be diagnosed.

If the physiological pollakiuria due to stress usually disappears after a few hours, then the increased urge to urinate against the background of neurosis is constantly observed, although it is not expressed so clearly. A child with pathological pollakiuria also has other characteristic symptoms - mood swings, aggressiveness, inability to find contact with others, increased anxiety.

Usually, such a diagnosis is made by the method of exclusion, when all examinations of the genitourinary system were carried out, but no pathologies were found. Help in the diagnosis can be provided by a neuropathologist and a psychiatrist, who will continue to lead a small patient.

Frequent urination without pain in children should not be left out of parental control. After all, the baby himself cannot assess his problem, and in the absence of pain, the child does not have complaints. Only after consultation does a specialist have the opportunity to diagnose and begin treatment of the underlying disease that provokes pollakiuria.


Frequent urge to urinate in children is a fairly common disorder that usually signals health problems. Therefore, such a symptom should not be ignored.

general information

A child is not an adult. The main functions of the systems of internal organs are significantly different. What is usually normal for an adult can be a pathology for a child. Anatomically and functionally, the kidneys of a child and an adult organism have many differences. The younger the child, the stronger this difference is. By the time the baby is born, it has not yet been completely formed.

The kidneys are a serious mechanism. Through these organs, it balances fluids and minerals in the body, removes metabolic end products and foreign chemical compounds from the blood. In addition, the kidneys are actively involved in maintaining normal blood pressure, the formation of glucose, and in the regulation of the production of red cells by the bone marrow.

The work of the urinary system of a small child is at the limit of its capabilities. Against the background of complete health, the kidneys cope with their direct duties, but with minor failures, violations are possible.

The rate of urination in children of different ages

Features of the structure and functioning of the urinary system in young children determine the frequency of urination depending on age. For example, a baby usually needs about 25 diapers per day. The exception is children in the first week of life. Their frequency of urination is negligible - no more than 5 times a day. This is due to high fluid loss and insufficient supply of breast milk. By 12 months, the baby begins to urinate about 15-17 times a day. With age, the number of urination usually decreases. At three years old, children go to the toilet no more than eight times a day, and at nine years old - about six times. Teenagers urinate no more than five times a day.

Anything that exceeds the listed indicators can be considered frequent urination. However, small deviations from the norm are always allowed. If a six-year-old child urinates 6 times today and 9 times tomorrow, there is no reason to panic. It is necessary to analyze possible changes in the life of the baby. For example, after eating fruits, urination may increase without any pathology. On the other hand, changes in these indicators often indicate health problems. Next, consider the main causes in children without pain.

What is physiological pollakiuria?

Causes can be harmless and non-disease related. In this case, physiological pollakiuria is usually implied. Its development is due to the following factors.

  1. The use of liquid in large volumes. When a child drinks a lot, the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent. Parents should pay attention to the causes of increased fluid intake. It is one thing if a child in the family is accustomed to drinking mineral water every day or feels thirsty in hot weather, as well as after physical activity. If the baby constantly asks for water for no reason and pees a lot, this may signal a disease such as diabetes.
  2. Taking drugs with a pronounced diuretic effect. These include diuretics, antiemetics and antihistamines.
  3. Hypothermia. Frequent urination in a child without pain is accompanied by a reflex spasm of the vessels of the kidneys. After warming, pollakiuria stops.
  4. The use of products with a diuretic effect (lingonberries, watermelon, cucumbers, green tea). Most of them contain a large amount of water in their composition, so the number of trips to the toilet increases.
  5. Frequent urination in a 4-year-old child is possible due to stress and overexcitation. Against their background, adrenaline is released in the body, which affects the excitability of the bladder and the excretion of the fluid itself. Therefore, the child often visits the toilet, but urinates in small portions. This is a temporary condition that goes away on its own.

Physiological pollakiuria is completely safe and does not require specific treatment. Urination returns to normal after the elimination of the provoking factor.

Not always parents can independently determine the cause of such a disorder. In some cases, frequent urination in a child without pain is a symptom of a serious illness. These can be psychosomatic disorders, pathologies of the endocrine and nervous systems. Usually, the disorder is accompanied by fever, excessive sweating and refusal to eat. Consider the main diseases in which frequent urination is observed, in more detail.

Pathology of the endocrine system

Frequent urination in a child without pain can be a symptom of diabetes, both diabetes and diabetes insipidus.

In the first case, the disease develops due to a violation of the absorption of glucose, which does not reach the cells in full. Its primary symptoms are constant thirst and excessive appetite. In addition, children have inflammatory and purulent lesions of the skin, eye area.

Occurs against the background of dysfunction of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the production of He provides the reverse absorption of water during blood filtration through the kidneys. Frequent urination in a child 3 years of age and older may be due to a deficiency of this hormone.

Bladder dysfunction

Neurogenic bladder is a pathology in which there is a violation of the functioning of this organ. It develops due to the slow maturation of the nerve centers that are responsible for the proper functioning of the bladder. Frequent urination in a child without pain is the main symptom of neurogenic dysfunction. Its manifestation can intensify against the background of stress or colds.

Neurosis and psychosomatic disorders

As noted above, stress and overexcitation often provoke frequent urination in children. The causes of this disorder can also be hidden in neurasthenia and various psychosomatic conditions. Physiological pollakiuria on the background of stress is a temporary phenomenon, the duration of which should not exceed 10 hours. In the case of a pathology of a psychosomatic nature, the symptoms are observed constantly, but they may be less pronounced and supplemented by mood swings, aggressiveness.

CNS pathology

The emptying of the bladder each time occurs with the help of impulses that come from the brain through the spinal cord. If the chain breaks, spontaneous excretion of urine is observed. This happens every time the bubble is full. As a result, parents notice frequent urination. In a 5-year-old child, this is possible with injuries, inflammatory and degenerative diseases, and brain tumors.

External pressure on the bladder

With a decrease in the size of the bladder, there is a need for more frequent emptying of it, that is, pollakiuria. In addition to abnormal development, external pressure can lead to this disorder (pregnancy in adolescent girls, tumors in the pelvis, etc.).

Examination to confirm the diagnosis

To identify the presence of a particular disease, it is necessary to do a urine test. It is not recommended to collect it in the evening hours. Also, do not store the liquid in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours, as the results of the analysis may be incorrect.

If a large number of microbes are found in the urine during the diagnostic process, additional testing will be required to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. To detect signs of inflammation or an abnormal structure of the bladder, ultrasound is prescribed. A blood test is needed to study hormones, assess kidney function, and determine glucose levels. Sometimes consultation of narrow specialists (nephrologist, endocrinologist) is required.

Treatment Options

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor can determine what causes frequent urination in children, the causes of the pathological disorder. After that, the pediatrician prescribes the appropriate treatment.

With physiological pollakiuria, specific therapy is not used. All other causes require treatment in a hospital, where it is possible to fully diagnose diseases and monitor the child's condition around the clock.

The course of therapy is prescribed in accordance with the diagnosis, since pathological pollakiuria cannot be overcome without affecting the main disease. The choice of specific drugs remains with the doctor. The range of drugs used for frequent urination in children is very wide. For example, sedatives are prescribed for neuroses, and insulin is required to treat diabetes. In the event of a malfunction of the central nervous system, surgical intervention may be required.

Parents should understand that pollakiuria is a fairly serious disorder, which can be caused by dangerous diseases. and frequent urination persist for several hours, it is necessary to call a medical team. Self-treatment of such a pathology is not recommended.

Prevention measures

Of course, it is impossible to insure a child against diseases of the urinary system. However, a number of preventive measures make it possible to detect pathology in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant complications.

  1. Be extremely attentive to the child's condition and possible manifestations of the disease.
  2. Do not neglect scheduled visits to the doctor. Children under six months should be examined by a pediatrician every month, up to three years - every three months, after four - every six months.
  3. Make sure that the child does not catch a cold, forbid him to sit on cold benches and damp earth.
  4. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding your baby for as long as possible. The urine of such children contains large amounts of immunoglobulin A, which protects against various infections.
  5. Do not try to figure out on your own what causes frequent urination in children. Treatment and a comprehensive examination can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Parents should constantly monitor how often the child goes to the toilet. In case of any deviations from the norm, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician. It is better to once again consult a doctor and protect the child's body from possible complications.

The day before, you and your child could not get out for a walk. They took too long to get ready, dressed too slowly. But it was impossible to speed up this process, because the baby now and then asked to go to the toilet. Today the situation repeated itself exactly one to one: again long fees and endless “mom, I want to write”. And you are worried: something is wrong with your baby. We were right, because frequent urge to urinate is a signal that the child has problems. It remains only to figure out what they are in nature - physiological or psychological.

How often should a child pee

Pediatricians have long determined the norms of urination for different age groups. The pattern is simple: the older the child, the less often he goes to the toilet. If for babies the frequency of “small” trips up to 25 times a day is considered acceptable, then children from 10 years old and older are already equated to adults with a norm of up to 8 times. Talk about potential health problems should start if the child goes to the toilet twice as often.

True, for babies under one year old, this rule is difficult to apply. At this age, children can control little at all, especially the work of their bladder, so how much they eat, or rather drink breast milk, they pee as much. If you have an older child, but he asks to go to the toilet several times an hour, then you need to understand whether everything is in order with his health.

Frequent Urination Problems: Towards a Diagnosis

The first thing you should do is visit a pediatrician who will give your child a referral for a urine test. Based on its results, you will either exclude possible diseases in which frequent urination is one of the main symptoms, or confirm them. This should be done as early as possible so that the alleged disease does not have time to develop into a chronic form.

So, what can be diagnosed in a child who pees too often, regardless of his age:

  • Urinary tract infection. This happens when germs get into intimate places from the outside world. Maybe some hygiene rules were not observed, as a result, the mucous membrane of the urethra became inflamed and now gives signals in the form of an invitation to the toilet.
  • Cystitis. This is the most common disease of the genitourinary system in children. It happens when the infection gets straight to the bladder and is accompanied, in addition to incontinence, by other unpleasant symptoms: pain, fever.
  • Diabetes. It is believed that thirst is one of his first signs, respectively, if a child drinks a lot, then he pees more often. In addition, if you notice that at the same time he is losing weight and looks tired for no reason, urgently see a doctor.
  • Synechia in girls. Adhesions in the tissues of the penis can be triggered by various reasons, including inflammation, so the urination system will also suffer.
  • Renal pathology.
  • overactive bladder. Such a diagnosis is very common in children after 4–5 years of age, and in adults, if they are not masters of their bladder.

Let's assume the best option: the results of the analyzes of your child were more than satisfactory. But this does not mean that you need to calm down, because the problem has remained unresolved, just now its origins must be sought in a different plane.

Situational problems of frequent urination

To define frequent urination, which is not caused by physiological causes, that is, it is not a disease, a special term was coined - pollakiuria. The word is beautiful, which cannot be said about the problem it characterizes. After all, pollakiurite children ask (go) to the toilet several dozen times a day, which can drive anyone, even the calmest parent, crazy. And really, what should adults think about if, according to all medical papers, their child is considered absolutely healthy, but at the same time he literally registered in the toilet? Let's open the secret: in this case, adults should think about their behavior and about their own parenting methods. Pollakiuria is a field of psychology. And parents are responsible for child psychology.

What can cause frequent urination in a healthy child

  • Is your baby about to cross infancy? This means that a period of great change begins in his life: it begins get rid of diapers gradually weaned from the mother's breast and introduction to artificial mixtures. Even minor changes in nutrition can affect the natural needs of the child. Be patient, he will get used to it, and your life will also go back to normal.
  • The child is already about two years old and you are actively potty train him? Are you sure you are doing everything right? Of course, with the successful completion of the mission "to go to the potty", the child needs to be made clear that he is doing well. But if you indulge in raptures to an excessive degree, then the little sly one will immediately figure out how to benefit from it. He will demonstrate how good he is at every opportunity and not very much - regardless of whether he wants to write or not, just to earn praise.
  • The kid is growing, he has already crossed the three-four-year milestone, but at the same time he began to go to the toilet almost every hour. You are nervous about this, pestering him with questions, saying how he feels, if something hurts him, and you, of course, are unaware that it just doesn’t hurt. The only thing your child needs are these questions. Simply put, he wants you to talk to him. Your attention- that's all he wants. And he found such a primitive, but effective way to get it.
  • Your child is a water drinker, or he eats too much diuretic products. A small correction of nutrition - and the problem of frequent urination can be solved.
  • Child nervous. If he is five or six years old, then he can already evaluate the events in his life emotionally and psychologically. That is, he quite consciously understands what in this world can be scary, what can be exciting, and what can be easy and pleasant. And if “terrible” is expected, then frequent urination is a completely natural reaction of a small person to big problems. Not every adult can sometimes cope with excitement and therefore is unable to move away from the toilet, then what can be expected from a child who has more than enough reasons to worry?
  • Child overcooled. At home, he runs barefoot on the cold floor, goes outside too lightly dressed - and this could not help but chill his bladder.

What to do so that the child becomes the master of his bladder

According to statistics, the problems of frequent urination in children have to be solved in every fifth family. If they are associated with health pathologies, then in this case the answer to the question "what to do?" there can be only one - to be treated. Immediately, by conducting a comprehensive examination under the supervision of good specialists.

If the doctors confirm that the child is healthy, then we begin to look for a solution to the problem within ourselves and our family. First, let's answer some honest questions:

  • Is my child receiving proper care? Am I wearing it correctly for a walk? Is he comfortable in home clothes?
  • Am I sure my child is eating right?
  • Do I devote enough time to my baby (play with him, read books to him, take an interest in his successes and problems)? Does he get my attention?
  • Is it possible to call the atmosphere in our family psychologically comfortable for a child?
  • Am I teaching my child how to deal with personal psychological problems?

It doesn't matter if you answer "yes" or "no" to all questions. The main thing is that you think about your parenting behavior, which may be directly or indirectly related to the condition of your child, including his problems with frequent urination. The sooner you think about it, the more actively you will begin to take action. This means that the faster your child will return to a normal lifestyle, in which the toilet will no longer play one of the main roles.