Drawing for the smallest (finger paints, color recipes for children)

It is known that tactile sensations (that is, the touch, sensations from touch) directly affect the development of the human nervous system, in particular the brain. Drawing is a vast experience in color perception, thin tactile sensations and true pleasure, this is nothing comparable!

How to develop a child and his creative abilities? It is useless to give a baby to the child: 3 years old it is useless at all, because the hands of the hands are still not well developed so that the child can consciously adjust the length of the lines and draw the figures of a certain shape.

What to do? There is a way out - Give your child finger paints and you give him the opportunity to express yourself.

Let it not draw specific items, it will carry his feelings on paper, for example, instead of Mom, he will draw his love to her, instead of the sea, shows the feelings of lightness and weightlessness.

From what age can you draw with your fingers? Already the 5-month-old baby can already offer finger paints and a large sheet of paper (the more, the better). You can first give only 1 jar of paint - for example, yellow. Then already enter the rest of the colors. With a break in a few days (or months), show the baby, how to draw with your fingers, palm, how to mix paint.

The game promotes color perception, development, hands, social adaptation movements. With the help of independent drawing, music, dancing, a child learns to shoot negative emotions, unspoken offensive, inexplicable alarms and fears.

In addition, finger paints develop fine motility, which affects not only the kid's ability to use their handles, but also contributes to the development of speech. How? The fact is that the center responsible for the movement is located in the cerebral cortex very close to the speech center, and when the first starts to work, it makes it worry and the second.

These paints can be drawn not only on paper, but also on cardboard, glass, even on the body. And also - what has a big plus for mothers - they are well wash off from any surfaces and easily dismissed. And most importantly - they are not delicious!

note It is possible to draw with finger paints with the baby when it is splashing in the bathroom - wash off the paint from the walls and you can in a few minutes.

How to start drawing?

Put the baby on your knees, show him yourself how to draw. Map finger in paint and make several smears. Do it in a minute at least every day, and let this stage take a month. At some point, smear his own finger or palm paint and spend on paper with his hand. Do it so that the child for this actively watched! Hold his hand on paper, wiped her fingers - the half-minute drawing session is over. And let such classes - with minimal forward movement - occupy one and a half or two months, and no less. Do not rush anywhere! You must convey to the child a mysterious principle: With hands on a white sheet can be transferred to the paint!

Finger paints (from 3 months to 6 months):

Finger paints (from 6 months to 12 months):

Finger paints (from 1 year to 1.5 years):

Finger paints (from 1.5 years to 2 years):

Finger paints (after 2 years):

Recipes of finger paints: How to make finger paints with your own hands.

Recipe for finger paints №1.0.5 kg of flour, 5 tbsp. Salt, 2 tbsp. Oils, add water to the consistency of thick sour cream.
All this is mixed with a mixer, then the resulting mass is pouring into separate jars, add food dye (beet or carrot juice, as an option - Easter sets), mix to homogeneous mass.

Recipe finger paints №2. Mix 1/3 cup starch and 2 sugar spoons. Add 2 glasses of cold water and put on a small fire. Cooking 5 minutes by stirring constantly until the mixture becomes a translucent gel-like mass. When this mass cools, add 1/4 of the mugs of the liquid to wash the dishes (it will make paints easily washed off from clothes and other surfaces.) Then the mass should be divided into several portions and add either food paint into each portion, or non-toxic gouache.

Recipe for finger paints №3. Mix 1.5 cup starch and 0.5 cup of cold water, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add a liter of boiling water there, continuously stirring until the transparent mass is obtained. Continuing to stir pour 0.5 cup talca. When the mixture is cooled, add 1.5 cups of soap chips and stiritate well. Boil into jars, tinted with powder temperatures and cool a little.

So, drawing with finger paints contributes to the early development of creative abilities.Not because the baby learns to draw, but because he learn to express themselves, transmit his feelings and impressions.

And finally, setting up a session of drawing, you just deliver a great pleasure to him! After all, small children love new games so much, something unusual, and if suddenly, they will be allowed to "stain" the handles and everything around - the storm of delight is guaranteed!

Calm Troso.ru. The article uses the materials of the authors: Tatyana Aleksandrovskaya, Mikhail Fedotov and photos of happy children

Finger games for children in lungs and affordable councils.

Drawing benefit for children

You can even draw from 6 months of age, you just need to choose the right paint. Children really like this occupation and brings great pleasure, because it is drawing, they give the freedom of their fantasy, they are exempt from negative emotions, develop, learn something new, expand the existing verges and form their own worldview.

Finger paints for kids

For the smallest well, finger paints will fit.

  • You can give them to the baby about the semi-annual age
  • Such paints are specifically made for the smallest and they do not contain harmful and toxic ingredients, are made using food dyes, because small kids are all drawn in her mouth and taste
  • So that the children did not do this, usually salt or other ingredients add in paints, trying which the child will no longer want to repeat it
  • Finger paints are easily riddled from any surfaces, wash off from the skin of the child, dismissed from clothes

Child development drawing

The benefit for children from such creativity is huge: a small motor is developed, which in turn affects speech and the memory of the baby. When drawing finger paints also develops a child's nervous system, he learns to sit correctly, walk.

Drawing fingers kids better perceive colors, see the boundaries of their work. In the process of creativity, color, forms, score can be studied, painting animals and various items with which you will acquaint your baby.

Organization of the process of drawing with finger paints

The drawing process itself is very exciting, so do not forget about precautions:

  • put a child in clothes that you will not mind to blur
  • dress the whirl or front, there are special aprons for creative work
  • use a large sheet of paper, better watman or piece of wallpapers, so as not to limit the child
  • if you draw on the floor, beds under the bottom of the oilbox
  • part of the paint that you will draw, shift to other tanks so that the child does not use all the paint at once, and it will do it, if you give him the whole jar; You can shift in a lid or toy dishes
  • prepare wet wipes or wet rag

It is better to draw to start when the child is in a good mood so that his drawing is associated only with positive emotions.

How to teach a child to draw with finger paints?

So, you decided to introduce a child with finger paints. For first acquaintance you need to know:

  • be sure to the child must be slept, not hungry, in a good mood
  • do not let the child immediately have several colors, limit the first time alone so that the child is not confused
  • the first lesson can last 2-3 minutes, this is normal, give the child to get used to the new material
  • if the child has lost interest in work, began to scatter jars with paint, it's time to finish today
  • the first time the child will most likely not draw, it is natural, he needs to master and understand something new; He will most likely dip the handle in the paint and will consider it on his handles, compress them, to happen as paint chvakets, feel a new material for it

How to draw with finger paints? Photo

Finish your child's finger in the paint and put the point on the leaflet, then swipe the line. You can use cotton wands and make points. Let the child try to dip a piece of sponge and pour it. Let him dip his palm and leave her imprint on paper. In general, turn on the fantasy and create.

Very interesting and unusually spent time with finger paints in the bathroom. You can simply draw on a bath or a tile, and you can stick watman or wallpaper on the wall above the bathroom and draw on them.

The field of activity for the child is large, but also to wash it will not be difficult, and the main child will not be able to go beyond the borders of the bath and disparate the whole house. So you will see the child such a lesson will like it!

For an older kids, you can paint the pictures in the coloring or type any images, such as mushrooms or leaves, so that they are large and with a small number of parts. Spread them with your fingers or cotton wand, the big pictures are conveniently cleaned with a sponge.

Or do stencil - cut out something not sophisticated on cardboard with the help of a stationery knife, attach it in our Watman and sponge to paint over the stencil, and then remove it is an interesting picture. Show it first, this is a child, and then let him try yourself.

There are also many other interesting ways to draw with finger paints. Here are a few examples, how to draw an animal, butterfly or other items with fingers and palms. There is nothing complicated here, but what is the result!

It is important about how to look for a child just to show how to draw and give complete freedom. Do not say that he does wrong, just show everything, and then he himself will figure it out how to draw him and where. Be sure to praise it - it is very important for him.

How to choose paint for drawing and how to work with it: Tips

  1. Before buying, check the composition of the paint, it is desirable to ask for quality certificates, because Paint should be safe for your baby. There should be no harmful substances in the composition, dyes should only be used food, because children often try to taste paint
  2. Pick the paints by the age of the child, see what is written on the package. Some manufacturers offer such paints from the 1st year, some of the 2 or 3rd years
  3. Do not buy a set with a bunch of all kinds of colors, at this age the child needs to learn only the main: red, blue, yellow and green. As a rule, paints are just sold in jars on 4 or 6 colors, more and no need
  4. It would be nice if you painted with the color that now learn. It will help the child easily, in the game, learn colors
  5. To draw, choose Watman or a piece of wallpapers, because the A4 sheet is not enough for a small child, he does not know how to see the borders and not go out for them, so it will appeal to you all around
  6. Take care of how then you will clean everything, because by entering the taste, the child may forget about Watman and explore the territory beyond it, to draw on it or you. It is best to store everything with glue and dress up in old clothes.

How to make finger paints in the household conditions: recipe

There are several recipes of finger paints, let's look at one of them, in our opinion the most suitable.


  • 2 tbsp. White flour
  • 7 tbsp. l. shallow salt
  • 1.5 tbsp. ordinary water
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. of any vegetable oil, preferably refined (odorless)
  • food dye right color

Mix flour with salt, slowly pour water and mix, and then someone formed lumps that we do not need at all, you can even beat the blender or mixer. Then put the oil. By consistency should resemble liquid sour cream, adjust the thickness of flour and water. Now you can divide the mixture on jars and add food dyes of different colors.

That's all, paints are ready. Let your kid draw only pleasure!

How to order finger paints in the online store Aliexpress?

Video: Put with finger paints! Fantasy children no limit! Full version

All children will know the world with their hands. At all small few have no ability to keep a brush or pencil. Therefore, the ideal option for the development of skills in the child will be finger paints. They are intended for creativity of people of any age. The answer to the question of how to draw with finger paints, quite simple. The child is enough to show on his example, what and how to do, and then watch the process and safety of the child.

What are finger paints

Approximately at a semi-annual age, creative abilities begin to manifest. This moment is important not to miss and try to help them as much as possible to develop. Drawing with hands can help in this.

Finger paints are specially designed for delicate skin of kids. Since at this age they like to pull their fingers in the mouth, manufacturers try to make not very pleasant taste of their products. If even a small amount of composition falls into the mouth of the baby, then it will not hurt him, since such products are safe for the body and non-toxic.

Quality and safe paints must contain:

  • food coloring;
  • water;
  • salt.

Before buying, you need to carefully examine the composition of the selected product. For sensitive skin in large stores, special compositions are offered for allergy. As for any products, it is necessary to check the shelf life. If it comes to an end, then this product is better not to take.

Usually finger paints are designed for age more than six months. No need to choose large sets of paints, where many colors. For a start, a few basic, and the remaining shades of the child will learn over time when making paints with their own hands.

Drawing ideas with children set. Many faces the question: how to teach a child to draw? The main thing is to file fresh ideas or show examples of drawings so that the child wanted to draw as well.

If you independently cook dyes, there is no possibility, then in stores you can find paints for kids of such firms like Baramba or Giotto. Manufacturers offer a good composition safe for young children. Packages are registered later age of use: 2+ and 6+. Other brands can offer 1+, but it is necessary to look at the composition and the elements included in it.

Why is it useful to draw your fingers?

Thanks to drawing:

  • the child calms down and enjoys the classes;
  • small motility of hands is developing;
  • there is knowledge of the surrounding world;
  • children become more prettier and attentive.

Many argue that when developing small motors of children's hands there is a faster development of speech. With frequent use of paints, the child begins to mix different colors, which allows him to learn to think logically, be more attentive to the trifles.

Also with drawing with finger paints with a child, you can create very beautiful pictures that are presented as a gift as desired.

On video: Children's creativity with finger paints.

Preparation for the creative process

Required drawing items:

  • capacity with water where you can wash off the paint from children's hands;
  • napkins and towel;
  • paper either watman;
  • newspaper or film if the process is held on the floor.

The most important thing to prepare the child himself to the creative lesson. If the temperature in the room allows, it is better to remove all overflow clothes and leave only diapers or panties. The composition is very easily washed off from the skin with warm water.

For the first acquaintance with this occupation, you can envisage the area in the bathroom. And the bath itself, and the walls can be easily washed out with a jet of water from the shower. It is best not to limit the fantasy of the baby, use Watman or the reverse side of the wallpaper. A small sheet of paper is quickly ends and the child can get rid of hand.

If the child stopped drawing, fascinated by something else, it does not need to impose this occupation again.

Self-cooking of finger paints

There is a huge number of paints for children. The most common is the composition:

  • warm water;
  • potato starch;
  • food coloring.

The consistency in the composition should turn out like a thick sour cream.

There are ways to prepare edible compositions for which yoghurts, cereals and various berries use the role of dye. But in this case, the composition is delicious and sweet, which can strengthen the habit of pulling the fingers into the mouth. Drawings with homemade finger paints sometimes come out more successful if you make a good composition.

Drawing with finger paints not only can take the baby for a long time, it contributes to a more rapid development of thinking, speech and attention. Be sure to praise the baby. This allows you to take a child.

Master class on making finger paints (1 video)

Paints of different manufacturers (23 photos)

- It is not only interesting and fun, but also very useful. With it, the small motor is developed, as well as the baby makes his first successes in the development of color hammes. Tools - fingers and palms of small artists, "object for blanching" - special paints, and the first teacher is mom. How to organize the first lesson how to develop a shallow motorcy? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Develop a shallow motorcy in a child

Psychologists believe that it is possible to start creative experiments with finger paints from 10-11 months. Already then the baby can trace the relationship of paint and a trace on paper. But it is better to focus on the individuality of your child. If he is already fluently moved by Clarice or on his feet and might and main in research activities, it's time to introduce it to creativity and introduce with finger paints.

Finger drawing is desirable to start in the morning, when the child's activity is higher. On the end of the class kid will remind you myself, because for a long time to hold the attention of the one-year-old croche. The first lessons will usually last long - literally a couple of minutes. In the future, a passionate child, without breaking, can draw up to 15-20 minutes.

What do you need for finger drawing? First of all, special finger paints, they can be bought almost in any store where there is a department of goods for children's creativity. They have the desired consistency and do not require additional water dilution. When choosing, pay attention to the jars themselves: they should close tightly so that the paint does not thicken too fast. For the first experiments in the visual arts it is better to choose bright, but not "acid" colors. As for the paper, the sheets for watercolor A3 are preferred. They are big, the baby will be where "swinging." And if you take the roll of old wallpaper on which you can draw on the back side, then children's happiness will not be limit at all. And still make the workpiece - a green leaf, on which a ladybug sits. He will come in handy.

For the first artistic experiments, you can pour on the table or a table for feeding a bit of the adult "adult" blueberry yoghurt or children's cottage cheese with fruit fillers - let the baby swollen them with their fingers or with the whole palm as soon as he wants. A piece of yogurt or cottage cheese can be warm, and the part is to cool in the refrigerator.

Mix warm and cold child is as useful and interesting as multicolored. And the tactile sensations from such exercises will be much richer. Blurred palm child can be printed on a leaflet. There is no such masterpiece such a masterpiece, but it is quite possible to take a picture of memory - as the first artistic work.

Drew and ... ate!

1-2 years

All children at this age are not creators, but manipulators. Manipulating with objects, materials and forms, they study their properties and opportunities. For the knowledge of the world, kids use all types of feelings and sensations, including taste. Therefore, at such age, materials for creativity must be absolutely safe.

To get involved in fashionable paints for finger drawing yet. The main advantage is that they are easily rubbed from any surfaces and are dismissed from any clothes. But the fact that these paints are very bitter, does not always prevent the kids to taste them. So it is better to stop your choice again on edible food dye.

The tental baby is already able to experience real pleasure from the artistic process. For creative experiments, he can give paper. It is better if it will be large sheets with a rough surface - the reverse side of the old wallpaper or Watman.

You can use boiled beets or its juice, bright berries - blueberries, blueberries or black currant, boiled carrots, greens or spinach. Show the baby, what a trace leaves these unusual paints on the sheet, can adults themselves.

Mom, dad or grandmother enough to smear a puddle of beet juice, crush on a sheet a bright berry or spend the carrot line, and the karapuz with enthusiasm will begin to experiment and create: smear "paints" with fingers, clap your palm on color bliss, changing their shape, mix unusual paints between themselves.

The child fascinates the possibility of magical transformation of forms and an unexpected color change. The baby can show how to carry out a finger line, how to get out of the puddle a stream, how to combine two multi-colored blots, how to make a little track tracks of a small bunny or mouse and how to portray a big mark of an elephant or a bear with a whole palm or a fist.

Such drawing is useful not only for aesthetic, but also for the speech development of the baby - there is no wonder the speech therapists like that finger games and a finger massage. Training a separate movement of fingers, crumb stimulates the brain department responsible for speech.

You can draw not only vegetables and fruits. Paints for finger drawing are perfect from ordinary semolina - it only needs to be divided into portions and add to each harmless food dyes. Porridge must be not very liquid, then the smears are obtained by saturated, thick.

For mann paints, you can offer additions in the form of berries to decorate the "masterpiece" or spoons of jam (jam) to create a more saturated color. Of course, very soon the product picture will turn into a homogeneous and not too attractive outward mass. But the fascination of the process for the child is much more important than the final result. The baby has not yet formed a figurative thinking, so it is not necessary to look for a special meaning in his drawings - he just enjoys and rejoices everything that does.

By the way, the parents here also have something to be happy. As a result of "artistic" exercises, children's fingers were well strained, the child received a rich range of tactile sensations, the stimulation of which contributes to the development of its brain activity and thinking - this relationship has long been proven by scientists.

Enrich the palette

After 2 years

At this age, the child is no longer so interesting to continue experiments with products. Still, the palette of the paints is too poor, the drawings get faded and inexpressive. At this age, children begin to actively use bright markers, pencils and tassels. But this does not mean that it needs to be forgotten about fingering drawing, as the course has passed. On the contrary, with age in children there are new opportunities for the development of this interesting technique. After two years, the child is able to fantasize, guess in drawn abstractions specific images and develop them. Now the line for him is not just a wand, and the road along which cars ride or a track from the plane in the clear sky. Klyax - a kitty, which rolled up a ball or cheerful bear with a barrel of honey. The kid is not just doing - he lives his creativity. All his works are emotionally painted. Drawing Myshkina traces, he becomes sick, like a mouse, but by spending a finger the road, growls, like cars that will ride it. Kroch not always can always create a recognizable image itself, but he willingly develop and complements the proposed images.

We master new opportunities

The kid has already grown enough to use real artistic materials - gouache, watercolor or special paints for drawing with fingers. Unlike the brush, the smooth surface of the finger does not hold the amount of paint, sufficient to carry out a long line, so to create paintings is better to "push", "rub" or "print" with paints on paper. For printing with hands, paint needs to be dissolved to a consistency of liquid sour cream and pour a thin layer on a flat plate.

The child will be useful and interesting to explore the possibilities of his own hand, because with the help of one - the only palm can be obtained a huge number of various prints, and adding their own fantasy, to turn into real masterpieces. You can smear, draw and print any abstraction, enjoying the color and picturesque flavor. Or - create interesting plot paintings. For example, a fingerprint of the open palter down can become a fun octopus, you only need to draw him eyes and mouth.

With the help of mother's mom and dad, you can draw a whole family of repayment of different sizes. And put them on the seabed, with printed fingers-pebbles and waves or algae, which are obtained, if you dip four fingers in paint, and wavy lines in the right direction. And a closed palm will give a fish silhouette imprint. It will only be left to draw her fingers of the sheaf and the tail.

The same palms can turn into magic flowers with the petals fingers - you can print a whole meadow! And you can "restrict ourselves" with the wings of a beautiful bird.

Printed palms with pressed fingers can become amazing butterflies, just draw them long alerts. The hand, compressed in a fist, gives a round imprint, similar to a shell, or a house for snail. In addition, a snowman, and a sun, and a funny little man can be printed from the resulting circles.

Semi-collar fist prints arc.

When printing the pads and the phalanx of the fingers, it turns out the prints - rectangles or small segments of different lengths. Each finger has a unique imprint.

Differently turning hands, and drawing recognizable details to the printed elements, you can embody any ideas. Thus, connecting and combining ordinary elements, the baby develops fantasy, spatial and figurative thinking, finds the first design solutions. With this drawing method, both hands can be used alternately, or to use them at the same time, which greatly develops coordination. T.

non-good creative exercises are especially important for left-handed children, since they unobtrusively stimulate the full development of the right hand. This, at first glance, not too neat and frankly dirty work on large sheets serves as an excellent means for relaxation and relaxation, liberates a child, eliminates something to spoil something or blocked, gives the baby the necessary creative courage, from the absence of which is often suffering small artists.

Creativity with mom in the kitchen

Paper and paints are not at all mandatory attributes for finger drawing. Lovely finger paintings can be created on a tray or counter, sprinkled with flour or semolia. A sufficient amount of flour or cereals should be dissolved, shaking the tray so that the whole bulk mass has been distributed uniform, not a thick layer. Here and the improvised sheet of pure paper is ready. You can draw a finger on it any subjects or not overloaded plots. Drawn paintings are easy to erase, changing the tray several times. Toddler led by such unusual drawing will free a lot of time for a busy cooking mother.

"Art" cleaning

Another wonderful place for finger drawing is a bathroom. At the disposal of a small artist - the experimenter, you can provide tiled walls, and a mirror, and the bath itself. The choice of paints here is limited only by the assortment of the toilet shelf. On the tile, the mirror and walls of the bath can be drawn and children's toothpaste and daddy shaving cream. The main thing is that in these "paints" there was no fat - it is badly washed away.

You can draw, dipping finger in the paste or cream. Or - led clean fingers on a dense foam basis, which will turn out if it is covered with a thin layer of foam for shaving some smooth surface. For the application of the foam, a taste for shaving or sponge is well suited. The tile can be used as the basis for ornaments: let the child find a pattern and repeat on the adjacent tile of the mother's drawing.

Such hygienic paints not only entertain the baby, but at the same time will help wash the bathroom. Especially it is not necessary to rub anything, it is enough to simply wash off the drawings of the shower, and the bathroom will only become cleaner. If brightness wants here, you can use a gouache or watercolor. These paints are water-soluble and completely washed off with ordinary water.

Instead of colors - plasticine

Even more fingers will strengthen and prepare them for writing drawing ... Plasticine. On the cardboard basis you need to apply a simple drawing, and then pinch the small pieces of plasticine and smear them with your fingers in the drawing, as if stained. The work is complete and very decorative, if such "paints" covered the entire surface of the picture - and drawing, and background.

Plasticine pieces are well mixed with each other and turn new, unexpected colors. From afar, such work looks like an oil written. Hands and fingers are a universal tool that is always with a child, and instead of paper and canvas at his disposal a whole world.

Is it possible to stay and do not pour a tanned finger on the heat of the sand near the edge of the sea, so that the waves, how is a huge eraser wash off the drawing?

And how not to portray a funny face on the stuffing glass or do not spend your finger on the dusty side of the car?

How not to board bizarkened on the frozen trolleybus window, if even adults can help?

Giving a child to feel and try to try it yourself, everything is passing through your hands, we are expanding the boundaries of his knowledge, creative horizons. After all, the dirty finger is easily overlooked by soap or a wet napkin, and the desire depressed in early childhood can never wake up.

Ideas for finger drawings

Drawing with fingers is the most accessible type of creativity for kids, starting with six months. At about the age of two or three years, the child will ask for parents to draw something. Then you can go for a small trick. Ask a child to make paint print prints. And then turn them into different drawings: images of animals, colors, transport. Such a method of finger drawing will like and older children. Any preschooler idea to turn its prints in fun drawings. It is an opportunity to develop small motility, and fantasy, and creativity, and the idea of \u200b\u200bfun to spend time.

Drawing with kids: Specialist Tips, Gaming System, Ideas

Drawing with kids: Specialist advice. Main steps,system of game tasks and classes, ideas and topics, drawing rules with children from 1 year to 3 years.

Drawing with kids

Drawing for kids from 1 year to 3 years is a fascinating game, the opening of new colors of the world, beauty of lines and forms, color spots, experimentation. The earlier the child will draw - the better. And the point here is not only in the development of small motility, but how much is the big impact that draws the child's development in early childhood. And as wonderful when drawing the baby learns at home next to mom and together with the older brothers and sisters.

This article will be a guide for you in the world of drawing for the smallest. At the heart of the article - pedagogical studies of Russian scientists - teachers (so-called Doronov and S.G. Jacobson, T.S. Komarova, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Yanushko and others), and the kids learning system developed by them Drawing, as well as the practical experience of the author of the site "Native path" in teaching kids from 1 year to 3 years.

From this article you will learn:

Section 1. Why teach kid drawing: the main tasks of learning drawing small children from 1 to 3 years, than helpful for drawing to develop a child.

Section 2. How to teach a child from 1 year to 3 years to draw:

  • - The main stages of drawing with babies,
  • - types of playing classes on drawing with practical examples,
  • - How to interest the child with drawing,
  • - How to assess and comment on the drawings of the child,
  • - How to more effectively plan cooking classes with the baby.

Section 3. Basic techniques drawingand materials for young children

Section 4. R. iSUE with kids from 1 to 2 years: this very important "Karakul Stage".

Section 5. Draw with babies from 2 years to 3 years: the sequence and ideas of tasks, how to teach the child to keep brushes, useful tips.

Section 6. Useful books on drawing with children 1- 2 years.

In this article, I also answered questions of readers of the "native path" and told how you can cope with typical mistakes or difficulties that are always found in the practice of communicating with young children and in the practice of their training.

Section 1. Why teach kid drawing?

Before doing something, you need to ask yourself: why am I going to do it? Do I need to draw to my still small little child? Maybe it will grow up - and he will learn. Is it safe to give a crumble pencil and paint? From what age can you give their baby? Let's deal with together and in the answers to these questions.

1. 1. Main drawing tasks with small children

Our main task in learning drawing the youngest children from children 1 year to 3 years - create conditions for the origin of drawing, support the child's desire to draw, create, explore. The most important thing in drawing is the joy and pleasure of a child from the process, and not "the right job on the top five issued by the template", which you can boast before others.

It is very important for us to cause a child's interest in drawing, creating such conditions so that the baby wanted to depict on paper in drawing what is emotionally captured that he (not an adult) is interesting!It is very important that the child "flipped" his experiences on paper and impressions as he liked him to portray what she worries him now.

Therefore, the approach to drawing kids is very different from the "school" drawing approach to the estimate in the lessons.

When we draw with the smallest, you can also combine drawing with other types of child's activities that cause him an emotional response. - Playing on a musical instrument (for example, after drawing a rain, you can play a melody of a rain on a metalfone), singing, dance movements for the music, viewing paintings, poem, puppet theater.

So, drawing with babies is joyful joint experiences of an adult and a child, the joy of experimentation and knowledge of the world of color and forms. And the main result of drawing with the baby is his interest in drawing, the desire to draw, joy from its drawing (and not the achievement of perfectly smooth drawing lines, as sometimes considered).

1. 2. What is useful for drawing to develop a child?

Drawing is not just a pampering or a pleasant pastime for the baby and an adult. Drawing is the most present educational action for the child.

  • Drawing is sensory-motor exercises, the development of small motility and sensorotor coordination, i.e. Natural, natural development of the child's brain in an interesting activity for him.
  • Drawing is the development of the cognitive abilities of the baby, effective and at the same time a very simple way of deepening and clarifying its ideas about the world around.
  • In the process of drawing, the ability to feel the color, rhythm, beauty of stains, line, the formation of the kid feeling the beautiful.
  • Drawing teaches correlate with the action and in an exciting and easy-to-child form, develops focusing attention that is very often lacking for modern children. After all, the child in drawing must be completed, i.e. bring the work started to the end.
  • Drawing is developing a child's imagination.
  • Drawing is closely related and with the development of kids speech, because in the process of visual activity, we are talking to a child with a child, call color, shape, size, action, encourage speech.

Section 2. How to teach a child to draw

2. 1 The main stages of drawing with kids

Any kid from a year to three years during the development of drawing passes several stages.

First stage. Familiarity with fine materials - Pencils, paints, crayons, ink and others.

At the first stage of drawing, we give the baby to experiment with paints or with a pencil, but we do not give any tasks to portray.

However, looking at the randomly obtained drawing of a child, we can make sense that it came out: "Oh, look, smoke is going"! (We speak, showing the child to the doodle in the form of circles and strokes). Or: "It's a rain walks cap-cap-cap-cap" (if the kid draws a pencil from top to bottom)

Second phase. Kid imitates an adult in drawing

The kid at this age can not yet put a task as an adult (an example of such a task for an adult: "I will draw a bunny"). Even if the child is 2 years old and set himself such a task ("I want to draw snow"), then he will quickly lose it and instead of snow in the picture it will turn out what happens :).

Therefore, the game challenge and the task for drawing is thinking and puts the child with an adult, it shows that and how to draw, transmits the Method of action methods with visual materials.

At this stage, most often the adult prepares the background in advance and invents the topic for drawing, and the baby telesses fragments on this background.

Example 1:In drawing on the topic "Salute", an adult draws in advance during the sleep of the child (so that he does not see) the night city, and then offers it a finished background. After the holiday and observation of the salute in the sky, an adult offers the baby to portray the Salute, and the baby makes the tile with a brush in the sky "Salute" - the same as he saw in the sky. Below is an exemplary scheme - the algorithm of such a pattern.

Example 2: Learn the kid to color and create a game situation. Adult draws a car and road on a white sheet of paper. He says that the road is white and you need to clean it from snow. The baby paints the road with gray or brown ("Cleansing the snow" so that the car can drive on the road).

It is at this stage that the adult shows the baby to use a brush and pencil.

The most first drawing techniques with a brush is drawing by adjustment and drawing a tych. It is important that we are in the showing of each other in drawing to accompany the speech and that these actions and speech are rhythmic, for example, make a brush and say "Cap" for each resulting rain. Cap-Cap-Cap - It turns out the rhythm of rain and rhythmic movements with a tassel hand on a sheet of paper. The child imites adult.

Often at this stage you can at first use the reception "hand in hand", That is, take the kid handle in your hand and draw first together. Adult sends his hand to his hand. Then gradually we let go of the child, and he begins to act himself.

Third stage. Kid can draw an image of his plan or at the request of an adult or toys

At this stage, we teach kids to draw circular lines, because They are the most difficult for a small child. For example, he can already draw a bunny, a ball, a snowman. This stage comes closer to the age of three years.

2. 1. Basic types of game classes with kids from 1 year to 3 years

It is possible to distinguish between several types of drawing gaming classes with young children.

A) the first type of drawing gaming classes

Familiarization of kids with visual materials and experimentation with them, with color, shape, line

Drawing babies begins not with an image of a ball, birds, tracks or some other object from his life. It begins with experimenting the child with the material itself - paints or pencils - and knowledge of the properties and qualities of Krasoto .

Consider how it is better to acquaint the baby with new items for it - pencil and paints, brush.

I know the baby with paints as with a new subject

Before you depict the baby, it is important to get acquainted with the paints as with an unusual new item - just to take a finger with paint on a sheet of paper and learn what, it turns out, the paint leaves the trail! And these traces can be different - and dots (put your finger vertically), and the stripes (we lead your finger on paper down and get a "track"), and even the most bizarre forms!

Give the opportunity to kid mixing different colors, try to apply them to smooth and on rough paper and watch the differences.

Of course, such an acquaintance will be held at the kid not at a time. He will need some time and help adults to examine a new subject from all sides.

If the child was not given to live this period, then such a situation arises. When the adult immediately gives the baby a new thing and begins to explain the techniques of drawing and wants to teach something child, then the baby does not listen to him, he is absorbed by the new item, stretches to the paint, wants to try her tooth, does not listen, capricious. After all, his research needs were not satisfied. When the baby is already familiar with the subject matter, he is glad to know what it turns out, with his help that's what you can do! And ready to try to draw new ways for it.

I know the baby with a pencil as a new subject

Before you start painting with a pencil, the baby first meets with a pencil as with the subject - he can roll it, try to make a ladder from the pencils or put them vertically, specifically drop from the table and put them on the table again and again to drop a pencil again, knock with pencils as chopsticks about each other.

It is impossible to prohibit such surveys to the baby. On the contrary, it is necessary to encourage them, support the cognitive actions of the child. Usually this first "survey" stage is a child runs from 1 to 2 years. The earlier will fall into the hands of a pencil or paint, the sooner this stage will end.

We make an important conclusion to start our classes drawing with the smallest:

Conclusion 1. The very first type of classes for all kids is a familiarity with fine materials.. This is due to the fact that all children first have the first stage - there is an interest in the material (pencils, paints, chalks), and only after its satisfaction, interest in drawing certain objects, the incarnation of life in line and color is developing. If we did not introduce the baby in advance with the paint and the tassel and hope that he will immediately begin to draw a picture of us - then most often nothing will happen. The child will instead of drawing to examine new interesting items for him. And this is normal and natural for its age.

Conclusion 2. Very important our task at this stage of children drawing - In the game, it is imperceptible to the baby to help him see something similar to life in his randomly received images. For example, in the babies drawn dots to see in the summer - rain, and in winter - snow, and maybe ... Dandelions in the meadow (depending on the season and from the impressions of the child in life), in the green oval "identify" and call the child cucumbers, and in Red circles - balls, in green vertical strokes - herbs, and in multicolored spots on a black background - salute. And only after that the baby will begin to consciously depict paper on a sheet what he sees in life.

b) the second type of playing classes with kids.

Child observation by how draws an adult

You can draw with a child anything and anywhere and any materials. And talking to him about what it turns out.

Examples of such appeals:

A) Most often, we draw such objects or plots in the child, in which he can participate, For example, we draw a forest, and the toddler with a "adjustment" tissue will draw a trace of different animals in the forest in the forest. Or we draw a clearing, sky, tucca. And the child will draw rain droplets that go from the tucca to drink flowers on our lawn.

B) Adult can draw on the order of the child what he will ask. It does not matter that you are not an artist and "do not know how to draw." A child is not a "idiot", it is important for him quite another - the joy of creativity and communication! If the baby will ask you to draw the tractor - then draw the tractor, call it parts, their size, shape, color, why are they needed in this car.

C) adult can draw in his plan Your favorite picture and comment and discuss drawing with the baby.

Any observation of the baby for drawing an adult is necessarily held in the communication of an adult and a child commenting into adults everything that he does. An adult tells the baby that and how he draws. Commenting in advance is not invented, it is natural communication with the child as a companion, comes from life, from the interests of the child and mom.

For example: Look, now I draw a bunny for you. What color will our bunny be - white or gray (kid chooses). Well, we and you will have a white bunny - white like a snowball! Take a white paint. Where are we white paint? Here it is, right (the baby gave a jar of the right color), having saved his brush in the jar. Look carefully - I fucked the brush not to the end, but to half. To take a little paint and that it does not smear. What then needs to be done - do you remember? (The question is given only if the child has drawing experience and can answer you. If there is no such experience, then the adult explains everything himself). Now I need to squeeze the brush about the edge of the jar. To the extra paint glass in a jar - like this, the cap-cap-cap-cap, flowed in a jar. Now everything is ready! Here is a bunny head. He head round like a ball. I will face a tassel head and cover it: like this, like that, like this! (Adult paints the head contour). White head turned out. Beautiful! And what kind of bunks? Digid, right. Here is one ear of the dynamic - the dynamic (adult leads the line and simultaneously with the movement of the tassel says "Dijinous"), but the second ear, too, is long. And the torso at the bunny is a long or round (looking at the toy) - round as a ball. Now I will cover the torso. That's like that I am ironing a brush with a tassel. From above - down, top - down! Stroked the bunny on the tummy. And he became white! Do you like a white bunny tummy? That's what a torso happened. Ay-like bun! And what's the tail of the bunny, long or short? No, short. What does it look like? Tail as a little ball. Ai-yes bunny, bunny - Popper. Out of our bunny in the forest - top top top. Want to jump? Take brushes and draw - top top top top. Run a bunny. Small! etc.

If the child does not yet say, then this comment can simplify and speak simpler shortest offers. For example, you draw trails on the track. Top top top top, this matryoshka went to walk along the path. Or jump-jump jump jump, here the bunny in the snow was spent. They had a cap-cap-cap - it was a rain from Tuchka. "Luzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh" (draw a long horizontal line from one edge of the sheet to another) - it drove the car. You can draw large and small traces and acquaint the baby with these concepts: big traces - this Teddy's top-top top top (speak slowly, low voice, each "top" is one adjustment with a brush). Little traces - top top top-top - This mouse ran (speak a high voice, one syllable is one "mouse step").

As a rule, the first time the baby will not participate, but will simply observe. But if you want to draw another bunny ("friend" of the previous hare :)), then the baby can already express the desire to take part in drawing. Usually kids if they liked such an occupation, they ask for an adult to repose once again. Give the child this opportunity! And you can always draw a "friend" bunny, his brother or just another bunny on the lawn in the forest.

No need to wait that the child will draw everything himself, he will simply join your drawing and draws a few details.

Even if the baby does not want to draw himself, but he watches and listens to you - do not worry, everything goes as you need. While he "absorbs" new impressions, and no need to rush it "immediately draw a hare." Let him still look, the time when he himself takes a brush in the handle, just comes a little later.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Even the most focused baby will not be able to listen to you attentively more than 3-5 minutes. And can perform a chain of 2-3-4 actions, not more. Therefore, all our explanations and comments always include the active actions of the children themselves and very short-term.

For example, "Wash brushes for drawing and put it dry" is a chain of 2 actions available to the baby in 2 years. But the chain: "Come up with the idea - to embody her on a sheet of paper with paints - put a job to dry - wash your brush - dry the brush - remove it in place" - too complicated for a child even at 3 - 4 years :).

The most important success factor in such drawing is your interest, your wiping, your emotions and your joy! It is through the emotions of an adult that you can interest the child.

C) the third type of drawing classes with kids.Free drawing of kids

Children draw what they want, as they want and how much they want.

Our task is to provide them with a creative environment for this (for example, close the table with a glue or lay on the floor film), give paints, pencils, crayons. And after drawing together with the child and with its place to clean up and remove everything in place.

It is necessary to consider that the "average" kid aged from 1 year to 3 years is usually starting to get tired after 10-15 minutes of any occupation in the sitting pose, including drawing. Therefore, if you see signs of fatigue, you can switch the baby to something else (go for a walk, read the book, play a moving game with toys based on his drawing).

D) fourth type of drawing classes with kids

Mastering drawing techniques together with adults through game situations

The kid draws something concrete together with adults. Adult helps and directs, sets the game plot, shows the child's drawing receptions, the correct capture of brushes and a pencil, etc.

If the first three types of gaming classes with a child at home on drawing can be held on the second year of the life of the baby, then the fourth species we begin to use after age 2 years old on the third year of the child's life.

Relationship of species of drawing classes with kids

These types of drawing houses are easily moving one to another and given as a landmark.. For example, if you showed drawing (second form), and after that, the child wanted to pour himself (the third appearance), then we give him the materials and let it be creative!

Or another example: the child began to draw himself, but asked for help. Moreover, this request will be expressed in child language: "UU, Bibi!" :), which means: "It didn't work out, help me please draw the machine." Of course, in this case there is an option. We either show how to draw the car and the kid himself will draw it. Either draw on their sheet of paper in front of the child and comment on what we do.

I highlighted four types here so that we do not forget that drawing can be different, and all kinds are needed and important. Each species performs its task in the development of the child.

Any of these types of gaming sessions in duration takes from 5 minutes (if your child is moving and restless, can not be concentrated for a long time) up to 10 minutes.

The maximum duration (this is the whole process, which includes not only drawing, but also a dialogue with a game character, presenting it at the end of the work of its drawing, a song or game on the topic of drawing) - 15 minutes. Of these, drawing takes not all the time, and alternates with other types of kid's activity.

2. 3. How to interest the little baby drawing

Without interest in drawing, there will be no successful solution to the task of learning the visual skills of small children. After all, drawing is a more complex for the child a type of visual activity than the modeling (more about modeling with babies from 1 year to 3 years, basic receptions, rules, play plots in the modeling you can read in the article).

There are children who immediately begin to be interested in paints and brush, chalk and with pleasure draw. And there are those kids who are just very afraid of paints! Or they do not want to draw, they are much more interesting to tear a sheet of paper with a tassel.

But it is important to understand - any of the kids from 1 year to 3 years will not be happy to perform training tasks on drawing (draw the grass, rain, the balls - balls, etc.), if he does not understand why he need it? Therefore, any drawing lesson with the baby is always a gaming occupation.

An example of such a game plot: We want to draw carrots with a child. What is the plot? Who can you need these carrots? One of the options - they may need a bunny. Therefore, our plot can turn around: it comes from the bunny forest. He is upset. He walked through the forest and lost a basket in the forest. And there were carrots in it. There is nothing to bring to him home to bring to his home. Bunny asks the child to help him and draw carrots for him will be engaged, because he needs them so much to feed their big family!

How to spend such a game - drawing to toys with baby? Nuances are very important here!

Rule 1. How to introduce a toy - a character in drawing on drawing with a child.

Wrong: You take a toy and tell your child's voice: "Look, Masha! Here is a bunny. He asks you to draw carrots for will be engaged. He lost carrots in the forest. " Or you just say without toys - "Let's help you, and draw them carrots." Most children will not take the game and refuse her in this case.

Correctly: You take a toy, and the toy itself for yourself is another (not yours) by voice: "Hello, Masha! I came to you from the forest. Do you also live in the forest? Not? And where? And here this year in the village of the trouble - crouching! No food! And we need so much food to feed yourself and will rush our feed. You could not make a carrot to do - draw? ".

Rule 2. It is useless to just tell the child with a story without a toy. It is important for the child to see this concrete hare, to which he will help, hear how he talks to him, make sure that he really needs help - In this case, he needs carrots :). And then he will take a learning task and will be happy to help the bunny, drawing. And in the end will give his carrots a hare and he will thank him and attribute them to the forest.

Rule 3. The resulting drawing result must be "used for the appointment" immediately so that the child is convinced that he tried not in vain. That is, we give a bunny of carrots, he thanks and very happy, even a song in gratitude to us to sing or dust. And the bunny quickly takes our drawings into the forest. This moment is the most important for the child, and it is impossible to miss it.

There are a lot of such plots for game classes on drawing with baby! Create, improvise, use plots from children's fairy tales, poems, songs, from our household life. Tips and approximate list of possible plots I will give below in the description of drawing by the ages of children.

2. 4. Do I need to evaluate children's drawings and comment on your child?

Of course, we will definitely give a positive assessment to any drawing of the child.

There are three important points here.

First. If the child made a drawing on the task of the toy, then the work itself is assessedbut (for example, the bunny "takes" from the baby painted by the carrots, thanks for them),

  • Wrong: an adult says: "Masha, a bunny tells you thanks. He really liked your carrots. "
  • Right: Adult says Bunny's voice: "Masha, and what is it in your basket lies? Surprise! Oh, yes it is carrots! Well, thank you! How do I like them! This is a fat carrot, probably very juicy. But this is thin. Probably she crisp. Do you like to gnaw carrots too? We will take them to their encouraging. Well, I ran into the forest to treat with carrots. Come to visit us! We will be happy! "

Second. If you need to correct something in the picture of the child, then we are doing this in the game form. For example:

  • Wrong: Adult says: "You have a good sun turned out. And where are the rays. I forgot to draw again? I told you that you need to draw rays, and you forgot. " After such an assessment of the desire to draw the baby will not be.
  • That's right: an adult or a fabulous hero says: "Ay-yes the sun turned out! What a round, yellow, warm. Well, I stretch my handles to it - I will get sick in the sun. Here is how warmth! And you get sick. Oh, and what's the sun rays for tuchci hid? It was frightened. Do not be afraid, sunshine, us. Show us rays. Let's help us the sun races to show - that's how they draw them! " And trying the details that the baby forgot.

Third. Be sure to discuss his drawings with the kid. Such a discussion pushes the baby to the development of visual skills, creates a trust relationship between mom and baby.

If the drawing turned out to be successful, then as a rule, it does not occur in adults. And every adult will always find what to answer the baby and what to tell him about his drawing. But if the drawing is completely incomprehensible to you. How to be? But the child brought it to you, it means that he is waiting for your comments, waiting with joy and impatience. How to send kids? After all, just "yes yes. Put the drawing here ", the child is clearly not satisfied or can even offend? We will analyze specific cases from life.

Example 1. Your baby 2 years old brought you something incomprehensible in the picture in the form of a circle, and says that this is a mother or grandmother (And so draw adults many kids). Do not silent and do not be surprised. And immediately tell him: "What an interesting mother got you! And where is my hair? And eyes? Pens? Legs? " Let the kid dorisites the image of the details that he already knows well and which is available to it for the image.

Example 2. Suppose your baby drew the same circle and brought you this drawing. But at the same time, he himself does not know what it is and what he depicted. In this case, you can begin to start playing with him in the riddles and immediately ask him: "Is that a kolobok drew or a plate? Or maybe it's a bunny? Or moon? I can't guess! Probably, it's a round clock - yes or not? ". All children love this game! Even if they were not going to make something to you, they immediately take on the role of a ridicule and face with pleasure. And so guess until your baby agrees that you "guess" that he portrayed.

With the help of such dialogues, we teach young children to find similarities in lines, stains, forms in the picture with the objects of our life, develop imagination. And pushing the development of drawing to new, more complex stages, create trust in the family.

Be sure to praise the picture of the child, even if it seems to you that it "was worse than could be" or "worse than the neighboring child." Praise is very important at this age. The child is important joy and pride for achievements, he is very trying and it is still difficult for him to draw. We draw with the children not for the sake of exhibitions and the exemplary result (in which it is often impossible to understand, and how did the child painted or the adult did everything for him?), But for the sake of the kid itself. Therefore, tell the child about his drawing and find in it what you like - bright paints, cheerful clown, beautifully turned eyes or snow or any other fragment of the drawing.

2. 5. How to plan homemade drawing classes with baby

From the age of a child from 2 years old, we can already plan our home playing classes on drawing. In order to use the time as efficiently as possible, you need to know the basic rules for learning planning for young children.

The first rule of home classes with a child on drawing. At first, when the child is just learning to keep the pencil and tassel in the hands and draw them, the frequency and sequence of game activities with a child on drawing are very important.

For a small child from 1 year to 3 years, it is very important to comply with the principle of learning planning based on the knowledge of the age characteristics of kids. Research (M. Lyamin) showed that if we teach kids to something new, then it is better to plan our classes like this: to spend two days in a row, and then repeat the material in 2-3 days. Consider such a sequence on the example.

For example, we want to teach the kid to draw vertical lines and consolidate his ability to keep a brush properly.

How to plan game classes with a child of early drawing:

That's right, easy for a child and more effectively can do this. We plan three small gaming classes, during which we will draw different plots with the baby, but in all of them the main vertical lines will be.

For example:

  • On Monday, on April 7, we draw a rain.
  • On Tuesday, April 8 - draw green grass or ribbons with a child (this is also vertical lines).
  • Then you can take a break for several days if there is no desire to draw or have other plans.
  • On Friday or on Saturday (11 or 12 April), we will draw the vertical lines with the baby to consolidate the skill. But this time we need another game plot. For example, it will be a fence for a rootier - the baby will draw the fence to hide the toy from chanterelle.

A cycle of planning learning a new ability (in this case, it is drawing vertical lines) completed. Next, we can already repeat this material on any day and with any interruptions. For example, we will once again fill this ability in a few days on April 17 and draw a new plot with the same vertical lines - for example, the railway. You will spend two horizontal lines in advance on the paper sheet. And the kid will draw vertical. At this train on these rails and Spales will come to visit a friend and beloved fabulous toy hero - a cock, a teddy bear or bunny.

Only after the baby during such a short period of time has already learned to manage his hand, holds her tassel correctly, learned the rules for using it, you can plan myself "drawing day" once a week, and it will be right.

Typical errors in planning:

An example of a typical error number 1. Not very efficient and therefore incorrectly.

  • We planned that on every Monday morning we draw with the child.
  • On April 7, they drew a rain and taught to keep her brushes correctly.
  • Week passed, and on April 14, we began to draw herbs, and the baby had already forgotten everything. And we again teach him how to keep a silent and lead it vertically on a sheet of paper.
  • She took another week, and we began to draw a fence on April 21. And again we start first.

Such a way of learning drawing is too complicated, because Does not take into account the nature of a small child and the fact that the kids of 1 year and 2 years are not so fast and not so simply form new skills in contrast to older children - preschoolers. So do not need to do.

An example of a typical error number 2: Also not effectively and therefore incorrect

On Monday, we teach the child to draw vertical lines, on Tuesday - circular, and on Wednesday - horizontal. Kid is confused, because For each action you need special movements of the tassel on the sheet of paper, and so far it is difficult for it. Switch to a small child is difficult.

So, summarize the first rule. To draw with the baby was simple, easy and enjoyable and for the child, and for an adult, you need to consider the rule of planning our gaming activities. When we want to teach the baby with a new ability, then we need to repeat this material several times in a row several times with the child, but in different game plots. If the kid already draws freely and owns the main movements and skills, then we can plan for only one permanent "day of drawing" during the week for classes with a child by this type of activity.

Rule 2: It is impossible to all drawing a child only to gaming classes with adults. Equally important, and maybe more, free drawing of the kid on his plan. He needs to be given at least time than the "learning" drawing with adults!

Therefore, plan and time when you just give the baby to the paint and the opportunity to do with them what he wishes! If the baby does not know what to draw him, then in this case, tell me the idea and help. If the child himself is creativity himself - then interfere in his free creativity and especially to make his templates in it ("How did you paint in it? Wrong? How did I taught you?" :)) Extremely undesirable. After all, who said that our way of drawing is the only true and best for any person? The child has full right to invent his drawing method!

In kindergartens and in children's centers, the creation of a developing environment for the development of a child's drawing is usually planned like this: 2 learning gaming classes on drawing, then the third - drawing on the plan of kids. And again 2 training classes and after them - the third drawing on the intention of the child or its experimentation with paints. Plus daily in free access in children every day there are paints and pencils to draw on the plan.

Section 3. Basic materials and drawing techniques for the smallest

3. 1. Materials for drawing with kids 1 - 2 years

For drawing with young kids, you can use different materials:

  • tassels and paints (gouache, watercolor, glaze for decorating cookies with food dyes or natural dyes from berries),
  • bright soft color pencils,
  • crayons (wax and ordinary),
  • feltolsters (and paper markers, and for felt-tumbers for fabric),
  • finger paint,
  • slices of sponge (you can cut their different sizes and forms),
  • pieces of wool (cotton balls, cotton wands) as stamps - seats for a pattern of round forms,
  • brushes ("poke a brush of a tych" and get an interesting texture similar to a dandelion or a fluff or animal wool),
  • stamps for children - searches (ready-made sets of seals for children with stamped paints),
  • in recent years, gel pens, watercolor pencils, colored ball pens, colored mascara began to use and drawing with kids.

You will also need:

  • Palette for mixing colors,
  • Place for drawing. First of all, it is a oilcloth to cover the table and not worrying for the safety of your furniture while drawing the baby (if the furniture does not allow you to miss it). If you are worried about the purity of the floor, you do not need to prohibit drawing and modeling. Just select the place where there is no carpet or sofa near or other items that require a relationship delicate to themselves, and close the floor and the table. The main thing is that you and the baby are joyful and calm during drawing and that your work has not been overshadowed by annoying interference in the form of spots on a bright sofa.
  • Children's waterproof apron and wrappers (if a child has clothing with long sleeves) so that you do not get the child's clothes during its "colorful experiments",
  • A jar for water (the most convenient jar is a smithery, which is sold in stationery stores). You can use any stable wide dishes. Do not give narrow dishes, because The child will splash the water from it.
  • Wet wet and dry to wip the child's hands in the process of drawing it and experimentation with paints. It should always lie at hand right on the table.

What can draw with a child of 1-2 years:

You can draw with kids on:

  • ordinary drawing paper,
  • on fabrics
  • on cardboard
  • on plywood
  • on a wooden plank.
  • You can take a big sheet of Watman (or halfvatman) and on it with several kids to make collective work. Moreover, in collective work, one kid can make seasons with a sponge, another paint with a pencil, and the third - paint. Such a picture is simple - sunshine, grass, flowers, rain, etc. The picture of children adult telesses it to get more interesting and recognizable for them. For example, you can paint the heroes - bunny, hedgehog and others.

3. 2. Basic drawing techniques for the smallest

With young children, you can use quite a variety of drawing methods. For example:

  • drawing tych
  • drawing by adjustment,
  • drawing stamps
  • drawing lines (vertical and horizontal),
  • drawing circular lines,
  • drawing fingers - fingerprints on paper

It is very important: Preferably, when learning a new skill or new drawing technique, adhere to the planning that is given above. Then the child will learn to transfer the ability to new conditions, will learn to draw independently, invent his plots on the basis of already mastered skills, we can consolidate new skills. Otherwise, if you constantly "jump" - to move from one technique to another technique (today they picked up a tych, tomorrow - adjusting, next week we will draw circles, and then in a week - lines, and everything is reserved only once), then no skills The child does not die firmly and do not learn to draw. It will be dependent on the adult and his ideas. And we need the baby to have learned to express my own impressions in the drawings, and for this you need it to freely learn enough freely for his age own a brush and pencil.

We describe the basic drawing techniques that are also available to the smallest children.

3. 3. How to draw a chip with young kids

To draw a tych you need a semi-dry rigid brush and paint brush.

Tassel when drawing a tych holds vertically. The shorter the pile on the bristle brush is the most expressive the texture of the print on paper. Therefore, if you have a long brushing - then do the pile on it in advance. The brush must be large enough to "the" post "turned out to be large.

Paint for such drawing take thick, usually this is a gouache paint. Tassel should not be wet.

The basis - the background for the drawing is preparing an adult, and the child fills it with "tykomes" - prints of the brush. It can be different stories.

Examples of scenes for drawing tych:

  • Prints of yellow or white on a green background - Dandelions in the meadow,
  • White prints on the blue sky is fluffy clouds,
  • Blue brushes prints are drops of raindrops.
  • Yellow, orange, red prints drawn by a child on the autumn trees prepared in advance - this is autumn foliage,
  • If a child draws white prints on a winter background throughout the sheet of paper, then fluffy snowflakes.
  • Against the background of the city and black sky in the tick technique it looks very beautifully a colorful salute in the sky
  • On a blue background with dark brown trunks of trees (the background prepares an adult in advance) perfectly looks on white snow caps, drawn on the trees in the technique of "Pepper".

You can draw a tych not only a rigid brush, but also with a wand, which is attached to a solid thread a piece of foam rubber.

Tychka drawing is available even to the smallest kids from one and a half years.

3. 4. How to draw by adjustment with kids from 1 year to 3 years

Printing - This is a method of drawing a tassel, with which without artistic skills you can get a fairly interesting image. You will need paints - gouache. as well as a brush "protein" for drawing. Tassel should be soft and leave a large imprint.

We recruit paint to the brush and adjust the pile of the brush to the sheet of paper. It turns out the imprint.

Using such prints, you can get different images:

  • traces of animals on a white background of snow in the forest,
  • the lights are burning in the house (adjust - draw "windows" on the contour of the house prepared in advance for adults),
  • the lights lit on the New Year tree (the green outline of the Christmas tree prepares adult in advance),
  • leafs on a tree branch (branch draws an adult, child only leaves),
  • bugs in the grass
  • patterns and ornaments (decorating the prints of the tassels postcard, the contour of the plate, cups, etc.)

3.5. Drawing with stamps and fingerprints with children 1 year and 2 years

As a stamp that leaves the imprint on paper, there may be a foam sponium, a cotton wand or a finger of the child himself. Stamps of different forms can also be cut from vegetables, such as potatoes or carrots. Beautiful small stamps can be made from a regular sponge for washing dishes. Such stamps can be, for example, draw multi-colored christmas decorations on the silhouette of the Christmas tree.

For such equipment, you will need a few saucers and a few sealing (each color - in its saucer, in which its seal or sponge is pushing).

What can be drawn by stamps:

  • multicolored cubes (make on paper prints by cubes from the designer - builder),
  • ryabinka berries on a branch,
  • beads
  • lights on the New Year tree,
  • asterisks in the sky
  • crawler
  • apples on the apple tree,
  • pattern on the line contour, postcard
  • snowman.

To draw the baby to like, it is very important that the adult prepared a color background for his creativity.

We have now reviewed the simplest ways of drawing, which are also available to children of the second year of life.

Conduct vertical, horizontal lines, drawing of circles and ovals It is much more difficult to give a child, requires good coordination of movements and our help in mastering them. Therefore, I will talk about drawing these lines with babies in very detailed below in the next section.

Section 4. Drawing with babies in the age stages:

from 1 year to 2 years

Age from 1 year to 2 years is called "Aged Karakul". How does it go and how does the "drawing" develop at the smallest child? What are these doodle are valuable and why do children of all countries and peoples draw them at this age?

4. 1. As a one-year-old child masters a pencil,

or let's draw a doodle!

In the second year of life, the baby begins to hold a spoon, wand and pencil and led by them on paper. He discovers that the pencil leaves the mark on paper! This is a real discovery for a child! Of course. That the child does not know that you can draw a pencil. He simply clamp a pencil into a cam and leads them in different directions, sometimes making holes in paper from their joyful efforts. Very often, the small kids for the first time act in a pencil differently - finding that the pencil gives a trace on paper, they begin to hit them from all over force along the lest - the movement of the entire handle from the elbow or even from the shoulder. They like the pencil trace, and the sound of a pencil's knock on paper.

Then the child begins to study the traces of a pencil on paper and try to make them different. First, there is a chaos lines, a random drawing, almost always the paper is torn. For this it is not necessary to scold - the child masters the space of a sheet of paper, knows the world.

Gradually, the child begins to drive a pencil on paper itself so that some movements of it become rhythmic and repeatable. There are enough homogeneous lines on its "Figure".

Useful advice from experience: Drawing, the kid aged from 1 year to 2 years is out of the leaf and does not know how to draw only on the sheet. Therefore, be sure to give a drawing space much more than a sheet of paper (put the oilcloth or other materials to protect the furniture).

Gradually, if the child has pencils in access, then when they are examined, it begins to make more ordered movements on paper - there / here, rotational lines throughout the sheet, spirals, circular swings and lines. They are usually rhythmic, and it gives the child joy and soothes him. This is a kind of rhythm of life and its actions for the baby, which is very favorable for him. After all, all nature is a rhythm (the rhythm of the change of seasons and parts of the day, tides and flow, the rhythms of the moon, etc.)

Approximately 2 years old, the baby can underwhel a few sheets of paper with a pencil, without breaking away from this process. He is very interesting traces on paper! Such a "drawing" of a one-year-old child is not yet visual activity, but it is a serious preparation for it! After all, in such "doodles", coordinated rhythmic movements of the hand and visual control are developing!

4. 2. At what age can you start giving a small child to draw a doodle?

Usually, in kindergartens and children's centers, pencils for "doodle drawing" begin to give children about a year and a half and older. Home can be given before. But necessarily kids are drawn under the supervision of an adult, because A pencil is an item with an acute ending. And since 2 years and later it will be possible to start learning actually drawing as visual activities.

If the child at this age was not given pencils and paints for free use of the house or in the studio, then usually drawing occurs at the kid much later - about 2, 5 - 3 years.

4. 3. How to help the development of "drawing doodles"?

Such "Drawing" Karakul does not require our attention, but requires only that we ensure the baby with a large number of paper, bright multicolored pencils and did not scold, and encouraged his interest in independent study!

But if we help the baby - then the child in the doodle drawing experiments will already learn and very important new skills for him. which will be suitable for him a little later in drawing.

Example 1. You can tell the child to keep the doodle while drawing the doodle to the paper sheet with another hand and show how it is done.

Example 2. You can close by 2 years to show how to keep a pencil in the handle.

Example 3. At any age, having considered the picture of the child, it can be found in it, on which it looks like a real phenomenon or subject - "Oh, which rain you got - Cap-Cap - Cap-Cap !!!" (on vertical strokes). Such our soft help will push the child to a new stage of cognition of the possibilities of the pencil.

4. 4. What to give a two-way child - pencil or feltaster?

In addition to pencils, you can give a child and markers. But only felt-meters, I would not advise you to limit it, although it is definite that children love them more. And that's why. Flomers are very easy to draw, and the trace turns out very bright. And the pencil requires pressure when drawing - that is, the efforts of a small handle. Therefore, pencil doodles are much more useful for the development of a child's handle (shallow motors) than markers. Therefore, combine both!

It is important to know:

Section 5. Drawing with kids in the age stages: Draw with children from 2 years to 3 years

On the third year of life We teach the kid not just to drive a pencil or tissue on a sheet of paper, but also draw a certain item - a path or a ball, learn and call what is painted adult.

What draws a baby should be very good and familiar to him on his personal experience - what he can touch, feel, examine, with which he can act. It is important that the child is familiar and know the items, their shape and size. After all, we pass them in the image on paper.

5. 1. What can you teach the baby for 2 years in drawing?

Kids at this age can be started to learn:

  • understand that spots, lines, outlines can be depicted on paper well-known objects and phenomena,
  • correctly hold a pencil and felt-tip pen, brush with three fingers (from 2 years old),
  • conduct vertical lines, horizontal lines, intersecting lines, rhythmic strokes and spots, rings, rounded lines (prepare a child's hand to the image of round forms),
  • correctly use the visual materials: 1) At first, the brush wet in the paint - to score paint, 2) to remove the edge of the jar, 3) after drawing a brush rinse in the jar and dry. 4) And only then remove to her place when it becomes dry.

The baby can see how he draws an adult and to imitate the same simple drawing (draw cucumbers in the bank - "Babushkina Slabs", an apple for the hedgehog or a ball as a gift kitten).

At this age, the kids are already beginning to determine "beautiful - ugly." Use these words in your speech: "That's what a beautiful bouquet from you turned out. Bright, elegant, festive! ". Considering the pictures in the books, also find beautiful details - a beautiful elegant dress dolls or cap from parsley, tell the baby, why do you think this picture is beautiful than you admire in it: "Look what beautiful cat! Red boots put on the book, the book took and went to visit. Cheerful, smiling! "

It is important to know: At the age of 2 years, the child is not yet able to portray something by the plan. That is, the kid can not yet put a goal - to draw the sun - and this goal is to perform. It is still in the process, the result and purpose for him are not important at all! Therefore, do not be surprised if the baby is simply gripping what has just painted hard.

It is not necessary with the child of this age "analyze" and "dismember" beauty in parts. It is very important that emotional admiration, holistic perception. Very exactly wrote about this V. A. Sukhomlinsky:

"Beauty itself affects the soul and does not require clarification. We admire the rose flower as it were for one whole, and beauty would be destroyed if we left the petals from the flower and analyzed that the essence of beauty. "

5. 2. Sequence of gaming classes with children 2 years in learning drawing

If your baby got enough early in the hands of a pencil and a brush, then he has already passed the stage of the Karakul to 2 years and is ready to draw, display the world in the picture.

The child of two to two and a half years in drawing is very important to experience the tactile and motor sensations from materials and actions with them (the sensory development of the baby), the visual perception of the color and the form, the joy of knowledge of the properties and the qualities of the materials and the form of the objects of the surrounding world! It is important for him to feel the ball, line, angle, long and short, thick and slim, rough and smooth, bright and pale.

There is a certain consistency of complication of tasks for a child from simple to complex. Consider it in stages.

Stage 1. Learn the kid 2-3 years to draw

vertical Lines Tassel and Pencil

Drawing vertical lines with a pencil and brush is the ability from which it is best to start teaching a child to possession of a pencil and a brush. I remind you that we are starting to do about the age of about 2 years.

It is important to know and take into account: vertical lines - this is the easiest image of the image for the kid. This is explained by the fact that the child's hand with a brush or pencil without special visual control can easily fall down. Horizontal and circular lines are much more difficult to give a child. That is why we start with vertical lines.

What are the topics and plots on drawing vertical lines with a pencil and brush, we can offer a child:

  • We draw a fence for a cockerel (hide Cockerel from chanterelle),
  • Draw how grows on the meadow green grass moves from top to bottom,
  • The rain dripping from the tuchka to the meadow and the flowers: Cap-Cap-Cap,
  • We draw a railway for a train on which a bunny will come to visit us, you can draw with a group of children and combine all drawings into a long common railway around the room or around the room,
  • Drops fall - Soselka in the spring melted: Cap-Cap.
  • Draw a string balloon to the balloons,
  • Fall falls, fall leaves on the ground - op! Fallen! OP! Fallen! (Draw a vertical line the trajectory of falling leaf down)
  • Draw spines at the hedgehog.
  • I wanted a broken cleaning brush. We help to repair it :).

At the same time at the first stage, we teach the baby to keep the tassel and use the paints.

How to keep a brush:

  • The brush is kept immediately behind the metal tip (we explain the child that this is such a beautiful brilliant skirt at the sorceress of tassels, and we do not touch it).
  • Tassels are captured by three fingers. It is located between a large and middle finger, and on top additionally held by an index finger.
  • The hand during the lines does not lie in the figure, but is on the weight (otherwise we can smear the paint on paper and spoil both drawing, and clothing).

Stage 2. Learn to draw horizontal lines

Pencil and tassel

Horizontal dishes can be offered to a child for 2-3 years in such plots:

  • thread from the Cluster,
  • tracks and paths,
  • the car rides on the road,
  • ribbons
  • horizontal stairs ladder in the garden,
  • run spring streams,
  • many colored pencils lies in the box
  • skump and logs bridge over the river.
  • airfield with take-off stripes - horizontal lines.
  • a multi-colored rug for a cat (the image of the cat is cut in advance with an adult and sticks on a striped rug, which turned out to be a baby).
  • pockets (the child paints a sheet of paper sheet or a piece of fabric, stretched on the frame).
  • brush (draws bristle brush lines, but already in the horizontal direction)

Stage 3. Draw with babies 2-3 years

Circles and ovals

Cougage movements of hand are the most difficult type of lines and movement with hand. Usually, the kids are able to master the circular movements from 2, 5 years and earlier this age we do not offer such tasks.

Ideas for game training activities for drawing circles and oval:

  • clubs for kittens ("Move threads on the tangle"),
  • draw a sun and rays to it,
  • flowers (adult draws stems, and the child draws flowers on them),
  • walks smoke from the pipe in the village,
  • delicious dryers or rams for grandmother or other character,
  • "Still Pind" (forty - crow),
  • snowball,
  • snowman,
  • balls
  • clock,
  • wheels for cars, for a toy cart,
  • neva
  • chick,
  • beetles in the grass.

IT IS IMPORTANT: When a child paints a round shape, then you can remind him how to do it. We seem to be "wrapping a lotion on the tank." It is necessary that the baby has learned to paint the image of the movement according to the form of the subject - circular.

It is interesting to know:On the third year of life, even children who did not teach the image of concrete items at all, can draw them perfectly! But under one condition - if they have in constant access, there are all the visual materials and they often paint as well as they themselves want. But this is observed in children 2-3 years old only in relation to those phenomena or subjects that are greatly struck. Such objects seem to be "facing the eyes" of the child, so it is easier for him to portray them.

This explains the fact that the most common and easy-to-image items of young children are often drawn much worse than very complex items, but it is emotionally significant for them. Moreover, each child has "its own interest" in this regard: someone captured the observation of the excavator on the street or ankvalagist, and the other baby was impressed by a thunderstorm or a terrible big dog in the yard. No need to prohibit the child to draw terrible objects for him, on the contrary, let him draw them as much as he needs. Later this event will no longer be so worried and this topic will leave his drawings.

5. 3. Where to start learning drawing after 2 years - with drawing pencils or paint drawing?

There is no single opinion in the answers to this question.

  1. Paints draw easier for a childSince I don't need a strong pressure hand and at the same time bright spots appear, which are always interesting to the child.
  2. Having learned how to make a brushes properly and without an overwhelmed pressure to draw, these skills the child easily tolerates on drawing a pencil. He will not tear them paper and pushing it too much or keep it wrong. The child will immediately begin to draw them correctly.
  3. If the kid got used to painting a pencil with a strong hand press, It will also begin to draw and brush.
  4. Drawing pencils tires the child. So to get a bright line, he needs to press him a lot, and the child's handle gets tired of it. Drawing paints this does not require. And the paint is a child with passion draws 10, and 15 minutes.

TS Komarova and N.P. Sakulin holds another opinion. They believe that it is better to start with a drawing with a pencil and first spend 3- 4 gaming classes with pencils with a baby. And after that, go to drawing with a brush and paints.

5. How to teach a child for 2-3 years to keep brushes and pencil when drawing

Tassel and pencil need to be kept three fingers, not to compress too much. In this case, the bruster or pencil is held between large and middle fingers, and the index finger is on top.

Clamping a pencil is not too close to his giffel (the distance from the Grief to the fingers is about 2 cm).

Tassels are kept with fingers slightly above the iron tip.

The brush is cast on a sheet of paper easily, freely, rhythmic. This is learned to the baby on the third year of life.

Of course, it is not necessary to explain this to the child verbally - you just need to show how to keep and help if something does not work.

This correct pencil capture and brushes, any child is not at once. Let's see how to help him.

What if the child puts the middle finger up the tassel or pencil?

Answer: With the help of a "hand in hand" (take - grab your baby's hand in your hand) and remove his finger sidel.

What if the child does not let you take his hand in your?And keeps brushes only in the fist, refusing to keep it differently?

Answer: Try gently hug a baby's brush with a tassel and paint your hand in bright paints interesting patterns.

What if the child 2-3 years old can not learn how to keep her brush in his hand?

Answer:Well helps the development of the ability to properly keep a pencil or a brush for drawing the technique "drawing a tych". From the name of this method it is already clear that with such a drawing of the movement of the hand vertical from top to bottom. And the imprint is obtained instantly one rapid effect.

Make a baby wand - "Put." To do this, on a conventional wand (you can use inexpensive pencil, flat on both sides) wrap a piece of thin foam rubber. Fasten the strong synthetic thread by shifting it several times around the tick and securing the nodes.

Show how to keep a wand - a stitch correctly (three fingers whom the wand is wrapped). The baby foams a wand in the paint and, putting it vertically on a sheet of paper, gets prints. So you can draw dandelions, beads, salute, clean with flowers and much more.

Explain the baby that the imprint turns out beautiful, you need to hold a barbell on paper a little bit, and not immediately tear it off from it, slightly press. Then it turns out smooth round "balls".

When the baby learns to be easily drawn with a wand - "Tychka", give him cotton wands. Let the flowers, berries, patterns affect them.

So gradually the kid fell along the correct grip and after the correct capture of the cotton sticks will go to the correct capture of the pencil and tassels.

5.5. How to teach a child 2 years to use the paints

Very often, small children forget the rules for using paints. For example, you forget to dial it from the jar and a brush with a brush without paint paper, surprised that the traces does not remain. Or they forget to remove excess paint from the pile of tassels or you gain it too much and as a result you get blots on a sheet. Therefore, the adult constantly helps the baby and reminds what to do next:

  • first you need to moisten a brush in a jar with water,
  • then do the whole brush carefully in the can with paint,
  • after that, we press the pile of tassel about the edge of the cans with paint,
  • and now you can start drawing!

5. 5. What brushes and pencils give children 2 years for drawing?

The first tassel of the baby should be short, but with a thick handle. And also it must be a brush, which draws thick clear lines. And only when the child will master the drawing with such a brush, he can give a brush more thin.

Best for drawing kids suitable large sized tassels (№10-14). They can be natural (for example, pony, protein) or soft synthetic.

For painting a large surface (sky background, grass background) use wide flat flush tassels or sponges.

You can draw with zhetsky bristle bristles. How to make a row, you already know.

The first pencil of the child can be trigger, but it is not necessary. The main thing is that it should be quite large.

on drawing with children 2 years

Tip 1. If you are going to give a drawing of a child, then definitely talk to him about it and take permission for this: "Do you want us to give your drawing to your grandmother?" And take respect of the child's opinion. If he does not want to give this drawing, then it is better to draw another as a gift. And so loved baby drawing to keep at home.

Tip 2. If you want something you want to show the child during the drawing process, then show - show this element or a method of drawing on your sheet of paper, and not on a child sheet. Then the child's work will be the work of a child without your intervention. Yes, not as beautiful as your sample. But the child is learning! And immediately can not learn to do everything "five", but it is not necessary.

Tip 3. It is very important that during training game classes on drawing next to the baby there were no distracting items. For example, if you need only 4 paints for drawing - we only cook them and put on the table, we remove other paints so that the child does not see them, and could not reach them. If we need only one paint - then we pull this color paint, the rest do not put on the table.

The abundance of objects is only distracting a small child from his task.

Convenient option for shock kids - if something is no longer needed to you, then after use we put this item (for example, a sponge) in an opaque closed plastic container so that the child is not further distracted.

After all, everyone who ever drawn with a small child know how unsustainably his attention - saw a foreign object, distracted and ... Forgot about drawing!

Tip 4. Do not hurry from 2 years to teach the child to the deliberate image and "stamps - samples" in it - "That's how you need to draw a bunny, but this is the horse! Do like me. That's right, and since you painted - it is wrong. " This age is another more important task! And why did we suddenly decide that we have the only correct way of the image? The child can invent his way, and it is wonderful!

Tip 5. Do not strive for the line drawn by your baby were the same and absolutely smooth. We do not draw, and not draw :). Look around on the world of nature - there are no identical lines in it. On the contrary, the line is alive in nature and in the picture. She transmits the mood of the artist, his way to perceive the world. The line in the picture can be calm or tense, cheerful or frightened, sad or bold. Fard these moments and the different character of the lines and forms in the child. For example, tell your child: "What a brave your ball! So rushes to the sky to fly, barely barely holds his thread. But this ball is timid, afraid to fly into the sky. And what's the third ball? "

5.7. Unusual drawing techniques for 2-year-old children: draw in a tissue on the fabric

Now there have been a lot of interesting drawing techniques. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to be limited to paints and pencils. I'll tell you about one of the unusual drawing techniques with kids 2-3 years, because I love work with a cloth.

With the help of paints on the fabric (expensive version) or ordinary color carcass (economical and accessible option) with a 2-year-old child your individual puppet textiles or real gifts made of fabric for the child's toys - for a bear, bunnies, a doll house guests. Or you can do something simple for your home - even tacks or towels for home are real. We all in such work will be truly like designers. And this is just like the kids!

You will need for drawing with baby:

  1. color mascara or paint for drawing on the fabric driving under the iron (instruction date on paint packaging),
  2. old fabric you need forms and size (of course, you can use a new fabric!),
  3. cotton chopsticks or round stamps of foam rubber. Stumpika can be made by himself, cutting out the circles of different sizes from the foam rubber and attaching them to the wands with a durable thread.

Drawing technique: Vault

Pattern options:

  • a) fill out with multi-colored circles the entire surface of the fabric (it turns out the "polka dot fabric"),
  • b) Put several points of the same color in the center of the napkin. And then take the paint of another color and put another point in each corner a handkerchief or napkins,
  • c) draw a row from points on each side of a napkin or towel or puppet covers.
  • You can come up with your own patterns!

How to draw carcasses with a baby 2-3 years:

- Step 1. Mandatory step! On the table put extra oilcloth. And on the canlenka - the ironed clean cloth of the desired size.

For example, if we draw a puppet tablecloth - then you need to take the size of the size of a little more than the size of the doll table existing in your puppet apartment. You can draw apron for doll. Or handkerchief for a bear. Bow for a bunny or mini-handbag for the pupa.

- Step 2. We draw a tyk pattern from the circles along the entire surface of the fabric. To do this, fool our stamps or cotton wands in the color mascara (for each color - your own wand) and a twist vertically apply to the fabric. Fill the entire surface of the fabric. This is the first option, the easiest and most beloved kids-win production of fabric into multicolored polka dots. We try to make the entire surface of the fabric covered with colored peas.

Next time you can offer a child a more complex pattern.

- Step 3. We are waiting for the pattern completely dry (at this time there may be a daytime sleep, a walk or other interesting or everyday events).

- Step 4. Bind your flasks hot iron. If you need to smoke the edges, then we laugh. All is ready! The resulting doll thing (and maybe it is a real tack for your kitchen!) It will be possible to erase manually, it does not polish.

Step 5. The most important step for a child, and therefore it cannot be passed. We hand our product for whom it was intended. So, if we did a tablecloth for dolls on a housewarming - it means that we play housewarming, we encounter guests and treat them. If we made the nasal handkerchief for the Mishutka - then we take to him handkerchiefs. He thanks us. If we did the apron for the doll - it means we solemnly hand her gift. The doll is trying on the apron and thanks the child and immediately prepares something delicious for us and handles us.

One more drawing technique with children 2 years old - this is a geacograph technique.

  • Take the album sheet and bend it in half.
  • Drip in the middle of the fold paint stain, then fold the sheet in half and spend the palm several times in different directions from the center of the bend.
  • Open the sheet.
  • What did you do? What does it seem? How can you draw this stain?

Section 6. Useful books on drawing with kids from 1 year to 3 years

I selected into this section those books that will be understood by any family and on which it will be easy to draw painting with the child.

1. Yanushko E.A. Drawing with young children. 1-3 years. Book + CD.
In the book you will find ideas and scenarios of game activities with early children in drawing by sections:

  • Drawing shallow
  • Drawing markers and pencils
  • Acquaintance with pencils and felt-meters
  • Drawing direct lines
  • Drawing of wavy lines
  • Drawing broken lines
  • Drawing points
  • Drawing circles
  • Drawing spirals
  • Drawing curled lines
  • Drawing different lines
  • Independent drawing with pencils and
  • flomasters
  • Drawing paints
  • Acquaintance with paint
  • Drawing sponge
  • Drawing fingers
  • Drawing palms
  • Drawing with rollers
  • Drawing with stamps
  • Drawing in adjustment technique
  • Drawing in the appliances of smears
  • Drawing over sketch

This book is very convenient for classes with children in a circle and at home, because Gives a system of game assignments and many ideas. This book is actually a "ready-made tool", the finished technology of playing gaming classes with a baby, which is very easy and easy to use in any family or in any children's center.

2. Albums for children Daria Koldina "Game Drawing" in three parts (publishing house "Sphere"). The album gives ready-made backgrounds and tasks for a child 2-3 years.

Previously produced and continue to produce albums for drawing D. Koldina from the series "This can your baby". For example, the album for children is 1-3 years old "Cheerful Drawing" contains such tasks and ready-made backgrounds:

  • draw rays from the sun,
  • take the tracks,
  • draw a fence at the hare house to protect it from the fox,
  • draw ball balls
  • draw grass and ladder,
  • draw the windows in the house.

Plus such albums - Ready backdrops, beautiful, you can take and use.

There is also a minus - one album includes tasks for completely different skills, so you can use albums as an additional material (so that yourself do not draw the background) But it is not convenient to deal with the sequence in them in them. To many of the tasks, you still need to prepare the child's handle to prepare preliminary gaming exercises so that he can perform them (see above the effective planning of playing game classes, which takes into account the features of 2-year-old children, here this rule is not taken into account).

3. "An album for children's creativity. Junior age (1, 5 - 3 years) "- the album also gives ready-made patterns - drawing backgrounds, and task options. Pros and disadvantages in the previous albums. You yourself will have to think in which sequence and how best to offer tasks from albums to your baby. It will be necessary to calculate the most, which of the tasks you can immediately give, and before which you need to first need the preparatory gaming exercises to have coped to them.

If this article has been useful and necessary for you - I will be grateful if you share it in social networks and write a comment. After all, there are many parents around us who want to draw painting with their baby, but just do not know where to start.

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