The smallest born children. The smallest: features of the development of premature children

Modern medicine allows you to survive even the children who appeared significantly earlier than the planned period. There are several kids whose appearance to the light still causes amazement.

Madel Manne was born in the United States in June 1989 with a weight of only 280 grams. Her mother suffered from preeclampsia, so she was on time 2 7 weeks emergency caesarean section was conducted to save lives. At birth, a child had many violations of the functions of the body, which were gradually restored by experts. Parents were able to pick up the baby home only 4 months after her appearance. Her weight at that time was reached only two with a small kilogram. However, for twenty years Modelain rose into a fun and cheerful girl. About the former health problems now resembles only its small growth and weight - only one hundred and thirty centimeters and thirty-two kilograms. Madeline successfully graduated from school and is now studying at a psychologist.

Amalia Sonya Taylor was born on October 24, 2006, on 22 weeks There was a weight of 284 grams. Amalia was conceived after many years of infertility, and her mother was very hoping to convey the pregnancy to the end, but she failed. Doctors tried to delay the appearance of baby to the light, but she was still born, despite all their efforts. When birth, babies had breathing problems, a small hemorrhage into the brain and some problems with digestion. Amalia spent around six months in the incubator. At discharge, its weight was already 1.8 kg. Currently, Amalia attends a kindergarten. It is only a little less than other children at her age.

Rumais Rakhman was born on 26 weekpregnancy September 19, 2004 at the Medical Center of the University of Loiol in Maywood, Illinois. Her birth weight was only 244 grams, and the height is 24 centimeters. To date, it is considered the smallest child in the world. The weight of her twin sister hiba was 563 grams. For three months spent in the hospital, Rumais gained weight 1.18 kg, and her sister Hiba - 2.25 kg. They were discharged home six months after childbirth. At the age of 10 weeks, babies could already suck milk from the bottles on their own. Both girls had vision problems, at the age of biennium, they passed a laser correction. Today Rumais is even a little ahead of their peers in physical development. At the age of five, she already weighed about 15 kilograms with a height of one meter, and attended an ordinary kindergarten. In the year before, she, together with his sister, went to the usual school.

Melinda Star Gwido was born on August 30, 2011 with a weight of 270 grams in the Los Angeles Medical Center. Birth occurred on 24 week Pregnancy. After five months spent in the hospital, Melinda was already 2.05 kg, Melinda is already 2.05 kg, and the doctors allowed to take her home on January 20, 2012. It will be observed over the next six years.

Nathan Siberian was born on the period 24 weeksin Southampton (United Kingdom) in the summer of 2008. His chances of surviving doctors were evaluated as 1: 1,000,000. Contrary to all the child almost immediately began to breathe independently. And despite the fact that was the size of the palm, stubbornly fought for life. From the very birth of the infant had a wonderful appetite, and he quickly began to gain weight. The boy was discharged home in a few weeks. Now he practically does not lag behind his brother, who is 2 years older than him.

Willow Lyuden-Brooks was born in the UK in December 2009 for a period 23 weeks- Her mother developed a intrauterine infection that provoked premature labor. Doctors were confident that the child would die during childbirth. However, the baby, as soon as she was taken to his arms, took a deep breath, and a little later, he was planted independently. Now Willow is completely healthy, she will soon be 4 years old.

There are examples in Russia. In 2007, a boy was born in the city of Lipetsk, whose weight at birth was a little less than 500 grams, another kid weighing 450 grams, was born in Moscow in 2013.

babies are the most vulnerable category of human beings. They come to this world weak, with a much less weight than normal babies, and face a huge amount of health problems due to the fact that their bodies did not have time to develop properly.

As a result, they are forced to undergo special therapy in intensive care departments for newborns.

1. Two of the youngest children, when either they appeared on the light, have now fully recovered. The first baby, Rumais Rahman, has already gone to the first class. The second girl, Madelin Mann, has already become a college student. The third "record holder" is considered to be Melinda Star Gwido, which only left the hospital walls.

2. Rumais appeared on September 19, 2004 at the Medical Center of the University of Loiol in Maywood, Illinois. Her birth weight was only 9.2 oz (260 grams). To date, it is considered the smallest child in the world.

3. Rumais - one of their two twins. The second girl called Hiba, weighed 1 pound and 4 oz (approximately 600 grams).

4. Rumais and Hiba December 21, 2004.

5. Rumais appeared on the light of Cesarean section almost a month ahead of time, due to the fact that the mother had pressure. After the appearance of the light, Rumaisa was immediately connected to the device of artificial ventilation of the lungs. The thickness of the tubes that were used for this was hardly more spaghetti thickness.

6. Dr. William McMilllan (left) and Dr. Jonathan Muraskas represent Rumaisa to the public at a press conference. Dr. Murascas was leaving Rumaisa and another premature baby, Montelin, who appeared in the Medical Center of the Loyola University in Maywood, Illinois.

7. Rumais and Hiba with their parents, Mohammed Abdul Rakhman, on the left, and Majabin Shalk. The mother of girls was forced to take steroids to promote the development of light kids.

8. The name of Rumaisa is translated from one of the Indian dialects as "whiter milk".

9. At the five-year-old age of Rumais weighed 33 pounds (14.9 kilograms), its growth was 3.5 feet (1.06 meters). Now she is seven years old.

10. Madelin Mann was born in June 1989 at the Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. Her birth weight was 9.9 ounces. She had a minor hemorrhage into the brain, characteristic of such babies, but it did not cause serious consequences. In addition, the girl was diagnosed with retinopathy.

11. Now Mideline is 22 years old, and it has become a student specializing in psychology. The girl suffers from asthma and remains extremely subtitle - its growth is only 4.8 feet (1, 46 meters), and the weight of 65 pounds (29.4 kilograms).

Nevertheless, there are currently no other health problems with her health. Jim Mann, Father Madelin, said that at first, immediately after the appearance of his daughter to the light, he was terribly frightened, and now he is proud of her very much. "We are all terribly lucky," he says.

12. Melinda Star Gwido appeared on August 30, 2011. Its weight was only 9.5 ounces -270 grams, as much as a glass with a gas. The girl was born at the Medical Center in Los Angeles.

13. Most of these children do not survive "the first few weeks we didn't even count on such a miracle," tells Dr. Rangasami Ramanatan, who was engaged in the girl. The mother of the baby, who had a stillborn child before that, before the doctor, begged the doctors to do everything possible to save the infant. Doctors warned their parents, Heidi Ibarra and her spouse Giovanni Guido, that in children who have prematurely appearing ones, very often there are problems with development, as well as they may suffer from various diseases, such as blindness, deafness or cerebral paralysis.

14. Melinda was born by cesarean section on the 24th week and was immediately placed in the separation of intensive therapy of newborns, where a whole team of doctors and nurses were engaged in a round-clock. Babies that appeared to 37 weeks are considered premature.

15. Melinda was kept in an incubator connected to a special lung ventilation system. The mother of the girl tells that her daughter's skin seemed like her delicate cellophan.

16. Every day, Ibarra spent the incubator in which Melinda was placed.

17. Melinda is considered the second of the smallest babies that appeared in the United States, and the third in the world.

18. On January 20, 2012, spending almost five months in the hospital, Melinda gained weight up to 4.5 pounds (2.04 kilograms). And the doctors decided that the girl can be released home. Making forecasts about how its development will be too early, and doctors are going to keep her under surveillance for the next six years.

Photobank Lori

Madel Manne was born in the United States in June 1989 with a weight of only 280 grams. Her mother suffered from preeclampsia, so there was an emergency cesarean section for the period of life to save lives. At birth, a child had many violations of the functions of the body, which were gradually restored by experts. Parents were able to pick up the baby home only 4 months after her appearance. Her weight at that time was reached only two with a small kilogram. However, for twenty years Modelain rose into a fun and cheerful girl. About the former health problems now resembles only its small growth and weight - only one hundred and thirty centimeters and thirty-two kilograms. Madeline successfully graduated from school and is now studying at a psychologist.

Amalia Sonya Taylor was born on October 24, 2006, on, had a weight of 284 grams. Amalia was conceived after many years of infertility, and her mother was very hoping to convey the pregnancy to the end, but she failed. Doctors tried to delay the appearance of baby to the light, but she was still born, despite all their efforts. When birth, babies had breathing problems, a small hemorrhage into the brain and some problems with digestion. Amalia spent around six months in the incubator. At discharge, its weight was already 1.8 kg. Currently, Amalia attends a kindergarten. It is only a little less than other children at her age.

Rumais Rakhman was born on pregnancy on September 19, 2004 at the University of Loiola's Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. Her birth weight was only 244 grams, and the height is 24 centimeters. To date, it is considered the smallest child in the world. The weight of her twin sister hiba was 563 grams. For three months spent in the hospital, Rumais gained weight 1.18 kg, and her sister Hiba - 2.25 kg. They were discharged home six months after childbirth. At the age of 10 weeks, babies could already suck milk from the bottles on their own. Both girls had vision problems, at the age of biennium, they passed a laser correction. Today Rumais is even a little ahead of their peers in physical development. At the age of five, she already weighed about 15 kilograms with a height of one meter, and attended an ordinary kindergarten. In the year before, she, together with his sister, went to the usual school.

Melinda Star Gwido was born on August 30, 2011 with a weight of 270 grams in the Los Angeles Medical Center. Birth occurred on pregnancy. After five months spent in the hospital, Melinda was already 2.05 kg, Melinda is already 2.05 kg, and the doctors allowed to take her home on January 20, 2012. It will be observed over the next six years.

Nathan Siberian was born on the period in Southampton (United Kingdom) in the summer of 2008. His chances of surviving doctors were evaluated as 1: 1,000,000. Contrary to all the child almost immediately began to breathe independently. And despite the fact that was the size of the palm, stubbornly fought for life. From the very birth of the infant had a wonderful appetite, and he quickly began to gain weight. The boy was discharged home in a few weeks. Now he practically does not lag behind his brother, who is 2 years older than him.

Willow Lyuden-Brooks was born in the UK in December 2009 for a period - her mother developed an intrauterine infection that provoked premature birth. Doctors were confident that the child would die during childbirth. However, the baby, as soon as she was taken to his arms, took a deep breath, and a little later, he was planted independently. Now Willow is completely healthy, she will soon be 4 years old.

There are examples in Russia. In 2007, a boy was born in the city of Lipetsk, whose weight at birth was a little less than 500 grams, another kid weighing 450 grams, was born in Moscow in 2013.

258 days - so much a child must be held inside the maternal womb to be born in docking. And what if he was born before? Daria Kinsht, head of neonatology, a neonatologist, anesthesiologist-resuscitation of the Medical Center "Avicenna" Group of Companies "Mother and Child", spoke about how often premature children are born, what are the minimum lifetimes and with what development parents may meet kids.

Criteria of prematurity

More and more children in the world appear on the light before the deadline. WHO reports that more than 2.5 million premature babies is born annually in the world. The causes of premature births are very much: the pathological course of pregnancy, , , chronic mothers diseases, injuries preceding abortions ...

If the birth has occurred previously full of 37 weeks, the newborn is considered premature.

Specialist comment

The only criterion of prematurity is the period of gestation (the number of complete weeks of pregnancy, which passed between the first days of the last menstruation of the women in labor and the moment of cutting of the umbilical cord - approx. Ed.). That is, a child born to 37 weeks (even 36 weeks and 6 days) is considered premature. The frequency of birth of premature children is different in the regions (depending on the state of perinatal, mostly obstetric service) and even individual maternity homes of one city (depending on the specialization and level of assistance of a particular institution). In the world, the frequency of premature births is 6-12%, but the tendency to increase their number in the last 10 years is preserved.

The minimum lifetime and the weight of the newborn

  • Since 2012. In Russia, in accordance with WHO standards, potentially viable consider kids born no earlier than 22 weeks and with a mass mass of at least 500 grams.
  • Until 2012. In our country, childbirth earlier than 28 weeks of the fetus with a weighing of less than 1 kilogram were regarded as late miscarriage (but if the child was born alive and lived more than 7 days, he was registered as premature).

Specialist comment

The minimum lifetime, according to the rules for the registration of the birth of children who transferred the Russian Federation in 2012 - from 22 weeks and above; With a mass of a newborn from 500 grams and above. Unfortunately, this does not mean that all children born with such a mass of the body and with this period of gestation are viable, even subject to the provision of highly specialized assistance. The probability of not only survival, but also fully rehabilitated above after 26 weeks of gestation.

It is important to know that children with extremely small weight, born on the very lowest gestation sometimes not only survive, but also catch up with their peers in development!

Learn more about the weight of the baby and the period of gestation

When doctors assess the condition of the premature child, they do not proceed only from the date of birth. Several criteria are important:

  1. Obstetric period of pregnancy;
  2. The weight of the newborn;
  3. The maturity of the newborn.

Earlier in neonatology it was made dividing prematurity by 4 degrees, now it is not used.

Specialist comment

Currently, the separation of premature degrees does not matter practical and not used in neonatology. Only the term of gestation at birth is indicated. For example: "30 weeks' prematurity." By weight, premature newborn can be divided as follows:

  • Children born with weight of less than 1000 g are considered to be children with an extremely low body weight;
  • From 1000 to 1500 g - with a very low body weight;
  • From 1500 to 2000 g - with low body weight.

Practical importance is the consistency of weight gestational deadlines.

In order to be clear, what weight corresponds to what time, we give the table:

Features of health premature babies

The premature little baby is not just less weighs than a child born on time, they differ outwardly and have fundamentally different needs.

In deep premature babies (weight less than 1500 g), there is almost completely no subcutaneous fat layer. Their skin is very thin, dark red, covered with a thick flush. The sizes of the head compared with the torso is much larger than the docking kids. All the spring and locations of the bones of the skull are open, the ear shells are underdeveloped and very soft. Nail plates are very short and do not close the phalange of the fingers. The navel is not located in the center of the abdomen, but in its lower.

However, prematurity is determined not only by external signs. A much more important indicator is maturity (that is, the willingness to function in the outside world) of vital organs and systems. The degree of this maturity depends the viability and tactics of the impression of the premature babe.

If the child is born a much earlier period, he is not ready for independent outtource life. For example, they cannot breathe independently, and immediately after birth, they are placed in special arches (equipment designed to create optimal conditions for the adhesiveness of the premature child) with artificial ventilation devices.

If a child can not suck and swallow independently, then first time it is fed by recording maternal milk or special mixtures through the probe.

For premature babies in the first weeks of life, the air temperature is critical, such kids are very quickly overheated or hypochea. A constant temperature and humidity is maintained in the koodis. In some cases, water mattresses are installed in Cruise, which create conditions similar to intrauterine.

Any child, born on a period of less than 37 weeks, is considered to be (that is, up to 260 days) pregnancy. Births can occur earlier for the deadline for many reasons, and you should not seek guilty here. In most cases, premature children have a body weight of less than 2500 grams and a length of less than 45 cm. At the same time, a small weight is not an absolute sign of prematurity, since even during intrauterine development, some kids are not harmful in weight, appearing on the light of real crumbs.

Of course, the main problem of kids born ahead of time is the difficulties of adapting to the conditions of the outside world due to the deficiency of development (first of all, respiratory systems, blood circulation, digestion and isolation). In order to ensure the survival of such babies, doctors need to make much more effort than in the standard case. Most often, a premature child requires a full range of resuscitation events. The newborn is placed in a special incubator (kuvez), where it is contained until it reaches the necessary growth, weight and degree of development in order to enter the "big world".

Unfortunately, many babies do not manage to go out, but the inverse situations happen, when absolutely hopeless, at first glance, children are fighting for life. We will now tell about several crocheh-record holders.

Rumais Rakhman. It was born in a pair of twins on September 19, 2004 at the Medical Center of the University of Loiol in Maywood, Illinois. The kids were born 15 weeks ahead of time, at the 26th week of pregnancy. Rumais weighed only 244 g, and her twin sister hiba - 563 g. The tiny Rumaisa (the name is translated as "whiter milk") compared with a mobile phone, and with a can of Coca-Cola, and with a packing of butter, which is not surprising when 28 cm growth (that is, half less norm). Obeem girls were made operation on laser correction of view, whose violations are a fairly common problem among premature children. Baby parents come from India. Early bodies were caused by Mahajabin Shalk's Mother's disease, suffering from a serious form of preeclampsia (a critical reduction in cerebral circulation in combination with the generalization of systemic violations of the liver, kidney, hemostasis, hemolymicals, lungs, cardiovascular system). She took steroids during pregnancy to ensure the development of the lungs of their children. Among other things, a woman has a pathologically increased pressure during childbirth, because of which the doctors had to resort to the cesarean section. Of course, with this situation, the specialists did not particularly believe in the success of the operation. Oddly enough, for 3 with a small month, the girls recovered, Hiba gained weight up to 2.25 kg, and Rumais - up to 1.18 kg. "This is God's blessing," the mother of twins counted. 6 months after birth, on February 9, 2005, girls were discharged home, at that moment Rumais had already worked 2490 kg, and her growth increased almost twice. Kroch was even able to take part in a press conference, which the doctors arranged on the occasion of the most small in the world born and surviving kid. For those who are interested in the further fate of the girl, we can say that in the five-year-old age it weighed 33 pounds (14.9 kg), and its growth was 3.5 feet (1.06 m). Now Rumaisa is already 7 years old.

Majdin Manne It was born in June 1989, in 27 weeks, also at the Medical Center of the University of Loiol in Maywood, Illinois. Her birth weight was 280 g, the girl had a slight hemorrhage into the brain and retinopathy. Today Mideline has been 22 years old, she considers himself an absolutely normal girl, engaged in running, playing the violin and is studying at the university on a psychologist. The former problems did not pass for her without a trace, the student suffers from asthma and has a half-one-meme growth with a weight of 30 kg. However, she does not have other health problems.

Aminil Taylor Born on October 24, 2006 in Miami, USA (Florida). Its weight was 284 g, height 25 cm. The girl appeared on the 22nd week of pregnancy. She was conceived by artificial fertilization, and the birth was held with the help of Cesarean section (the mother of Amilia Sonya Taylor had serious health problems). The baby spent around six months in the incubator, but when discharge the weight of the baby was already 1.8 kg. It was for his desire for life that she received the name Amilia - "Unlenname". The girl has deviations in a state of kidneys and lungs, but in general the state is stable. "She goes to work therapy and therapeutic physical culture twice a week and visits his pediatrician once every two weeks, and his pulmonary doctor - twice a week," says Mom Amilia. For the treatment of a premature child, a family leaves 2.5 thousand dollars a month. For the first six months, after discharge, parents (they are African Americans) spent 100 thousand dollars of personal savings on it, but still never asked for help. Dad Amilia intends to grow it independently and make so healthy as possible.

In the UK, also have its own records - The girl who called Ruby, for example, weighed at birth 300 g and had only 18 cm. According to the information of the British media, the smallest child born and survived, here was Amalia Hart with a weight of 340, however, this girl was very quickly recovered, After all, after 2 days of resuscitation, it could be turned off from the apparatus of artificial respiration.

Recall that in 2012 Russia It also moves to the criteria for registration of newborns, recommended by the World Health Organization. In accordance with them, infants will be recorded, which appeared after the 22nd week of pregnancy with a body weight of more than 500 g. Up to this point in our country, a child with low body weight was not considered a fruit And did not fall into mortality statistics, if less than 7 days lived. The main neonatologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Elena Baybarina claims that today we survive 80% of premature babies, only 20% of them are in the future have a rude disability. However, the specialist refers to the records described in the article is sharply negative. "I call it sports medicine. It is wonderful, of course, that some kind of child survived, but here it is also about the interaction of medicine and journalism. You can not say: "Here, the Japanese went out a child with a mass of 250 g, and our doctors, of course, will never be done." Or describe situations where the doctors told the woman that she could not give birth, she had a hard heart disease and ten more diseases, and she did not listen to anyone and gave birth to what she was well done. I just feel bad from such notes, I understand that the woman survived a miracle. Ten others who read a note and go behind it, die, "Elena Baybarina said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

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