Scenario concert for the military on February 23. The scenario of the festive concert "February 23 - notes our country" for children of senior preschool age

Scenario of the festive concert by February 23 "in honor of the Defenders of the Fatherland" for students of correctional schools VIII species

Purpose: Education of the sense of love for the historical past, pride for the heroic past; Development of respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
- contribute to the patriotic education of students, ready to protect the Motherland,
- cause a sense of pride for people who lived and living among us, their valor and courage.

Event flow

1 Presenter: Good afternoon dear friends!
In this room, you were not in vain -
Defenders of the Fatherland Day
Notes again humanity!

2 master: Take a century, flashed ...
Native country has always defended!
And from the most distant times it was like this:
Forget about everything, Kohl approached the enemy!
Peasant, the worker threw things,
When their protection Russia was waiting!

1 Presenter: About the feats of the fallen, victory of living
Hear you from the elderly people
About how fought in Afghans, Chechnya,
How they survived in this crazy war.

2 master: How were worthy of the name of the fighter,
You will tell you the young men to the end.
Defenders of our beautiful country,
You are roads and madly needed!

1 Presenter: And in this beautiful and joyful day
We are not too lazy to wish you a thousand times:
Let there be wealth on your desk!
Let the world strengthen on our land!

2 Host: All who served

1 Presenter: And who will serve

2 Host: We want to devote this concert!

1 master: Very soon we will celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. So, we must congratulate all now living warriors and honor the memory of the heroes of past years.

Pooh reads
For all that we now have,
For each of our lucky hour,
Thanks to the valiant soldiers,
That the world was defended once.

Thanks to the army of the Russian
Thanks to grandfathers and fathers
For the fact that the sun shines to us.
We honor the sons of the Fatherland in the uniforms,

What the fame of the flag is multiplied.
And in a complex and dangerous age
Our peaceful sleep is securely guarded.
In all centuries, the Russian warrior

His heroism in the wars won
He is worthy of the glorification,
For the honor of Russia - he gave life.

1 master: Defender of the Fatherland Day! All Russia today rejoices and congratulates our dads and grandparents. And the boys are our future defenders of the Fatherland.

Girls: In February day, frosty day
All holiday is celebrated.
Girls in this nice day
Boys congratulations

We will not give you colors -
The boys do not give them.
Girls a lot of warm words
You will leave in my hearts.

We wish you forever
So that in life did not like.
Let it be with you forever
Boyless courage.

And all obstacles on the way
Overcome you friendly!
But first to grow
And you need to grow up.

Boys: I'll go serving a tanker
I will learn to the target shoot!
I would become a parachute
I really want to fly!

I have a simple dream:
To conquer the height!
Letter I become dreaming
But first Podra!

I would go to the captains:
Swim in rivers and seas
To guard Russia
On warships.

And I like the infantry:
Helmet, flap on the belt,
Very important work -
Being a soldier is not the earth.

We will grow strong
To the motherland blossom
And not know no wars or troubles
Only peace and sun light!

Song: "You are not afraid, mom"

Boy: We want our moms
And the fathers were proud of us.
Not in war and fight argue -
Defeat pleasant in sports!

1 master: Three girls under the window were marked in the evening ...
1 Girl: Quickly married, tired of girls straight!
2nd girl: just for whom I would get to go out!
3rd Maiden: I would go for a businessman, as for the stone wall! He loved B Mom's son-in-law, just where to take it?
1st girl: Well, I probably would have come out for the sailor! And while he swam in the sea, I would live, not knowing grief!
2nd girl: seafarers now do not, it's just a rarity! Would go for the military - strong, extraordinary! I would be happy with a guy strong like a rock.
3rd Maiden: Westered, the girls ... They crushed all the guys, on the sofa it would lie, but only in Tanchiki play!
1 Presenter: Oh, this youth, all of you marry intense! In the conversation, let me get out? I know, where there are guys! Not one, not two, not three ...
Girls (chorus): Where is it?! Speak !!!
1 master (Shows men sitting in the hall): Look here here: here guys even where! Do not warriors - so what? Each thing is good and good! By the person on the sister ...
1st girl (runs up to one of the men): Chur, I take it!
2nd girl (runs up to another): I liked this this!
Zia maiden (to the third): I smiled here!
(Maiden together): All the guys are good, straight holiday for the soul!
1 Presenter: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is the holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, bold, stubborn and self-confident. Therefore, once again let's congratulate them away from the bottom of my heart.

Children read poems

We believe that in the army
All you will go.
There will be someone to serve
In the infantry, on the fleet.

Will be a paratrooper, or tanker,
Skillful gun-artillers,
On the aircraft of the newest fly,
Someone - the border of the country to guard.

Defenders of the Motherland are very necessary,
So that we never knew the war!

Happy holiday you congratulate you!
We wish success in school!

The dance of sailors is performed.

2 Host: Boys, dads and grandparents,
Happy holiday your male!
You are good, smart, strong!
We want to congratulate you!
You are always guarding our happiness,
We do not submit evil.
Serve, work you and dream -
All that we were light!

1 Presenter: Our girls did not lose time and prepared a surprise for you. Take a congratulation from our little participants of the festive concert!

Girls perform chastushki


Sat, my girlfriend,
I will apply to you and me.
We are fun with a cup
Not dissolve friends.

I love papulemp
How sweet candy.
I will not replace it
Even chocolate.

If dad will load
I have a sad look.
Well, and if you smile,
Heart will be happy.

And my dad is all the kinder,
He loves all my friends.
Porridge manna us shook
Wash dishes will not force.

Better pope human
In the whole world, do not find
Carnation he score will be able
And rinse linen.

And my dad is all smarter,
And my dad is all stronger.
Knows how much 5 + 5,
Rod can raise.

And my dad is just a class,
He will buy KAMAZ soon
He will roll me
And he will teach to manage.

And my dad is steeper everyone
Business flourishes.
And so we with my mother
He gives gifts.

Everything (chorus): cute papulets,
Our roads!
Congratulations on your heart
All the best wish!

2 Host: Like girls are good
Tried from the soul!
Congratulations - the highest class!
Here is such a junior class!

1 Presenter: Today is not just a february day. Today is a special day. And we congratulate our men: fathers, sons, brothers, classmates.

2 master: A good soldier is different not only dexterity and strength, but also by the mind and smelting. This we will check now. Let's see how you know how to guess riddles.
This part of the army has a concern,
And all because because it is called her ...? (answer: infantry)
With them will pass kilometers of the way,
They are only in help, yours ...? (Answer: Boots)
He shoots the same thing as Karateta beats,
And the name of this soldier will be ...? (Answer: Tanker)
She is always with you, hanging at the machine,
It happens and toy, but still ...? (answer: grenade)
Everyone says she is a fool
And it will be only ...? (answer: bullet)
There is no breakup on the horizon,
And opened in the sky umbrella.
After a few minutes it dropped .... (parachute)
Without acceleration, it takes off, the dragonfly resembles
Departed in flight
Our Russian .... (Helicopter)
At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries the service secret. (Border guards)
Who walks on the parade
Ribbons behind their backs
Ribbons are clogged, and in the detachment
No girls none. (Sailors)
Sailor you can become
So that the border is guarded
And not to serve on earth,
And on the military ... (ship)

2 master: All difficult riddles guess,
We were surprised, the mood was raised!
We continue our concert.

1 Presenter: Wish it beautiful on this day
Smaller shaving foam,
Which is given so love
On February 23.

2 master: Wanted money, and more!
With them calmly in the soul;
Health strong, live longer,
Machines more in the garage.

1 master: Let all you wish will happen
In matters, let God help.
Let the positive bring people
How this nice poem.

Take a congratulation from the senior dance team.

Dance "Cha Cha Cha"

1 Presenter: Let you never served yet
You are persistent, strong, noncain,
Eye zork and hard hand
Defender future debris!

2 Host: After all, if a war is to
Add fire to our house, ruin,
You won't stand aside -
Mother defend, sister, girlfriend!

1 Presenter: And to win again
You be healthy, smart, vigorous,
Learn diligently on "five"
And do more sport!

Boys read poems.
1. Do not serve, do not know
Than Silen Soldier system.
How do you perform the command:
"Rellar leg! Rota, stand! "

2. Will not serve, you will not know
What is a march.
Twenty miles do not rest
Yes, you still run an hour.

3. Do not serve, you will not know
Who comrade is your faithful.
With whom you share
The difficulty of service combat.

4. Will not serve, you will not know
The strength of the song of the barrel.
Start with the song so you walk
Smoke goes on the pavement.

Song "100 days before order"

1 master: In a male wonderful holiday,
On the day of strength and glory of the country,
We wish you strong happiness,
Great Russia Sons!

2 Host: Meet - Mishchenko Natalia Leonidovna with a poem "Play boys in war."

Play boys in war.

Play boys in war -
Battle is big.
And now alone in captivity,
The second is killed, and the third argues.

And the winners scream
And some watershed flag.
Cracks toy - automatic
Negotiations about the world.

Play boys in war,
I enjoy your game.
The evil game is in captivity -
Murder, death is depicted.

And the lights are burning in the eyes,
Azart Rumyanka is burning their cheeks.
Boys play soldiers
And in the soul enters the world cruel.

The world where it is not scary to kill
Where kindness means so little
Where is weak forced to run,
Where pain hiding, often cry.

Boys play war
And someone will say: "Well, and what,
War is not one
We survived in childhood too.

Need boys not flowers,
And rifles, bombs, automata.
Let the men grow up
And real soldiers. "

But if childhood in children
Fill this arsenal
They will not grow kind
And the merciful, hardly, will become.

War carries death with
Default, blood and pain suffering.
There is no fun and there is no joy,
We understand it with you.

But for some reason in the store
We go and buy children
What is not necessary to them
What shooting, kills.

And in the children's souls, sow evil,
Then it is reaping him.
Not knowing where it rose
Where did you grow from - do not know.

Play boys in a soldier,
Azart Rumyanka is burning their cheeks.
In the hands shoots the machine
And in the heart enters the world cruel.

We have the answer for children,
The Lord will tell us in the sky:
"You allowed them to shoot
War studied your children. "

Play boys in war,
But where, the same games in merciful?
Who will teach them good
Love to learn with great devil?

1 Presenter: How many songs about the army are folded.
How much is the songs about the navy!
We remember them on the holiday.
Yes, and we don't sing them too!
In them, such words are intimate,
What you can not touch the heart.
About big roads military,
About fighting near Moscow and Veno.

2 Host: And about the guy of Togo, with a small armor.
On Earth, on the seas, in the swellings
The song is a faithful Victory Satcher.
So let's remember those songs we,
We walked with whom our grandfathers!

Meet the students of the 4th grades will perform the Patrunri Military Songs for you.

1 master: Every year on May 9, our statement is salted in honor of the Great Victory. This year will be 71 years since it is raised by a volley of the most cruel and bloody from wars on Earth.

2 master: Years have passed. It has long been rebelled from the ruins and our country. But is it possible to forget what price this world was conquered?! More than 27 million the best sons and daughters lost our homeland in the Great Patriotic War - Mother.

1 Presenter: The memory of the war, about the victims of the war ... She knocks in our hearts in our hearts, did not forget the feat of the people, carefully stored, fight for peace, conquered by the price of millions of human lives.
We are grateful to recall our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a brutal battle.

We were born when everything was in the past,
Our victory is not one dozen years old
But as us closely, that already in the past.

And every year the soul hurts, sobs,
When the memory us gives the words.
The spirit of the holiday in the air is twisted,
And in front of the sorrows of the pelle.

Thank you that we did not know the war
That we do not hear the noise of terrible years,
What do you give us life your life Dali!
Give you, veterans, long years!

1 master: Let the sun shines in the peaceful sky,
And it does not call a pipe campaign.
So that only on the exercises of soldiers
In the attack went ahead.
Let instead of the explosions Thunder Spring
Nature wakes out from sleep.
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!

2 master: Yes, there will be a bright life of children
How light peace in the eyes of open.
Oh, do not destroy and do not kill,
Earth killed enough.
Let the birds are twitter
And bees buzz.
And the children on the peaceful sky look.

Song "Russia" performed by Ovcharenko Nikita, student 7b class

2 leading: Dear our men and boys! Today on the eve of the celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, let me pronounce another wish, the last and most important thing - let the sky always be peaceful on your head! Thanks for attention!

Concert program for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Scenario of the festive concert on February 23: "Hurry to congratulate you"

For fun music with balloons, children are published.


Blow winds in February

Wait in the pipes loudly,

Snake rushes on earth

Light gown.


Rising, rushing away

Slit aircraft -

It celebrates February

Army Birth!


At night, the blizzard busheval,

And Metelitsa Mela.

And with dawn us quietly

This holiday brought.


Defender Day Shard -

The main holiday of all men!

Girl. And therefore today

We congratulate them in a hurry.

Music sounds. Children descend from the scene into the hall, give greeting cards to the veterans of the microdistrict. The scene marks a cheerful dance. Leading - young man and girl.


Good afternoon, dear spectators!

We are happy to see you

In the hall of our school

Today and now.


You, valiant defenders of the Fatherland,

Ready to save the world, all of humanity,

We carry our congratulations

And give this performance!

There is a concert number.


Men fell out to die

Then in the pure field, then in the junctions of the close

With silent words on the lips ...

What was in them - the last, unknown:

Fast with life, about native places

Remember? .. greedy prayer

About miracle? .. Wild crazy fear? ..

To your killers persistent contempt? ..

And fell on the stones Ile Sand

Face, death flour distorted,

And dried thin hairs

Holy word to narrowed and wives.

But so much in the inacked traveled

Male love, care, kindness,

That this is all without rejugging, embodied

In the rapid sounds of bitter purity.

Them only when you are the heart of Zorka,

To the words of children and the crying of the birds are not deaf,

Through the noise of rain and snow vague rustle

Caught your imperfect rumor.

From the darkness of the distant mournful copper

"Sorry for the pain delivered by death ...

Be comfortable ... and happy be with the other ... "

And extends long weak moan,

Such a fading string:

"And yet with him - and faithful, and worthy -

Caught, silently, remember me. "

Y. Ryabinin. "Spell"


In memory of those who died

On the Great Patriotic

Afghan, Chechen wars,

We declare a minute of silence.

Minute silence. There is a concert number.

(It can be a game on a musical instrument or patriotic song.)

Readers are children of different ages.

2nd readers. (Catch up with the 1st reader - "dad", something hides behind his back.) Dad, and dad,

Was there dad, you soldier?

1st reader. Perhaps. Served once.

2nd readers. And in the troops of what kind?

1st reader. There was a paratrooper for two years.

2nd readers. So jumping with a parachute?

1st reader. Right. Jumping, and a lot.

2nd readers. And tell me, happened cool?

1st reader.

Cool? Everywhere happened.

But the paratrooper knows the case

And always confident in yourself ...

2nd readers. So, was you, dad, bold?

1st reader.

Maybe to some extent.

I am not used to fall in spirit

Although it fell from the sky ...

2nd readers.

Well, then look into the diary,

You need to subscribe!

Serves the 1st Reader diary, runs away.

1st reader(takes the diary, looks through it).

Stand, son, wait

I go to you brains!

Y. Pogorelsky. "Anceguing passions"

Running for the 2nd reader. The music number is executed.

Leading with newspapers "from hand to hand". Begin to view them.


Announcement, announcement,

Announced no end.


Here are some announcements

For the guys we found.


Let them take a note.

We are now read here.

Start in turn to read comic announcements on behalf of boys and girls.

Leading. "I rent excellent hair for transplanting them into any places. Petya Lishaev. "

Leading. "A pleasant girl is looking for a smart, cute young man for mutual dreams in the lessons. Come to the 6th grade. Ask Voronosphere's Veroor. "

Lead. "Guys, an experienced boxer will create you a unique courageous image. Once and for all. 10th grade. Last part. Ask Vasya. "

Leading. "Tired idle, change with tired learn. Bureau of the exchange "Mahene, not looking."

Leading. "Art snoring. An excellent student on the singing of Kolya Doublebasov will educate those who want to "master their classical music in a dream".

Leading. Let's go and we will give some announcement.

Leading. And at this time, the following number will be shown for the audience.

There is a concert number. Leading.

Leading(He has a thick notebook in his hands). My brother recently returned from the army. He was an excellent student and in the convoy, and in combat training. Always in class carefully led abstract. On any question he has an answer in the notebook. Now ask me about something, I will now find you the answer.

Lead. Okay. What is a soldier?

Leading. Man without a passport.

Lead. And soldier in gas mask?

Leading. Amphibian Man.

Leading. Running in gas mask?

Leading. Earth in the porthole.

Lead. Hourly?

Leading. Living Dead.

Lead. Bar of obstacles?

Leading. Why don't I fly?!

Lead. Breakfast.

Leading. Half himself - help to another.

Leading. "Dembel"?

Leading. Return of the prodigal son.

Leading. Yes, highly artistic abstract. Give me, please, for a few days.

Leading. What for?

Leading. You know, I have a brother. He will soon go to the army. Let him get in advance with sciences.

Leading go. There is a concert number.


To rush into the fight, in a man

And the first - native country protection,

The second is the debt that the ancestors are tested,

He commands all over:

Risk, protect women,

As on the duels of Pushkin times.


To sing the song, it is known for a man

There are only two worthy reasons:

And the first is love for the land of the native,

Which entered the flesh and blood

And became a star of restless;

The second is a love woman.

R. Gamzatov

There is a concert number. Song sounds.

Leading (And all the participants of the concert).

Among the concerns, among the smiles,

Such as in the hall, good eye

I speak "Thank you"

For every moment, for every hour,

For sunlight ray

For the joy of the day.

Would only be immortal,

Earth, fed to me!

And Birch White witchcraft,

And maternal eternal call,

And the baby's creek in the cradle

And laughter and joy and love

And sky blue without edge

Above golden field rye ...

We all of you, people, congratulations

With great happiness - live!

I. Rovshigin


Thank you for your attention!

See you! Bye!

Leaders: Suvorovets and Nakhimovets
Young soldier
The venue for the holiday should be decorated so that all invited to him could immediately feel the atmosphere of military service. In the lobby, it is necessary to post the stands "I will not frank the glory", "the heroes warriors - our countrymen", "historical were, or those whom we beat", etc. I would like in the lobby and in the hall in prominent places Placed posters and transparencies with military aphorisms, proverbs and sayings. We offer some: "The soldier to the glory is leading - learning and work", "the soldier should be healthy, solid, decide, truthful" (Suvorov A. V.), "Who is swollen in heart, that enemy will not be afraid", "Russian military is highly Honor and dignity "," the main thing in life is to be honestly serve the debris. "
The scene is framed strictly and concise: right in the center, in her depth, decorative panel, depicting the Order of the Victory or Warriors of the Three Generics of the Armed Forces of Russia: Infantryman, Sailor and Pipe. Below - flagpoles. In front of the panel, at the top, the film screen, which goes down during the action. On the scene a lot of colors. Of course, in the assembly hall of the school, the design will be modest, and here - the word for the organizers and director of the holiday.

The concert begins sounding on the radio with a song from the song V. Basner and M. Matusovsky "where the homeland begins ..."
Where does the homeland begins?
From pictures in your letter.
With good and faithful comrades,
Living in the next yard.
Or maybe it starts
From the knock of carriage wheels
And from the oath, which in his youth
Do you brought her in her heart?
Where is the homeland begins ...
The song is gradually mixed. The curtain opens. A young man comes to the scene. This is a graduate school that has already served the actual utmost service. He performs a monologue "where the homeland begins ...".
Young soldier.
- Where does the homeland begins? Yes, of course, from that song that in childhood sang us over the cradle of my mother, and, of course, from the picture in your letter, and with good and loyal companions, that they lived in the neighboring yard ... and yet, as I am clear now, She begins, first of all, from that oath, with the military oath, which you brought to her by entering into the ranks of the armed forces, becoming her soldier, warrior, and hence her defender.
... Did we have long been in fashionable costumes with hairstyles that resemble lionee mane, danced with girls on disco most dance and branded in the yard on guitars? Have a long time, hurt and married, were waiting for an officer's military registration and enlistment office, who hardly put us in order and led to the train station, to the train? And how long did this train arrived at the destination, in which the same guitar braced? Only here the voice has already changed, broke her voice. Yes, I broke and the one who played on it. And those of those broke too, who silently listened to ... recruits, salads, the military part for us arrived today. And the army weekdays began.
- Become! Take yourself! Namri! And so many, many times.
- Private Corkin, why I have not finished the team yet, and you already perform it?
- I do everything as you taught, Comrade Envigator: I will execute the team with a half-sleep!
- And why are you late for building, ordinary kutsenko?
"Because everyone built up before I came."
Oh, this construction preparation! It can be said from the lifting and to the pen. And when some hour free time falls out, everyone again and reopen the parent home. I would not forget how one of the colleagues told me:
- You know, I saw an excellent dream.
- What is the same?
- I dreamed that I could not pay for accommodation in the barracks, I was evicted from her, and I returned home ...
However, the parental house reminded us at first and foreman.
"Welcome guys, our friendly army family," he welcomed us. - Here you can feel at home. And always remember that you are one family, and the commander is your father.
Immediately after these words, one of us took a cigarette and lit the cigarette.
- What are you doing? - asked the foreman.
"I feel at home," said Novobine. - When dad spoke, I always lit.
- That's great! - Praised the foreman. How to smoke, go to the rotary toilet and wash everything to the brilliance there. The toilet is part of our house, and take care of its purity - the duty of zealous family members. Especially, if you consider that the commander is immediately for you and dad, and mom ... And now - "Become! Knife!" Smirno! " Well, of course, "backward!"
I remember another curious case. The ensign built our company and announced:
- What I will inform you will please and upset at the same time. First joyful news. Today, the pace will set the raw mouthpieces on the rotation to the march.
We joyfully looked up: the mouthpieces - a fat man and runs extremely awkward.
- And now, guys, a little chagrin. The rate of the rod of ordinary crossings will be set on my motorcycle. Is everything clear to you?
... Alas, it happened at first and not everything is clear.
- I need two volunteers to fulfill hard work. What? Not a single volunteer in the whole platoon?
- Not one, comrade ensign.
- Well, youth, you, apparently, do not know the army orders yet: if there are no volunteers - they are prescribed. Private sandland Kravchenko, fail!
... well, and then firing began. I remember how our commander of the company, having seen my zero shooting results from the machine, has changed in the face. I do not hide, I was upset. Even with the offense, said:
- Comrade Senior Lieutenant, from such results I am ready to shoot!
- Shoot, say? - asked the commander. - I wonder how many times will you get to yourself?
... and again: "Rota, hard step! Once, two, three ... times, two, three! Rota, stand! Private stomach, what happened?
- Nothing special, comrade senior lieutenant, fell belt.
- Why was such a crackling?
- So the belt is tied to the belt!
- Private Gordeev, where do you start cleaning the machine?
- First thing I will check the number of the machine.
- Why is it?
- To make sure that this is my automatic, and not someone else. "
... Yes, that was exactly it was at first. But we gradually got used to, became more serious, collected. Tighted in all disciplines. And at the very discipline too. And on fizo tightened. Other even ten times ... on the horizontal bar. No longer wishing to show their "erudition," to argue with the boss. But it seems, quite recently we could with an obvious offense to declare the commander of the unit:
- Comrade Senior Lieutenant, where is justice? .. In the order it is said that I received the recovery of the "Rusted Avtomat", and I only had a rusty! I think that it is necessary to reduce the recovery accordingly!
Today, such a statement would seek us, at best, an inappropriate joke. Today we understand that it is impossible to fight with rusty machines that without real military discipline in battle not to win ... And what is "to be in constant combat readiness," we understand well today. But it is today. And how funny remember the first months of our service! Is it possible to forget how Starshina turned to us who staging:
- Who sings well?
"Caruso," one of the soldiers joked.
- Caruso, Sink! - ordered the foreman.
... And if another, no less anecdotic case will be forgotten ... The ensign goes to the floss and sees us standing by a circle, and next to the cigarettes.
- Whose cigarets? - he asks strictly.
- Drawn, Boyko reports one of us. - If you want, you can take and document!
No, today we, after high school and school, military, arguing and look at life completely differently. Now we understood, realized that we, albeit who had gone to the stock, are the defenders of the sacred borders of our Motherland. And it will also be understood by those who stood after us to the military unit. And they will understand how they understood and we, that our homeland - from her northern borders to the southern - begins with us. I personally have no doubt about it. Yes, and you, I think, too.
So with the holiday, dear friends, with a wonderful holiday of Defender of the Fatherland!
Song melody sounds "where the homeland begins ...", the young man leaves the scene. A short pause, and now on the scene under the sounds of a military march with bouquets of flowers in the hands of the guys of younger classes. Alternately pronounced the text, they perform a "festive greeting". After the words, "we know how the victory has come," it is appropriate to omit the movie screen and demonstrate, for example, the frames of the Victory Parade on the Red Square or the film "Liberation". However, everything depends on the presence of certain kinocadres. After the words about awarding it is appropriate to hand the flowers to several invited Veterans. As for the "festive greeting", it continues without stopping during the showing of kinocadres.
Dear Pope, Moms,
We sincerely want
You now congratulate you with the most
Light holiday male!
With that which certainly
Included now in each house ...
It begins the military he commands:
"Climb!" And the team sounds,
By the way, and for us ...
Five minutes - and we are dressed
Got fun with dawn
For a year, maybe for the first time!
And without unnecessary words washed
Appear in all its glory.
What's there Vasya, even Rita, -
As one! In short, everything!
And with smiles on faces
We speak your relatives:
- Allow me to contact?
We congratulate you want!
And flowers from us,
Bright roses in bloom,
Because on protection
Happiness of our Stoite
You are on the military post!
To live we calmly
To school went to kindergarten.
We do not need war at all,
Need a world for all guys!
We know how the victory came
In the rejected the war,
And, of course, how grandfather
Do not congratulate you and me!
Grandfather put on his medals
They do not have any numbers and account ...
- it was the case, fought, -
Says to the grandfather's smile.
And our grandmother too
From the female was not;
We can be proud of it, -
Than the feat do not look like
In the days of the war of her affairs?!
And she was milk,
And excellent nurse,
And worked at the machine ...
Bypass her gift
We can not probably!
I'm wrong, tell me, is it?
- Well, of course, you are right, grandfather!
Here is what holiday is today -
Better maybe there is no!
The guys leave the scene under the sounds of a march, and leading - Suvorovets and Nakhimovets come to her.

Hello, dear comrades, hello, friends!
Too wish you! So it sounds in a military.
The concert continues.
The operation under the codenamed "Concert" is successfully developing. All artists in the form.
In what form?
In the best artistic.
On the scene, I would say, combat order.
What is it, the sailor, for the military language is: "I would say ..." I need to speak differently! Here, look at the hall ...
You look - and you see nothing! And you see how viewers are sitting? Yes, on such a military holiday! Well, to understand in the ranks! Sixth row, pull up! Twelfth row, retain a conversation! Nineteenth row, straighten your shoulders! That's how to talk in a military language! And, I'm sure I will understand everything here. However, we'll talk on this topic a little later. And now we need to adequately fulfill the instructions of the command by the concert and read the poems dedicated to military songs. Well, how are you ready?
Yes sir! Order must be performed. Give music!
Subsequent verses are read by leading alternately against the background of music.
How many songs about the army are folded
How much is the songs about the navy!
We remember them on the holiday.
Yes, and we don't sing them too!
Let fur unfolding the bindan
Let them hit the Litales and Pipes -
Song-friend meeting is waiting with veterans,
Partisansky circling glades
And walks to the soldier's club!
In it, such words are intimate,
What you can not touch the heart:
About big roads military,
About fights near Moscow and Veno
And about the guy of Togo, with a small armor!
The story comes to life,
Everything that was seen and passed ...
The song teaches us the most important thing:
Infinitely love your homeland!
On Earth, on the seas, in the swellings
The song is a faithful Victory Satcher.
So let's remember those songs we,
We walked with whom our grandfathers!
Leading leave the scene, and a group of guys, performers "vocal block" will be released on her. In the course of the "vocal block" it would be by the way to "back up" the songs with the corresponding movie radocadras. Block begins with the execution of the "Air Masha" (music Y. Khaita, the words P.German ).
We are born to make a fairy tale
Overcome space and space,
We are the mind gave steel hands - wings,
And instead of the heart - the branded motor.
More and higher
We strive we are the flight of our birds,
And in each propeller breathes
Tranquility of our borders!
You remember, comrade, how together they fought,
How did the thunderstorm hug?
Then we both smiled through smiling
Her blue eyes
Thunder attack, and bullets ranks,
And smoothly rocked the machine gun.
And our girl passes in the sheel,
Burning kakhovka goes.
Under the sun hot, under the night blind
Many had to go.
We are peaceful people, but our armored train
Stands on the spare path.
("Song about Kakhovka", music I. Dunaevsky, the words M. Svellova).
You fly from the road, bird,
Beast, leave the road!
See, cloud clubs,
Horse racing ahead!
And from the raid, from turn
By chain enemy thick
Fascinated from the gunner
Machine gunner.
Eh, Tachanka - Rosovchanka,
Our pride and beauty
Konarmeysian Tachacan
All four wheels!
(Song "Tacanka", Music K. Listov, Words M. Ruderman).
Apple tree and pears flourished,
Swim fogs over the river.
Went ashore Katyusha,
On high shore, cool.
Came out, the song turned
About the steppe buty eagle,
About the one who loved
About what whose letters are banging.
(Song "Katyusha", Music M. Blanter, Words M. Isakovsky).
On the border of the clouds go froms
The edge is severe silence.
High banks of Amur
Hour homeland stand.
There live - and the song is wrong -
Non-fat firm family
Three tankmen, three merry friends -
Machine crew combat.
(Song "Three Tanker", music Dan. And dm. Paints, words B. Laskina).

In the distant edge, comrade flies,
Native winds fly after him.
Favorite city in blue haze melts,
Familiar house, green garden and gentle look.
Comrade all battles and war,
Not knowing sleep, not knowing silence.
Favorite city can sleep well
And see dreams, and green among spring.
(Song "Favorite City", Music N. Bogoslovsky, Words E. Dolmatovsky).
There were two friends in our regiment,
Sing the song, sing!
If one of the friends sadly,
Laughed and sang another.
And who would think guys could -
Sing the song, sing, -
That was one of them wounded in battle,
What life saved him else!
(The song "There were two friends", Music S. Germanov, Words V. Gusev).
Warm wind blows, drove roads,
And on the South Front, the thaw again.
Snow melts in Rostov, melts in Taganrog,
These days will ever remember these days.
About fire-fires,
About friends-comrades
Somewhere, someday we will talk.
I remember the infantry, and the native company,
And you for giving me to smoke.
Let's climb, comrade, one,
Let's snatch, my comrade!
(Song "Let's Looking Down", Music M. Tabachnikov, Words I. Frenkel).

Eh, Roads ...
Dust and fog
Cold, anxiety
Yes Steppe Burniean.
You can't know
Share of your:
Maybe the wings will fold
In the midway?
Dust goes under boots -
steppes, fields -
And the flame is raging around
Yes, bullets whistle.
Eh, Roads ...
Dust and fog
Cold, anxiety
Yes Steppe Burniean.
Snow lee, wind
Recall friends.
We are the roads of these
You can not forget.
(Song "Roads", Music A. Novikova, Poems L. Oshanin).

Shiny modest paquil
Fallen from lowered shoulders.
You said you would not forget
Affectionate, joyful meetings.
Sometimes night
We spread up with you ...
No more nights!
Where are you, handkerchiefs,
Cute, desired, native?
(Song "Blue Platle", music by E. Petersburg).

Field, along the coast steep,
Past hut
In the gray sinel ordinary
She walked soldiers.
Fucked soldier, servant fray,
Solden soldiers in the name of life,
Earth saving,
World protecting,
Fucked soldier!
(Song "Ballada about Soldiers", Music V. Solovyova-gray, the words M. Matusovsky).

As a soldier came with a victory, yes, -
Time song thunder, thunder!
Many songs can be singing in a row,
And how much to sing - yes everyone does not sing,
yes, everyone does not sing!
Oh, you, swallow-woof, fast,
You, our birth side is cute, yes.
Oh, you, my swallow, my
(Song "Swallow-Qature", Music E. Zharkovsky and O. Kolychev).

All soloists (performed the first verse and chorus songs "Victory Day").

Victory Day, as he was far from us,
As in the fire, I faded the corner.
There were liestones, burnt, in dust, -
We brought this day as they could.
This day Victory
This is a holiday
With Sednoye on the temples.
This is joy
With tears in his eyes.
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
(Song "Victory Day", Music D. Tukhmanova, Words V. Kharitonova).
Soloists leave the scene. Leading - Nakhimovets and Suvorovets come to her.

Well, that, sailor, will continue our topic?
Is it about a military language?
Well, in general, yes. Moreover, in our barracks not so long ago, a funny story happened. The daily forgot, as it should be to wake the unit, and in place: "Rota, lifting" - shouted: "Rota, stop spending the night"!
Yes, and from us, in the sailors, such incops are also found. Tell, Admiral once, referring to the crew, said: "I see some of you from the preparation of swimming. And on your database there are all the conditions for this. However, something is not visible that some damaged to water. A What could be better than water? " - "Pepsi-Cola, Comrade Admiral," broke out from one of the sailors.
Well, it is told, and try more check! But what I myself, heard my ears ... Father took a son to a military parade. The boy liked the musicians of the Military Orchestra, who kept the column ahead that he asked Father: "Dad, why do you need other soldiers, those that are not in the orchestra?"
And one boy boasted: they say, in the presence of his father, even admirals remove the caps.
It can be seen, his father was the commander-in-chief fleet, not otherwise?!
Yes, he had no commander-in-chief, just worked as a hairdresser.
Well, since we started to remember all sorts of funny military stories, I can not not tell one ... So, the personal composition of the company was preparing for the teachings. The ensign saw that one soldier goes into operation with a mop.
- Is that something else, ordinary sitors?
"But, Comrade Envigator," said one, "you yourself said that we would participate in the area cleaning operation.
Yes, a funny story, if only this is not a joke. However, jokes jokes, but it's time for us and to declare the next number. I think it would be quite good to remember the dance.
I agree. And what do you think, what kind of dance should it be?
Why think? I think that marine. His still in our concert was not.
But is it soldier, so to speak, land, was?
Also was not.
Here, come on and unite these dances together and declare one ... so to speak, the general dance. Well, how?
All clear. And the soldiers', and sailor, - in a word, military, but purely peaceful dance!
Upon completion of the dance, the leaders declare on the radio:

Strong, resistant and tempered
Become dreams of any of us.
An hour will come, and the champions
We will win in the fight more than once.
In the Russian army and on fleet
No wonder sport is a big honor,
And we do not mind to prove
What sport each of us lives!
The "sports block" begins a holiday, which includes group gymnastic and acrobatic performances and demonstration performances on individual sports shells. "Sports block" ends with a spectacular dance with rings or bulbs. However, it is quite good to continue this stage action by the speech of the guys with trained dogs - future border guards - or a demonstration of sambo techniques. After a short pause, Suvorotets and Nakhimovets come to the scene, in the hands of They are letters. They perform the intermenia "Letters".
Well, a sailor, dances!
What is?
The letter came to you.
Nakhimovets makes several chickens. Suvorovets gives the letter. Nakhimovets reads and smiles.

What could be joyful letters that come from the parent home! Imagine a picture: a soldier's postman is included in the barracks. It takes such attention as if he is going to make a great miracle right now ...
It's for sure, a miracle! Especially when he gets a big bundle of letters and immediately distributes them ...
No, the fact of the matter is that not immediately! Before handing a lucky envelope, he certainly says: "Plysha"!
But how don't you dance, if the legs themselves ask for a dance from joy! Still, letters from home!
And not just from home. Soldiers write from all over the country. And not only relatives, but also completely strangers: veterans of war and labor, builders and mines, oilmen and metallurgists and even pensioners.
And everything, of course, the same question asks: "How do you serve?"
Not quite so ... people are the most intimate Duma to soldiers in letters trust, they wish the best success in consistency. Well, it is clear, the advice gives not a bitch or zadorinka. Some letters warrior will even learn. Especially from girls. So that later, let's say, in the guard, do not climb into the pocket of the word ...
For what word?
For written, it is clear. Since the charter is not provided. And good words and in the most difficult setting are not a sin. Only about yourself, of course. And then they tell: I read the soldier with a letter from the beloved girl and forgot about all his duties. And then the letter was only less than three pages less than the novel of Tolstoy "War and Peace". If, of course, discard the preface. But he pulled a head especially for a long time: "More or less began to love his girl since the previous letter?" Because that time she kissed him a thousand times, and in this one - only nine hundred and ninety nine. In general, it was realized that it was not left without an outfit.
And here they told me: I received a letter of sailor, ripped the envelope, and from there a pure piece of paper fell out. Comrades, of course, were surprised: from whom, they say, this, and the sailor smiles: "From the zaznoby".
What did he smile? She also did not write the word!
And he explained it so much: "We quarreled with her before the call, since then we do not speak."
Well, such a letter is rare! Our girls understand how the soldiers of their letters are needed. Is it just a girl? All Russians understand. And they all wish the warriors success in service, health and as a sense of eye to take care of our beloved homeland!
That's what he is, the order is fragmented. Against all fathers and mothers.
Salary of brothers and sisters. Friends and girlfriends. You, the guy, guard their peaceful life, the peaceful work of the whole people, so be a worthy Son-warrior!
Is it an excerpt from the letter?
No, I added it from myself.
And correctly did. It is impossible to forget this!
Musical Screensaver. Suvorovets and Nakhimovets leave the scene. It is already familiar to us readers and lined up in one line. The light on the scene gradually goes out. The broken spotlight flashes a person in an officer form. It may be a soldier or a military board. He refers to the hall.
Friends, in this great routing holiday, we can not remember those immortal heroes that they gave their lives for freedom, the honor and independence of our homeland! Eternal Glory! No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten! Let's remove their bright memory of a minute of silence. All stand up!
After a minute of silence, the officer gives the team to those on stage:
- Take it! Namri!
And in full silence against the background of the sounding melody of the song, Ya. Frankel "Cranes" performed by the readers with a recitative poems, the last word of which is picked up by all the participants of the action that came to the scene.
Verification, verification, verification -
An excited voice above the ranks.
Foresame names will not fade
For the homeland of the fallen heroes.

And the system freezes the whole,

And we answer
Short answer word
And proudly sounds, and wingto.
Eyes of the heroes of Planet
Today I look at the soldier.
They are with us next - our comrades,
And the system freezes the whole,
When the names are pronounced fearless
And we answer
A bright light flashes on the scene. Suvorovets and Nakhimovets come out.

Well, here and comes to the end of our holiday.
Oh, it's a pity that we have not yet one year will have to learn the military case!
Nothing, nothing, time flies quickly. Do not worry! And today's defense and today in the reliable hands of our fathers, brothers and senior comrades.
And those whom the Motherland calls on today's co-service, I suggest to devote a good song. What do you say to it?
I will say: "Listen! So for sure!"
Song melody Song J. Frankel "You Serve - We will wait for you." It is gradually mixed, and on its background, verses sound in the performance of Suvorovtsa and Nakhimovts. (Recitative).

Under sunny sky
Under warm rain
Under the snowy blizzard ringing
You serve guys, we will wait for you,
Only letters write to us more often!
You are in army parts
Drag trains
And more than once among the night
Raise anxiety ...
Will miss you always
But two years -
not so much!
Remember the parent home more often.
Not easy, but honorable work of a soldier ...

You serve guys - we will wait for you,
Only military duty do you holy!
Apotheosis of the holiday becomes a dance composition on Melodia V.Solovyova-gray "on the road!", V. Shainsky "after two winters", V. Pleshak "The crew is one family." However, the selection of melodies depends on the choreographer, however, the melodies themselves must be recognizable and military.
But here the dance is completed, and under the arches of the hall again, but already entirely, the song D. Tukhmanova "Victory Day" sounds. It is performed by all those present

Sound fanfares. Exit leading.

Vedas: Happy Army! From the holidays of warriors, with the holiday of brothers, fathers and husbands, their aspirations, glory worthy, the world has been saved on the planet of people.

Ved.: Good afternoon, dear friends, dear teachers and students! Today we meet a wonderful holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. This is a tribute to all generations of Russian warriors, from ancient times to today, courageously defended their native land from the invaders. And first for congratulations, we will be happy to invite the director (?) The branch of Ufa State Aviation Technical University in the city of Ishimbay Yarullina Chingiza Askhatovich!

Word Jarullina Ch.A.

Ved.: Thank you, Chingiz Askhatovich! We ask you to take the honorable place in the hall!

Vedas: In this "Male" day, male representatives, from the boys to the old people, take congratulations and gifts, and the servicemen are necessarily honored. Women have a happy opportunity to tell their loved ones the most affectionate and kind words, please their signs of attention. And today you, dear defenders of the Fatherland, will congratulate the girls, women. The warmest and gentle words will sound in your address, the most beautiful songs will be devoted to you!

Ved.: Take a congratulation from the children's vocal ensemble "Nonbylitsy"!

1 Number: Song "About Russia" in Sp. Two "Nonbyssy", Hand-in Elena Rozhkov

Vedas: In our walls, real men are studying and working with which we can be sure - nothing threatens us. We provide the word one of them - Alexander Nikolayevich Kalinin (fully title and regalia)

The word Kalinin A.N.

Vedas: Thank you, Alexander Nikolaevich! You and all defenders of our Motherland congratulates hope (?) _____________________

2 Number: Song in Sp. Hope ___________________

Ved.: It's not easy to be a man in our century, be the best, winner, wall, reliable friend, a sensitive person, a strategist between the world and war. To be strong, but ... submissive, wise, gentle, rich to be, but ... do not regret money. To be slim, elegant and ... careless. Everyone knows everything and you can do everything. We will wish you on the holiday ... The patience in solving your life tasks. Health to you, love and inspiration. The success of creative and all kinds of good luck!

Veds: for congratulations on the scene is invited __________________________________

The word _____________________________________

Veda: Dear friends! For you on the stage Maria Gorban!

3 Number: Song "_____________" in the Sp. Mary Gorban.

Veda: Male to the tops always seeks to help he is ready, if you need help. The man goes to his goal, he fights, looking for and rushing forward. A man is ready to argue with fate, with dignity will endure the life fight. And every man will not surrender in the fight - he is faithful to the debris, love and herself!

Vedas: Olga Fomin sings for you!

4 Number: Song "Return!" in Olga Fomina

Veda: Happy Defender Day, Country

Happy holiday, friends.

Do not congratulate on this day

You can not.

We wish everyone on this day

Happiness, good, wealth,

To service and in everyday life

It was all right.

To health is never

You did not let

So that you are cloudless

Everything was from now!

That he is universal

It's pretty clear ...

Happy Defender Day. Country!

Happy holiday!

Ved.: All defenders of the Fatherland congratulates Karina Akhmetova, a group student _______!

5 Number: Dance "__________" in Sp. Karins Akhmetova

Veda: The brightest and sincere wishes sound in this holiday! In our words, not only the limitless pride for those who gave their duty homeland, but also hope that the future generation will feel responsible, devotion to their people and their homeland, as it was from time immemorial. Again you wish the hope ____________ (?)

6 Number: Song ______________________ in Sp. Hope _____________

Vedas: Today we call this day - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, but do not think that this is an exceptionally military holiday! After all, this is the holiday of all who stood on the protection of the Great Patriotic War, who guards us now, is the feast of the boys who will be ready to stand in the future for the honor of the Motherland. And in general, it is a holiday of all who will not be afraid to stand up for their family and loved ones, regardless of the profession. February 23, this is a male day, this is a holiday of real men with whom we feel in a reliable fortress, behind a stone wall that help us to cope with everyday concerns. For you, our dear, on stage ___________________________________

Veda: Dear Men! We are grateful for what you have! We wish you always to be men with a capital letter! We wish to always stay in the ranks! Let you get lucky in love, as in battle!

You have been appointed a debit of a high homeland defenders. So that you can descend, your distant on earth is beautiful, peaceful live. Let always be happy with dawns, happiness, as if, the sun enters the house, the heart fills the good light gentle and loyal love.

February 23 - a holiday of true men, bold and brave winners. And whatever the post and the chin appointed to you - all of you are happiness female keepers. We are from the weak half of the helmet of the big greetings to the soldiers in essence and vocation so that in life there was a happy and simple story, so that the desires are easily fulfilled! © ©

You, defenders are fragmented, from February 23! Many gave life peaceful so that there was an earth! Let me know the grief kids, there will be happiness on the planet, all of you are worthy! You are for homeland - heroes! © ©

All defenders congratulate on February 23! Ladies will sleep well, since the steering athletes! You are a support and a snog for people and for the country! There are many heroes among you, keep the world from the war! © ©

Sometimes it is unjustly arranged in the world: someone is already praised and worn in their arms ... a "poor" men are forgotten without a reason. They are remembered in Suhu and then only about the "horns" ... And now, as a spike, comes 23rd - the very day is cherished in the middle of February, you are surrounded by care, comfort and comfort, you are in a hurry to congratulate your family and friends, then you You see how much in life mean. And proudly declare: a man is me! © ©

Let February Surov and Snezhen and the character be cool. We will congratulate the men gently, so that roses will bloom! We wish you health! Happy (a day) Defenders of the country! We look at you with love, you, men, we need! © ©

From February 23 they congratulate you, you wish you a lot from the soul. We wish that the milk rivers were, and in them the beer barrels were floating. So that money grew on the trees down, so that the old age is away, and the strength is higher! Without unnecessary costs, so that everything succeeds, and all that good, the century did not end. We wish the victory in love enjoy, and in captivity only the heart happiness to give up! © ©

February from the winter months is the last, but this month there is a very important day when we congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland, but the holiday is bright, he threw the shadow on us. And we wish for men our valiant, so that they have never seen the war, and the world and happiness so as not only with the reflections, but the whole life has become for the country. © ©

Congratulations on February 23 beautiful Defenders of the Fatherland! Men! We congratulate you on all my heart! And we love you sometimes without a reason - brave courses of vertices. Thank you for the courage and power, for a strong, reliable shoulder. Good luck and health to you, men! We congratulate all your hot! © ©

Almost we are the memory of those soldiers who fell in battle, and over whom they whistled in the field, Grozno Bullets, and his life, his future life, he fenced from the war, adversity and storms. And we congratulate today of all men, the boys that we will wish in the heroes. We will wish, from you to any, did not bother the military life of grief. © ©

Do I need a minute of silence?

Olga Nikogosyan
The scenario of the festive concert "February 23 - notes our country" for children of senior preschool age

purpose: Education U. children The feelings of love for the Motherland, the feelings of pride for the heroic past of Russia.


Organize leisure children;

Bring up a sense of mutuality, friendly relations between the participants;

Attract parents to participate in events.

Form a positive attitude towards a military, defender of his homeland;

Bring up respect for dads, grandfathers;

Summarize and specify knowledge children about the Russian army;

Enhance cognitive abilities children;

Develop children volitional qualities;

Fix the skills and skills of the main types of movements children;

Develop creative abilities engaging children fulfilling poems, songs and dance compositions.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends!

We are very glad to see you in our cozy hall on festivalDedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

Military profession We know not alone.

Always need a military to protect country.

And do not even imagine how the service is important.

While they are guardian - calmly sleeps country.

In the winter month february we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. And today we want to congratulate you, dear dads, grandparents holiday. For you, the guys have prepared festive concert. So, meet.

Under the music "Marsh Slavic" The children of the preparatory group with white, blue and red balls perform rebuilding and stop in three ranks, forming the Russian tricolor with the help of the balls.

Child1. Day of our army today

There is no stronger in the world

Hi defenders of the people

Russian army "Hello!"

Child2. Our army of Russian

Birthday B. february

Glory to her invincible

Glory to the world on earth!

Child3. Hello, holiday!

Hello, holiday!

Holiday boys and dads!

All military congratulates

Our cheerful kindergarten!

Child4. We, countries of Russian children,

Slavm your army,

What is stronger than all in the world

And the brave of all in battle.

Child5. Sailors, artilleryrs,

And pilots, and tankers,

You, who is our world to choose

Who sees borders,

For great cases -

Glory! Glory and praise!

Child6. For all that we have now,

For each of our happy hour:

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

What guarded the world once.

Thanks to the army of the Russian

Thanks to grandfathers and fathers for

That the sun shines to us.

Child7. Pipes are loud singing

Our army (Children Choir) Firework!

Cosmos ships float

Our army (Children Choir) Firework!

On the planet peace and work

Our army (Children Choir) Firework!

Child8. All defenders countries

Today we congratulate us.

This song without a doubt

You will give you a tune.

Song « Our army»

The children of the preparatory group go.

Leading. Defenders are in each family: grandparents senior Brothers I.Of course, your favorite dads. I propose to greet dad applause, wish them health, success in all matters and pride for their childrenthat they love them very much.

Children overlook senior group.

Child1. Dad are different,

Pope very much we need!

Here is my dad - smart, brave!

Hard asked a lesson -

On the shoulder any business

If dad helped me.

Child2. My dad cheerful!

He is kind and honest,

I feel joking with him

And it is interesting to play.

Although dad and adult

He is many years old

But he, like a child,

Candy amateur!

Child3. My strong and brave

And the biggest

Scolding in the case

And praises with soul.

Child4. My friend is the best

Always protects

Where necessary - teach

For prank forgive.

Child5. My is the most caring

The most native.

On ducks hunter,

And he is only mine!

Child6. My tennis plays always excellent,

Maybe in hockey and go to score!

My daddy can be anyone,

Only now my mother can not be.

Song "About dad"

Children the senior group goes.

Leading. In the seas and oceans, from the shore away,

In the dosor tireless native ships.

Makers are in ranking, the anchors sparkle,

And we in our sailors dream of the seas.

Dance "Apple"

Leading. Our boys so far doscomberBut despite this, they are already dreaming of becoming a military.

Scene"We Military"

Children are distributed throughout the hall, they put the elements of the costumes, take the necessary attributes.

Telephonist (with phone). Hello, Hello, Jupiter, I am a diamond.

Almost at all you can not hear you.

We won the village with the battle

And how are you, Hello, Hello.

Tankman (looks into binoculars). On the horizon plane.

By the course full move, go ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew!

Retain our fighter.

Automarter. So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps the enemy is lighted here.

Behind the house we clean the house,

The enemy is everywhere we will find.

Nurse(bandages the wounded, sitting on the chair, he moans).

What are you roaring like a bear?

Void remains to be patient.

And your wound is so easy

What will heal for sure.

Pilot (with a map). Infantry here, and tanks here.

Fly left five minutes.

Pilot2. The battle order is clear.

The enemy will not leave us.

Sailor. Over the ship alets our banner.

And for the feed - azure wave!

We will grow up and become sailors,

We will be protected by we - country.

Song "We are all sailors"

Leading. All soldiers have time:

And serve, and relax.

Hey guys! Hey, soldiers!

Go out to dance!

Dance "Quadrille"

Dance "Samovar"

Leading. On the day Sabbath or in holiday

The best hopes are full.

Waiting for soldiers in the city of dismissal.

Permissions are waiting for older.

Song "There is a soldier in the city"

Leading. The service, as they say, but the real soldier always remains a gallant cavalier. And about this in the next room.

Boy. We guys gentlemen

Thraits, canes are indispensable.

What is proud of not tired:

We are a little English

And gallant, and modest,

And reliable, and smart,

As if with London now.

And we will wash for you.

Dance "Gentlemen"

Child9. The world is the main word in the world.

The world is very necessary for our planet!

The world needs adults! The world needs children!

The world needs everything!

Child10. We want the birds sang,

So that in the spring streams of ringing,

So that the sun is warming,

So that birch green!

Child11. So that all dreams have come true,

To all around laughing,

To children dream dreams,

So that there was no war!

Song "Day without a shot on earth"

Leading. Allow more, dear dads and grandparents, congratulate you with holiday Happy Defender of the Fatherland. Wish you health, good luck and all the best. Thank you for being with you we feel under reliable protection!

We congratulate you warmly with the Day of Army and Fleet,

Let be the joy of what he remembers, honors and likes someone.

And let the smile flashes, and let the wrinkles declare,

And let the spring sings in the soul, today holiday Your holiday, Men!

And you are expensive guys, we wish to grow smart and courageous, kind and strong. Good luck to everyone and in everything! Goodbye to new meetings!

Publications on the topic:

The scenario of the holiday "The 70th anniversary of the Victory notes the whole country" Under the song "Thank you Santa" (Domisolka ensemble, children enter the column hall, bypass the hall in a circle and sit in place. Host. 9.

My Russia is my holidays of the holiday for the Day of Russia for children of senior preschool software. Software content: 1. Rail.

Scenario By February 23, "Warriors of Lyhyme - Cossacks are removed", for children of senior preschool age. Music in the hall includes girls: 1. And today we will congratulate the boys. After all, they will completely defend us very soon. 2. Soldiers.

Scenario of the festive concert for the Day of the Preschool Employee "Multicolored Family" What is childhood? Childhood is magic, bright colors celebration. Childhood is a holiday of life, childhood - wonderful time! Childhood is.

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Scenario of the festive concert for the day of the mother Scenario of the festive concert for the day of the mother. Music sounds, children enter the hall, sit on their places, then mothers and.

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