The scenario of the New Year's party in the nursery group of the kindergarten. New Year's party "Who walked under the Christmas tree, lost his mittens?"

Nazarova Olga Vladimirovna, teacher
municipal budgetary preschool
educational institution
Kindergarten No. 23 "Cornflower

Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the nursery group

Children enter the hall, stand in a circle. The lights on the tree are burning.

(01 music "Umka at the Christmas tree")
Leading: A merry winter brought us a holiday
The green tree has come to visit us!
Today there is a shiny outfit on the Christmas tree
The fires are golden like the stars are burning
We will take you, elegant, into our circle,
Let's sing a happy song about you.

Song - round dance "02 New Year's Holiday"
Leading: And now we stand
And look at the tree.
Near the Christmas tree
Miracles happen.
Right now in our hall,
The story begins.
The Snow Maiden enters to the music "03 New Year's Melody"
Snow Maiden: Hello guys
You recognized me?
I'm a snow maiden!
I came to you.
From a winter fairy tale.
I'm all snow, silver.
My friends are a blizzard and a blizzard
I love everyone, I'm good to everyone.

Snow Maiden: What a beautiful tree you have! Do you want to play with the Christmas tree? (Children are given bells)
Look how ringing my bell is, and you have bells too!
When the bells ring, the lights are lit on the Christmas tree, but they are silent and the Christmas tree does not burn with lights (playing to the ringing of bells).
"Christmas tree game" (2 p.)
(Children put their bells in a basket, and the Snow Maiden hangs on the Christmas tree so that the Christmas tree always shines with lights)
Say the words: One, two, three Christmas tree burn! (04 to the music of New Year's lights)
Snow Maiden: Oh - oh - oh the snow creaks
Someone is in a hurry to visit us!
(05 Music plays and exits)
Snowman enters: I am a cheerful Snowman,
I am neither small nor big
Hello guys!
Snow Maiden: Snowman, look how beautiful the guys are, what a beautiful Christmas tree! Guys, let's sing a song about the Christmas tree to the Snowman.
Song "06 Well, the Christmas tree is brighter"
Snowman: What a good song!
Oh, how hot it became in the hall
Oh, I'm afraid now I'll melt!
Snow Maiden: Come on - let me do a little magic
I’ll blow on you now (Goes around the Snowman, blows on him).
Guys, let's all blow it together! (Blow together)
Snowman: Does not help!
Flock snowflakes soon into a round dance! Flock girlfriends, the Snow Maiden is waiting.
Dance of snowflakes (07 music "White snowflakes")
Snowman: Well, where's my broom?
I sweep the snow with a broom
And blowing snowflakes!
Presenter: Wait, Snowman! Don't blow all the snow! It’s warmer with snow, and our guys are cold, but mittens will warm us!
Game "Mittens" (08 to the music)
Snowman: Thank you friends
I have to go, see you guys! (Snowman leaves)
Snow Maiden: Something for a long time Santa Claus does not come to us! Let's call him!
"Santa Claus, ay - ay!" 2 times
Santa Claus: I'm coming! I'm coming! (09 to the song "Santa Claus")
Here I am! Happy new year friends!
Hello dear children!
What a beautiful tree you have!
How many beads, crackers, stars, toys are on it!
And you yourself, how elegant and cheerful!
And here is my granddaughter - the Snow Maiden
Father Frost: And now kids, it's time to play!
Look, here Bunny is sitting and looking at us.
Presenter: Santa Claus, let's see what's in his basket?
(The presenter scatters snowballs)
Father Frost: Oh, guys, all the snowballs have crumbled, let's help Bunny collect them in a basket!
The game "Collect snowballs" (10 sounds of music)
Presenter: Santa Claus, sit near the Christmas tree, look at the guys, and they will tell you poems.
1. Our Christmas tree is high,
Reaches the ceiling.
Above dad, above mom
Here is the height.
2. Big herringbone
Came to visit us
We have many gifts
The tree brought.
3. We will stand under the Christmas tree,
We will dance.
little feet
We will knock.
Father Frost: Are you afraid of the cold?
Host and children: No!!!
"Game with Santa Claus" (11 to the music)
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, did you bring gifts for the children?
Father Frost: Here are some rattles for little kids!
They thunder so merrily, they call the animals to dance.
(12 Animal Dance)
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, the kids are waiting for a treat!
Santa Claus: I brought you candy!
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, we have a lot of guys, but is there only one candy?
Santa Claus: It's not simple, it's magical!
I'll put it under the tree and say this to the candy:
You grow, grow candy
Here it is, here it is!
Become soon candy
You are big, you are big.
(Pulls out a big candy from under the tree)
Father Frost: Here she is, how big she has grown
I'll just say one, two, three...
Feed all the kids! (Distribution of gifts).
(13 Music sounds New Year's gifts)
Father Frost: It's a pity, friends, we must say goodbye,
It's time for us to go home
Snow Maiden: Just don't forget us
Goodbye, kids! (14 days care and snow.)
Leading: Our holiday has come to an end.
Happy New Year to you!!!


The Snow Maiden meets the children at the hall.

SNOW MAIDEN Hello children! you recognized me?
I am the daughter of winter, I am the granddaughter of frost.
Call me Snegurochka, snow pens.
Santa Claus asked me to invite you to the Christmas tree.

Children with the Snow Maiden enter the hall.

They walk near the Christmas tree, consider her outfit.

SNOW MAIDEN Come closer to the tree, look up, down.
How many toys are on it, bright balls, crackers.
We will ask our Christmas tree to sparkle with lights.
We will stomp, we will clap, we will light our Christmas tree.

Clap, clap, say: "Our Christmas tree, burn!"
And the heels will stomp - and the lights will go out.
The game is repeated 2-3 times.


Oh-she-she! Oh no no no! The tree is sparkling!
Oh-she-she! Oh no no no! That's so beautiful!
Yes, and our children are also all smart, good.
Our Christmas tree will tell New Year's rhymes.

1. Hello, hello, Christmas tree! Hello New Year!
2. Let everyone dance and sing at the Christmas tree.
3. We are all very well, have fun today,
4. Because the New Year holiday has come to us.
5. Hello, hello, Christmas tree! Hello New Year!
6. Under the tree, we start a cheerful round dance!

(Children stand scattered, turn to face the Christmas tree).
SONG "Our children have a big Christmas tree."

Leading: Winter has come cheerful, all people are happy about it.
She calls both adults and children to the street.
Ah, snow! Ah, my friend! Fall on your palm.
We will go for a walk with you in brand new boots.

SONG "WHITE SNOW" music. Filippenko
1. Stars fly from the sky, play merrily, "CATCH SNOWFLAKES"
They descended directly into the garden, they cover the ground. LOWER THE PALM
Chorus: White snow, white snow, fluffy white snow. "SPRING"
White snow, white snow, light silver. CIRCLE
2. Houses have become white, and faces are rouge, "ROOF" "CHEEKS"
The winter fairy tale itself is knocking at the door to us. "FAMS"

SNOW MAIDEN: And now all the kids sit in the sleigh.
And under the ringing bell we will rush into the winter forest.

Children become pairs one after another.
Sounds music.Filippenko "SANI". Children run around the room.


Here is the forest, the winter forest, where it is full of miracles!
Only cold in winter, mischievous wind blows.
Toddlers are strong, come out to the clearing.
Come out to the clearing, and warm yourself, dance.


1. We will warm up a little, we will clap our hands. Clap, clap, clap...
2. We will also warm the legs, we will stomp sooner. Top, top, top...
3. We put on mittens, we are not afraid of a blizzard. Yes Yes Yes…
4. We became friends with frost, as snowflakes swirled. La, la, la...

Mishka enters.

SNOW MAIDEN: Look, kids, Mishka is in a hurry to visit us.

BEAR: Hello kids, nice to see you guys!
SNOW MAIDEN: Mishka does not sit, does not lie down,
And in the lair of my mother I can’t sleep.
We will knock our feet like a bear dance.

DANCE OF BEARS . Muses. sl. Lagutina.

1. Bears clumsy near the Christmas tree live.On the spot in a wagon
Today they will dance and sing merrily.
Chorus. Rrr! (growl to the right) Rrr! (left)
They will dance and sing to you.
Waddling around.
2. They frolic, tumble and love to dance. They stomp their feet.
Today the bears are having fun, and tomorrow they will go to bed.
Chorus . Rrr! Rrr! Until the summer they will go to bed.

BEAR: Ay, kids, well done, danced great.
And I was amused. And now it's time for me to sleep.
SNOW MAIDEN : Mishenka, it's time for you to go to the lair.
We will sing a song for you, you will fall asleep sweetly.

SONG "SLEEP, MY BEAR"music Tilicheeva..

The Brown Mishka does not want to sleep - he is such a rascal.
I'll shake Toptyzhka: - Bye-bye, bye-bye!
2. You lie down on the bed, sleep, my Bear, sweet, sweet.
I, too, fall asleep: - Bye-bye, bye-bye!

The bear falls asleep and hides behind the screen.

SNOW MAIDEN: The bunny hurries to the children and tells everyone to jump.
(BUNNY appears)
BUNNY: Hello kids, boys and girls.
I congratulate you, I wish you to grow healthy!
I brought you ears, ears on top of your head.
(Put on the ears of the children.)
SNOW MAIDEN: Spin, spin, turn into bunnies, turn!


1. Bunnies gathered in the forest, wash themselves "Wash"
And they are going to visit the children at the Christmas tree. "SPRING"
Chorus: This is how, this is how they wash. "Wash"
Like this, like this, "SPRING" is assembled
2. Snow on the ears, snow on the paws, “EARS, PAWS” are cleared
They pounded on the drum, warming up. "KNOCKING THE DRUM"
Chorus: Like this, like this, they clean up
That's it, that's how they warm up.
3. Run up in the snow - warm up. RUN
They suddenly saw a fox - they are surprised. "SURPRISED"

BUNNY: Well, it's time for me to go home, goodbye, bye!
SNOW MAIDEN: Here runs Volchok, a gray barrel.

Wolf appears.

Volchek: (sings) I'm a top, a gray barrel.
Don't be afraid of me, bunnies, I'm kind, like Santa Claus!
I will not touch any of you, I brought you rattles.

(The Snow Maiden distributes rattles). DANCE WITH RATTLES.

Volchek: I will play with the hares, I will catch up with them.

The children run to the chairs.

WOLF: Ay, yes, clever bunnies, ay, yes, fast guys,
I didn’t catch up with anyone, goodbye, bye everyone.

SNOW MAIDEN: Children spin around, turn into kids again!(Remove bunny ears)
SNOW MAIDEN: It's time for us to call Santa Claus, it's time to receive gifts!
CHILDREN: FATHER FROST! Santa Claus appears!

SANTA CLAUS: Hello kids, hello big boys!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all children!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all guests!
It's me, Santa Claus, I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
SNOW MAIDEN: Children, let's sing a song to Santa Claus.

SONG "Christmas Tree" music. Bakhutova.

SANTA CLAUS : You sang well, kids, here's a prize for you!
Roll out the SNOWBLOM.
SNOW MAIDEN: Snowball to us Ded Moroz brought from the winter forest.
The Snow Maiden with children looks into the room.
SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, look, kids, there are snowballs here. HURRAH! HURRAH!
Let's play with snowballs, throw fun together.


SANTA CLAUS: And now for you, friends, my gifts ....

SNOW MAIDEN: Thank you Santa Claus for bringing us gifts.
Children thank Santa Claus:
SANTA CLAUS: And now it's time for me, goodbye, kids.
SNOW MAIDEN: Now it's time for us to say goodbye to the Christmas tree,
And go to the group.

Children wave the Christmas tree and leave the room.

New Year's party for the 1st junior group. Scenario "New Year's mittens"

Ivleva Irina Mikhailovna, musical director of MBDOU DS No. 93, Chelyabinsk.
Material Description: The material will be of interest to educators and music directors when organizing a New Year's party with children of primary preschool age.
Target: Creating a festive mood in children.
Tasks: To reveal the creative abilities of children through various types of musical activities.
Promote the development of positive emotions.
Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden
Bear, Chanterelle - children of the senior group
Children: Bunny boys, Snowflake girls
Children enter the hall to the music, the Christmas tree is already lit with lights.
1. Login
Leading: New Year's holiday
There is a knock on our door.
invites to the tree
Have fun everyone.
Let's go look at the tree
How the beauty shines!
Hello dear tree!
We like you very much! (Children look at the Christmas tree)
Leading: Guys, let's play with the Christmas tree.
Our Christmas tree is standing
All the lights are on fire
And the heels are stuck
And the lights go out. (Children stomp, lights go out)
And now look -
All lights went out.
Clap, clap, say:
"Our Christmas tree - burn!" (Children clap and lights go on)
Host: It's New Year's Eve!
Let's start the round dance!
Let's go around the Christmas tree
Let's sing a ringing song.
2. Song "Our tree"
After a round dance with a song, the children pass and sit on chairs. The presenter notices a mitten lying under the tree, picks it up.
Leading: Oh, look, guys, what lies under the Christmas tree.
Mitten... here's another one, (bends over and picks up each mitten)
And there are only three under the tree!
Come on, kids, look
Maybe yours? So take it!
The leader goes around the children, shows everyone his find,
but no one recognizes the mittens.
Leading: Who danced at the Christmas tree, lost his mitten?
Chanterelle runs out from behind the Christmas tree.
Foxy: Hello guys!
Near the Christmas tree I danced
Lost my mitten!
Leading: Get a mitten,
Don't lose her again!
And let's, kids, sing a song for Chanterelle!
Foxy, listen and look.
3. Song-game "Hares and Chanterelle"
Host (shows the second mitten): I wonder whose mitten is this?
Who else danced here
Lost your mitten?
A clumsy bear runs out from behind the Christmas tree.
Bear-toed: Hello guys!
Near the Christmas tree I danced
Lost my mitten!
Leading: Get a mitten,
Don't lose her again!
The host approaches the bear-toed, puts a mitten on his paw. The bear-toed thanks for the mitten and waddles, lies down under the tree and pretends to fall asleep.
Host: Look, guys, at the bear.
How to put on a mitten
The bear immediately snored.
Is it possible, Mishka, to sleep?
We want to play with you!
4. The game "Bear".
Host: (shows everyone the third mitten):
Look, kids, this is the most beautiful mitten!
Who lost her? The Snow Maiden enters.
5. Song of the Snow Maiden.
Snow Maiden: I am the Snow Maiden, all children have been friends with me for a long time.
I love frost and wind and snowstorms in winter!
I know all the animals in the forest, I make friends with them!
I sing songs loudly and slide easily on the ice!
Host: Hello, Snow Maiden!
We are so glad to see you at our celebration.
Snow Maiden: How beautiful you all are and the Christmas tree is very elegant!
And how many different toys on it!
Ten balls hang here, and twenty-five lanterns,
Eight golden cones, six blue icicles,
There are also exactly six birds, but you can’t count them all!
Host: Indeed! How do you know this?
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost brought a Christmas tree to the children,
And I dressed up the Christmas tree - (Snow Maiden looks around)
Lost my mitten!
Host (shows her the last mitten): Isn't this one?
Snow Maiden (joyfully): This one, this one! Found my glove!
Leading: To pick up a mitten, you must dance for us.
Snow Maiden: I will dance with all my heart with you, kids!
Girls perform the snowflake dance.

6. Dance of Snowflakes.
Snow Maiden: Oh, what fun you have at the holiday!
But something my Santa Claus is delayed.
He must have gotten lost.
Let's ask the bunny and the clubfoot bear to run to the meeting
to Santa Claus, and we will call him for now.
He will hear and come to us for the feast.
The host escorts the bunny and the clubfoot bear, and the children and adults call:
All in unison: Grandfather Frost, ay, ay, ay!!!
7. Exit Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Hello my dears!
Hello my pretty ones!
Oh, how smart you are
All ruddy yes okay.
All: Hello, Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: I am very happy today
What came to you in kindergarten.
I invite you to our tree
Everyone - both adults and children!

8. Round dance "Santa Claus".
Grandfather Frost: I'm guys, old grandfather, I'm guys, for many years,
But as soon as I come to the Christmas tree, I start the games right away!
I brought you snowballs in a basket,
Now we will play with them.
I will throw snowballs high, they will fly far,
And the guys will collect snowballs and bring me a basket.
9. Snowball fight
Grandfather Frost: Guys, are you afraid of frost? And I'll check it out now!
10. The game "I will freeze."
1.Show your hands, they love to dance
I'll freeze them now, we need to clean the handles!
2. Show your legs, legs love to dance
I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the legs!
3. Show your ears, ears love to dance
I'll freeze them now, I need to clean the ears!
4. Show your cheeks, cheeks love to dance.
I'll freeze them now, I need to clean the cheeks!
Today I am very cheerful and I am friends with the guys,
I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone!
Father Frost: Well, they played well!
Are you guys tired?
Sit down, take a rest
And tell me poetry.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, I love all the guys,
I give them rattles.
Take the rattles
Have fun dancing with them!
11 Playing with rattles.
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, did you like our dance?
Now you get up and play with the guys.
12. The game "Magic Staff".
1. I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
I will turn children into bunnies!
(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, the children perform the appropriate movements)
2. I will knock loudly three times,
I will turn children into foxes!
3. I will knock loudly three times,
I will turn children into horses!
4. I will knock loudly three times,
I will turn everyone into bear cubs!
Grandfather Frost: How much fun you have, but it's time for me to get ready,
yes, go on the road!
Snow Maiden: Wait, Grandfather Frost, have you forgotten something?
Santa Claus: Forgot what?
Did Santa Claus play with children?
Did you dance near the Christmas tree? Did you sing songs?
Did you make the kids laugh? What else have I forgotten?
Snow Maiden: Gifts.
Santa Claus: No! After all, I am a cheerful Santa Claus - I brought gifts to everyone!
My friends, you go out, bring gifts for the children.
(Bear cub and Chanterelle on a sled take out gifts)
Distribution of gifts
Grandfather Frost: Good Santa Claus brought you all gifts!
It's a pity, friends, we must say goodbye, it's time for everyone to go home!
Grandfather Frost, Snegurochka, Chanterelle and Teddy Bear wave to the guys and leave the hall.
Leading: Goodbye, Santa Claus,
Goodbye, tree
We will not forget a happy New Year for a long time!
To the cheerful music, the children and the teacher leave the room.

The scenario of the New Year's party in the early development group up to 1.5 years and children of the nursery group. See all scenarios of the New Year Tree at the link

The hall is festively decorated. Under the branches of the Christmas tree are small bright mittens.

To the music, teachers and children with their parents enter the hall, everyone stands near the Christmas tree.

Traveling. A wonderful winter brought us a holiday,

The green Christmas tree came to the guys.

She was dressed up, toys were hung,

Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

“Dance around the Christmas tree” we go in a big round dance, spin, clap.

Leading. We invited the Christmas tree to visit,

What an elegant Christmas tree in our hall!

Our tree is fluffy, and slender, and green,

Just some lights. It does not burn with us!

We will fix the mess, we will make the lights burn!

Let's say loudly: "One, two, three - Come on, Christmas tree, burn!"

Children (together with adults). One, two, three - Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

The lights don't light up.

Leading. Nothing works:

The lights don't light up!

Come on girls and boys

We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger (they threaten with a finger).

And now we all clap (clap hands)

And we all stomp with our feet (stomp).

The lights don't light up.

Nothing works:

The lights don't light up!

Let's go around the Christmas tree

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

Round dance song "Our children have a big Christmas tree"

The tree is on fire!

Leading. The Christmas tree shines with lights, and greets the guys,

Hand out flashlights to all the little guys.

Educators hand out "flashlights-rattles" to children

"Lantern Dance"

- let's go - swing, let's go - spin, spring, etc. we carry lanterns, we give them back - we sit on the chairs.

Leading. Oh look guys

What lies under the tree!

Mitten! Here's another one... (Raises mittens)

And there are only three under the tree!

Come on, kids, look

Maybe yours? So take it!

the presenter goes around all the children and adults, showing the find, but no one recognizes his mitten.

Leading. Who danced at the Christmas tree - Lost his mitten?

the host takes the child st. gr. "Hare": on one of his paws there is a mitten, on the other paw there is no mitten.

Bunny. It was I who danced here, I lost my mitten!

the host approaches the bunny, puts a mitten on his paw.

presenter. Oh, really, it's a bunny mitten!

It is necessary to feel sorry for the bunny, It is necessary to warm the bunny.

We will dance with a hare,

Let's jump and play.

Come out, kids, let's dance from the heart!

"Little Bunnies" -song movements

To the cheerful music, children jump along with the bunny.

Presenter: We will treat Bunny with Carrot and leave it at the holiday.

(shows the second mitten). I wonder whose mitten is this? Who else danced here, Lost his mitten?

the presenter brings out the Bear-child in a suit: on one of his paws there is a mitten, on the other paw there is no mitten.

Bear: It was I who danced here, I lost my mitten.

the presenter approaches the bear, puts a mitten on his paw.

Leading. Oh, really, it's a bear's mitten!

Get a mitten, Don't lose it again!

Leading. And we will sing a song for you Mishenka.

We will clap our hands “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Leading. Look, guys, at the bear!

The bear puts to sleep on a barrel under the Christmas tree.

Leading. As he put on his mitten, the bear immediately began to snore.

Is it possible, bear, to sleep? We want to play with you!

Come on, guys, let's try to wake up the bear.

The game - “On the path, along the path, we will all come to the bear” - catch-up.

Let's treat Misha with a big candy, Misha will go to the forest to sleep, and we will sing a Lullaby to Bear.

Lullaby - "Bayu, Baiu, Bai"

The first presenter shows the third mitten.

Leading. Look, kids, what a beautiful mitten! Who lost her? Let's sit down and see.

Leading educators and parents sit down with children on chairs

To the music comes out from behind the Christmas tree, Snegurochka.

Leading. Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you at our holiday!

Snow Maiden . Hello kids! Hello adults! And I'm glad to meet you! ( children.) How elegant and beautiful you all are today!

Leading. Of course, beautiful! After all, we have a Christmas tree holiday!

Snow Maiden. Yes, the Christmas tree is so wonderful, fluffy!

And how many different toys on it!

(Turns away from the Christmas tree and looks at the children)

There are ten balls hanging here. And twenty-five lanterns, Eight golden cones, Six blue icicles, Exactly six birds too, Yes, you can’t count everything!

Leading. How did you know that?

Snow Maiden. She decorated the tree herself ( looks around), she lost her mitten!

presenter (shows a mitten). Isn't this one?

Snow Maiden (happily). This one! Found my glove!

Leading. A mitten to pick up

You must dance for us.

Snow Maiden . For an elegant Christmas tree, I will dance from the heart

Just help me guys - kids!

Here is my casket - take snowflakes and follow me.

Dance with snowflakes. (walking, spinning, crouching, etc.)

At the end of the dance, we put the snowflakes into the box for the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden. I love to dance and I also love to play!

Here is a magic chest, now beware, my friend, kids, kids - the game begins.

Snow Maiden and children play the game "Snowballs".

At the end of the game we collect snowballs in the chest

Leading. And our kids still love to play hide and seek.

Snow Maiden. And I love to play hide and seek!

presenter Then turn away, Snow Maiden, and our kids will hide from you.

Snow Maiden . Okay, I agree.

Game - hide and seek

The Snow Maiden approaches the Christmas tree, turns away from the guys. Children squat down. Adults cover them with a transparent white cloth.

Snow Maiden . One, two, three, four, five -

I'm going to look for the guys. (Walks around the room)

I go, I go, I go, But I don't find the guys.

I'll go for the Christmas tree - Maybe I'll find the guys there?

The Snow Maiden goes behind the Christmas tree, the adults remove the fabric - the children get to their feet. The Snow Maiden is back.

Snow Maiden(not seeing the guys). I went around the whole Christmas tree, But I didn’t find the guys.

Leading. And we are here! You couldn't find us, Snow Maiden. Now the kids will close their eyes, and you hide. We will look for you.

Snow Maiden. Good! Try to find me now, guys. Close your eyes with your palms, and I will hide.

Children close their eyes. The Snow Maiden is hiding behind the Christmas tree.

Leading. One, two, three, four, five - we're going to look for you!

Adults and children walk around the hall, looking for the Snow Maiden, find her, take her out from behind the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. Well done kids! And how could you find me so quickly? Now let's try to find Santa's gifts. I know they're hidden around here somewhere. Can we find them?

Children and educators. We can!

Snow Maiden. And I have a magic flashlight, it will show us the way to gifts and show us ...

The Snow Maiden, children and teachers walk around the hall, shine with a laser flashlight, look for gifts from Santa Claus. Here the Snow Maiden discovers Santa Claus's bag under the Christmas tree, it contains gifts for kids.

Snow Maiden. Look what I found! This is grandpa's bag. Yes, there are gifts for the kids! This is how Santa Claus hid the gifts! And we found them! Well done kids!

Adults distribute New Year's gifts to children.

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GOAL: Get the kids involved in the party
Create a festive mood in children, evoke an emotional response
To develop in children a sense of rhythm, musical and auditory memory
Joining the culture of celebrating the New Year

Children enter the hall calmly behind the host (or the Snow Maiden), examine the Christmas tree (the lights are not lit), examine the decorations in the hall and offer to light the lights on the Christmas tree.

Clap, clap, say - our Christmas tree is on fire!
(clap and lights go on)
And the heels will stomp and the lights will go out!
(stomp and lights go out)

Play 2-3 times.

VED.: Join the round dance - let's celebrate the New Year together.

(round dance “Like our Christmas tree”, music by T. Popatenko)


1. Our tree is high, our tree is big,
Above dad, above mom - reaches the ceiling.

2. How we lit the Christmas tree with bright lights,
How they danced under the Christmas tree -
We'll tell mom everything.

3. Santa Claus, thank you,
Our tree is so beautiful
The lights on it burn
Like the eyes of the children.

VED.:(a knock is heard) It seems that someone is coming towards us, we need to look - they come up to the door with the children - there is no one there, the children sit on the chairs, the knock is repeated again and a Bunny appears on the screen.

A fragment of a festive New Year's party for a nursery group

BUNNY: Hello guys, do you recognize me?

I'm a playful bunny
The forests of the dark tenant,
It's worth raising my paw -
The rabbits will come out to dance.

Only there are no more hares, I alone remained in the forest, all the hares hid, it's cold in the forest, the wolf and the fox scare everyone.

VED.: Don't be afraid, bunny, stay with us, look at the bunnies here, they will dance for you, and you rest, don't be scared.
(bunny dance)

VED.:(notices that the bunny is trembling), Zainka, why are you trembling?

BUNNY: I'm afraid of foxes, I barely ran away from her, oh-oh-oh, it seems she is coming here.
(fox music sounds and fox song from behind the screen).

BUNNY: So, I knew it, the fox was coming here. Oh, I'm afraid, we should rather hide
(the bunny either disappears or hides behind the Christmas tree on the screen, if there is one)

FOX: And here I am, red fox, fast paws, fluffy tail.
I run through the woods, just for fun
I catch white bunnies, I love them very much.
Did the bunny run through here?

VED.: Why do you need a bunny?

FOX: I love bunnies very much, they are so fluffy, so warm ...

VED.: Is it possible to offend the forest people on New Year's Eve?

FOX: Ah, I completely forgot about Christmas! (examines the audience) So that's why you are so smart and the Christmas tree is so beautiful, so you have a holiday? Oh, what pretty bunnies you have (licks)

VED.: You can’t offend bunnies, and in general you can’t offend anyone, and even more so today, because in honor of the holiday everyone needs to make peace (calls a bunny, he appears, but not immediately, talks to the host from behind the screen, then the hare appears and they put up with the fox) .

FOX: And now, in honor of our friendship, let's dance merrily together.
(the fox and the hare dance on the screen, and the children clap for them)

VED.: Well, now our children will dance, they know how to dance very well
(any pair dance)

VED.:(after dancing, she turns to the Fox and the Hare) Chanterelle, Bunny, and you are D.M. did you meet in the forest? Our children are looking forward to their visit.

Fox and Hare:(interrupting) Yes, he went to visit the guys a long time ago, he will probably come soon.

VED.:(Snoring and sniffing is heard from the corner) Oh, guys, someone is sleeping here in the corner, we are singing songs, dancing, having fun, and someone is sleeping in the corner, let's come closer, try to wake up (come, touch, wake up and raise, it turned out to be Santa Claus).

D.M.: Oh, what am I, fell asleep?! Thank you guys for waking me up, I came to you a long time ago, but I got warm and fell asleep.

Well, well, it's time to continue the holiday,
Let's shout to the Christmas tree - Hurray !!!
Get up in the circle, start your round dance.

(round dance "Santa Claus", music. Filippenko)

D.M.: I see so many bunnies here, so cute.

VED.: Our bunnies are not only cute, they also know how to dance. Let's go bunnies, let's dance with carrots.

Dance of bunnies with carrots

(after the dance, the carrots in the basket are given to D.M., and he promises to treat the bunnies with carrots in the forest)

D.M.: Oh yeah kids, oh well done.

VED.: Our children can dance, but can you dance? And we will clap for you

Dance of Santa Claus

D.M.: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the guys.

VED.: D.M., you sit, and the children read poetry to you. (children read poetry, and D.M.
sprinkles each child with confetti and tells him a wish)

D.M.: Something felt hot to me, I was not used to living in warmth.

VED.: Guys, you need D.M. cool, we will now dance our snow dance and blow on D.M., so that it becomes easier for him.

Dance "METELITSA" with snow plumes.

VED.: Well, D.M., did it feel better for you? (yes) Then we have one more surprise for you - Performance of a cheerful children's orchestra:

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
music Beckman, performed on tambourines

D.M. praises the children and says that for such good and smart children he has gifts, picks up a staff and goes with the children for gifts.

The gifts are outside the door, the bag is brought into the hall and Santa Claus distributes gifts to the children in their hands.


1. Screen, text inside. 8. Bunny masks for all children
2. Dolls Hare and Fox
3. Carrots, masks of hares.
4. Crowns for girls and snow plumes for everyone
5. Box with confetti
6. Gift bag
7. Tambourines for the orchestra by the number of children