Geisha Secrets for Attracting Men. Intimate Geisha Secrets: Deliver unearthly sexual pleasure to your partner

But today, they are happy to reveal the secrets of sensual craft and exotic looks.

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#1. Preparation

Especially for Japan, eminent brands release limited edition sets of cosmetics for geisha. Typically, they include skin-whitening powders and creams, long-lasting lipsticks and eyeliners that won't wear off throughout the day. Instead of a complex high hairstyle, the modern geisha uses a wig or hairpiece. She spends about 4 - 5 hours every day to put herself in order.

# 2. Miraculous mushroom

All geishas always have a powder made from the meitake tree mushroom (aka the "dancing mushroom" or "Japanese geisha mushroom"). It is believed that this natural food supplement significantly reduces the calorie content of any food, and helps Japanese women to keep their bodies in shape. The second property of meitake is to suppress the unpleasant manifestations of premenstrual syndrome: irritability, pulling pains, nausea and fatigue.

# 3. Main responsibilities

A modern geisha should know several languages, be able to support any topic of conversation and ensure pleasant communication in a company. She plays a musical instrument, sings, dances and, of course, holds a tea ceremony according to all the canons.

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#4. Geisha of difficult behavior

The image of a geisha - an elite cultural companion - was badly tarnished during the Second World War. Geisha girl - this is how American soldiers indiscriminately called all Japanese women who were given to them. Later, in the world consciousness, the word geisha began to be associated with the image of a woman of easy virtue. However, this is not at all the case. You can tell a real geisha from a Japanese female sex worker (called yudze) by her appearance. For courtesans, a kimono belt is an obi, tied in front with a simple knot (it’s easier and faster to get rid of clothes), for geisha, at the back with a large number of difficult knots. Yuze wear shoes on bare feet, without white socks. They also decorate the hair with a huge number of hairpins and hairpins, and fix the styling with red threads and, which is remarkable, coins.

#5. Geisha disciples

In ancient times, the education of a geisha began at the age of 10, today - strictly at the age of 16. As a rule, for the first 2-4 years, girls have the status of a student - "maiko". It is believed that young girls attract clients with their bright appearance, and real modern geisha - with talents and skills. You can distinguish a maiko from her “older sister” by her clothes: the sleeves of the younger’s kimono are much shorter, and the lower collar is painted bright red. The initiation ceremony for a geisha consists in changing this collar to a white one, embroidered with gold threads.

# 6. Education

Geisha education costs tens of thousands of dollars. One kimono can cost $ 10-15 thousand. Some of the costs are borne by the owners of the "tea houses". In return, the students sign a contract - for the first year after graduation, they work exclusively for their "school". If a girl wants to change her profession, then she will have to pay a huge amount of debt under contracts. The costs of educational institutions are repaid with interest. Two hours in the company of a modern geisha costs about a quarter of the average Japanese employee's annual salary. Only high-ranking politicians and wealthy businessmen can afford to spend an evening in a teahouse in their society.

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# 7. Kimono

In reality, a kimono is not a dress or a robe, but a single piece of fabric that is wrapped around the body in a special way and secured with several belts. There are several types of kimono: formal, semi-formal and even sports (they are used during rehearsals). In winter and autumn, a kimono with a warm lining is worn, in spring - on cotton, and in summer (from May to September) - of fine silk.

#eight. Gait

The reason for the mincing and slightly clumsy gait of a geisha is her shoes: okobo - sandals on a wooden platform. Walking in them is incredibly difficult, since the center of gravity falls not on the toe, but on the heel. To add charm to the gait, bells are attached to the sandals, which ring rhythmically when walking in small steps.

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#nine. To the corner, to the nose, to the subject

According to the rules, a geisha inspires confidence (read - fascinates) guests at first sight. To do this, they use a flawless technique: the style of greeting should not be superficial. Before greeting a man, she always looks into his eyes with a smile. And only then he says: "Good afternoon." This makes the man feel more relaxed.

#ten. "No thanks"

No one ever forces a geisha to take on work that she does not want to do. If the invitation to “spend the weekend on a private yacht on Lake Biwa” seems too suspicious to her, she has the right to send a polite refusal to the client. To do this, it is enough to say or write in response one single word - "ookini", which can be literally translated as "thank you very much for your interest, but no."

#eleven. Grateful ears

The most valuable skill for any geisha is to be a great listener. Clients come to the tea house to enjoy a good conversation and to be heard. At the same time, the direction of the conversation is often determined by the geisha herself, correctly and delicately asking short questions and giving his guest the opportunity to "speak out." Geisha must be aware of all political, social, sports and cultural news that occurs in the country. You never know what topic a guest will touch upon. That is why her morning begins with a news program and newspaper reading, often from a smartphone screen. A geisha must be able to delicately continue any story, often just nodding his head at the right moment. Among the valuable qualities of the Japanese "craftswomen" is to make the client laugh heartily and be indifferent to his insults.

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#12. What's up the sleeve of a geisha?

A geisha always has a few soft paper napkins folded in the origami technique in the sleeve. This is the only salvation for a girl if she has a cold or an allergy, or to quickly and imperceptibly from the client wipe the lipstick mark from the cup. Sometimes these napkins are used for notes.

#13. Seasonal accessories

Every month the geisha changes hairpins, and in some cases wears a "themed" kimono. For example, April is the month of sakura blossoming, she is the main one at this time and in the outfit. June is a very rainy month, associated with weeping willow. In addition, this tree is the mascot of the geisha themselves. In preparation for the New Year, maiko and geisha decorate their hairstyles with special hairpins with white flowers, babmuk leaves and two small pieces of paper autographed by their favorite Kabuki actors. It is noteworthy that the entrance to the cherished dressing rooms for geisha is always free.

#15. Watch your hands

Sensuality and femininity are contained not only in clothes and makeup, but also in the gestures of a geisha. Japanese hospitality fairies recommend: Want to charm a man with your elegance? Watch your hands. They shouldn't look too long. For example, when passing something at the table, close your armpits and press your elbows against your body - you will get the maximum distance that you can extend your arm to make it look graceful.

Have you ever wondered how to drive a man crazy? Or they thought about how to settle in his heart and make him think about himself constantly. If the answer to these questions is "Yes", then you would surely like to know the secrets of a geisha, the psychology of men and various techniques that will help him to "sink".

They talked about this and continue to talk about it, this topic is being discussed, and it will never become irrelevant. Many books are devoted to her. And exactly how to drive a man crazy, we'll talk in this article.

Marie Forleo - author of books, entrepreneur, trainer (personal growth). For the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, she is known as the author of the book “You are a goddess! Or how to drive men crazy. " This work is a real storehouse of advice, a woman's Bible, which is recommended for every girl to read.

It is not difficult to read this book, it is written in a lively and easy language, it simply and logically reveals the most complex secrets. Many girls, having bought the book "You are a goddess!" incidentally, they called her one of the most important in their lives. The section of the work is psychology.

The book, which is simple and fun to read, describes various techniques and techniques that will help answer the question of how to drive a man crazy and stay in his heart for a long time. "You are a goddess" by Marie Forleo is a work that allows you to believe in your own strengths and yourself. After all, many women greatly underestimate themselves, do not like their appearance, do not know how to enjoy life. And it is with all this that Marie Forleo helps to cope.

The book should also be read by those women who are successful and beautiful, have built a career and are happy with life, but are unhappy in love. “You are a goddess” by Mari Forleo helps to overcome the problem of loneliness, remove wrong attitudes, become the kind of girl who can drive a man crazy. Moreover, not only in bed, but also outside it. Makeup, hairstyle, perfume are all important, as well as how you feel.

Female and male psychology in the book is described in sufficient detail, but at the same time, it is simple, which allows you to read the book in one go.

Marie Forleo in her book “You are a goddess” believes that a woman truly dreams only of love, and the realization of this dream is the primary task of every representative of the beautiful half of humanity.

If you feel the same way, You Are a Goddess by Marie Forleo is your must-read. If you are ready to drive the representatives of the strong half of humanity crazy, then "You are a goddess" will help you with this, revealing all the secrets and secrets of relationships. This is one of the best works in the category "Psychology for Women".

Secrets of geisha

For many, the word "geisha" is filled with mystery and something sexy. Perhaps that is why modern girls are so interested in this topic and want to know a lot more about the secrets of the Japanese geisha. After all, there are legends about her skills and talents. Many people mistakenly believe that geisha are Japanese women of easy virtue. This is not true. These ladies are women of art. They are well educated, intelligent, and their main task is to maintain a comfortable atmosphere when communicating with a man.

Basic rules of a geisha:

Secrets in sex

How to be remembered by a man in bed? How to conquer him and learn to drive him crazy during sex? Geisha secrets will tell you about this. These women, driving millions of men crazy, know everything about sex, they are considered real craftswomen.

Kissing... Particular attention should be paid to kissing. They should excite, drive crazy, bewitch. A prerequisite is to feel a partner.

Tongue caress... In bed, tongue caress is very important. They will make you worry with excitement and dream of continuing. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of playing with your tongue over the body of your beloved.

Possession of the muscles of the vagina. Geisha know how to completely control themselves and know how to bring a man to a quick orgasm by contracting the muscles of the vagina. For ordinary girls, special exercises will help in this.

Excitation... You must learn to get aroused quickly and strongly. To do this, help a man find the most exciting points on your body and show him how to use them.

Variation of poses... The more different positions you know, the more likely it is to please your partner and get it yourself.

Following these simple rules of oriental beauties, you will drive your man crazy and settle in his heart for a long time.

The Land of the Rising Sun has a great cultural heritage. Geisha have been its guardians for several centuries ..

In the original language, this word sounds like geisha, where gay means art, and sya means a person. Combining this, respectively, we get a "man of art". The main task of a geisha is to entertain their clients with dance, singing, tea ceremony, conversation and other program necessary for a cultural and interesting pastime.

"Geisha" means "man of art"

Japanese men especially appreciate them for their ability to conduct a relaxed conversation, natural communication with them and the ability to flatter male pride, which women of other social strata, bound by traditional conventions, which have formed, more precisely, fettered the female national character, could never afford. There was no prohibition on intimate relationships between a geisha and a man, and everything depended on the compliance of the girls, but this was already a part of personal life, not a profession.


Originally geisha were men. These were the ringleaders who combined the functions of an entertainer, toastmaster and accompanist of songs. In 1751, the first female ringleader appeared in the Kyoto quarter of Shimabara. In 1761, the first professional female geisha appeared in Yoshiwara. Soon Geisha women became so popular that they completely ousted men from their jobs. By the beginning of the 19th century, the term "geisha" (or geisha, as it is customary to write in Russia), became the designation of an exclusively female profession.

A geisha is a work of art, however, it can be ordered on an hourly basis. And although she spends an evening with a man, and often it is a whole company of men, such a pastime very rarely ends in sexual relations. You can't see this in other cultures. In other countries this is not uncommon, in Japan it is not. A man going to a geisha house knows that everything he said or did there will never go beyond these walls. It is the strict adherence to the code of silence, according to which a geisha has no right to talk about what is happening, that allows geisha houses to exist for four hundred years.

Most often, girls from poor families became geisha.

Most often, girls from poor families who were sold to okiya (geisha houses), the daughters of the owners of such houses or the daughters of the geisha themselves, became geisha. Mostly girls were sold to such communities by their families, due to the inability to even feed, and not just give any education. This is a fairly traditional path for cute and smart children from very poor or dysfunctional families. Only those who were pretty, smart and capable of learning were selected. In addition, they were taught, fed, and provided with clothing. So that the service did not seem like honey to them, they were entrusted with all the housework, starting with the most black and ungrateful.


In ancient times, the education of a geisha began at the age of 10, today it is strictly at the age of 16. During the preparation of the future geisha, it is necessary to master many skills, such as singing, dancing, mastering musical instruments, the ability to conduct tea ceremonies according to all the rules, maintain a conversation, keep abreast of the latest trends, subtleties of appearance, as a rule, the first 2-4 years of a girl have the status of a student - "maiko" and receive a new name, including, in the overwhelming majority of cases, part of the name of their older sister. From now on, the aspiring geisha should be appropriately dressed and combed. You can distinguish a maiko from her “older sister” by the clothes: the sleeves of the younger one are much shorter, and the lower collar is painted bright red.

The initiation ceremony for a geisha consists of a change of collar

The initiation ceremony for a geisha consists in changing this collar to a white one, embroidered with gold threads. It is believed that young girls attract clients with their bright appearance, and real modern geisha - with talents and skills. During this period, the task of the older sister is to introduce the novice geisha to her clients. That is why the experience of an older sister is so important: the more popular she is, the more likely an aspiring geisha will have a good client base. It is the older sister who will conduct a kind of auction among the wealthiest and voluptuous of her clients in order to sell the virginity of an aspiring geisha as expensive as possible. It should be clarified that until the maiko lost her virginity and became a woman, she was not considered a geisha. But this was the only moment in the life of a geisha when she provided a client with sexual services on a mandatory basis. In the future, to sleep or not to sleep with a man, depended only on herself.


This procedure took place almost like a ritual, it was called mizu-age, and it was performed by one of the elderly and respected clients of the hanamichi. The attitude to virginity in the culture of geisha was reverent: the maiko had no idea about this side of relations with men, so the right to the first night was very expensive and the client was selected for this purpose with great care. At the end of the procedure, the maiko ceased to be a student and became a full-fledged geisha, having from that moment the right to a special hairstyle.

Maiko changes his hairstyle five times before becoming a geisha.

Maiko changes his hairstyle five times, symbolizing each step that leads to becoming a geisha. In the Mizuage ceremony, the top of the head is symbolically cut to mark the transition from a girl to a young woman with a more mature hairstyle. Since that time, she has worn her hair with a red silk bow at the base of the bun.


Applying makeup is a kind of ritual. The crimson lipstick is applied to half of the lips, giving them a seductive shape. A strip of non-whitewash skin remains along the hairline, the geisha have managed to turn this to their advantage, creating the illusion that they are wearing a mask. A piece of unpainted leather in the place where it peeks out from under the kimono on the back emphasizes the sensuality of the naked neck.

To put herself in order, she spends about 4-5 hours daily.
A geisha's most valuable possession has always been her kimono. A first-class geisha should have at least 22 of them. Made of the finest silk, each one costs several thousand dollars. In reality, a kimono is not a dress or a robe, but a single piece of fabric that is wrapped around the body in a special way and secured with several belts. There are several types of kimono: formal, semi-formal and even sports (they are used during rehearsals). In winter and autumn, a kimono with a warm lining is worn, in spring on cotton, and in summer (from May to September) of fine silk.

Geisha and men

The life of a geisha was not as easy and carefree as it seemed at first glance. In one evening, geisha managed to attend a dozen of all kinds of parties, earning money for their communities. And it was not an easy job: after all, they should look fresh and irresistible, although by the end of their working day they almost fell off their feet.

By the end of their working day, geisha nearly fell off their feet.

Having passed the rite of passage, the geisha began to work independently. Clients paid for the time spent in the company of the beauty. From the very beginning of their careers, geisha built a reputation for themselves that needed to be maintained. Very often the geisha had a patron - "danna", with whom she spent most of her working time.

Dunna must support the girl (which is a very difficult burden - the prices for kimono alone are quite exorbitant), and also contribute to the growth of her popularity. Often, the patron has children from her, whom he also takes care of.
The only thing that is not allowed to do is to marry her geisha. After all, geisha had no right to marry without "going out of business." Only "mothers" had such a right.
Naturally, the communities were interested in the geisha having such patrons. Firstly, because Danna was not at all exempt from ordinary payments and did not even use discounts when he invited his enchantress to parties and receptions, and secondly, this status repeatedly increased the hourly rate of the geisha herself when she was invited by other men.

Men also had their own reason to become a given. Having a geisha on the maintenance means a significant increase in their own prestige for the male elite. And not only because of the exceptional high cost of such a "hobby", since the maintenance of a woman can take up to 300 thousand dollars a year and even more. This status indicates that the man has impeccable taste and is a subtle connoisseur and true connoisseur of the Japanese ideals of beauty. Being the patron saint of a geisha has always been considered the height of prestige and prosperity.
The art of Japanese beauties went through the most serious crisis after the Second World War, when the country became impoverished and there were simply almost no wealthy people left. And those who remained did not want to spend money on entertainment at all. Japan was overrun by the Americans, who did not consider it necessary to respect the ancient culture of this country. Geisha they called all women who, out of despair and obvious need, showed them, so lacking in a foreign land, attention.

But at that time of poverty and devastation, and real geisha needed to somehow survive and preserve their business. Some did not shun ties with Americans, but still most managed to survive these difficult times and bring the unchanging traditions and cultural heritage of the whole country to this day.

Deliberate sexuality today is no longer surprising, let alone hook, so that right in the heart and for a long time. In our time, it is difficult to find a movie without explicit scenes, a video clip without a half-naked singer, and advertising without a hint of frankness. And humor on the stage, by the way, hits more and more below the belt. And how can an ordinary modern woman, with all the abundance of frankness and the absence of prohibitions, remain a wonderful mistress and at the same time not become infected with vulgarity? The one who should learn the art of seduction is from the most mysterious women in the world - geisha!

It is they who possess the secret secrets of conquering the male heart with just one glance. They are the keepers of the most ancient, and probably the most chaste art of seduction, it is about them that many legends have been written, many films have been shot and it is they who are still considered the standard of sexuality and femininity. What are the secrets of this magical attraction of geisha?

All of them consist in daily, painstaking and hard work on oneself, creative and intellectual development. Being a geisha is a real craft that has been learned since childhood. And the center has always been and remains a Man (with a capital letter). Geisha knew how not only to seduce, but also to respect, listen, maintain any conversation, admire, care, conquer with talents, entertain, excite and intrigue. It is no wonder that they literally could subjugate men, penetrate into their most secret recesses of the soul and stay there for a long time. Maybe we can take lessons at a geisha school and try to comprehend the ancient art?

First lesson. Psychology

A real geisha is fluent in the science of psychology. She knows how to listen carefully, guess the mood, gracefully indulge male weaknesses, knows how to calm down any storm of emotions, always showing true female wisdom and flexibility. Therefore, we should also learn exactly these necessary and important feminine qualities. Men's endeavors and interests are worth supporting, and getting what you want not with hysteria and tears, but with wisdom. So the first lesson - we buy the necessary literature on psychology and intensively absorb smart knowledge for the benefit of loving mutual understanding.

Lesson two. Development of creativity

Every morning a geisha began not with a cup of coffee and an hour of sitting on the Internet, but with developmental activities and lessons. Geisha learned to dance, paint, play musical instruments. After all, a man is always conquered by talent, although he never realizes that grueling training and hard work are behind a skillful skill. It's time for us to forget about lazy lying on the bed and do something really useful. If you dream of losing a couple of kilos - sign up for fitness, if you want to conquer a man by dancing - the doors of the dance studio are always open. The geisha's main trump cards are not rhinestones on the clothes of world brands and not frank night outfits, but her talents, which can manifest themselves in the most unexpected situations and strike a well-aimed blow at a man's heart.

Learn to paint flowers with watercolors. Watch the video!..

Lesson three. Speech technique

Lesson four. The art of love

Contrary to popular belief, the art of the geisha was not aimed at seducing a man at all. A geisha is far from a one-night stand. Those lucky ones who got access to the body of this skillful seductress had to conquer the geisha herself, in return they actually acquired a long-term mistress for themselves. An experienced geisha knew all the subtleties of the art of love and could open a man new, previously unknown horizons of pleasure. Therefore, our task is to learn to feel our body and masterly master the art of erotic caresses. To do this, you should not watch porn films and imitate movie strippers. Let's use the time-tested Kegel exercises to increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. How to do them can be found everywhere - both in books and on the Internet. They are very simple, and they allow you to train your muscles even at work, even on the subway, or even in line at the store. The effect of such training has been shaking for more than a dozen years not only for women, but also for men, literally opening up new boundaries of sexual pleasure.

Lesson five. Harmony

But the main secret of geisha lies in harmony. Everything they do, what they touch and what they say just exudes naturalness. No artificiality, just art. The man has the complete impression that with all this hidden beauty and talent, you have already been born. To create around oneself this world of amazing harmony is the highest skill of a geisha.

From time immemorial, women have mastered the secret art of seduction, which was passed from mouth to mouth. The older experienced women imparted knowledge and wisdom to the younger ones and prepared them for life. Most of you, of course, have seen the film adaptation of Arthur Golden's novel "Memoirs of a Geisha", someone accidentally watched this film, and someone wanted to comprehend this great science of seduction in Japanese.

Who is a geisha?

To begin with, you should immediately notice that initially geisha (translated from Japanese - "Man of art") there were artists (actors, musicians, dancers) and they were all men! Only later did women come to this craft, because, you see, a woman is much better suited for the entertainment of a man.

As we remember from the film "Memoirs of a Geisha," the father sells the little girl Chio and her sister, and so one of them (Chio) ends up in the geisha's house, and the other - in the entertainment quarter. The latter ended up in the world of prostitution, i.e. who pays, then calls the "tune", while little Chio was lucky enough to get into the house of geisha. It is just a myth that geisha were mostly girls from poor families, many respected families gave their daughters to such institutions. Moreover, getting into a respected house of geisha is the height of any girl's dreams. The girls learned various types of art (singing, drawing, dancing, playing musical instruments) and served geishas, ​​accompanying them at events. Then they received recognition and became equal geishas.

Prostitution and the profession of a geisha cannot be perceived equivalently, because geisha have more economic independence than, for example, most Japanese wives. A geisha does not have to go to bed with everyone in a row, her main task is to entertain a man, spiritually. As for the intimate sphere of entertainment, a man must first obtain consent.

In addition, it is a mistake to believe that any man can afford to be accompanied by a geisha for his evening, because this requires not only a lot of money, but also recommendations. And geisha are free to choose the men who propose to her; she can refuse a high-ranking official in favor of a nicer oil tycoon, for example. And geisha are in no hurry to get married and become ordinary Japanese women, because for this they will have to give up their "higher" destiny.

Interesting video on the topic:

Who is a geisha?

Geisha beauty

Interesting video on the topic:

Coverage: Japan: Foreign Women Explore Geisha Art

Geisha makeup:

Tea ceremony:

Secrets of seduction of a geisha

And if you combine points 1 and 2, then a “killer” mixture will come out altogether, because men are drawn to positive-minded women like a magnet. A smile and the ability to rejoice in little things subconsciously tell men that such a woman is ready to give and receive sexual pleasure.