Blueish thin skin. Thin skin what to do. Skin atrophy. Parsley mask

How to thicken the skin on the face and under the eyes: proper care and strengthening

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What if the skin is naturally thin and sensitive? How to preserve its beauty and attractiveness for many years? How to strengthen such skin, make it thicker and denser, and therefore younger and more elastic? All these topical questions will be revealed, be careful and remember!

What information will you learn:

Signs of thin skin

Sensitive and thin skin

With age, our skin type can change depending on lifestyle, climate, bad habits, dietary habits, professional conditions, cosmetics used, past diseases.

Thin facial skin can be easily tested with a regular tissue. Applying it to the face, you will never see traces of fat, since this type is prone to excessive dryness. This condition is caused by a decrease or complete absence of sebum production. It leads to loss of elasticity, firmness, premature aging and the appearance of a noticeable amount of wrinkles. In addition, this type of skin is distinguished by pronounced capillaries that can give the face a red and unhealthy tint due to the thinness of the epidermis.

As for the skin around the eyes, it is dry and thin in all women, without exception, due to the lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue. If you start proper care from an early age, you will save and also noticeably improve her condition for many years without the need for radical and aggressive rejuvenation techniques.

Features of care for thin skin of the face and around the eyes

Thin skin requires regular care

The thin type of skin does not tolerate washing with soap, thinning and dehydrating even more each time. However, if you cannot do without this usual procedure, use soft water that has gone through the boiling process. Soap can be used once a week, not more often. As a cleaning agent, you can use egg yolk, rich in valuable vitamins and minerals, white bread crumb infused with milk, steamed oatmeal, sour cream.

The area around the eyes before washing is best lubricated with a thin layer of olive oil or any other vegetable-based oil.

Never rub or stretch such leather. Perform all movements easily and accurately, eliminating the appearance of irritation and wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise to clean it in the morning with special products in the form of milk, lotion, thermal water, which are not able to remove the lipid protective layer created overnight. They must be completely free of alcohols and components that dry the epidermis (acids, abrasives), otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Try to stay out of the sun less, since ultraviolet radiation is the main cause of dryness, early aging and thinning of the skin layer.

If exposure to the sun cannot be avoided, be sure to use protective equipment containing special filters that reflect directional rays and prevent the aggressive, destructive effects of the sun on the cells of the epidermis.

In winter, before going outside, be sure to lubricate the skin with nourishing creams containing a large percentage of fats and natural oils that tighten and tone up turgor.

Everyday evening massage of the face and the area around the eyes can significantly improve blood circulation and, as a result, the nutrition of thin skin. You need to perform it with your fingertips after cleansing the face and before applying caring cosmetics. Movements should be neat, light, directed from the middle of the face to the temples, that is, strictly along the massage lines.

What active ingredients should be present in eye cosmetics

Cosmetics for eyes with thin skin should be special

High-quality compositions included in cosmetic products for the care of thin and dry skin necessarily contain the following components, the action of which is to restore, moisturize, nourish and strengthen both the outer and inner layers of the skin:

  • retinol or vitamin A, which is involved in the regeneration (renewal) of cells, improvement of microcirculation, hydration, nutrition, support of elasticity, appearance of elasticity, general rejuvenation;
  • lanolin, containing a large percentage of animal fats, instantly nourishes, protects and tightens turgor;
  • vegetable oils with a high content of youth and beauty vitamin - E (jojoba, olive, burdock, peach, almond, wheat germ);
  • allantoin or bisabolol (repair damaged cells, prevent dryness, irritation of the epidermis, protect against the aggressive action of most external factors);
  • hyaluronic acid (has active moisturizing, rejuvenating, healing, production of own collagen substances);
  • vitamin C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries, prevents their fragility, redness and thickening - rosacea);
  • extracts or decoctions of natural herbs and plants (eliminate inflammatory effects, saturate the skin with antioxidants, rejuvenate and renew).

The most effective natural homemade masks for skin tightening, renewal and nutrition

Masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use.

Very often, thin and dry skin reacts negatively to factory cosmetics with the appearance of irritation, redness and swelling. For owners of sensitive skin, we recommend preparing the following simple masks from the available ingredients 3 times a week, preferably in the evening.

Do not forget that masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use, and also if they are applied to clean, makeup-free and pollution-free skin.

  1. Based on cucumber juice. You will need to mix 50 ml of juice from fresh, finely grated cucumber with egg yolk, 10 ml of almond oil, 1 ampoule of retinol - vitamin A and 1 ampoule of vitamin E (sold in a pharmacy). Add wheat flour to the consistency of sour cream, mixing everything thoroughly.
  2. Based on parsley juice. You will need 20 ml of olive oil, 10 grams of potato flour and chopped parsley in a blender. Mix all ingredients well and apply.
  3. Avocado based. Avocado pulp, turned into a mushy mass in the amount of 20 grams, is mixed with 10 ml of cold-pressed olive oil, everything is mixed well.
  4. Spinach mask. Take 20 ml of fresh spinach juice, add 1 ampoule of vitamin A and 10 grams of baby fat cream to it, mix everything thoroughly and apply.
  5. Based on starch. Potato starch in an amount of 30 grams is mixed with 15 ml of high-fat cream, the mixture is left for 30 minutes. Then add to the composition 30 ml of vitamin E oil concentrate (in ampoules) and leave the mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before use, add 10 grams of finely chopped mint, parsley and mix thoroughly.

Do not forget that a varied diet, good sleep, a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits can positively affect the condition of your skin!

Receiving constant care with cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting, the skin will be filled with radiance, health and elasticity so that you always remain young, beautiful and desirable!

VIDEO: Mandatory steps for home care for thin, sensitive facial skin

If you have thin facial skin, then to achieve beauty, you need not only the use of various cosmetics, but also procedures aimed at improving the condition of the skin. The choice of cosmetics must be approached consciously: avoid the presence of allergenic components in the composition of the product, take into account the indications for use and strictly follow the instructions.

Basic rules of care

Skin type matters a lot: none of the expensive creams will do any good if they don't suit you.

The advantages of thin skin are a healthy color and a natural glow, lack of shine and enlarged pores, so it is necessary to have knowledge that will help maintain the attractiveness of the skin, give it a unique beauty. Thin facial skin requires special care and careful selection of cosmetics.

It is necessary to wash only with cool water: hot water or the use of herbal compresses leads to the expansion of blood vessels, the accelerated work of the sebaceous glands.

In no case should you wipe your face with an ice cube. Thin skin does not have the ability to retain moisture for a long time: with a rapid loss of moisture, wrinkles can appear. This type of skin is extremely sensitive, therefore, for the cleansing procedure, it is best to use not a scrub, but a gentle facial peeling.

Creams and masks for thin skin

When choosing a cream for day or evening skin care, you need to pay attention to the absence of biostimulants and hormones in the composition, which can lead to premature aging.

It should be noted that masks, which include aloe or honey, are contraindicated for owners of thin skin. Try to use special protection products: make-up remover tonics (containing no alcohol), moisturizing and softening creams, lotions that do not require rinsing.

Other nuances of thin skin care

Thin skin is characterized by the rapid appearance of facial wrinkles, so you should not squint and wrinkle your forehead. Try to control your facial expressions and keep your skin youthful.

The thin skin of the face is most susceptible to external factors:

  • To direct sunlight
  • smoky air
  • strong wind
  • salt water

The laws of proper nutrition should be adopted: the use of spicy delicacies, smoked fish, fried meat can affect the condition of the skin, and it is better to replace strong tea with green tea.
Thin skin requires careful handling and individual care.

Owners of dry skin have noticed more than once that their dermis is easily exposed to external factors. Many dermatologists and cosmetologists attribute this to the fact that this type of skin is usually too thin, so various kinds of wrinkles, peeling, and similar problems can occur already in adolescence. Dry and thin skin of the body, face or hands requires special care. What do owners of this type need to know and how to care for such a capricious dermis?

Like soy, rice bran is highly valued in the Far East. Given their cultural obsession with flawless skin and youthfulness, Japanese beauty products such as rice bran are traditionally focused on anti-aging and sun damage. Now these prized oriental beauty treatments are making their way to the west. Rice bran is a by-product obtained from the processing of rice.

Another skin-smoothing ingredient found in rice bran is called phytic acid, which is the main component of all plant seeds. Phytic acid is an antioxidant that can help improve skin tone by inhibiting tyrosinase, 30 key enzymes involved in skin pigmentation.

Thin skin is characterized by dryness and frequent irritations. It has one significant drawback, which is almost impossible to eliminate - more quickly aging, the appearance of wrinkles. Unlike other types of epidermis, it is less resistant to external factors, weather conditions, and therefore most often has a dull, fading appearance.

Rice bran also contains small amounts of the powerful emollient squalene, which forms the main component of polyunsaturated lipids on the surface of the skin and is critical in reducing oxidative damage to the skin caused by free radicals. 31.

Apple stem cells: epidermal renewal

Just like humans, plants also have stem cells. Scientists are very interested in the benefits of the fruit of the rare Swiss apple tree. In a clinical trial, 20 participants applied an anti-wrinkle cream containing apple stem cell extract twice to the crow's leg area around the eyes. Scientists found a 15% reduction in wrinkle depth after 4 weeks. 32 This special apple extract thus provides a valuable topical agent that helps reduce the signs of aging.

Nevertheless, the problems described above can be countered if you properly care for this type of epidermis. And the first thing you should pay attention to is hygiene. This applies not only to the dermis on the body, but also to the face. Skin contact with water can cause irritation, leading to peeling, inflammation and redness. To avoid this, it is recommended to use:

Video "Common mistakes in the care of dry and thin skin"

To complement all of the above botanical extracts, the other two science-based nutrients described below can help inhibit glycyl processes that cause the skin's collagen fibers to crosslink. Blueberries contain powerful ingredients that complement soy and rice bran extracts to block harmful sugar-protein reactions that occur during skin glycation.

All subjects in this study showed significant improvement in fine lines, deep wrinkles, firmness, tactile roughness, and overall appearance of 37 factors that can be compromised by skin glycation. Natural antioxidants found in white, green, black and red teas provide additional support for topical skin rejuvenation treatments.

  • warm water at room temperature, you can use slightly cool water, but in no case hot;
  • it is better to use boiled or melted water, as it has a more gentle effect on the epidermis than chlorinated water;
  • you can use decoctions of herbs, instead of water, chamomile, succession, St. John's wort, nettle are best suited for this.

Cool water not only has a more gentle effect on the skin, but also helps to avoid such trouble as capillaries.

A special dermatologist-inspired formulation using stem cell technology has been shown to quickly and effectively target dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. At the heart of this active botanical complex is a combination of soy and rice bran extracts that have been clinically proven to improve microcirculation, preserve elastin and collagen, and combat free radical damage in the tissues surrounding the eye area. These extracts are supported by powerful phytonutrients found in blueberries that inhibit glycation processes that contribute to skin aging, along with natural antioxidants from pomegranate and tea extracts that strengthen the skin around the sensitive eye area.

The second, which is one of the main rules for people with thin body skin, is properly selected skincare products. In order not to aggravate the situation and not dry out the epidermis even more, it is recommended to choose natural cosmetics. If this is not possible, then you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • shower gels, soap and means for washing should be chosen in accordance with the type of epidermis- give preference to series for a dry, sensitive type;
  • choose cosmetics without soap, that is, SLS;
  • soap is better to use in liquid form, as it has a smaller amount of alkali;
  • when choosing cosmetics, pay attention to pH, which should not be more than 5.5;
  • for hygiene procedures, it is highly undesirable to use washcloths, especially hard ones, they can further damage the epidermis;
  • after water procedures, be sure to use moisturizing cosmetics (milk, creams, gels or oils).

If you use body scrubs, then the abrasive particles should be very soft and small. It is better to use not even a scrub, but a soft peeling or gommage.

Have you ever wished you had thicker skin? Not the ability to roll with punches, bounce fast and not let things get to you, but really thick skin. Skin that does not show every bump and bruise, or is easily torn, leading to cuts even with the slightest abrasion.

Thin skin is a common effect of sun exposure and aging, but we can always work to prevent further damage. Here is your guide to understand the thickness of your skin and do what is necessary to keep it from thinning out over time.

Video "Common mistakes in the care of dry and thin skin"

How to avoid aggravation of the situation at different times of the year?

It's no secret that at different times of the year, in different weather, human skin is exposed to external factors. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that will help to avoid additional inflammation.

Consider the 3 components of the skin: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The top layer provides a barrier between your skin and the world. It keeps the bad things out while still retaining moisture. You keep this layer intact by moisturizing it, so it's less prone to cracking and open to infection.

The next layer, the dermis, really affects the thickness of your skin. Genetics play an important role in determining skin thickness. If you see tendons and veins on your forearms and the backs of your arms, you are probably genetically predisposed to thinner skin.

Genetics certainly contribute to the problem of thin skin, but they are not the most important factor. UV light has the greatest effect on the thinness of our skin. The sun causes a reaction when the dermis loses its elasticity. As its ability to lower back decreases, the thickness of the dermis also increases. Then wrinkles and bruises will appear. Without the elasticity of the skin, the blood vessels do not have enough scaffolding and maintain rebound after injury. Induce the appearance of aging skin.

In summer, for this, sunscreen must be present in the daily ritual of care. , foam or emulsion.

Under the influence of sunlight, the skin can get not only burns, which will bring a lot of inconvenience, but can also dry out. This will lead to even greater thinning, as a result, without going to a dermatologist it will not be easy to correct the situation.

The Best Treatment for Thin Skin: Prevention

But what if you have great skin? What if you don't get freckles or moles when you tan? When your skin is thin, you cannot do to change the effects. This means sunscreen every morning on your face, neck, chest, arms and hands - not just on the days you'll be in the pool.

You cannot go back and change how well your parents protected you from the sun. But now it's under your control. The amount of damage you receive over these decades greatly affects how your skin turns out. Choosing someone to treat your lines and wrinkles is a big decision. Ask these questions to find the right cosmetic supplier.

In summer, it is also recommended to cover the skin with thin fabrics, such as chiffon or tulle, so as not to expose it once again to the sun. And on the beaches, use special tanning products, you can use a cheaper, but natural and effective remedy- olive oil.

If you are out of protection limits, take heart. While the process of reversing the changes can be frustrating and costly, there are several interventions that can help your skin. Visit your dermatologist first for advice on areas where you see thin skin. Treatments should be tailored to the area of ​​concern. Creams can help some troubles. Other areas may require laser treatment to see results.

Fractional laser resurfacing lasers work to stimulate new growth and improve skin and collagen. If you're struggling with thin skin, you need someone to be honest about what will work. There are many products that claim to rejuvenate thin skin, but few over-the-counter products and supplements for thin skin get results. By seeing the condition of your skin, your dermatologist can help you find what will make the difference.

In the winter season, as for the skin of the face, you need to use protective creams from the weather. You can also use any fat cream, for 10 - 15 minutes before going out into the cold. Due to the coating of the epidermis with a greasy film, dry skin will be protected from wind, frost and exposure to cold weather.

The lack of vitamins and other trace elements affects your skin

Don't forget the main thing. Your skin is the result of the work and health of internal organs and the whole organism.

No matter where you are, never underestimate the value of preventing further damage. Go ahead and wear sunscreen daily to keep your skin from now on. Thin layer skin for skin is one of the most common problems we are asked about in the clinic. This is a very difficult sign of aging to prevent because it has so many different causes and can occur all over the body. Sun damage is the main culprit, but pollution, smoking, and rapid weight loss also contribute.

Therefore, various kinds of pathologies, hormonal disruptions and restructuring, malnutrition, lack of sleep, as well as a lack of vitamins, minerals and other trace elements negatively affect our appearance.

Therefore, you need to monitor your body, eat right, doctors recommend that some representatives of the weaker sex go on a diet to cleanse the body.

Interesting video: Care for teenage skin at home

The hormonal changes that occur before menopause cause a decrease in collagen and elastin production, which adds to the problem. Difficult to treat once the skin thins, it can be difficult to add thickness again. However, there are procedures that can smooth and soften.

Creams for thin skin

The skin is cleansed and a series of injections appear on the face. Three to five sessions per month may be required.

You may be slightly red for several hours after treatment, but you will see an immediate overflowing effect. Full results are visible after six weeks and last up to two years.

The diet should contain a lot of fruits, vegetables, protein. It is also recommended to additionally use vitamin complexes that will strengthen the entire body and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

What should the diet consist of?

Almost every dermatologist recommends reviewing your diet and adding the most suitable dishes. For this, fish and meat products must be included in daily meals. Fish is best boiled, as fried fish can contribute to the formation of inflammation, and cause clogged pores. And indeed, people with a specific type of epidermis are better off giving up this kind of junk food.

A hand roller covered with hundreds of very fine needles is used to puncture the skin, leaving tiny pins. This activates the wound healing response, which boosts collagen levels and thickens the skin. The skin is cleansed and the peptide serum is massaged over the face.

The roller moves over the skin, helping the serum to penetrate into deeper layers. Then an antioxidant serum is applied. The treatment can be a bit uncomfortable and is like being massaged with a pad. There is no recovery time required and after one treatment, the skin will look plump and rosy.

Meat is also best steamed or boiled, without the use of hot spices.

Dairy products must be present in the daily diet of people with thin body skin:

  • yogurts;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • ryazhenka.

A course of six is ​​recommended, once every two to three weeks. Price: From £250 per treatment. This advanced RF treatment is good for the face, around the eyes and décolleté. It targets uneven skin tone and skin roughness and helps firm and firm the skin. The handheld device delivers RF energy to the skin by creating tiny holes that the body naturally regenerates.

Peeling thin skin

One to four sessions may be required. Topical anesthesia is used on sensitive areas of the face and body. There may be some swelling and bruising within a week, but results can be seen immediately and will continue to improve for up to six months after treatment as new collagen is formed.

This will strengthen the body as a whole and help remove negative bacteria from the intestines.

Do not forget about vitamins. Every day you need to consume 1 - 2 apples, which are rich in vitamins and other trace elements.

Remember that thin skin -this is not a sentence, and with proper care, it can shine with beauty, bewitch and be velvety. Moreover, today there are all the possibilities for this, and cosmetic products make it possible to choose the most suitable means.

Results last up to four years. It uses radio frequency, infrared light and intense pulsed light to enhance collagen production, stimulate new cell growth, soften wrinkles and improve skin tone. The skin is cleared prior to using three different handheld devices. The former is designed for age spots and age marks, the latter stimulates collagen growth and softens lines, while the latter are repaired to improve skin elasticity.

A single 45-minute treatment gives instant results. The skin will look brighter, fresher and plumper. Strengthening and tightening results continue after treatment as healthy new collagen develops. A course of three treatments is recommended for best results and results will last up to a year.

Video "Why is the skin dry and thin?"

An informative video that will help you understand the reasons why the epidermis is dry and thin.

Skin atrophy occurs due to a violation of the structure and function of the connective skin and is clinically characterized by thinning of the epidermis and dermis. The skin becomes dry, transparent, wrinkled, gently folded, hair loss and telangiectasia are often noted. Histopathological changes in skin atrophy are manifested by thinning of the epidermis and dermis, a decrease in connective tissue elements (mainly elastic fibers) in the papillary and reticular dermis, dystrophic changes in hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands. Simultaneously with the thinning of the skin, focal seals may be noted due to the growth of connective tissue (idiopathic progressive atrophy of the skin).

Atrophic processes in the skin can be associated with a decrease in metabolism during aging of the body (senile atrophy), with pathological processes caused by cachexia, beriberi, hormonal disorders, circulatory disorders, neurotrophic and inflammatory changes. Atrophy of the skin is accompanied by a violation of its structure and functional state, which is manifested in a decrease in the number and volume of certain structures and the weakening or termination of their functions. The process may involve the epidermis, dermis or subcutaneous tissue in isolation, or all structures at the same time (skin panatrophy).

Questions and answers on the topic "Thin skin"

Question:I have very thin skin on my hands (not the hands, but the area from the hand to the elbow), which, when it comes into contact with something hard, is immediately wiped off (sadines, wounds form) or bruises appear that do not go away for a long time. All this provides discomfort, wounds bleed. How to deal with this and which doctor should I contact?

Answer: Hello! You need to be examined by an endocrinologist, check your blood for sugar, and also contact a vascular surgeon.

Question:I have very thin and sensitive skin on my face. All the wreaths, vessels are visible on it, all the time various reddenings and some kind of different complexion. And when there are situations when I have to cry, my eyes swell up a lot and my whole face is covered with large red spots that last for a day. It's horrible. Tell me please what should I do? What tonal creams and correctors for the face (or other means) can achieve a perfect, even complexion? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Thin sensitive skin requires special care. First of all, you need to use special cosmetics for sensitive skin, you should also avoid the use of hormonal creams and ointments. To improve the structure of the skin, it is recommended to carry out a biorevitalization procedure. You need to consult a dermatocosmetologist to discuss the course of procedures, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Question:I have thin facial skin, capillaries are visible on the cheeks. How should I take care of my skin, so as not to harm even more? And is it worth taking a course of treatment? What skin care products can you choose?

Answer: Without a personal examination, I can not recommend anything. I advise you to seek an internal consultation with a dermatocosmetologist.

Irina Ananchenko

Owners of dry skin constantly struggle with its pallor, lethargy and peeling, fine wrinkles and closely spaced blood vessels. It is noteworthy that even in adolescence, the skin of this type is quickly covered with wrinkles that appear on the eyelids and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. As a person grows older, capillaries, spots and foci of peeling appear. In addition, all these defects in appearance become inflamed in the cold.

Such thin skin is unable to produce enough sebum, and because of this, it is constantly dry and dehydrated. This moment obliges to constantly nourish it, moisturize it, and provide delicate care.

For example, before going outside, it is necessary to use moisturizing and nourishing products in the form of masks or creams, emulsions and sprays.

Very dry and thin skin on the body and face also has its own advantages, which are tenderness and fine porosity.

And if you guarantee her proper care, then she will remain smooth, glowing with health from the inside and out. Again, a similar effect lasts up to a maximum of 25 years, after which foci of peeling, inflammation and fine wrinkles invariably appear on it.

How to properly care?

The rules for caring for thin and withered skin are as follows:

  • It is not necessary to constantly use cleansers in the form of foams or gels. Cosmetics and dirt can simply be washed off with warm water, and instead of peeling, use a soft disposable cloth;
  • Make-up removal can be done using a specific cosmetic oil, which foams well, does not irritate or dry out the skin, is easily washed off and significantly moisturizes;
  • It is important for people with dry skin types to regularly use appropriate creams that contain urea and gammalinoleic acid. These components will help the dermis retain moisture and reduce the number of rough areas on it. It is advisable to make moisturizing and nourishing masks, buying ready-made or mixing them personally;
  • Thin skin on the face and body should be moisturized and cleansed twice a day, at the same time it should be protected from direct sunlight, wind and extreme heat.

In general, you can take care of this type of skin according to the following algorithm:

  • In the morning: cleansing with warm water, toilet milk or cosmetic oil, wiping with lotion based on linden or flax seeds, moisturizing with cream;
  • During the day, dry dermis is moisturized with creams and milk at least once. Nutritious masks are made a couple of times a week;
  • In the evening, the skin of the face and the whole body is cleansed with the same soft cosmetic milk. If you have to deal with hard water, additional wiping with a non-alcoholic tonic is mandatory. It will eliminate the remnants of salts that dry out the dermis;
  • Before going to bed, a moisturizing cream with a deep nourishing effect is applied.

What should be given up?

What not to do if you have thin facial skin:

  • Often visit saunas and baths, engage in diaphoretic sports. If this is the case, sunscreen should be rubbed in before classes, and immediately after them, apply a moisturizing or nourishing mask;
  • Scrubs and peels are detrimental to dry skin;
  • There will be a complete rejection of masks and tonics based on alcohol;
  • In winter, it is not recommended to change moisturizing cosmetics, since the dermis is already experiencing seasonal stress;
  • The protective capabilities of dry skin type are reduced due to improper care, constant exposure to the sun and heat. Take this into account in the course of your activities;
  • Additional dehydration is experienced by thin skin on the body and hands in the process of consuming alcohol, laxatives and diuretic drinks;
  • Air conditioners, heaters and indoor climate control devices have a drying effect.

In the case when the dermis on the face, hands and the whole body is constantly peeling off, it is recommended to always have with you: jojoba oil, panthenol ointment and chamomile tea bags.

First, it is enough to lubricate problem areas throughout the day, and apply steamed bags to flaky places.

Of the non-traditional ways of moistening, we can recommend promenades in rainy and foggy weather.

Composing for yourself a comprehensive program of how to care for the thin skin of your face, choose modern cosmetics and technologies. It is desirable that the selected products contain ceramides and liposomes.

Such ingredients help retain moisture in the dermis.

Homemade care products

We offer recipes for what you can and should do if you have thin skin under your eyes or all over your body:

  • It is very useful to make masks from raw yeast diluted with sour cream or cream;
  • Perfectly moisturizes the mask of tsp. condensed milk and the same amount of natural honey. It should be applied for 20-40 minutes;
  • A nourishing linen mask is prepared as follows: a couple of tbsp. seed is boiled in two cups of water until completely boiled. The finished mass is applied to the skin under the eyes or to the place where a sign of peeling has formed. The mask must be applied in a hot state;
  • The following composition helps to adjust the water balance, and at the same time achieve an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect: 1 fresh egg yolk, 0.5 tsp. buckwheat natural honey, a few drops of vegetable oil and 10 drops of fresh lemon juice. Everything must be beaten to a foamy state, add 1 tsp. oatmeal or ground flakes, apply to the skin until the mixture dries completely.

Owners of dry skin have noticed more than once that their dermis is easily exposed to external factors. Many dermatologists and cosmetologists attribute this to the fact that this type of skin is usually too thin, so various kinds of wrinkles, peeling, and similar problems can occur already in adolescence. Dry and thin skin of the body, face or hands requires special care. What do owners of this type need to know and how to care for such a capricious dermis?

Thin skin care

Thin skin is characterized by dryness and frequent irritations. It has one significant drawback, which is almost impossible to eliminate - it undergoes aging more quickly, the appearance of wrinkles. Unlike other types of epidermis, it is less resistant to external factors, weather conditions, and therefore most often has a dull, fading appearance.

Nevertheless, the problems described above can be countered if you properly care for this type of epidermis. And the first thing you should pay attention to is hygiene. This applies not only to the dermis on the body, but also to the face. Skin contact with water can cause irritation, leading to peeling, inflammation and redness. To avoid this, it is recommended to use:

  • warm water at room temperature, you can use slightly cool water, but in no case hot;
  • it is better to use boiled or melted water, as it has a more gentle effect on the epidermis than chlorinated water;
  • you can use decoctions of herbs, instead of water, chamomile, succession, St. John's wort, nettle are best suited for this.

Cool water not only has a more gentle effect on the skin, but also helps to avoid such trouble as capillaries.

The second, which is one of the main rules for people with thin body skin, is properly selected skincare products. In order not to aggravate the situation and not dry out the epidermis even more, it is recommended to choose natural cosmetics. If this is not possible, then you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • shower gels, soaps and cleansers should be chosen according to the type of epidermis - give preference to series for a dry, sensitive type;
  • choose cosmetics without soap, that is, SLS;
  • soap is better to use in liquid form, as it has a smaller amount of alkali;
  • when choosing cosmetics, pay attention to pH, which should not be more than 5.5;
  • for hygiene procedures, it is highly undesirable to use washcloths, especially hard ones, they can further damage the epidermis;
  • after water procedures, be sure to use moisturizing cosmetics (milk, creams, gels or oils).

If you use body scrubs, then the abrasive particles should be very soft and small. It is better to use not even a scrub, but a soft peeling or gommage.

Video "Common mistakes in the care of dry and thin skin"

How to avoid aggravation of the situation at different times of the year?

It's no secret that at different times of the year, in different weather, human skin is exposed to external factors. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that will help to avoid additional inflammation.

In the summer, for this, care must be present in the daily ritual, foam or emulsion.

Under the influence of sunlight, the skin can get not only burns, which will bring a lot of inconvenience, but can also dry out. This will lead to even greater thinning, as a result, without going to a dermatologist it will not be easy to correct the situation.

In summer, it is also recommended to cover the skin with thin fabrics, such as chiffon or tulle, so as not to expose it once again to the sun. And on the beaches, use special tanning products, you can use a cheaper, but natural and effective remedy -.

In the winter season, as for the skin of the face, you need to use protective creams from the weather. You can also use any fat cream, 10-15 minutes before going out into the cold. Due to the coating of the epidermis with a greasy film, dry skin will be protected from wind, frost and exposure to cold weather.

The lack of vitamins and other trace elements affects your skin

Don't forget the main thing. Your skin is the result of the work and health of internal organs and the whole organism.

Therefore, various kinds of pathologies, hormonal disruptions and restructuring, malnutrition, lack of sleep, as well as a lack of vitamins, minerals and other trace elements negatively affect our appearance.

Therefore, you need to monitor your body, eat right, doctors recommend that some representatives of the weaker sex go on a diet to cleanse the body.

The diet should contain a lot of fruits, vegetables, protein. It is also recommended to additionally use vitamin complexes that will strengthen the entire body and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

What should the diet consist of?

Almost every dermatologist recommends reviewing your diet and adding the most suitable dishes. For this, fish and meat products must be included in daily meals. Fish is best cooked, as fried fish can promote inflammation and clog pores. And indeed, people with a specific type of epidermis are better off giving up this kind of junk food.

Meat is also best steamed or boiled, without the use of hot spices. Dairy products must be present in the daily diet of people with thin body skin:

  • yogurts;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • ryazhenka.

This will strengthen the body as a whole and help remove negative bacteria from the intestines. Do not forget about vitamins. Every day you need to eat 1-2 apples, which are rich in vitamins and other trace elements.

Remember that thin skin is not a sentence, and with proper care, it can shine with beauty, bewitch and be velvety. Moreover, today there are all the possibilities for this, and cosmetic products make it possible to choose the most suitable means.

Video "Why is the skin dry and thin?"

An informative video that will help you understand the reasons why the epidermis is dry and thin.