Creamy oil for nails. What use oils to strengthen nails. Pluses of using esters for hands

Vegetable and essential oils are currently actively used to care for body, hair and even nails. The oily liquid obtained as a result of pressing seeds, seeds or fruits contains an increased concentration of nutrients and minerals. That is why she works so well.

Nail oil is the best tool for care and to give the hands of a well-kept species. After all, it is according to how well-keeped fingers and palms look, it is often possible to determine how much a person follows himself.

Briefly about the main thing

Good oils perform several functions at once. They nourish the nail plate, make it smooth, brilliant and, important, stronger. In addition, together with the strengthening of the nail plate, they have a positive effect on the skin of the hands, making them softer to the touch.

Regular work on the house, contact with various chemicals for cleaning surfaces, as well as regular staining or even extension of nails make them more brittle and weak.

Also on the condition of the nails negatively affects the lack of useful trace elements in the body. If you are sitting on a rigid diet, or simply do not use enough fats, then with the time of the nails drop. You can correct this problem, feeding the nail plate at the same time outside and from the inside. If everything is simple with the second, it is enough to just enrich your diet with useful food, then everything is more complicated with external departure.

  • You can feed the nail plate using short-term massages, baths or masks. Special attention with such procedures is given to the edge of the plate, the place where the skin of the finger begins. After all, it is on this face that the epidermis absorbs all the useful substances.
  • Olter compositions are also able to give the shine nail plate.If your nails have become lifeless due to the fact that you often paint them or build up, then they must be moisturized and fueled with all the same plant or essential compositions.
  • They are also able to provide your nails a fortress, strength and ability to resist the appearance of fungus. Most of the oils from nature possess antiseptic properties and are able to protect the nail plate from all sorts of diseases.
  • If we talk about the aesthetic side of the question, they also level the color of the nail plate and even its surface. They eliminate unhealthy stains and yellowing, if any. The healthy surface of the nail should be smooth, without tubercles and color differences, and natural oils make it just healthy.


But not all oils can be used to care for nails. Often, girls are disappointed in the properties of all oils as a whole, and leave negative reviews about them, simply choosing something. In order not to have happened, choose a product that helps to solve your problem.

So, if you want to strengthen the nail plate, you can try to care for her with rosemary, sandalwood or tea tree, almond, eucalyptus, avocado, lemon or chamomile. As you can see, the choice is large enough, so you can pick up your own.

Solve the problem of brittle nails, which smell and coated with microcracks, will help Bergamot, Ylang-Ilanga or Cabbar oil. And get rid of the yellowness, which is familiar to many smokers, makes it possible to ester lemon, famous for its whitening properties.

How to choose

In addition to the fact that the oil is worth choosing depending on their needs, there are also other rules of choice. They should follow to buy a really good tool.

Essential and vegetable oils are best bought in a pharmacy. There, the goods are likely to be as high quality and certified as possible. When buying, pay attention to the container in which the product is sold and on the composition. In addition to the oily base, there should be a long list of additional ingredients. In particular, chemical preservatives and dyes.

As for the bubble, it must be made of dense dark glass. Oil should be kept away from direct sunlight. A hermetic glass bottle contributes to this.

Be sure to check not only the composition, but also the shelf life. This product is customary to store and use about a year. And the overdue product will not bring you any benefit. It is optional but it is desirable that in the package there was instructions with a list of its beneficial properties and contraindications. So it will be easier for you to deal with the peculiarities of its use.

How to achieve results at home

Using care oils, you will achieve the effect of not less than from the salon procedures. You can care for the nail plate at home in several ways. If you wish, you can alternate rubbing the mixture into the nail plate, masks and baths, as well as add it to the hand cream, which you use on a daily basis.

Long masks

With such procedures, the tool is applied to the nails and is left on them for a long time, very often even all night. In order not to stain yourself and your bed linen, moistened in the oil in the oil hide in thin cotton gloves. Such a procedure allows oil to increase the nail plate and the skin near and contributes to the acceleration of nail growth.

Olive oil is best suited for this procedure.For greater efficiency, you need to add a few droplets of lemon juice. Alternatively, lemon ether can be used. That the result is noticeable, the procedure must be repeated at least twice a week for a whole month.

If you want to make a nail plate, healthier not only externally, you can also use coconut oil.


Baths for nails effectively work. Prepare a mixture consisting of pure olive oils, caster, five drops of tea tree oil and avocado. This oily mixture is heated in a water bath, then when it is warm enough, lower your fingers into it. In the palm of the palm you need to hold for ten minutes, then rinse in warm water and abundantly lubricate with nutritional hands.

Also for the bath you can take both simple sunflower oil, which is almost used in cooking. Complete it with several drops of lavender, chamomile or eucalyptus ether.

It has long been known for the benefits of vegetable oils in home cosmetology. With their help, the hair can be made healthy, and the skin is protected from wrinkles and premature aging. This is due to the large content of useful substances and vitamins. But the area of \u200b\u200boil use is not limited only by hair and skin. Applying vegetable oils, you can noticeably improve the structure of the nails.

Herbal oils for nails are especially useful - they soften the cuticle well, nails, strengthening the nail plate, do not give nail to flasham and break from the smallest mechanical effects. In addition, they protect nails from possible fungal diseases. Strengthen this effect can be added to the oil of their essential analogues.

Vegetable oils that are used for homemade nail care

Use natural vegetable oils in nail care. At least because they have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. If the nails are too britter, weak and dry, then improve their overall condition and appearance can apricot, peach, olive, castor, dipon and almond nail oil, as well as rose rose, jojoba, cocoa and slowly growing nails are treated with olive, repeal, Castor avocado and watermelon seeds. Help or strengthen the nails will help rosehip oil, cedar nut and peach bones, sesame, top and olive.

Nail oil: use

The integrated use of vegetable and essential oils for nail care gives a much greater effect than separate. For nails, the oils of grapefruit and lemon, lavender, tea tree and bergamot, as well as sandals, patchuli and pines, rosemary and vowers, cedar, calendula, roses and Mirra are suitable.

Anyone has a huge number of useful properties compared to ordinary. It is based on their basis that you can make a bath for hands and nails with some particular purpose. For example, to eliminate nail separation, you can apply Bergamot, Pines, Patchouli, Mirra, Cabbar, Ylang-Ilanga, Ladan. Strengthen the nail plate and make it more durable can oil rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, vocabulary, bergamot. Bloach nails with widespread grapefruit, lemon, mirraine, eucalyptus and rosemary. And the extra brilliance will give eucalyptus oils, lavender, roses and lemon.

Stop inflammatory processes, and even fungal infections can easily rosemary, tea tree, chamomile, sandalwood. If nails and so healthy, then support their condition Bergamot, Lemon, Chamomile, Mirra and Ylang-Ilanga. Weakened nails can also be strengthened by adding several drops of varieties of vitamins E and A.

How to prepare an oil mixture for nails at home?

Deciding with the choice of means by which the problem of nails will be solved, it is necessary to properly prepare the oil mixture for maximum effect. The structure of cooking is the same for all types of funds.

One or more vegetable oils should be heated in a water bath, after which it is already a warm nail solution to add 1-3 drops of essential oil (if there are several of them, then the total number of droplets should be no more than 10). Optionally, you can add 4-5 droplets of the oil solution of vitamins. All ingredients need to mix and leave to strengthen about 7 minutes.

The resulting mixture is applied to the nails with a tassel and is left there for 15 minutes, and then the remaining nail oil can be applied to the cuticle or immerse your fingertips into it for a few minutes. If there is no time not, then the tool can be applied to the nails before putting on the hands of special gloves.

For those who want to quickly and without much effort to bring their nails in order, we propose to use vegetable and essential oils. After all, it is no secret that for a long time, these funds are indispensable in cosmetology. They contain useful vitamins and microelements that are able to solve almost any problem with marigolds. Well, let's talk?

What are useful for nail oil?

The owners of fragile, agile, dull and rough nail plates are known that only special care will help solve this problem. Of course, in the beauty salon you can offer many procedures for restoring the nail plate, but you can save and spend the spa at home at home. As you already guessed, help us in this oil.

So, the effect of influence oils on the nails is as follows:

  • penetrating deep into the nail, intensively nourish and strengthen the nail plate from the inside;
  • help to avoid bundle and fragility;
  • promote nail growth;
  • protect the nail plate from fungal infection.

It is important to consider that not only vegetable, but also essential oils possess such therapeutic properties. That is why even expensive salons practice warm oil baths to strengthen the nails, the basis of which make up cosmetic or vegetable oils, in which they add ethereal.

What oils will help strengthen the nails?

Strengthen and protect weak, brittle and laying nails will help such oils like: olive, castor, ray, apricot, germs of wheat, jojoba, peach and almond. The same extracts are recommended to be used and to prevent dryness of nail plates. But such natural means, like avocado oil, castor and burdock, simply magically affect the growth of nails.

As for the ethers, they help enrich the vegetable oil mixtures and achieve an even more excellent result in strengthening the nails. For these purposes, it is recommended to use the ethers of grapefruit, lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, mirra, calendula or tea tree.

All these funds have a particular specific focus, so if you want, for example, to eliminate the burst of the nail plate, it is recommended to use Bergamot, Ilang-Ilanga oils, vowels, Bergamot, Rosemary, Sandala and Lemon.

Bleach the nails will help the oils of grapefruit, eucalyptus, mirraine, lemon and rosemary. But if you want your marigolds to glimpse, we recommend that you drop on a peer for grinding a few droplets of the lemon ether, eucalyptus, lavender or roses.

Oil extracts of rosemary, sandalwood, chamomile and tea tree will help to remove inflammation on damaged cuticle and nails. All these funds are also recommended to be used in the treatment of fungal infection.

As prevention, even for healthy marigolds, it is recommended to use chamomile oil, bergamot and ylang-yulang.

How to apply oils to strengthen nails?

Proper nail care with oily extracts includes baths, appliqués, or simply rubbing the oil mixture into the nail plate.

For the preparation of the bath, mix 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil with 3 drops of essential, slightly warm and hold hands for 15 minutes. It is not necessary to flush the mixture, and you can remove the remnants, flushing your hands with a paper towel.

By performing applications or rubbing therapeutic agents in the nail plates, prepare a predetermined oil mixture and use it by destination. Remember that for the best results, the strengthening of the nails should be carried out in a month, performing procedures two or three times a week.

Well, finally: to enrich your favorite hand cream and make it therapeutic, pre-use with one drop of any ether and wrap in the nail plate and hand brushes.

Try to use oils to strengthen the nails and make sure their effectiveness on personal experience.

Well, who from nature got beautiful hair and nails! You can do how much fashionable hairstyle, manicure, and do not break your head, what to buy this in the pharmacy, so that you have strands and marks, too, have a little resemble a picture from the magazine ... You are not among them? Or were your nails beautiful, yes unsuccessful manicure "killed" them? Read on!

Have you tried to use oils? They are often buying for hair (such a gift of nature perfectly moisturizes strands, nourishes them and treats them). Nourishing oils for nails are also suitable! They also soften the cuticle, and the plate is powered, and strengthen it, without giving breaking and getting lazy, and they also protect from the fungus. And besides, inflicting this tool to the marigold, you do not have to listen from your beloved about "terrible smells throughout the apartment", as when painting nails with varnish. Oils are applied before bedtime so that while you rested, they cared about your relaxed handles. First, the oil is hardly warm up, then, the pussy fall into it, handle all the marigold. Well, so that the pillow with a blanket is not injured from these manipulations, and even better - wrap the hands of the food film.

Which nail oil is better?

Your nails will be "to taste" everything - from the essential to the usual. Each of the oil has a unique set of beneficial substances. From the ethers you can stop your choice on lemon or tea tree oil. From cosmetic - on almond, regional, avocado, linen, jojoba, nut or olive.

Castor oil

It is ideal for plating nails, as well as taming coarse cuticle. If during the cutting of the surface plate, you cut, take a bubble again - this oil heals well wounds, soothes inflammation, strengthens the skin and nails.

Oil can be used not only in pure form. Mix it with avocado oils, jojoba, tea tree - and you will see, the effect of this natural agent intensified. And besides, it is perfectly combined with "kitchen" olive and sunflower oil. Mix these three tools, lower your nails for 15 minutes in the resulting "bath", wash the remains of the oil under the crane. Result: Smooth surface of the nail plate, treatment of fragility and separation.

No time for long care? Just drip this oil into your hands.

Almond oil

Saves the stratified plates, strengthen them. But get ready to use it often, twice a day, actively rubbing. And do not save, lubricate them and hands too, especially if the skin needs food and moisture. When your marigolds crush, do not hide a bottle away: handle nails oil after each manicure to prevent separation.

Jojoba oil

It helps to "polish" the imperfect nail plate, glue the separation and reduce the brittleness. But before applying the oil you need to enrich the pharmacy vitamin E (liquid). Wrap the oil into the nail, then process it with the above vitamin - oil will strengthen its action. Treat so nails in the morning and in the evening, protecting your hands with rubber gloves, going to wash the dishes.

Balsam for night applying: 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, 3 droplets of lemon juice, 2 droplets of rose ether.

Burr oil

Restores and moisturizes as nails (especially after extension), and the cut of the skin of the hands. If you are not very pleased with your nails, twice, and even better - repeat this oil three times, and not only in the plate, but also in the cuticle. If you do not have time on such care, make the baths: warm the oil and "bathe" the tips of your fingers once a week.

Peach oil

This is protection, nutrition and recovery in one bottle. It is with such departure that you will receive "salon", shiny nogot at home. Important: Apply the oil is necessary as generously as possible - not only on the nail, but also on the cuticle, and on the tips of the fingers. By the way, another useful property of this oil is considered to be "Sanitation" and the prevention of fungus.

To strengthen the nail, every day massaging it with a cotton swab, moistened in oil.

For urgent "repair" of injured nails, mix the 1 large peach oil spoon, 3 droplets of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus esters. Every day in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, make a massage of nails for 15 minutes.

Avocado oil

Strengthens, cares, does not give "life" inflammation around the nail, moisturizes and softens the cuticle. In general, his manicure lover is often bought.

So that the marks do not break, before applying the color varnish, make a small massage plate with this oil. You can use oil undiluted, or as a mixture: 5 droplets of lavender oils, patchouli, rosemary, 2 large spoons of avocado oil, 5 droplets of fresh lemon juice.

If your hands are prone to the appearance of painful burrs or have cut you when removing the cuticle, add a little avocado to the oil (just a couple of drops) eucalyptus oil or chamomile - this tool will quickly delay the wounds.

To strengthen the nails, combine avocado oil with olive or almond.

Linseed oil

Used undiluted, as well as in combination with other oils (proportion 1: 1 or other - say, 1 spoon of linen "base" + 3 droplets of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon). "Loves" is the oil and ethers, first of all - chamomile, thyme, lavender, patchouli, rosemary. Any of these funds must be rubbed first into the skin of the brushes, and then in the nails.

Therapeutic ointment: 1 Large spoon of flax oil, as many honey, yolk (raw), juice, squeezed out of the middle lemon. Wash your hands in the water, fused from under boiled potatoes, apply an ointment on the brush, cover your hands with gloves and do not remove them for 3 hours.

Citrus oil

Not only protects and strengthens the plate, but also whitches it, gives well-groomed shine. Makerately rub the oil into the nail or make oil baths. By the way, instead of oil you can use fresh juice.

This is also a remedy for increasing the tenderness of the cuticle, the restoration of the leaked skin, as well as the cuticle, cut after manicure; It is also an antiseptic that saves from local infections and inflammation.

Lemon oil is desirable to mix with other natural products - oils, iodine, pharmaceutical vitamins (liquid), honey. But do not forget: this oil stops the nail plate, so they should not be carried away.

Olive oil

Pay attention to it if you want to stop the "breaking" of the nails and finally grow them. With so oil often make masks for hands.

Walnut. It is a solid content concentrate, because such an oil from the shell is extracted. The effect of this "strong" oil is shown after 1 application. It strengthens, nails nails, adds to them external beauty. Apply it gradually on each plate twice a day.

Celasthela oil. This is a medicine with anti-grapple and antibacterial effect.

Cucumber and coconut oil. Moisen as much as possible, "vitaminizes" nails.

Wheat. The main action is moisturizing, so it is also suitable for the skin.

Nail essential oils

They are not applied in pure form, but they eat to the "basic" oils, elderly: olive, apricot, almond, caster. 2-3 droplets of the ether are added to the large spoon "base" (and there may be several of them), as well as vitamin E - at will. As a result, masks or nail baths are obtained.

To strengthen and "grow" nails, buy the ether of the sandalwood, pine, cedar. And in order to get rid of fungus and inflammation, choose rosemary essential oil, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree.

Butter for laying nails helps to restore the nail plates very quickly and protect them from fragility. Essential oils need to be used carefully, following all the recommendations of specialists.

Currently, such a cosmetics as essential oil for nails is very popular. Reviews about these products are very positive. Everyone who has already been lucky enough to test the healing power of essential oils on themselves, remained very satisfied with the result.

In order for oils to help achieve the desired result, you need to select and use them correctly. All essential oils are distinguished by an increased concentration of valuable components and volatility.

It is important to know that many of them are able to cause allergies. That is why before making a procedure for caring for nails using any essential oil, you need to make sure that it will not harm. Use oil in pure form is categorically prohibited.

Before starting the procedure you need to choose oils that will help strengthen the laying nails. For these purposes, the essential oil of Ilang-Ilanga, Sandal, Ladan, Pine, Bergamot, Lemon is perfectly suitable. You can only use one type of oil, and you can mix them in arbitrary proportions. Specialists are advised not to be limited to only this list of essential products. In order for the nails to look healthy and shiny, it is possible to add to the mixture of citrus oil essential oils. If there are problems with fungal diseases, you can add to the nutrient and reinforcing mixture of tea tree essential oil.

To carry out the procedure, you must first unwind your hands in a bath with hot water, carefully cut the cuticle, and then immerse the fingertips in a specially prepared bath with essential oils. For the preparation of the nutritional composition, it is necessary to dissolve several drops of selected essential oils in the so-called oil basis. Olive, sunflower, peach oil, or mixture thereof may be the basis. Jojoba oil for nails is also tremendous. Reviews about this product are very positive. Women who once tried to conduct a procedure for strengthening nails with jojoba oil, could not abandon him in the future.

To increase the efficiency of the procedure, you can add vitamins or other active ingredients to the bath. An excellent option in this case will be adding to the device "Aevit". The duration of the strengthening of the nails with the help of the oil bath should be approximately 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hands with water using detergent. It will be enough to just wipe the hands with a soft cloth. After strengthening the nails, it is desirable for some time not to cover them with varnish. It is necessary to give the opportunity to nail plates to relax from all kinds of chemical dyes and solvents.

It is possible to apply oil on your nails in one way. To do this, you need to prepare a nutritional mixture. On the 1 teaspoon of the base oil should account for 1 drop of essential oil. Next, you need to apply a mixture on the nails slightly rubbing it with the help of a polishing roller. After that, you need to try to do anything with your hands within 20 minutes, so as not to wash the nutrient composition from the nail plates. Oil can be rubbed not only in the nails, but also in the cuticle, as well as in the skin of the hands. To increase the efficiency of the procedure, it is necessary to slightly warm the nutritional composition on the water bath. Preheated oil will be better penetrated into the skin and nail plates, eating, slightly bleaching and strengthening them from the inside.

A mixture of nail oils allows you to quickly strengthen the nail plates, give it shine, as well as soften the cuticle. That the result exceeds all expectations, it is necessary to very accurately select the components of the oil mixture.

To date, there is a huge number of plant ethers, thanks to its rich composition with a wide range of actions.

Natural plants extracts are more effective hand care products and nails. They intensively nourish, moisturize the skin of the hands, strengthen the nail platinum, prevent its separation and fragility, give beauty and health.

It's no secret to anyone that a beautiful, well-kept manicure is the result of regular hand care. In order for the skin of the hands was constantly in a tone, and the plate was shining in health, it is necessary to use baths, masks, scrubs, creams and other homemade products containing natural ethers. The baths soften, toning, moisturize the skin, saturate with the plate with utilities, the masks intensively feed, strengthen the nails, give them a smooth, beautiful shade, the scrub helps to clean the skin deeply, prepare hands to remove cuticle and other manicure procedures.

It is important, along with household agents, use creams and lotions, which contain vegetable oils. In addition, it is useful to periodically use oil solutions containing vitamins A and E - the so-called "nail growth vitamins".

What oils are useful for nails

So, what oils are useful for nails? The vegetation ether is chosen depending on the purpose of using it. For example, to strengthen the nails, lemon oils, chamomile, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree, sandalwood, avocado, almond, apricot are used. To restore their structure, essential oil of geranium, mandarin, grapefruit, lemon, avocado, rosehip, apricot. To prevent separation and fragrance, ylang-ylang, chamber, bergamot are used. Lemon oil strengthens, brightens the yellowed plate. All listed funds are healing nails, accelerate their growth, saturated with vitamins and minerals, give uniform color and gloss, soften the cuticle, serve to prevent fungal diseases.

What nail oil is the best

What nail oil is better - the question is quite complicated, since each of them carries a huge stock of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for their health. It is believed that the best oil for laying nails is olive. It contains a lot of useful components, so perfectly suitable for the treatment of nails and caring for dry skin. It is enough to use it 2 times a week, rubbing in the plate and the skin around. After that, you should wear cotton gloves and leave for the night.

How to use nail oil to get the desired result? Full departure includes a whole range of procedures. These are the baths, and appliqués, and masks, and lotions, and scrubs. Before their use, it is recommended to make a lightweight plate massage, which will prepare it to subsequent manipulations.

Here is one of the cooking recipes. A small container poured 0.5 liters of warm water, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of almond oil, 3 ylang-ylang drops, as much Bergamot ether. The fingers are immersed in the resulting mixture, hold 10-15 minutes., Then the cotton gloves are worn, after 2 hours they remove, the residues of the liquid are removed with a napkin. After this procedure, the skin of the hands becomes soft, velvety, and the nails acquire a smooth, beautiful shade.

To strengthen the nails, a bath of 100 ml of tomato juice and 2 tbsp will be useful. Spoons of olive oil. In this mixture, the fingers hold for 10 minutes., After that, they are rinsed with clean water. The tomato juice contains biotin, firming nails, and in olives a large amount of vitamins. As a result, the nails become strong and shiny, and the skin of the hands is moisturized.

It will help to strengthen the nails and prevent their separation of the bathing bath from the tea tree oils (2 drops), lemon (3 drops), incense (2 drops), wheat germs (1 cell compartment), jojoba (1 h. Such). In the mixture immersed fingers for 5 minutes, after that rinsed.

It is useful to add naval salt into any medicinal bath. It includes many trace elements, strengthens the nails, makes them strong and strong.

The procedure for strengthening the nails can be carried out by oils: tea tree, argan, almond, coconut and others. Useful for this purpose to make nutritious masks.

For the preparation of a strengthening mask, it will take 1 tbsp. Spoon of jojoba oil, 2 cedar ether, 2 tbsp. Spoons of cream. All ingredients are mixed before receiving a homogeneous mass, after that the mask rubbed into the skin of the hands and nails, they wear cotton gloves, after 2 hours they take off. The mixture is thoroughly washed.

Esters of calendula and lemon, as well as almond oil mixed, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the plate. Such a composition strengthens the nails well, prevents them from stratification and fragility. A mixture of these oils can be added to the bath (1 tbsp. A spoon of a mixture of 300 ml). Fingers are immersed in the bath for 5-10 minutes, after which the hands wipe the napkin, lubricate with nutrient oil or cream. This procedure is recommended to do overnight.

What butter smear and strengthen the nails

What butter strengthened the weak, laying nails? In this case, the care should be frequent and intense. Before proceeding with treatment, it should be revealed and eliminated the cause of fragility. Causes can be different: lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, improper nutrition, poor ecology, impact of household chemicals, frequent use of cosmetic varnishes. During treatment, it is necessary to introduce products containing calcium in the diet, to start receiving vitamins, abandon the use of varnishes, use detergent and cleaning agents in rubber gloves.

Before starting treatment, you need to soften and remove the cuticle. Effective baths with the addition of castor and lemon oils. In order to prepare a lemon bath, 5-6 droplets of lemon oil should be added to 300-500 ml of warm water. After the procedure, the hand is lubricated with a nutrient cream. To get a larger effect, it is recommended to use the homemade cream.

Homemade hands can be prepared from 2 tbsp. Spoons of herbal infusion, 50 g of butter, 1 tbsp. Spoons of honey, 2 h. Spoons of any vegetable ether. All components are thoroughly mixed, the resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, cooled, add 3 penetrations of geranium or ylang-yulang ether (to give a cream of a pleasant fragrance).

The beneficial effects on the state of the nails have compresses and appliques. Prepare such a compress is quite simple. The napkins are wetted in a mixture of essential oils, put on the hands, cover with a towel.

To strengthen and treat nails, it is possible to make an oil applique. First you need to break your hands in hot water, then a mixture of vegetable oil is in the skin and nails (1 tbsp. Spoon) and Bergamot (3 drops). After that, the hands wrap the film, after 5-10 minutes. wash away

Therapeutic applications are also carried out with the addition of lemon essential oil, eucalyptus, roses, fir (50 ml of vegetable oil requires 3 drops of each ether). This mixture is suitable for very weak, brittle, laying nails.

What kind of oil is useful for nails and cuticles? For complex departure, a mixture of rosemary oils, jojoba, Iranian roses, Italian roses are suitable. Italian lemon essential oil whitens and strengthens the nails, Iranian roses - moisturizes, restores, jojoba prevents rallying, rosemary gives a beautiful shine plate. To prepare a nutrient mixture, you need to mix all listed components, pour the finished oil into a glass bottle, 2-3 times a week to apply on the nail plate.

What oil to smear your nails for their improvement and restoration of the structure? To obtain a universal, an effective remedy that can be used both during the day and before bedtime, you need to take almond or peach oil and mix it with any vegetable ether (per 100 g of oil 3 drops of ether).

Nail treatment with oils - the procedure is not only effective, but also quite pleasant. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to carry out all manipulations before bedtime, leaving the nutritional composition overnight. This will allow it to absorb deeply and saturate the nails and the skin of the hands necessary vitamins.

Essential oils are useful to add to the hand cream, it will strengthen its effectiveness.

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From time to time they ask me how I cured my nails. I start remembering, I try not to miss anything, and in the end I write some kind of beliebend. In this post, collect all your secret knowledge about the treatment of nails.

Where it all started. I washed my hands and noticed that I was getting off the nails with a transparent varnish. Pulling out for the tip, with horror I understood that it was not lacquered, but the nail himself; More precisely, its top layer. Do you know how it happens when the nail is lazy? Here I had the same thing, only the size of full. I began to inspect my hands and removed this top with 6 nails. Say that I was frightened - say nothing. The deficit of all vitamins and minerals, fungus and sustainable death! This incident and made me take my hands in the hands and act.

Before that, the case with the nails was so: twice a week I used the rehemver for the cuticle and painted the nails with a transparent varnish. Occasionally made edged manicure and once-two a month used colored varnish. More often could not, because I had a lot of nails. If without a varnish it was just bad, then after the painted catastrophe began, and there was two weeks to sprust the bundled part, then I could not stand and painted again, and the nails were lazy again. To repel them, naturally, also did not work: where they did not laugh, they broke. But with all this I have always had a nice shape of nails and relatively trouble-free cuticle.

First of all, I threw out all old manicure accessories. There was a thought: what if fungok? In order not to produce infection, everything sent to the garbage. He thrown out the saws, scissors, orange sticks, the old cheap Zhdsl and - with a special pleasure - Remumber. The rehemor was scary to spoil my nails, they peelled and moved, but it was not possible to stop using them: without him, the cuticle was growing up and bushed. All colored varnishes - there. She left only two varnish and base with the top for pedicure and Sally Hansen oil in a pencil for use at work. In the first right of the store I bought:

Cardboard pail (glass is also good, but no metal! Metal and nails are incompatible concepts)

Polishing file (I advise KISS's pylon, sold to Riv Gosh, costs 80 rubles, polishes on perfectly)

Good high-quality scissors (metal and nails - incompatible concepts, everyone remembers? But you need to have scissors; now I have a new-axis scissors with long thin and very sharp blades)

Orange wood sticks

Zhdsl sally hansen moisturizing

Transparent Sally Hansen coating (I do not remember what exactly, but I often change them, because I do not believe that they are treated, and I use purely as protection against mechanical damage; in general, anyone will come down)

Sea salt without dyes and flavors

Lemon and Bergamot essential oils (you can read on the Internet, for which nails what kind of oil is needed; I took for laying, although not particularly believe in such a separation by properties)

Vitamins Aevit in capsules

Calcide - calcium in tablets (I already drank it for the appointment of a doctor for other purposes, so I was not afraid to take, but in general, it is better to "consult a doctor" 🙂 UPD from


: Consultation is absolutely necessary, as the overdose of calcium in the body is very dangerous.)

You still need something for use at work (I have a pencil with Sally Hansen oil, I wrote above)

I will not describe how I have a problem with trial and error, I simply cut that, how, when and in what quantity you need to do.

1. The most important thing is to love nails. Stop opening them banks, handy stickers, knock on the keyboard; It should be accurately accurately, and even better - the comb is not to beat, do not bite, do not dig the land, doing all your homework in gloves, follow the movements of the hands and minimize the contact of the nails with the world around the world.

2. There are cottage cheese and other dairy products. As if Merzko, it was neither (yes, I "fan" of the milk), had to eat at least 50 grams per day.

3. Calcide three times a day on the tablet.

4. Hand cream after each contact with water. Even if the hands simpsed, and not soap with soap, it's still using cream. Especially thoroughly missed the cuticle.

5. After a day, the bath: on 500 ml of warm water - a handful of salt, 5 drops of essential oil, 5 drops of iodine. It can be more, you can add less, you can add olive oil, you can squeeze the auevite capsule or throw a piece of lemon. But salt, oil and iodine is necessary (strengthening, nutrition, disinfection). Hold 15 minutes. Do naturally on unwrapped nails. After - it's thickly to smear the hands with cream and neatly a wooden wand to move the cuticle and clean all the trash from under it. From the first time it will not work, but the main thing is not to zealous, do not put pressure on the nails in order not to get a wavy surface. Everything is gentle and gently.

6. For the most brave - baths from olive oil. I made once, the effect turned out to be simply wow, but the procedure itself seemed too unpleasant (I do not like oils). On the water bath heat the olive oil to be hot, but not burning, and the tips of the fingers into it are 7 minutes. I think this bath should be done every two weeks, the nails will definitely say thanks for her.

7. Every evening you need to smear the nails auyute. Suck the capsule with a needle, dripped on the droplet on each nail and rub-thin-rub. It is best to do so on a sparkled skin, i.e. Immediately after the bath / bath. As for the organization of the process: I am every day in the evenings, my head, respectively, I make a bath for nails that day when the cumoron is not planned. And it turns out that Aevit I used one day after the bath, one day after a long soul. It is necessary to massage the nails, not to be lazy, and move the cuticle with a stick (gently and neatly!)

8. Several times a day (2-3-4, as needed) use the oil for the cuticle. In the morning, during lunch, at home in front of the TV - in general, in any free minute.

9. During treatment, it makes no sense to try to grow nails: if the nail is weak, thin and inclined to the layer, then nothing can be done with it. My task was to smack all the nails as soon as possible so that the nails have grown beautiful and strong, and the nail state directly depends on the state of the matrix and the figure also knows what is hidden under the cuticle, so the first 2-3 months it is the cuticle to do the most And moisturize, and nails are cut under zero, so as not to interfere and not injured once again. Fill not with a metal pail strictly in one direction. After the feeding - to stick the tips and ends of the nails with a rough side of the polishing peel and secure the soft side. This procedure protects the nails from the bundle.

10. Nails should always be covered with transparent varnish: it protects them from mechanical damage. Aevit was smeared - died - waited an hour - he washed his hands with soap (to degrease the surface of the nail) - put her nails. I repainted in a day: washed in front of the bath, painted - after. It is no need to paint into the cuticle to paint, let it breathe. Colored varnishes strictly under the ban 🙂

11. It is necessary to forget about the edged manicure and about the removes for the cuticle. Now you can only fight it with a wooden stick; But with such a complex nutrition and moisturizes it is not at all difficult.

It is worth being prepared for the fact that the first month or even two will not be seen any result. This is normal. All procedures are aimed at feeding growing nails, and not already growing. When sick nails grow, their place will occupy healthy and strong. I went for this 5 months. In two months, I have already started to slowly use colored varnishes - every two weeks, and we wore them no longer than four days. For these days, the baths were canceled, but as aevit, I still used. Then I bought a "lemon sensation" from Lush, used alternately with Aevit and gradually, for six months, completely passed on it. Butter in the pencil is rarely used, rather for cosmetic purposes. The nails are stealing constantly, it turns out two paintings a week, I try to make a bath before each, but it does not always work. Nails turn yellow, nothing to do with it, but they grow strong and no longer leave.

Total my current care: the bath twice a week and every evening - lemon sensation. Began to do edged. I do once a month and a half. I do not think that the edged manicure is bad in itself; He is bad in inept hands. I get to cut and not injure your nails and skin, so I cut.

Probably it seems that it all takes a lot of time. In fact, it is not. Anoint cuticle oil is half a minute, hands with cream - the same, the bath is 15 minutes, the massage is 15 minutes. The most difficult thing is to remember about it, to do everything regularly, not to be lazy, do not forget, not once, work out the habit, do everything on the machine. If there is a desire to cure nails, it is not difficult, and if there is no special desire, you can find other ways. In the end, you can always use Trind'om 🙂

Home Nails

Well, who from nature got beautiful hair and nails! You can do how much fashionable hairstyle, manicure, and do not break your head, what to buy this in the pharmacy, so that you have strands and marks, too, have a little resemble a picture from the magazine ... You are not among them? Or were your nails beautiful, yes unsuccessful manicure "killed" them? Read on!

Have you tried to use oils? They are often buying for hair (such a gift of nature perfectly moisturizes strands, nourishes them and treats them). Nourishing oils for nails are also suitable! They also soften the cuticle, and the plate is powered, and strengthen it, without giving breaking and getting lazy, and they also protect from the fungus. And besides, inflicting this tool to the marigold, you do not have to listen from your beloved about "terrible smells throughout the apartment", as when painting nails with varnish. Oils are applied before bedtime so that while you rested, they cared about your relaxed handles. First, the oil is hardly warm up, then, the pussy fall into it, handle all the marigold. Well, so that the pillow with a blanket is not injured from these manipulations, and even better - wrap the hands of the food film.

Which nail oil is better?

Your nails will be "to taste" everything - from the essential to the usual. Each of the oil has a unique set of beneficial substances. From the ethers you can stop your choice on lemon or tea tree oil. From cosmetic - on almond, regional, avocado, linen, jojoba, nut or olive.

Castor oil

It is ideal for plating nails, as well as taming coarse cuticle. If during the cutting of the surface plate, you cut, take a bubble again - this oil heals well wounds, soothes inflammation, strengthens the skin and nails.

Oil can be used not only in pure form. Mix it with avocado oils, jojoba, tea tree - and you will see, the effect of this natural agent intensified. And besides, it is perfectly combined with "kitchen" olive and sunflower oil. Mix these three tools, lower your nails for 15 minutes in the resulting "bath", wash the remains of the oil under the crane. Result: Smooth surface of the nail plate, treatment of fragility and separation.

No time for long care? Just drip this oil into your hands.

Almond oil

Saves the stratified plates, strengthen them. But get ready to use it often, twice a day, actively rubbing. And do not save, lubricate them and hands too, especially if the skin needs food and moisture. When your marigolds crush, do not hide a bottle away: handle nails oil after each manicure to prevent separation.

Jojoba oil

It helps to "polish" the imperfect nail plate, glue the separation and reduce the brittleness. But before applying the oil you need to enrich the pharmacy vitamin E (liquid). Wrap the oil into the nail, then process it with the above vitamin - oil will strengthen its action. Treat so nails in the morning and in the evening, protecting your hands with rubber gloves, going to wash the dishes.

Balsam for night applying: 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, 3 droplets of lemon juice, 2 droplets of rose ether.

Burr oil

Restores and moisturizes as nails (especially after extension), and the cut of the skin of the hands. If you are not very pleased with your nails, twice, and even better - repeat this oil three times, and not only in the plate, but also in the cuticle. If you do not have time on such care, make the baths: warm the oil and "bathe" the tips of your fingers once a week.

Peach oil

This is protection, nutrition and recovery in one bottle. It is with such departure that you will receive "salon", shiny nogot at home. Important: Apply the oil is necessary as generously as possible - not only on the nail, but also on the cuticle, and on the tips of the fingers. By the way, another useful property of this oil is considered to be "Sanitation" and the prevention of fungus.

To strengthen the nail, every day massaging it with a cotton swab, moistened in oil.

For urgent "repair" of injured nails, mix the 1 large peach oil spoon, 3 droplets of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus esters. Every day in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, make a massage of nails for 15 minutes.

Avocado oil

Strengthens, cares, does not give "life" inflammation around the nail, moisturizes and softens the cuticle. In general, his manicure lover is often bought.

So that the marks do not break, before applying the color varnish, make a small massage plate with this oil. You can use oil undiluted, or as a mixture: 5 droplets of lavender oils, patchouli, rosemary, 2 large spoons of avocado oil, 5 droplets of fresh lemon juice.

If your hands are prone to the appearance of painful burrs or have cut you when removing the cuticle, add a little avocado to the oil (just a couple of drops) eucalyptus oil or chamomile - this tool will quickly delay the wounds.

To strengthen the nails, combine avocado oil with olive or almond.

Linseed oil

Used undiluted, as well as in combination with other oils (proportion 1: 1 or other - say, 1 spoon of linen "base" + 3 droplets of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon). "Loves" is the oil and ethers, first of all - chamomile, thyme, lavender, patchouli, rosemary. Any of these funds must be rubbed first into the skin of the brushes, and then in the nails.

Therapeutic ointment: 1 Large spoon of flax oil, as many honey, yolk (raw), juice, squeezed out of the middle lemon. Wash your hands in the water, fused from under boiled potatoes, apply an ointment on the brush, cover your hands with gloves and do not remove them for 3 hours.

Citrus oil

Not only protects and strengthens the plate, but also whitches it, gives well-groomed shine. Makerately rub the oil into the nail or make oil baths. By the way, instead of oil you can use fresh juice.

This is also a remedy for increasing the tenderness of the cuticle, the restoration of the leaked skin, as well as the cuticle, cut after manicure; It is also an antiseptic that saves from local infections and inflammation.

Lemon oil is desirable to mix with other natural products - oils, iodine, pharmaceutical vitamins (liquid), honey. But do not forget: this oil stops the nail plate, so they should not be carried away.

Olive oil

Pay attention to it if you want to stop the "breaking" of the nails and finally grow them. With so oil often make masks for hands.

Walnut. It is a solid content concentrate, because such an oil from the shell is extracted. The effect of this "strong" oil is shown after 1 application. It strengthens, nails nails, adds to them external beauty. Apply it gradually on each plate twice a day.

Celasthela oil. This is a medicine with anti-grapple and antibacterial effect.

Cucumber and coconut oil. Moisen as much as possible, "vitaminizes" nails.

Wheat. The main action is moisturizing, so it is also suitable for the skin.

Nail essential oils

They are not applied in pure form, but they eat to the "basic" oils, elderly: olive, apricot, almond, caster. 2-3 droplets of the ether are added to the large spoon "base" (and there may be several of them), as well as vitamin E - at will. As a result, masks or nail baths are obtained.

To strengthen and "grow" nails, buy the ether of the sandalwood, pine, cedar. And in order to get rid of fungus and inflammation, choose rosemary essential oil, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree.