Snow figures, snow constructions. Registration of winter areas. Do-it-yourself kindergarten site: photos and design ideas

Winter is coming to an end and it is a little sad to say goodbye to frost and snow. In winter, you can transform the kindergarten site into a fairy kingdom with snowmen, huts, labyrinths and even snow dragons.

In kindergarten No. 1512 (Moscow, Southern Administrative District), it has become a good tradition to hold contests for the best winter plot. This year was no exception. In the competition, figures are evaluated according to several parameters, the main of which are functionality and originality.

Educators need to think through everything. Daily walks should be beneficial for the development of children. To ensure a high-quality organization of a walk in winter, it is necessary to create certain conditions: to clear the area from snow, to build buildings for the development of basic movements (walking, running, jumping, throwing).

And how much fun, joy and pleasure are given to children by playing snowballs, sledding, going down the ice slides!

The design of winter areas is not an easy job, requiring large physical costs. In order to inspire teachers to create snow structures on the territory of the kindergarten, a review competition "Winter Site" was organized.

The objectives of the competition are:

  • improving the image of a preschool educational institution, maintaining traditions in the team and enhancing collective creative activity, developing creative abilities, fostering aesthetic taste;
  • creation of favorable conditions for upbringing and educational work with children for a walk in the winter, increasing the physical activity of pupils in the conditions of a preschool educational institution;
  • stimulating professional growth, developing the creative initiative of educators when carrying out health-improving and educational work with children for a walk in the winter.

Absolutely everyone, young and old, took part in the competition: children, parents, educators and even security guards. Preparation for the competition was very perky and fun.

The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas, and other participants were awarded letters of thanks.

Designing winter walking areas is difficult, but at the same time rewarding!

Thank you for the material provided to Svetlana Egorova.

To be next to kindergarten plots, do it yourself decorated, were interesting for kids, many conditions must be met. But it's just as important that these small corners, filled with fun and fun to play, are also attractive in terms of landscape design, because you can develop good taste and a sense of beauty in children. We will not only look at examples and, but also analyze which forms of leisure and entertainment to give preference to.

Do-it-yourself kindergarten site

Original, different from others do-it-yourself kindergarten site Is the exception rather than the rule. All places for preschoolers to walk were once created like a blueprint, relying on norms and rules. However, these rules can hardly be called incorrect, just in addition to the mandatory elements, you still need to treat a little with imagination, make it conceptual, attractive, so that each group has individual decorations and entertainment.

We need to talk about the rules of that before we consider these or those design examples that relate to individual elements. Structurally, the playground (its dimensions are calculated based on the number of children in the group and, ideally, there should be 7-9 square meters of playground per child) should be divided into several parts. The large and central part is occupied by the so-called platform for group studies. Not only are there sports equipment, but also a special coating, rubber or grass, is made so that kids can play sports here, play outdoor games and so on. And already along the perimeter of this common area, you can build additional elements, such as a sandbox, sports simulators and horizontal bars, stumps, a decorative garden and other components that are required for interesting plots in kindergarten. In the summer, do it yourself adults can also add to the territory not only a flower garden or a decorative flower bed, but also make an additional canopy so that the bright summer sun does not interfere with the kids. A fixed terrace with a canopy and hard floor is suitable for use during cooler seasons.

DIY kindergarten sites

In the photos that are presented in our today's article, you can see how to get creative with the filling process playgrounds in kindergarten with their own hands... After all, there is enough space on the territory not only for entertainment, but also for learning, especially in a playful way.

Let's remember the basics and apply our knowledge to the process of transforming a playground for children. First, you need to draw a plan, marking out the size of the territory, its relief and all the permanent buildings that already exist and that will need to be played out in the conceptual design. Next, a theme is selected, to which you will already adjust all the other elements. For example, such a theme can be your favorite cartoon film, or it can be a marine, pirate, football theme. If parents want to please absolutely all children, then you can make a design in a fairy-tale style by filling the site with crafts in the form of fairy-tale characters.

On the plan, in addition to the size of each of the playgrounds and useful objects, you also need to mark the direction of the shadow, which is present in those moments when children play on the street. It is best that the long afternoon walk is not overshadowed by excessive sun activity. Therefore, if it so happened that the area is very illuminated and there is little natural shade on it, you can develop roofs for the sandbox, fabric sheds, as well as plant trees and shrubs that will give the desired shade for the summer period.

You also need to take care of lighting and other utilities, but so that safety comes first. All wires not only need to be carefully insulated, but also removed from access and from the line of sight altogether. You also need to check the entire space for sharp corners, if the swing or amusement rides are wooden, then they should not leave splinters, and if metal, then all connections should work perfectly, not have sharp edges, chips, pieces of crumpled or rusty metal.

DIY kindergarten sites: photo

General appearance do-it-yourself kindergarten sites, photo which you have already seen above, of course, is fine, but you need to think about special cases - about elements. You can decide, with a majority of parental votes, whether you need this or that zone for your children (because physically it will simply not work to squeeze absolutely everything in), but there are things that should be put everywhere. And first of all, this statement is true for the sandbox, beloved by children of all ages.

This element is simple on the one hand, and complex on the other. That is, it is quite simple to put it, not even buy it, but do it yourself, giving it the shape of a boat, a car, a solar circle. It is much more important to ensure the safety of games in the sand, so in addition to the box itself, be sure to provide a cover with which the sandbox will be covered in the intervals between games. It will also be useful to organize benches around the perimeter and inside, on which children can sit while picking. Next to the sandbox, organize a small pantry and a drawer where you can put scoops, molds and other toys for sand making.

The second very useful element is tables and chairs for creative outdoor activities. Here, after all, you can not only write, sculpt or draw, but also play games, not mobile, but logical, developing intelligence and quick reaction. A canopy is installed over such tables so that classes can be held even when the weather is not very favorable for this.

Another obligatory element is a zone of physical education, active games and competitions. Here you can install horizontal bars, you can make a labyrinth or a zone to overcome obstacles. In principle, such a zone is a great way to channel all the irrepressible children's energy into a peaceful channel so that after a walk they can safely fall asleep during the daytime sleep.

In the modern one, you can see such an interesting device as the health path. This is a set of separate areas that are lined with various materials, for example, rubble, pebbles, round wood, rubber hard rugs, and so on. This is a great addition for do-it-yourself kindergarten site in the summer. Photo, which you see above, shows the variations in the construction of such a path, and how to fill it. It is believed that after walking barefoot for five minutes along such an obstacle course, children receive an indispensable foot massage for their health.

Making a plot in a kindergarten with your own hands

In addition to the required elements, there are also many other interesting ideas for decorating a plot in a kindergarten with your own hands... One of them is especially relevant for the summer period - this is a decorative vegetable garden and a garden. Here, on a small plot of land, several beds with vegetables are planted, which can be looked after by children who will like this kind of entertainment. After all, not all children have a dacha to see the growth process of carrots or green onions with their own eyes.

In addition to knowledge in botany and agriculture, a small ornamental garden will teach kids how to take care of plants, you can conduct classes, telling what proper watering should be, how the plants differ from each other, what are their edible parts, and so on. The appearance of such a small area can be borrowed in a decorative type, for example, by putting boxes or arranging flower beds inside car tires.

Not only plants, but also all kinds of pets attract curious kids, but because of this, you can't start a real barnyard. To satisfy the need for knowledge, you can not use real animals, but crafts in the form of them, made of plaster, plastic bottles, car tires, and more. It is necessary to build a small hut - a house for animals, and place a cockerel and chickens, a pig, a cow and others around.

It is possible to develop the curiosity of children not only with the help of plants and organization, but also using the theme of car signs, setting up a toy race track on the territory with a very real track, markings, signs and even a gas station. Moreover, it can be done in a rather original way, using empty five-liter eggplants, painting them black. Surely such a new play space will appeal to girls as well, but boys will be delighted with it. You can see examples DIY kindergarten site decoration - photo presented above in our article.

Making a kindergarten site in the summer with your own hands

Physical education equipment may also be located outside the perimeter of the group exercise area. On the contrary, the more free space there is, the easier it will be for kids to run, jump, move around there, playing outdoor games. But along the perimeter, we advise you to decorating a kindergarten site in the summer with your own hands make other entertainment, but more local.

These can be stumps that need to be overcome like an obstacle course. Of course, it is not enough just to cut a tree into stumps of the same or different heights and put them next to each other, you need to treat their surface well, make sure that there are no splinters and scratches when in contact with the tree, and even better - cover all the cuts with a special varnish or paint ... By the way, such cuts are a great way to learn numbers if you write them on the surface with the same paint. All teachers know that learning in a playful way is the most effective.

To fill the space around the site with beauty, use appliqués on everything you can. This can be a veranda canopy wall, a fence, benches, tree trunks. Let there be a lot of fairy-tale and cartoon characters made of plywood, plastic around, looking for them and looking at them will also be one of the exciting games.

Nadezhda Fomina

Target the project: create for children conditions on the walking area for winter games and fun.

Frosty Russian winter is a wonderful time to improve health children... cool wind, light frost, movement in the air - good hardening of the child's body. After a snowfall, the air is especially clean, and you can go sledding, skiing, skating, and playing outdoor games.

Together with our parents, we decided to decorate our walking area... There were many ideas. All settled on the theme "Sea Tale".

Relevance the project: ensuring sufficient physical activity children for a walk in winter.

the following tasks:

1. Promote health children.

2. Introduce children with snow properties.

3. Teach children make snow dough and sculpt from it.

4. Call from children desire to help parents and teacher in site registration.

5. Enrich the experience children through various forms of work.

develop cognitive and creativity children.

6. To cultivate a respect for buildings made of snow.

Type of the project: cognitive - creative.

The implementation period is 1 month.

Project participants: teacher, parents, children preparatory group.

The intended result: 1. Involvement of each child in creative, labor activity.

2. Involvement of a large number of parents in winter section design... 3. Learning to sculpt from snow, the development of a cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

4. Enhanced knowledge about ships.

I. Preparatory stage: 1. Conversation, discussion and choice of topic site registration... 2. Viewing the video "Inhabitants of the Underwater Kingdom".

3. Examination of illustrations of sea animals, ships.

4. Reading the fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin "About Tsar Saltan".

5. Reading the epic "Sadko".

6. Drawing on the theme "Inhabitants of the seas".

7. Modeling "Octopus".

Working with parents: discussing the plan site registration collection of material (plastic bottles, cloth, foam. sponge, glue. foil, illustrations of sea animals.

The final stage: ready-made buildings, games children in the decorated area.

Parents on plot.

Children cut out fish, starfish.

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Slide captions:

Winter walking area decoration

Our site is simply amazing! Everything is beautifully decorated!

The scientist cat lies here and guards the feeder

The hare and the wolf made friends, they settled down near the swing!

The gingerbread man meets the guys, invites them to play!

Bunny is also glad to children, he loves children very much!

Our fish is not simple, beautiful and golden!

Three bears live here, everyone is invited to visit!

There is a boat for the guys, I am glad to ride anyone!

Our slide is just a treasure! The best fun for the guys!

We also have a labyrinth, it is simply decorated with class!

There is a walkway for walking! And wide and stitching!

A hedgehog is made of a snowdrift, where else can you find a hedgehog?

Here is a corner for girls, come visit my friend

We tried our best for children, attracted parents! Together they conjured for a long time, And fought with the snow! But our work was not in vain, the site is called "Winter's Tale"!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Design ideas for the walking area of ​​the kindergarten

The crafts that we made for the second group of young children depict domestic and wild birds. Based on them, we tell children that a chicken is a poultry and it lives at the yard, but ...

Creative design for the design of the walking area "Winter Fairy Tale"

In order for the walks of children in winter to turn into a real holiday, it is necessary to create certain conditions on the walking area of ​​the group: clearing the site from snow, erecting buildings ...

Snowy colored fortresses and houses, characters from cartoons and Pushkin's tales, New Year's characters, cars, fancy slides, striking the imagination ... I can't even believe that all this splendor was created from snow. With the help of a shovel, a bucket, paint and creative imagination, you can turn a piece of the garden courtyard into a spaceport, an African savannah or an exhibition of huge Dymkovo toys. In this section, we have collected for you numerous ideas for decorating a site in winter. And, of course, detailed master classes on creating snow figures.

We invite you to the MAAM workshop of winter sculptors!

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All sections | Snow figures, snow constructions. Winter area decoration

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