How old is a man going to retire. From how many years old-age social pension is assigned and how much work experience is needed to receive it? A preferential rate can be assigned if a woman has worked

This question worries people of the older generation. Will a law be passed that will increase the retirement age for men and women in Russia? The controversy about changing the retirement period has not subsided for several years. Discussions are taking place at all levels, from government officials to ordinary citizens. How things are with the reforms, what has already been implemented, what is the situation with the appointment of pensions to Russians today - questions that are important for many people.

Retirement age in Russia

The law, which approved the timing of citizens' retirement, was adopted in 1932 and has not changed since then. The Russian state is responsible for supporting pensioners, but in order to receive a pension, the following conditions must be met:

  • for women, the age of retirement is 55;
  • for men - 60;
  • the minimum length of service for official employment must be 15 years;
  • you need to accumulate at least 30 retirement points.

There are additional conditions for going on vacation when you reach age. There are categories of citizens for whom changes in terms are provided:

  • working in difficult conditions, a reduction in the pension qualification is provided depending on the preferential length of service;
  • social benefits in the absence of work experience are assigned to men upon reaching 65 years of age, and to women - 60.

Generally established retirement age for women

The bills adopted in Russia stipulate the time frame for women to retire. The retirement age depends on working conditions, type of benefits. It is prescribed to go on vacation at 55 years old, with fifteen years of experience and 30 accumulated points. However, there may be cases when the age is:

  • 40 - if you have a disability;
  • 45 - when working in hazardous conditions, in a hot shop, underground or more than 20 years in the Far North (CS) by hunters, fishermen.

The list of women who go to rest at the age of 50 has been expanded. It includes those who gave birth and raised at least 5 children up to 8 years old, who raised at least two and worked in the Far North for 12 years. During this period, women who work:

  • in emergency services;
  • public transport drivers;
  • in geological expeditions;
  • by rail.

How old do men retire?

The legal age for men is 60 years, subject to the required length of service and the availability of earned points. There are types of work and circumstances that affect the state of health and decrease in working capacity, which imply early retirement at 50 and 55 years. At the same time, the retirement age is set depending on the length of service. A preferential pension is assigned to citizens in the case of:

  • harmful working conditions;
  • disability as a result of military trauma;
  • work at the compressor station;
  • vision disabilities.

Will there be an increase in the retirement age in Russia

This problem is of particular concern to people of pre-retirement age of both sexes. The issue is being discussed at all levels, but opinions differ. Experts believe that the decision to increase the age limits is long overdue. This is motivated by:

  • the fact that the retirement age of the inhabitants of Russia is one of the lowest in the world;
  • world practice - in most states such a reform has been carried out;
  • economic and social situation in the country.

When is it planned to raise the retirement age in Russia? The government has already begun such work, having increased the time for public employees to rest by 6 months from January 2019. For other categories of citizens, the law is being discussed. The Ministry of Finance proposes:

  • consider the age limit of 65 years for men and women to come to rest;
  • to carry out reforms in stages;
  • a gradual increase in the retirement age by 6 months annually.

Law on increasing the retirement age for civil servants from 2019

Those who work in the civil service had to start registering their pension in 2019 when they reached the period generally established by the new law. This applies to employees of all levels of activity, regardless of positions, receiving salaries from the federal budget. The law stipulates:

  • the difference in the wording is that the pension is not “old age”, but “seniority”;
  • exit time for men is 60.5 years, for women - 55.5;
  • annual increase in the qualification - six months;
  • the value of the age limit for rest of civil servants.

How will the process take place

Although the process has begun, many are worried about how the reforms will proceed? It is planned to complete all transformations by 2032. During this time, the age of women civil servants leaving to rest will be 63 years old. Men will reach their target date in 2027 - 65 years. During this time, the duration of the insurance period will also gradually change.

The process will be carried out by years, the basis for age accruals will be the time of the onset of the right to receive an old-age pension (B). It looks like this:

Required experience

Exit age \u003d In (years) + months

2032, subsequent

Pension qualification in the regions of the Far North

For those living in the Far North (CC), there are rules by which the age of pensioners is calculated. It is lower than the generally established values. Indigenous people with disabilities receive a social pension upon reaching 50 years of age for women and 55 for men. For other categories of citizens, age reduction benefits depend on the length of service, type of work, the presence of children and are:

Who is eligible for early retirement

The law defines groups of people who have the possibility of early retirement. This includes citizens working in difficult conditions. Beneficial recipients are considered unemployed, disabled, specialists who were laid off before the onset of the retirement period. There are lists of professions for establishing early care:

  • No. 1 - especially heavy, harmful, dangerous - metallurgists, miners, geologists, rescuers;
  • No. 2 - workers in transport, light, food and pharmaceutical industries, doctors, pilots, artists, teachers.

Workers with difficult or harmful working conditions

Early care is given to citizens whose work is associated with injuries, increased gas pollution, high noise levels or the presence of radiation. The period is different for men and women. Harmful industries:

  • nuclear power;
  • electronics and communications;
  • mining;
  • metallurgy;
  • chemical;
  • oil refining;
  • building materials.

The list of works No. 1, according to which benefits are assigned, include the production of explosives, gas processing, logging, and the activities of rescuers. This takes into account the general, preferential work experience, whether it is a man or a woman. Conditions must be met:

Age of care

Preferential experience

Insurance experience

Work according to the list number 1

Separate social categories of citizens

There are categories of recipients of pension benefits to whom they are assigned ahead of schedule due to health or social reasons. To receive payments, you need documents confirming the right to benefits. Pensioners receiving social pensions include:

  • visually impaired;
  • mothers with many children with more than 5 children;
  • disabled people traumatized in the war;
  • dwarfs, midgets;
  • parents who take care of disabled children.

Unemployed persons of pre-retirement age

It is not uncommon for an enterprise to cease to exist and the employer fires people who have little to retire. Finding a new job in this position is problematic. When contacting the employment service, citizens are offered an early vacation. By law, this is done if:

  • required work experience;
  • the time before official retirement is not more than two years;
  • the required preferential experience.

Retirement age for military and military veterans

For the military, there is a law regulating pension payments. The time of retirement depends on the rank. For Colonel General, Admiral - 65 years, Rear Admiral, Major General - 5 years earlier. The rest are from fifty, and the women are from forty-five. For charges:

  • length of service is needed - 20 years;
  • general experience, including civilian, - at least 25, of which military - at least 12.5;
  • for veterans of hostilities, individual pensions are assigned - with 20 years of service - 50% of the allowance, plus 3% for each year over the term.

Conditions for establishing preferential length of service for retirement

To be eligible for a preferential pension, a citizen must provide documents. Employers in the presence of severe factors are obliged to assess the working conditions every five years, which determine the possibility of assigning preferential length of service. To confirm the rights, the employee provides:

  • medical certificate;
  • confirmed information about harmful and general experience;
  • conclusion on checking working conditions.

Retirement period and pension amount

According to the laws adopted in Russia, a working citizen and an able-bodied pensioner can participate in their social security, increase their savings. This requires an increase in the length of the working time after the retirement period. The amount of the pension depends on:

  • insurance experience of the recipient;
  • the amount of contributions paid by the employer;
  • choice of the type of security - insurance or combined with a funded pension;
  • increasing bonus coefficients, depending on the time of departure.

How will the fixed portion change with late retirement

The amount of payments depends on the length of work after the period of retirement and the size of the official salary. The situation also applies to working pensioners - they can give up their pension for more than a year, and then receive large incomes. It is important that the employer is an honest payer of pension contributions. The minimum fixed payment in 2019 is RUB 4,805.11. Premium coefficients (K) will annually increase the value:

  • in a year K \u003d 1.056
  • after 10 - K \u003d 2.11.

Increase of the insurance part of the pension

If a person has refused the funded part of pension provision, the state is responsible for financing. It guarantees annual indexation, which depends on the state of the economy, the economy's income, and inflation. The increase percentage may be higher than the return on the funded part. By a government decree, the insurance pension is increased every year from 1 February. Additional indexing is possible under favorable conditions.

Extending the retirement age in Russia - for and against

Why is it necessary to raise the retirement age? Supporters note the advantages of this decision. They consider it a mandatory requirement to extend the working time:

  • the number of working-age population is decreasing;
  • citizens work after the due date of their pension - an additional source of income is needed;
  • there is a shortage of pensions - not everyone pays the necessary taxes;
  • there is a gap between the number of pensioners and taxpayers;
  • budget expenditures increase, on which you can save.

Opponents present their arguments:

  • low life expectancy, especially in men;
  • the state of health is such that not every person can live to retire;
  • an increase in the term will not lead to cost savings;
  • it is difficult for pensioners to find work;
  • employers are interested in young personnel;
  • due to a complex of problems, pensioners prefer to receive their pension today, not hoping for a recount when they leave late.

Retirement ages by country

Each state has its own pension systems that stipulate the transition of citizens from work to recreation. The procedure for calculating social benefits for senior citizens is also different. Indicators are:

The age of retirement

Life span,



Great Britain


Average life expectancy in Russia

This indicator is calculated annually, it depends on the demographic situation, economic stability of the region of residence, the level of health care, education, funding. Alcohol consumption, smoking, unemployment, ecology, crisis have a great influence. The numbers differ significantly depending on the habitat. For the regions of Russia in 2016 there were the following indicators:


Volgograd region


Novgorod region

Tyva Republic


Retirement is a process that sooner or later every citizen will get to know. This is a kind of obtaining the status of a disabled person. More precisely, who has reached a certain age and is able to receive assistance from the state in the form of pension payments. In Russia, the pension system is constantly undergoing some changes. Therefore, it needs to be given special attention. What should citizens know about pensions and retirement? How can you get the status of a pensioner in the country? All this will be discussed further.

Retirement rules

The first thing citizens must learn is that retirement is a legal right for everyone. Under certain circumstances, you can receive financial assistance from the state on a monthly basis. We are talking about pension payments. Supporting pensioners is the responsibility of the state. And everyone can count on it. At the moment, in order to retire (to receive payments), a citizen must:

  • have work experience (it changes from year to year);
  • reach a specific age.

For women

It is after meeting these criteria that one can count on support from the state. There are different age restrictions for men and women. The fact is that the female half of the population is faced with such a process as retirement in Russia from the age of 55. Now the government wants to increase the retirement age to 63. At any time, starting from this period, women are able to apply for a pension. And, accordingly, receive benefits due for the status of a pensioner in a particular locality.

For men

For men in Russia, there are different rules for retirement. The point is that they will have to work longer than women. To retire, you must be at least 60 years old. It is planned to increase the retirement age for men in Russia to 65 years. But so far there are no changes regarding the retirement age. The law on its increase has already been passed. Only in practice it has not yet taken place. Under certain circumstances, both men and women are entitled to an early pension. When is this right granted to the population?

Early retirement

Retirement, as already mentioned, can be appointed earlier than the specified age limits. Only for this will it be necessary to ensure compliance with certain requirements. At the moment, about 30 categories of the population have the right to receive early material support from the state. For example, the most common cases in the country are:

  1. Early retirement due to harm. If citizens are employed in hazardous production, they, with a certain length of service (each activity has its own restrictions), have the right to well-deserved rest.
  2. Length of service. As a rule, the military and "state employees" have the right to early assignment of pensions. Usually it is required to have one or another work experience in the chosen field of activity.
  3. Large families. The mother of a large family, if she has 5 children or more, if she has an insurance record of 15 years or more, can retire at 50 years. A woman has the right to transfer the right of early rest to her husband. Then he is supposed to retire at 55 years old.

The procedure for assigning pension payments

How to register as a pensioner and receive a pension? To do this, a citizen must come to the Pension Fund of Russia and submit an application in the established form. Apply to it:

  • identification;
  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • certificates from the place of work;
  • work book;
  • documents certifying work experience (for example, an extract on the conduct of an individual entrepreneur);
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • account details for calculating the pension.

About benefits

Retirement allows you to receive certain benefits. They are usually regulated regionally. But most often a pensioner has the right to:

  • 50% discount when paying bills for an apartment and utility bills;
  • exemption from transport tax;
  • reduction in property taxes;
  • the possibility of free travel on public transport;
  • booking tickets in advance.

Sooner or later, every person is faced with the concept of retirement age in his life. Therefore, it is necessary to know that this age is set as the maximum, upon reaching which Russian citizens can leave work and turn from a payer of regular pension interest from wages to a recipient of the pension they have earned. Let's figure out what the retirement age is now in Russia.

Workers employed in enterprises with difficult working conditions

Men at 55, women at 50 (with the available work experience of 20 years). A list of occupations with difficult conditions is presented in the section of the law on general occupations.

For example, electric welders in all types of welding with harmfulness of at least class 3 are entitled to an early retirement pension. Permanent work experience in production must be 12 and a half years for men, and at least 6 for women.

Workers employed in hazardous underground production, in hot workshops

Men - from 50 years old (with an existing work experience of 20 years), women - 45 (with the available work experience of 15 years).For mine workers, there is a separate document, as an annex to the law, which announces a list of professions that give the right to early retirement.

It includes works that pose a danger to the health and life of people: in deep mines (more than 150 m) with harmful gas-dynamic manifestations, the possibility of rock bumps and explosions, during the extraction of minerals harmful to health.

Workers of textile and clothing enterprises

At 50 (with over 20 years of work experience).

Servicemen and employees of power structures, Ministry of Emergencies

Men at 55, women at 50. It is worth mentioning separately about the calculations concerning the military personnel. There is simply no specific age limit for serving in the ranks of military personnel and structures, since it must be calculated based on a person's specific track record.

This list includes the mandatory requirements:

  • Work experience of 20 years or more, half of which must be in the army;
  • Availability of awards, titles, special merit (for example,);
  • Availability of preferential rates, for example, service in hot spots, participation in hostilities, injuries;
  • Disability received during the years of service.

Legislators are not considering raising the retirement age for military personnel in the coming years (more about how many years the military is retiring).

As for the police officers, with the introduction of the new law, they have the right to an early one, having 25 years of service, of which half of the term must be worked out in the authorities.

Mothers of many children

From 50 years of age. The conditions for retirement ahead of schedule: work experience of more than 15 years, the birth and upbringing of 5 children up to eight years of age, the upbringing of foster children is also taken into account.

There are a lot of discrepancies in the law regarding the retirement of mothers with many children, so it is planned to amend it.

Afghanistan War Veterans

  • Officers
  • Conscripts
  • Workers
  • Drivers
  • Flight personnel
  • Medical staff

The early retirement benefit begins to operate for men at the age of 55 and for women at 48.

Liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The law does not indicate a single figure that would mean the preferential retirement time for Chernobyl victims. This is due to the fact that they were on liquidation for different times, it is on the length of stay in the danger zone that retirement depends earlier than prescribed by the law.

Citizens evacuated from the scene of the accident are also entitled to early retirement pension.

Stay at the NPPDecrease (in years)Retirement (years)
From date of accident until 1 July 1986on 1050 45
From July 01, 1986 to December 31, 1986 from 5 days.
2 weeks in 1987at 852 47
From July 01, 1986 to December 31, 1986 less than 5 daysby 555 50
14 consecutive days in 1986 at a construction site or sanitation

Medical workers

There is also a medical benefit, but no age is specified.

The presence of appropriate work experience in medical institutions can send doctors to a preferential pension at any age, and it is not a fact that this will happen before the age of 50:

  • You need to work 25 years in rural areas.
  • In city hospitals - 30 years.

On the prospects for changing the law

Changes to the law have already been adopted after lengthy discussions in the State Duma of Russia.

The main innovations that have been introduced into the law:

  • Increasing the age threshold for retirement. The changes will occur gradually, every 6 months.
  • The increase in the age pension qualification will affect state and municipal employees, starting from the federal level.
  • A gradual increase in the minimum length of service for this category of workers. It is planned to raise the bar up to 20 years.
  • Increasing the minimum term of office of deputies of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. For additional payments to a pension, an official will need to work at least 5 years, for an increased additional payment - at least 10 years.

Changes in Russian legislation are an element that is being prepared by the government. One of its main points will be raising the retirement age for all categories of workers.

Today, it is beneficial for the state to raise the pension bar specifically for civil servants, because this will save money on the payment of pensions, which are completely different from ordinary ones, and also keep qualified personnel for a longer time.

They talk about pension in Russia in a purely negative way, complaining about the fact that it is small and does not entail much luxury.

But the size is not the only controversial factor, since it is of particular importance to determine the age of retirement for the provided insurance coverage (retirement).

The citizens became interested in the presented question when they heard about a possible increase in the retirement age. So from how many years does the pension come at a given time and how to get an early retirement?

Navigating the article

Types of pensions

Pension is the provision of citizens who have reached a certain age and are unable to carry out the same activity due to their age and lack of adequate health. In fact, a pension is the security that a Russian citizen previously earned on his own.

During employment at an enterprise or in any organization, the employer transfers special insurance contributions for the employee to form the Pension Fund, depending on his salary.

In the future, the newly-made pensioner is calculated taking into account all transfers - thus the amount of the citizen's security is calculated.

According to the results of inflation and other actions of the State Duma, the pension of citizens is constantly indexed and growing, but with certain restrictions - this depends on the type of pension accruals. So, insurance coverage of citizens begins ahead of schedule or on a general basis.

Pre-term is the study of an individual situation when a citizen can apply for an early termination of employment with subsequent security.

General grounds for retirement are age conditions or other legislative factors, according to which a citizen should retire.

By financing, the pension is divided into social and insurance. Social payments are carried out by the federal budget, and insurance payments are what a citizen earned during his entire working life. Of course, the amount of the presented payments may vary significantly. But retirement does not prohibit additional work at will.

Based on the current legislation of Russia, it occurs in men and women at different times and is determined by the type of work activity.

If citizens do not fall under any category of labor that entails harm to health received at the enterprise, the purpose of their pension benefits is determined according to standard conditions, taking into account age restrictions.

So, working citizens and unemployed people go to retire at the same time - for men the age of 60 years is stipulated, and for women the age of 55 years, which is regulated by the current Russian legislation, namely Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" , signed on December 28, 2013

Among other things, the law determines the type of pension payments - insurance or social.

It follows from the legislation that a citizen can apply for insurance coverage upon reaching retirement age, if he meets three basic conditions:

  • it is necessary to comply with the age restrictions of citizens for pension financing
  • have a minimum work experience of at least 8 years
  • it is important to have a calculated individual pension coefficient of at least 11.4 - the total number of points awarded for the conduct of work and its temporary termination

If a citizen does not meet the requirements presented, he falls under social security. The social conditions are somewhat different:

  • Firstly, the presented type was introduced relatively recently and implies the provision of citizens who do not have the appropriate work experience. Social benefits come if a citizen has less than 5 years of work experience or has worked all his life without the necessary registration.
  • Secondly, the social pension begins to be paid only from 60 or from 65 for women and men, respectively.

About early withdrawal

Some Russian citizens have the right to leave for insurance or social pensions ahead of schedule, which consists of the following factors:

  • if citizens worked in enterprises that are officially recognized as harmful
  • if citizens fall under certain social conditions
  • if a citizen received unemployed status at pre-retirement age

The last condition is analyzed very carefully and thoroughly - the pre-retirement age is determined two years before the onset of the current retirement age.

If during this time a citizen suddenly became unemployed - there was a reduction in staff or harm was caused to his health - he can apply for an early exit to a well-deserved rest. The presented situation is thoroughly examined by the Pension Fund, as well as by the Employment Center - in this matter, the priority and possible funding from the State are observed.

About labor pension

Now it is necessary to sort out the question of how many years men and women start as a result of labor activity in an enterprise hazardous to health. Here it is necessary to give an example of a table that lists all possible cases and requirements of Russian legislation.

Articles 30 and 31 of the law on the appointment of insurance pensions list all possible types of work and professions that relate to hard work and especially hard work. Upon reaching the specified retirement age, citizens begin to issue insurance payments on a common basis with other working citizens.

Early retirement pension for individual citizens

There is a specific list of civil categories, which include persons who are eligible to apply for early social security, even if they have no work experience.

The list includes:

  • mothers with many children - the number of children in a family must be at least 5 and their age is over 8 years old (the mother should have been raising children earlier)
  • one of the parents whose child has a disability since childhood and is over 8 years old
  • disabled people who became them as a result of a military injury
  • disabled people of the 1st group with vision problems
  • russian citizens who are midgets or dwarfs

If these citizens have the minimum specified above, and their individual retirement coefficient meets the minimum indicator, they can qualify for early retirement.

On the territory of the Far North and adjacent regions

It is also interesting to find out from what age the pension for women and men begins for residents of the Far North and adjacent regions with the corresponding status.

Residents of the regions represented can retire early. At the same time, similar conditions apply to citizens who live in other territories, but were working in the Far North or in similar regions.

For a better study of the issue, a table should be provided in which all the information is presented.

Gender of citizens and their characteristicsWhen they retireLifetime earned citizen experienceMinimum work experience in the Far NorthMinimum work experience in the territory in the adjacent regions
Women with 2 children or more50 20 12 17
Women50 20 15 20
Men55 25 15 20
Women45 20 Reindeer breeders, fishermen and other citizens of the local trade profession, permanently residing in the territory
Men50 20

The total length of service may be more - the information provided indicates the minimum age limit.

Access to insurance coverage later than stipulated

You can apply for a pension later - this is a new state introduction, which is necessary for the formation of the budget of the Federation and the Pension Fund, in particular.

So, if working citizens apply for compulsory insurance coverage later than the specified age, special coefficients for the premium are applied to the calculation of their compulsory payments.

You can see specific values \u200b\u200bon the website. It is up to the citizen to decide whether to apply for a pension or not. If it was decided to waive mandatory payments for an indefinite period, you should apply to the Pension Fund with a corresponding statement.

The information provided should help citizens determine their retirement age. If you have any questions, it is better to contact the Pension Fund for the necessary advice.

About seniority for retirement - presented in the video:

Ask your question in the form below

More on this topic:

In world practice, the definition of the retirement age by gender is carried out in different ways. Retirement of a woman in Russia is legally occurring at an earlier age than is legally fixed for men.

general facts

Starting in 2019, the country introduced a phased increase in the retirement age.

According to the changes, Russian women will be able to retire on a general basis at 60. But this will only be in 2028. As for the transition period, the retirement age will grow annually until the specified indicator is reached.

What types of maintenance are allowed for disabled women

The reform of the MPI system has led to the fact that the basic principles of assigning content in the event of an insured event have changed. Now the main one looks like this:

  • upon the onset of disability, everyone receives compensation for income proportional to their own contribution to the formation of the PFR solidary budget.

Nevertheless, insured persons belonging to the weaker sex need to accumulate a certain amount:

  • work experience;
  • pension coefficients (points).
Attention: the main condition for receiving any kind of support from the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) is joining the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS).

Law No. 400-FZ of 28.12.2013 describes all types of pension benefits that are provided to insured persons. These include:

Attention: women can count on any type of compensation for lost income, provided they meet the criteria laid down in the norms of Law No. 400-FZ. Download for viewing and printing:

Criteria for assigning insurance content

To be eligible for this type of benefit, the following conditions must be met:

  1. reaching the age limit for compulsory participation in labor activity:
    • 60th anniversary for women;
    • preferential, in accordance with regulatory documents;
  2. availability:
    • insurance experience (10 years in 2019);
    • 16.2 retirement points (the number is gradually increasing to 30 in 2025).

The seniority threshold is also steadily increasing. By 2024, it will be 15 years old. For comparison: before the OPS system, it was necessary to officially work out only 5 years.

Certain points in determining the length of service

Records on the periods of work in the work book do not guarantee the inclusion of this length of service in the calculation of the pension. This can happen due to the incorrect filling of the work book by the specialists. For example: corrections, incorrect numbers and dates of orders, unreadable stamps of organizations, etc.

Confirmation of these periods of work will be either an extract from the individual personal account of a citizen or a certificate of the experience of archival institutions, organizations.

Attention: all contributions for the period from 01/01/2015 have been calculated, converted into points and entered into the personal accounts of citizens.

The next basic condition is the number of points. They depend on two parameters:

  • period of work experience;
  • the amount of contributions transferred at this time.

The higher the specified parameters, the higher the sum of the accumulated coefficients. And from it (further the formula is given) the potential content depends on the occurrence of an insurance situation.

Youth advice: it is necessary to find a job officially, so as not to worry about the loss of income by old age.

Grace periods granting extra points

The above principles for determining the amount of a pension are unfair. While caring for a baby, a woman is not able to work fully. The legislator found the indicated injustice urgent. It is taken into account in Law No. 400-FZ. So, there are grace periods for which pension coefficients are calculated.

These include:

  1. care for each child up to one and a half years old (taken into account by one of the parents);
  2. care about ;
  3. care for disabled adults:
    • those who have crossed the 80-year threshold;
    • disabled people;
  4. periods of receipt;
  5. while living with a spouse - in an area where it was impossible to get a job in a specialty, including outside the country.

Attention: in order to stimulate fertility, more points are awarded for each subsequent child:

  • for the first - 1.8;
  • for the second - 3.6;
  • for the third and subsequent - 5.4.

Who is eligible for early retirement

Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ lists the categories of citizens who, in certain situations, receive privileges to obtain insurance content.

These include female persons:

  1. Spent in hot shops or underground. Criteria for registration of the manual:
    • reaching the age of 45;
    • the presence of a minimum experience of 7.5 years in the specified conditions;
    • insurance experience of at least 15 years.
  2. In the categories below, a woman must have at least 10 years of professional experience and at least 20 years of insurance experience.After the onset of the 50th anniversary, women who worked:
    • in difficult conditions;
    • on the railway or in the subway (some positions);
    • female drivers who were driving:
      • by trucks in mines;
      • by land transport for the carriage of passengers;
      • tractor;
      • construction vehicles;
    • in geological exploration parties;
    • in the fire service.
  3. If you have a certain length of service, age is not taken into account when assigning pension benefits:
    • rescuers;
    • and other health workers;
    • persons of creative professions;
    • pilots of civil aviation;
    • miners, women underground workers;
    • workers of the civilian navy.
Attention! The periods of work in hazardous and hazardous industries are included in the special length of service with the obligatory calculation and payment of an additional rate of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is extremely important that the employer calculates and pays insurance premiums in a timely manner at additional rates, otherwise the length of service in the relevant types of work will not be counted on the individual personal account. This will impede the formation of the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension.

At the moment, mothers with many children have benefits for early retirement - if there are 3, it will be possible to apply for a pension at 57, with 4 at 56, with 5 or more at 50.

Other privileges to reduce the retirement age

Article 32 of the designated law establishes preferences for mothers and women with health limitations. They are as follows:

  1. Old age insurance content is assigned:
    • :
      • due to military trauma - the retirement age is 50 years;
      • group 1 vision - the retirement age is 40 years;
      • patients with pituitary dwarfism (lilliputians) and disproportionate dwarfs - the retirement age is 40 years.
  2. Women workers who have 12 years of experience in the Far North or at least 17 years in areas equated to the Far North, who have raised two children, are given a pension after their 50th birthday.
  3. At 45, a woman who permanently lives in the northern territories and has worked for 20 years receives the right to rest:
    • hunter;
    • reindeer herder;
    • fisherman.
Attention: all of the above preferential conditions must be documented.

Formula for calculating pension benefits

The methodology for determining the amount of monthly payments to pensioners is given in Article 15 of the said law. So, paragraph 1 of this article contains a formula for calculating. It is like this:

  • StP \u003d IPK x STIK + BV, where:
  • StP - the amount of the sought benefit;
  • IPK - the number of points accumulated for labor activity (including preferential ones);
  • STIK - the ruble value of one point, determined at the time of granting the benefit;
  • BV - basic or fixed part, the size of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Important: the formula uses constants:

  • point value;
  • basic payment.

Their size is determined by law and is subject to annual indexation.

In 2019, their values \u200b\u200bare as follows:

  • cost 1 b. \u003d RUB 87.24;
  • the size of the base part - 5334.19 rubles.

It should be noted that the last constant is increased in favorable situations. These include:

  • the presence of dependents and their number;
  • work experience in the Far North (at least 15 years);
  • and in equivalent territories (from 20 years).


Irina Sergeevna will be entitled to a pension in July 2019.

  1. She will apply with the appropriate application to the PFR branch, providing all the necessary documents.
  2. Among the papers are three certificates of the birth of her children.
  3. Irina Sergeevna has accumulated 120 points on her personal account in the OPS system, since she has gained 21 years of experience.
  4. In addition, for the upbringing of each child up to one and a half years, she is entitled to additional:
    • (1.8 points + 3.6 points + 5.4 points) x 1.5 g \u003d 16.2 points.
  5. Thus, in total, Irina Sergeevna had 136.2 points.
  6. Pension allowances are calculated for July 2019 using the above formula:
    • 136.2 b. x 87.24 rubles. + 5334.19 RUB \u003d 17,216.23 p.
Download for viewing and printing: Attention: if a citizen applies for a pension later than the statutory deadline, her appointment will increase due to the use of bonus coefficients.

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What documents are submitted to the FIU

To exercise the right to receive insurance benefits, you must notify the FIU about your desire. For this:

  1. An application prepared in the prescribed form is submitted to the local office.
  2. It is accompanied by documents proving the right. Namely:
    • passport (and residence permit for foreign women and stateless persons);
    • SNILS;
    • work book with an insert (all available copies);
    • official data on income for any period of labor activity carried out before 2002 (60 months according to the Labor Code without gaps);
    • additional papers:
      • certificates of the birth of children;
      • certificate of the presence of disabled dependents;
      • data on the provision of care for disabled citizens and more.
Important: if a woman is not eligible for an insurance benefit, she will be offered to apply for a social benefit, but the right to payments will arise no earlier than 5 years after the generally established retirement age. In 2019, a social old-age pension will be awarded upon reaching the age of 65.

Procedure for considering an application and paying maintenance

The FIU specialists operate according to the approved methodology. Here are its main provisions:

  1. A citizen can apply for the exercise of the right to pension payments at any time.
  2. The application is considered within a period of 10 days, subject to the provision of all the necessary documents.
  3. Three months are given to finalize the package of documents.
  4. The day from which the money will be credited is the date of writing the application, but not earlier than the onset of the right to payment.
  5. The pension is paid monthly in a way convenient for the client:
    • it is determined at the time of application;
    • if desired, the method can be changed to another by writing a new application.

You can receive funds:

  • at the branch of the Russian Post enterprise;
  • through bank transactions to a personal account (card);
  • through a specialized organization that delivers money (if it has an agreement with the FIU).
Attention: if necessary, a pensioner can entrust transactions with money to another person. This happens on the basis of an official document - a power of attorney.

In order not to have problems with documents, they must be checked. It happens as follows:

  1. Before the date of the onset of the right to pension benefits, it is advisable to go to an appointment with a PFR specialist with a work book.
  2. The employee will review the records and identify those that are in doubt.
  3. They will have to be confirmed by archival references.
  4. In addition, the specialist will tell you what other documents you need to provide to confirm the benefits.
  5. It is recommended to listen carefully to the advice and do everything exactly.
Important: in the absence of a response to comments from the future pensioner, the FIU is obliged to assign an allowance on the available grounds. It may be less than expected.

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