Packing a bag for the hospital. The most complete list of things in the hospital

In the third trimester, it's time for expectant mothers to prepare for childbirth, and not only morally, but also literally - by collecting a bag with all the necessary things. In order not to fuss and panic before going to the hospital, make sure that the bag is packed in advance and calmly waits for its “highest” hour. What exactly do you need to take with you to the hospital? We have collected the opinions and useful experience of mothers on the site and compiled a list of what you can hardly do without during these few important days in the life of a woman and a newborn.

The documents

This is the most important thing that cannot be forgotten during the training camp. Moreover, get into the habit of carrying all the documents collected in a folder or file with you in recent weeks. You never know when labor might start. So, the list of documents:
the passport;
medical policy;
exchange card;
childbirth contract (if you signed one).

Before childbirth

If you have chosen a maternity hospital in advance, then be sure to ask what things are allowed to take with you to childbirth. The fact is that each maternity hospital has its own rules and conditions, which must be followed when collecting a bag. So it's better to coordinate everything in advance. In any case, this list is usually extremely limited. Later you will understand yourself that no one will carry a bag for you from the prenatal ward to the birth ward and then to the postnatal ward. Yes, you yourself will forget where they put her when you arrive at the hospital. After the birth, your husband, mother or other relative can bring all the things you and the newborn need. So often expectant mothers come with a minimum of things.

Usually this:
washable slippers;
personal hygiene items: toothpaste, brush, shampoo (more convenient in bags), baby soap, comb;
compression stockings;
a bottle of mineral non-carbonated water;
photo or video camera;
mobile phone and charger.

If the expectant mother arrived at the maternity hospital with a minimum of things, she should have a bag packed at home with everything necessary for herself and the baby after birth. So take care of this in advance so that dad or your mom only has to bring the bag to your hospital.

After childbirth for mom

Bathrobe and nightgown. However, it is often allowed to use only what is issued in the maternity hospital.
Postpartum pads.
Crockery: mug, plate, spoon, fork.
Mineral still water.
Shower towel, hand towel.
Cotton shorts. Can also be post-operative, mesh or disposable.
Nursing bra.
Disposable bra pads.
Cream "Bepanthen".
Postpartum bandage.
Candles with glycerin.
Face cream, hygienic lipstick.
Cosmetics for discharge.

For a newborn

You can have two sets of things collected: for the baby in the hospital and for discharge. If you need the first set at the same time as the above items, then the second one can be given to you by your husband or mother on the day of discharge. The baby will be dressed in beautiful clothes right before you are discharged from the hospital. By the way, put the clothes there in advance, in which you yourself will leave the hospital and accept congratulations from your husband and relatives.

So, what is useful for the baby in the hospital:
A set of clothes (depending on the time of year): undershirts or bodysuits, sliders, socks, anti-scratches, a pair of caps of the first size.
Diapers at least 4 pieces: 2 cotton and 2 flannel size 60x90, they are issued in many maternity hospitals.
Baby diapers for newborns (from 2 to 5 kg), 20-25 pieces.
Cotton swabs with a limiter and cotton pads.
Special scissors for cutting nails.

For discharge, prepare a bodysuit / overalls, a hat / bonnet and an envelope (winter / summer version, see the weather).

We have listed everything that is most likely to be useful in the maternity hospital, based on the comments of moms in our experience collection. However, we cannot fail to mention some other tips that may also be useful to expectant mothers in preparation for childbirth.

Cream for stretch marks will help the skin return to its previous state, will serve as a preventive measure against the unpleasant consequences of pregnancy. The main thing is to find time for him in the hospital.

Several mothers immediately remembered how after giving birth they wanted to have a snack - and only crackers, dried fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese or a small chocolate bar were enough. With the permission of the doctor, of course. By the way, you can grab a few chocolates for the midwives, they will be pleased to receive such a small sweet thanks from you.

The first washing of the baby with a lack of experience is fraught with splashes and wetting of the newly-made mother. So an apron might come in handy. For especially sensitive mothers, a notebook and a pen will come in handy - write down impressions or, for example, what time and from which breast the baby ate, when he pooped, and so on.

A lamp on a clothespin or any other mobile night light will save you when there is no dim or local light in the room.

Well, for those mothers whose baby in the first days after birth is distinguished by a special love for sleep, calm and not whiny, an interesting, but rather a useful book, will come in handy.

Any additions to the must-have list? Write in the comments or collect experience!

Pregnancy and childbirth are very exciting moments for every woman. And hour X does not always come at the time planned by doctors. Therefore, it is better to pack a bag to the hospital in advance. What things to take with you? Let's take a closer look in this article.

The documents

The list of allowed things for each medical institution can vary greatly. Therefore, you need to find out in advance what conditions are in the chosen medical institution. It is also worth considering whether the birth takes place under the contract or not. In the second case, the expectant mother is allowed to take more things, taking into account her own wishes.

But in any case, it is necessary to prepare documents in advance. When they collect a bag for the hospital, they start with them:

  1. The passport.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Exchange card. It is a very important document, it contains all the data on the condition of the woman in labor. It is issued in the antenatal clinic. In the absence of a card, a young mother can be placed in the infectious diseases department as underexamined. It is recommended to carry it with you at all times.
  4. OMS policy.
  5. Insurance pension certificate.
  6. Childbirth contract (if any).
  7. If a young mother wants to go to the hospital in advance, you will need a referral from her leading gynecologist.

Is it worth taking money with you?

When packing a bag for the hospital, some mothers include money in the list of things. It's not obligatory. They are unlikely to be needed. After all, it is forbidden to go outside, and it is problematic to carry something other than the allowed list. You can ask for everything you need to bring relatives or a husband. But in some maternity hospitals there are shops and buffets, in which case, of course, it is worth taking a small amount of cash. Also, money can be useful for gratitude to the medical staff. Many expectant mothers take money with them just for this.

Documents for the accompanying person

In partner births, the list of things that need to be put in the bag at the maternity hospital should include documents for the future father. These include:

  1. Test results. It is worthwhile to clarify in advance which examinations you need to pass.
  2. The passport.

Also, for the future father, you can collect a small bag to the hospital, which will contain all the things he needs. It must contain:

  • Appropriate clothing and a change of shoes, rubber slippers are best. In addition, he will be given a sterile gown, cap and mask.
  • Video camera. It will be needed if you want to capture the moment the baby is born into the world.

What should be the bag

Many girls are wondering: what bag to take to the hospital? What do experienced moms say? It is recommended to put everything you need in plastic bags and bags. There are rules in the maternity hospital, according to which things can only be brought into them. Such restrictions are introduced in connection with sanitary standards.

For convenience, everything you need can be categorized and collect three bags. The first is useful before childbirth and during. The second bag will contain things for the postpartum period and for the baby. And the third - with clothes and everything you need for discharge.

The first bag must be taken with you immediately, the other two will be brought to the hospital by relatives at the right time.

Bag in the maternity hospital for mom in the antenatal ward

The first bag is assembled from things that will be needed if the expectant mother gets to the hospital in advance:

  1. Slippers. It is best to take two pairs. The rules prescribe washable. Therefore, rubber slippers will be a suitable option here. The second pair is for the shower.
  2. Nightgown and bathrobe.
  3. A pair of cotton socks and one warm one, you will need them during childbirth.
  4. A razor, in case the young mother did not have time to carry out this procedure at home.
  5. Change of linen.
  6. Towel. One for the shower, the second for the hands and face.
  7. Hygienic lipstick (lips dry out during childbirth)
  8. Personal hygiene items: soap, toothpaste and brush, washcloth, shampoo, comb.
  9. Compression stockings. During childbirth, a huge load is imposed on the veins, which can contribute to the development of varicose veins, so it is recommended to use special underwear. For women who already have this disease, compression clothing is mandatory. Stockings will also be needed in case of a caesarean section.
  10. Wet wipes.
  11. Phone and charger. The main thing is not to forget to replenish the balance in time.

Not all maternity hospitals allow home clothes to be worn in the maternity and postnatal wards. This needs to be clarified in advance. In any case, the dressing gown and nightgown should be loose, made of natural fabrics and easily removed if necessary.

What else to put in this bag

It is allowed to take only a minimum of things for the birth itself, due to strict sanitary standards:

  1. A bottle of non-carbonated water. Do not take large volumes, 0.5 liters is enough. This is due to the fact that during childbirth it is forbidden to drink a lot, you can moisten your throat or take small sips.
  2. Scrunchy.
  3. Some maternity hospitals ask you to bring your baby's diaper and diaper.

You can bring a thermos of sweet tea with you. Of course, no one will give it to drink during childbirth, but after that it will be the most divine drink for a woman in labor. It is unlikely that any of the staff will want to make it for mom on their own.

Bag in the postnatal ward

The postpartum period has two features that need to be considered when packing a bag for the maternity hospital for mom. Firstly, immediately after childbirth, a woman begins to shed blood discharge - lochia. And the first days they can be quite plentiful. Secondly, the active production of breast milk begins.

Relatives usually bring a bag with things to the postpartum ward. But if the birth takes place at night, there is no need to worry because of this, the maternity hospital always has everything you need for the first hours after childbirth.

So, the composition of the second bag to the hospital:

  1. Pack of disposable underpants. Sold in any pharmacy, there are both Russian and foreign production. Such panties have a number of advantages: they hold the pad well, are sterile, prevent infections from entering the genital tract, are hypoallergenic, and the structure of the material accelerates healing.
  2. Sanitary napkin. Special for the postpartum period or pads with maximum absorbency.
  3. For convenience during feeding, you can purchase a shirt with a front closure.
  4. Several bras designed for new moms with detachable cups. It is better to buy them in the last month of pregnancy in order to have an idea of ​​​​how much breast volume will be. It is important to bear in mind that with the advent of milk, the breasts will increase even more.
  5. Bra pads. They will save you from leakage of milk from the breast, as there will be a lot of it. And walking in wet and sticky clothes is not the most pleasant thing. Don't skimp on the liners, the more expensive option absorbs better by turning milk into gel. One pair is changed every 3-4 hours.
  6. Be sure to include a cream in the maternity hospital bag that helps with cracked nipples. During feeding, the baby sucks very actively at the breast, which in turn can lead to cracks in it. When this trouble occurs, severe pain occurs, so it is better to use a cream in advance for prevention. Recommended "Bepanten", but you can choose any similar.
  7. Postpartum bandage. It is especially necessary for caesarean section.
  8. Some maternity hospitals ask you to bring disposable tableware, as well as garbage bags.
  9. Toilet paper, soft paper is best.
  10. Something to entertain yourself, such as a tablet, a book, a magazine, or a music player with headphones.
  11. Breast pump. A necessary thing with an excess of milk, but not the fact that it will be needed in the maternity hospital.

What to take for the baby

In the maternity hospital, mother and baby spend an average of 3-5 days. Approximately this amount of time you need to rely on when collecting a bag for the hospital:

  1. Diapers for newborns.
  2. Wet wipes for the baby, preferably hypoallergenic.
  3. Towel, very soft in texture.
  4. Hats - 4 pieces.
  5. Caps - 4 pieces.
  6. Undershirts - 4 pieces.
  7. Several flannel or flannel sweaters, always with long sleeves.
  8. Sliders.
  9. 5 pieces of warm and thin diapers. In the summer, only light ones are enough.
  10. Anti-scratches. Babies are born with long nails, so you should buy special mittens and socks. This will help the baby not scratch himself.
  11. You can take special cosmetics for newborns: oil, diaper cream, foam for washing.

How to choose clothes for a newborn

The times when babies were swaddled in a blanket up to six months have passed. Now, from the very first days, babies are dressed in rompers and bodysuits, which makes their movements free. This stimulates muscle work and promotes early physical development.

A large selection of clothes for newborns raises the question: how to choose the right one?

Here are some tips:

  • Clothing for babies must be made from natural fabrics. Chintz or knitwear is perfect. Such things are sewn only with cotton threads.
  • At first, the baby will be unusual in clothes, and the presence of buttons, fasteners and seams will greatly interfere with him. In this regard, wearable things are bought without them. Instead, ties are used. And the seams in clothes for newborns are located on the outside.
  • The most comfortable sliders are those that fasten on the shoulders. But at the same time, they are quite difficult to put on, because you have to constantly turn the baby over. If they are up to the waist, then the elastic band must be wide, this will eliminate pressure on the healing umbilical cord.
  • New clothes must be washed and ironed.

If the baby is born in the summer, then light clothing will suffice. In winter, warmer options will be needed, such as:

  1. Warm jumpsuit. The filler, as a rule, is a synthetic winterizer or fluff. In severe frost, downy overalls are chosen, at a temperature close to zero, synthetic winterizers.
  2. Winter hat. Wear it over a cap. It should also be tied.
  3. Woolen socks. Put them on over the sliders, they give extra warmth to the baby.

For discharge

The collection of a bag in the maternity hospital for discharge directly depends on the time of year and the weather. A young mother should think in advance what she will be wearing at this wonderful moment. The list of this bag looks like this:

  • Underwear for myself.
  • Clothing and footwear.
  • Cosmetics, because as a rule, photo and video shooting is carried out on this day.
  • An excellent option would be a set for an extract. It includes: an envelope, a blanket, a diaper, a bonnet and a vest. All these things will be made in the same style and color, which will give a more festive look.
  • Also for the baby, you can put sliders, socks, bodysuits and diapers.
  • If it’s cold outside, then a warm set of clothes should be in your discharge bag.

Bag to the hospital: when to collect

As a rule, babies are born at 38-42 weeks. But sometimes it can happen a little earlier. Doctors advise keeping things ready from the 36th week. But still, childbirth is an unpredictable process, so the expectant mother needs to think in advance about how long to collect the bag for the maternity hospital.

Each maternity hospital decides for itself what you can take with you to childbirth and what not. The territory where babies are born simply must be sterile clean, in connection with this, things must undergo heat treatment without fail. Therefore, do not be indignant because of the existing restrictions.

For more information, you can call or come to your maternity hospital and familiarize yourself with the list.

What not to take to the hospital

Due to strict sanitary standards, some things do not need to be put in a bag at the maternity hospital, which must be taken into account when collecting:

  • Any perishable food, as well as food prohibited for breastfeeding. It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the list of what you can use in advance.
  • Travel bags and any similar items are not allowed. They have a lot of bacteria on them.
  • Any electric heating devices, for example, a boiler.
  • Any clothes and shoes in which there is fur. This is also related to sanitary standards.

Don't Forget When Checking Out

During discharge from the hospital, it is important not to forget all personal belongings, as well as documents:

  1. Birth certificate in order to register the child in the future in the registry office.
  2. Extract for a pediatrician.
  3. Extract of the history of childbirth for the gynecologist.

Packing a bag to the hospital with a list of things is easier. To do this, you need to write out everything you need on a piece of paper and alternately cross out what you have collected. Thus, there will be no confusion during the collection. So, this moment will be a very pleasant addition to the upcoming happy event - the birth of a baby.

Childbirth is the finish line of the pregnancy period, they are the last frontier before the meeting of mother and child. Many women do not think that this event requires special preparation. For a comfortable stay in the maternity ward of the expectant mother, you should have some things with you.

The list of necessary things in the hospital should contain items for the woman and the baby. It is recommended to collect the bag in advance - three to four weeks before the preliminary dates for the end of pregnancy. It is recommended to start compiling a complete shopping list for the maternity hospital on, so the chances of forgetting anything tend to zero. It is more convenient to sort things into two bags - separately for mom and baby.

List of items for the expectant mother

The documents

The bag with things in the hospital should contain all the necessary documents. Without them, the doctor will not be able to know about concomitant diseases, the estimated weight of the fetus and other points that should be borne in mind to provide qualified assistance.

The expectant mother must have an exchange card with her - the main document of a pregnant woman. It contains all the information about the course of the period of bearing a child, the results of all examinations, analyzes and instrumental methods of research. After childbirth, the doctor will enter information about their course into the exchange card.

For hospitalization, the medical institution will need other documents. The expectant mother needs to take her passport and two scanned copies of it, POMS, SNILS, birth certificate with her.

If a woman agreed with any doctor about the conduct of childbirth, she needs to take an official document confirming this - a birth contract. For safety, all papers should be folded into a file or folder.

When a father-to-be is going to attend his wife's birth, he should enter into a partner birth contract. In this case, a man needs to take an identity document, the results of an x-ray of the lungs and tests for infections.


The list of things in the maternity hospital contains items of clothing for the mother. However, in some modern medical institutions all things are provided, a woman needs to know about these details in advance.

The mother-to-be is advised to have shoes that are easy to clean. Slippers or rubber slates are ideal. Experts advise taking shoes one size larger, because after childbirth, the lower limbs often swell.

A pregnant woman must take underwear to the maternity ward. According to hygienic standards, women in labor should not use ordinary panties, they should be replaced with disposable clothing items. It is not necessary, but it is desirable to have a special bra for feeding. It helps to maintain the shape of the breast, prevents it from sagging, it is easy to carry out lactation with it.

To stay in the department, expectant mothers need clothes - cotton robe and shirt. Also, a woman is recommended to have 2-3 pairs of socks. All items of clothing must first be washed with baby powder and ironed well at high temperature with an iron. These measures prevent infection to the newborn.

Personal hygiene items

A mandatory item in the list of things for the hospital are hygiene products. The expectant mother should bring with her items for oral care: toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss. It is also necessary to have a clean towel, toilet paper, comb for combing, soap, deodorant, washcloth with you.

To prepare for childbirth, the expectant mother needs to shave her pubic area, so she is advised to bring a razor and foam with her. Also, a woman should carry thick pads for lochia. For convenience, with a planned admission, you can take daily with you. Also, for a comfortable trip to the toilet of the expectant mother, it is recommended to take care of disposable pads on the toilet seat.

For a comfortable stay in the maternity ward of the expectant mother, it is recommended to have a cream for nipple cracks with you. Also, for convenience, it is useful to purchase breast pads that are designed to absorb milk or colostrum. Optionally, the maternity bag should contain items such as moisturizer, postpartum bandage, baby wipes.

Many women in labor may have problems with bowel movements. To facilitate the passage of feces, women should take rectal suppositories. Preference should be given to preparations based on glycerin, since they practically do not cause side effects.

Leisure items

A woman in labor with a baby is discharged on the third day, in order to pass the time, a woman can take a variety of gadgets. To watch movies and other entertainment, it is recommended to take a tablet, phone, player or laptop. The future mother should not forget about the chargers for them. For convenience, you can purchase a portable power bank. Also, a pregnant woman can prepare interesting books, magazines, crossword puzzles for the maternity ward.

In some maternity hospitals it is forbidden to have technical equipment with you, you should learn about the rules of hospitalization in advance. To record important information, it is recommended to take a notepad or notebook with a pen with you. Some women in labor want to forever capture the day of meeting with the child in a photograph, for this they need to have the appropriate equipment with them.


future mother preference should be given to long-term storage products. It is convenient to take cookies, crackers, dried fruits with you. Dairy products, fresh vegetables, apples, nuts are also allowed. You can take homemade food with you: boiled chicken, pasta, potatoes, salads without seasonings and sauces.

It is forbidden to take with you fried, smoked, spicy. It is also undesirable to eat foods that cause allergies: chocolate, seafood, fish, peanuts. In addition to food, the expectant mother will need utensils: a spoon or fork, a plate, a glass.

To quench your thirst, you should purchase clean water or apple juice. It is forbidden to take carbonated drinks, coffee, alcoholic products with you. It is recommended to bring trash bags with you, as not all rooms may be equipped with waste bins.

baby stuff list

Hygiene items

The list of things for a newborn in the hospital should include hygiene items. First of all, you should take care of the availability of diapers for the baby. Sizes 0 or 1 should be taken, which corresponds to the age of the newborn. One large pack of diapers should be enough for the entire period of stay in the maternity ward.

Should include hygiene products behind the perineal area. For the baby, you should purchase a cleanser, baby soap, powder, cream. All funds must be purchased in a minimum amount, since there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

Also for the first aid kit, you should purchase supplies such as cotton pads and sticks. They will be needed to treat the eyes, ears and umbilical wound of the baby. Do not forget about medicines for the newborn. In the maternity ward, the child is provided with all the necessary medicines, but in the future, the expectant mother should have medicines for emergency care. Their list includes drugs for constipation, diarrhea, allergies, runny nose. It is also necessary to have antiseptic preparations: potassium permanganate, brilliant green, furatsilin, iodine, hydrogen peroxide.

If desired, the expectant mother can purchase a device for sucking milk. It is an optional hygiene item, but often makes life easier. Also, for personal reasons, a pregnant woman can buy a pacifier. With a planned caesarean section, a woman should take care of the list of necessary medicines for her and the unborn child in advance.


Quite often, maternity hospitals provide clothes for newborns, the exact information should be clarified in advance. If the medical institution does not provide babies with things, the expectant mother needs to buy them in advance.

Be sure to take diapers made of cotton material. It is enough to have 4 pieces measuring 0.6 by 0.9 meters, they should be washed with baby powder and ironed at high temperature. For convenience, you can buy disposable diapers at pharmacies.

You should also take a towel for the newborn. It should consist of soft natural material. From clothes, the baby will need several sets of vests or bodysuits. It is worth giving preference to things with external seams and sleeves that can be closed. The number of kits corresponds to the number of days spent in the maternity ward.

In order to protect the delicate skin of the baby, you should purchase gloves in the maternity ward. They prevent scratching of the covers with nails. Also, the newborn will need rompers and overalls.

If possible, bonnets should be purchased for the maternity ward. It is enough to buy 2-3 cotton hats. All garments should be washed frequently with a special baby hypoallergenic powder and ironed thoroughly at a high temperature.

List of things to check out

It is not necessary to take these things with you to the maternity ward immediately. It is more convenient to prepare a package with items in advance and ask relatives to bring it to a medical facility a day before discharge. The composition of the discharge kit depends on the time of year of the child's birth.

In summer, clothes for discharge consist of a standard set. At will, the expectant mother can choose an unusual color or style of things. Clothing for a newborn should consist of a headdress, undershirts, sliders. From the outside, the child is laid in a light blanket made of natural materials, or dressed in overalls.

In winter, the basic set of clothes is similar to the summer set. However, it should be supplemented with a hat made of insulated materials, an envelope or special overalls. Under these garments, it is recommended to wear a vest and flannel sliders. The use of a blanket with a tape is irrational, since they are inconvenient for transportation by car.

Necessary things for childbirth and after childbirth for mom and baby:

In spring and autumn, preference should be given to materials that have demi-season properties. The main set includes a blouse, cap, sliders. In cold weather, it should be supplemented with insulated overalls or an envelope. If the birth of a child falls in March or November, preference should be given to a winter set of clothes.

Discharge from the maternity ward is a memorable day for the mother and the whole family. A woman can hire a photographer, or take her equipment to capture the happy date on film. The mother should remember that she should look good on the day of discharge and prepare all the necessary things for this.

The mother's clothes should be beautiful but comfortable. Preference should be given to dresses with a loose cut, tunics, spacious sweaters, stretchy leggings. Immediately after childbirth, the female figure is far from the form that she had before pregnancy. That is why you should not take tight jeans and turtlenecks for discharge.

Quite often, after a childbirth, a woman's face looks tired. In order to hide small defects, the puerperal is recommended to use decorative cosmetics. The key to beautiful photos is an impeccable complexion and an expressive look, so a woman should not forget about foundation or powder and mascara. For beautiful styling, you can pre-purchase a beautiful hairpin, headband or other accessories.

The collected bag to the hospital, with the most complete list of things, should already be in the last trimester. So, what to take with you to the hospital according to the 2019 list? If you were "on preservation", then spit on all superstitions and proceed to the gradual collection of things.

How to pack a bag to the hospital according to the list? My Anechka was born 8 months old, and to be honest, when my water broke at 5 in the morning, the bag for the maternity hospital was not packed normally, only documents and myself were ready from the list of necessary things for the maternity hospital. Now it's funny, but then, at 5 in the morning, I hated these superstitions. Pulling myself together, I began to clearly remember what to take with me to the hospital.

Photo of a pregnant girl

Having spent almost 6 months out of 8 in the hospital, I had a more or less clear idea of ​​our maternity hospital (the neighboring building with pathology of pregnant women), I understood that I would give birth in a regular, not a paid ward. I came to this conclusion after talking with those who, getting into the hospital with a long pregnancy, went to give birth first.

The differences between the paid chamber and the free chamber did not differ much.

  • One is a local ward (I was in a “safety” 2-bed room, and it’s even more fun that way, there is someone to discuss what’s what. One would be uncomfortable.)
  • The presence of a TV (you want to sleep so that almost no one turns it on in the first days, and you are there for a day, maximum 3)
  • You know the Wi-Fi password and have access to the Internet. You are allowed to take a tablet, laptop with you.
  • Has its own small refrigerator.
  • The room has a large sink and mirror.
  • There are beautiful, normal-sized bedside tables with 3 drawers and a small table with an electric kettle.
  • The shower room and bathroom are nearby, but the entrance is separate (you have your own key). These facilities are shared by 3 such rooms.

I was in the "safety ward". If ordinary 6-bed wards have painted walls, then we had wallpapers and pictures on the walls. More or less normal beds with spring mattresses, not sagging Soviet nets and century-old wadded mattresses. You need to bring your own bed linen, because what they give out is gray and costs a stake. At the time of signing the insurance policy for childbirth, she did not attach any importance to this.

With the collected bag according to the list for childbirth, they were not allowed to enter, but they forced everything to be packaged in bags. And then, lifting the packages up the stairs after giving birth to the 2nd floor, I was unpleasantly surprised. On the ground floor there is a manipulation room, 2 delivery rooms: pink and blue, as well as wards for girls after cesarean. The child was carefully carried, and you climb up with the bags. Find out what floor the "elite" rooms are on and whether the building has an elevator.

What you need to take with you to the hospital according to the 2019 list consists of 4 points. We will consider each separately:

  1. What mom needs for childbirth and for prenatal examination
  2. What does a mother need after giving birth?
  3. What the baby will need
  4. What may unscheduled staff need.

Although it was 5 in the morning, I went to the shower to finally calm down and, without panic, collect everything that you need to take with you to the hospital according to the list of things.

What you need to take with you to the maternity hospital for mom for childbirth and prenatal examination

Of course the documents:

  • The passport
  • Original medical policy with a photocopy
  • An exchange card for a pregnant woman or, as doctors say, your personal medical passport
  • If you give birth not in a paid clinic, but for free, then a birth certificate is added to the list of documents for childbirth
  • If you give birth in a paid clinic, I advise you not to forget the contract for childbirth ":roll:"
  • Your SNILS

Documents should be placed in a transparent folder with a button.

  • Money
  • Mobile phone with a charger, it is usually not included in the list of things in the maternity hospital, but how will you communicate with relatives and friends without it?

Like it or not, it has long been accepted that in such institutions they pay literally for everything, so put the amount of money that you expect to spend on “thank you” in the folder with documents. Recently, “pain relief” during childbirth has become more and more popular - a paid pleasure. This is usually agreed upon in advance, but if the process began, for example, earlier than the expected date, you can agree with the doctor during the contractions.

Let's continue the list of what you need to take with you to the hospital (prenatal room). As soon as you provide all these documents, you will take a blood test from a vein and from a finger (minimum 1 syringe):

  • You will immediately put on shoe covers and change into disposable clothes with a cap on an elastic band for hair.
  • Disposable gloves 2 pairs - for examination in the prenatal. Perhaps the degree of disclosure will be checked several times.
  • Disposable diapers(2-3) prenatal
  • Water without gas(if you drink in small sips, then 0.5 will be enough for you)
  • Massage Cream, but it is quite possible to take baby oil so that your husband massages your neck and shoulders to relax.
  • You may need more syringes to inject you with labor inducing drugs (more 1-2 syringes)

The next part of the collected bag for the birth itself:

  • Disposable diaper on the delivery chair
  • Disposable gloves staff for the birth itself. If the gloves do not tear (it is better to take tight silicone ones), then enough 4 pairs: 2 pairs: doctor and midwife, 2 more pairs for nurses.
  • Small disposable diaper for weighing a newborn
  • clip on the navel of a newborn

Part of the collected bag for the maternity hospital - what mom needs after giving birth

  • bedding, but it is possible to give a small amount to the staff and get it on the spot (clean and ironed) so as not to drag it with you.
  • Water without gas 0.5.
  • Disposable panties for the first two days are simply irreplaceable. This is an important nuance of what you should take with you to the hospital according to the 2019 list of the year.
  • Postpartum pads - packaging
  • Robe waistband, no buttons.
  • nightie, but focus on not being sorry if it gets dirty in the blood. As an option, cotton sundress with straps. Sleep comfortably, get the chest too.
  • Boiler and tea bags.
  • Bra with folding cups, an indispensable thing that you will use for more than one month, and of course, replaceable liners for it
  • Ointment from cracks in the nipples of bipanten. It can also be used by the baby for diaper rash and irritation. Quite often, primiparous mothers put babies on incorrectly until they learn, hence the side effects. Such creams and ointments are made from hypoallergenic ingredients, without the use of dyes, preservatives, and other harmful fragrances. They moisturize and soften the skin on the chest. It helps in the treatment of inflammatory wounds and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  • Naturally, you want to take a shower, and for this you need to take towel for body and hands in the ward, shampoo hypoallergenic, without dyes. It will perfectly replace both shower gel and liquid soap if you immediately pour a small amount of it into a container with a dispenser and put it on the sink in the ward. My roommate brought with her a 0.3 bottle of shampoo, a liter round jar of professional hair balm, a bottle of shower gel, ordinary bar and household soap.

    Tubes with creams for the body and hands, for the eyelids and naturally for the face. Bulky cosmetic bag, bottles of nail polish, acetone nail polish remover, hair dryer and even a miniature TV. Seeing that all these cans can be wonderfully replaced with one shampoo for 3 days, I gave everything to relatives who came in the morning. She joked that otherwise, at the time of discharge, she would need to leave by minibus

  • In some institutions, the list of things in the maternity hospital is supplemented by a personal plate, spoon.
  • Not everything goes perfectly for everyone, and therefore, the next day after the birth, you will have an examination, which means that your list for childbirth is replenished one pair of gloves and a disposable diaper.
  • For discharge You don't have to take things with you in advance. It is not known how many kg. you will lose at birth. Personally, I did not fit into pre-prepared things and, swallowing tears, and then, already laughing, I took pictures in a dressing gown))). It is more correct to ask your husband to bring you everything you need from clothes the day before discharge. Also, do not take postpartum bandage and breast pump.

So, from what you need to take with you to the hospital, according to the list of things, you need 7-10 pairs of gloves alone. In addition, you will need toilet paper and garbage bags.

Doctors everywhere like to play it safe and prescribe injections for faster contraction of the uterus after childbirth. This is about 5-10 more syringes, most likely you will send your relatives to the pharmacy for the right drug.

What you need to take with you to the hospital for your baby

  • Of course, this is a package of diapers TM Pampers 3-5 kg. Usually, on the last ultrasound, the estimated weight of the baby at the time of delivery is very accurately stated.
  • Ointment Bipanten under the diaper. It has already been mentioned above.
  • Absorbent disposable diapers on the table where you will change your little one.
  • Swaddling diapers depending on the time of year. Lay one in the arena, cover one (if you do not plan to swaddle). One as a spare (if the baby burps a lot, you will need to wash it). As a mother of three children, I can safely say that swaddled toddlers sleep more peacefully.
  • Large pack of baby wipes. The newborn will have meconium, which is usually black and looks like plasticine. So the packaging is the best.
  • Manicure scissors to trim the nails, but this is not necessary. . There you can easily do all these manipulations.
  • Socks and bodysuit (with or without sleeves) - 2-3 pieces. Choose bodysuits with buttons not only from below, but also along the entire body, they are easier to put on. You practically spread it, put the baby on top, and all that remains is to catch it. If you are giving birth in the winter, find out how the building is heated in advance. A couple - three sliders, if it's spring / autumn.
  • 2 bonnets for the season.
  • An extract envelope and an elegant set for your treasure.
  • To be honest with the things that I prepared for myself ... I didn’t fit in, and how funny it is, my relatives took me home in a bathrobe. Therefore, if you have gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, do not expect that after giving birth you will instantly lose everything.

I hope that this article about the things you need in the maternity hospital for mom and baby will be most useful to you. Write comments and do not forget about the social network buttons so that as many mothers as possible understand what awaits them and do not hesitate to collect the bag to the hospital.

By the way, it is better to take advantage of the offers of children's online stores. The thing is that there you can find exclusive children's clothing, as well as the highest quality diapers. Of course, their prices will differ significantly.

What to take with you to the hospital?

Things to the hospital need to start collecting after 25 weeks. It is worth remembering that in most maternity hospitals it is not allowed to take a travel bag with you.

All things are put in bags. Therefore, you need to buy large bags and a marker. It is required in order to sign them.

Prepare all packages in advance and be sure to show your husband (mother, sister, girlfriend) which one you need to bring to the delivery room, as well as what you need for discharge.

Things for the baby

Your baby will see the light around him for the first time. And, of course, you think that he needs absolutely everything that is created specifically for newborns.

Take your time! Here list of necessary things that the baby will need.

Diapers. You will need one pack of the smallest size (for babies up to 4 kg). However, if the baby is large, then this means that he has already outgrown this size in the tummy. Therefore, you can take a few pieces of diapers of the next size (up to 6 kg).

In the bag that you will take with you to the delivery room, put a few diapers. You don't have to put the whole pack in there. Put the rest of the diapers in the bag that you will take with you to the ward. You will spend the next few days there.

Today, the choice of diapers on the market for children's goods is simply huge. However, it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular brand. Yes, you can try to buy diapers Merries or Goo.N. The advantage of these diapers is that they are completely made of natural materials, which means that the baby will not be allergic to them.

You can buy these diapers online. They have the widest selection of these diapers. Diapers can also be purchased from the online supermarket.

Diaper rash cream or powder. You will use these products at every diaper change. By the way, diapers at first will need to be changed every three hours or immediately after liquid emptying.

scissors with rounded ends. Very often, babies are born with long nails. Therefore, so that they do not scratch themselves, you can buy special scissors.

Wet wipes(required for newborns) can be selected in the Children's World store. Napkins will be needed when changing diapers.

Disposable diapers Convenient to lay on the changing table. They can also be bought at the Children's World. These diapers will be needed when the baby is weighed.

Small enema. It may be needed already for the first time days after the birth of the baby. It is no secret that the baby may have problems with the tummy in the first days. You need to buy an enema in a pharmacy. It must be disinfected in advance (boil in a bowl) and only then put in a bag with things.

Medicine bottle. It is usually sold in pharmacies. It is a small container with a nipple.

Very often, newborns are prescribed beneficial bacteria. They have a liquid consistency. In this case, such a bottle is needed.

It will be needed even after discharge. So, if the baby needs to be given any medication, then in this case she will become a reliable assistant.

Silicone spoon. With the help of a silicone spoon, they also give medicine to babies. With its help, they give water or even a mixture.

Cotton buds(exclusively for toddlers). They can only be used to treat the nose. These sticks have a special cotton septum. They are somewhat thickened at the base. Cotton buds for babies can be viewed in this store.

Diapers flannelette and chintz. Regardless of whether you swaddle your baby or not, you cannot do without a minimum number of diapers. You will use them as bedding.

Sliders for maternity hall you need to take 2 pieces. For the maternity hospital, you need to purchase sliders at the rate of 2 things for one day. Sliders can be of two types: with a wide elastic band and with fasteners on the shoulders. Better to buy both. Then you can decide which version of clothing is more comfortable for you.

Undershirts you need to prepare one piece for the delivery room and four for the ward. You will need to change them every day. However, it is worth remembering that the baby can often spit up. Then they will need much more. You can choose the right undershirts for your baby, made exclusively from natural materials, here.

Jackets with buttons you will need 3 pieces.

"Little Men" especially comfortable in the cold season. For starters, you can buy two "little men". If you take a vest and sliders to the delivery room, then the “little man” will not be needed there. You can see a suitable model in this store.

Socks are a must. Babies have cold feet all the time. The thing is that the body's thermoregulation has not yet been established. You can take 3 pairs of socks to the hospital (one will be needed in the delivery room, and the rest should be taken to the ward).

Beanies(with and without ties) you will need 3 things. One will need to be put in a bag with things that are intended for the delivery room.

Blanket. The material of the blanket depends on the season.

scratches necessary so that the baby does not hurt himself.

Documents for mom

You will need to take documents with you to the hospital. It is recommended to prepare them in advance, put them in a folder.

This folder needs always take with you(even if you are going to go to the store near the house).

If you go into labor unexpectedly, your doctor will be able to get all the information you need about your health and how your pregnancy is progressing.

The list of documents that need to be folded into a folder:

  • (it contains the results of all examinations and analyzes);
  • passport (+ photocopy of 1 page and registration);
  • medical insurance policy, as well as its photocopy;
  • a contract for paid childbirth (if you managed to conclude it).

It is worth noting that women who do not have an exchange card are taken to the infectious department or in an infectious maternity hospital.

A woman's birth certificate is received after 30 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has not yet received a certificate, but has already got to the hospital, then there is nothing terrible in this. Employees of the maternity hospital in this case will independently receive a certificate.

When, if you plan to give birth and signed a contract, then you do not need to pay for the so-called coupon No. 2 of the maternity certificate. If the husband is present at the birth, then you need to take his documents with you: a passport, a fresh certificate from the therapist.

Every hospital has baby stuff list to the maternity hospital, which women are required to bring with them. It is noteworthy that these lists differ from each other.

Therefore, even though you have already prepared all the necessary things for the hospital, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with this list and add the missing items. Most often, these lists are simply includes specific items like medicine bottles or silicone spoons.

Most likely, medical personnel are accustomed to carrying out certain manipulations with babies. with these items.. Therefore, in order not to have to run to the pharmacy at the most unexpected moment, it is better to take care of this in advance.

What do you need after discharge?

At home for the baby should be everything is prepared in advance. If you believe in signs or are afraid to make large purchases in advance, then your husband should do this while you are in the hospital.

Your task is to compile a list so that relatives have time to purchase everything they need.

At home, you will also need all the clothes that were taken to the hospital and diapers with diapers. The only thing, of course, there should be more of these things.

But don't buy everything all at once. Only experience will show how many things you really need.

For baby

Canopy bed. Today you can choose absolutely any model of crib: transformer, cradle, classic. In this case, it all depends on your capabilities and desires. You can make the bed more elegant with the help of a traditional canopy.

Radio or baby monitor will be a great help for mom. She can always find out if her baby is crying. You can choose a suitable model in the store.

Oilcloth on the bed will help prevent leakage onto the mattress.

Dresser for swaddling. It is convenient to store all children's things in one place. At the same time, an additional changing rack makes an ordinary chest of drawers a universal equipment for a baby's room.

Stroller. If the baby was born full-term, then in the summer and spring the doctor will allow you to go out the next day after discharge.

In a week it will be possible walk outside for an hour And, of course, one cannot do without a good stroller in this case. For the first year of a baby's life, you can purchase a high-quality transformer.

These strollers have a so-called bassinet for newborns, thanks to which a walk for the baby will be not only comfortable, but also useful.

Motion sickness center It is better to start using from the first days of a baby's life. When the child gets used to being in it, the mother will be able to devote a few minutes to herself.

night light, bath with a stand for newborns, bathing aid newborns, special washcloth bathing baby, thermometer for measuring water temperature.

Hooded towel(terry), baby oil will be needed in case it is necessary to make an enema, herbal mixture for bathing newborns is purchased at a pharmacy. It must be used every time you bathe.

small bottle necessary even if you plan to breastfeed your baby. You will need it if you need to leave your child with someone for a short time.

Thermos bag for bottles is an essential attribute of long walks with the baby. You can express milk into a bottle and take it outside with you. When it's time to feed your baby, the milk will still be warm. You can buy such a thermos in the Children's World store.

Diaper. If you plan to swaddle your baby, then you will need about 20 pieces. At the same time, if the baby is born in hot July or August, then the list of things for the newborn will be small, since you will often leave him naked.
And this means that he will lie on diapers. In this case, you can buy them in even more quantities.

Diapers will be needed in order to help baby to cope with colic. So, for this you need to iron the diaper carefully so that it becomes warm.

Fold it up and place it on your baby's tummy. In this case, the diaper should be warm, not hot. In this case, you need to be very careful not to burn the child.

Nasal aspirator needed to clean the baby's nose.

Reusable nappies and liners for them will be needed by mothers who have decided not to use their disposable counterparts.

Humidifier especially relevant in winter, when heating devices are working. It's no secret that they dry the air a lot. This makes the baby feel uncomfortable.

Thermometer for measuring the air temperature in the room.

It is no secret that it is very difficult to measure the temperature of a baby using a conventional mercury thermometer. So it's better to buy kit, which includes a special electronic thermometer in the form of a nipple.

Baby scales necessary in order to monitor how much the baby eats in the first days. So you can understand if he is hungry.

Brush (brush) for washing bottles. It is no secret that it is very difficult to wash a bottle of breast milk with the help of improvised means, which leaves greasy marks on it. Therefore, it is better to pick up a convenient "brush" in the store in advance.

Detergent children's utensils. This product does not contain chemicals. It makes it easy to wash the bottles.

For Mom

Breast pump. If you have a lot of milk, then you can not do without a breast pump. With it, you can relieve tension in the chest, as well as prepare some milk if, for example, you need to go somewhere. A fairly large assortment of manual breast pumps is presented in the Children's World store.

Crack cream. Very often, in the first days after the birth of a baby, a woman does not have milk. In this case, the midwife helps her "develop" the breasts. Maybe the baby is sucking hard at the breast, from which the appearance of cracks cannot be avoided.

In this case, you will need special cream for cracks. Its composition is completely safe for the baby.

It is necessary to lubricate the nipples with cream after each application to the baby's breast or use of a breast pump. You can buy the cream at the pharmacy.

Breast pads save clothes from getting wet.

Differences in necessary things, depending on the time of year

Depending on what time of year the baby will be born, before compiling a list of necessary purchases for a newborn, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

So, if the baby is born in the summer, then the list of things for newborns should not include too warm clothes.

So, will not need a warm envelope for the baby and a blanket. It is better to take a terry sheet.

Also no need purchase too warm hats and booties. The baby will need bodysuits made from natural materials. Usually they have special buttons between the legs. Thanks to this, you can easily change the baby's diaper.

The list of things for a newborn in winter should, on the contrary, include warmest clothes. Be sure to need a warm one-piece overalls.

You can take a transformer. It is a warm envelope with a zipper with handles and mittens. When the baby becomes a bit older, it is fashionable to transform the envelope into a jumpsuit with “legs”.

If the region where you live very cold in winter then you can buy a warm sheepskin envelope. In such clothes, the baby will not freeze on the street. However, remember that even if you have very warm clothes with your baby, you can not always walk.

In very windy or in severe frosts(-10 degrees or less) you should not walk with the baby. In spring and autumn, you will need demi-season clothing. For the baby, you will need to purchase a one-piece overalls on a thin layer of synthetic winterizer.

You will also need a few knitted hats with ties (not very tight knit). The little people are also worth taking insulated. A warm blanket would be appropriate in this case.

Where to buy everything?

Buying baby items only in trusted stores.

You should not take (especially hygiene items) in the market or a store unknown to you, especially if you are not sure about the quality of the goods sold there.

All medicines are purchased strictly in the pharmacy, including creams for cracked nipples.

The most profitable, from a financial point of view, is to purchase things for the baby in large online stores. In such stores, all things have special certificates that confirm the quality of the goods.

At the same time, very often in online stores for expectant mothers who buy everything necessary for the baby, big discounts available which makes the purchase even more enjoyable.

Also in the online store you can buy goods that are not sold anywhere else. For example, Japanese diapers are often counterfeited.

And in the online store, such diapers will be genuine. This is due to the fact that the store is an official dealer of this product. That is, it works directly with the manufacturer. Naturally, in this case, the price for them will be significantly lower.