Condolences on death. Condolences on death: words in short. How to express sincere feelings and sympathy

Here is a collection of short condolences and words of sorrow that need to be expressed to the loved ones of the deceased person. The texts are suitable for including them in the public, saying in private or sending them in the form of a short letter. They are also suitable for colleagues, friends, and other people who know the deceased. All texts are not written in verse (in prose), for those who want to express regret in their own words. You will find recommendations at the end of the page.

All names and surnames in the texts are used only for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

My condolences to you and your family. Your mom was a wonderful, wonderful person and you will miss her. I wish you to find peace and consolation ... We will pray for you.

Friends, we condole with your loss and mourn with you. There are no words that will return your loved one, but perhaps life itself will help you cope with the loss. We will pray that the Lord will give you patience and strength. Your dad lived well, for a long time, did a lot, realized himself and left behind many people grateful to him. He will forever live in their hearts as he does in yours. Blessed memory of him.

Friends, today is a day of deep sadness. There was a time when we rejoiced and rejoiced with the one who left us. But today we grieve together with you, seeing off on the last journey a loved one, dear to us. But we will keep in our hearts a good memory of our friend.

I knew him as an amazingly responsive, intelligent person and an extraordinary person. He helped not only me, but also many other people, served as a guide and support on the path of life. May you be at least a little consoled that today many are grieving with you, who also were left without this ray of light in their lives. You are not alone in this difficult hour. We grieve with you.

Let me offer you my deepest condolences. I am terribly saddened by the death of your mother. She was an intelligent, kind and empathetic person, and many people, like me, feel that the world has grown dim without her. I have no words to reduce your pain. I'm only sure that your mom wouldn't want you to be so sad.

Accept the feelings of our deep empathy in connection with the departure of the closest, dearest person, faithful companion in life. Bereavement and great sorrow. Brace yourself, dear ones, we are always with you.

Together with you, we will forever keep in our hearts the memory of her. She was an amazingly pure, honest, open person to people, and this earned herself the love, appreciation, gratitude and respect of many people. Your mom is the best of people. We will forever keep the memory of her in our hearts. Hold on and accept our deepest sympathy for such a bereavement.

Dear Tatyana!

Please accept our condolences on the death of your father! Words are powerless in such grief ... Know that in this difficult time your colleagues, friends and like-minded people are with you.

Dear Svetlana and Sidor!

We deeply regret the death of your dear grandmother. She was a kind, helpful and good woman. We will all miss her very much. Please accept our sincere condolences. If we can do anything for you, then we are ready to provide any assistance. We pray for you.

We have borne this grievous loss together with you today and we mourn with you. I wish you strength and patience to get through this difficult time of loss. Remember, everyone once loses a loved one, this pain must be endured. Sometimes the cross becomes very heavy, but it will help one day. Be patient, after a while it will become easier. Our condolences.

I condole on your misfortune on this mournful day. Our life, unfortunately, is not eternal and no words of consolation will help to soothe the pain of loss or bring back the departed. I wish you fortitude in this difficult time. Let the earth to him (the deceased) be soft rest. And may the Lord protect you from all troubles.

Your dad was one of the finest and most wonderful people I have met. I am very lucky that I knew him. And now I will miss him greatly, as well as you. I express my deep condolences to you and your family.

Let me offer you my deepest condolences on the death of your colleague and dear friend Kharitonov Khariton. We deeply empathize and share your pain.

It's hard for us, but for you - especially and we know about it. He was your closest friend, a huge loss. Your friend was also an excellent companion for us, reliable, loyal, simple and always fair. Please, at any time contact us with any requests, we will be there. Let's stick together during this difficult time.

Please accept my condolences on the death of a loved one, a loved one - my mother. Having gone to heaven, she will not cease to be your guardian angel.

He meant a lot to you and to me. I grieve with you.

We express our sincere condolences to family and friends in connection with the untimely death of Sidorov Sidor Sidorovich. The death of a loved one is a great grief and an ordeal. Bright memories of a person who honestly and with dignity lived his life, leaving behind the fruits of his good deeds, will always be stronger than death.

With sincere sympathy, the staff of LLC "Peace to your home"

We share with you the bitterness of loss. Your father was a wonderful person. His dedication to his work earned him the respect and love of everyone who knew him. Please accept our sincere condolences.

I grieve with you and express my deep condolences to all your family, my friend.

We condole with you. He was our colleague, friend and outstanding professional, without whom our entire team will have a hard time. We are going through this bereavement together with you. He will serve as a light and guide for us on the professional path. Blessed memory of him.

I offer my most sincere condolences to you and your family. Be strong. God rest her soul ...

Please accept my sincere condolences on the death of your uncle. And please do not hesitate to ask for any help.

The loss of a father is a heavy loss. Be strong. He was my close friend and often told me that he tried to raise you wise and strong, and would not want you to lose ground even when he left you forever. And also, he wanted you to be able to cope with losses and not forget how to smile after them. Therefore, I wish you strength and patience to survive this sorrowful time and move on again.

My condolences. The death of a spouse deprives us of our main support and our partner in life. It is very difficult to find words of consolation. Hold on.

Dear friend. The loss of a mother is a terrible loss. This pain is hard to deal with and it’s impossible for me to find words that will lessen your pain. I will just be there in your grief, contact me at any moment on any question. And just wait. Time should help a little.

Please accept our sincere condolences. May the Lord reward her in heaven for all the good that she has done. She is and will forever remain in our hearts ...

Today you have lost your mother - a reliable guardian angel in life. This is a terrible loss. And I lost my best friend and support in her face. I grieve with you. Your mom often told me how she loves when you smile. I am sure that now she sees us and is very sad that you are so sad. May the Lord give you strength to survive such a loss and return you the joy of life. They say that he gives difficult trials together with the strength to survive them. Be patient.

Please accept my sympathy. There was no dearer and closer to him, and probably never will be. But in yours and in our hearts, he will remain a young, strong, intelligent, kind and cheerful person. Eternal memory to him. Hold on.

This tragedy affected everyone who knew it. You, of course, are the hardest of all. I want to assure you that I will never leave you without support. And I will never forget her. Please walk this path together.

This is a difficult time in your life. May our compassion and support help you and lessen the pain of loss a little.

It is difficult to express in words how much he did me good. All our disputes, disagreements are a trifle. And the good that he did - I will carry through my whole life. I pray for him and grieve with you.

My condolences to you, this is a huge loss and grief. Remember that a person dies, but love does not. And the memory of her will always light up our hearts. Brace yourself.

Unfortunately, in our imperfect world, such grief has to be experienced. She was a bright person whom we loved. I will not leave you in your grief. You can count on me any minute.

It is beyond words how we are going through together with you. It is hard when you lose loved ones, but the death of your mother is grief, against which there is no medicine and words of consolation. Please accept my sincere empathy for your loss.

I would like to find words to relieve you of the pain, or at least slightly reduce it. But it is difficult to imagine what these words should be and whether such words exist at all. Bright and eternal memory.

I share with you the inconsolable pain of the bereavement that befell you - the death of your beloved grandfather.

May the Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this difficult time of grief. Please accept our sincere condolences.

The death of a beloved wife is a bitter loss. It is difficult for me to express in words, but I am always with you. I will support and help you to survive. Be strong.

Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the passing of your son. We ask the Almighty to give you strength to hold on, patience, endurance and faith.

The loss of a loved one is a huge grief and test. I sincerely share your pain. Please accept my sincere sympathy and support. God rest his soul.

It is very sad to lose your loved ones and relatives. It is doubly worse when young, healthy and strong people leave us. God help his soul.

I wish she had lived as much as she would have liked. I grieve with you, empathize, remember and love.

I share in you the bitterness of loss. It is necessary to find the strength to survive these most difficult moments and difficult days. He remained in our memory forever.

May God give you strength, patience and faith, dear friend. Survive it all.

We are deeply saddened by the news of your father's death. He was a just and strong man, a loyal and sympathetic friend. We knew him well and loved him as a dear. We grieve with you.

It is difficult to find the right words in this difficult moment. I grieve with you. Let the fact that few are fortunate enough to experience such great and pure love as yours will lessen your pain even a little. But let him remain alive in your memory, full of love and strength. Rest in peace to him.

I'm just devastated by the loss. It is unbearable to think about it. It is difficult to express in words how much I sympathize with you. My heart is broken with yours. Be strong.

I cannot say any words of sympathy now, because no one experiences your grief the same way you do. It only takes time ... bear with it, it will gradually ease the pain.

Unfortunately, I only now realized how unworthy were my arguments and quarrels with this bright and dear person for me. Forgive me! I grieve with you.

A person who leaves this earth does not really go anywhere, because he still continues to live in our hearts and minds. Please accept our condolences and know that he will not be forgotten.

I offer my most sincere condolences to you and your family. It is very difficult, even when you are preparing for it, at the last moment you are not ready. Rest, Lord, his soul ... and you - hold on. Time will help you ...

Please accept my sincere condolences. A terrible, insidious disease that they never learned to defeat ...

Her path on earth was not easy and full of difficulties, may God take her under his wing and reward her with what she rightfully deserved.

A new star has risen in the sky - it was his soul that acquired a new meaning and a new purpose ...

Weak consolation, but know that we are next to you in grief of loss and sincerely empathize with your whole family. Eternal memory to your sister.

Your father was a very resilient, joyful and optimistic person. I will remember his wisdom forever, it will be difficult for me without him. But it's harder for you. Losing your dad is like losing your footing. There are hardly any words that will ease the pain. Try to remember the resilience of your father and be the same, he would very much like that. I will ask the higher powers to protect you from all troubles and that you find consolation. I grieve.

The staff of the administration of the Central District of the Troyekurovsky village council deeply grieves over the irreparable grievous loss - the death of the acting village head Isaaky Kharitonovich Tyrannosaurus. We express our sincere condolences to family and friends, share their grief, support them in the hours of grief.

Be strong! With the loss of your brother, you need to become a support for your parents for two. God help you to get through these difficult days. A bright memory for a bright person.

Dear Sidor Sidorovich, Tatiana Appolinarievna and Oscar Platonovich!

On behalf of the board of the open joint-stock company "Kuzkina Mother" and on my own behalf, I express my deep condolences and sincere sympathy for the grief that befell you - the untimely death of your father and brother Zakhar Appolonovich Sidorov.

In this difficult time for you, your family and friends, I share your grief and the bitterness of irreparable loss.

Brace yourself. The Almighty called him to him - he takes the best. I grieve with you.

My condolences to you. Losing your grandmother is like losing a piece of the sun in your soul. I will always protect the memory of her in my heart. I pray that God will give you warmth and light in your heart that will help you cope with the pain of loss and find comfort. Peace to her soul, and peace to you in your heart.

We deeply mourn the death of our dear brother and from the bottom of our hearts we express our sincere sympathy and condolences to his dear wife and all his relatives and friends. We pray for God's support for all of you, dear ones.

We believe that, according to God's will, we will meet with brother Sidor in the future paradise, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him (Revelation 2: 7)

Please accept my sincere sympathy for your grief. Losing a friend is like losing one wing. It is difficult to fly after that. I pray to the Lord to help you cope and teach you how to live with this loss. Strength to you, wisdom, goodness. Eternal memory to him.

I sincerely sympathize with your grief. But remember, losing your mother does not mean losing her love and warmth. Let them always warm you, and you - remember her and all the light that she left you after herself. I know she would really like that.

May God give you strength to cope with such a bereavement. I grieve with you. It seems to you now that our dead are not needed by anyone except us, but this is not so. Look around, if they are so unnecessary, what are we constantly doing at their graves? Why do we visit them, talk, ask for advice and help? And we always get what we ask for. Even after they left us forever ... Be patient, it will become easier. And remember - he ceased to be near, but did not leave you. You will see.

    • Reading out condolences in verse is considered not entirely appropriate in the given circumstances, try to avoid them;
  • Only when it is appropriate to offer regrets is worth it. Do not impose them and do not persecute the mourners to fulfill a formality. Do it sincerely, with warmth, at the right moment and do not go overboard with sincere words about the deceased if you didn’t know him (otherwise the words will sound hypocritical, it’s better not to say anything at all, not to irritate loved ones - it’s not easy for them anyway);
  • If there is no opportunity to express grief, you can draw up any of these texts in the form of a short letter and send it to loved ones. This will give them the opportunity to read them when it is convenient, and not listen to your sorrows when it is convenient for you.
  • Condolences are usually formal words ... standard, short and similar to each other. You can make them warmer, more cordial and more personal by intonation and reminders (briefly) of episodes, small details that you were associated with the deceased, gave birth to a warm attitude towards him.
  • Do not impose advices and edifications to help you cope with the pain of loss. It annoys those close to you. They (advice) should be given only when you are sure and see that they are needed or they are guaranteed to be needed and will be able to help. It is even better if you do not speak, but do something to alleviate the situation. Since any advice, most likely, will not be received correctly, it will remain just an irritant.

Life is very fleeting, and sooner or later everyone will hear condolences on the occasion of death. Finding important words in such a situation is the best support.

When we express compassion, we take on some of the overwhelming burden of losing a loved one.

Condolences on death

Most often, there is a feeling that not a single word is suitable for the situation and can only hurt the bereaved more. It should be remembered that any participation, sympathy is necessary.

Against the background of a stressful situation, relatives and friends may not show emotions, gratitude, but, nevertheless, the words will be heard and will have an impact.

The examples below are not given in order for the bereaved to express condolences in a pompous manner. Knowing the patterns of such phrases is necessary so that, against the background of a nervous shock, it would be easier to find important and necessary words.

Universal condolences

  • “Incomprehensible loss. It's hard to accept. I share your grief ”;
  • “I share the pain of your loss. It is impossible to imagine that we will no longer see him / her (name). Please accept our condolences ”;
  • “It is impossible to find words to express our sympathy. It hurts to think and talk about what happened. My condolences";
  • “The announcement of the tragedy that has happened amazed our entire family. On this day, you can count on any of our help and support ”;
  • “It is still impossible to realize that this is not a monstrous mistake. We will always remember about (name). Everlasting memory".

On the occasion of the death of father, husband, grandfather

  • “We mourn with you together. The loss of such a reliable life support is irreparable. Kingdom of heaven, servant / servant of God (name) ";
  • “Today everyone mourns the death of (name) with you. We will remember him as a fair, sympathetic, reliable person. Our condolences";
  • “It is difficult to find the right words today. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to grieve so much for him. I sympathize. Brace yourself. "

Condolences on the death of a child, close relative, mother

  • “There is no dearer person for you. In our hearts, he will remain young, cheerful, full of strength. Everlasting memory";
  • “Any loss is heavy. It is hundreds of times harder to lose a loved one. Be strong ";
  • "Hard. May God give you strength during this difficult period. Count on our help. "

Condolences in verse

This way of expressing grief must be used with great care.

Experience shows that at the moment of the loss of loved ones: parents, daughter, son, colleague, great poems are difficult to perceive, it is better to do it short.

It is not difficult to send a short quatrain, and after a while, dedicate a beautiful large-scale poem to the deceased and bring it to his relatives, or create a work in prose.

Dear, oh, how we grieve

A cold wind blows in my soul

And you are always loved by us

Nobody can replace you.

What a blessing that you were in the world

I'm grateful that you loved so much

I will not forget all the moments together

I ask you not to forget me either.

You are gone - the light has faded,

Happiness suddenly left the house.

And they dreamed of living for a whole century,

It all happened quickly ...

Sleep, beloved, calmly and sweetly.

The angel will take you into his own hands.

You endured everything calmly and steadily,

And now we are apart from you.

How to support a person in the death of a loved one

Any support during the period of loss of a loved one is important. Psychologists recommend the following example of how you can support in a difficult situation and offer condolences:

  1. Show involvement, set yourself up. Intuition should prompt the sympathizer to behave in a situation. It is important to remember that the discrepancy between experiences, perception of sad events, untimely consolation will be perceived as false and insincere.
  2. Offer real, feasible help. A state of shock disorients a person, and he cannot organize and distribute the necessary actions in the correct order. How can you help? Sitting with children, walking and feeding pets, helping with the purchase of ritual supplies, helping in organizing a memorial dinner, and so on.
  3. Do not leave the bereaved alone. A person who has lost a loved one goes through several stages of an emotional state: shock, rejection of loss, anger, the emergence of feelings of guilt, depression, acceptance and adaptation.
  4. Listen. Sometimes words are superfluous, just listening to the grieving person and showing condolences is the best support.
  5. Help embrace grief. Don't talk about the need to be strong and overcome all adversity on your own. Let the person speak out and shed all the tears that have accumulated at the moment.
  6. Show patience. Sometimes people who are faced with grief develop anger towards the people around them. This outburst of anger is short-lived, but it needs help to be overcome.
  7. Help in preparing ritual dates (3 days, 9 days, 40 days, anniversary of death).
  8. Monitor the health of the bereaved.

What cannot be said to a person who has lost a loved one

What words cannot help in a tragic situation, and what cannot be said to a loved one of the deceased:

  • I know / understand what you are experiencing;
  • Time is the best healer. Hold on;
  • You shouldn't shed tears, it won't make it any easier;
  • He / she is tortured;
  • Perhaps he / she needs God in heaven;
  • You can still find another husband / wife. Give birth to another child.

These words hurt, because the grief of the grieving person is individual, and it cannot be evaluated by other people.

Words of comfort in writing

Ethical standards allow expressing words of condolences to family and friends and in writing. They must be written within two weeks from the moment of the tragedy, but not on the day of the funeral, and not on a postcard.

When writing a letter to a bereaved person, a relative or a friend, it is worth pretending that he is engaged in a face-to-face dialogue and directly expresses sympathy for a loved one of the deceased. This will make the text look genuine.

The writer should list the main merits of the deceased, talk about the importance of his role in the lives of others, sincerely sympathize with the situation, and find the necessary phrases of support. Such a message is not written for long and is referred to as "consolation" letters.

In the age of ubiquitous communication, modern messengers and other means of communication will help to express condolences. You can send a message:

  • in social networks;
  • advertise in a newspaper;
  • by SMS, telegram;
  • in the programs "Whatsapp", "Viber", etc.


When expressing condolences in your own words, be realistic about the fine line when they turn into ordinary, insincere phrases. Trust your intuition. Perhaps it is in this case that words of consolation do not exist. And those who have lost a loved one, in difficult times, need the presence of a silent, understanding listener nearby.

In every person's life there are moments associated with the loss of loved ones, relatives or just acquaintances. And in the process of parting, despite the declared feeling of loss, one should express condolences about death - words are short, but succinctly put together and enable all those present to feel the depth of the loss.

My condolences - I am sincerely worried

The depth of the emotional state that accompanies the loss can interfere and limit the possibility of manifesting sincere feelings. A great desire to cheer up and somehow alleviate the suffering of others often puts us in a situation where anxiety interferes with the choice of the right words, and we slip into common phrases that can sometimes even hurt. And a person in need of support and sympathy hears awkward formalized speech.

The sincerity of expressing condolences consists in conveying a piece of yourself to support loved ones in the hour of sorrow, in consolation and empathy in the grief that has visited. That is why the correct choice of phrases is so important - delicate, capacious, but at the same time short.

How not to go beyond morality?

The question of the appropriateness of condolences is quite relevant. The moment of expressing sympathy is in no way inferior in importance to the words. Almost every person who needs to express participation in grief tends to think about the timeliness of addressing support, the perception of his words. Lack of experience, fear of seeing the face of death, strained relations with the deceased do not add decisiveness and only exacerbate the situation. The person is lost and simply does not know how to behave.

Ignorance of the norms of etiquette in such cases gives rise to many questions:

  • When can I call?
  • Is it better to write or come directly yourself?
  • Before or after the funeral to express condolences?

Despite the inner turmoil, you need to appear or call if there is a strong sense of the need for this, as well as the confidence that support will ease the person's suffering and help him get through a difficult period. Even if the deceased was not the best friend, words of encouragement will help loved ones, and support is very needed, including from strangers, in the case when a person is grieving, lonely and requires protection. Excessive shyness is unacceptable.

Read also:

Sincerity and the desire to help, as well as support in difficult times, is important, and if condolences are received coldly, all the same, obligations to your own conscience will be fulfilled. If misfortune has come to the home of a loved one, you need to call or meet immediately, as soon as the sorrowful news is received. Solidarity in grief can be expressed to acquaintances in the first days after the funeral. Giving condolences later for death requires a monosyllabic excuse. It is necessary for the mourners.

It is worth saying that one should not say the words of condolences about death in verse, even briefly. It is better to leave poetry for the epitaph, and during the hours of farewell to the deceased, poetry will be inappropriate.

Formal phrases should be avoided. Using them, the speaker will appear callous in the eyes of the bereaved. Let's take a look at the common mistakes:

  • You should not arouse guilt in a grieving person for his condition by appealing to calm down, stop grieving, or shed tears, as they will give him confidence that his loss is not appreciated.
  • There is no need to express condemnation to the deceased with words that it was not worth doing something, since it became the cause of death. Death consumes all mistakes, obvious or not.
  • Don't underestimate the cost of loss. You cannot take away from a person who has lost a loved one the right to grieve for the deceased.
  • Do not make comparisons with someone who has experienced a similar loss, even if not with himself. These words can only cause irritation, because nothing beats personal grief about a deceased loved one.
  • Do not pry about the circumstances or reasons that led to the loss. There is no room for this in sorrow.
  • In the moments of goodbye, you should not be distracted by extraneous topics.

Often, even a tacit presence will be enough, because in times of trouble and sorrow, we all need support and sympathy. Being alone with grief is very difficult and simply unbearable.

How to find the right words when writing condolences?

Expressing your feelings and finding the right words is difficult. However, this display of love and respect can be of great comfort to those who are grieving. Condolence letters are often kept for years and read over and over again. The purpose of their writing is to express respect for the deceased and support those who are mourning. Such a letter should come from the heart and be rather short, contain personal memories of the deceased, expressed simply and sincerely.

Offer your help and support. You need to be specific and not make promises that you cannot keep. Express your condolences to other family members as well. End the letter with an expression of love and support.

Below is an example of writing a letter of condolence to a colleague's wife:

“Dear [Name].

I am so sorry to hear about the tragic death of your husband. [Name] was an inspiration to everyone who knew him, and the news of his death shocked us. I understand how you must feel. Of our entire team, he was the most experienced and diligent employee, while maintaining his natural modesty. Many of our achievements are directly related to the activities of [Name]. He will be sorely missed by colleagues and friends. My thoughts are with you and your family. With deep condolences. [Name]".

  • “When we lose a loved one here on earth, we get an angel in heaven who always sees us. Can you find comfort in having an angel watching over you right now? We / I express our / my most sincere condolences. "
  • “A person who leaves this earth does not really go anywhere, because he is still alive in our hearts and minds. Please accept my / our condolences and know that he / she will not be forgotten. "
  • “May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family in this time of trouble. Please accept my / our sincere condolences. "
  • "Please accept our / my condolences and just know that we / I are always open to you, and please do not hesitate to ask for any help, especially during this difficult time."
  • “I / we cannot even imagine what you are feeling now, but we would like to offer our prayers and condolences to you and your family.”
  • "In this difficult time in your life, may my / our sympathy and sincere condolences help you."
  • "I / we express to you our / our most sincere condolences and sorrow."
  • “At this difficult time in your life, we / I ask God to give you the strength you need to get through this test. Know that you are in our / my thoughts and prayers. "

If you've ever experienced the tragic death of a loved one, you know how difficult it is to immediately understand what happened. Words cannot soothe the pain of losing a loved one, but they can help the bereaved feel your support. By expressing empathy, you show that you are aware of the other person's pain and that you want to bring relief to them. There is no one template that works for all situations, but there are simple rules to follow in such situations.

How to give a brief condolence to a death

Try to keep your condolences short but clear. Carefully chosen words can say a lot, and the sufferer is especially impatient emotionally. Sometimes just one or two lines expressing your real concern in simple language is enough.

How to Express Condolences on a Death - Degree of Relationship

Regardless of whether you are writing a letter, sending a telegram or making a phone call, express condolences based on the closeness of the deceased to you. In case of death, for example, of a distant relative, you can write: "I am very sorry that your relative died." If you knew the deceased personally, the style of the message may be slightly different: "I am shocked and deeply saddened by the death of Gregory."

How to express condolences on death - memory of the deceased

Make condolences about the personality of the deceased, which can be very comforting to the bereaved. You can say: "Her smile will always light up our office" or "I will never forget how much Maria contributed to the development of our organization." If you've never met the deceased, mention what you know about their relationship with a friend or colleague. For example, say, "You always spoke so hotly about your father, I know you were close." If the deceased and bereaved are strangers to you, make your condolences simple but sincere: “I know this is a difficult time for you and your family.” For a believer, the words will be comforting: "May God bless and strengthen you" or "I pray for you and your family."

How to Express Condolences on a Death - Honor the Dead

Show respect for the loss of human life, regardless of your attitude. Say, "May he rest in peace."

How to Express Condolences on a Death - Offer Help

The death of a loved one makes us not only grieve, but also prepare for the funeral, settle the deceased’s affairs and make many important decisions. Reach out for some of the tasks. If you are very close to the bereaved, offer to cook dinner, wash clothes, send a message, or make phone calls. Say, "I am here to help." Avoid open offers of help, such as “Feel free to call if you need something,” which sound a little disingenuous.

How to Express Condolences on Death - Wreaths and Flowers

Sending or laying flowers and mourning wreaths is one of the most common ways to express your personal sadness and empathy for a grieving family. There are no specific rules when choosing the right colors. White flowers are often brought, some choose pastel pink or bright, which reflects the memory of cheerful and bright souls.

How to Express Condolences on a Death - Non-Verbal Condolences

Condolences do not always have to be written or spoken in words. If necessary, hug or hold the grieving person's hands, allowing them to cry or talk about the deceased. Your presence and touch can bring comfort.

How to Express Condolences on Death - Speak from the Heart

Make sure everything you say really comes from your heart. Bereaved ones will appreciate your sincerity in the knowledge that you truly care about their feelings during their difficult times.

When giving condolences, look the bereaved person directly in the eye, showing that talking to them is important to you. Keep yourself open, do not fold your arms over your chest and do not stand as a shoulder to him. Turn off your phone and do not play with keys or necklaces while talking to a person.

By adhering to these rules, you will support the bereaved, show the importance and importance of the deceased to you.

Hello dear readers. Each of us has faced such a situation when it was vital to support a loved one who has experienced loss. And there is no such person who would not think about how to express condolences over death.

What is condolences

How to convey to a person that you are compassionate with him, are worried and are just ready to support with all your might? What is condolence and what is not worth saying? Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the definition. On the one hand, words of grief are expressions of moral support to a person in grief. On the other hand, it is the duty of a person attending a funeral or the anniversary of death, an unshakable rule of etiquette that must be observed.

Fact. On the day of mourning, everyone, regardless of desire, must say these two words: "my condolences."

Mourning words should not hurt, offend, or assess the current situation. Their main role is compassion, simple and human. It is not necessary to write poems, long obituaries, or write sentimental speeches about the deceased. Your task is to provide support to your relatives - moral, financial, physical.

In addition, one must be aware that the burial ceremony is not only a symbolic farewell to another world, but also a very troublesome business that requires physical and financial assistance, because it is not so easy to organize a whole funeral procession.

That is why an envelope with a small amount of money, given to a person who has lost a loved one, will become the so-called humanitarian aid.

Words of sorrow on the occasion of death

Condolences on the death of a Muslim should contain the following words: "may Allah send you patience", "may Allah forgive your deceased", "may Allah grant you happiness to your house in exchange for grief."

The words of sorrow in this faith also imply instructions, pleas for forgiveness, parting words and wishes for earthly blessings in return for the grief that overtook the family.

When talking about the death of a father or mother, you can use the well-established phrases:

  1. This loss is irreplaceable for all of us. The loss of such a support, reliable and so close, is always hard to accept.
  2. Please accept my sincere condolences. I knew your father (mother), he was a very good person. We will never forget him, his eternal memory.
  3. There are no words to express my sorrow. It's terrible, and losing such a person is like losing a piece of your soul, your heart. Hold on, we are with you.

It is especially difficult to find words of sympathy for a person who has lost their child - a son or daughter. What can you say besides "Be strong"? Maybe something like this:

This is a terrible shock for us. I can't believe that he (she) left so early. It was so early for him to leave this world, but time does not spare anyone. If there is a paradise in the world, then let it go there. He deserves more.

Advice... Common phrases exist so that you can compose your monologue, short but succinct in meaning. These are, first of all, templates that are designed to help those who find it difficult to express their thoughts on this matter.

Condolences on the death of her husband, father

Any tragically interrupted life causes pain and bitterness in the hearts of people. Expressing grief to people who have lost a husband, father, you must understand who this person was for his family:

  1. It is very difficult to accept such a loss, the husband is an indestructible support, the head, and it so happened that he is no longer with us all. Patience, my dears, strength. We offer our condolences.
  2. Please accept our deepest condolences and help, symbolic, but still. Such a terrible tragedy has come to your home, God grant you strength and peace of mind in your home.
  3. Eternal memory to him ... What a man, what a person. He was truly amazing and sincere, let the earth rest in peace to him, we will miss him very much.

Well, let's say, approximately the same words of sorrow are said to those in need of support from loved ones.

Remember, these are just general examples of how to speak at funerals and mourning days. Together with such phrases, as a rule, you should offer an envelope with cash. Let this help be even a symbolic drop in the sea, but the sea consists of such drops.

Do not be afraid to hug a person, offer a handkerchief, bring carnations to the altar of the deceased. Each step of the attempt to get closer and help a person will echo in him with an echo of kindness and warmth. The grieving person needs support more than any words, no matter how harmonious and beautiful they are.

Mourning clothes

At the entrance to the house where the mourning takes place, according to the rules of etiquette, men are supposed to take off their hats, this rule does not apply to women. Also take care of your appearance. Discreet, without rhinestones, crystals and bright prints, black floor-length dresses are perfect for such an evening.

Open neckline, bright makeup are not allowed, and men are supposed to dress in formal suits, soft sweaters and shirts are allowed.

Advice. Sometimes the appearance of a person speaks more than his words. A vulgar look is not allowed for either girls or adult ladies. Be modest, decent, speak in a calm, quiet voice, and keep banal valerian tablets in your purse.

A funeral or death anniversary can be calm and civilized, or extremely emotional.

What not to say on a day of mourning

If you compose the top of the most stupid and inappropriate phrases about the death or anniversary of death, then the honorable first place will be taken by the expression of the kind: "Well, how are you?" Do you agree?

Let's give the second place to the remark: "This was to be expected" or "It was predetermined by fate."

Silly phrases like "This is life" and "We'll all be there." Hearing this is not the most pleasant thing for a person in mourning. And to say something like that - there should be enough courage and shamelessness, however, there are such amazing people.

Do not show undue concern for the person in the mood for mourning. Let him be with his thoughts, cry, say goodbye to the deceased and just come to his senses.

Expressing words of sorrow in a letter

In an age of high industry, it is not necessary to turn your wallet out for a carrier pigeon. It is enough to write an SMS or letter: short, but conveying the meaning of your words.

Can't show up in person, write a message

Thus, you will remind yourself, show how you worry and sympathize. Even a small SMS message will be a kind message and good support.

In such a message, it is necessary to fit short, very capacious phrases. For example:

Please accept my condolences, this is a great tragedy. I mentally with you, hug, kiss.

Messages of this kind can be sent to a friend, colleague, mother and grandfather.

But if you decide to write whole memoirs about your grief, then prepare a pen and ink, the speech should be uncompromisingly expressing your feelings.

The approximate text of the letter may contain the following expressions:

When I found out what had happened, I could not hold back my tears. There are no words to express all the pain of loss. I am sincerely sorry that we are separated by such a long distance, and I cannot support you personally, just hug you at such a difficult moment in life. I hope that the closest people are with you now, and they support you.

If you put in a couple of three banknotes, I think this letter will further express your sincere feelings and show that you support the person dear to you with all your might.

How Orthodox Christians express their condolences

Orthodoxy believes in an afterlife - where both hell and heaven exist. Every person, professing Orthodoxy, hopes to get to heaven to the Lord God himself, therefore, if you express words of sorrow and condolences to an Orthodox person, the expressions will be quite appropriate:

  • Rest in peace;
  • God grant you patience and all the best;
  • The Lord is magnanimous and merciful, may he forgive our sins;
  • sleep well, God rest his soul.

Be punctual, natural, and courteous. A sign of support and good attitude is your attention. In this way, you show a reluctance to stay on the sidelines when grief has happened to loved ones.

Hope this article was helpful to you. Don't write long obituaries - speak sincerely and heartily. Share this parting word with your friends and family on social networks. Subscribe to our blog updates. All the best!