Methods of clairvoyance. The amazing gift is clairvoyance. How to develop clairvoyance yourself? Effective methods and recommendations

Clairviation represents the ability of a particular person to perceive information that remains inaccessible to perception mostly of people. As clairvoyance is manifested - we will talk about it in this material.

Clareling acts in the inland vision of man. With clairvoyance, information comes images, symbols and signs. Organs of feelings are not involved - for clairvoyance, the so-called "third eye" is responsible for clairvoyance.

Most of the mediums and psychics use this method of objective vision of reality. If you once watched their work, then could notice that when the extrasens on something concentrates, it takes a look to the side.

At the initial stage of the development of clairvoyance, the images that the person begins to see is very mumbling, they are quite difficult to distinguish. It is for this reason that most people are unable to notice them and they are lost.

Also in esoteric literature, you can read that if a person opens a gift of clairvoyance - he, allegedly, falls into the three-dimensional dimension. In fact, a person who starts awakens, simply receives images of future events that can come in the form of pictures, sounds, and in some cases - words. Each individual interprets them in its own way.

When you develop your abilities and you will have sufficient experience - you will come to you the same images that you will learn to understand using your own interpretation scheme. It is important to memorize the features of the information you receive over, you can even get a special diary, which marks everything unusual what happens to you. As a result, you will get your own psychic dictionary to interpret the information obtained using the gift over the gift.

Symptoms that indicate clairvoyance

Establish that extrasensory abilities have begun to appear by the presence of certain "symptoms":

  1. There is very bright, living images that are cut into memory for a long time.
  2. A person may not use the clock, because it always feels the exact time at random.
  3. When such an personality is engaged in the arrangement of his dwelling, it always knows exactly how it is better to put this or other item to enhance energy flows.
  4. When you first look at a person, a beginner psychic at an intuitive level feels, from what diseases it suffers, even if the latter looks just great.
  5. On a telephone conversation, clairvoyant is able to describe his interlocutor, even if he has never seen him before.

If you put "plus" opposite at least half of these items, it is likely that you are hidden in clairvoyance. In no case try to suppress them!

Many people, facing something unknown, who cannot be logical explanation, are frightened and try to exhaust him as much as possible. Therefore, it is not necessary to succumb to provocatives of television programs that demonstrate to us not quite faithful images of clairvoyant with crystal balls in the room, which fills the smoke. It is time to dispel established stereotypes.

Clairvoyance is just the ability of a mental gaze. Turning to this issue from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to mention the area located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe partbross (the famous "third eye"), which is associated with the pituitary.

Clairvoyant give preference to large, open and well-lit spaces. It is important to see all the details of what is happening so that nothing remains for them "behind the scenes".

When a person can develop the ability to clasp at a high level, he will be able to use his gift not only with benefit for himself, but also in order to help others. Many clairvoyant cooperate with law enforcement agencies, helping to look for missing objects or people, as well as to delay the criminals.

Where comes clairvoyance - how to protect yourself from fraudsters

Clairvoyance and clarity testifies to the contact of a person with otherworldly worlds (parallel realities). Each of us since the emergence of the world has its own guardian angel, but not everyone has the ability to come to contact him and correctly interpret the prompts received from it.

But some, especially sensitive people, can still establish a connection with their guardian angel who begins to show (or found) about the upcoming events of the future or past. With these actions, the angel seeks to protect his ward from any trouble.

In most cases, the gift of clairvoyance is manifested in very clean souls that are at a high level of development. People with such soul are very compassionate and merciful. It should be noted that every person from nature has certain depositors for the gift of clairvoyance, but not everyone is able to develop these abilities. Only the highest mind determines who is worthy to use such a talent. Old men, disabled people, blind, illiterate children ... If the Most High decided to reward the man with superpowers, in this case, approximate angels will help a person to develop this gift.

Angels are able to respond to absolutely any questions, but not all information can be divided with unauthorized people, and some cannot be voiced even closest. Clairvoyant must adhere to certain restrictions and prohibitions, violate which is unacceptable - otherwise the highest strengths can block the source of superpowers.

Many clairvoyant helps to heal other people, but they themselves suffer from certain pathologies. So, for example, the famous Svidar Vanga provided his own life with different, but at the same time did not see his patients, because at an early age, she lost ordinary vision. And the famous predictor of the future Nostradamus, who was foreseen the future of kings and empires, constantly fought with epilepsy.

Very often, the gift of clairvoyance opens in a person after serious tests, physical or soulful suffering. Such cases very often happened in Russia - as clairvoyants, the blessed people who were very much could be called.

The gift of clairvoyance does not get a person just like that - he must be deserved, stuck, worried in the literal sense of the word. But, having gained such amazing abilities, a person changes very much - all the delights of worldly life are now in the second plan, from now on, his first and main responsibility becomes helping others, to those who need it.

Exercise how to open your inner vision

You will need to create the necessary atmosphere for it. Prepare for this exercise a small candle of white. Then act in such steps:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position so that the body is completely relaxed - eliminate any muscle clips.
  2. Light a candle and put it next to you.
  3. Relax eye muscles and, without breaking, peering into the flame. Eyes at the same time will start to get to get to get pathne, then it will be necessary to lower the eyelids and close them with the help of palms so that the pitch darkness appears before you.
  4. Visualize, as if the flame of the candle flickers now at the point located slightly above the partbross. Wait for the point when it disappears.
  5. Soon for some time with your eyes closed, and then complete the ritual. Leave a candle completely ruin.

After this exercise, you can check your extrasensory abilities in practice. For example, when you talk on the phone with an unfamiliar man, cover your eyes and listen to your companion's voice. Let his intonation and words fully fill in your space, move the logical mind into the background, giving the full will of his intuition.

Regularly train yourself with similar practices, if you want to learn to predict the future, helping yourself and the world around.

View also an interesting video according to the topic described.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Is it possible to instill clairvoyance, which many consider unattainable over the ability of only individuals, as if chosen people? With sufficient effort, patience and regular training, the ability to clamping to one degree or another can develop everyone.

But the development of the gift of clairvoyance is not easy, and it will require not only the cost of a fairly long time, but also the diligent effort during the entire period of study. But the result will cost all the efforts! To learn the thoughts of other people, their true attitude towards themselves or others, the ability to foresee future events, "many would like to have such a gift.

What is clairvoyance?

First of all, it is suspiciousness, the ability to sharpen their feelings so much that the things usually hidden from ordinary people become available for observation, which they simply do not pay attention to. Simply put, this is the strongest development of the perception of reality, at many levels - from the usual world to thin matters and energies.

See what others do not see possible thanks to painstaking work on themselves.

Mandatory conditions

It is the main thing - daily work on yourself. At first, the need for regular classes can confuse and even scare away. But over time, she will start making a real pleasure! After all, after regular classes, it will be possible to see their own progress in improving skills, success in working on their organism, an emotional and spiritual sphere.

In addition to the development of the main gift in the course of training, it is necessary to work in adjacent areas, improving the body, mind and will. Then the result from classes will be visible much faster, and the effect will turn out to be higher. Parallel development helps to see not only a holistic picture of learning, but also quickly identify possible errors.

The second rule is the regularity of classes. If it is not possible to do the exercise entirely, it needs to be performed at least partially. Skipping even one training, violation of the rhythm of classes, will significantly remove you from the desired goal.

The third important condition is purity of thoughts. It is impossible to study clairvoyance with bad or dirty thoughts. After all, the effect and speed of the appearance of the result depend on the purity of the karma and the energy channels of a person who wants to learn the gift of clairvoyance. What these channels are cleaner, the faster the gift will develop.

And, of course, you need to eat right, without overloading the stomach of heavy food. This rule, of course, is always important, and not only when teaching clairvoyance. But in this practice, he is simply necessary for him. It is necessary to limit as much as possible the consumption of weak energy channels and requiring energy to assimilate, abandon heavy and oily food.

You will discover other important rules for yourself as learning and self-improvement.

Or maybe you already have a gift of clairvoyance?

Check it will help a simple and known test with envelopes. You need to take 10 empty envelopes and 5 strips of red and blue colored paper. At each envelope to invest one strip. Stir and lay out on the table in a row.

Seeking a chair and relax (this is important!). Then, concentrating on each of the envelopes, take them into hand in turn and try to feel how the color of the strip lies in this envelope. It is not to try to guess, but try to feel the color. The more answers turned out to be correct, the stronger the gift of clairvoyance is developed.

Such a test is suitable for analyzing the results of work on yourself, learning clairvoyance.

Description of the main occupations

Some teachers recommend first to learn the basics of autogenous training - to cause different differences in their body - weightlessness, warmth, cold, etc. It is also recommended to devote a part of the time yoga and meditation, learn to liberate their consciousness.

Exercises are performed on an empty stomach. It is impossible to train if you are sick. Alcohol does not eat 2 days before training.

An occupation that needs to be done daily is a concentration training. It is a concentration that is useful in class, and it is necessary to develop it well with the help of tractak - practices of the concentration of attention on a point or subject. To begin with, it is better to choose a simple object or draw a black point on a white paper sheet.

The object for the concentration must be placed at the level of the eye and at the distance of the extended arm.

Sit, give 5 minutes to complete relaxation. Eyes during the exercise should be relaxed. Blinking is impossible. Start looking at the object you need for a short time. Newbies are enough and minutes. I do not need to overvolt eyes. After regular practice, time will increase.

Having learned to concentrate on the object, complicate the task. Now the first half of time (about 10 minutes) must be concentrated on the object, and the second - on its image in thoughts.

Training in the photo. You need a photo of a friend who can then learn about the events in the near future. At this photo you need to concentrate, asking yourself mentally questions about this person. Relax for 2 to 3 minutes, trying to be in a state completely without thoughts. Memorize those images and words that will appear in consciousness in these 2 - 3 minutes. Training should last 15 - 20 minutes., Every day for a week.

Then you can ask a friend about his life, confirm or disprove your insights.

Aura learn to see, inviting assistant to exercise. In the room, create a twilight, settle comfortably, completely relax. We focus on the area near the head of the assistant (at any point at a distance of 15 - 20 cm), do not strain your eyesight, do not try to consider anything specifically. Perform 30 - 40 min., Every day. Feeling fatigue, stop training - it means that perception began to change.

Clairvoyance through items. Exercise is similar to a concentration. It is necessary to sit on the chair opposite the wall (it should be at the distance of an elongated hand), relax. Focus on a point slightly above the level of the eye ("third eye"), watch, not blinking, about 20 minutes. We defocush the look and look at the wall, also at least 20 minutes. After that, you need to see the same point, but behind the wall, as if through.

We found for you a learning video about the development of the gift of clairvoyance:

His abilities are clairvoyant can receive and implement completely different paths. But all of them can be distinguished by one common line - they can concentrate their attention on a specific object, image or phenomenon. In this material - techniques for the development of clairvoyance and intuition.

Hold your attention on one object fully for a long period of time is a difficult task.
But this can be learned, and it is from learning the ability to concentrate standing on their way to clairvoyance. To improve the abilities, the following techniques use concentrate attention.

How to develop clairvoyance?

Basic concentration techniques

Tractak - Exercise from the ancient Indian tantra teaching. Most often it is performed with a lit candle, but you can use any other object or may image. This exercise should be your daily practice to achieve tangible results.

So, to perform the exercise, burn the candle, turn off the light, sit opposite the candle in a convenient position so that it is at the level of the eye. Take deeply breathe deeply and exhale. Start closely look at the candle fire, not blinking, first 1 minute. Then increase the time until 20 minutes gradually. The most important thing in the performance of this exercise is to maintain relaxation and calm in the mind, body, and especially in the eyes.


Meditation is a nogistic practice aimed at gaining and retaining the internal balance. Perform each time you feel that we lose calm.

Meditate in a relaxed atmosphere, in silence. Sit on any poses convenient for you. The main thing is that the back remains straight. Close your eyes, start listening to your breathing. Do not attempt to change something in breathing, nor rhythm, nor depth. Just watch what it is.

Then transfer attention to the small triangular area between the upper lip and nose. Feel like when you exhale, hot air is touched up to this triangle, and when inhaling is cold. Hold a mental attention on this area above the upper lip so long as you can.

Asana (poses) of yoga that help concentrate attention

If you are interested in Hatha yoga, you can perform the Asan complex, which were specifically selected by Jesse Chapman to enhance concentration. The complex includes the following asians: Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Vraczasana (Tree Pose), Visarabhandasana (Warrior Pose) and Garudasan (Eagle Pose).

When you feel that you know how to concentrate your attention without difficulty, you can move directly to practices for the development of intuition and ability to see outside the fact that is available to ordinary consciousness.

Do not go directly to complex techniques. It may be dangerous. Prepare your consciousness using basic techniques. That's where you can start (recommendations of clairvoyant Anastasia Prikhodko):

Basic exercises developing intuition:

"The photo"

Find a partner who would help you with doing this exercise. His task: to call out loud names of certain objects of the material world.

Once you hear the name of any object (saucepan, circus, tree), you immediately imagine this object, as if you make the instant photo by Polaroid. Photographing occurs in your memory instantly.

Having received a photo on the display of your consciousness, you begin to consider it, represent the details of the image, colors, gradually the image becomes bulk, and you seem to penetrate inside this object. You no longer watch the picture, and are inside it. After that, go to the next object, which will tell you the partner.

"Reading aura"

Learning to see the aura is not so difficult.

Ask a person from whom you want to see Aura, get up next to the White Wall. On the background of precisely the white wall you will be easier to see the aura. Relax, secure twilight indoors. Without tension, look at the head of the person and the white space around it.

Gradually, you will notice that the head contour becomes becoming less clear, vibrating. Then pay attention to the slight changes in the color of the white background in the area of \u200b\u200bthe partner's head. Gradually, you will learn to see the shining overflows of different colors aura around a man's head.

This exercise is worth performing as often as possible.
Having learned to see the aura on a white background, you will soon be able to see Auru and on any other background.


Take 10 cards: 5 black suit and 5 red. Put them in front of them with a shirt up, having stirred.

Perform one of the exercises to the concentration, then sit in front of the table where the cards are decomposed.
In turn, put your hands on each of the cards and try to feel the color of this card. After turn the cards and see how many times you have determined the color correctly.

This exercise is not only well developing the ability to feel the nature of the object, but also is a good tool that will help assess your progress in learning clairvoyance.

Record the results after each exercise execution, and you can clearly watch your dynamics. Performing these three simple exercises regularly, you can customize your highly sensitive internal apparatus, receiving information on a fine plan. Now you are ready to start working with thinking, for example, according to the method of Hoza Silva.

Main exercises of the Silva method

Choose a simple object and place it at the level of your eyes.
Close your eyes and imagine white shine, penetrately penetrate into this radiance. Open your eyes, look at your chosen item and close your eyes again.

Now imagine that in the center of shine is this item, consider it in the rays of white light. Open your eyes. Repeat with different objects.

A more complex exercise option.
Close your eyes and imagine a white shining screen, and on it a number, for example, "1". Consider it carefully: what is its size, proportion, volume. Perhaps the figure will move, change its characteristics. Continue just to observe carefully, without tension.
Next time, imagine the number "2", then "3". And then you can start placing several digits in the center of the shining screen. The numbers can be as much as you can simultaneously hold your attention in the focus.

Next, go to more complex objects, for example, geometric pieces, and add color figures. Also close your eyes and already consider circles, triangles, squares. First one-photon, then add paints and increase the number of objects on the screen of your mental gaze.

Having mastered the previous exercise, we start working with the objects of the real world. We put them in the center of our mental gaze on a white background and observe. Let it be, for example, a spoon. Start moving it mentally in space, rotate, stretch, throw up, unscrew. Then move the spotlight to the spoon itself and mentally inspect the room with a look from the inside of a spoon, as if you are a spoon. Then go outside and, staying outside the body, watch mentally, looking at a spoon. Be extremely attentive when performing this exercise. If you feel unpleasant feelings, be prepared at any time to open your eyes.

Now you can practice mental movement in space.

Also close your eyes and imagine how you are separated from the body, and your twin is sent on the journey. Look at the world through the eyes of your twin. To start, you can imagine simply movement around the house, how you leave the room into the corridor, open the door, go out. You can then recover in more distant travel, in other cities and countries.

Also for the development of clairvoyance ability to reasonably use the technique proposed by Vyacheslav Bronnikov

Vyacheslav Bronnikov method is simple and includes three stages or levels.
Stages of the development of clairvoyance according to the Bronnikov method

  • 1 Preparatory stage of the Bronnikov method

At the first stage, a person learns to realize his inner sensations, energy movement and manage them. For the development of abilities to feel the energy of V. Bronikov offers more than 20 different exercises. You can start with the simplest exercise "Energy Ball".

Exercise "Energy Ball"

Distribute your palms with each other so as to feel the fever between them. Then start slowly breed your palm to the sides, while holding your attention completely on the sensation of heat between the palms. Feel that your palms seem to be fastened with thin rays, and as the palms are removed from each other, these rays are stretched, the space between the palms becomes dense, drove.

Feeling the energy ball between the palms, start controlling them: it is increasing, then reducing, stretching and flattening, turning into different directions.

  • 2 Stage "Inner Vision"

At this stage, work occurs in a pair. Students learn to create a mental white screen and project various objects, images.

Exercises performed at this stage, to some extent similar to the exercises offered in the method of Hose Silva, with some copyright differences V. Bronnikov.

Next, go to the development of the so-called inner vision, when a person creates a mental white screen in the mind and projects various objects on it, such as, for example, in the exercises described above with numbers, geometric shapes, a spoon.

  • 3 Stage "Direct Vision"

At this stage, a person learns to see and recognize objects with eyes closed with a black bandage in front of her eyes.

Students who mastered direct vision can perform all actions (read, write, move in space) with eyes closed. This is achieved through the ability to see and recognize the internal energy nature of the material world.

Direct vision is not a mystical ritual, it is a consequence of the development of supernormalities of the human brain by developing certain skills of managing psychophysical processes occurring in the brain system. In general, it is possible to develop the ability of clairvoyance, the main thing is to regularly engage (preferably every day), comply with the correct sequence of exercise and believe that clairvoyance is real. Then there is a good chance that you will succeed.

Want to develop the ability to clamping? Then read this post carefully!

Learn right now!

1. How do intuition and clairvoyance ability are connected?
2. How to open the ability to clamping?
3. What gives visualization to develop clairvoyance?
4. How to activate the third eye?
5. How to work with visual images?
6. Clearness, Clearness, Clearness
7. How to make classes on the development of clairvoyance more efficient?

Clairvoyance is the ability to read information through visual images. Slightly given this ability from birth, but it can be developed using certain techniques and wills.

Before developing clairvoyance ability, you need to learn how to receive information by intuition. When an intuitive channel is quite worked, you can start developing clairvoyance.

How are intuition and clairvoyance ability related?

Well-developed intuition aggravates extrasensory perception and opens the ability to clairvoyance.

Distinguish direct and indirect intuition.

What is direct intuition?

Under the direct intuition, they understand the usual intuition - our domestic counterist, the inner voice, which we do not always perceive seriously.

How to develop intuition?

  1. To do this, it is necessary to conveniently sit in a quiet room, concentrate on the respiratory process and try to completely relax.
  2. Then you need to remember the problem or the situation you need to solve. Concentrate on it within a few minutes.
  3. Ludically or mentally ask a question, which will lead this event (problem) in the near future. After that stop the internal dialogue and wait some time. The answer may come suddenly in the form of a bright way, thoughts or inner conviction.

Perhaps not everything will turn out the first time, but with practice the answers will come faster.

The more likely to turn to intuition, the more listening to its advice, the brighter and stronger it will become.

How to work with indirect intuition?

Indirect intuition is the ability of the brain to mark the key points of events, analyze and capture mental symbols, and on their basis to assume the further development of the situation.

Exercise for the development of indirect intuition

  1. You need to take paper and handle (felt-tip pen). Ask a question: for example, "What is I needed now in life?" The question should be repeated three times, every time presenting that the answer is closer and closer.
  2. Then take a handle and draw the first character on paper, which will come to mind.
  3. Now you need to interpret the symbol and understand what he has to the situation?

Intuition can speak through dreams!

Man's sleep has several phases that change each other. Every 90 minutes the "fast sleep" phase occurs. It is during this period that we can see bright dreams and images through which our subconscious says with us. To receive answers to questions in a dream, you can practice the following exercise ...

  1. In the evening, you need to put paper and handle on the bedside table. Falling asleep, think about your question or problem, the solution to which you need to find. You need to think only about it, without distracting other thoughts until the dream comes.
  2. In the morning, immediately after waking up, you should write a dream. Perhaps a dream will not remember immediately. Not scary. This can happen suddenly during the day.
  3. You can repeat this exercise every evening until the desired information will appear in a dream to resolve the problem.

How to open a clairvoyance ability?

Many psychics argue that the largest obstacle to activating the ability to clairvoyance is fear.

People are afraid to know what they expect them!

It is important to find the source of this fear, to understand what blocks the ability to clamping. Perhaps this is some kind of fear of childhood or psychological trauma, which led to the denial of their capabilities.

Then you need to get rid of fear, for this, along with stronger methods of getting rid of fear, it is recommended to vote phrase: "I let go of my fear of the future."

What gives visualization to develop clairvoyance?

To get answers through Claim Channel, you need to learn to see bright images on your mental screen.

For the development of visualization, the following exercise is suitable:

  1. You need to imagine seven ribbons from balloons in your hand, and all the balls of different colors.
  2. Then imagine that as one ball of red (for example), breaks down and rises to the sky.
  3. You need to try to see this picture as clearly as possible and bright, follow the ball until it turns into a small red point and will not disappear from the view.
  4. So you need to mentally let go of all the balls in turn, keeping the maximum clear picture, as each ball is removed.

How to activate the third eye?

After the question is formulated, you need to concentrate on the interbrass area. This point is also known as or "third eye." It is she responsible for the ability to clairvoyance.

Focusing on the third eye area, with closed eyes, you need to make some deep breaths and exhale. So continue to breathe until an oval figure does not appear before the inner eyes - the outlines of the third eye.

When the image is quite bright, you need to mentally ask the third eye to open. Repeat such a request until the chakra is revealed (when disclosure, you can feel how the wave of warm pleasant energy is bottled).

How to work with visual images?

Developing the ability to clamping, do not need to invent anything on their own. Images must come by themselves. If the picture is not clear, mentally you need to order it more and brighter.

Usually, visions are placed inside the outlines of the third eye. Sometimes they are more and like a film that is shown in the head. Images can be colored or black and white, real or similar to comics.

If the vision is difficult to decipher, you should mentally ask a question: "What does this mean?" The answer will be intuitive. It may be a sudden thought, feeling or sound.

Not always the first experiments immediately give the result. Do not despair. As experience shows - the more practice, the better the result.

Some practitioners develop the ability of clairvoyance so much that they can receive answers to any questions, just bias the eye.

Clearness, Clearness, Clearness!

Many, when they talk about superpowers, are more often thinking only about clairvoyance, but you can read the information and predict the future in other ways.


Clear - The ability to know about something, not understanding where it is known to you. For example, if you first know about a kind of event, and later you inform you that it happened, then this is clearing.

For the development of clearing, you can use the same techniques as for the development of intuition. Practicing, you need to force the brain to be an observer and not allow him to manage the information received.

Clear - obtaining information through hearing organs.

To develop clarity, you need to increase susceptibility to different sounds. To do this, you can try to hear the sounds that were not perceived earlier. To develop this form of clairvoyance, you need to learn to distinguish the most vague and quiet sounds. So over time, you can learn to hear the quietest sounds at a great distance, and later hear and thoughts of people!

Clearness - reading energies and vibrations from objects or space. An example of clearness can be.

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As practice has shown, the general techniques do not always work in absolutely. They do not take into account your individual features, your way of perceiving information, your psycho-energic training.

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Powerful proven methods of deliverance from fear are looking for

Human capabilities are unlimited! Learn how to open clairvoyance with the help of through vision and you can overcome all the walls, space and time!

What is clairvoyance?

Claintion - the extrasensory ability of a person with which he can see without barriers to see the future and past.

This article describes an ancient exercise with which Indian yoga is developing through vision. This allows you to see blindfolded, penetrate into the contents of letters and safes ,.

With this technique you can open clairvoyance and see everything! Even the distance will not be a hindrance for you. Thanks to these superpowers, you attract wealth and success!

How to open clairvoyance with the help of through vision? Technics

1. Practice on the chair sits in front of the wall. The back need to keep straight, legs crossed in the pose of yoga or in Turkish.

The wall should be at a distance of an elongated hand from a person.

2. The practitioner closes his eyes, relaxes the muscles of the body and face. This simple reception will relax the mind.

3. Then he focuses on his breath: follows him without interfering. At this time, he plunges into the feeling of every breath and exhalation.

After some time, a person will notice that thoughts will begin to disappear, and it is immersed in the state of the trance.

4. Practice opens the eyes and begins to concentrate anywhere on the wall. It should be slightly higher than the level of the eyes, in the area of \u200b\u200binterfurs - there is a third eye.

5. He carefully contemplates the point on the wall. The look should be non-moving and scattered.

This is one of the main secrets of practice!

A scattered look - intently contemplating a point, a person simultaneously covers the entire image that can give eyes.

A non-moving look - the basis of the development of many supernormalities! It allows you to go beyond the usual visible world, develop extrasensory perception. Such a view is necessary in order to "dispel" the materiality of the wall.

At first it may seem difficult, a non-moving look needs to be trained. At first, when it wants to blink, you can slightly chop your eyes and moisten the cornea with liquidity, but not to close them.

In this opinion you need to contemplate the point within 15 minutes. The longer you look, not blinking, the stronger the wall will change! It must be considered and not surprised by transformations - it can bring down the concentration.

6. After that, the practitioner "forgets" about the point and begins to look at the wall with a scattered look, not concentrating on anything.

It also needs to do 15 minutes. All this time is preserved a non-moving look!

7. At this time, the person imagines the point that is behind the wall. He creates a conviction that he sees her through the wall, looks at the "distance", as if through the wall, as if this point is on the horizon. This part of the exercise lasts 15 minutes.

This exercise must be done regularly every day or every other day. The ability of vision through material obstacles is usually opened in a few months of constant practice. The wall becomes transparent, keeping only its contours, and you can clearly see what happens for the obstacle!

Over time, the concentration and strength of thought can intensify, the ability of clairvoyance will develop, and you can see through huge distances, scanning vision will open - you can find what is in the ground (for example, treasure)!

It should also be added that this vision has enormous power: if you look at a person, he will fall under your influence!

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Clairvoyance - type of extrasensory perception, human ability to receive information besides the perception of perception, known science and defined by modern scientific means, including information about the events of the past and future (