Statuses about the upcoming new year. Funny statuses about the new year

I want to kiss you on December 31 at 23:59 and January 1 at 00:01. It will be a perfect end to 2011 and an amazing start to 2012.

New Year is when, in addition to empty mugs, the peel from tangerines begins to accumulate at the computer.

Oh, how much New Year's fuss. But all this ... just because of one! seconds! :)

[] The clairvoyant will bring back the New Year from a photograph.

The new year has passed, but the head is gone :)

Dear Santa Claus, I want for the New Year your list of boys who misbehaved.

I want snow, I want the New Year, I want tangerines, the smell of a Christmas tree... I want it like in childhood, little one... And a feeling of happiness...

May your life be like champagne in the New Year 2012 - beautiful, light, exciting and overflowing!

In the New Year 2012 I wish: 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 366 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love and 31536000 seconds of pleasant moments!

Tangerines are on the move, which means the new year is coming soon!

Who does not smoke and does not drink, he will remember the New Year!!!

Youth is when you no longer believe that Santa Claus will come to you on New Year's Eve, but you still hope that the Snow Maiden will come to you!

In the New Year, everything comes true, even what cannot be sold at other times.

The New Year is coming soon - and I have only two wishes... it's snow... and you, next to me...

New Year's mood is when I'm glad to see even those who made a mistake by the door.

Wishing you the happiest new year imaginable! Let it be so new and successful that you yourself will be surprised!

And I hope that this New Year there will be many beautiful young Santa Clauses :)))) and at least not many sober ones ...

The new year is always better than the old one, but not always for you.

And only Christmas trees hate the New Year ....

I want to quickly New Year .... To go out at midnight exactly, look at the sky ...
And catching the snow with your lips to realize... life goes on...

I wonder if anyone thought of me for the New Year? :)

The optimist stays up until midnight to see the coming of the New Year. The pessimist stays up to make sure the Old Year is over.

You can celebrate the New Year, or you can not meet it, it will come anyway!

I want New Year! I want to make a wish! One single! I do not need anything else!

So the new year has come, and everything remains the same .... ((

It is a pity that the New Year comes at a time when getting a Christmas tree is a rather serious problem.

What an amazing country Russia is: they begin to celebrate the New Year somewhere in the Far East, and end up somewhere under the table.

Friends... let's start preparing the liver for the New Year together!

I want you, I love you, well, when you come... New Year!

The New Year will go according to plan: in the morning I make Olivier, in the afternoon I will watch The Irony of Fate, then I will remember that I need to iron the dress, and the rest of the time I will look at the clock and wait 12 hours.

The New Year is rushing towards us, soon everything will happen, it will come true, what we dream about and we will have fun !!!

I already know what wish I will make for the New Year ... So that the neighbors, damn it, karaoke is broken ...

If you make a wish on New Year's Eve, it will certainly come true! The only negative is that at this time it is difficult to formulate it.

They say that the way you celebrate the New Year is the way you will spend it. Now I think, what am I now, I won’t remember for a whole year?

You celebrate the new year with an artificial Christmas tree - you will spend the whole year with an inflatable woman ...

New Year's weather, pre-holiday fuss, snow outside the windows, today we decided to wait for a miracle together.

There are many ways to draw attention to your person on social networks. But there is an option that can definitely be considered a win-win. By setting cool and funny New Year's statuses for Contact or Odnoklassniki, you will not only add likes and subscribers to yourself, congratulating the virtual community on the holiday in an original way, but, most likely, you will find new interesting acquaintances.

Cool statuses for guys and men

Good Grandfather Frost, give me the first installment. Santa Claus, except for laughter, pay off my mortgage.

A Christmas tree is better than any mistress. You change every year, part without scandal. And she does not demand her gifts back!

New Year's Eve is such an amazing time when you eat salad, tangerines, champagne and hope that tomorrow morning this champagne and other alcohol supplies will still be left.

It's time to tie with Olivier and tangerines. After all, what does excess cholesterol and sugar in fruits bring people to in just one night.

It is a difficult task to prove to the children that you are the real Santa Claus and convince your wife that you can’t even pull on a fake one.

Answer the question "What is good and what is bad?" New Year's Eve is difficult. He did everything well: he took a walk, drank, fell asleep under the tree - the next day is bad. And if January 1 is good, then the New Year was celebrated very badly.

Grandfather Frost, give me a carefree life for the New Year, universal adoration, the opportunity to lie on the couch and get everything on demand. In short, turn me into a cat.

A man goes through three stages of relationship to Santa Claus: you believe and wait; I don’t need a grandfather, I want a Snow Maiden; you yourself are Santa Claus and advise the Snow Maiden to roll up her lip.

New Year's to-do list: spend the Old Year; celebrate New Year; meet the Old New Year. It's kind of a vicious circle.

You need to prepare for the New Year in advance. Right on January 1, put up the Christmas tree that was dropped yesterday and start rehearsing the holiday.

Every year on this day they ask me: “Why are you so sour, like the missing Olivier? Where is your New Year mood? It's time to understand what it is ... Mine. !

Childhood is over - this is when on New Year's Eve you and your friends begin to dance not around the Christmas tree, but around the toilet. Combined, builders be damned, bathroom!

Four stages of a man growing up: 1. You believe in Santa Claus. 2. You don't believe in Santa Claus. 3. You yourself are Santa Claus. 4. Those who still believe in Santa Claus run up to you on the street, ruffle your beard and yell: “I knew you existed!

As the New Year arrives, men's sock and shaving cream vendors begin to rub their hands in glee, while unhappy guys rush around the city looking for “Give me that, I don't know what.

New Year is a difficult time for a man. He is trying to convince his child that he is Santa Claus, and his wife that he is NOT Santa Claus.

I want to have almost everything in the New Year, as Anton Semenovich Shpak dreamed: three music centers, three heaped laptops, three iPhones of the latest model, a suede jacket ... also three.

Someday Santa Claus will give me a toy railway, I will set the status to “happy” and will never go online again.

The approach of the New Year is felt when on your computer table, mixed with beer mugs and glasses with unfinished tea, skins from tangerines begin to appear here and there.

The paradox of the New Year: the treats and drinks on the table are always the same, but the adventures after them are different.

Funny New Year's statuses for girls

Dear Santa Claus. Please make it so that in the coming year my neighbors, who have a 24/7 love for music and repairs, suddenly have all the karaoke and perforators broken.

Do you know why Santa Claus and Santa Claus are men? Yes, because no woman will allow herself to appear before the public every holiday in the same outfit!

Today in my refrigerator is “do not eat, this is for the New Year”, and tomorrow it will be “eat quickly, otherwise everything will go bad.”

I am for the division of responsibilities in the family! I will decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, and you will decorate me!

Sign of our time: set a funny status for the New Year - you will soon meet the man of your dreams, who will say that he has been looking for a girl all his life who does NOT believe in signs, but has a sense of humor.

If you want everything to be awesome in the New Year, on the night of January 1, put a chocolate bar without a wrapper under your pillow. Now you will definitely have everything in chocolate!

I tell my friend: "Darling, give me such a New Year's gift to remember." Answers: “Pills for sclerosis will do?” ...

I'll be on my New Year's Eve soon! I will give up sweets and switch to dry and semi-dry.

As children, on New Year's Eve, we waited for Santa Claus to come. And our children are waiting for when, finally, dad and mom go to visit.

I love the New Year because you can take a break from the stove. First, a festive dinner magically turns into a brunch, and then gradually turns into a protracted lunch.

Santa Claus, buy me a new iPhone, a tablet, a red Ferrari, a house in the Maldives... Oh, that's it. Buy me money, in short, and then I'll figure it out myself.

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me ... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it ... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick ..

The shortest day of the year is January 1: you wake up, and it’s already getting dark outside ... The amazing country of Russia, we even celebrate the New Year twice - on December 31 and January 13.)

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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 to all: Real happiness, pure love, good health and success in everything!!!

Tangerines went into action, so soon the new year

I so want, as in childhood, to believe in a New Year's fairy tale, make a wish with the hope that it will come true and wait for a miracle on New Year's Eve ...

I wish everyone in the coming New Year not to click through their happiness with a mouse. People, let's talk in real life, it's more interesting!

People, why are you so sad? Cool! December! Winter! Funny! New Years is soon!

New Year will be held on "Hurrah" !!!

The year has changed on Earth! The country falls into an olivier

Nothing dilutes the brain like New Year's TV.

Stock! Buy for the new year in our supermarket, and you will get a spare liver and a second stomach for free!

If you want to feel like a star - sit on the Christmas tree!

Santa Claus comes to normal children, and Wasserman comes to nerds.

Dear Grandfather Frost, I can’t have sweets, so send me a box of semi-sweet ones!

If you see a sober Santa Claus, then most likely it is Santa Claus

friends, let's get together, let's start preparing the liver for the new year!

Why is it always like this - you are waiting for the New Year, you are waiting, and March 8th, as always, will suddenly come ...

Statuses about the new year and love

I want it to snow in big, big flakes and it’s warm outside, and I’m walking hand in hand with him and I understand that my New Year’s wish has come true!

I'm not asking you to guess. I'm just asking me to make a wish on the night of 31 to 1

I don't need gifts for the New Year! give me the days when I was happy with him ...

sad about the new year

everyone says "new year, new year"!!! but what's the point? still the current figure is larger! (((

And only Christmas trees hate the New Year.

Every New Year, you plan to celebrate especially, but it turns out a banal booze

If dad's beard hadn't been pinched by the door - I would probably still believe in Santa Claus!

You can celebrate the New Year or you can not meet it, it will come anyway !!!

Many people look forward to the new year for a fresh start with "old" habits.

Yes, parting before the new year is a good gift ...

Statuses about the old new year

Old New Year….!!! It's like a "smart fool" ... How GREAT and POWERFUL ... our Russian language ...

It is very difficult to explain to a foreigner what the Old New Year is.

Old New Year is not a holiday. This is a state of mind

We begin to celebrate the new year, and end with the meeting of the old

The new year is old, but they thump like a new one.

What a delight - Old New Year!

Meet the Old New Year! He brings so much joy!

So the old New Year knocked on the door, from pre-holiday troubles burst into the door!

According to the old calendar, today is the New Year, the past I thank, the coming one - without worries

We won’t sober up from the new year, and then the old one also came ...

And again the people are happy. Hello Old New Year!

So pour the Old New Year, honest people!

Make wishes for the Old New Year - they always come true!

The New Year crept up quietly, confusion in my head ... either the old one, or the new one ... if only it wasn’t bad

New Year's bells 😀

The video is old, but it's always nice to watch :)

The seconds before the chimes on New Year's Eve are always very exciting, we make wishes and believe that they will come true. Seasoned with subtle humor and sincere wishes, beautiful statuses about the New Year will help you congratulate your friends and loved ones. Either short or long - beautiful New Year's statuses with meaning, posted a few moments before the holiday on your VK or Odnoklassniki page, will seem truly sincere to everyone.

For the New Year I will make it a present… for my birthday I will make it a present… for Christmas I will make it a present. I will get all the magical evil spirits with my desires, but they will drag IT to me!

May the wish made under the New Year's chimes be fulfilled. And the New Year will bring a sea of ​​new experiences, interesting acquaintances, useful knowledge and grandiose plans. Wish each other happiness while sitting at the festive table! May real miracles happen in your life on New Year's Eve!

I hope that the New Year will welcome me cordially, give me hopes, plans, save me from enemies, unnecessary worries and human envy ... In general, I believe in miracles for a year in a row!))

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me ... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it ... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick ..

How much New Year's fuss. And all this…..only because of one!!! seconds!!

I want to kiss you on December 31 at 23.59 and January 1 at 00.01… It will be the perfect end to the old and an amazing start to the new year!

When the door to a new happy life opens in the New Year, do not crowd. Get on your knees and crawl towards your happiness!

Santa Claus exists, I know for sure. I see it in the eyes of my little son, who wishes health and happiness for his family, confident that this will certainly come true! I can't let him down...

New Year's Eve is an amazing, fabulous, enchanting night when miracles happen and the most cherished desires and dreams come true. So let this wonderful night fulfill all your desires!

Soon the New Year - I have only two wishes .... snow…. and you are near...

Everything froze in anticipation of a fairy tale, the snow sparkles with all the colors outside the window and, holding your breath, you wait for the clock to start counting down to a new life.

I want the New Year to be not like that one, but to be truly new, a new beginning in my life ...

I ask you, Santa Claus, let there be no tears in the New Year. Let the war end, let the wall fall between people that life has built and the one who is only waiting for this benefit ...

I have already grown up and I know that Santa Claus does not exist. Which does not prevent me from making wishes for the New Year and believing in miracles.

Do you want to be a child? ... Snow, a blizzard outside, and you, wrapped in a jacket, are driven on a sled ... with full packages of sweets and tangerines on your knees ...

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream, make wishes. I would like to wish that everything that you wished and wished for the New Year came true! So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, that good luck accompanies you in business, that love surrounds and fills you and your home.

I want Grandfather Frost to put three gifts under the Christmas tree for the New Year - happiness in the house, love in the family, and health to relatives.

In my letter to Santa Claus, I put a hundred dollars, otherwise he always doesn’t have enough for what I thought of and gives him what has been lying around since last year.

With a quiet step, slowly, only with rustling wings, with a red crest, the New Year is sneaking up to us without worries!

Winter was created in order to be in white colors, so that it would be possible to start your life from a white sheet.

They say New Year's Eve is the night of wish fulfillment. I wished that all people become happy on the whole planet. I am sure that this will certainly come true. Happy New Year!

In the New Year, every time I want to flip the page forward and think that from now on, the books will only have an interesting plot and not a single crumpled or torn-out sheet ...

The best gift for the New Year is when your loved ones are with you, everyone is healthy and joyful, and there are many, many happy moments ahead of you together.

It doesn’t matter that it’s raining, snowing, a blizzard or a blizzard outside the window. The main thing is to always be warm in the heart, which is what I wish you in this coming year!

The New Year is the official chance to start a new life. Just be honest. Delete unnecessary people, stop being lazy, and do what was promised.

I really want to walk around the city in the evening on New Year's Eve, when everything will be lit with lights, congratulations on the New Year and the air will smell of the approaching New Year.

Nothing will save you from a New Year's hangover like a glass of milk, a cool shower and sex. Did not help? Then the old, grandfather's ...

Oh, this New Year's Eve craziness! It feels like we didn’t clean all year, didn’t shop, didn’t cook, didn’t repair and didn’t dress ... And only in December they remembered all this!

The inevitable continuation of the festive table is the festive chair.

Cool statuses for the New Year: There is no sadder story in the world than the New Year and thoughts about diet...

Never stop believing in miracles! All with the coming!

Grandfather Frost, for the last New Year, I asked you for a boyfriend. So, take this goat back and let's better felt-tip pens.

Grandfather Frost, please don't give me more sweet... no, don't... semi-sweet is better.

Well, it's New Year's again. Farewell to my size 42, hello "you've gained some weight" and "everything, from tomorrow on a diet"

Well, thank God, we took a walk ... We finished the damn Olivier ... Fireworks were launched at midnight ... I wish I could remember ... with whom and where ...

She: - Who will you dress for the new year? Him: Shrek. Did you buy a mask? - Not yet, but who will you be? - Beauty!!! Did you buy a mask?

My status went into the forest, probably behind the Christmas tree.

The frost pleasantly stings the nose. With his hand, diving under the jacket, Santa Claus pleasantly pinches, ... for the ass of the young Snow Maiden.

We are waiting for Santa Claus, Santa Claus, St. Nicholas or any other man, most importantly with GIFTS!

New Year! As noted - and you will hangover!

New Year! Again, the irony of fate and vodka with Olivier.

If you want to be good. Put chocolate under your pillow for the new year and in the morning you will have EVERYTHING covered in chocolate.

I wish you in the coming year: no worries, no money to measure, love, hope and believe!!!

I wish next year to freeze your ass to the ice!

And I will not watch the blue light on New Year's Eve. It has already become so blue that it is impossible to see

It is useless to try to get Santa Claus drunk, many have already checked, he never forgets his bag ...

In a red coat, with a red nose, Grandfather plays in the cold: in a hat, with a stick and with a bag, and with a boozy snowman. Nearby is a rabbit in heels and a snow maiden on horns. If you meet this rabble, then the New Year is coming soon !!!

To all the thumping comrades, congratulations on the upcoming!)

Cool statuses for the New Year: Happy New Year everyone! And I want to buy a fur coat for myself!!!

With each access to the Internet "for five minutes" you bring the New Year closer by at least an hour and a half.

With whom you will meet the new year with that and get drunk!

Only in our country on New Year's Eve the congratulations of the president go through all channels, but they watch it only through the first one.

This year, as always, we will not have time to move away from the celebration of the New Year, when the Old Year comes. Damn, I'll have to drink again ...

That's what a new year you are, the night is thumping, the week is rushing!

Santa Claus, come out! - shouted the children dancing near the toilet.

Grandfather Frost, for the last New Year, I asked you for a boyfriend. So take this goat back and let's better felt-tip pens :)

On New Year's Eve, a good husband decorates a Christmas tree, and a very good one decorates his wife!