Dry facial skin - cleansing and softening. Dry skin. Dry skin care

Beautiful skin without any imperfections ... For this it is not always necessary to visit trendy spas or aesthetic centers where, most likely, you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money. Sometimes, homemade mask for the face can be much more effective than its expensive branded counterparts.

Of course, you shouldn't skimp on skin care. But this does not mean at all that we only need expensive products or cosmetic procedures.

After all, there are also natural ingredients that have many beneficial properties for the skin. And we can easily take advantage of them by preparing face mask do it yourself. We are sure that the masks, the recipes of which we will share with you today, will become your best helpers in skin care.

Why waste time preparing homemade masks?

Home procedures and cosmetics are methods that have been used since ancient times for skin care.

Face masks are by far the most popular of these. because they allow you to take advantage of the beneficial properties of the most common foods. You can easily find them in your kitchen. Natural masks help remove dirt and other minor imperfections that rob the skin of its natural beauty day after day.

Moisturizing oatmeal face mask

Oatmeal for skin care is a popular ingredient. In addition to the peeling effect, it has moisturizing and toning properties, which contribute to the natural cleansing and hydration of the skin.

In the recipe for this mask, we will complement the action of oatmeal with soft ingredients such as chamomile and honey. They will give her anti-inflammatory and refreshing action.


  • 3 tablespoons of cold chamomile tea (45 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25g)
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (flour, 30 g)


  • Mix all the ingredients and make sure the mixture is thick enough to be applied to the skin.
  • Apply the mask all over the face with a brush. Leave to act for 20 minutes.

Both honey and lemon are astringent and contain antioxidants. These substances promote skin regeneration and reduce the negative effects caused by free radicals. The latter are known to get onto the skin from the environment.

This simple face mask acts as a natural moisturizer that can make scars and age less visible. It will also be useful for manifestations of other skin problems such as acne, for example.


  • 2 teaspoons of honey (15 g)
  • 4 or 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (60-75 ml)


  • Mix the two until a completely homogeneous mass is obtained and apply it to your face using a brush or fingers.
  • Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, and then wash off with warm water.

The ingredients are very gentle on the skin, so you can apply this mask every day before bed. But just before bed. Because lemon juice makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight and this can have negative effects (in the form of age spots).

People with dry skin try to soften it and provide it with proper hydration.

If you've tried many products to soften and soften your skin but don't seem to get any results, you may be worth trying this mayonnaise mask.


  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise


  • Apply a thin layer of mayonnaise all over your face and leave to act for 20 minutes.
  • After this time, wash off the mayonnaise with warm water, while massaging the skin with gentle circular motions.

Avocado Milk Face Mask

Avocado is very rich in vitamins, minerals and saturated fatty acids. They nourish the skin and provide it with additional moisture.

Milk, in turn, has an effect, removing all kinds of impurities and leaving the skin clean and smooth.


  • ½ ripe avocado
  • 3 tablespoons milk

What do we have to do?

  • Mash the avocado pulp and mix it in a bowl with 3 tablespoons of milk.
  • Apply the paste all over your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then just wash with warm water.

Pineapple face mask

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain. It promotes removing dead cells from the surface of the skin and at the same time tones it.

This mask also has anti-inflammatory effect which helps to cool the skin and fight irritation or damage caused by prolonged sun exposure.


  • 5 pineapple slices
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil


softening face mask | almonds, lemon | peeling on the skin
One glass of peeled almonds is poured with 400 ml of boiling water. After 5 minutes, the water is drained, the almonds are passed through a meat grinder and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of distilled water. Stir thoroughly and apply the mass on the face. Keep for 29 minutes, then rinse with soft warm water and apply a cream for dry skin. This mask softens the skin well and relieves inflammation.

20 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Sunflower oil softening mask for dry skin

softening face mask | sunflower oil, olive oil | peeling on the skin
A napkin of 2-3 layers of gauze is moistened in sunflower or olive oil heated in a water bath and applied to the face and neck for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the face is wiped with lotion for dry skin. This mask is recommended for very dry, flaky skin.

5 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Flax seed mask

softening face mask | flax seeds | peeling on the skin
2 teaspoons of flaxseed is poured over 400 ml of water and simmered until the seeds are boiled. The mass is allowed to cool slightly and applied to the skin of the face. The mask is kept for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm, then cold water. This mask softens the skin well and prevents inflammation. It is especially useful in winter. To protect the skin from the winter cold, a course of 14 procedures is required (2-3 masks per week).

10 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Fresh leaf mask

softening face mask | sea ​​buckthorn, raspberry, lemon balm | peeling on the skin
In equal parts, mix fresh leaves of sea buckthorn, lemon balm and raspberry. 1 teaspoon of the crushed mixture is poured with 50 ml of boiling water and stirred, adding oat flour until a thick gruel is obtained. The mixture is cooled and applied to the skin of the face. Hold for 20 minutes, then rinse off with cool water. The mask softens the skin, eliminates flaking.

10 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Make a steam mint bath for skin whitening

whitening steam bath for face | mint, mint oil | peeling on the skin
In 200 ml of boiling water, throw 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mint leaves, leave for 3 minutes under a closed lid. Add 3 drops of peppermint essential oil and stir with a clean spoon. Steam bath for 5 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water. The mint steam bath has a whitening effect and repairs damaged skin. Mint is also an antiseptic. Suitable for refreshing and softening flaky skin.
8 minutes | raut.ru | 2010-08-21

Oatmeal mask for dry skin

softening face mask | oatmeal, cream | peeling on the skin
1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoonful of heavy cream and apply the mixture to the skin of the face with light massaging movements. The mask is kept for 20 minutes, then washed off with soft warm water and rinsed with cool face. This mask is useful for especially sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

5 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Linseed herbal mask

softening face mask | flax flour, thyme, mint | peeling on the skin
Finely chopped fresh leaves of thyme, lemon balm mint, mallow mallow are mixed in equal parts. 2 tbsp. spoons of this collection and 1 tbsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of flaxseed flour, stir and allow to cool. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm and rinsed face with cold water.

30 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Mother and Stepmother Leaf Mask

softening face mask | mother and stepmother, milk | peeling on the skin
K 2 tbsp. tablespoons of well-chopped fresh leaves of mother-and-stepmother add fresh milk and stir until the consistency of gruel. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face, kept for 20 minutes, then washed off with cool water. This mask works well for dry, chapped skin.

5 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Oatmeal mask

softening face mask | oatmeal, sea buckthorn | peeling on the skin
2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal is diluted with warm water to the consistency of a thick gruel and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea buckthorn juice. The mask is kept for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water and rinsed with cool face. This mask softens and nourishes the skin well.

3 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Yolk oil mask for flaky skin

softening face mask | sunflower oil, peach oil, almond oil | peeling on the skin
The face is cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in olive, peach or almond oil. Then this oil is applied to the skin of the face, egg yolk is applied and, periodically wetting the fingers with hot water, rub it until a white foamy mass is formed. This mask is kept for 15-20 minutes, then washed off. It works well for dry, flaky skin.

7 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Rose water honey mask

softening face mask | honey, rose water | peeling on the skin
1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey is mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of rose water (recipe in tonics). The mixture is applied to the face and kept for 12 minutes. Wash off with soft warm water and rub your face with rose water.

3 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Softening oatmeal mask

softening face mask | egg yolk, oatmeal | peeling on the skin
Egg yolk is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal and apply the mixture to your face. The mask is kept for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with soft warm water. This mask softens and soothes delicate sensitive skin.

5 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Potato mask to soften dry skin

softening face mask | potatoes, egg yolk, milk | peeling on the skin
Peel one large potato boiled in a peel, knead, add 1 egg yolk and a little hot milk, rub well until mashed and apply this mask on the face in a warm form. Hold for 15-20 minutes, then wash off first with warm, then cool boiled water. This mask softens and soothes the skin, leaving it smooth.

30 minutes | site | 2011-02-09

Potato mask for dry skin

refreshing face mask | potatoes, lemon, vegetable oil | peeling on the skin
Prepare a potato mass using 1 to 2 medium potatoes. Peel them and grate them into gruel. Apply this mass on your face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm and then cold water. The mask moisturizes, cleanses and smoothes the skin well. If you add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and a few drops of lemon juice to the potatoes, the mask will have a softening effect. Recommended for dry, flaky skin.

In winter, more than ever, the skin of the face is exposed to the negative effects of cold, windy and frosty weather. It is at this moment that she badly needs recovery and nutrition. For this reason, after peeling, cosmetologists strongly recommend a special winter facial treatment, which includes the use of a variety of masks made from natural ingredients that soften the skin in winter. This is especially true for skin prone to dryness and irritation. All our skin softening masks will certainly provide a very effective nourishment for the skin in cold weather and perfectly restore it.

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Photo gallery: Masks that soften the skin in winter

Cold and winter skin care

In winter, the skin of the face, more often than not, is characterized by such imperfections as a feeling of dryness, tightness, noticeable peeling of the skin in certain areas of the face, as well as frequent inflammation and a burning sensation. The last two symptoms are very relevant in winter for dry skin types. In addition to all this, the use of decorative cosmetics and products that have the properties of a drying effect is very negative on the skin in winter. This is especially true of the soap, which we used to wash our face every day. Therefore, having problems associated with a noticeable seasonal dryness of the skin, it is necessary to be very careful in choosing cosmetics and other means for facial care. It should also be remembered that the use of various steam baths is strictly prohibited in winter. Thoroughly washing your face, it is recommended only in the evening before going to bed, but not in the morning, before going out into the cold. It will not be superfluous to notice that just during sleep, our skin secretes as much sebum as possible, which accumulates on the face. In the morning, it is recommended to lightly wash your face with cool water. Very effective will help to keep moisture on the face all day with fresh milk, which can be added to the water for washing. Also, do not forget to use a special nourishing winter face cream. It would be appropriate to note that after using a softening face mask, it is also recommended to apply such a cream to the skin. But it is always recommended to apply such masks on pre-cleansed face skin. Doing masking is recommended 2-3 times a week, and also depending on the condition of the skin, which changes based on weather factors or the frequency of your stay in the cold.

And lastly, only those face masks that fully correspond to winter care have an excellent softening effect. These are, as a rule, oily masks that have a high content of emollient and nourishing components.

Winter face masks, based on the problems of associated facial skin and its types

Your individual recipe for a winter mask, as a rule, should be selected based on your individual characteristics of the skin (its type and condition). For example, if you have oily skin, a grape juice and chicken yolk mask is perfect for you. It is very easy to prepare it: we take the yolk, separate it from the protein and combine half of it with 1 tablespoon of grape juice (canned, but without sugar). To make the mask a thick consistency, add a little ordinary flour to it and stir thoroughly until you get a homogeneous mass. Apply the mask to the face, then wash it off after 20 minutes, alternating between warm and hot water.

For owners of a self-problematic skin type in winter, whose name is "dry", a banana mask is perfect. To prepare it, we take a ripe banana and thoroughly knead half of its pulp. Then stir a tablespoon of the banana pulp we made with the same amount of cottage cheese and 2 tablespoons of warm cow's milk. If you don't have milk on hand, you can easily replace it with sour cream or cream in the same amount. Then we add 2 teaspoons of honey to the resulting mixture. We keep the mask for 20 minutes, and then remove it from the face with warm water.

Also, for dry skin in winter, a mask made of warm olive oil is a good choice. Take a small piece of gauze and moisten it in olive oil, then place this gauze on your face for 20 minutes before bed. At the end of the time, you need to wash and apply a nourishing winter cream.

If you have combination skin, a honey and brown bread mask can help soften your skin in cold weather. Take one slice of brown bread and soak it in about 30 milliliters of hot milk. Then add honey in the amount of one tablespoon and exactly the same amount of olive oil. Already before applying the finished mask, cleanse the skin of the face and apply a nourishing cream on it, and only then the mask, which is recommended to be removed after 20 minutes.

But not only to soften, but also to relieve irritation, as well as soothe sensitive skin, boiled potatoes will perfectly help. We take a small potato and boil it in “uniform”, then let it cool, then peel it and mash it until we get mashed potatoes. Take 1 tablespoon of still warm mashed potatoes and pour 1 tablespoon of milk into it, adding 1 teaspoon of olive oil. We apply the mask on the face and hold it for about 15 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse off the mask.

For problem skin with acne, the use of a special winter mask made from egg white will give a good effect. Take two chicken eggs, separate the white from the yolk. Then beat the egg white until a thick foam is obtained. Now we should apply the resulting mask to the previously cleaned surface of the face and after 20 minutes remove it with warm water.

For mature skin with wrinkles, you can prepare a mask based on the same honey. We take a butter spoon and melt it, then mix with egg yolk. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. We apply the mask on the face, and then remove its remnants with a cotton pad. This mask not only softens the skin, but also smoothes out wrinkles.

Another winter mask for mature skin is a mask made from cognac and cream. We need heavy cream in the amount of 100 milliliters, one chicken yolk, one tablespoon of honey, one, but already a teaspoon of lemon juice ikonyak (2 dessert spoons). We mix all the ingredients and apply the mask there before going to bed.

But with the characteristic peeling of the face in winter, a honey-tea mask will help excellently. In 1 teaspoon of freshly brewed green tea, we add 2 teaspoons of honey and ground oatmeal. We dilute the mask with water to a thickness and apply it on the face for half an hour.

A simple mask with sour cream is suitable for normal skin types. In order to prepare it, we do not even have to make efforts and waste time, just apply a few layers of sour cream on the face and, after its last layer dries, remove the mask from the face.

A mask of flakes and milk will help get rid of chapped skin and redness. The recipe is very simple: take 3 tablespoons of oatmeal flakes and fill them with warm milk, which we take one tablespoon more. We leave the flakes to swell, then apply a mask for half an hour and rinse off with hot water.

This is how simple masks look that soften our face in winter and protect it from the negative effects of frost and cold.

In the article, we discuss how to soften the skin of the face at home, talk about the benefits of cosmetics and the rules for use. We will share various recipes that many women have been convinced of the effectiveness.

Face care

Without proper care, human skin coarsens, wrinkles, age spots and other troubles appear on it early. Cosmetologists advise doing a number of procedures that soften the skin. These include:

  • Cosmetic masks, moisturizing, nourishing, toning, softening;
  • Facial gymnastics and massage to prevent age-related changes;
  • Scrub, peeling (the procedure removes impurities, blackheads and inflammation, saturates the epidermis with oxygen).

Benefits of softening masks

This option is for women who prefer to take care of their appearance on their own. A mask with correctly selected natural ingredients solves a number of cosmetic problems.

The advantages of home remedies are the absence of dyes, preservatives and other harmful substances present in cosmetics that are sold in stores.

Softening masks are suitable for women, regardless of age and skin type. A preliminary test will help to avoid an allergic reaction to individual components. Apply the product to a small area of ​​your skin. If after a few minutes there is a burning sensation, itching, a rash, then the remedy is not suitable.

Preparatory work

In order for the product to soften the skin well, prepare for the procedure correctly.

  • Wash off makeup from your face using cosmetic milk, gel or foam.
  • Scrubbing creams cope with peeling, prepare the epidermis for mask application. If you are hypersensitive, replace the scrub or peeling with a gommage suitable for any skin type. Small abrasive particles of the product cleanse the face, smooth mimic wrinkles, and eliminate age spots.
  • An important stage is steaming, opening the pores, saturating the epidermis with oxygen. Put a bunch of different herbs in a container, fill it with hot water. After 2 minutes, bend over the steam, cover your head with a towel. Breathe in the herbal vapor deeply for about 5 to 10 minutes. Be careful not to burn yourself.
  • The above steps prepare the skin for the application of the mask, which contains exclusively natural ingredients.

Rules for the use of softening masks

  • When applying, avoid the delicate areas around the eyes and lips.
  • Use face masks once or twice every 7 days.
  • After applying the mass, relax, get into a comfortable position and do not speak.
  • Apply from bottom to top.

Recipes for softening masks

Softening, universal mask


  1. Natural honey - 12 g;
  2. Chicken protein - 1 piece;
  3. Bioyogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  4. Lavender oil - 2 drops.

How to cook: Combine the above ingredients in a container.

How to use: Cleanse your face from makeup, apply the mass. Wash your face after 15 minutes. Attention! Hot water dries out the epidermis, so wash your face with cool or lukewarm water. Use a nourishing cream suitable for your skin type.

Result: The active ingredients smooth mimic wrinkles, improve the complexion.

A remedy for aging, rough skin


  1. Chicken yolk - 1 piece;
  2. Vegetable oil - 5 g;
  3. Liquid honey - 12 g.

How to cook: Combine the components, mix. Vegetable oil can be substituted with olive or almond oil.

How to use: Apply several coats of the mixture with a cotton pad for 20 minutes. Use a sponge or a soft natural cloth soaked in warm water to remove the remaining product. The mask is done in courses, every 7 days for 2 months. The product is suitable for the care of the skin around the eyes.

Result: Regular use removes dryness, tones up.

A remedy for chapped skin


  1. Chicken yolk - 1 piece;
  2. Honey - 12 g;
  3. Glycerin - 6 g (about a teaspoon).

How to cook: Mix all ingredients.

How to use: Apply in an even layer for a quarter of an hour. Use warm water to remove the mask.

Result: Softens, moisturizes, removes the feeling of tightness.

Anti-aging mask


  1. Honey - 12 g;
  2. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  3. Chicken proteins - 2 pieces;
  4. Vegetable oil - half a teaspoon;
  5. Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons.

How to cook: Connect the above components. If necessary, grind the flakes and add to the prepared mass. Stir.

How to use: The mask works in 20 minutes. Don't forget about the neck, which gives away the woman's age.

Result: Nourishes the epidermis with useful components, makes the skin smooth and elastic.

Irritated skin mask


  1. Homemade cottage cheese - 2 teaspoons;
  2. Natural apple juice - a teaspoon;
  3. Chicken yolk - 1 pc.;
  4. Camphor oil - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Stir until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Use warm and then cold water to rinse off.

Result: The skin will soften after the first application, the irritation will disappear.

Rejuvenating mask


  1. Homemade sour cream - 25 g;
  2. Oat flour - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Flaxseed oil - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Stir until smooth.

How to use: Apply in a thick layer to dry face. Wash your face, then rub with a moisturizing lotion.

Result: Linseed oil rejuvenates, nourishes with vitamins and fatty acids.

The effectiveness of home cosmetics depends on the ingredients chosen. Use: bananas, kiwi, dairy products, gelatin, potatoes. They contain many vitamins that prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Softening mask with herbs


  1. Parsley juice - 100 g;
  2. Milk or sour cream - 10 g.

How to cook: If the skin is dry, choose milk, oily - sour cream. Combine parsley juice with a suitable ingredient.

How to use: The mask works for a quarter of an hour.

Result: Fading skin is tightened.

Cucumber and sour cream mask


  1. Fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
  2. Sour cream 30% fat - 27 g.

How to cook: Grate a vegetable, add a fermented milk product. You will get a homogeneous mass.

How to use: Before use, wash with water at room temperature. Using your hands or a brush, first apply the juice and then the mask.

Result: Tones, softens, moisturizes, a healthy glow appears.

Mask for delicate skin


  1. Banana - 1 pc.;
  2. Sour cream - 25 g;
  3. Chicken yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Mash the banana with a fork. Add sour cream and yolk, stir until smooth.

How to use: Spread evenly over your face, wash after ten minutes.

Result: Provides softness, elasticity, tones.

What to remember

  1. Masks made from natural ingredients nourish, soften the skin, saturate with vitamins.
  2. If an allergic reaction occurs to one of the components, replace with another useful product.
  3. Prepare the mask before using it, the longer the shelf life of the mask, the less effective.
  4. For a positive result, follow all the above recommendations.

Mayonnaise mask

Softening masks make the skin velvety and soft. A homemade mask made from natural ingredients will enrich your skin with nutrients and you will look irresistible.

It is used for dry, flaky skin. This mask requires egg yolk and vegetable oil: peach, olive, sunflower.

The skin of the face is pre-cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in oil. Egg yolk is applied to oiled skin and rubbed with fingers, periodically moisturizing them in hot water.

When rubbing the yolk with oil with wet hands, a white frothy mass is formed, reminiscent of mayonnaise. It is useful to apply it for 15-20 minutes.

Hot oil mask

It can be successfully used for rough, flaky skin and acne acne. For this mask, they use Provence, peach, almond and even sunflower oil.

A bottle of oil is immersed in hot water or a small amount of oil is heated in a dry wiped aluminum pan. A thin layer of cotton wool is impregnated with heated oil, applied to the face or neck and covered with a parchment paper mask, on top of which a layer of dry cotton wool is placed; to preserve warmth, the face is wrapped in another towel or napkin.

The same mask can be prepared differently: the face is covered with a thin layer of cotton wool or gauze, leaving the eyes, mouth, nostrils free: then heated oil is applied to the cotton with a cotton swab.

Apply a hot oil mask for 20 minutes.

Honey and milk mask

It is used for flaccid dry yellowish skin. Honey is mixed with an equal amount of milk, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese. Milk and honey masks are washed off first with warm and then cold water.

Honey glycerin mask

It cleanses and refreshes the skin well. 1 teaspoon each: honey, glycerin, 3 teaspoons of water, 1 teaspoon of flour (rice, oat and wheat). Flour is gradually added to the mixture of glycerin, honey and water and stirred until a uniform consistency is obtained.

Astringent masks

Calendula mask is used for skin prone to increased greasiness, redness, as well as for enlarged pores and after cleansing the skin.

To do this, dissolve one tablespoon of calendula tincture in 400 g of water and moisten a thin layer of cotton wool with this solution. Lightly squeezed cotton wool soaked in the solution is applied to the face, leaving openings for the eyes, mouth and nostrils. After 15 - 20 minutes, the mask is removed, and the face is wiped with a dry cotton swab.

Herbal Blend Masks

They are used for oily, flaccid, porous, wrinkled skin. For example, take 1 part sage and horsetail and 2 parts yarrow or 1 part Potentilla, yarrow and coltsfoot. The mixture of herbs is ground into powder.

Pour two tablespoons of the powder with a small amount of water, boil and infuse for several minutes. Having drained the liquid, a thick mass is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, covering with a napkin. After removing the mass from the filtered liquid, make a compress.

Protein mask

It has a strong tightening effect and has a good effect on the skin of the face with wide pores, wrinkles and especially crow's feet. The advantage of a protein mask is its ease of preparation.

For oily skin, a protein mask is used to shrink pores: the best effect is the addition of alum or lemon juice. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice or a pinch of alum to the whipped egg white.

For dry skin, a protein mask is used as a smoothing mask: honey can be added to it. The whipped protein is mixed with a teaspoon of honey or cream. Dry skin is preliminarily (for 3 - 5 minutes) lubricated with cream. To enhance the effect of the mask, it is useful to apply a second layer of protein foam to the wrinkled skin area.

Gelatin masks

Gelatin masks are capable of thickening after cooling. Thanks to this property, they have a rather strong effect, smooth out wrinkles and tighten sagging cheeks.

1. Gelatin 10g, glycerin 40g, zinc oxide 10g, Water 40g.

2. Gelatin 10g, honey 10g, glycerin 10g, zinc oxide 5g, water 65g.

3. Gelatin 10g, zinc oxide 5g, kaolin 5g, camphor alcohol 20g, glycerin 25g, water 60g.

4. Gelatin 10g, zinc oxide 15g, glycerin 25g, water 50g.

The required amount of gelatin is poured with water, stirred and kept for an hour to swell. Zinc oxide and other components are ground with glycerin into a homogeneous mass, which is mixed with swollen gelatin and heated until completely dissolved. The cooled mass thickens and in this form can be stored for several days.

To prepare the mask, the thickened mass or part of it is heated in a water bath to a syrupy consistency.

Three strips of a wide bandage 40-35-30 cm long are moistened in a molten gelatinous mass and are successively applied to the face.

First, they cover the lower part of the face with the longest strip, apply a bandage up to the temples, give the oval of the face the correct outline.

The second strip from temple to temple is applied tightly to the forehead.

The third strip covers the middle part of the face from one auricle to the other.

The applied bandages adhere well and harden quickly. You can cover your face with a layer of molten mass over the bandage.

The mask should be kept for at least 20-30 minutes. After removing the mask, the face is smeared with cream and powdered.

I think there is not a single woman who would not like to have skin as tender and soft as a child's. To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive creams, gels and other cosmetics; you can use special masks.

Strawberry juice mask

On cleansed face, apply strawberry juice for fifteen minutes. You can soak cheesecloth in strawberry juice, fold it in several layers and put it on your face. Naturally, in gauze, first, make cuts for the eyes and nose. After the allotted time, wash off the mask with water, preferably cool, and then apply any nourishing cream on your face. The mask with strawberry juice perfectly refreshes, tones the skin of the face, makes it velvety and, most importantly, perfectly softens it.

Peach mask

This mask has a drawback. It can be done only during the ripening season of peaches, at this time they contain the most vitamins and nutrients. Those peaches that are sold in winter are devoid of those substances that are necessary for the skin of the face. The peach mask is very simple: the peach pulp must be thoroughly kneaded with your fingers or a fork, and then this pulp can be applied to a clean face. The peach mask restores freshness and silkiness to the face and perfectly softens the skin.

Oil blend for softening face and body skin

Use equal proportions of wheatgrass oil and jojoba oil. Add three drops each of rose and grapefruit essential oil to this mixture for an excellent skin and body softener. Plus, this oil blend improves skin firmness.

Potato milk mask

One potato must be cooked in its uniform. Then, peel and mash the potatoes, add a little warm milk or heavy cream. You should have a thick gruel, which must be applied to the cleansed, steamed face and neck. It is advisable to make a potato-milk mask while taking a bath, the skin will be steamed, the pores will open, and the nutrients from this mask will get into the deep layers of the skin. The potato-milk mask not only softens the skin, but also whitens it well. This mask is also suitable for the chest, arms and décolleté.