Son with Children's Day in prose. Congratulations in your own words on Children's Day. Beautiful congratulations on the holiday in verse, beautiful cards

Children are the flowers of our life, our future and our present. Is it possible to imagine life without Sing and Anechek, without their thousandths why? The soul becomes joyful from children's laughter. Children are an extension of us. And so I want their childhood to be carefree, calm and peaceful. Today is a wonderful holiday. We congratulate all the children and wish them great happiness, good health, and a happy life. May the Lord always keep them from harm and evil. May God grant all the children of the planet a rainbow childhood, a cloudless sky overhead.

A wonderful world where the sonorous laughter of children sounds. Our children grow quickly like mushrooms in the forest. It is our duty to protect the children of the entire planet from harm and evil, to protect their peaceful childhood. Today is the most beautiful holiday, Children's Day. Our dear girls and boys, live in happiness and goodness. We wish you good health and great success in everything. Let the peaceful sun give you its rays of warmth. Let your pink dreams come true. May our love always warm you, we are ready to support you in everything.

Baby, you are so good that your whole world looks like a sun and a flower. Our dear children, we love you not only on holiday, but we just live as you every day, we care and try to save you from trouble. We are trying to be a good example for you. Dear children, today is your holiday. We wish you good luck, happiness, joy. May your dreams come true, may the peaceful sky be above you. Let cheerful laughter sound in every home. Let every child feel the love and care of an adult.

The most wonderful time is childhood. All adults have the warmest, most tender memories of this period of life. Today all countries celebrate the most important holiday - Children's Day. It's great that children now have their own rights that we, adults, need to protect. Dear children, we congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. First of all, we wish you good health, always good mood, well-being and a wonderful tomorrow. Let the golden angel protect you from trouble.

Every year, at the beginning of summer, we celebrate International Children's Day. Our dear boys and girls, please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations. May there never be disappointment in your life. Let all pink dreams come true. May God grant you good health, academic success, and great happiness. May your funny, joyful laughter always make us happy. Let your curiosity go beyond all boundaries, let your enthusiasm be directed in the right direction.

The best years of childhood are racing. We remember these wonderful moments of life, because we all come from childhood. Childhood is given to love and pamper us, so that life is like in a beautiful movie, without worries and sorrows. Today is a wonderful holiday - Children's Day. We sincerely congratulate all the fidgets and why. We wish you joy and fun, good luck and good health. Let life seem like a fairy tale to you, let the sun always shine in a peaceful sky, warming you with gentle warmth.

Childhood is a special country where magic happens, like in a fairy tale, where people live without sorrows and worries, where everything seems quite simple and interesting. Each of us visited this country, and left a warm trail of memories. Dear children, today is a wonderful holiday, please accept our very best congratulations. We wish you a great mood, good health, a lot - a lot of happiness. May cheerful smiles always shine on your faces, may love and warmth always surround you.


June 1, 2018 will mark exactly 68 years from the moment such a wonderful holiday as Children's Day appeared. Every year, rallies and festivals are held around the world aimed at saving the lives of children and helping orphans.

This event symbolizes the support of the younger generation. This holiday has its own flag: a planet around which children dance in a circle.

Congratulations on June 1, Children's Day in prose: how the most famous holiday appeared

Such a joyful event as Children's Day is celebrated in more than 60 countries around the world. Officially, this holiday was celebrated back in 1950, but the birth of a children's day happened much earlier.

93 years ago, on the first summer day, the Consul General of China found children in San Francisco who had lost the care of their relatives and, out of the kindness of their souls, organized the Dragon Boat Festival for them. At the same time, a conference was held in the capital of Switzerland, at which the pressing problems of children were considered. By coincidence, these two historical events gave impetus to the emergence of such a wonderful holiday.

In 1949, this event received the status of a holiday at the Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women, and a year later it was solemnly celebrated in many countries of the world. In 1959, the UN Commission drew up the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. And although it had no legal force, it was accepted in many states of the world. This document consists of articles where the protection of children is enshrined.

But the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted on November 20, 1989, was already in force. The younger generation is often at risk, especially in Third World countries, where many children suffer from hunger, disease and military conflicts. The main purpose of the events held on June 1 is to draw attention to the problems of children, which are more relevant than ever in our time.

Congratulations on June 1 as the Day of Defense in prose: the brightest and kindest wishes for children

On this first day of summer, I would like to congratulate all those who are lucky to become parents. It is such a joy to have a child who makes you happy every day with his new achievements and constantly learns something new from his parents. May your child always be healthy, active and cheerful! Happy Children's Day!

Congratulating on the Children's Day, joyful smiles of children always appear before our eyes, which warm us and cheer us up even when we are upset with something. A child is the most important gift of fate in our life, which not everyone gets. May our children always be happy and never know worries, troubles and illnesses bypassed them. Happy Holidays!

June 1 is entirely dedicated to our children. I would like to wish all children on our planet the strongest health, loving and caring parents, a carefree childhood and many joyful and happy moments in their lives. Happy Children's Day!

Many years ago, someone came up with such a bright and joyful holiday as Children's Day. We don't know who it was, but one thing is for sure - it was a very good idea. In many countries, on the first day of summer, all children participate in celebrations and receive congratulations. I wish that not a single child in the world was infringed upon their rights, received a good education and felt all the love and support of their relatives and friends. Happy holiday everyone!

Who if not children - the wonderful flowers of our life - need protection and care. And on this Children's Day, everyone is obliged to realize the importance and responsibility of providing protection to our offspring, the heritage that will carry the traditions and foundations of their ancestors through the years. Take care and love children. Happy Holidays!

At the beginning of summer, every year, a glorious holiday is celebrated, which is dedicated to the protection of children. And on such a joyful day on foot, wish our girls and boys only clear and happy days. So that only the care and love of loved ones will always and everywhere surround you.

On the first day of summer, an amazing event happens every year - Children's Day! This holiday reminds us all of the importance and necessity of loving our children selflessly and making them happy. I wish all of us, present and future parents, never to have a fever in relations with our children and strive in every possible way to understand anyone, even the most difficult teenager or baby, so that the thread of goodness is not interrupted in the world and every subsequent generation stands on the principles of love and kindness. May every child be cheerful, healthy and carefree!

How symbolic that Children's Day is celebrated on the first day of summer - June 1. After all, we are all waiting for this warm season, and probably just as strongly expect the appearance of a miracle in the family - a child. The main meaning of any person's life is to preserve their continuation after themselves, therefore children are the most important thing that we must educate, love immeasurably and protect them from manifestations of evil and injustice. After all, the way they become people is conditioned only by us, adults. Therefore, on such a bright and tender holiday, we wish our babies and babies a clear sky, bright sun, love of their relatives, and that each of them must grow up to be a kind, good and happy person!

Happy Children's Day everyone, dear ones. We wish you happiness, joy, cheerful laughter and great mood. After all, all of us living on Earth are someone's children. But, having matured, they have accumulated enough strength and knowledge to do everything possible for the kids to grow up healthy, their life was fun and interesting, the fervent children's laughter was heard everywhere. And this always causes satisfaction, a happy smile and childhood memories for the older generation. A merry and unforgettable holiday for all children of different generations. And let a sweet childhood always remain the most wonderful and wonderful time in life.

Children's Day is a holiday that reminds adults of the defenselessness and vulnerability of children. Their pure, vulnerable soul is easily hurt. Their naive and open heart is easy to break. Therefore, we need to create conditions for a happy and carefree life for children, so that a smile always illuminates their faces. The cheerful laughter of children will make our life happier, kinder and more joyful. Pay attention to the children, give a gift, play catch-up, sing a lullaby to your baby and your life will be filled with true meaning!

Dear, the most amazing and beloved our children, as well as dear and irreplaceable mothers and fathers! We are glad to congratulate all of you on this wonderful and kind, cheerful and cheerful Children's Day! Let our children grow up the happiest and most beautiful, the most intelligent and talented, the most caring and kind! And let mothers and fathers more often remember their childhood years and plunge with their children into the carefree and unique atmosphere of childhood! Be the nicest and best friends to your precious and wonderful children!

Dear residents of the Kirzhach region, the younger generation!

We sincerely congratulate you on the International Children's Day.

The brightest, purest and kindest memories for each of us are associated with childhood - a time when the world around seems huge, the sky is cloudless, when you sincerely believe in a miracle and enjoy every new day. Over the years, these sensations weaken, but we carry childhood impressions throughout our lives. Therefore, this holiday is so important for adults who are responsible for the full and harmonious development of the younger generation. This kind children's holiday reminds us, adults, of the great responsibility we bear for the young generation.

The main task of the authorities, society and all caring people is to bring up our children smart, decent, educated. We must do everything so that they feel under reliable protection and get a good start in life.

There are many talented guys in our area: musicians, athletes, winners of subject Olympiads, contests, festivals, competitions. Many of them, despite their rather young age, successfully represent the region at regional, all-Russian and international competitions.

We express our gratitude to everyone who, by the nature of their work, at the behest of their souls, does everything to make our children healthy, happy, develop spiritually, morally, and be useful to society.

On this first summer day, we wish you, dear guys, good luck and success in all your endeavors, happy holidays, new friends, happiness, joy and health!

Let the attention and care, love and warmth of adults always surround you.

Adults would like to wish them pride in their children and grandchildren, good health, love and prosperity.


head of Kirzhachsky head of administration

district. Kirzhach district.

Children's Day, which falls on the first day of summer, is one of the oldest international holidays, celebrated around the world since 1950. This holiday is, first of all, a reminder to adults of the need to respect children's rights to life, education, rest and leisure, to protection from physical and psychological violence, to protection from the exploitation of child labor as necessary conditions for the formation of a humane and just society.

Children who often “fall out of sight” of society as a whole need special attention: those in a crisis situation, “street children”, children of migrants, etc. One of the most pressing problems is the situation of disabled children and their families.

So, Children's Day should be appreciated as a holiday that helps the social, physical and spiritual development of children. So let's make every effort so that the children of our time in a few years can remember their childhood with a kind smile.


head of the city chairman of the SND

settlement of Kirzhach. urban settlement of Kirzhach.

Children grow up really quickly, but this makes them happy all the time. Every day my little sons and daughter strive to make their parents happy and inspired. Every achievement, knowledge acquired or skill gained is a cause for real joy. It is not surprising that there is such a wonderful and bright holiday as Children's Day. Parents should remember that they are always responsible for their children, who need to be protected, loved and cherished. On the children's holiday, which falls on the beginning of summer, one can celebrate bright and amazing emotions and impressions. The family can become even stronger and spend the whole day or evening together, get the opportunity to enjoy jokes and impeccable fun. The most important thing is to maintain family happiness, despite the obstacles in life. Children and, of course, their parents should be congratulated on a great holiday.


It is today that smiles become brighter than any lights, and sincere light settles in the soul. Hope for the most positive changes on Children's Day appears and triumphs. Children need attention and care, and adults, of course, can provide all this. You need to take the chance for true happiness and the creation of a strong family. There is no need to scold the guys for the mistakes they make, because they are not out of spite. It is better to guide gently and tactfully, to show concern and reverent attitude. The opportunity to praise achievements should be used without fail. Parents should take care of their children not only on a bright holiday, but also on all other days of the year. Please accept my sincere congratulations, which, of course, show a desire to see your whole family truly happy. Happy Children's Day, a unique and wonderful holiday.


At the very beginning of summer, an amazing holiday comes, which, no doubt, must be cherished. This day is filled with sincere joy and bright light, illuminated by children's laughter. Each baby needs to be congratulated on a unique holiday from the bottom of my heart and soul. You need to wish the child happiness and success, because only inner harmony and the benevolence of fate allow you to successfully move in the chosen direction. In the form of a presentation, you need to present only the best: useful books and educational toys, fruits. Of course, you should also give a day spent with the whole family, when you can feel the real, amazing closeness of 3 people. The future is reflected in children, who, of course, should have all the best. Let the children always be able to enjoy their day and celebrate their growing up, gradual progress towards the realization of dreams. Let parents always be support.


Children's Day is a truly wonderful holiday that allows the whole family to unite. Children are slowly growing, but sincerity and kindness only flourish in them. Babies should be the flowers of our world, illuminated by the sun, because it depends only on them in which direction the whole world will move. What would you like to wish on such a significant day? Without a doubt, health and energy for an active journey through life, despite the fact that it requires a lot of strength. Let classes and even games take place with the maximum benefit for mood and development, for unlocking potential. I would like to hope that sadness and tears will never touch the little ones, who should glow with amazing and boundless happiness. I want to wish all the kids true happiness and confidence that the world has beautiful facets.


Children's Day is truly a glorious and touching holiday that can never be replaced by another. On this festive date, the whole country has united, which knows how important it is to praise and protect kids, a great future. Children with balloons in their hands appear on the streets of the city and in nature. Such limitless fun is felt in these wonderful moments. I would like to wish you a blue sky over your head and a bright sun, true happiness and the opportunity to believe that life will definitely reveal its merits. Let any dreams come true, no matter what. I wish the kids happiness and inspiration, confidence that every day of the future will certainly turn out to be wonderful and happy. On today's holiday, the family must unite and spend their free time in a special way, enjoying cheerful conversations and bright laughter, serenity.


Finally, an amazing summer has come. Of course, we celebrate him with a holiday, with Children's Day. Such an amazing holiday must certainly leave only the best mark in the souls of many adults and children. Each parent should appreciate and sincerely love their baby, because the blood needs care and attention. It is extremely important to try to protect from resentment and disappointment, life obstacles and troubles, falling into the abyss. Children should be given only the best, striving to give the foundation for a happy and successful life, despite the many nuances that might appear over time. Stay close to the little ones and keep the family strong by allowing them to show resistance to any outside influences. Let there be only hope and faith in a wonderful future in your life, determined by a wonderful baby.


Today we celebrate Children's Day, an amazing and truly valuable holiday that cannot be replaced by other solemn dates. It is today that you can feel how actively and strongly the kids influence the future. Children's Day is an opportunity to take care of the little ones, show your love and give a small gift. Of course, on all other days of the year, you also need to show trembling feelings and try to be a good parent, make your baby a truly happy little man. Smart kids need to be encouraged, and quiet kids need to be encouraged and tuned in to achieve new goals. Protect your kids from any hardships and obstacles in life. On such a bright holiday, let every child feel that he takes care of himself and understand how important he is for his parents and the world around him.


Children are the adornment of our harsh and sometimes dangerous world. Without them, the life of society would be in black and white colors. We need to take care and protect children who still have a chance to change the world around them, existing life for the best. Kids so naively believe in the lightness and beauty of all moments of life, they only feel spring in their souls and sincerity can be read in their eyes. All this touches adults who have seen many different trials on their life path and understand that in fact, not everything is as simple as we would like. Children's Day is an opportunity to take a step towards each other, to give a sea of ​​positive emotions and a great belief that everything in life will definitely develop as we would like. I would like to wish the children health and happiness, because they are the ones who should change the world for the better right now.


Dear kids, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your bright holiday. Each spoken word comes only from the soul and heart, therefore it acquires special value. Of course, you are slowly growing up and already understand the value and importance of such things, you know how to appreciate and value them. You always fill the life of adults with amazing, boundless meaning, decorate the world like beautiful and fresh flowers. You so often give laughter and a smile, you can successfully defuse the situation, no matter what. I wish you a carefree and happy childhood, but at the same time, let important discoveries of the world around you happen. I wish you gifts from parents, wonderful summer weather and the belief that the sun will surely illuminate the entire path of life. Congratulations on a wonderful holiday, Children's Day.


Adults know that all the best dreams and innermost hopes can be realized in their children, in whom a particle of the future lives from the very beginning. Let fate be gentle and welcoming, give you many chances to achieve your goals and meet real happiness. On Children's Day, of course, you need to show your warmth and sincere love. Parents, remember that you must surround your children with care and love, care and protection, because only in this case external threats to life cease to be dangerous for babies. Surround your little blood with all the best that you can only give, because she deserves true happiness and the opportunity to open up amazing prospects in the future. Happy Children's Day, a holiday that confirms all the words said, I sincerely congratulate, dreaming that everything was as it should be.


A baby is a sacred gift from fate and God. It is with him that life is connected and our future is reflected in him. We, of course, hope that the child will certainly delight with his achievements and will be truly happy. Children need to be protected from the negative influences of the modern world, from dirt and lies, pain and disappointment. The most important thing is to bring all the best into the growing person, because it is in him that the future is reflected. Let every child be truly happy and have the opportunity to feel the true love of their parents. I wish that parents are always there and can lend a helping hand, despite the complexity of life. Only thanks to protection from all kinds of disasters in life and trials, a baby can grow up to be an optimist and be sure that everything will be 100%, and faith and aspiration will be the basis for favorable changes in society. Happy Children's Day, I sincerely congratulate you!