Topics of conversation in the second junior. Topics of conversation with children in the second junior group

Tatiana Plotnikova
Topics of conversation with children in the second junior group

1. Conversation on the topic"Sit up straight" purpose: formation of correct posture

2. Conversation on the topic "Useful products" purpose: Reinforce the concept of delicious and healthy food (about vegetables, fruits and dairy products).

3. Conversation on the topic "Be obedient is good" purpose: strengthening the rules of conduct in kindergarten, at home, on the street

4. Conversation on the topic “How good it is to have friends” purpose: the formation of friendly relations with each other, the ability to share with a friend.

5. Conversation on the topic "What is the weather today" purpose: the formation of ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature. Acquaintance with the rules of behavior in frosty weather.

6. Conversation on the theme "Beauty winter" purpose: expanding understanding of the characteristics of winter nature (it's cold, it's falling, it's snowing, people are wearing warm clothes)

7. Conversation on the theme "Wintering birds" purpose: engaging children in conversation while viewing illustrations

8. Conversation on the topic “How wild animals live in winter” purpose: providing children with pictures and books for self-examination in order to develop initiative speech.

9. Conversation on the topic What toys are there " purpose: Getting to know the materials (wood, paper, clay, fabric)

10. Conversation on the topic “What did you see on the way to kindergarten” purpose: acquaintance with the immediate environment.

11. Conversation on the topic New year is coming " purpose: the formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, the ability to listen and understand the question asked, answer it, talk at a normal pace

12. Conversation on the topic I'm growing " purpose: the formation of elementary ideas about the growth and development of the child, the change in his social status with the beginning of attending kindergarten.

13. Conversation on the theme "Soon a holiday". purpose: Acquaintance with the native culture. (holidays)

14. Conversation on the topic What gifts are we waiting for about Santa Claus " purpose: Acquaintance with folk culture (Santa Claus comes with gifts in the new year

15. Conversation on the topic “How beautiful it is in kindergarten” purpose: stimulating children to design feasible groups for the new year "

16. Conversation on the topic What is health " purpose: the formation of ideas about the value of health.

17. Conversation on the topic "Outdoor games" purpose: fostering perceptions that outdoor play is good mood

18. Conversation on the topic "Transport" purpose: formation of ideas about safe behavior on the roads, about the work of the driver.

19. Conversation on the topic "Where to cross the road" purpose: expansion of orientation in space.

20. Conversation"Why do I like winter?"Tasks: To teach children to convey their ideas about winter, impressions in speech. Activate vocabulary, teach children to refer to personal experience.

21. Conversation on the topic"Our eyes".Tasks: Tell children that with the help of sight we can recognize people and objects, receive information about the world around us and about ourselves. Introduce the rules of vision hygiene.

22. Conversation"Learning to behave culturally at the table". Tasks: Teach children to quietly take their places, politely address peers. Continue to acquaint children with etiquette speech patterns, to facilitate their translation into active speech.

23. Conversation on the topic"Winter"... Solving riddles about winter. Tasks: Continue to form children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature, mark the signs of winter, teach to perceive the description of objects and phenomena.

24. Conversation on the topic. "Winter clothes".Tasks: Teach children to distinguish between seasonal clothing, understand the purpose of various items of clothing. Develop coherent speech.

25. Conversation on the topic: "My appearance» .Tasks: To form in children cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills, to teach to take care of their appearance, to use an individual comb.

26. Conversation"Dangerous situations in winter".Tasks: To acquaint children with different situations (icicles on roofs, thin ice of water bodies, slippery sidewalk, icy steps of stairs, etc., discuss what dangers they may face and how to avoid them.

27. Conversation on the topic"Let's take care of toys".Tasks: To educate children to respect toys, teach them to handle them carefully, to name their actions in detail. Maintain the urge to put toys in a designated place after play.

28. Conversation on the topic"Objects around us". Tasks: To form in children the ability to classify clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, dishes. Activate in speech and clarify generalizing concepts.

29. Conversation on the topic"Child and Fire" Tasks: To acquaint children with the danger posed by fire, actions that can result in a fire, with the rules of behavior in dangerous situations.

30. Conversation on the topic"Non-childish sign" Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with the rules of road safety, to form ideas about situations that are dangerous to humans, to teach them to act in such situations.

31. Conversation"Strong teeth".Tasks: Tell children about the rules of caring teeth: explain the need to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, after each meal - be sure to rinse your mouth with water; talk about why you can't alternate hot and cold food, gnaw nuts with your teeth.

32. Conversation"What did I see on the way to kindergarten?" Tasks: To develop in children a dialogical form of speech, to teach to answer in accordance with the question. Develop curiosity and observation.

33. .Conversation on the topic"Safety while walking". Tasks: To update and supplement children's ideas about the rules of behavior during a winter walk, consider potentially dangerous situations, teach them to avoid.

34. Conversation on the topic"My family".Tasks: teach to name family members, briefly talk about them. Enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech.

35. Conversation on the topic. "Wash your hands correctly".Tasks: Form children self-service skills, teach how to wash their hands correctly. Form the habit of washing your hands after outdoors, using the toilet and before eating.

36. Conversation with children on the topic"Why do I like winter?"

Tasks: to teach children to convey in speech their ideas about winter, impressions. Activate vocabulary, teach children to refer to personal experience.

37. Chatting with children"Winter entertainment" Tasks: Continue work to revitalize and expand children's vocabulary.

38. Conversation"Santa Claus comes to us".Tasks: Prepare children for the New Year's holiday, introduce them to the characters of the New Year's holiday, support the desire to participate in upcoming events

39. Conversation with children on the topic"What I saw on the way to kindergarten" Tasks: develop a coherent speech in children.

Summary of the conversation on the topic: "How we taught Piggy to wash" (PA "Physical Development") for children of the 2nd junior group. to consolidate the knowledge of toilet items and their purpose. Develop curiosity, observation. To educate children in cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, neat, respectful of your body.
Material: doll - Piggy, presentation of accessories: soap, washcloth, towel, water; hand washing algorithm.
A knock on the door. Enter Piggy Piggy.
Educator: - Oh, Piggy, why are you so dirty?
-I was in such a hurry to see you. I was afraid to be late and did not have time to wash.
- Guys, do you like this Piggy? (not).
-Why? (children's answers).
-Look at each other, do we have the same dirty, sloppy kids in the group? (not).
-And why? (we wash, bathe, put ourselves in order).
-Why is it bad to be dirty? (children's answers).
-Come on guys. Let's help Piggy wash and become as clean as you.
-What accessories are required to wash off the dirt?
Children call, and the teacher shows slides and helps children in case of difficulty: water, soap, washcloth, towel.

That's right, well done! Let's take a loofah and some soap and wash Piggy. Does it work? (not).
-Why? (water is needed).
-No soap, no washcloth can wash away the dirt. It turns out that water is the most important thing. Soap foams only with water and the washcloth washes away the dirt. Here's the water, wash Piggy. (children wash).
The teacher suggests remembering the nursery rhyme:
Water, water.
Wash my face
To make your eyes shine
To make your cheeks turn red
So that the mouth laughs,
To bite a tooth!
Further, the teacher invites the children and Piggy to play with water. Speech with the Umyvalochka movement:
Crane, open up! Nose, wash yourself!
Wash both eyes at once!
Wash your ears! Wash yourself, neck!
Neck. Wash yourself well!
Wash, wash. Wash your face!
Dirt, wash off! Dirt, wash off!
-Guys, how to properly wash your hands and wash your face?
The teacher shows the children slides: the hand washing algorithm.

According to this scheme, we wash every day and therefore you are beautiful, clean, neat. Let's tell Piggy how we wash in the morning.
Speech with the movement "I wash in the morning .." I wash in the morning:
I will fill the basin with water ...
My hands, my neck
And I will be able to wash my face!
I'm friends with soap and water
So that your health is stronger!
I will brush my teeth
And I'll lather my cheeks with soap.
I comb my hair, I will dress myself,
I will go to kindergarten with my mother!
Piggy: - Thank you guys! Now I, too, will always, always wash, even if I am in a hurry somewhere. I realized that being dirty is not good. Let's take a picture with you (children are photographed with Piggy).
- Now I have to go home. Goodbye!

Educator: Belogrudova O.V. Moscow 2015

Objective: Teach children to choose healthy foods. Encourage the desire for a healthy diet.


  1. Teach children to distinguish, name and classify vegetables and fruits, using various analyzers for recognition.
  2. Promote the search for new information about vegetables and fruits, their health benefits.
  3. Learn to describe the appearance of vegetables and fruits, draw simple conclusions about the growth of vegetables and fruits.
  4. To generate interest in the works of Russian folklore (riddles, proverbs, sayings).


Yesterday, the Doll - my mother said that her children began to get sick more often, they lack vitamins. Children need vitamins to strengthen the body. Her children love them very much. The vitamins are delicious, beautiful.

Have you guys tried vitamins?

Vitamins are not only in pills.

What foods contain vitamins?

You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D.

Now listen to what products they contain and what they are for.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, bell peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for heart).

Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds).

Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).

Now I will show you pictures, and you will tell me what is depicted on them, and we will find out what contains a large amount of vitamins!

(I show in turn the image of vegetables and fruits, and the children name not only the name itself, but also answer the questions: which one (color, shape, taste)),

Lemon - yellow, juicy, sour, oval;
Orange - orange, round, sweet, juicy;
Pear - sweet, yellow, juicy, hard;
Apple - sweet, red, juicy, round;

Plum - blue, oval, sweet, juicy;
Peach - round, juicy, pink, sweet.

Fizminutka "Gardener"

We walked in the garden yesterday, Walking in a circle, holding hands.
We planted currants. "Digging" pit and "Plant" into her bush.
We whitened apple trees with lime, whitewash. Move your right hand up and down.
We fixed the fence "Hit" hammer.

We started a conversation: One child enters the circle.

- You tell us, our gardener,

What will you give us as a reward?

I will give as a reward a purple plum, Bend one finger at a time.

Honey pears, the largest,

A whole kilogram of ripe apples, cherries.

Here's what I'll give you as a reward!

Educator: Oh ,. Someone is coming to us! Who are these guys? (The door opens, the doll Alenka came to visit the guys).

Doll Alenka: Hello, guys! I heard that you are often sick? But I am not! Do you know why? Here listen!

I never lose heart
And a smile on my face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C.

It is very important early
Eat oatmeal for breakfast.
Black bread is good for us
And not only in the morning.

Remember the simple truth
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinking carrot juice.

Oranges help with colds and sore throats.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon
Although it is very sour.
Game: "Right and wrong!"

I will read the food quatrains. If they talk about useful things, then you all say together: "Right, right, absolutely right!"

And if about what is harmful to health, you are silent.

1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,

And then you will definitely be very slender and tall.

2. If you want to be slim, you have to love sweet

Eat candy, chew iris, slim, become like a cypress.

3. To eat right, you will remember the advice:

Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.

4. There is no healthier product - delicious vegetables and fruits.

And Seryozha and Irina all benefit from vitamins.

5. Our Lyuba ate rolls and got terribly fat.

He wants to visit us, but he cannot crawl through the door.

6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,

Eat more vitamins, do not know about diseases.

Topics Conversations in the second younger group


1 . Conversation on the topic “What clothes do we need today

Tasks: To activate in the speech of children words denoting items and details of clothing items, discuss their purpose, the dependence of people's clothing on the state of the weather. To develop aesthetic perception, taste.

2. Conversation on the topic "Our Friends Books".

Tasks: To tell children about the meaning of books, about the types of books (encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, fiction). To acquaint with the rules of handling books, to cultivate a respect for books.

3. Conversation on the topic “Cute toys ".

Tasks: to consolidate the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, to form elementary ideas about how to handle things. To support the desire of children to put things in order, to form a respect for toys.

4. Conversation on the topic “Boys and Girls ".

Objectives: To talk with children about their interests, favorite toys, clothing preferences, favorite games, about who they will become in the future. Highlight responses that are typical for boys and girls.

5. Conversation on the topic "Traffic light"

Tasks: To form children's ideas about situations dangerous to humans, to acquaint them with the rules of road safety.

6. Conversation on the topic "Clothes, footwear, hats"

Tasks: To activate in the speech of children and clarify the names of items of clothing, footwear, hats, teach to talk about their purpose.

7. Conversation on the topic "We are good together."

Tasks: To develop children's interest in peers, to cultivate friendly relations, to form communication skills.

8. Conversation on the topic "Guests have come to us."

Objectives: To continue to acquaint children with the rules of etiquette, to teach them to be polite, to respond to the arrival of adults and peers with greetings, to promote the development of appropriate speech structures.

nine . Conversation on the topic “Health is fine - thanks to charging».

Objectives: To foster interest in exercise, lead children to understand the relationship between exercise and health

10. Conversation on the topic"At the table".

Tasks: To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, systematize knowledge about table behavior, teach them to apply their knowledge in practice.

11. Conversation on the topic."Our toys".

Learning and reciting poems by A. Barto from the cycle "My toys".

Tasks: To foster a respect for toys, to form generalizing concepts, to teach how to make sentences using nouns denoting the names of toys and verbs denoting actions with toys.

12. Conversation " We do not like rude and bully».

Objectives: To provide conditions for the moral education of children, to form the experience of evaluating one's own and others' actions, to teach how to evaluate actions and express one's opinion about various actions.

13. Conversation on the topic “We love to share. "

14. Conversation on the topic"Vegetables, fruits - healthy products!"

15. Conversation on the topic “Fire Safety Conversation»

Tasks: to teach children to coherently answer the teacher's questions; correctly use the names of objects in speech; activate prepositions, verbs in sentences; to acquaint children with fire safety rules.

16. Conversation on the topic "Vegetables, fruits - healthy foods!"

Objectives: to form the idea that vitamins are very necessary for children to strengthen the body.

17. Conversation on the topic"How sand can get dangerous»

Tasks: Show the child to play with sand and warn him that it is not safe to play with him: you need to be careful and make sure that the sand does not get into the eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, head

18. Conversation on topic “How I spent my day off»

Tasks: to develop coherent speech of children.

19. Conversation on the topic"Traffic lights "

Objectives: To continue to familiarize children with road safety rules as pedestrians, with the work of traffic lights.

20. Conversation on the topic "Dangerous Ice».

Objectives: To give children an idea that ice can be dangerous in autumn, it is very thin and fragile, so you cannot move on ice. Teach to be careful when near bodies of water

21 Conversation on the topic “You have to be neat

Objectives: Formation of the habit of looking after one's appearance.

22 Conversation on the topic “How to wash your hands properly

Purpose: to fix properly wash hands, use soap.

23 Conversation on the topic “Let's tell a friend the magic words

Goal: forming a friendly attitude towards each other

24 Conversation on the topic “If a friend cries, have pity on him

Purpose: encouraging attempts to feel sorry for a peer, hug, help.

25 Conversation on the topic "Autumn has come to visit us"

Purpose: development of the ability to notice changes in nature.

26 Conversation on the topic “Changes in nature

”Purpose: the formation of ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature.

27 Conversation on the topic "Domestic and wild animals

Purpose: formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher, listen, understand the question asked., Clearly answer it

28 Conversation on "Winter is Coming"

Purpose: to expand the understanding of the seasons, to develop speech.

29 Conversation on the topic "Far close

Goal: development of the ability to determine the location of objects in relation to yourself far - close).

30 Conversation on the topic “Favorite fairy tales

Goal: development of initiative speech when interacting with adults and children

31 Conversation on the topic “Do exercises - you will be healthy

Purpose: Formation of beliefs that morning exercises cause a good mood

32 Conversation on the topic “Why sleep

Purpose: Formation of the idea that with the help of sleep you restore strength.

33 Conversation on the topic “Dangerous Items at Home ”

Purpose: Familiarity with the sources of danger at home.

34. Conversation on the topic"Good and evil fire"

Purpose: to form knowledge about safety rules when using household appliances.

Purpose: to form the concepts of "friend", "friendship".


  • teach children to cooperate, empathize, show care and attention to each other;
  • develop expressiveness of speech, pantomime;
  • foster friendly relationships between children.

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Reading fiction".

Planned results:

can maintain a conversation about friendship and polite treatment, express his point of view, give the necessary explanations; expresses positive emotions (interest, joy).

Materials used:

- hats for cockerels and birds (for staging);

- an envelope with a friend's photo, postcards, pencils.

Vocabulary work: envelope, friendship.

Methods and techniques:

- questions;

- "pedagogical support";

- problem situation;

- supervision of children.

Preliminary work:

- learning the words Rooster (boy) and Bird (girl);

- solving problem situations.

Used Books:

1. Dybina O.V. Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group of the kindergarten. Lecture notes. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2011 .-- 64 p.

2.Social and personal development and education of preschoolers: textbook. manual - 2nd ed., rev. and add. / ed. T.M. Babunova. - Magnitogorsk: MAGU, 2005.

3. Ostrovskaya L.F. Pedagogical situations in family education of preschoolers: book. for the educator children. garden - 2nd ed., rev. and add. / L.F. Ostrovskaya. - M .: Education, 1990 .-- 160s.

The course of the conversation.

  1. Introductory part.

The teacher invites the children to listen to L. Kvitko's poem and tell about whom it is.

These guys are not in vain they say:

"They stand up for each other."

There are two of them, but it seems - a platoon is stomping,

When preparation for battle is underway.

They study beetles, sit by the river,

and very willingly eat pies.

One sighs, and the other sighs.

One sneezes, and the other sneezes.

They almost never fight

After all, a fight is not a sport

Struggle is yes.

Where the first is, there will be the second!

The guys stand up for each other!

(Answers of children.)

  1. Main part.

Educator: - Right. This is a poem about friends. Let's clarify: who is a friend? What does it mean to be friends?(Answers of children.) Indeed, true friends are those who take care of their friend or friends, help them in everything. Let's think about an ant in trouble.

Physical culture breakFriends helped.

The ant has lagged behind friends.Children put their palms to their cheeks

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. They shake their head rhythmically.

He broke a thin leg.Rhythmically bend and unbend the legs.

Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay!

I quickly wrapped it in grass, They run rhythmically in place.

He quickly ran to the anthill.

Well, the sun has already set behind the forest.

Oh oh oh! They make a rhythmic spring.

It immediately became so scary, dark.Rhythmically close their eyes with their palms.

It's good that friends helped, Connect the palms.

They brought the ant home.

MO - LOD - TSY! They make rhythmic claps.

The teacher invites children to watch a performance of the fairy tale "Cock and Bird".

Educator : - Once upon a time there was a Cockerel and a Bird, they lived together. But once Rooster and Bird did not play together, as usual, they pouted and turned away from each other. (Referring to the children playing the Rooster and Bird.) What happened? Why are you so angry? Quarreled? So we must make up!

Birdie. I will not put up with Cockerel! He is impolite. I told him: "Hello!", But he did not answer.

Cockerel. Why answer? I saw you yesterday.

Birdie. But today I said "Hello!"

Cockerel. So what, yesterday's not over yet.

Educator. Cockerel, do you want Birdie to get sick?

Cockerel. No, I don't want her to get sick!

Educator. And what did you regret for her "Hello"? After all, "Hello" - it means be healthy, do not hurt!

Cockerel. The bird is also not very polite. When she addresses me, she shouts: "Hey, you!"

Educator. So you are both to blame. We must respect each other.

Cockerel. Forgive me, Bird! I will always say hello.

Birdie. And forgive me, Cockerel! I will always be polite.

Educator. - Do you understand how to behave? Always be polite and never quarrel. Guys, it's time to remember our friend who hasn't come to kindergarten for a long time. Who is it?(Answers of children.) That's right, this is Yulia R. She is at home, because her leg is in a cast. The doctor does not allow Yulia to come to the kindergarten yet. Julia is very bored, so I propose to make a surprise for our friend, for Yulenka. Do you agree?(Answers of children.) Here is the envelope. You can put a letter and a postcard in it, in which we wish Yulia to recover faster and come to our kindergarten. Then we will seal this envelope and give it to Yulia. In the letter I will write the following words: “It's good when your friend is with you! Julia, we love your smile and the warmth of your hands. You always play with us, you understand and forgive. We miss you so much! Get well, friend! " And you guys, on the postcards, depict your warm attitude towards Yulia.

  1. Final part.

The phonogram "True friend" sounds. Children draw postcards, put them in an envelope.

Educator: - You are real friends. I think Julia will be glad to receive a surprise from us. That's what a friend is for!