Solid oil for tanning mango. Sun oil: how to choose the best. Pros and cons

Oils with SPF help to purchase an intensive smooth tan without harm to the skin. They protect the skin and from UVB rays, provoking redness and burns, and from UVA-radiation - the reasons for photoregation and pigment spots. In addition, these funds feed the skin and activate the production of melanin. They need to be applied 15-20 minutes before entering the sun.

  • Suitable for all types of skin and body skin, skin color is very bright and light.
  • SPF: 30.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: Sweet Orange, Burity.
  • Manufacturer: Lancaster, Monaco.
  • Price: 2,899 rubles.

Thanks to SPF 30, this gentle oil can be applied from the first days of vacation. It helps people with very light skin to get without prejudice to health. Also enhances the existing tan, gives a pleasant bronze color without rims.

Loading oil consistency. It is comfortably sprayed, quickly absorbed, does not leave traces on clothes. The remedy is not comdicated, suits people with oily skin. Oils in the composition make it not only tanned, but also elastic.

Update the oil is needed every 2-3 hours and after bathing.

2. Tanning amplifier with B-carotine Kora

  • Suitable for dry and prone to dry skin and body skin, skin color - light and light brown.
  • SPF: 20.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: sea buckthorn, calendula.
  • Manufacturer: Kora, Russia.
  • Price: 390 rubles.

Oil with a barely catchy floral smell helps to achieve a beautiful sunburn and protects the skin from burns and chlorinated water in the pools. Moisturizes and nourishes it.

Light oil texture, water-mounted. Due to this, it is evenly distributed. Absorbed about 10 minutes and does not make the skin sticky or oily. Sometimes it can leave a thin film. However, the buyers argue that this does not cause discomfort.

  • SPF: 15.
  • Water resistance: Yes.
  • Oils in composition: Makadamia and Marula.
  • Manufacturer: Sun Look, Poland.
  • Price: 425 rubles.

Rich in vitamins and oils, this remedy feeds and moisturizes the skin, makes it smooth and silky. The oil is quickly absorbed, does not leave traces on clothes and divorces on the body and face. The only thing that will remind you of his presence on the skin is a slight sweet scent.

Oil strengthens the protective barrier of the skin, restores and protects it from drying and harmful effects of the sun, wind and water.

You need to update every 2-3 hours and after wiping the body with a towel.

4. Biosolis oil spray oil

  • Suitable for all types of skin and body skin, skin color - light brown.
  • SPF: 15.
  • Water resistance: Yes.
  • Oils in composition: rapeseed, sesame, olives, sunflower seeds and apricot bones.
  • Manufacturer: Biosolis, Belgium.
  • Price: 1 330 rubles.

Moisturizing oil-spray reliably protects the skin and hair from UV rays. The texture is very easy - the remedy is instantly absorbed, it does not block the pores, does not leave a sticky film and does not take off the hairstyle. Tan with him is flat, resistant and without red.

Update you need every 3-4 hours.

5. oil-shine for intense tan Librederm

  • Suitable for all types of body skin, skin color - darkness from nature, tanned.
  • SPF: 10.
  • Water resistance: Yes.
  • Oils consisting of: almond, Chinese roses, sunflower seeds.
  • Manufacturer: Librederm, Italy.
  • Price: 794 ruble.

The oil activates the generation of melanin, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity and elasticity. It also protects against the negative impact of UV rays and prevents photobores. The indisputable plus is special components in the composition that prevent the adhesion of the sand particles to the body.

Thanks to a special dispenser, the means is easy to apply without assistance. The texture of oil is light, it quickly absorbs and leaves no greens. Smells vanilla.

6. Oil for beautiful tan CHARM CLEO COSMETIC

  • Suitable for the skin and body skin prone to dryness, skin color - darkness from nature, tanned.
  • SPF: 6.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: soy, sunflower seeds, corn.
  • Manufacturer: Charm Cleo Cosmetic, Russia.
  • Price: 634 rubles.

This tan oil is an excellent combination of a protective complex and a quick tan activation complex. It has a non-fat texture, well distributed over the skin and quickly absorbs.

The tool protects the skin from solar burns and premature aging. Vitamins in the composition of oil are saturated, nourished and moisturize the skin, prevent dryness and peeling.

Update need every 2 hours and after bathing.

7. Oil for uniform sunburn Le Café de Beauté

  • Suitable for dry and prone to dry skin and body skin, skin color - darkness from nature, tanned.
  • SPF: 4.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: almond, coconut, avocado, apricot, orange.
  • Manufacturer: Le Café de Beauté, Russia.
  • Price: 308 rubles.

This oil not only gives the face and body a beautiful smooth bronze shade, but also makes skin gentle and velvety. The composition moisturizes the skin and helps maintain the optimal balance of moisture. Vitamins slow down the processes of aging and struggle with dryness.

Also, the buyers mark a very pleasant unobtrusive aroma of oil and economical consumption.

Update need every 1.5-2 hours and after bathing.

Best Sun Oils without SPF

Oils without SPF attract the sun's rays, nourish and moisturize the skin, protect it from cutting. They also give her radiance, enhance the existing tan and contribute to the appearance of a dark shade.

Already quite tanned girls and those who never burn can use the funds listed below. But the celebrush risks get.

  • Suitable for all types of skin and body skin, skin color - light and light brown.
  • Water resistance: Yes.
  • Oils consisting of: sunflower, coconut, palm trees, walnut extracts, calendula, carrots, paprika.
  • Manufacturer: Aroma Jazz, Russia.
  • Price: 350 rubles.

The oil has a liquid consistency, it is conveniently distributed. After applying quickly absorbed, does not make the skin with fat and sticky. But it satisfies it with vitamins A and E, prevents the formation of free radicals and moisturizes.

The most noteworthy that tanning with this means is very resistant and manifests pretty quickly: enough pair of hours to get a chocolate shade.

Update you need every 2 hours.

2. Bar Oil Australian Gold Dry Oil Intensifier With Bronzer

  • Suitable for all skin skin types.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oil in composition: carrot oil.
  • Manufacturer: Australian Gold, USA.
  • Price: 2 159 rubles.

Oil provides intense smooth tan and moisturizes the skin. It has a pleasant texture, easily distributed and quickly absorbed. After applying the means, the skin does not shine and does not stick. Australian Gold Dry has a sweet, but not a shrill aroma.

Update need every 2-3 hours and after bathing.

  • Suitable prone to dryness and dry skin of the face and body.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: wheat germs, jojoba.
  • Manufacturer: OME, Russia.
  • Price: 1 380 rubles.

The oil has a pleasant sweet robust aroma and a tender texture. It absorbs in 5 minutes and does not give out its presence on the skin: no fatness, no stickiness, nor brilliance. Perfectly cares for the skin, deeply moisturizes and helps maintain the optimal moisture balance. Tan with this means falls smoothly and quickly.

You need to update every 3-4 hours and after swimming.

The perfect bronze tint, which the ladies are so craze, visually slightly slightly, eliminates the external manifestation of cellulite, and also wonderfully harmonizes with a bright summer wardrobe.

In order to avoid deplorable situations regarding the sun in the sun, cosmetic companies have created many funds that allow you to protect the skin from negative solar exposure, to measure the tan, to emphasize the beautiful shade. However, among their wide variety it is difficult to choose the perfect means.

Cosmetic tools to protect the skin from ultraviolet and give it the desired shade in the summer season, quite a lot. Choose the best sunburn oil in the sun because of this is difficult. Each brand talks about what benefits of the product, but only those who used it are said about the disadvantages.

Therefore, before using any means, you need to clearly know what kind of skin you have, how it can react to a particular component and so on. Of course, in cosmetic products there are chemical additives that can have a certain impact. Therefore, even the best oil for sunburn on the sun can cause a negative reaction to the skin.

Funds from Garnier

Special preference is given to the products of the Garnier brand, which operates in the cosmetic market for a long period of time. The manufacturer created a full-fledged line of cosmetics for the body, which includes means for the intensity of the tanning color, to protect and power the epidermis, moisturizing.

Garnier intensive tan oil is produced with a tropical coconut aroma, which is used after sunbathing. Its essence is that it enshrines the total hue, and also contributes to its greater saturation. Due to the pleasant texture, it does not score pores, does not pack things and causes skin sticky. However, there is a nuance that consists in weak skin protection from solar influence, which is why it can only be used by those who have the type of skin.

For full protection, oil-spray is created, characterized by water resistance. It nourishes the skin with the necessary trace elements due to the presence of carite oil in its composition. Such a tan oil from Garnier is applied before starting to actively stay in the sun. The cost of funds is relatively affordable.


Another cosmetic giant is Nivea, developing products for solar procedures. Among them, oil spray is distinguished, which is characterized by a high degree of protection against the negative effects of ultraviolet on the skin, not allowing it to rehabilitate and burn.

However, the oil for sunburn should be applied before going to the open sun, evenly spraying it onto an open skin surface. It includes jojoba oil, which does not give the skin to lose moisture. Thus, the surface will be smooth and moistened. The cost is characterized as the average.


The famous brand of cosmetics L`oreal is not lagging behind its competitors and is also engaged in the production of tanning tools. Its most preferred means in this lineup is an activator oil that practically attracts the tan.

It should be applied before entering outdoor sun rays. After its use, the tan on the skin is evenly and neat, and a beautiful bronze tint is created. In addition, it has protective functions from burns. The cost is not high.

Johnson`s Baby.

Johnson`s Baby specializes more on the release of means for kids. Thus, products are recommended for use and adults, who have pretty gentle and light skin, which is exposed to strong external influence and dryness.

Nevertheless, some mistakenly use Johnson Baby oil for a sun, which is not worth doing.

The oil chip is feeding the skin with useful trace elements and moisture. It does not contribute to attracting, fastening the tan, and also does not protect the skin from burns. It is advisable to use oil after sunbathing so that the skin does not drive under the influence of ultraviolet.

Yves Rocher.

The famous cosmetic brand Yves Rocher also produces a special tool for lovers to sunbathe. An interesting point is that it is a dry oil-spray that allows you to achieve greater intensity of the shade. But it does not have almost no protection against ultraviolet, but only feeds and moisturizes the skin.

It should be used after staying in the open sun or during periods when it is not so active, for example, in the evening. It contributes to the velvety of the skin and a beautiful shade, however, for greater protection against scoring sunlight, it is better to use another tool. The cost is low.


Who among us is not familiar with the Avon cosmetic brand? She produces a whole summer ruler for lovers to spend time on the beaches, under the sun. The oil spray oil to enhance the tan from Avon besides what contributes to a uniformly beautiful shade, also actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin. He softens and smoothes the skin surface, without giving it to crack.

It does not have a special protection against ultraviolet, nevertheless, burns and severe redness can prevent. It is best to apply it before going to the open sun or after. Pleasant fragrance and affordable cost attract many.


Eveline manufactures a tool that also use lovers to acquire a beautiful bronze tint during the summer. Eveline tan oil is characterized by water resistance, which is so appreciated by beachheads, as well as those components as vitamins E, C and beta-carotene.

It will help to avoid burns and eliminate dry skin, making it elastic and velvety. In addition, the oil emphasizes a beautiful bronze tint, making it more saturated. It is applied in minutes 20 minutes before reaching the open sun. The cost is relatively low.

Sun Look

Sun Look releases several products for the beach season, one of which is oil for the body. The aromatic waterproof agent, which includes coconut and argan oils, gives a beautiful sparkling shade to the resulting tanning.

In addition, Sun Look Sun oil helps to moisturize the skin and supplies nutritional trace elements.

It prevents the appearance of burns and strong influence of ultraviolet. It should be applied when the dermium has already been sitting or dark. However, the nuance is that it can leave white divorces and is difficult to laugh under water procedures. The cost is low.


Floresan also made its contribution to the tools for lovers to find a beautiful tan. The most popular product of the brand, or rather, the oil, characterizes vitamin composition and extract of avocado and carrots oils. It contributes to the receipt of a uniform tan, and also protects the skin from active solar exposure.

Tanning oil Floresan saturates the skin with nutritional trace elements, does not leave traces and films. It is quite easy to wash off with water and has a pleasant aroma. It attracts the tan and makes it more resistant. The cost is low.

To choose for yourself the best oil for sunburn, you can go an experienced way or chat with others that use similar means.

Regarding the definition of a suitable option for itself by samples and errors, you can risk trying various oil grades and observe the effect of them. Based on oil reviews, a certain rating has been created, which was created by studying what people who use him who are talking about the means.

With it, it was drawn up the effect of oil, the body's response, the cost of the means and confidence in the manufacturer. Therefore, choosing oil for a tanning, the rating can a few help.

Not all people manage to become owners of a beautiful tan. Especially if the skin is thin and bright. Often a long stay in the sun leads only to burns. And even dark skin can be covered with a tan at uneven: face, hands and back looks darker than legs and belly. What to do? After all, so I want to look like a queen of the beach and come from Chocolate's holiday. Special oils for tanning will come to the rescue, which will not only save the skin from burns, but will strengthen the effect of body darkening and retain the resulting shade for a long time.

Oil to get a smooth golden sunburn is the real and most optimal assistant, both in solarium and on a sunny hot beach. In terms of oil action, it is divided into two categories: protective oils and oils - activators. Indeed, this product is often used in order to heat up faster. The oil applied to the body makes the skin moist and shiny. Such a surface with doubled strength attracts the sun's rays and the tan is better. To obtain a visual effect and activators are required. However, such oils are not suitable for everyone, they are better to use people with darkness from the nature of the skin.

Red-haired, white-skinned, people with freckles should be thought out and resort to another type of oil - protective, with a high degree of SPF. Such an oily liquid creates a thinning film - a layer containing filters for ultraviolet on the surface of the skin. It is they that protect the epidermis from adverse solar radiation, scoring rays and possible burns.

Do not neglect protective oils and owners of other types of skin. Among other things, the oil helps to maintain the water balance of the skin, thus protect cover from dehydration. Salt sea water, elevated temperature, dry air and strong wind literally draining the epidermis.

Masites have an indisputable advantage over many other tanning products. They are not immediately washed away after water procedures. Therefore, deciding to sunbathe after bathing, it will not have to again apply a layer of a protective or activating tan fund.

On the shelves of pharmacies and shops, a wide selection of "beach" cosmetics, which includes all sorts of tan oils. Lovers sunbathing and people who dream of a bronze tone of the skin can pay their attention to such categories of goods:

  • Natural vegetable oils and a mixture for tanning, including those cooked independently based on them;
  • Ready-made cosmetic products for tanning, including natural and synthetic oils.

Both those and others have their advantages.

Factory oils for sunbathing from various brands

The most popular representatives of the oils for obtaining a beautiful sunburn and skin protection are products from leading brands:

Oil from Garnier - Leader among similar means for sunburn. The oil liquid includes MEXORYL XL - a unique filter complex from UVA / UVB rays. Easy product formula and convenient bottle sprayer give this product with such quality - a very easy oil distribution over the surface of the skin. The soft tender texture of the means provides the absence of fatty traces on the skin and promotes the acquisition of a beautiful tan. And also feeds the epidermis and helps him recover after the aggressive influence of natural factors. The line of products for the tanning of this brand is represented by activators and oils with varying degrees of protection (6, 10, 15). "Bronze.

Manufacturers of this brand also introduced into their products and sunscreen components, and Tan Beautifier complexes that contribute to strengthening the tan. The tool has a fluid texture. It is very gentle. The "highlight" of this oil is the smallest flicker particles contained in the composition, giving the body with gentle shine.

The unique composition of this tanning agent, which includes vitamins "C" and "E", beta-carotene and walnut oil, not only contributes to the appearance of a long tanning of an excellent chocolate shade, but also prevents premature aging of the skin.

Specially designed product for sensitive skin. Such an oil has one of the strongest degrees of protection - SPF 50. It can be applied even to those who have a skin on the sun quickly blossom. Oil does not contain fragrances and parabens, so the product does not cause allergies.

The line of products for the tanning of the Novey is represented by oils - activators and protective oils SPF 2 and 6. products are enriched with vitamin "E" and jojoba oil, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve the elasticity of the skin.

Oil - spray of this brand can be called a multipurpose product for sunburn. It is used to protect against ultraviolet (degree of protection SPF from 6 to 30) as well as to obtain a beautiful smooth shade of skin. It can also be used to protect the hair. The texture of the spray is dry, does not leave the feeling of stickiness and fatty, the composition consists of only 100% natural oils.

This oil, has an average degree of protection, but it is designed for active anti-aging effect. Its formula neutralizes the photoboring of the epidermis, aggravated by the effects of ultraviolet radiation, resist the dryness of the cover, the appearance of wrinkles and pigment spots on it. The product is designed for both body and hair.

Sun oil with tender consistency and middle level of protection can be used from the first days of stay on the beach. The product is perfectly applied, does not flow, does not leave fat traces. A sufficiently small amount of means to ensure reliable protection and activation of the tan.

Dry sunscreen oil specially designed for shining sunburn and preserving silky skin. The means is low-fat, waterproof, not sticky has improved protection with a high factor 30.

Soft, tender maslice consists only of natural products, there is no chemistry in it. The base is olive oil liquid. The tool moisturizes and protects the epidermis, helps to get a beautiful amber tan. This product is suitable for even children and people susceptible to allergies.

How to use purchased oils

It is wrong to believe that it is easy to tan, it is easy to spend the day on the sunny beach. In order not to yield to the advertising beauties and look a seductive mulatto, you need to know several rules, how to sunbathe and use special oils:

  • Oil must contain protective filters for ultraviolet. In the first days of staying on the beach, especially Belozhim, it is better to choose a high level of protection SPF 30-50. In the future, when the skin has already started taking a light golden shade, you can use oil with a smaller indicator - SPF 2-5;
  • Apply oil on the skin should be 20-30 minutes before the sun. Before it takes a shower, and a pure, slightly wet skin evenly distribute an oily product. Pretty rubbing it. Special attention should be paid to the face, ears, neck, zone neckline. High-quality funds quickly absorbed and do not leave the feeling of stickiness and fat, therefore it is not necessary to be afraid to drink a fashionable swimsuit;
  • If it is planned to sunbathe on the beach, then one application of the protective oil will be enough. But in the case when a person repeatedly enters the water between solar bathrooms, swims, flushes sticking sand sand, then the bottle with butter should be grabbed with him. Although most purchased tanning tools are waterproof, but will not exist to protect themselves, applying a second layer of oil after intensive bathing;
  • Upon returning home from the beach, you should take a shower, wash off the oil and apply a means after a tan, which will moisturize and soften it.

Contraindications, side effects, precautions

Trying to tan, should not be reed only on the oily product. None, even the most expensive oil, does not give 100% guarantee protection and obtaining an ideal skin shade.

There are a number of restrictions on the use of oily tanning agents - this is the special sensitivity of the skin and the presence of allergies. In itself, the oil does not bear any danger, especially since modern manufacturers try to produce hypoallergenic products. However, when buying a fund, attention should be paid to the absence of hormones in it, various chemical components. And if the skin is too white and thin, then it is better to buy non-oil, but a protective cream.

Precautionary measures are also more and more related to the use of oil, but to the rest of the sun in the sun:

  1. You need to choose the appropriate time to go on the beach. The best time for this is the morning until 11 o'clock and evening after 16 hours. The interval from 12 to 16 pm is considered the most dangerous, since at this time there is an aggressive activity of sunlight;
  2. The skin sunbathes only for 50-60 minutes, that is, the "one session" of the mining of pigmentation lasts a certain time. Therefore, it is meaningless to lie on the beach all day;
  3. Located under the scaffolding sunny rays, even in a headdress and generously lubricated oil, it is not recommended for people with heart disease, increased arterial pressure during pregnancy;
  4. Taking a shower before applying oil do not need to wash with soap. This increases the risk of epidermis burns.

Natural oils, their use for tanning. How to use oil data

Natural vegetable oils used for tanning have many advantages and advantages over similar purchased tools. First, their composition does not include flavors, preservatives, stabilizers. And this allows them to apply them even to people with very sensitive skin. Secondly, the oil data is more economical, they are always at hand. A few drops in order to treat a large body portion.

Synthetic sunscreen products containing UV - filters can produce similar effects of estrogen, that is, provoke the growth of cancer cells and block the formation in the layers of the skin of an important antitumor compound - nitrogen oxide. There are no such "error" in natural products.

Green oil liquids are used and to protect the skin from scoring rays and as tanning activators. In addition, organic oils are very useful for moisturizing, softening, feeding the cover. They help and after the tan, are used as a means of treatment when receiving sunburn: remove itching, reduce burning, eliminate redness and peeling.

Natural oils used for sunburn:

  • Olive. The composition of the oily product of Oliva includes a large number of antioxidants, vitamins, phospholipids, so it can safely be used to protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of the Sun. Such oil contributes to the removal of the skin of the skin of harmful substances, including free radicals. The oil is perfectly absorbed, helps to acquire a beautiful golden tan. In addition, those present in the product are terpenes and flavonids, significantly increase the body's resistance to different types of skin infections, with which they can often be encountered in the mass recreation places.
  • Sunflower. This oil as "beach cosmetics" not everyone likes. It is more fat, absorbed into the skin slower, and as a result, sand sticks, dust. But this oil liquid has its indisputable advantages: it is considered the most eco-friendly product of all vegetable oils, especially its unrefined option. And tanned with sunflower oil can be quickly and safely. This is facilitated by this quality: the remedy creates a brilliant fatty film on the surface of the skin, which simultaneously attracts the sun's rays and dispels them. Therefore, the tan is saturated and uniform.
  • Coconut. This oil leader in absorption into the skin is not at all clogs the pores. Light, gentle with pleasant hardly tangible aroma does not cause allergies. Perfectly feeds and moisturizes the skin, contributes to its smoothing and mitigation. Therefore, this product can become an indisputable competitor to the most expensive purchased oils for sunburn.
  • Peach. The composition of oil from peach bones includes many fatty acids that protect the skin from ultraviolet. This means contributes to the tanning and its consolidation. The incomplete plus product is that it is perfectly absorbed, does not tighten the epidermis and does not require additional washes.
  • Walnut butter. This nutty oil liquid is an excellent tanning tool. In addition, it allows you to become the owner of an impeccable golden skin shade, this oil cares for cover. It is light, instantly absorbed. Often, this product is added to the finished creams and tanning lotions.

In addition to all listed natural products, another series of organic oily liquids and esters are used:

  • Oils - tan activators are the extraction of roses, carrots, sesame, peanuts;
  • Reducing the malicious effects of ultraviolet can help almond oils, avocado, wheat sprouts, jojoba, maracuy, calendula;
  • To reduce pain after sunburn and soften the skin, eucalyptus oils, sea buckthorn, geranium, sandalwood, iris, mint are used.
  • All these oils can be used as an independent means and the form of various mixtures.

Recipes of preparations of various mixtures based on oils at home

To prepare the oil mixture on their own, adhere to the following proportions: a few drops of essential extracts are added to 100 ml of basic vegetable oils, so that a total of 15-20 drops that the amount of ethers do not exceed 15-20 drops. Everyone is thoroughly mixed. The preparation of the home remedy is better to do in advance so that the oils completely manage to dissolve.

Mixtures for tanning

  • Recipe 1. Base oil: from walnut (100 ml). Esters: Turmeric, Green Coffee, Wild Carrot (5 drops)
  • Recipe 2. Base: Pumpkin oil (100 ml). Esters: Wild Carrots, Cypress, Lavender (5 drops)
  • Recipe 3. The basis: peach and coconut oil (50 ml). Supplement: Essential Oil Ilang Ylang, Calendula, Avocado (5 drops)

Sun mixes

  • Recipe 1. On 100 ml of peach oil takes 2-3 drops of cocoa esters, roses, daisies Blue, Argan, immortelle.
  • Recipe 2. To 50 ml of almond oil add the as many oily liquid of jojoba and introduce esters from watermelon seeds, cedar, jojoba, avocado (5-6 drops).
  • Recipe 3. Mix in equal amounts of wheat sprouts with squeezing macades (50 ml) and add 5 drops of essential oils: sesame, maracuy, lavender, calendula.

The finished mixtures are placed in a spray bottle and apply according to the same rules as finished tan products.

Contraindications, precautions when using natural oils and self-made mixtures

Preparing mixtures of oils and ethers, you can experiment to not only get a beautiful tan, secure your skin, but also create a unique flavor.

But it should be remembered that not all essential oils are suitable for tanning. In no case cannot use such seals:

  • Citrus (lemon, lime, mandarin and others);
  • Rosemary;
  • Cumin;
  • Verbena;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Bergamot;
  • Cabinet.

These products can provoke the appearance of pigment spots and even burns.

All esters are strong allergens. Therefore, applying them, you need to make sure that the allergic reaction is absent. The test should be carried out before the introduction of each new essential oil. If there is a predisposition to allergies, it is better to use only basic oily liquids.

Tan in the solarium: what oils it is better to use and how to apply them correctly

  • Tanning in solarium is considered to be more dangerous than the sun. But here there is one advantage, such a kind of giving your skin a flawless shade is carried out under the control of a specialist.
  • When tanning under the artificial "sun", the skin takes a load of tens of times greater than natural radiation. This is dangerous. Therefore, without protective products, there is a better solarium to visit. Otherwise, after several sessions, the epidermis may noticeably "stop": it becomes dry, elasticity is lost.
  • In the cabin will definitely offer professional tan oil. Its choice will depend on the individual type of skin, and on the session time, and even from the modification of the booth. The oily product is also selected according to age, the older woman, the greater the moisture requires its skin.
  • For a tan, under lamps, various oils may be required for individual parts of the body, as the shoulders and hands sunbathe faster than, for example, legs.
  • It can be used in solarium and mixtures prepared by independently from vegetable oils. The dark chocolate tint will give oils of sea buckthorn, walnut, from the Hyperician.

Beautiful golden tanning is obtained by carrot oil, chopping.

Smooth tan of a beautiful shade is not only a gift of nature. First of all, this is the result of a careful attitude towards your appearance. Therefore, it should not only know all the "subtleties" of using oil for the sun, but also to stick them to them.

Sun oil not only enhances the effects of sunlight, but also feeds the skin. In addition, it creates a thin film that protects against burns. Given that hot air and ultraviolet are dried with epidermis, this tool is necessary on vacation.

However, it is necessary to understand that not all oils are equally well coped with this task. Some of them can cause allergies. As for comparisons with creams, our protagonist is a lighter product. He will especially like girls with dry skin of the body.

Oil for has a small degree of protection, but still this bonus can not be ignored. It is protection against UF radiation that avoids the appearance of pigmentation and the first signs of aging.

Cosmetologists believe that it is an oil cosmetics that provides a more even and intense tan. If your goal is a chocolate tint, then you should give preference to this toe.

As for harm, this information is still considered controversial. It is believed that the oil has too small protection, and the sun's rays only "roast" cover. That is why doctors advise the use of this product after several days of tan. First you need to protect the body with cosmetics with. So you prepare the skin to more aggressive sunbathing.

Another minor of oils is comedoying. The product is able to climb the pores and cause acne. Especially strongly affects the face. If you have combined, problem or oily skin, it is desirable to replace the tool with something easy.

What oil for sunburn to choose

This question is still the subject of large disputes. There are only two types in general: natural and synthetic . Last you meet in stores and salons under well-known brands. In addition to the main ingredient in their composition, it is possible to find flavors, silicones, preservatives, etc.

For example, silicones allow substance better to slide through the body, and preservatives help to store the product longer. Unfortunately, all this, taking into account the perfume, can cause allergies and even dry the skin. However, manufacturers argue that these minuses smoothes more efficient ultraviolet protection. What, by the way, is also controversial.

That is why natural oils begin to enjoy greater popularity. They do not have chemistry in the composition, better moisturize the epidermis and are more democratic.

It is worth noting that recently the dry oil for a tanning oil is very popular, which is faster absorbed. It is a synthetic product, but it does not stop those who love comfort.

The best natural oils

  • Sunflower

Sunflower oil is in every home, so it is considered the most affordable. In addition, it contains many vitamins and nutrients. He has a small degree of protection, but it is not much inferior to other species. This is a wonderful product when there is nothing else at hand. Still, it absorbs very long time, therefore delivers a mass of discomfort.

  • Olive

This species chooses most girls, because he has several advantages. It quickly attracts the sun's rays and the tan is obtained faster. In addition, olive oil incredibly moisturizes, pulls up and makes the skin more elastic. It can smooth out wrinkles and small stretching. A big plus is that this species does not cause allergies.

  • Coconut

Many love him for a pleasant fragrance, which envelops and relaxes. But the main goat of coconut oil is high moisturizing and nutrition. It is better to use a refined product, as it is cleared of impurities. This species will allow to achieve a longer and rich tan.

  • Persikova

Peach oil can be used during, and after sunbathing. It can be boldly called oil for intense tan. In addition, the agent boasts a mass of fatty acids. They nourish the epidermis and are actively protecting it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet.

  • Carrot

Carrot oil for tanning apply not so often. It's not about his uselessness, but in the unknown. If you want to achieve a more rich shade of the skin, then it is worth paying attention to it. It can be safely called the oil-activator of the tan. It is above the level of protection and the indicator of vitamins in the composition.

  • Essential oils

An even greater effect can be achieved using essential oils. Please note that they are only an additive to the database, since in a single form the means is considered aggressive. It will be enough 10 drops for 100 ml of any cosmetic oil, which are listed above. Walnut, mint, lavender, grapefruit and bergamot enjoyed much popularity. They not only enhance the tan, but also intensively protect and moisturize the skin.

Sun oil in solarium

The fact is that in the solarium exposure to ultraviolet rays is much stronger, therefore protection must be appropriate. Sun oil in the sun will not cope with such a task. That is why only special oils can be used, which are recommended for use in the tanning studio. That is, it is better to purchase a synthetic product, not natural. Prefer, because it is considered the safest.

With specialized cosmetics you do not burn, and also save the skin from premature aging. Natural oil can only be fixed the result and additionally moisten the epidermis.

How to use oil for sunburn

If you started tanning sessions, then use the high level of SPF. Only after 3-4 procedures can begin to use our main character. So you will save yourself from burns, and skin from strong stress. In addition, the chocolate shade will last much longer on the skin. Still, the sunscreen oil for the tan is myth, because it is not near with specialized creams.

If you are going to the beach, do not be fed a few hours in front of him with a mine-making cosmetics. She erases the protective layer of the skin, so you will return the burnt home. The same applies to scrubies, peels and epilation. They are better to spend at least a couple of days before the planned rest. Otherwise, even oil with good protection will not save you.

Do not forget about dangerous hours. Avoid the sun from 12 to 16 pm. If there is no choice, then sunbathing under the umbrella and away from the water.

By the way, after water procedures, cosmetics are washed off, which means that the effect is reduced. In addition, the oil needs to be updated every 3 hours, even if you do not bathe, but simply lie on the chaise lounge. This also applies to the natural and synthetic product.

Face tan oil is better to choose with high protection, because the skin is more sensitive. And do not forget to apply a remedy with clean hands to avoid irritation and acne.

Small lifehak: It is much more convenient and more economical to apply oil-spray for tanning. Such products are more expensive, which is absolutely unjustified. Typically, the pulverizers are available on hair products, so do not rush to throw out the ending product. In an empty packaging, you can pour natural oil or even synthetic, but in uncomfortable packaging. With such a bottle you do not spend the contents and apply so much tools as you need.

Before applying oil to strengthen the tan, do not forget to check it on allergies. Apply a drop to the fold of the elbow and look at the skin reaction after an hour. By the way, itching and redness may appear from just a poor-quality product. It may even be in improper storage. Be sure to follow all the instructions of the application, and storing cosmetics.

A real example of a good tan on olive oil.

Many, waiting for the holidays, are wondering - "How to shoot quickly, safely and beautiful?". Of course, you can use the purchase cosmetics for the sun, but there is a proven and safe way - natural oils.

Few know that high-quality natural oils have a certain factor in protection against UV rays A and in types, help to achieve a persistent and beautiful tanning of the tan in a short period of time, as well as fully care for the skin during the tan - moisturize, nourish, thereby preventing Peeling and other troubles.

To the tan was beautiful - natural oils

  • What kind of natural base oils can be used for sunburn
  • How to prepare the skin for the sun

What kind of natural base oils can be used for sunburn:

  • coconut
  • jojoba
  • avocado
  • cedar
  • makadamia.
  • sesnoy
  • rice
  • oil Argana
  • wheat germ oil

The very first in the list goes coconut oil. It is refined (odorless) and unrefined (with a thin gentle aroma of coconut). Both are suitable for tanning, but it is desirable to use unrefined. Since fakes of coconut oil are quite often found, before use, it is necessary to check it on naturalness - for this there is a proven method: put a jar with butter to the place where the temperature is below 25 degrees. The fact is that coconut oil at this temperature becomes white and hardens. If the oil is diluted, it does not harden. After the oil is heated again, it will again become liquid, without losing its properties.

The degree of protection of these oils fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b8 SPF. Therefore, when using oils for sun, you should follow the following simple, but required rules:

  • Do not sunbathe from 11 to 16 hours. It is really important! During this period, the Sun is most actively, and getting a beautiful tank of tanning, while not burnt, it is simply impossible. It is really very dangerous for the skin, and whatever you enjoy to protect your skin, solar burns will not be avoided.
  • When using natural oils for tanning to get a beautiful brown skin, it is enough to be in the sun 1-2 hours a day during safe intervals (up to 11 am and after 16 days), so don't worry - in this case you do not burn, and return Home with stunning skin.
  • Even if you are in the shade or the sun hidden the clouds, the irradiation of the UV rays does not stop, so even in this case, you need to apply to the skin for tanning
  • Before the tan can not use perfumery and means with alcohol content, because They can provoke uneven tan and even pigment spots. It is also better not to use antipers, during the tanning, they are harmful to the skin. If possible, use natural deodorants-crystals.
  • Do not forget about the protection of the hair! Before taking sunbathing, you can apply a couple of droplets of base oil on hair with a comb. It protects hair not only from ultraviolet, but also from sea salt and wind.
  • In the Sun, you must wear a headdress that protects you from a heat shock that is no less dangerous solar burns.

How to prepare the skin for the sun

Before traveling to the sea, about 2-3 days you need to prepare the skin to the tan with a scrub, preferably natural - sea salt, brown sugar or coffee. The procedure is better to repeat 2 times, but on the last day you do not use the scrub before the trip, give the skin to relax.

It is still very desirable to start using oils a few weeks before the vacation, in order to protect the skin as much as possible - after all, natural oils have a cumulative effect. After each reception of the soul, I nano on the skin instead of the natural oils (most often coconut) - it moisturizes the skin, and prepares it to the tan.

How to sunbathe with natural oils

The oil that you chose for a sun must be applied to the whole body and face every morning before the tan - it absorbs into the skin and will be protected throughout the day. It is believed that this will be enough, and the oil does not need to be updated after each bathing. But the oil maker tolarge during the day if you like the skin looks like immediately after applying oil.

By the way, natural oils reassure the skin after the tan, so they are simply universal. Instead of taking a lot of money for rest for and after a tan, just one bottle of oil 200 ml is enough.

Observe the rules of the sun, use natural oils, and get full-fledged protection from the sun and beautiful skin shade! Good weather! Published.

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.