Smart quotes about illegible men. Quotes about strong men. Quotes about men

Spellings and quotes about men famous philosophers and thinkers.

Men who are clever talk about women, most often bad lovers. Great practices do not say, but act.

Gentleman is a man, in whose society a woman blooms.

All men have only two thoughts on the mind. The first is about money.

Men quietly would give way to women domination over the world if they agreed to admit that only a man could drive a good car.

Men and prices always strive to rise as high as possible.

A man has no right to die in bed. Either in battle or bullet in the forehead.

All men are interested in women. One depicts a pessimist, the other - Mephistopel ... And for yourself - just lazy.

A man, not spiritualized by civil interests, is only a male creature that shaves mustache and beard.

A man is half in love with each woman who listens to how he says.

A man feels seven years older than the other day after the wedding.

Valorous husband is similar to Mausoleum.

Jealous husband is like Turku.

Each man consists of a husband and rank.

- Who do you think spoiled?
- those men who admire innocence.

All men belong to married women; This is the only proper definition of the property of married women.

The man is poor, awkward, the sure, the necessary man - belongs to the floor, which has already been judged by millions and millions of years. He can no longer be in his blood. The story of women is different. They have always been a picturesque protest against the very existence of common sense; They understood his danger from the very beginning.

All men are monsters. Women remains one thing - feed them better.

A man who has once loved a woman will make anything for her ... But it will not continue to love her.

Men know life too early, women are too late.

Men often make an offer just for practice.

If we, men, married women, which we would have a bad thing.

Men think. Women just think that they think.

Men can have a female mind just like women - male.

Good husbands are unbearably boring, bad - terribly arrogant.

Nowhere is that man who will not be able to break through in life, and the woman is not able to get the worst and together the necessary one of the evils.

To win a man, a woman is enough to wake up the harder that there is.

It is good that you smoke. Each man needs some lesson. And so there are too many idlers in London.

Men come and go, and some still remain.

When a man is fed promises, he remains longer.

A man who visited the heel is able to endure any hairpins.

Male independence: gave salary - and free.

Every man wants his wife to look good, but not too good.

The history of the male resistance of the female emancipation is hardly more interesting than the story of the Emancipation itself.

I don't think a man is a natural enemy of a woman. But his lawyer is possible.

A man forgives a woman everything except superiority in witty.

The man is gentle only to torment; Woman is tormented only to give the will of tenderness.

Women hand their honor with decent men, but if they were given the opportunity to choose, most of them would have chosen a slightly spoiled man.

To keep a man in his hands, you must first keep yourself in your hands.

Male World and Female is, in essence, two cultures with completely different life experiences.

The image of a woman who we know is created by men and crouched by the measure of male desires.

The one who becomes a man at sixteen will be a child in sixty.

Some men receive what they deserve, others remain bachelors.

A successful man is the one who earns more than can spend his wife. And the prosperous woman is the one who managed to find such a man.

The biggest lead that can make a man who beat his wife, - leave it to him.

Men hunt, women grab prey.

Fear men who cry. This is true that they have increased sensitivity and susceptibility; But the only thing they are susceptible to, are they themselves.

A trump card of men who are frightened by the liberation of women is a question if there is sex after Emancipation.

Men are their rights, and no more than that; Women are their rights, and no less than that.

Marriage - not only for men, but also for women, - should be luxury, and not a necessity; One of the events of life, and not life.

There are no so many rich men in the world how many beautiful women do they deserve them.

If trouble arose, be sure that the man will remain aside.

A man is jealous because he loves himself too much; Woman jealous, because he does not like himself enough.

All men are weak, and weaker than all gentlemen.

A man embodying all the best qualities is a punishment.

Who agrees to live with a man, perfectly beautiful, charming and besides holy?

A man has at his disposal all four years of year, a woman is only spring.

A man at best deserves to be recessed.

A man who will have to make any decisive step thinks: "What will I say?", And a woman: "How can I skip?"

Men generous to respect for a woman only when they intend to stop providing it as soon as possible.

A man, if I could understand what a woman thinks, still would not believe.

Men can not often call, they do not like it. If they call them, they understand that you think about them all the time and want to see them, and begin to despire you for it.

Men do not like when we say they that we are unhappy because of them. If we say it, they believe that we are too demanding and selfish. And they start hateing us. They always hate us when we tell them what you really think. It can be seen, there is no such love when you can say everything.

Men make women helpless when they take all the decisions by giving them instructions. In my life, the men did everything to prevent me on dependence on them.

A man prefers to think that his wife was brutally handling from his first husband than to assume that everything was just the opposite.

Many of those who consider themselves Don Juanami are just a fawn.

Naive men are more than naive women.

The most bad and the best opinion about men have old maids.
author: Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

A rich man is like a beautiful woman.

Not that gentlemen really preferred blondes - we just look more stupid.

Gentlemen prefer blondes, but marry on brunettes.

Statements, aphorisms and quotes about men famous people in English with translation.

A man can be happy with any woman while he does not love her.

MEN ALWAYS WANT TO BE A WOMAN'S FIRST LOVE. That is their clumsy vanity. We Womet Have A More Subtle Instinct ABOUT THINGS. What Women Like Is To Be a Man's Last Romance.
A man always wants to be the first love woman. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become the last love of the man.

Men Marry Because They Are Tired, Women, Because The Are Curious: Both Are disappointed.
Men marry fatigue, women are married from curiosity. And those and others are disappointed.

Statements, aphorisms and quotes about men of famous people in Latin with translation.

Forma Viros Neglecta Decet.
Men are not too taking care of the demolition of appearance.

  • A man in love is a pathetic sight. Christi A.
  • In weakness of men - the power of women. Volter.
  • Most of the men demand from their wives of the merits that they themselves are not worth. Lev Tolstoy
  • When a man marries, he hopes that his wife will remain the same, and the woman expects her chosen one.
  • That's what men! They still shame their tears than their sins! Why not show a compressed fist? But crying eyes - no! F. Goebbel
  • In the life of each man comes the period when clean socks are easier to buy. Morin Murphy -
  • A man who is capable of actions is doomed to be loved. Coco Chanel
  • An idle man knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would have already been married. Henry Luis Menken
  • Nothing old mans like a man as life with the same woman. Norman Douglas
  • These are all women - they are unbearable to think that a man can be happy away from them.
  • Gentlemen have not accepted in a conversation to ask many questions. S. Johnson
  • A man in the house is not needed for furniture, but for its repair. Stas Yankovsky
  • In this man, a child who wants to play is hidden. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • I stay under the impression for a long time I made a woman. Karl Kraus.
  • Men love to put a woman on a pedestal to give her pink. Without a pedestal, pleasure would not be that. Claire Luce
  • Yes, there is no such thing that a man has changed one time. Here is the fact that one time caught, that happens.
  • Always lose from too intimate communication with women and friends; And sometimes you lose the pearl of your life. - F. Nietzsche
  • Men can not believe, but as you can do not believe compliments. Boris Krutier
  • A man can be happy with any woman except the one in which he is in love. O.Wailde
  • A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else thinks only about him. Louise Leblan
  • Women without male society fade, and men without female are stupid. Anton Chekhov
  • Even if men and want Tr * to hit all women, it does not mean that they can not love, and thank God, because it is the most beautiful thing that is in our ragless society ...
  • A real man is a man who exactly remembers the birthday of a woman and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers the birthday of a woman, but knows exactly how old she is her husband. F. Ranevskaya
  • A man embodying all the best qualities is a punishment. Sophia Loren
  • Men marry fatigue, women are married from curiosity. And other marriage brings disappointment. O.Wailde
  • There are men with whom I could spend eternity. But not life. Kathleen Norris
  • A man listens to the ears, a woman with his eyes; The first is to understand what they say to him, the second - to please the one who speaks with her. Vasily Kuevsky
  • A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man - her price.
  • In a man who loves all women, none of them fall. V. Klyuchevsky
  • A noble husband always thinks about virtue; Proshirudin thinks about convenience. Confucius -

The strong floor is sometimes very bad thinking about women who, by the way, think much worse about men.

The dream of every man is the firstborn in a woman. The keeper of the home focus is dreaming to be the last in the list of conquests of the beloved.

A smart man with solid dignity is always attractive and sympathetic.

The book can be compared to the wise council of the elder youth, or with the will of the senior comrades to the younger generation, or with the orders that recruit veteran. - Herzen A. I.

In the fact that the man changed only once, crushing the line - no one, for some reason, does not believe. It is correct to say that a man-lovela is caught on the hot one. That's right.

Greatness comes only to those who are with persistent constancy makes good deeds and is engaged in patrony. The lack of good deeds invariably leads to the path of evil and misfortunes. - Reskin D.

A man in two cases, as noticed, accurately opens the door to the car with a spouse. Either the car is recently purchased, or the wife is newly minted.

Continuation of the quotation and statements about men read on the pages:

If it were not for women, men would wear socks for more than a week "(Zing Nobmez)

During the marriage, a man dreams that his wife remains the same, a woman, with his turn hopes that her husband will change.

In one question, men and women, of course, agree among themselves: and those and others do not trust women.

Modesty decorates the guy, but the real guy decoration is not wearing.

All men in varying degrees made me happy, some in that finally left me alone!

Business card of a real man - Happy girl next to him!

I guessed, for which a man pays a woman: he wants to be happy.

If the husband is proud of his mind, his wife is stupid husband.

A man is looking for someone to whom he could be proud of; Woman looking for a shoulder to which she could lean against.

A woman loves a man for loves her. A man loves a woman for loves them at all.

There are men who are given to reach the stars only by horns.

The work that is read has real; The work that is rereading has the future. Duma-son A.

A real man is a man who exactly remembers the birthday of a woman and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers the birthday of a woman, but knows exactly how old she is her husband.

Men usually do not listen to what they say - they listen to what they are going to say

The man becomes korestolubivy only because of the whims of women. Do not be women, there would be no money, and men would be a tribe of heroes.

Giving a woman a gift, it is worth aware that in the future she will wait for no less valuable gifts and no less regularly.

A woman hides their past from the man, and a man from a woman is her future.

The translator must be a spiritually gifted person, for he should see the most significant and best in the book and reproduce it. - Heine G.

All men with great theories about women are just a man who fear women.

If men were able to penetrate women's thoughts, they would act much more decisive ...

Woman dominance scares a man more than impotence.

Before the wedding, a man and a woman say to each other: "I like you only", and after the wedding: "I like you only."

The book is a monument to the eternity of the minds. - Deveventant W.

Naive believes male oaths, experienced - compliments.

The most arrogant creatures on earth are men, forever climb where they got out!

Even if the men want to fuck all women, it does not mean that they can not love, and thank God, because it is the most beautiful thing that is in our ragless society ...

The level of culture of a man is determined by his attitude towards a woman.

You do not want to conquer a woman, do not conquer her. /A.Trantner

I hear the kid, another signal with your platform and your dental composition touch!

Men look at April, when they take care, and for December, when married.

From birth to death, a man remains the diet of a woman who constantly something needs something and who never gives her anything, unless to hold and save anything that he can come in handy himself.

A little boy walks and sings: -Exciful lips caress you ... Suitable older guy: -The girl threw? -No, chup-chups lost! ".

A man is the one who can make others happy no matter whether it is happy ...

A man like a tangle: When a woman launches him out of her hands, he blooms, and when he takes him in his hands, he is wounded.

Guys are often missing decent, picking up affordable!

A man forgives and forgets. Woman forgives - and only

Men draws more to affordable women than to physically attractive.

A man falls in love with his eyes, and disappointed with ears.

Men like lawyers: what they would not blame them, they will always find themselves justification.

Favorite! Such as you were not, no and no need!

Insecable to praise the subject of his love to the buddy - it's worth it to believe your praise, he will go to your footsteps.

Not so bad when my husband from his wife needs only one thing, bad when he does not need anything.

Figure screaming in anger, and the terrible silent in anger. - Abai

The age of a woman when she starts to criticize everything, called critical.

Women perfectly understand people, if only these people are not a man.

A man is jealous because he loves himself too much; Woman jealous, because he does not like himself enough.

Nice!!! On the radio passed that a man's corpse was found without brains ... Call back, I worry!

Guys as a strong drug, from some fall into depression, wings grow from others.

If the guy does not ring - he does not want to call, if a man likes a woman, he will do everything to be with her; And if he does not attempt - you just don't need it.

The true character of a person affects the trifles when he ceases to follow himself.

The coward is much more often drawn into a quarrel than a courageous man. - Jefferson T.

If a woman is visible to the wings and the nimb, then this is just an example of a good masking of the rood and hoofs.

male logic iron! And feminine - more interesting ...

The book is the main and powerful instrument of socialist culture. - Gorky M.

Bachelor - a man who managed not to find his wife

Especially acute you feel a man, having hit between the legs.

If the guy said that he loves, buy a frying pan ...)

A real man will never be able to marry a real woman: the real woman does not immediately agree, and the real man does not offer two times.

A strong, silent man is too often only because it is silent that he has nothing to say.

Men like children: love them to drive them, but considered big

The book is never a masterpiece - she becomes them. - Goncars J.

In love, a man seeks not to war, but to the world. Blessed tender and meek women, they will love them stronger.

A woman painfully hurts to realize that a man can be happy in the distance from her.

Men have more problems than women. First of all, they have to endure the existence of women.

Hot malls - not always bad. The main thing is that, the more hot and the rapidly, he was - the greater composure was endowed.

The only way that a woman can fix a man is bored to him before he will lose all interest in life.

A man is a person who is easier to die for his beloved woman than to live with her.

Men change more often, but girls are better!

Do not distract, loving ...

Women's logic is solid confidence that any objective reality can be overcome by desire.

A man or woman gives a representative of the opposite sex to such love, in which they themselves need, and by no means the one that is needed by a partner.

Comes to men give birth, they would not want more than one baby.

Men hazard towards men everywhere, and women, mainly in love.

In the life of a man there is only one woman, everyone else is her shadows.

Men live much better than women: firstly, they later marry, secondly, they die before.

If in the process of reading your spirit has become a strong, sublime and feelings of courage and nobility appeared in you, it means the book is canceled, and only the master's hand is able to create such.

Naivety women - myth, carefully stored for the benefit of men.

Male has long time to understand that only snowbabs are contraindicated a lot of heat.

Men hang us noodles on the ears, and we remove it and gently hang them on the horns ...

Nothing in the appearance of a man is not annoying a woman as the lack of money.

If a man is ready to give everything in the world so that the girl was His. This means that it means something for him.

Right abandoned man, returns like a boomerang ...)

If you feel some obligations to a woman, you can be proud of our responsibility, for in fact you have already rewarded her by a hundredfold.

A man marries because they fell in love. A woman falls in love, because he wants to marry.

Every man wants a woman to decorate his life, but it depends on the whole of a woman.

Love helps to kill time, time helps to kill love.

Only in one man and women are not arguing, both those and others are confident that women can not be trusted.

All guys are animals. Only someone cat, and someone goat.

Men that soap bubbles: the first is always unsuccessful, the second is already better, but only the third is truly beautiful and ridewiden.

A married life is every day war and every night truce ...

In the purchased books, I inscribed my name only after reading them, for only then I can call them my own. - Dosyi K.

The most dangerous man is 50-year-old. After all, behind his shoulders a precious experience, and considerable condition.

You should argue with my wife only in her absence.

Well, I'm not right, but you can at least ask me for forgiveness?

A lot of things can be done without the help of a man, although with a man some of these things do more pleasant.

A man loves not a woman itself, but his condition is next to her.

The book is the purest essence of the human soul. - Carlel T.

According to the chosen man, the bride is easy to judge, what is he, and he knows the price itself.

Men who do not forgive women of their small flaws, never put their great advantages.

If a woman appreciates your time and nerves - does not complain about everything and everything, not whining and not scandalite, then it means that you simply do it indifferent.

Who knows women, regrets men; But the one who knows men is ready to excuse women.

Give the woman a million scarlet roses, and she will say that she is enough for her, but white.

If a woman suddenly sincerely apologizes in front of you for a trifle, then it means that you will need a great victim in the near future.

Every wife should understand: Lunches will be delicious if they are less likely to cook.

A man who spends time with cheap women does not respect himself!

Of all the inventions and discoveries in science and art, from all the great consequences of the amazing development of technology in the first place is a typography. - Dickens Ch.

The image that makes a man thinking about the perfect woman looks like an image that creates a woman thinking about the perfect man.

Woman takes everything from a man. Even the surname.

Men are interested in women with the past: he hopes that the story will repeat

A man, if I could understand what a woman thinks, still would not believe.

In order to raise a man to any cases, you need, just hint, that it is no longer those.

Men who respond bad about women, usually mean only one.

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man - her price.

A woman needs a reason for sex. Men only need a place.

All men are monsters. Women remains one thing - feed them better. (Oscar Wilde)

Real men do not say Choose: "Either he, or I!" They take the hand and lead ...

Modesty decorates man, but real men decorations are not worn.

A man from whom the danger does not comes, is essentially not the man at all.

Dear women! Speaking that you need a smart, beautiful and rich man you did not think, but you need him, why do you need?!

Any good book should be more or less political. - Zeim I.

wise thoughts, beautiful quotes with meaning about men and women. The best thing a woman can make for a man is to take it as it is, regardless of his achievements. It is important for him to feel that he is still loved. The energy of the unconditional love of mother and wife gives an internal support. So grows from the boy - the leader, from the uncertain husband - a man. It is a woman who gives energy to gain strength. Oleg Gadetsky.

Go to the end and achieve the goal in any way ... That's what it means to be a man. Povalyaev Igor Stanislavovich.

Performance manner and attentiveness to others - two main features that distinguish a true gentleman. Benjamine Dizraeli.

If God had appointed a woman to be Mrs. He would create her from his head; if slave, then would create from the leg; But since he appointed her to be a friend and an equal man, then created from the rib. Augustine blissful.

If I hide from the ringer's stones - I'm not a man. True husband protects the hardness of the spirit, like armor. Saadi.

Flying always sends men, especially when it concerns the qualities that they do not have. Tell me the fool that he is very smart, and the liar that he is the most honest person in the world, and they will hang around your neck. Henry Fielding.

Men is the meaning of the life of a woman, and the woman is - the meaning of the life of a meaningless man. Ruvashov Alexander.

Without a woman, a man would remain rude, harsh, lonely and never knew all those charms who are only a smile of love. A woman wrapped in his life colors as curly plants adorn their fragrant garlands of an oak. Freasua Shatubin.

Most of the men demand from their wives of the merits, whom they themselves do not cost. The Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

In this man, a child who wants to play is hidden. Nietzsche Friedrich.

In weakness of men - the power of women. Voltaire

Loyalty is the power that holds the relationship. A man if he does not see in the eyes of a woman loyalty, he cannot build relationships with her. He can't bring her salary, because for him the salary is life. He gives his vitality to the woman who is true to him. Loyalty means: this is my only person with whom I have tied my life, I do not need others. Oleg Torsunov.

The main decoration of the man is a beautiful woman and a gorgeous car: but you have to be satisfied with what I could earn.Cress. Roman Varcheslavovich.

Hot character is not always a bad character. But the man is rapidly and hot, the one should have a greater skill to composure. Shelgunov Nikolai Vasilyevich.

Two things want a real man: dangers and games. Therefore, he wants a woman as the most dangerous toy. Friedrich Nietzsche.

Girls need to know that it is serious young people who behave more restrained and there are real husbands.

If a man demands only one thing from a woman, then it is not capable of another. Folk wisdom

If men appreciate the beauty more in women than the mind, then this is because in the light more fools than the blind. Louise de Vilmoren.

Hinduses say that for every man his wife is the most beautiful. But if a man does not care, the subtle nature of a woman is not revealed. Woman lives like a closed flower. Ruslan Mistover

When a man touches the hand of a woman's hand, both of them relate to the heart of eternity. Jubran

Only the attention of women stands who can defend them. "Faust" Goethe

Love can change the man beyond recognition. Terentia

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you can not seduce a man who has a favorite woman! Omar Khayam

Courage goes usually next to the softness of character, and a courageous man is more capable of generous. Shelgunov Nikolai Vasilyevich.

A man is engaged in a woman as a chemist with his laboratory: he watches in it the processes itself, which also produces. Vasily Klyuchevsky.

A man personifies the celebration of thought over morality. Oscar Wilde

Men is the meaning of the life of a woman, and the woman is - the meaning of the life of a meaningless man. Ruumbar A.

A man is capable of actions, doomed to be loved! Coco Chanel

A man who has a sense of self-esteem and mind is never ugroen. Jean Labryuer.

A man is the one who acts, and the woman is the one who gives strength or takes the strength to act. A woman is a medium that or catalyzes activities, or on the contrary burns it.

The man is easier to refuse a twenty-year-old connection than from a twenty-year connection. Folk wisdom.

Men are experiencing a mental rise and tide of strength when they feel necessary.

We often see that the man is some, and the woman is excellent. This means that we do not know the hidden dignity of this man, the evaluated woman: this is the election, and probably this is on standing love. Mikhail Privhanin.

A real man achieves all his own efforts. Confucius

A real man, if, of course, he is really real, and not a rag, will choose what he likes personally. And this very real man is deeply spitting on public opinion, which currently exists currently. Sergey Tarmashev

It is impossible to be a very beautiful woman's husband with impunity, if you don't have sufficiently youth, condition and generosity to give it all that others offer. Sh. Narens

No fool, who would be compared with the old fool, - do not replace the experience. D. Brod

Nothing flatters the male pride, nothing raises the man in his own eyes, as a limitless, who, in turn, is indifferent to him, is indifferent to him. Angel de Kutu. All my life you waited.

Inhabit a woman can only offended by a fate. Marilyn Monroe

From birth to death, a man remains the diet of a woman who constantly something needs something and who never gives her anything, unless to hold and save anything that he can come in handy himself. Bernard Show

Romanticism occurs when the woman has the female power over a man and the pleasure of both becomes most important for him. Bern E.

Modesty decorates a man, but a real man's decoration is not wearing. Yaroslav Gashek

Women's tears touch, they have a real melted lead; Because for women, tears are relieved for us to torture. Voltaire

Talent in a man is the same as beauty in a woman is just a promise. In order to be truly great, his heart and character should be equal to his talent. Onor Balzac

This man has a wallet wealth serves as a replacement of the wealth of the soul.

What does it mean to be a gentleman? Does this mean to be honest, kind, brave, clever and, having these qualities, to show them in life? Yes, it is very rare in life you can meet a real gentleman. Willm Techkeree.

To win a man, a woman is enough to wake up the harder that there is. You make a man of God, and he throws you. Another makes the beast of him, and he licks her hands and does not lag behind her. Oscar Wilde

I will be a peasant until real women go on the ground, those women who do not smell cigarettes and beer, which possess natural charm and kindness, in which the motherhood instinct has not yet died ... Jason Statham.

Section topic: Beautiful quotes with meaning about men and women.

Men's diets only three: less eat less, move more and, for the very worst, - to eat less and move more 10

Of the two angry, a man chooses preparing 9

All men are boring, except for those we want. Some lady 9

Men that soap bubbles: the first is always bad, the second is already better, but only the third truly beautiful and ridewen 10

The path to the heart of a man's men is looking for, as a rule, not at all in that place. And after all find! A. Markov 9

The perfect man: Does not drink, does not smoke, does not play at races, never argues ... and there is no 9

This is a great honor for a man when he is called a rough animal. Dovlatov 9

A man looks like April, when he cares, and for December, when married. Shakespeare 15

So how to write mostly a man, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women 12

Only thoroughly having studied everything else, a man is looking for the mind in a woman 10

Only men can wear two socks on one leg, because on one hole on the heel, and the second broke on the finger 11

Young people behave with women as timid rich, and old men are like arrogant. A. Ryarolol 10

A man is engaged in a woman as a chemist with his laboratory: he watches in it the processes itself, which also produces. V. Klyuchevsky 10

Abandoned woman - unhappy woman. An abrasive man is a free man. Sasha Getree 7

The most attractive man is that he finds an attractive you 10

Men are surprisingly illogical: they say that all women are the same, and constantly change one to another 12

A man is looking for a reflection of himself 11

A man is a creature, capable of waiting for a bunch and unable to wait 15 minutes while the wife dresses 9

A man has no right to combine the words "I" and "tired". He can say once in his life: "No more strength!" - And die.
Karachentsov 8

In the life of a man there are moments when he should be a fool 9

A man if he could understand what a woman thinks, still would not believe 7

A real gentleman is the one who always calls the cat, even if he stumbled about it in the dark 10

Men in Russia do not hurt. They immediately die 9

The one who thinks about the consequences will never become a man. Georgian 8

All men are monsters. Women remains one thing - feed them better. O. Yald. 8

The man needs a wife, because not everything in life can be dumping the government 12

Men do not know that women don't know anything about them too. Mary Powder, actress 8

A man understands that he is in love, when a couple of days is losing interest in his car 10

A man to drag the woman to bed is capable of the most incredible deeds. Only a woman can surpass it, firmly decided to marry 5

A man tells the woman that she is not like others, wanting to get the same from her that from others 11

Some men read women as an open book, and read only in bed 10

Smart men - like Favorite Dogs: When you look into your eyes, you forget about the appearance. Evgenia Fedorovskaya, journalist 9

You start smoking to prove that you are a man. And then try to quit smoking - to prove that you are a man.
Georges Siemeon 10

A man who thinks about what the impression he produces on women often does not make any impression.
Marina Zudina 8

Pessimist is crying in a vest, optimist - in the neckline 9

The number of pure frying pan in the kitchen of the bachelor is always zero and does not depend on the number of pan 9

The heart of a man is not interested in what is easy to get 10

A real man will always be able to achieve a woman of what she wants from him 10

The bachelor is a man who has a table and a sofa, and the history of the sofa is much richer. Henrik Yagodous 9

Some men - like good wine: with age, only better 9

The main advantage of the perfect man - everything understands. The main drawback is the same 9

Decent men notice the wedding rings of the interlocuts, and the real - no! 8

Men feel great until suddenly one day dumber. One sexologist 9

Most men prefer the appearance of the mind, because they know how much better to see than to think. Alan Piz. 10

Every man is unknown where the woman is waiting, so it does not everyone manage to avoid this meeting 10

After forty, a man should wear only sports shoes. And then they might think that he is already forty. F. Begbeder 10

Men love games and danger most. Therefore, they like women - the most dangerous toys in the world. Nietzsche 11

The perfect man is the one who creates events, and not their pathetic consumer. Alena Akhmadullina, designer 12