Eating bananas during pregnancy: food for good. Are Bananas Good For Pregnant Women

Bananas are tasty and well-known fruits, but many people say that you cannot eat darkened fruits. Is it harmful to eat bananas in the first trimester of pregnancy? The reason for the common misconception that bananas should not be eaten in early and late pregnancy is that many people misunderstand the phrase "exclude exotic fruits from the diet." So what kind of bananas can you always eat?

Why pregnant women shouldn't eat bananas

During pregnancy, a woman should change her diet so as not to harm the unborn child. Fatty foods, alcohol, and exotic fruits are excluded. Why shouldn't pregnant women eat bananas? Indeed, during pregnancy it is better not to get carried away with new dishes, it is better to eat the usual food. You can eat bananas calmly, the body of Europeans has long been accustomed to them. It is necessary to completely remove bananas from your diet if you have an allergic reaction, although it is quite rare.

Bananas are very healthy and easy to digest even in young children. During pregnancy, you can try eating both fresh bananas and making various dishes with them.

Bananas are very sweet and can replace sugar in pancakes, pies, etc. However, you should not get carried away with them, excessive consumption of bananas can provoke weight gain. The best option would be to consume 2-3 bananas a day. You need to give up bananas if you are prone to blood clots, because these fruits contain a lot of potassium, which can lead to thickening of the blood and the formation of blood clots. It is undesirable for pregnant women to eat green bananas - they are difficult to digest and can provoke abdominal pain.

We can say that pregnant women are not prohibited from eating bananas, but you need to do it in moderation. They can cope with toxicosis nausea. Overripe black bananas can also be eaten.

The benefits of bananas for women

Bananas are equally beneficial for women and men. Regular consumption of bananas will help improve your well-being and mood. But you should not eat them every day - nevertheless, this fruit is quite heavy for the body in terms of calorie content.

The benefits of bananas for women are as follows:

  • Fresh bananas help saturate the body with vitamins, improve metabolism;
  • Banana face masks improve the skin, make it smooth and elastic, it is also useful to eat one banana at least three times a week to keep the skin healthy;
  • Bananas contain mood-lifting substances that help with PMS, depression, migraines;
  • Scientists recommend this fruit for cancer prevention;
  • Bananas relieve headaches;
  • Regular consumption of the fruit helps the body produce large amounts of oxytocin;
  • Bananas help pregnant women with nausea.

Bananas are tasty and healthy berries, fresh they will help improve mood and well-being, quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger. In addition to ingestion, women can make various masks, thus improving their appearance.

Vitamins in banana

Scientifically, a banana is not a fruit, but a berry. They contain a huge amount of various vitamins, minerals and trace elements that help support the immune system, improve well-being and mood. Bananas can be used to make a delicious milkshake that even small children will enjoy drinking. However, this drink is not hypoallergenic, so it should be consumed in moderation.

These yellow fruits contain the following beneficial substances:

  • Alimentary fiber;
  • Proteins;
  • Apple acid;
  • Pectin;
  • Sucrose;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Nutrients;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Fructose;
  • Manganese;
  • Serotonin;
  • Copper;
  • B vitamins;
  • Sodium;
  • Fluorine;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Carotene;
  • Selenium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iron;
  • Choline;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Potassium;
  • Folic acid.

Bananas are especially useful for women's health, as well as for children whose body is just beginning to form. These yellow berries are especially useful during epidemics, help with infections, flu, vitamin deficiency. Due to their sweet pleasant taste, bananas are ideal for making smoothies, mashed potatoes, hot sandwiches.

However, bananas are quite high in calories, these fruits are not suitable for a diet, although they can be used as a snack, but not often.

Bananas help to quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger, ideal for breakfast. They, like grapes, are very high in calories, but also tasty, you should not get carried away with them if you want to lose weight.

So, what the fruit is useful for, whether bloating or stomach pain can be from it, it became clear from the article. Bananas are suitable for eating raw, they don't even need to be washed, and they are also used to make fruit salads and various desserts.

Banana chips: benefits and harms

Many people think that fruit chips will help you lose weight, but this is a misconception. Dried fruits and berries may contain even more sugar than fresh ones. Therefore, if you want to lose weight and replace regular chips with fruit, it is better to make them yourself than to buy them in the store, because the calories will be about the same as in a pack of potato chips.

Banana chips have the following health benefits:

  • They contain a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, fiber, which prevents constipation, improves metabolism, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Banana chips and bananas are directly considered an ideal product for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
  • Bananas are rich in iron, help blood clot quickly, improve digestion, help you eat quickly and replenish energy reserves.
  • Banana chips are high in potassium and magnesium, which helps the heart to function properly, eliminates nausea, fatigue, calms the nervous system and improves overall well-being.
  • Banana chips are also useful for the eyes, because they contain a lot of phosphorus.
  • B vitamins and ascorbic acid increase immunity.

We can say that fruit chips are a good snack, but not suitable for people looking to lose weight. And, in fact, half a glass of dried bananas equals a whole glass of fresh banana.

These dried fruits also have harmful properties. When buying, you need to pay attention to the packaging - it should say how the chips are prepared. If banana slices have been cooked in oil, they are just as harmful as regular potato chips. They contain fats that are harmful to the body.

Deep-fried banana chips are bad for diabetics and heart disease. The composition should not contain sugar, salt, flavor enhancers. It is better if the chips have been dried without adding harmful substances.

Green bananas: benefits and harms

Many people consider green bananas to be much healthier than yellow ones. Is it true? Why are unripe green bananas not recommended for pregnant women?

The benefits of these fruits are as follows:

  • They are suitable for people who have high blood sugar levels, have diabetes, because ripe bananas have sugar, but green ones do not, this property increases the body's sensitivity to insulin;
  • Carbohydrates of green bananas quickly satisfy hunger, reduce appetite, this is due to the high fiber content, which creates a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • Pectin, which is very abundant in green bananas, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents constipation;
  • Eating green bananas releases a fast metabolic hormone, which helps to quickly replenish strength when doing sports without gaining weight and, with the right lifestyle, burn more fat;
  • Bananas improve the intestinal microflora, improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent ulcers, gastritis, colic;
  • Green bananas normalize blood pressure, kidney function, smooth muscles, and nervous system.

Summing up, we can say that green bananas are good for the body, they are less high in calories. However, the body at first may react incorrectly to unripe fruits. You need to start eating these bananas a little bit so that the intestines get used to them.

You can also find harm in these bananas. Often, Europeans who are not used to green bananas, the intestines react with bloating and constipation, heartburn may occur, so they should be eaten with caution.

An allergic reaction may occur after consuming these bananas. People who are allergic to latex need to be especially careful.

Also, scientists have found fewer antioxidants in green bananas than in ripe fruits. If the use of bananas is planned for the prevention of tumors, then it is better to consume ripe yellow fruits.

The benefits of bananas during pregnancy (video)

From all of the above, we can conclude that bananas have a lot of useful things. They help with constipation, have a positive effect on the stomach, and do not contain starch. They can be eaten in the morning to satisfy hunger for a long time without risking gaining weight. You should not eat these fruits before going to bed - they are still quite high in calories. Bananas are very useful if a pregnant woman is sick or if she has a headache - these fruits are rich in trace elements that relieve migraine symptoms. You should choose only good and preferably ripe bananas so as not to harm your health.

Can pregnant women use bananas? Expectant mothers become so attentive to their diet that those foods that they previously consumed without any doubt now arouse suspicion. Chocolate increases, grapes are too high in calories, sour apples provoke heartburn ...

During 9 months of pregnancy, the expectant mother learns a lot of new things about the usual and previously so beloved delicacies!

But back to bananas: is it possible or not to have a snack with this overseas fruit?

  • Can you eat bananas during pregnancy?
  • In what cases it is impossible and why
  • Remedy for constipation and heartburn
  • Recipes

Can pregnant women bananas

Most doctors agree: if you want bananas, feel free to send your husband to the store for this delicacy. Bananas can be very beneficial during pregnancy. Let's see what is the composition of the product.

  • vitamin B₆;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • folic acid.

The list is incomplete, but even it gives an idea of ​​the benefits of bananas for women in an "interesting situation."

The benefits of vitamin B₆ are difficult to dispute. He . Bananas during early pregnancy are recommended by gynecologists and nutritionists, as they relieve toxicosis, reduce nausea.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is important to preserve the fetus - during this period, the mother's body has not yet adapted to the changes taking place in it, the unborn child is still very vulnerable. Vitamin E helps to save the baby. It has a tonic effect. The presence of this vitamin is also important for the expectant mother because it promotes skin regeneration and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties. It does not allow infections to enter the body, and if a cold has already "caught" the expectant mother, it helps to quickly cope with its manifestations.

Bananas are useful because of their high content of magnesium and potassium - the most "heart" trace elements. They normalize the rhythm of heart contractions. Magnesium is essential for the formation of the child's nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Potassium removes excess fluid, evens out blood pressure (pregnant women often suffer from its surges).

Bananas will also help, as they contain iron. Folic acid is involved in the formation of the neural tube of the embryo, later, with its help, the nervous system of the fetus is formed.

It turns out that bananas are very useful for pregnant women. Why, then, do doctors talk about the benefits and dangers of the fruit? Are there situations when its use is undesirable?

Why pregnant women shouldn't eat bananas

There is only one absolute contraindication: an allergy to this fruit. Relative contraindications are mainly associated with the high calorie content of bananas. Pregnant women should not eat bananas if the doctor notes the presence of excess weight. A large amount of carbohydrates is the key to gaining pounds quickly. So, one medium-sized banana contains approximately:

  • 30 g carbohydrates;
  • 3 g fiber;
  • 1.5 grams of protein.

This ratio was the reason for the ban on frequent consumption of the fruit for pregnant women with a high body mass index.

The benefits and harms of bananas for pregnant women are relative: on the one hand, thanks to carbohydrates, they quickly saturate, and therefore they are often recommended to keep with you to cope with a sudden feeling of hunger. On the other hand, there is a risk of overfeeding the baby, which will cause difficulties during childbirth.

In addition, women with diabetes and those who have been diagnosed with high blood sugar levels for the first time during pregnancy should be very careful (). Such ladies should not get carried away with bananas. Excessive consumption of them will lead to a sharp rise in glucose. This is very dangerous for both the mother and the baby!

In the later stages, gynecologists advise not to eat bananas too often. By this time, the woman undergoes changes in the blood: it becomes thicker, which prevents profuse blood loss during childbirth. Bananas increase the viscosity of the blood, and this threatens the danger of formation. Ladies suffering from thrombophlebitis should take extra care when handling bananas and eat them a little at a time.

Pregnant women can eat bananas, but first you need to consult a doctor, especially if a woman knows that she has the above diseases.

Banana for constipation during pregnancy

In the third trimester (and in some women - and in the early stages), it is not uncommon to have difficulties with emptying the intestines: he becomes "lazy". Reasons: hormonal changes, and later - the pressure of the growing uterus.

With this problem, pregnant women can and should eat bananas. 1-2 ripe fruits per day, preferably separately from other foods, will suffice. The increased fiber content contributes to the rapid digestion of food and the removal of "excess" from the body.

Bananas and heartburn help. They gently envelop the gastric mucosa and extinguish the manifestations of heartburn, reduce painful sensations, and prevent the development of gastritis. But the benefits and harms of bananas during pregnancy are relative: it should be remembered that too many fruits eaten at one sitting, on the contrary, will provoke heartburn and increased gas formation. Everything is good in moderation.

Women expecting a baby can eat not only "ordinary" bananas, but also mini fruits and dried fruits. Just be careful: the calorie content of dried bananas is higher than their fresh "counterparts".


Pregnant women need to pay attention to the fact that their breakfast is complete: you can not do with a cup of tea. But what if you feel sick and don't want anything? Try making a smoothie with:

  • one banana;
  • a glass of unsweetened yogurt;
  • a couple of spoons of raw oatmeal.

Everything needs to be chopped in a blender. Breakfast is ready!

It is clear that the diet of a pregnant woman should be varied and balanced. The products are natural, fresh and of high quality. No alcohol, carbonated drinks, fast food, smoked meats or exotic dishes. Cereals, dairy products, a huge amount of vegetables and fruits - all these are common truths, but ...

Too many citrus fruits, as well as raspberries and strawberries, are not allowed - a child's allergy is possible. Melons and grapes are very high in sugar. Nitrates are possible in watermelon. Pineapples should not be eaten in the early stages and when they are in good shape. And papaya and does provoke uterine contraction. And how many different statements about bananas ...

So can bananas be used during pregnancy? After all, these fruits have long ceased to be exotic for us. They are tasty, light and affordable. Let's look at a few statements about bananas and see which ones are true and which are not.

Bananas contribute to weight gain because they are very high in calories.

It is a myth. Of course, if you eat bananas every day in kilograms, you will gain decently, but one or even two bananas a day will not affect your weight and the weight of the child in any way. But bananas in combination with milk (in a bite or in the form of smoothies and cocktails), indeed, can provoke an increase in fat mass.

Bananas provoke toxicosis.

Not true! Bananas, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, on the contrary, help to get rid of morning sickness. Banana pulp envelops the mucous membrane and soothes the gastrointestinal tract.

Bananas are weak.

To some extent, this is true. Bananas during pregnancy are a good way to deal with gastrointestinal problems, especially if you are suffering from constipation or heartburn. It's all about the fiber, which these fruits are rich in.

Bananas are a source of happiness.

Yes, bananas have a positive effect on the emotional state of a pregnant woman. One banana contains such an amount of endorphin that it can improve the mood of the future for the whole day.

Bananas are highly allergenic.

Myth. Bananas are not allergenic foods, however, in the late stages of pregnancy, it is better to be careful and limit yourself to one banana (maximum two) per week.

Unripe (green) bananas are dangerous during pregnancy.

Yes, this is the true truth. Unripe bananas, due to the presence of a large amount of insoluble starch, can cause intestinal disruption. Excess gas and bloating are almost guaranteed for a pregnant woman who has eaten a green banana. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to give preference to ripe fruits.

Bananas thicken the blood.

Yes, and it's true! It is better not to eat bananas during pregnancy for people prone to thrombosis, as well as for those who have varicose veins.

Dried bananas are dangerous.

If we are talking specifically about banana chips, which are cooked in low-quality oil (usually coconut or palm oil), of course, this statement is true. And if we are talking about dried or sun-dried bananas, then the myth. It's all about the oil!

Bananas do not need to be washed.

Of course, if you are very impatient to have a snack on the street, you can not wash them, but you need to eat a banana so that your hands and mouth do not touch its skin. The fact is that bananas are often treated with the strongest nitrates that remain on the skin of the fruit. Therefore, if there is access to water, it is better to wash the bananas, and even better, with soap.

As you can see, in general, bananas during pregnancy are quite a healthy product. It contains a huge variety of vitamins and minerals:

Potassium. Perfectly stimulates the heart, lowers intracranial pressure, reduces swelling and helps to cope with seizures.

Vitamin C. It has an antioxidant effect, improves the functioning of the immune system, prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body, helps with varicose veins and bleeding gums.

Folic acid. Indispensable acid during pregnancy, necessary for the development of the child's nervous system.

Vitamin B6. Helps with early toxicosis and is necessary for the formation of the hematopoietic system in the unborn child.

What does a pregnant woman sometimes want! Then she is drawn to herring, after a couple of hours she already wants, and at night she wants to eat a couple of bananas. Well, bananas are healthy fruits, but expectant mothers need to eat them in moderation and at the same time take some things into account. So let's arm ourselves with some useful information.

The benefits and harms of bananas

Nutritionists have studied the pros and cons of these exotic fruits well. Since they are high in calories, they are not recommended for women who are prone to overweight or losing weight. Rather, they are suitable for very active ladies who sometimes need energy support. These fruits also contain trace elements, due to their high fiber content, they are great for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Bananas help remove excess fluid from the body. That is why they are recommended for people suffering from edema. Banana has proven to be effective as a base for a face mask.

As for the harm of bananas, it is not recommended to give them to children under 3 years of age in order to avoid an allergic reaction. Bananas contain the enzyme chitinase. This substance often causes allergies. People who are sensitive to these enzymes are allergic to fruits.

You can not eat bananas and obese people, because their calorie content is from 90 to 100 kilocalories. This is a lot compared to, for example, apples (43 kcal).

The benefits of bananas during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, every day of healthy eating is very important. This term refers to the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, including bananas.

If you are not allergic to these exotic fruits during pregnancy, then it is quite possible to eat a banana for breakfast, one more during the day, using it as a snack or dessert. You can also cook fruit salads with banana as an ingredient. After all, it contains a lot of nutrients and there is the main female vitamin - (pyridoxin).

The central nervous system of the baby in the womb needs pyrodoxin as a vitamin for growth and development. The child needs it to support the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters and serotonin (the hormone of joy). Vitamin B6 is involved in the delivery of oxygen to the baby's nerve tissues using hemoglobin.

The daily dose of this vitamin for expectant mothers is 1.9 mg. Translated into pieces, this is 2.5 bananas.

We should also mention such an important trace element as potassium, which is found in the fruit. A pregnant woman should get 2000 mg of potassium daily, and about 800 mg in one banana. That is, 2.5 bananas are exactly the necessary potassium rate that a pregnant woman needs. This mineral reduces the intensity of limb cramps, relieves puffiness, which is very typical for expectant mothers.

Bananas for diarrhea

Women in position often suffer from digestive disorders. This is due to a decrease in immunity, increased sensitivity to certain foods. Often, morning sickness in women expecting a baby is accompanied by diarrhea. And here the use of bananas brings benefits and benefits. Indeed, fruits contain sticky fibers, pectin, fiber, which absorb excess fluid in the body and effectively eliminate diarrhea.

Bananas and baby gender

Folk signs regarding pregnant women in our time are overgrown with new details and conclusions. So, it was previously believed that if a woman is drawn to meat during the period of bearing a child, then she carries a boy. If a pregnant woman is interested in sweets, fruits, then she will have a girl.

American scientists have elevated the famous myth into a scientifically grounded theory. They surveyed 750 women with their first pregnancy and concluded that their consumption of foods rich in potassium, sodium and calcium is a high probability of having a boy.

So, bananas during pregnancy are quite useful. And if the expectant mother's weight is all right, then she can eat 2 of these fruits every day, saturating the body with potassium and vitamin B6.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors insist on a balanced diet. It is necessary to include in the menu foods rich in vitamins and minerals. A large supply of nutrients is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. This also applies to bananas, which have long become a familiar, not exotic, delicacy.

Why bananas are good for pregnant women

Eating bananas during pregnancy is not only possible, but also necessary. They are a great way to satisfy hunger anywhere, although many women do not eat them due to the high calorie content. These fruits are really high in calories, but one or two bananas a day will not cause weight gain, but will add energy.

Bananas during early and late pregnancy: help with toxicosis, constipation, edema

Bananas will benefit any stage of pregnancy:

  • in the first trimester, they help to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis (fruits are practically odorless, therefore they do not cause nausea, and due to their soft consistency, they, getting into the stomach, envelop the mucous membrane and protect it from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid);
  • help to cope with constipation, which often occurs in the third trimester;
  • a large amount of B vitamins, which make up the composition, helps a woman to normalize the nervous system and cope with overstrain and bad mood.
  • due to the high content of potassium, bananas help to remove excess fluid from the body, which is the prevention of edema.

In late pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience constipation. Bananas contain fiber and dietary fiber, which, when passed into the intestines, soften stool and help improve bowel movements. At the same time, you need to know that slightly unripe greenish fruits can also cause diarrhea, ripe ones, on the contrary, have a strengthening property.

Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals

Calorie content and composition

A banana has everything you need for a full snack, satisfying hunger and energizing.

Nutritional properties of fruits during pregnancy and lactation - table

Vitamins and useful elements

  • vitamin C (has immunostimulating properties, helps to strengthen the body's defenses to fight viruses and bacteria, participates in the formation of blood vessels, skin and gums of the fetus);
  • vitamin B6 (affects the development of the fetal circulatory system, in the first trimester helps to reduce the symptoms of toxicosis);
  • potassium (responsible for the smooth functioning of the heart, helps to normalize blood pressure, which women often face in the second half of pregnancy);
  • magnesium (participates in many processes of the body, and its deficiency can lead to abortion or cause fetal heart disease);
  • manganese (with a lack of this element, a woman feels tired, irritable, memory impairment and fatigue are possible).

One banana during pregnancy replenishes half the daily value of vitamin C and the entire daily value of vitamin B6.

The benefits of bananas - video

What is the healthiest form for bananas?

The fruits popular all over the world are eaten not only for pleasure. They are also used in medicine as an additional remedy for the treatment of many diseases. So, in what form and from what bananas help:

  • fresh - stomach and duodenal ulcers, diarrhea, colitis, enteritis, liver and urinary system disorders;
  • banana juice - stomach bleeding, disinfection;
  • fresh fruit - high cholesterol;
  • warm baked bananas - cough;
  • a compress from the peel of a ripe banana - or headaches.

Traditional medicine uses a decoction of the peel of green fruits - it helps with high blood pressure. But during pregnancy, unripe bananas should not be eaten, therefore, a doctor's consultation is needed before using such a remedy.

How can you eat fruit

Bananas can be eaten not only fresh, but also dried or baked, and some prefer unripe fruits. Dried fruits can be dried or in the form of chips. Dried can be bought at the store, but in this case there is a risk of adding dyes and flavors to the product. Such a delicacy is easy to prepare yourself: put the banana cut into circles on a baking sheet and leave in the oven for 5 hours at a temperature of 40 ° C. Chips are fried in oil (most often in palm or coconut oil, since they contain a large amount of fat).

During pregnancy, doctors recommend eating only ripe fruits. The healthiest bananas, according to experts, are dark-skinned and slightly soft. Fruits of the optimum degree of ripeness are also suitable - dense with a yellow skin.

During pregnancy, doctors recommend eating only ripe fruits.

Why you shouldn't eat dried, green and baked fruits

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to eat dried bananas or chips made from them, since their calorie content in this case is almost twice as much as in fresh fruits. Baked bananas can also negatively affect the shape and arrow of the scales.

Green bananas should also not be eaten during the period of gestation. They can provoke poisoning, cause gas and flatulence in the intestines, and disrupt the digestive tract.

Ways to eat bananas - photo gallery

Baked bananas are a delicious, hearty and healthy dessert. However, do not forget about the large number of calories: in such a dish there are twice as many of them than in fresh fruits. Green bananas can cause digestive upset Banana chips are not recommended during pregnancy due to their high calorie content

Bananas while breastfeeding

Many young mothers do not take the risk of eating exotic fruits after childbirth. However, experts do not prohibit the use of bananas during lactation, although you still need to adhere to several rules:

  • you can introduce fruits into the diet from the moment the baby is two months old;
  • monitor the child's reaction, since allergies cannot be completely ruled out;
  • observe the recommended daily dose - 100 g or one small fruit per day.

When a baby develops an individual reaction, bananas should be temporarily excluded from the diet: in case of indigestion - for a month, in case of allergies - for 5-6 months.

How to add fruit to your diet after childbirth

The first time a nursing mother is allowed to eat a small piece of the fruit. If there is no rash and redness on the child's skin, he is not worried about abdominal discomfort, after 2-3 days, you can slightly increase the portion. In this way, the use of a banana for two weeks is brought to the recommended daily allowance.

Bananas increase levels of serotonin, the “hormone of joy,” so they can help improve mood and relieve anxiety.

Banana for pregnant and nursing mothers: benefit or harm

Bananas have practically no contraindications. There are only a few points when it is better to refuse them:

  • the presence of an allergy to latex - fruits contain the allergen quinine, which causes a reaction in a small number of people;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure) - in this case, it is allowed to eat one or two fruits per week;
  • tendency to be overweight (due to high calorie content).

When eating bananas for diabetes mellitus, you need to monitor blood sugar levels.

Side effects rarely occur in the form of a disorder of the digestive system. They can be manifested by diarrhea, less often by constipation. Bananas should not be eaten on an empty stomach, especially in the morning, as this can lead to abdominal distention and bloating. With such symptoms, it is recommended to give up fruit for a while.

Delicious recipes

Bananas can be added to a variety of dishes. Pleasant taste and ease of preparation allow you to quickly make delicious desserts.

Banana coctail


  1. Combine 200 g of natural yogurt and one banana, cut into slices.
  2. Beat everything in a blender.
  3. In the absence of allergies, you can sprinkle the cocktail with grated dark chocolate.
  4. Serve chilled.