Pressing on the ribs at 30 weeks. Pain in the ribs with pathology of the intercostal nerves and muscles. What not to do

Sometimes you can hear from women that their ribs hurt during pregnancy. Unfortunately, the gestation period is often overshadowed by various ailments, which make it especially difficult for the last months of waiting for the birth of a child. Some of them are considered the norm, but pathological conditions are also found.

A healthy person does not experience pain in the rib area, however, during pregnancy, discomfort of this nature appears due to the fact that the uterus grows vigorously, occupying all the free space in the abdomen. In this case, the internal organs are displaced upward under pressure, which causes physiological pain. What other causes of this condition are there and how to cope with it? Let's take a closer look at these issues.

Often, with discomfort in the hypochondrium, the therapist sends a neurologist for examination, but this is not the only specialist who is contacted in such a situation.

Pain under the ribs during pregnancy can occur for various reasons:

  • injuries and injuries in the area of ​​the sternum and ribs;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • Tietze's syndrome;
  • various pains in the heart area, including those caused by ischemia and myocardial infarction;
  • myalgia;
  • malignant formations in the chest area;
  • intercostal neuralgia.


When a woman is carrying a baby, she may experience pain, both regular and periodic. At the same time, they are capable of arising at different times of the day, and their intensity ranges from barely perceptible to unbearable.

Often, if the expectant mother has pain under the ribs, this does not pose a serious threat either to her or to the fetus. If the sensations are caused by physiological changes, then it will be possible to completely get rid of them only after the birth of the child. The woman may have the impression that the ribs are "diverging" or displaced.

In fact, nothing like this happens, but an examination by a doctor does not hurt. It's just that the growing fetus presses on the diaphragm and chest, which leads to pains of unknown origin.

Is it dangerous?

When pain occurs in the hypochondrium, the main task of doctors is to exclude or early detection of the pathology that has arisen. Sometimes it happens that a woman before pregnancy was not particularly worried about her health, and she simply did not perceive some signals from her body, or did not attach serious importance to them. During the carrying of a baby, an exacerbation of chronic diseases often occurs, which can lead to discomfort.

You should be especially careful if the rib on the right hurts, which may be a sign of hepatological disorders that appeared during pregnancy. If, during the examination, doctors discover any changes of a traumatic, neurological or muscular nature, the main task is to relieve symptoms and create conditions so that discomfort does not arise later.

If the cause of pain in the ribs is disturbances in the functioning of the heart, kidneys or respiratory system, then the expectant mother will be hospitalized for round-the-clock monitoring of her condition. In such cases, there is a threat to the life of the woman and the baby, so urgent treatment is required.

Pathological pain

The way to eliminate discomfort, as well as the choice of a therapeutic technique, depends on why the ribs hurt during pregnancy.

Unpleasant sensations arising on the left side can indicate the following pathological conditions:

  • exacerbation of ulcers, or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • From the left side;
  • splenchopathology;
  • diaphragmatic hernia.

Pain in the right hypochondrium occurs with liver disease or inflammation of the gallbladder, right-sided pneumonia.

Which doctor should I go to?

In most cases, the discomfort is physiological - you can easily endure it, or after a change in body position or a leisurely walk, it disappears altogether. This may be due to the fact that the baby growing in the uterus takes up all the free space in the abdominal cavity, due to which the internal organs are slightly displaced or compressed, which causes discomfort.

But it is impossible to exclude situations when the pain is of a cardiological or neurological nature, therefore, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons. If the pregnant woman has not had any health problems before and she does not know what caused the discomfort, you should visit a therapist who, if necessary, will recommend an examination by a neurologist, cardiologist or other specialist with a narrow profile.


When pain in the ribs appears during pregnancy, a mandatory examination is required, during which the doctor can determine whether this is the norm or a pathology.

An external examination and palpation of the problem area is mandatory; often the doctor recommends passing urine and blood tests. In order to make sure that everything is in order with the fetus, ultrasound diagnostics are performed. Concomitant pathology can be established after consultation with narrow-profile doctors.

How to relieve pain?

Often during pregnancy, women complain that their ribs hurt. These sensations are especially pronounced in the last trimester, when the child is growing vigorously, taking up more and more space.

To reduce pain, a pregnant woman should heed the following tips:

  1. Pay attention to posture. The back should be straight, the shoulder blades are slightly pulled together, and the chest is pushed forward.
  2. Avoid clothing that strongly squeezes the chest and chest. This can create unnecessary discomfort.
  3. If the pregnant woman feels that the pain is getting worse, take a deep breath, simultaneously raising both, and as you exhale, lowering.
  4. You can reduce your discomfort by taking.
  5. A good exercise to release tension from the back and ease pain in the ribs is the "cat pose" borrowed from. You need to get on all fours, while inhaling, round and arch your back as much as possible, lower your head and strain your buttocks, and linger for a few seconds at the top point. After that, as you exhale, you should bend in the lower back and stretch your neck up.
  6. When the cause of pain is the excessive activity of the baby, sometimes it is quite simple. If discomfort is felt on the right side, then it is better to lie down on the left side, and vice versa.

What cannot be done?

If the ribs begin to hurt badly, the expectant mother is looking for various ways to get rid of this symptom. Very often, friends and relatives give advice that not only does not help, but can even worsen the condition of a pregnant woman.

It is prohibited:

  • take medications without medical supervision;
  • engage in excessive physical activity, especially if the woman did not play sports before pregnancy;
  • press on the stomach.

Self-medication can be harmful, so if a woman has discomfort in the ribs , it is necessary to tell the doctor about this so that he can determine the cause of the discomfort and suggest how to minimize the pain.

Traditional methods of pain relief

There are also known unconventional methods that women use during pregnancy if they have pain under the ribs. It is better, of course, to first visit a doctor before using various decoctions and lotions.

During the period of childbearing, many medicinal herbs are forbidden to be taken orally, as this can harm the baby or cause.

For discomfort in the rib area, the following remedies can be used, but with caution:

  1. Rub the black radish juice into the sore spot.
  2. Take a warm bath with the addition of a decoction of oak bark (no more than 5-10 minutes).
  3. Make a lotion with steamed flax seeds.

If pain occurs in the projection of the ribs, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to establish their cause, as well as select the appropriate methods of therapy. Often, discomfort is caused by changes in the physiology of the pregnant woman's body, but the possibility of the development of a pathological process cannot be completely ruled out.

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For what reasons can ribs hurt during pregnancy and how to alleviate the condition?

Causes of pain under the ribs during pregnancy

During the carrying of a baby, sometimes severe pains are felt in the hypochondrium. They can arise due to:
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the chest area.
  • Myalgia.
  • Heart problems.
  • Tietze syndrome.
  • Osteoarthritis ..
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Hernia in the spine.
Pregnant women, especially in the last trimester, are prone to various injuries, because the baby needs calcium for the formation and growth of bones. The embryo takes this element from the mother's body and as a result, the bones of the expectant mother become vulnerable and susceptible to increased trauma. Accordingly, pain in the ribs may appear for this reason.

What does a woman feel?

During pregnancy, many women experience various pains. They can be temporary and minor, or permanent and strong.
In most cases, the woman has a feeling that the ribs are shifting or diverging. In fact, everything is fine, the baby just grows and the uterus presses on the breast area from below, which causes unpleasant and sometimes very painful sensations. However, if this condition bothers you, then it does not hurt to go to the doctor.

Pathological pain

Sometimes the resulting pain in the ribs can signal pathological processes in the body. So the pain on the left indicates:
  • Diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Splenchopathology.
  • Unilateral pneumonia.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.
Right-sided pain may indicate pneumonia on this side, inflammation of the gallbladder or liver.

Are pains in the hypochondrium dangerous during pregnancy?

It all depends on the cause of the pain. If it is a consequence of the development of the baby, then there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, pregnancy can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the emergence of new neuralgic, traumatic or cardiovascular nature.
In the first two cases, it is necessary to stop pain in a timely manner, in the second, a woman needs hospitalization and special treatment. Neuralgic pains are not dangerous, but heart problems or inflammatory processes in the digestive organs carry a certain risk to both the health of the mother and the child.

How to relieve pain?

Usually, pain in the ribs appears in the third trimester. To make yourself feel better, try to apply the following tips in practice:
  • With increased activity of the child, it is necessary to rest more and be at rest.
  • To relieve pulling pain in the back and ribs, it is recommended to take the cat pose and bend several times. First, while inhaling, make the back a "wheel", then while exhaling, bend it as much as possible.
  • It will also be useful to periodically get up on all fours and stand like that for a while. In this way, the main load is removed from the back.
  • With increased pain, you need to raise your hands up and take a deep breath, while exhaling, lower your hands. And so several times in a row.
  • Revise your wardrobe and put aside tight clothing as it can directly affect chest pain.
During pregnancy, walking in the last trimester is quite difficult, it is important to keep your back as straight as possible, to straighten your shoulders and walk "chest forward".

What is prohibited

During the onset of pain in the chest and hypochondrium, it is not recommended:
  • Self-medicate. Take medications without the knowledge of your doctor.
  • Do great physical activity on the body.
  • Crush your stomach.
With severe pain, there is a desire to take a pill and get rid of it quickly. However, there is no need to rush and you need to think about the baby. Many drugs, including pain relievers, are harmful to a child.
In most cases, the discomfort in the rib area is temporary and will disappear after delivery. If there is a suspicion that the situation is abnormal, it is better to see a doctor and not do stupid things that can negatively affect pregnancy.

The process of bearing a fetus sometimes brings unpleasant surprises, including pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy. Should the expectant mother worry? What is the reason for the discomfort and soreness, tingling and pulling sensations? And most importantly, what to do?

The described conditions may indicate a restructuring of the entire body of a pregnant woman. Enlargement of the uterus, displacement of internal organs, mobility of the bones of the ligamentous apparatus proceed with some degree of pain. However, such discomforts can be harbingers of the development of dangerous diseases.

If the pain is persistent, accompanied by a febrile condition, vomiting should be called emergency medical care. The rest of the cases can wait for a planned consultation.

Causes of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy

An obstetrician-gynecologist and gastroenterologist will help to deal with unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy. Mild, short-term pains should not cause fear and anxiety in pregnant women. Rest and consultation with a specialist will help to cope with anxiety.

Dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract due to changes in hormonal levels often lead to stagnation of intestinal contents. To prevent pain, it is recommended to eat food more often, but in small portions.

Common causes of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy:

  • nervous exhaustion;
  • hypomotor dyskinesia (change in motor function) of the bile ducts and gallbladder. The problem is associated with an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of organs;
  • cholecystitis (inflammation in the gallbladder);
  • not following the recommended diet;
  • vegetative crisis;
  • increased emotionality.

It should be noted that due to psychological fears, far-fetched experiences, pain in the hypochondrium very often occurs during pregnancy.

Symptoms of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy

The process of pregnancy development often occurs with obstetric pain, less often accompanied by non-obstetric pain. Obstetric pain is associated with tissue stretching, an increase in the size of the uterus, and fetal movement. It manifests itself in conditions associated with the natural course of pregnancy. Non-obstetric pains accompany pathologies of internal organs.

Pulling, pressing, short-acting symptoms of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy, for the most part, reflect the natural and absolutely normal processes of restructuring the woman's body. The hormones relax the muscles of the internal organs, which alters their normal functioning. For example, constipation appears.

Pains that should alert the expectant mother:

  • sharp, sudden against the background of a general stable state;
  • lasting up to half an hour;
  • with increasing intensity;
  • appearing with other symptoms - pallor, weakness, bleeding, fainting.

Such painful manifestations are a reason to seek medical help.

Pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy

Unfortunately, sometimes the expectation of the baby is clouded by the development of gallstone disease. In turn, chronic diseases of the gallbladder provoke pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy. Dyskinesia of the gallbladder is divided into hypo- and hypermotor. Hypomotor disorders are characterized by a slowdown in the outflow of bile due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs. The symptomatology of chronic cholecystitis is caused by a dull, aching soreness of the area of ​​the scapula, shoulder and clavicle on the right. Sometimes patients describe a feeling of heaviness, complain of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy on the right side. Hypermotor dyskinesia occurs with acute, cramp-like attacks, accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth. Nausea, heartburn, bloating, belching with air are often observed. Pregnancy can exacerbate an existing disease. Cholecystitis is also the cause of early and prolonged toxicosis.

Burning skin in the right hypochondrium area, discomfort in the right scapula area should not cause concern. The so-called zones of hypersensitivity painfully react to movement, growth of the fetus.

Increased emotionality, nervous exhaustion, inaccurate adherence to the diet can lead to the appearance or intensification of a bursting painful sensation under the right rib.

Pain in the left hypochondrium during pregnancy

The expectant mother should be alerted by sudden, sharp, acute painful sensations lasting about half an hour. And you shouldn't "play chamomile". Symptoms like these can be extremely dangerous.

It is necessary to understand that the stomach is conventionally divided into four quadrants: two upper ones - left and right, two lower ones, respectively. The concentration of pain in the upper left can become an indicator of disturbances in the work of the spleen, stomach, pancreas, bowel loop and part of the diaphragm. The spleen performs the function of removing red blood cells after the completion of their life cycle, equal to 120 days. Dysfunctions of the organ cause changes in size, stretching of the walls of the capsule, which responds with pain. Injuries, infectious lesions of the spleen are dangerous with the possibility of violating the integrity of the organ. An alarming symptom is the cyanosis of the umbilical zone, caused by the accumulation of blood.

Diseases of the stomach cause aching pain in the left hypochondrium during pregnancy, usually with nausea, vomiting. Any irritation of the mucous membrane is fraught with discomfort. Gastritis is a diaphragmatic hernia or cancer, only a specialist can say for sure on the basis of a laboratory test.

Soreness in the upper left, middle, or right is caused by a malfunction of the pancreas. Discomfort also appears with organ intoxication. The pains are sharp, encircling, and can spread to the back area. Coming from the inside, pain occurs against the background of fever, nausea, vomiting.

Treatment of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy

The solution to the problem of pain syndrome is carried out by a specialist. The expectant mother is required to be attentive and follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician. The similarity of symptoms in various painful conditions makes it difficult to independently identify the affected organ.

Research methods help to establish an accurate diagnosis:

  • analysis of blood, urine;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs;
  • additional techniques (X-ray, MTP).

Treatment of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy is carried out from the position not to harm the baby and mother. For example, to solve the problem of cholecystitis, choleretic agents, a number of enzymes are prescribed. In especially acute cases, when it is necessary to reduce pain, antispasmodics, antibacterial substances are used. The drug "metoclopramide" is indicated for gastritis, stomach dysfunctions, chronic pancreatitis, nausea, liver and kidney diseases, for medical diagnostics (X-ray, probing, gastroscopy). Banned in the first trimester of pregnancy. The medicine in tablets is used three times a day, half an hour before meals with a single dosage of 10 mg.

In order to restore the normal outflow of bile with dyskinesia of the biliary tract, a set of measures is used:

  • building proper nutrition - splitting the diet into 6 parts. Foods should help shrink the gallbladder. It is appropriate to use unsaturated broths based on meat or fish, sour cream, vegetable or butter oil, decoctions of rosehip berries. Benefit will be cottage cheese, cod, foods high in fiber and magnesium salt (buckwheat, oatmeal, apples, carrots);
  • the use of choleretic broths or teas. For cooking, you need four volumetric parts of immortelle color, three (two can) parts of yarrow and two parts of coriander. The dry mixture (1 tablespoon) is brewed with two glasses of boiling water, kept for 30 minutes, filtered. Drink half a glass three times a day, before meals (approximately half an hour). In the form of tea, a mixture of corn stigmas, tansy and rose hips is often used. Eat between main meals up to three times during the day.
  • corn oil (olive oil can be used) in an amount of up to 40 ml;
  • salt from Karlovy Vary (1 tsp is enough for a glass of water);
  • xylitol / sorbitol (you need to take 1 tablespoon and dissolve in a glass of water);
  • half a liter of warm mineral water, if there is no swelling.
  • in the second part of pregnancy with severe puffiness, use "flamin" (dry, concentrated substance based on immortelle flowers) - one or two tablets three times a day. Take half an hour before meals. You can use "holosas" (rosehip syrup) two to three times a day at a dosage of 1 tsp.

It should be noted that dyskinesia in no way affects the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy itself, does not interfere with the natural birth process. In the postpartum period, the gallbladder restores its tone, as a rule, within a month.

Waiting for a baby is one of the most exciting, wonderful and unforgettable periods in the life of every woman who decides to add to her family. This time is filled with boundless happiness, which is associated with the first movement of the child in the womb of a pregnant woman and the joy of motherhood.

However, it often happens that the gestation process is overshadowed by various anxieties and disturbances in the psychophysiological state of the future woman in labor. Often, potential mothers are afraid of sharp sensations in the abdomen, pelvis or lower back. One of the troubles that most expectant mothers face is pain in the ribs during pregnancy.

When and why does rib pain occur?

Despite the fact that the pregnancy of each woman has its own individual characteristics, certain changes occur in the body of all future women in labor. Most often, ribs hurt during pregnancy for natural reasons. In the early stages, discomfort occurs against the background of hormonal changes and is the result of a weakening of the muscles of the digestive system.

Similar pain sensations are considered the norm in the third trimester. The fact is that during pregnancy, the uterus increases, the location of the internal organs changes, and the baby grows every month, putting pressure on the stomach, kidneys and liver. In the later stages, the fetus in the womb becomes so large that its jolts with arms and legs are more and more felt by the woman and often cause bruises and stretch marks. The situation is aggravated by:

  • the lean body structure of the future woman in labor;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems.

Usually, pain in the ribs begins to bother a woman in the second half of the third trimester. However, if the expectant mother is carrying twins or triplets, then the discomfort may occur much earlier. It hurts under the ribs during pregnancy, both on the right and on the left. It all depends on the location of the baby in the womb.

Why is rib pain dangerous?

If a woman's ribs hurt during pregnancy, this is not a reason to panic or get depressed. Unlike many other unpleasant syndromes that await a girl when carrying a baby, as a rule, these do not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or her child. Yet, in some cases, they can be dangerous, especially when they are a symptom of:

  • osteoporosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • rib injuries;
  • cholecystitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • inflammation of the intercostal cartilage;
  • heart disease;
  • respiratory system diseases;
  • oncological formations.

Acute or prolonged aching pain under the ribs at an early stage is considered extremely dangerous. In this case, it may be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

What to do?

Unfortunately, in modern medicine there is no remedy that can completely eliminate the pain syndrome in the ribs. If discomfort occurs during increased activity of the child in the womb, it is enough for a pregnant woman to change her position to relieve the unpleasant sensation. If this is not enough, then you should use one of the doctor's advice.

In modern gynecology, there are several ways that you can relieve pain in the intercostal area during pregnancy. The most effective among them:

  • Breathing exercises

If you have pain under the ribs during pregnancy, practice breathing exercises. In moments of exacerbation of discomfort, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up and take a deep breath. Then exhale slowly. Repeat this exercise several times. You will see the pain go away.

  • Exercise "Kitty"

Exercise "Kitty" can help relieve pain in the intercostal zone of the expectant mother. To do this, get on all fours so that your head, shoulders and spine are in line. Relax all muscle groups. Then arch your back in an arc and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times.

  • Rest and sleep

It is not for nothing that the people say that rest and sleep are the best cures for all diseases. If you have pain in the ribs on the right, then lie down on your left side, if on the left, then on your right side. Adequate rest and sleep will help you and your baby calm down and relieve the fetal pressure on the internal organs.

As a rule, the pain in the ribs disappears in the last few weeks before childbirth (when the abdomen drops and the baby's pressure on the internal organs decreases) or immediately after childbirth.

To avoid pain under the ribs, in the side or lower back:

  • watch your posture and keep your back straight;
  • wear as loose and comfortable clothing as possible;
  • give up high-heeled shoes;
  • do not lift or carry heavy things;
  • follow the diet, do not eat fatty, salty and fried foods;
  • balance and relaxation;
  • wear a bandage.

When should you see a doctor?

Not always, pain under the ribs can be safe for the mother and her unborn child. In some cases, a pregnant woman needs medical attention. Do not postpone going to the doctor if:

  • pains under the ribs are acute and prolonged;
  • you experience sharp pain when inhaling / exhaling or coughing;
  • you have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system;
  • discomfort in the costal zone is accompanied by fever, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation and belching.

Remember, self-medication can be dangerous for both a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Only a highly qualified specialist is able to make the correct diagnosis and determine the true cause of pain. The birth of a baby is the most real and inexplicable miracle. That is why, even with the slightest doubt, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Be healthy!

Many women during pregnancy are faced with the manifestation of painful sensations that can be easily explained and, under certain conditions, can be considered the norm. With regular check-ups, timely testing and normal health, little troubles do not cause any concern in the observing doctor. Quite often, women have rib pain during pregnancy, but even with the appearance of such symptoms, one should not panic prematurely, because there are adequate explanations for everything.

What does a woman feel?

During the period of carrying a baby, the expectant mother may experience pains of both periodic and permanent nature, and they can appear at any time of the day and with varying intensity. In most cases, when the ribs hurt during pregnancy, this does not threaten either mother or child. A woman can forget about constant discomfort only after the birth of a baby. With the appearance of pain of this nature, it seems that the deformation of the ribs begins. In fact, nothing like this happens, but consultation with a specialist will not hurt. If, when examining a pregnant woman, the doctor has any suspicions about the development of diseases that cause similar symptoms, additional tests and examinations will be prescribed.

Why ribs hurt during pregnancy?

Every month the baby develops and gains weight, and, consequently, the uterus also grows, providing the necessary space for the normal life of the fetus. An increase in the size of the uterus leads to a displacement of neighboring organs from their previous places. Such movements are accompanied by certain discomfort, as a result of which a woman's ribs hurt during pregnancy at a later date.

The first trimester is much easier than the next two. Let's find out what unpleasant sensations can bring with you Ribs ache, swelling and aching pains in the lower back appear - all this is typical for such a period. By this time, the baby has already grown up enough, has become active, and, most likely, has turned head down (the correct position of the fetus), therefore, he constantly pushes mom in the ribs. In addition, at this time, not too intense painful sensations in the abdomen, Braxton-Hicks contractions may appear - this is how the woman's body prepares for childbirth.

For some ladies, painful sensations appear only shortly before childbirth (roughly it hurts the ribs at this time, unfortunately, not always due to the growth of the baby, sometimes this is due to other reasons:

  • suffered injuries in the chest area;
  • Tietze's syndrome;
  • joint diseases;
  • osteoporosis and osteochondrosis;
  • pleurisy, pneumonia, or tuberculosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • heart pain;
  • oncological formations in the rib bones;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • fibromyalgia (muscle pain).

How to relieve rib pain?

When the baby becomes cramped in the womb, a woman can often complain of pain in the ribs.

In order to alleviate her condition, the expectant mother, in this case, needs to follow some recommendations:

  1. The first thing to look out for is posture. When walking or sitting, the back should be straight, the shoulders are pushed back, and the chest, on the contrary, is slightly pushed forward.
  2. Clothing is of no small importance. During pregnancy, you will have to give up things that pull the ribs and chest.
  3. In case of increased pain, you need to take a deep breath with raising your hand up and lower it as you exhale.
  4. Painful sensations can be weakened by taking the knee-elbow position.
  5. The special exercise "Cat" facilitates well. To do this, the expectant mother should stand in a knee-elbow position and try to bend her back up as much as possible, while her head should be lowered, and the muscles of the press and buttocks are tense. When performing this exercise, the child takes a different position.
  6. If the ribs hurt during pregnancy due to the frequent and strong tremors of the future child, then mommy just needs to rest. It is better to lie on one side for this, since in this position the pressure on the internal organs is reduced. If your ribs hurt, you need to lie down on the left side and vice versa.

How can you avoid pain during pregnancy?

During the period of carrying a baby, in no case is it recommended to try to get rid of painful sensations with the help of medications, active physical exercises, and even more so by pressing on the abdomen. If someone advised you exactly such ways to eliminate pain, then you should not take into account the recommendations of this person in the future.

When a woman's ribs are very sore during pregnancy, she certainly needs to consult a doctor. A common reason for dealing with such a problem is pinching of the sciatic nerve. In such situations, the pain is really unbearable and you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

If you can endure the discomfort, just take a leisurely walk in the fresh air or just relax. It is possible that pain in the ribs during pregnancy can be neurological and cardiac in nature, which is why self-medication will not bring anything good. If the soreness increases during a change in body position, consultation with a therapist and a neurologist will be required.

The use of folk remedies

There are also folk methods of alleviating the disease, but they are used only as an additional method. For example, you can rub it into a sore spot. A bath with the addition of a decoction of oak bark relieves pain. To do this, the bark is crushed and poured with water (based on 1 kg of raw materials - 5 liters of liquid) and boiled for half an hour. The finished broth is filtered and added to the bath.

It relieves pain and sage well. It, like oak bark, is added to the bath. To prepare the broth, you will need 4 tablespoons of chopped herbs and 1 glass of liquid. Raw materials are poured with water and infused for about 60 minutes. In addition to the broth, add 4 tablespoons of salt to the container. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime, and the duration should be no more than 5-10 minutes.

In no case should you consume sage internally during pregnancy.

How dangerous is rib pain?

If the ribs hurt during pregnancy and this is a sign of any disease, the task of doctors is to take all measures to eliminate negative symptoms. If neurological, traumatological or muscle pathologies that cause painful sensations are identified, treatment will be aimed at eliminating the exacerbation and further maintaining remission.

In case of detection of cardiological, respiratory and renal ailments, a pregnant woman must be hospitalized without fail. In such situations, there is a threat to the life of the mother and child, therefore, therapy is carried out strictly under the supervision of specialists.