Important words of Alistair's mother. Mamina magic words. Mom's Magic - this is the strongest magic in the life of the child, she heals and inspires

If important phrases say to your children at night, then many problems are solved by themselves

Mom's Magic Magic is the strongest magic in the life of a child, she heals and inspires!

When we just started the struggle for our eldest son, we are one psychiatrist - except very strange and not useful - made a huge gift. He told about one experiment who spent in England.

Moms of pretty kids were held every night with a simple ritual. After the child fell asleep, they waited for an active phase of sleep - this is somewhere fifteen minutes. And then they spoke to the child ordinary words:

"I love you. I'm proud of you. I am very glad that you are my son. You are the best son for me. "

The text is about all the same.

And they compared these children with others - with similar diagnoses, but the moms of whom did not have anything they were in the night. Kids receiving mother's night confessions in love, recovered much faster. Here is such maternal magic.

We practically started to implement it. Much easier - unlike most therapy, it is free, always at hand. First I said what was put on the script. Then it began to show improvisation. Five years have passed, and I still have some kind of different words to my boys. Each of them and almost every night.

Autism from Dani is no longer. I am sure that my piety played a role. There is something else that it is important to understand - magic works in both directions! Get something very important and mom and child. Although everyone has "something important" is their own.

What does it give?

Feeling of proximity with each of the children.
This is nothing comparable. No matter how many years have it, at the moment of sleep they look like small angels. In the afternoon they are not so easy to hug or hold on your hands - they have so many things! And at night I hug each of them, saying that it is important for both of us. And I feel how our proximity is growing and growing.

Individual time for everyone.
In the stream of days, I can not always pay for each personal time. Most often we are all together, one team. We play, we communicate, eat - all together. But at that moment each of them is special. Because everyone I speak different words. Based on what you want now and you need to say this particular baby.

I can say something important that the day may not be heard.
Days are different. Sometimes, from the abundance of information or sweets, kids can not behave very well, and it complicates our communication. But when I whisper at night on your ear about how I love them, all this remains in the past. Quarrels, misunderstandings, resentment.

The child feels love.
Somehow I read that the child should say more often to the phrase of this kind: "And you know that if you could choose, then from all the children of the world we would choose you." When I first told this Matvey, he was delighted and surprised at the same time. He walked and repeated: "What, really, me?". So I realized that the children are very important to feel that they are special, that they are important and needed, exactly what they are.

Now this phrase along with "And I told you today that I love you?" firmly settled in our lives. Moreover, Matvey - because while he is the most talkative - in response always says that he would choose us as parents and would definitely chose his brothers.

In the arrangement therapy there is such a thing as "resolution phrases" - the phrases that we speak during the arrangement, and they change the world weight of people, treat their souls. Words are usually simple - about love, adoption, regret. So I found that if important phrases speak our children at night, then many problems are solved by themselves. What phrases are and what I usually say:

  • "You don't need to do anything for me, I love you for what you are". Many are hurried. But the phrase is not about what you can not wash the dishes. And rather, that sake me you should not bear the generic speakers.
  • "I am very glad that you are". Particularly helps for whom the child was not very welcome.
  • "I'm glad you're a boy". If you, for example, wanted a girl and could not take a long time for a long time.
  • "We love you with dad very much, you are our son" - Keyword here "our". Helps, if you have a tendency to drag, draw and divide.
  • "I'm sorry". The phrase is suitable if during the day you were crushed, there was no understanding, punished, broke off. Do not beg for forgiveness - it violates the hierarchy. But apologize - and say that you are very sorry, it is worth it.
  • "I'm proud of you". Especially helps when you are trying to make one who he is not - and who may never be. It helps for those children who are very different from others - special, for example.
  • "I love you". Three magical words from everything. If they are invested in them. That is, if you say not automatically some syllables and letters, and with all my heart, exhale recognition in love.

How to choose phrases?

You can also try different. And you will understand what kind of child are now important and needed. For example, in itself notice that after that phrase, which is very important today for me, is happening - in itself - deep exhalation. Something relaxes inside.

The same with the child. When it is important for something now to hear, for example, that you are proud of him, he exhales and relaxes. Just observe. Sometimes such signs are not immediately noticeable, sometimes they are not so bright. But the criterion is usually one - some relaxation.

You need to tune in to utter magic phrases. It is impossible, as I said, do it mechanically. It is important to approach the process with the soul, and not on the run. Like, now I repeat three minutes on a piece of paper, and everything will be fine. The most difficult work happens inside. In order for words to be magical, their magic need to be charged. And the charge that needs our children is in our heart.

Sometimes in order to say such simple words, you must first say something similar to your parents (in the heart). I know girls who were sobbed over the sleeping baby during the first sessions. From his own children's pain. But the magic is because the magic that she treats. Including ours, maternal, hearts.

The session should not be long. It's just three to five minutes. But very emotionally saturated five minutes. It is important to do it regularly and on a little bit. Small steps. And do not try to teach three hours of love once a week. We eat every day several times, and not do it only on Sunday, right?

And besides, do not forget to say such phrases and the day, between the case, without any reason. Hug them just like this, if we passed by. Smack of the head, which is sitting next. This is what children will remember for life. And most likely, this is what they will remember.

It is impossible to underestimate the power of the mother's words. In order to admit it, remember which words of your mom you remember and now, thirty, forty years later. And which of them were important for you.

This magic is always available to you, not worth the money, for this you do not need anything special. Just wait when your baby will eat sweetly - and whisper something important to him.

"I love you. I'm proud of you. You are the best son for us with dad "- what could be easier and magnificent than such words spoken by the heart of a loving mother?

Olga Valyaeva, blogger

See also:

Child psychology


Right and loyally, let's answer the child's questions about death

All about upbringing


Think about how often do you shout on your babies?

Tips parents


Never tell the child that he can not!

Children's psychology, tips parents


Getting ready for school

Mom, as much in this word. This woman wore us under his heart, gave us life. It is to her that we unconsciously stretch from the diaper, and run with your fear becoming an adult. Do you know how to influence the words of parents, especially maternal on the fate of the child? One careless word can sow in the rapid soul doubt and destroy talent. While the words of support said in the right time can take on tops, even heal from serious diseases. For those who doubt recommend to read research in the article below.

- When we just started the struggle for our eldest son, we are one psychiatrist - except very strange and not useful - made a huge gift. He told about one experiment, who spent somewhere in England (I can be wrong, since everything from his words).

Moms of pretty kids were held every night with a simple ritual. After the child fell asleep, they waited for an active phase of sleep - this is somewhere fifteen minutes. And then they spoke to the child ordinary words:

"I love you. I'm proud of you. I am very glad that you are my son. You are the best son for me. "

The text is approximately so - for all the same.

And they compared these children with others - with similar diagnoses, but the moms of whom did not have anything they were in the night. Kids receiving mother's night confessions in love, recovered much faster. Here is such maternal magic.

We practically started to implement it. Much easier - unlike most therapy, it is free, always at hand. First I said what was put on the script. Then it began to show improvisation. Five years have passed, and I still have some kind of different words to my boys. Each of them and almost every night.

It is difficult for me to talk about concrete results, but the autism of Dani is no longer. And I am sure that my piety played a role. But still there is something that it gives me and children. It is important to understand - magic works in both directions! Get very important something and mom, and a child. Everyone has "something important" its own.

What does it give?

  • Feeling closeness with each of the children.This is nothing comparable. No matter how many years have it, at the moment of sleep they look like small angels. The day they are not so easy to hug or hold on their hands - they already have so many cases! And at night I hug each of them, saying that it is important for both of us. And I feel how our proximity grows and is growing.
  • Individual time for everyone.In the stream of days, I can not always pay for each personal time. Most often we are all together, one team. We play, we communicate, eat - all together. But at that moment each of them is special. Because everyone I speak different words. Based on what you want now and you need to say this particular baby.
  • I can say something important that it may not be heard in the afternoon.Days are different. Sometimes, from the abundance of information or sweets, kids can not behave very well, and it complicates our communication. But when I whisper at night on your ear about how I love them, all this remains in the past. Quarrels, misunderstandings, resentment ..
  • The child feels love. Somehow I read that the child should say more often to the phrase of this kind: "And you know that if you could choose, then from all the children of the world we would choose you." When I first told this Matvey, he was delighted and surprised at the same time. He walked and repeated: "What, really, me ???". So I realized that the children are very important to feel that they are special, that they are important and needed, exactly what they are. Now this phrase along with "And I told you today that I love you?" firmly settled in our lives. Moreover, Matvey - because while he is the most talkative - in response always says that he would choose us as parents and would definitely chose his brothers.

    I constantly say important phrases.

In the arrangement therapy there is such a thing as "resolution phrases" - the phrases that we speak during the arrangement, and they change the world weight of people, treat their souls. Words are usually simple - about love, adoption, regret. So I found that if important phrases speak our children at night, then many problems are solved by themselves. For example, with a hierarchy in the family.

What phrases are and what I usually say:

  • "I'm your mom, and you are my son." This phrase helps if you do not feel connected with the child, it is a mental connection. As well as if you have a violated hierarchy - and it is not clear who whose mom is.
  • "I'm big, and you're small." This phrase is again about the hierarchy. And besides, it helps to grow in relations with children. Children are very relaxing when the mother becomes adult finally.
  • "I give, and you take." This is again about hierarchies, about energy. Helps if the mother is trying to "pump out" from children.
  • "You are the best son for me." Here you can add a child's sequence. After all, I, for example, not one son - and the whole three. And each of them is good in place.
  • "You are the Son that we need." It helps the child feel its value, its "prettier". I especially recommend the phrase to those who constantly compare with others - not in his favor.
  • "You don't need to do anything to me, I love you for what you are." Many are hurried. But the phrase is not about what you can not wash the dishes. And rather, that sake me you should not bear the generic speakers.
  • "I am very glad that you are." Particularly helps for whom the child was not very welcome.
  • "Pope I love you very much, you are our son" - the keyword here is "our". Helps, if you have a tendency to drag, draw and divide.
  • "You're the same as your dad", "Your dad is the best dad for you," "I allow you to love dad and take from him" - If you have a conflict with the father of a child, if he does not grow a baby or you are in a quarrel. But even for those parents who together, the phrase is useful. If my mother does not accept dad and does not give it to actively engage in the child.
  • "I'm sorry". The phrase is suitable if during the day you were crushed, there was no understanding, punished, broke off. Do not beg for forgiveness - it violates the hierarchy. But apologize - and say that you are very sorry, it is worth it.
  • "I'm proud of you". Especially helps when you are trying to make one who he is not - and who may never be. It helps for those children who are very different from others - special, for example.
  • "I love you". Three magical words from everything. If they are invested with this feeling. That is, if you say not automatically some syllables and letters, and with all my heart exhale recognition in love.

On this page you will find the answers to some literary reading tasks for grade 2 (program "Planet of Knowledge").

What is silence? Continue a number of definitions:
The silence is alarming, sad, sad, lonely, depressing, piercing

Listed objects known to you made from Beresta. Box, box, painting, basket, souvenirs (dishes, samovar).

Invent and write comparison:
Leaves flew from trees like birds, feathers
Black highway ran away, wriggling like a snake, thread, spiral
Rainbow stretches over the ground, like an arc, a rocker, color tape
Grasshopper shredded in the grass, as if cricket, alarm clock, forty
Flowers looked at the sun, as if he said to him, smiling, confessed in love

Continue deals:
Autumn leaves flew over the wind, like birds south, feathers
The clouds floated through the blue sky, like ships by sea
Rainsticks Looks through the window glass, as if the streams, waterfall, tears in the face, narrow rivers

M. Svavin wrote: "I hear how the autumn leaves whisper". Write what they could whisper.
We are flying away from mom in autumn.
How sad that autumn came.
Winter is coming soon.

Call flowers that can be found in the forest at the beginning of autumn. Oregano, geranium forest, St. John's wort, a tricolor violet, extiries.

Write that the flowers "said" to you.
About how the sun shines clearly.
How well in summer.
Let's go for a walk.
Look what we are beautiful.
What a pity that autumn came.

K. G. Powesty "Farewell to Summer"

1. Write, what feelings caused your story to K. Powesty "Farewell to Summer". Sad, sad, I wanted to return the summer.

3. Write a story about what you saw in the fall, when I left the house. The proposed questions can be a story plan.
Today is September 20th. In the morning I went out to walk into the courtyard. The weather was bad. Dried rain. The sky was tightened with gray clouds. The earth was wet, covered with fallen leaves.
My friend Vova approached me. He, like me, was sad due to the fact that the summer ended.

4. Consider an illustration for the story of K. G. Paust "Farewell to the summer" on page 18. Wrong rows from the story that may be signature to it.
The strongest time in the village. Recent birds hid for straight.

Write the names of the fairy tales known to you, in which plants and animals help people. "Tale of fisherman and fish" (Goldfish), "Tinch-Havroshchka" (cow), "By whining velin" (pike), "Gus-Swans" (apple tree).

Tom Thumb

1. Divided this fairy tale on the part. Casting them and write down the names of these parts.
A boy with his finger helps a father.
Boy with finger sold.
Wolf and boy with finger.

2. Sochine and write down a small fairy tale about a puppy or chick.
Puppy ran in the courtyard. A chick flew over him. At the same time, a puppy with a chick saw a crust of bread. I did not have time to grab your bread crust, as he deftly grabbed her chick from his nose and flew into the roof of the house. Mal, yes deleted the chick! And the puppy still did not worry, ran behind the chick on the roof. He and grief little.

Write the names of the folk tales known to you about lazy people. "By whining velin" (Emelya), "Tale about Lena" (Soviet cartoon), "Morozko" (Martushenka Dohso), "Cinderella" (Cinderella and her daughter's stepmother).

Cuckoo (Nenets People's Fairy Tale)

Write that they felt the children when they fled to the cuckoo, in which their mother turned.
Fear, anxiety, sadness, sadness, pain, repentance.

Three daughters (Tatar folk tale)

1. Write what was the mother in the fairy tales "cuckoo" and "three daughters".
"Cuckoo" is patient, hardworking, kind, caring.
"Three sisters" - caring, worker.
2. Draw an illustration for a fairy tale, which can be called "Sisters Punishment".
Draw a turtle and spider.

Apart - bad, together - good (Mordovian folk tale)

1. Write what every brother did.
Carpenter - built, Kuznets - a metal, Pakhrkar - sowed bread.

How the friendship is checked (Lezghnaya folk tale)

1. Drink the words of the Alisker's mother, who seem to you the most important.
A man will meet older than you, call him his father. Meet equal over the years, call him brother ...

2. Write, what friend would you like to have?
The right, not greedy, kind, responsible, responsive.

Invent a small story (story), in which the words of the proverb "Century Zhivi - Age Learning" can be used.
My friend Vova has bothered and stayed at home, did not go to school. But I really wanted to play with him and came to visit him. The next day I had a temperature rose, cough appeared, my throat got sick. You can not communicate with colds. You can get infected. Live and learn.

Write the names of fairy tales, about whose heroes can be said: "A friend is more expensive", "good fraternity is better than wealth."
"Crocodile Gena and his friends", "Winnie Pooh and everything, everything, everything."

Workbook number 2

Brothers Grimm "Brave Tailor"

Write, what tailor qualities opened during his travels.
Shambliness, self-addiction, self-confidence, an increase.

H.-K. Andersen "Ole Lukae"

sleep sweet sleep - to sleep hard, see good dreams
sleep dead sleep - sleep so that you will not wake up

2. If you read other fairy tales Andersen, write their names.
"Floor", "Little Claus and Big Claus", "Girl with matches", "Snow Queen", "Thumbelina", "Wild Swans".

3. Name your favorite hero from the work of Andersen.
Thumbeller, soldier (from "Floating"), Mermaid, Tin Soldier.

Brothers Grimm "Little Men"

1. Explain the meaning of expressions:
Pure conscience - when there is nothing to hide;
A tricky man is a rich man.

2. a) Write your fabulous answer to the question: "Why did small men appear in the tailor house?"
To help tailor sew boots.
b) Write the names of literary works and movies about small little men.
"Boy with finger", "Snow White and seven Dwarfs", "Gulliver in the country of Lilliputs", "Little Muk".
c) Draw a beloved little man - the hero of the literary work or movie.
Draw a boy with a finger.

Primary school teacher
Guguchkin Maria Valerievna,
Non-state educational institution
"Nizhnevartovskaya Orthodox gymnasium",
Nizhnevartovsk Khmao Yugra

Purpose: introduce students with the work of oral folk
creativity in order to expand the literary outlook and
learning to draw up the characteristics of internal qualities
Heroes, formation of the concept of friendship.

Tasks: Forming the ability to predict the content
readable text based on its name and
alleged genre,
form the concept of "friendship" and "friend";
develop the ability to analyze and evaluate actions
Heroes, relate them to their own life experience;
develop student speech by teaching them to build
educate the ability to control their activities
evaluate it.

Visual method, conversation, work with a dictionary, work with
Textbook, practical method, analysis, generalization.

Cards with proverbs, characteristics, computer, frame and foundation at home with words (honest, brave, kind, caring, reliable, sure)
During the classes
1. Goaling
The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with a new product and identify the qualities that heroes possess, find out the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.
2. Checking homework.
At the last lesson, we worked on a fairy tale "together well, apart-bad" and at extracurricular readings met the fairy tale "about friendship" and "three comrades".
What was your homework?
/ to choose from:
1) Make a story with a picture of the task number 5 on a fairy tale "Together well, apart-bad"
2) come up with the continuation of the story of "friendship" - what happened to the horse. /with drawing/
- Speech of children 2-3 people.
MicroTe: What unites these two works? What do they teach?
3. Introduction to the topic of work.
- Look at the board that today it is waiting for us at the lesson? / Problem situation /
- What topic will our problem be concerned? /friendship/
- Today we will continue the topic of friendship and get acquainted with a new fairy tale.
- Tutorial page 71.
- Read the name of the fairy tales. What can be said about the content on this name?
- At the end of the lesson, we must build a house that will indicate us - what are the foundations of friendship?

4. Walking.
Before you start reading the fairy tale, let's find out what it is for the peoples of Lezgina.
Prepared student
Lezgins are one of the peoples of Dagestan - the "beautiful country of the mountains." Traditional classes Lezgin were agriculture and cattle breeding, various kinds of crafts. Like all the mountaineers, Lezghian men were brave warriors. For high military art, their excellent gauge was invited to the convoy of the Emperor himself.
This is a very proud people. That is why they have very highly appreciated the concept of honor, friendship.
- In the text you may meet unfamiliar words, let's read and find out their lexical meaning.
Work with a dictionary:
Static - man slender, beautiful physique.
Lavash - cake.
Aul - Mountain Selion.
Vataga - Crowd, Shaka.
- Before you start reading, pay attention to words that will meet in the text and may cause difficulty reading.
Preparing for reading: reading choral, selective.
No-ve-don, e-din-centered, a-fox ker, rascent-li-on.
5. Working with text.
1) reading text well reading students to p.74
2) work on read
- Read what Mother said when she accompanied the Son on the road.
- What words do you think you think the most important?
- Consider pictures on page 75.
- How did the artist pretended to continue the fairy tale?
- How do you imagine the continuation of the fairy tale?
- Justify your answer.

3) reading continuation p.75
4) work on read.
- Why did Ali-aha pulled out Alisker from the cleft?
-And the answer in the text.

6. Analysis of the work.
- Did you like this fairy tale? Than?
- Which of the heroes have caused sympathy? Why?
- Read in the text, as Ali Aga passed 1 test. 8.72 Last paragraph.
What is the quality of Ali Agi tells his act?
Find this quality in the characteristics.
/ waited - about patience /
- We put on the foundation of the friendship home the first our logs - patience.
- How did Ali Aga behave on the second test? Read these lines. P.73

What word will be the second log?
/ shared - undead, generous /
- Let's post a second log with a word - generous.

What was the third test? / go streams /
- What did Ali Aga come in this time? Read this Episode S.73
He did the right thing?
- What qualities of Ali Agi are speaking here?
Attention / care, kindness 2 logs

Did ALLSIKER executed Alisker?
- What was the most important test of Ali-Agi?
- Find in the text and read Ali Agi's words, where he explains - why did he pull out Alisker from the cleft?

How do you understand the words "pure conscience"?
- What qualities of Ali Agi can you say?
/ loyalty, reliability, honesty /

What do you think Ali-aha was surprised when Alisker thanked him for his help?
- What else was Ali-aha? / modest /

Would you like to have such a friend?

Look at the house that we turned out. It remains to put the roof.
- What qualities is real friendship based?
/ patience, generosity, kindness, care, loyalty, reliability, honesty, modesty /
- Before you are proverbs. Choose those that reflect the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale.
On the desk:
Still friendship and water do not overcome.
It is better to do well than speak well.
Case time, fun hour.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Politeness opens all doors.
With whom we will do, from that and you will get.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
Smart vinit itself, stupid - his comrade.
Good fraternity is more expensive than wealth.

Justify your choice.
/ A real faithful friend can be considered only the person who suffered some vital loves with you, which did not throw you in trouble, supported in a difficult situation. Ali-Aga never threw Alisker, he acted with him honestly, on conscience. No trials are not afraid of this friendship.
7. The result of the lesson
- What fairy tale today today met at the lesson?
- What does she teach?
Answer the test questions:
What is the basis of friendship?
- What do you think, what is the main virtue undergoing everything? What should be the foundation? love

Listen to the poem:
/ prepared student /
Buddy, listen to the Wisdom,
There will be no support from a friend of the lees.
From the first trouble crouches in the dust,
That friendship, which is only in words.

But friend sincerely forever with you,
With you, he is connected by the same fate,
In your palm of your palm
Reliable true friend hand.

What conclusion did you do for yourself?
- Did you like the lesson? What mood will you leave him?
/ put a little man in the window /
Homework for 2 quarter
- Choose one of the proposed tasks:
1. Prepare expressive reading a fairy tale.
2. Write at home the story on one of the proverbs chosen today in the lesson.
3. Draw a movie movie to the fairy tale.
Estimates for the lesson.

10/27/16 Literary reading lesson №25

Topic: "How friendship is checked" (Lezghinsky folk tale).

Purpose: to promote the formation of skills to allocate the necessary episodes from the text and retell them, evaluate the actions of the characters, justifying their position; Create conditions for the development of skills to predict the development of the plot.

Scenario lesson.

I.. Organizing time

The rallied call is cheerful.

We will start a lesson ready.

We will listen, reason

And to help each other.

II.. Actualization of knowledge. Check d / s: retelling of the Mordovian folk fairy tale "apart-bad, together - good"

Before you pictures with the image of clothes, dwellings, musical instruments of one of the peoples living in Russia. We will talk today about Lezgins. The topic of the lesson Lezghinsky Folk Tale "How friendship is checked."

III. Staging a learning task.

Knowing the topic of the lesson, using the support words, let's put the objectives of the lesson:

1) Get acquainted ... (with the history and traditions of the Lezginese people.)

IV. Opening a new knowledge.

1. Acquaintance with the history of the traditions of the Lezgin People. (p. 65)

2. Lexical work. Word warm-up on s. 71 textbooks.

A) work with a dictionary.

B) Finding out the values \u200b\u200bof the expression "man of respectable years".

How do you understand the expression "man of respectable years"? (The venerable means dear.)

Why can you respect a person? (For mind, wisdom, knowledge.)

The longer the person lives than he is older, the wiser becomes, more understands, knows and knows how.

Who will we call the "man of respectable years"? (A man wise, who lived for a long time, saw a lot in life, knows a lot and knows much.)

3. Reading the first part of the fairy tales (p. 71 - 74)

4. Forecasting further events. Task 4 s. 74.

5. Drawing up an oral story predicting further events in a series of drawings. Task5 s. 74.

6. Continuation of reading fairy tales.

V.. Primary consolidation.

Why is a fairy tale called "how the friendship is checked"?

Who checked friendship? (Alisker.)

Who gave him the wise council, how to check friendship? (His mother.)

What are these wise tips in the text? Confirm your answer to lines from text. (Punisha.)

VI. Fizminutka.

VII.independent work.

RT p. 25 Task 1. Self-test.

VIII.. The inclusion of new knowledge.

RT p. 25 Task 2.

IX. Reflection.

What kind of task was put in front of ourselves?

Did you have solved the task?

What did you get well in your lesson? What else do you need to work on?