Types of strollers for newborns. Mothers share their experience: how to choose a stroller. Newborn stroller for spring: important accessories

In a modern children's supermarket, the choice of baby carriages is simply amazing! For every taste and wallet, you can choose a stroller of a wide variety of colors and shapes, purchase both a classic budget model, and get an ultra-modern stroller equipped with the latest technology.

From such a huge choice, a young and inexperienced mother can fall into a stupor: all strollers are good, but which one should you give your preference? Which model is right for a newborn baby? And is it worth taking a classic stroller with a carrycot? Or is it better to buy a stroller with a removable seat unit included? Do not be alarmed - everything is much easier than you think. You just need to know about some important details!

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

What stroller to buy for a newborn for summer or winter?

First of all, the mother needs to decide exactly what kind of stroller she wants to buy for the child. If the budget does not allow in the future to easily change the classic stroller with a carrycot for a stroller, then give preference to the 2-in-1 or even 3-in-1 models. The latter is suitable if your family has a car.

Strollers of the 3-in-1 configuration have a comfortable cradle for newborns, a removable seat unit, and a car seat. 2-in-1 strollers usually have either a stroller unit in addition to the carrycot, or a child car seat for a passenger car. You can save a lot by buying a fully loaded model right away!

You should also consider other important features when choosing a baby stroller. For example, the cradle should be roomy and wide enough, especially if the newborn is to be walked in it when it is winter outside. Warm clothes and a fur envelope will certainly add height and volume to the baby, and it is not at all possible to squeeze a five-month-old baby in a winter overalls into a narrow cradle.

If you live in a house without a ramp, in a high-rise building, or if you have a very narrow elevator at the entrance, then you need to buy the most lightweight and not cumbersome model of a stroller.

Pay attention to lightweight strollers that fold and unfold easily. Some of them have a special telescopic system that allows you to remove the cradle with a newborn and fold the stroller frame with one hand! It is very convenient.

Wheels and shock absorption in summer and winter

Another important nuance: wheels and shock absorption! Of course, it is best to choose models with massive, large and inflatable wheels. Such strollers go well and smoothly on any road, they are not afraid of bumps, snowfall or bumps. And thanks to a special shock-absorbing system, the model does not shake on bumps. The child can sleep peacefully inside the cradle, without shaking on every unevenness. But such wheelchairs have one drawback, which is often decisive: they are heavy and often do not fit into a standard elevator.


Depending on the brand and model, the equipment also differs. Most manufacturers supply each stroller with the following additions:

  • Winter foot cover;
  • Raincoat;
  • A bag for mom;
  • A shopping basket, which is attached under the baby bassinet;
  • A clutch (or mittens) for hands, which is attached to the handle of the stroller in the cold season;
  • Five-point seat belts.

Pay attention to the weight of the stroller if you have to lift and lower the stairs. Even a lightweight model will become much heavier with a clothed child inside! In such cases, the weight and width of the wheelbase are decisive criteria. The lightweight variants have small wheels and a hollow folding chassis to keep the overall weight of the stroller as low as possible.

If the house provides for a convenient entrance, there is a spacious elevator or you live in a private sector, then there is no need to pay attention to the weight of the stroller. Give preference to models with large wheels to increase the comfort for the newborn and the off-road ability.

Pay attention to the weight of the stroller.

Top best and proven strollers

The most common and favorite companies for mothers are:

  • Little Trek,
  • Bebecar,
  • Geoby,
  • Inglesina,
  • Zippy,
  • Chicco
  • Tako,
  • Coletto,
  • Cosatto
  • ABC-Design,
  • Capella,
  • Quinny,
  • Bebetto,
  • Stokke,
  • Adamex.

Of course, this is far from the entire list of manufacturing firms, but only the most popular and proven part of them. The modern market has a huge number of prams for newborns, and every year their number is only growing.

Among the expensive and elite models, parents most of all love the Inglesina brand made in Italy and the Norwegian innovations from Stokke. The first company is distinguished by classic design, sophistication of the wheelbase, and elegance of forms. Stokke, on the other hand, tries to keep up with the times and pleases parents with a futuristic design and ergonomics.

The budget brands Tako, Geoby, Capella and Little Trek are in great demand among young parents. The latter brand has especially fallen in love with domestic mothers over the past few years, because strollers are made in Russia, have a low cost, but at the same time have decent quality. The brand regularly updates its assortment, and a wide selection of strollers for newborns allows you to purchase exactly the model that suits a particular family.

The best-selling and inexpensive strollers of Russian and foreign production

Over the past year, the top three selling strollers for newborns were:

  1. Inglesina sofia
  2. Stroller 2 in 1 Adamex Avila Eco
  3. Little Trek Classic

Inglesina Sofia has a classic and discreet design. The carrycot of the stroller is wide enough to provide the little one with room, even in winter clothes. It is a great choice for the cold season. The absence of unnecessary details, catchy accents and the smooth roundness of the forms are timeless and strict classics and European quality.

Little Trek has an affordable price and decent quality.

The 2-in-1 stroller Adamex Avila Eco is an affordable model with a narrow wheelbase that will easily fit into a small elevator. The price of the stroller is low, in contrast to the first option. Also, this model has a walking block included. The Polish brand took into account all the important details, and therefore the model is equipped with a warming cover for the legs, a mosquito net, a bag for mom and a shopping basket, a raincoat.

The Russian brand Little Trek fell in love with mothers in the Classic model, because it has the lightest weight of all strollers with cradles for newborns (only 12 kg), but at the same time it boasts good wheels that provide normal cross-country ability, and the width of the chassis allows you to drive with a stroller even in the narrowest lift. This is an inexpensive option and decent quality.

Nuances when choosing a lightweight stroller

Since manufacturers facilitate strollers for newborns by reducing the wheels, make the chassis and base from more weightless metal, such models are considered more "flimsy". And it is important to pay attention to some details when choosing such a stroller. For example:

  • Plastic wheels can shake and rumble violently while driving;
  • Check with the seller about the presence of a shock-absorbing system or suspension, because without them the stroller will jump strongly on every bump;
  • Check how easy the wheelbase is to fold, whether it is convenient for you to remove the cradle from it;
  • Make sure the infant cradle is wide and deep enough.

It is better not to choose those models that have too small wheels, narrow or shallow cradle. Such strollers can go very badly on snowy roads in winter, and babies in warm clothes will stick out of the cradle.

It is better to choose a model with medium and always inflatable wheels!

Observe the position of the backrest in the seat unit before purchasing. For example, if the backrest can be lowered completely horizontally, then in the summer it is possible to put a baby in a stroller so that he does not sweat and overheat in a cradle closed on all sides. The five-point seat belts will securely fix the baby and prevent him from slipping.

Additional tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby and older toddlers in this video:

And do not forget to check the wheelbase width with the seller! If your house has a small passenger elevator with a narrow doorway, then the width of the chassis should not exceed 60 centimeters, otherwise the stroller simply will not go inside.

It is not difficult to get lost in the variety of strollers nowadays. We asked the mothers of our site how to choose the perfect stroller.

Types of strollers

There are two main types of strollers - bassinets (closed) and walking (open) strollers.

For the first six months of life, the child usually sleeps while walking, so a cradle stroller is suitable for him, in which it is convenient to lie. But after 6–8 months, when the child's spine has already grown stronger, and he sits confidently, you can switch to a stroller. It is usually actively used up to 2-3 years.

You can buy two strollers: a cradle for the first six months and a stroller for later. And you can choose one stroller "2 in 1" and even "3 in 1". Such kits include: in the first version, a chassis and two bodies, and in the second - also a car seat.

Which of the three options is more convenient - the decision is individual. Here, the season plays a role, and the financial capabilities of the parents, and in general the scale of the use of the stroller (in the absence of a car, the third version of the stroller, for example, disappears by itself).

How to choose

After examining all the comments of mothers, we have compiled a list of the most important characteristics that you must first pay attention to when choosing a stroller for your baby. We arranged them in descending order: from the most important and popular (which many wrote about) to the least significant.

1. Cross-country ability and maneuverability

Yes, in the harsh Russian winter, as well as with the quality of domestic roads, this is the factor for many mothers that is key when choosing a stroller. And since the "walking" part of the baby's life is almost entirely borne by the fragile shoulders of a woman, the fairer sex, the maneuverable qualities of the stroller again become of paramount importance.

So, pay attention to the wheels. They should be large, with a strong tread. The larger the wheels, the more stable and passable the stroller.

Many mothers speak well of rubber wheels - they have good shock absorption and flotation in puddles and snow.

For ease of use, mothers choose strollers with wheels that rotate 360 ​​°. It is only desirable that the wheels can be fixed if necessary.

The handle is also responsible for the maneuverability of the stroller. Therefore, it is desirable that the handle of the stroller can be adjusted not only in height, but also can be thrown from one side to the other. Such a reversible handle saves in windy weather, for example, and sometimes kids just like to sit in a stroller facing their mother.

2. Dimensions

In fact, this factor may take the first place on our list. It all depends on where the family lives. If this is your home, then size hardly matters. But if you live in a multi-storey building with an elevator, then the first thing you should do before going to the store is to measure the width of the doorway of your apartment, as well as the width and depth of the elevator.

3. Does the stroller fold

It is important to pay attention to the compactness of the stroller when folded (this is important in a family with a car) and the ease of folding.
Almost all modern strollers fold into more or less compact designs that can be conveniently stored on the balcony or at the front door. When choosing a stroller, be sure to look and try how it folds. Among other things, the stroller should be easy to store. Therefore, fold the stroller, see how much space it takes up, whether the wheels can be easily removed.

4. Weight

The stroller should not be heavy. Moreover, the fragile mother will have to lift it again. Evaluate your strength in the store.

5. Fabric

Practical mothers worry in advance about the appearance of the stroller after prolonged use. Pay attention to whether the fabric is removable (and how easily), whether it is washed off.

6. Bag and pockets

Toys, diapers, bottles - all this must be put somewhere during the walk. For this, a special pocket and a bag are usually provided in the stroller. The more it fits, the better. However, do not forget that the weight of the stroller will increase if you load it with excess.

7. Accessories

Raincoat, mesh, foot sleeve, bottle holder, etc. - all these are pleasant additions, which are optional and the most important points when choosing a stroller.

A baby stroller is one of the most important purchases for a baby in the first year of life. It is impossible to imagine long walks in the fresh air without it. The correct stroller is the key to the harmonious physiological development of the baby, therefore, you need to choose a vehicle for your baby wisely.

Before deciding which "vehicle" is better to buy for a baby, you first need to find out about the types of prams and what should be included in their package.


There are several types of modern strollers that are able to provide comfort and protection to a newborn: a classic cradle stroller, a transformer stroller, multi-module strollers of a 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 configuration. Which one is better to choose - decide based on your needs, and the following information can help you with this.

Classic carrycot

The classic carrycot stroller is considered the best means of transportation for babies. It has large wheels for stability and a rigid carrycot with a horizontal bottom. The cradle is larger than in other types of strollers, it is located high enough, which is convenient for parents, a dense frame with high sides protects from the wind. A significant number of cradles in such wheelchairs are equipped with a thermoregulation system.

Of the minuses of the classic cradle stroller, one can note its impressive dimensions., a rather large weight, which makes it problematic to overcome the elevator and staircase sections. As soon as the baby learns to sit, you will have to buy a walking version of the stroller.

IMPORTANT! The main task of the carrycot is to ensure a healthy long sleep for the baby. The perfectly flat and hard surface of the bed ensures the formation of a healthy spine for the baby, this should be borne in mind when choosing a stroller.


The "transformer" stroller easily turns from a cradle stroller into a walking version, which allows you to use it from the first days of life until the moment when the baby is confident to walk without the help of a stroller. Transformers are lighter than classic wheelchairs, they have a more compact body, good cross-country ability, and can be easily folded. These strollers are often equipped with fold-over handles.

The stroller "transformer" does not have a solid frame... To walk with a newborn, you will have to unfold the walking block in such a way that a niche is formed into which a soft cradle or envelope is placed. This version of the stroller is more suitable if the baby was born in spring, or in a city with a mild climate, where there are no strong winds.

Among all types of prams, the "transformer" stroller is popular with young parents due to its versatility and affordable price.


Modular strollers are considered the most popular and are distinguished by their high cost. Their peculiarity is that one of two or three units can be installed on one chassis. The 2-in-1 package has two modules: a cradle and a walking body.

The 3-in-1 models also include a car seat... These strollers provide comfort for the entire period during which the baby will need a stroller. In most models of such strollers, the module for newborns is in no way inferior to the cradle in a classic stroller, which is a big plus.

It is better to buy a stroller right after the baby is born. Based on the indicators of its weight.

How to choose the right one?

The size

Strollers for newborns are not compact... But you can choose the stroller that is optimal in size. The cradle is on average about 80 cm long, about 40 cm wide, and the wheelbase is slightly wider. It is necessary to measure whether such a wheelchair will pass through the doorway, into the elevator doors, taking into account the presence of at least one person in the elevator. You also need to pay attention to the season.

ATTENTION! During winter walks, the child is dressed in bulky clothes, and in a very compact carrycot he may feel cramped.

The weight

Strollers for newborns always have an impressive weight. You should take into account your own physical capabilities and different situations. In homes with freight elevators, the use of a bassinet will not be a problem. And if the elevator constantly breaks down, or it does not exist at all, you need to seriously think about a lighter model.

What amortization should be?

A modern stroller should be equipped with a high-quality shock-absorbing mechanism.... It eliminates hard shocks and vibration when driving.

There are two types of depreciation:

  • Spring- special springs take on all shocks, smoothing out all the bumps on the road.
  • Articulated- at the base of the hinge mount made of leather straps or plastic, it allows you to swing the stroller in different directions.

When choosing a stroller, you can evaluate the effect of the shock absorption mechanism. To do this, you should randomly press on the stroller, swinging it, while the seat should move smoothly relative to the chassis.


Strollers for newborns have a chassis with four large wheels (from 25 cm)... Large wheels provide good flotation and increase the shock absorption effect. Recently, three-wheeled sidecars are gaining more and more popularity, however, there is no significant difference in maneuverability and stability between the three-wheeled and four-wheeled chassis. Often you have to choose between plastic and rubber inflatable wheels.

Rubber ones overcome obstacles better, but they are more vulnerable and need pumping up. At the same time, there is an alternative option - polymer rubber wheels. They provide better shock absorption and puncture resistance on the road.

REFERENCE! Wheels can be single or double (paired). The second option gives the structure increased stability.


The weight of the stroller often depends on the material from which the chassis frame is made.... The steel frame will add extra pounds, but the price of the stroller will be significantly lower than the model with a frame made of aluminum or carbon.

A pen

In modern models of strollers for newborns, there are various options for transforming the handle:

  • Height adjustable handle- a very important function for parents with a significant difference in height. In addition, the adjustment of the handle makes the stroller more compact.
  • Flip handle- allows you to change the position of the child relative to the road. Thus, you can turn it away from the wind, or from the bright sun.

What kind of brake do you need?

All strollers have a parking hand or foot brake, which fixes the stroller at a stop and prevents it from rolling. It is advisable that the stroller be equipped with two parking brakes, this will increase the safety of the child. In addition, it is convenient to slow down the movement with the help of the hand brake.

Manufacturing material

The material of the outer upholstery must be moisture-proof, dirt-repellent and wind-proof. It is enough to wipe such a stroller from the outside from dirt and dust, and not be afraid to go for a walk in the slush. Alternatively, it can be leather or leatherette.

ATTENTION! Inside, the upholstery must be made of natural soft fabric, which must be removed for washing.

Inner envelope

A warm baby envelope is an indispensable element for a walk in winter. They can be woolen, whole sheep skin - for harsh weather conditions. For milder winter climates, a fleece sleeve is suitable. Envelopes are included with some strollers.

Pockets, coasters for glasses, baskets

Spacious shopping basket - an indispensable component of any stroller... It can be metal and fabric. The metal basket is more durable, but not very comfortable when driving off high curbs. Many stroller models are equipped with cup holders.

Parents find this convenient, especially if the stand combines a cup holder and key pocket or cell phone holder. Additional pockets or a bag for things are convenient functionality for parents. Unlike a basket, you can put valuables in a bag, and if necessary, take it with you if you have to leave the stroller outside.


When choosing the color of a baby stroller, you need to start not so much from the gender of the child, but from how easily soiled the material. On a light-colored fabric, dirt is more visible, it has to be washed often, after which the stroller loses its dignified appearance. If light colors are fundamental, it is better to give preference to leather or leatherette upholstery..

Additional requirements for components

For wheelchairs with inflatable wheels, a pump is included. It is convenient to take it with you, in case you have to rock the wheel. The clutch for parents is a very convenient accessory in winter, it allows you to quickly take your hands out and hand the baby a bottle. A raincoat, a mosquito net, a sun visor, an umbrella, a cape on the legs are irreplaceable things for different weather conditions. Often come with a stroller.

Seat belts must be in all types of wheelchairs... They not only help prevent the child from falling out when descending from curbs, but also fix too active children. Wheel covers keep the apartment clean and do not wash the wheels after every walk.

When to buy?

Many parents are interested in this issue. There is no definite answer to it. If you do not want to risk choosing a stroller at random before the baby is born, then we advise you to purchase it when the newborn is 1 month old. His immunity will get stronger and it will be possible to choose transport for walks.

How to choose a good stroller in a store? Experienced parents recommend checking the ease of movement of the stroller and shock absorption before buying, the comfort of future walks depends on this. All mechanisms must work properly, smoothly and quietly. The brake must firmly fix the stroller on an inclined plane.

IMPORTANT! Particular attention should be paid to the air circulation system in the stroller. It is imperative to choose a stroller in accordance with the season.

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Tips from Dr. Komarovsky on choosing a stroller for your baby:


Long walks in the fresh air are of great benefit to the baby. A good stroller is the key to a comfortable walk, healthy sleep and proper development of the child's spine. Considering all the nuances, you can easily find the perfect stroller for your newborn and ensure a happy childhood.

Updated: 26.09.2018 11:12:39

Expert: Emilia Arie

* Review of the best according to the editors of the site. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The choice of a stroller, like other products for newborns, causes considerable difficulties for parents. And since this is one of the expensive things, I want it to be as comfortable as possible for the baby and convenient for mothers and fathers to use. That is why the choice of a stroller is treated so carefully and reverently. Today you can buy a variety of models for all ages. These are newborn cradles that are designed for babies from birth up to 7-8 months. Versatile 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 models are available in one chassis and interchangeable units. Transformers can be easily converted from a cradle into a stroller.

How to choose the right stroller for newborns

  1. Chassis width... This parameter determines whether the stroller will fit into a narrow elevator, or you will have to carry it up the stairs every day. She should also calmly pass through the doorways of the apartment and the entrance. The optimal size is 56-60 cm. If you live in a private house, then this parameter is not the most important when buying.
  2. Wheels... The wider they are, the better the cross-country ability will be, but then the maneuverability decreases. Models with 360 ° rotating front wheels and locking them in any convenient position are considered an improved option. The most common wheel material is rubber. They are inflatable with the ability to swap or cast. Many manufacturers offer strollers with an innovative material similar to rubber, but which is resistant to punctures, cuts and is highly durable.
  3. Amortization system... For a newborn baby, the silent and soft movement of the stroller is very important. For this, the design provides shock absorbers, which are produced in the form of springs or belts. The former are more wear-resistant and durable, but over time they can begin to creak. The harness system rocks the baby in different directions and helps to fall asleep faster. This type of depreciation is considered the softest. But belts fail faster, wear out and require replacement.
  4. Materials. The interior upholstery of the cradles must be made of natural fabrics. Most often, it is 100% cotton. It is safe, does not cause allergic manifestations, allows air to pass freely, and can be washed well. The outer fabric must repel dirt and moisture, protect against gusts of wind and at the same time have good ventilation.
  5. Cradle size. Small soft carrycots-liners can be found in transforming strollers. They are easy to carry, but not always comfortable for a newborn baby due to the small space. Traditional strollers for newborns have a shockproof case, so that the baby in the cradle can be transported in the car, and a large berth, which is why it can also be used as a crib in the first months of life.
  6. Bottom of the cradle... The base is rigid and semi-rigid. The first option is preferable, since it supports the child's spine well, contributes to its correct formation. The bottom is made of cardboard, plastic or cork. Wood and cork are environmentally friendly raw materials. Plastic is a more durable material.
  7. Parent Handle... This parameter must be taken into account for the convenience of moms and dads. Telescopic handles can be adjusted to suit the height of each parent. Many of them are covered with anti-slip material. Undoubted convenience is the ability to throw the handle and change the position of the newborn child in the direction of movement and against it.
  8. Mattress... Standard liners are made of cotton with padding polyester inside. In the more expensive models that we included in our rating, there are orthopedic foam mattresses. They follow the contours of the baby's body, create a cozy place for him to sleep. They are wear-resistant, breathable well.
  9. Hood... The voluminous hood will protect you from bad weather. The built-in sun shade protects your baby's delicate skin from UV damage. An additional sector of the hood, which is hidden under the zipper, can be expanded in case of strong gusts of wind. Many models have windows for ventilation, as well as small pockets for useful things.
  10. The weight. Too heavy a stroller is not very maneuverable, and not always a fragile mother will be able to lift it in order to avoid bumps or drive onto a curb. Lightweight models fold faster, are more compact and easier to transport.
  11. Optional accessories... Walking with a newborn baby will not always be comfortable without a raincoat or mosquito net. The complete set of many models also includes bags for parents, shopping baskets.
  12. Design... Modern manufacturers can satisfy any parental fantasy. On sale are classic models with the same wheel size. Many people will love the retro style strollers. Some parents follow the latest fashion trends in everything, and strollers are no exception. Therefore, models of unusual designs from luxury materials are produced for them.

Experts, together with pediatricians and orthopedists, have compiled a rating of the best strollers, the functionality, reliability and safety of which were also confirmed by the parents of the kids.

Rating of the best strollers for newborns

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best carrycot strollers for toddlers 1 70 780 ₽
2 28 600 ₽
3 26 440 ₽
4 23 455 ₽
The best strollers for newborns 2 in 1 1 73 520 ₽
2 78 990 ₽
3 72 750 ₽
4 38 800 ₽
5 19 000 ₽
The best strollers for newborns 3 in 1 1 63 999 ₽
2 45 999 ₽
3 45 400 ₽
4 50 600 ₽
5 27 950 ₽
The best strollers - transformers for newborns 1 55 000 ₽
2 32 950 ₽
3 20 700 ₽
4 19 600 ₽
The best strollers for winter 1 88 700 ₽
2 80,000 ₽
3 35 996 ₽
4 27 180 ₽

The best carrycot strollers for toddlers

The first transport for the little ones should be quiet and made of high quality materials, have a smooth ride and a spacious berth, be easy to operate. The bassinets differ from other strollers with high sides, a hard surface and a voluminous deep hood for maximum protection of a newborn child from bad weather and sunlight. This type is used until the baby begins to sit, that is, up to 7-8 months. This category presents the best models of cradles according to the opinion of pediatricians and mothers' reviews.

The stroller is distinguished not only by its high performance characteristics, but also by its modern design, which many parents like. There are 7 colors to choose from, from neutral beige and austere black to bright red and deep blue. The main feature of the model is the choice of chassis for different surfaces.

Wheels with high maneuverability are presented for smooth roads, for mixed - medium cross-country ability, for uneven - all-terrain vehicles. The handle is height adjustable, non-slip. There is a viewing window in the hood. The luggage basket is conveniently located and spacious enough.

The package includes a rain cover and adapters for the car seat. The cradle quickly folds and unfolds, the mechanism is a "book". Parents have the opportunity to equip the stroller with a stroller and a car seat for the baby (sold separately).


  • 3 wheel options;
  • durable frame;
  • washing of covers in a typewriter;
  • good shock absorption system;
  • the possibility of changing the cradle to a block seat.


  • the price is within 65,000 rubles.

The second place in the ranking is taken by a quiet, roomy and comfortable stroller, which combines innovative technologies and stylish design. It is suitable for all seasons. A newborn baby will not be hot in it in summer and warm in winter. The cradle is lined with cotton on the inside.

The chassis is made of chrome-plated steel, the wheels are large inflatable with pumping. The rear has a parking brake. The metal basket can hold a large amount of food or other items. The carrycot is removable with the ability to rearrange it facing mom or away from her. The backrest can be tilted up to 180 °.

Many buyers have highlighted the calm classic design of the stroller, a comfortable handle and a spacious bag. The fabric does not get dirty, if necessary, dirt can be easily washed off with a sponge dipped in soapy water.


  • softness of the course;
  • rearrangement of the cradle by the face / back;
  • large basket;
  • high cross-country ability;
  • stylish laconic design.


  • not detected.

The Navington Caravel 14 "is a stroller of choice. A classic frame with 4 inflatable wheels with a diameter of 35 mm. The chassis width (58.5 cm) allows the stroller to be transported in the narrowest lifts. Spring cushioning makes the ride smooth even off-road. The front wheels are swiveling and can be locked in one position if necessary.The handle is covered with leather and is adjustable in height.

The carrycot insert is made of natural hypoallergenic cotton. Outer material - high quality fabric with a water-repellent coating. A mosquito net is sewn into the hood. The cradle has built-in special runners that allow a newborn baby to rock, regardless of the movement of the stroller.

The model meets all the requirements necessary for a comfortable and safe transportation of an infant. The retro design was liked by mothers who prefer the classic style. The assessment from the parents is unambiguously “excellent”.


  • swivel front wheels with blocking;
  • silent running;
  • motion sickness effect;
  • elegant chrome frame;
  • large metal basket.


  • not detected.

The rating of the cradles is completed by a model from Italy, designed for babies from birth to six months. The wide inflatable wheels keep the ride smooth and quiet, even when driving on uneven roads. The carrycot frame is made of hard shock-resistant material, so it can also be used for transportation in a car.

The headrest is adjustable from the outside. The cradle can be moved forward or backward. The sun visor is removable. For further use, the manufacturer has adapted the chassis for a walking block and a car seat. The upholstery can be easily removed, it can be easily washed from any dirt.

Mothers emphasized the presence of a ventilation window in the hood, a good shock-absorbing system, a spacious basket and a bag.


  • good cross-country ability;
  • adaptation of the chassis to other blocks;
  • ventilation system;
  • adjustment of the head restraint from the outside;
  • shockproof cradle.


  • not detected.

The best strollers for newborns 2 in 1

These types of strollers are designed to last longer than carrycots. They are designed for babies from birth to three years old. Strollers are quickly converted from a bassinet to a walking model, and parents do not have to spend money on a second vehicle. It is because of its versatility that many buyers choose 2 in 1 strollers. We propose to get acquainted with their best representatives, who, in the opinion of their parents, have shown themselves perfectly both as cradles and as walking blocks.

The first place in the rating is taken by a universal stroller from the UK, which is designed for children weighing up to 25 kg. The comfortable carrycot has a bamboo fiber insert. The faux fur mattress will keep you warm during long walks. Front wheels with a diameter of 17 cm swivel with blocking, rear wheels - 30 cm. The chassis is made of high-strength magnesium alloy.

Blocks are easy to change. The stroller can be rearranged to face mom or back. The footrest is adjustable for the height of the child. For safety, a five-point belt is provided. There is a viewing window in the hood. The seat is wide enough, so the child will be comfortable in bulky winter clothes.

The covers are removable and easy to clean when washing. Mothers noted a very attractive modern design, as well as a huge variety of colors from muted to very bright and saturated.


  • maneuverable wheels;
  • lightweight frame;
  • the cradle can be used as a cot;
  • compact when folded;
  • high degree of amortization.


  • the cost is about 80,000 rubles.

The model is quite expensive and represents a premium brand from Germany, but despite this, many parents choose it for its well-thought-out safety system, reliable design, quietness, good cross-country ability on all types of roads and modern design. The width of the chassis is 58 cm, which allows the stroller to fit in the narrowest lifts.

Inflatable rubber wheels, front swivel with a locking system. The design looks unusual due to the higher arrangement of blocks compared to standard strollers.

The model is distinguished by a spacious shopping basket, the package includes a raincoat, mosquito net, foot cover. Buyers noted the compact size of the stroller when folded, as well as a convenient brake that does not stain shoes.


  • heavy-duty wheels with bearings;
  • narrow frame;
  • folds flat;
  • orthopedic mattress;
  • easy control.


  • not detected.

We have included a stroller for twins in the rating, which will allow you to carry babies from the first day of life to 4 years. It is compact in size and light in weight, good maneuverability and smooth ride, so even one parent will be comfortable while walking.

Wide inflatable wheels with ball bearings. The front ones rotate 360 ​​° with interlocking for improved flotation on sand or gravel. The cradles are equipped with orthopedic mattresses. In the seat unit, the seats are adjustable in 3 positions. The handles are adjustable depending on the height of mom or dad.

According to reviews, this model is the most successful for two kids. It is not bulky, has excellent cross-country ability on any type of road. Due to their light weight, the carrycots can be used as carriers or as sleeping places.


  • oversized tires;
  • wide wheels for a smooth ride;
  • high-strength, water-repellent polyester;
  • lightweight frame;
  • voluminous shopping basket - up to 5 kg.


  • not detected.

A versatile stroller with improved options for children from 0 to 3 years old. The package includes a cradle and a walking block, if necessary, you can purchase a car seat that is adapted to this model. The large carrycot has a comfortable anti-slip handle.

The inner liners are made of natural cotton. The outer side is made of polyester, which is resistant to moisture and is not blown by the wind. The hood and case have zippered pockets. In the walking block, the legs are adjustable according to the child's height, it can be installed facing the mother or with the back.

The frame has built-in LED lamps that will protect you from walking in the dark. Mothers were especially pleased with the variety of colors and their combinations, as well as a large number of additional accessories.


  • mosquito net and raincoat included;
  • durable water-repellent fabric;
  • luminous elements;
  • ventilation window in the cradle;
  • fixation against accidental unfolding.


  • not detected.

In our rating, we have included a stroller with original colors and modern design. She will appeal to moms who adhere to fashion trends in everything. The frame is lightweight, made of aluminum. The chassis width is 60 cm. Wide inflatable wheels provide maneuverability and a smooth ride. The stroller folds according to the "book" principle, is compact and does not take up much space.

Front wheels rotate 360 ​​° and can be locked. The parking brake locks the two rear wheels. The cradle is not blown out, retains heat well, so the newborn baby will be comfortable even at low temperatures. In the summer, you can ventilate it with a special window.

The sitting position in the carrycot is not adjusted internally, but externally using a rotating lever. The package includes a mosquito net, a raincoat, a bag for parents.


  • reinforced depreciation system;
  • spacious shopping basket;
  • durable upper material;
  • adjustable footrest;
  • good maneuverability.


  • not detected.

The best strollers for newborns 3 in 1

In this category, we present a multifunctional vehicle that will help you save money and avoid the purchase of a bassinet, stroller and car seat. Such models are easily transformed and do not require special devices and skills for this, you just need to fix the desired block on the chassis. We have selected strollers of different price categories, but all of them are distinguished by increased safety, good performance properties, they were appreciated by many parents.

Feature of the model: the walking block rotates 360 °, so you can safely turn the child to face you or in the direction of travel, without disturbing his sleep. The backrest in the carrycot is adjustable. The seat in the walking version is wide, thanks to which the child feels comfortable even in winter clothes. The five-point belts with soft pads fit securely.

The transparent window allows you to control the child while driving. The handle is adjustable for the height of the person carrying the stroller. The front and rear axles differ in width. The opinion of the experts and the parents is the same, the assessment of the model is “excellent”.


  • rotation of the block by 360 °;
  • anatomical pillow included;
  • comfortable carry handle in the carrycot;
  • crossover handle;
  • front rotating wheels.


  • the price is within 63,000 rubles.

The classic style stroller is distinguished by its high quality workmanship, reliable construction, comfort and maximum safety for the baby. The frame width is 60 cm, the wheels are inflatable, they stand out for their maneuverability and good maneuverability.

The options of the stroller unit allow you to comfortably accommodate the baby according to his age and height. The tilt of the back can be changed and made either a sitting, reclining, or recumbent position. The footrest is adjustable. The belts will keep the child safe while walking.

The cradle is upholstered with natural breathable material. The case is shock-resistant, allowing it to be used when transporting in a car. The metal basket is spacious. The package includes a raincoat, mesh, bag, foot cover, sun visor. The parents highlighted the damping system: over time, the springs do not creak, retaining their original properties.


  • ecological materials;
  • swivel front wheels;
  • fast block replacement;
  • good equipment;
  • hood material - eco leather.


  • not detected.

The next in the rating we included the stroller of the CAM brand, beloved by many Russian mothers. This is a great versatile model that is suitable for any season and in which the baby will always be comfortable and safe. Chassis width 62 cm, wheels - 3 (diameter of each 30 cm). The front rotates 360 ° and locks as needed.

The model stands out for its improved patented system of quick block change and throw-over of the handle. The base of the cradle is equipped with a swing mechanism. The upholstery is made of natural fabric, the set includes a soft mattress. The backrest has 4 different positions. Wheels with bearings are smooth running. The center shock can be adjusted from 0 to 3 cm.

The walking block is folded both in the driving position and against it. Anti-slip seat belts are padded.


  • fast position adjustment;
  • large removable visor;
  • the car seat complies with the European security system;
  • compact after folding;
  • height-adjustable shock absorber.


  • will not go into a narrow elevator.

The multifunctional model of Polish production has undoubted advantages and stands out among the many analogs presented. 6 shock absorbers help you move smoothly on any terrain. The Anti-Shok system will soften the impact when hitting a bump or hitting a wheel in a hole. All blocks are installed both in the direction of travel and against it.

The floating wheels can be locked in any position. The stroller is equipped with an anti-folding function. The eco-leather handle is adjustable according to the height of dad or mom. A retractable canopy protects from the sun and wind.

The bag is very spacious, has an elegant look and can be worn separately. The luggage basket is closed with a zipper. Users noted the high-quality upholstery, which repels water and dirt well.


  • combination of textiles and leather in design;
  • impact mitigation system;
  • high cross-country ability;
  • hidden depreciation systems;
  • large maneuverable wheels.


  • not detected.

The third in 1 stroller rating closes with a model with good maneuverability and maneuverability, convenient adjustments and modern design. The carrycot can be folded up for transport. Its bottom is made of wood, which gives additional comfort to the baby. The hood has a window for ventilation and a sun shade.

The cover has a built-in windscreen for additional protection from the elements. The headrest is adjustable in 3 positions. The material of the inner liners and the mattress topper is natural cotton. The walking block is reversible, a horizontal position of the back is provided. The protective bumper is removable, made of artificial leather.

The width of the chassis is 59 cm. The front wheels rotate and are blocked if necessary. The package includes everything you need for the comfort of a newborn baby and the convenience of parents: raincoat, foot cover, mosquito net, bag.


  • fits into a narrow elevator;
  • compact after folding;
  • good maneuverability;
  • the ability to install other car seats with an adapter;
  • wooden bottom of the cradle.


  • not detected.

The best strollers - transformers for newborns

Strollers of this type have long found their admirers. Many parents consider it more convenient not to change blocks, but to transform one vehicle from a cradle to a stroller and vice versa. Such models are distinguished by an extended chassis and large wheels, as a result of which maneuverability is reduced, but damping properties and passability are improved. The cradles in transformers are soft and light. They are ideal for hot periods. The best strollers with the transformation function are presented to your attention.

The honorable first place in the rating goes to the wheelchair, which was unconditionally voted by both experts and parents. The frame is made of anodized aluminum. Large inflatable wheels with a diameter of 30 cm. The front wheels rotate around the axis with fixation in the desired position. The wheels have a special scratch-resistant coating.

The chassis folds easily by pressing the button with your foot (it is located on its base). The rear axle is equipped with a suspension stiffness regulator. The wheel lock does not stain your shoes. The hood is made of three layers of fabric to keep out wind and rain. It has small pockets for useful little things.

The textile is distinguished by high dirt and water repellency, does not fade in the sun, meets safety standards, and is a hypoallergenic material. The chassis can be used for Maxi Cosi and Romer car seats.


  • lack of backlash in chassis details;
  • increased frame strength;
  • reflective elements;
  • adaptation of the chassis to car seats;
  • luggage compartment with a capacity of up to 4 kg.


  • not detected.

Creative designs of the stroller will not leave anyone indifferent. The model is easy to operate, quickly folds and unfolds, suitable for children from 0 to 5 years old with a maximum weight of 20 kg. The wheels are made of EVA alloy, which is abrasion and puncture resistant and at the same time creates a soft and smooth wheelchair ride. All of them are easily removable.

The front wheels are swivel. The stroller slides into curbs without any problems. The width of the chassis allows it to be transported in the narrowest lifts. The cradle is spacious, has a hard bottom and high sides. The walking block can be installed facing mom or back. The hood is increased in size due to an additional section under the zipper.

The parents especially noted the large luggage basket, which can easily accommodate up to 10 kg of food, as well as the ability to install a car seat on the chassis (adapters are not included in the kit).


  • wear-resistant wheels;
  • interesting colors;
  • large comfortable carrycot;
  • voluminous hood;
  • hand brake;
  • narrow chassis - 57 cm.


  • not detected.

The stroller included in the rating is distinguished by unsurpassed German quality, and its entire design is thought out to the smallest detail. Although this model only appeared in 2018, many parents have already been able to appreciate it. Polyurethane wheels are highly wear resistant and can be easily removed. The front and rear are different in diameter, which makes the stroller especially maneuverable.

The handle is adjustable for the height of the parent. The stroller has a good shock absorption system, a foot brake, and a front wheel blocker. The rear suspension cushions shock when riding on uneven surfaces. The block can be placed in the direction of movement or against it.

A large hood that increases in size due to an additional section will reliably protect from bad weather. The model has a leg cover, bumper and five-point seat belts. Upper upholstery and covers can be washed on the delicate cycle at 30 °.

The best strollers for winter

Although parents purchase strollers for all seasons of the year, it is just before the beginning of winter that the question arises: "Will the baby feel comfortable and warm, will the vehicle pass on snowy roads, and how will it show itself during icy conditions?" In models for the cold season, a denser, windproof material is used. Inside the cradle is trimmed with natural wool and the mattress is insulated. A special visor protects against strong gusts of wind. The hood is made more voluminous. Wheels with protectors will be able to drive on any snowy roads.

The first place in the rating is awarded to a model that is adapted for all seasons thanks to the 3 wheel options included in the kit. Light are suitable for the summer period, they are light and maneuverable. The trekking wheels are ideal for the off-season and will be indispensable on mixed road types. Wide all-terrain vehicles are not afraid of pits and bumps. The wheels also proved to be good when driving on crust, ice and snow.

The cradle is wide, so it will be comfortable for your baby even in a large winter envelope. The mattress is orthopedic, has a "memory effect". The seat for walking is made according to the anatomical shapes of the baby. The insert is very soft and creates a special comfort for a newborn baby.

The textile upholstery of the stroller is made of luxury fabric with a twill effect. This expensive material is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for the baby.


  • 3 sets of wheels for different surfaces;
  • the unit can be used as a highchair.
  • the ability to make a 2-wheel stroller to overcome irregularities;
  • exclusive design;


  • cost in the range of 90,000-140,000 rubles. (depending on design).

The stroller of the German manufacturer of luxury goods Gesslein will help you to look stylish in any weather and create maximum comfort for your baby. The design works on the principle of a hammock: it makes the motion sick and softens. The cradle has legs for installation on any surface. The orthopedic mattress made of innovative cellpur foam memorizes the position of the newborn baby. The hood is removable for additional ventilation during hot periods.

The seat height in the walking block is 80 cm. This allows the model to be used as a highchair. The bumper protects against dirt, can be folded back if necessary. A window in the hood will allow you to control the child while driving. The stroller can be folded together with the frame, it fits without any problems even in a small trunk.

Particular attention should be paid to design. The collection includes models with a classic combination of black with white, gray or red colors. There are strollers with a special treated fabric that resembles textured leather.


  • the mattress is suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • genuine leather handles;
  • wheels with wear-resistant coating;
  • luxury materials and components;


  • there are no obvious ones.

Further, the rating includes a maneuverable stroller with good maneuverability, which in snowy roads and icy conditions will not cause difficulties when driving, and even in the most severe frost, a newborn baby will be comfortable and warm. Base width 59 cm, spring-loaded shock absorbers to cushion shock when driving on uneven roads. The stroller is lightweight, it fits onto curbs without any problems and fits into a narrow elevator.

The inner upholstery of the carrycot is made of natural cotton. The deep hood protects against gusts of wind, snow and rain. It has a window for ventilation. The sleeping block leans back into several positions, including the horizontal one. The footrests are adjustable for the height of the child.

The car seat is intended for children under 1 year old. It has a convenient carrying handle. Parents noted the ease of folding and unfolding, convenient block change.


  • excellent maneuverability and maneuverability;
  • closable shopping basket;
  • raincoat, mesh, bag, sun visor included;
  • windproof cradle;


  • not detected.

The universal stroller includes a carrycot and a stroller. Large inflatable wheels with a diameter of 35 cm are characterized by good cross-country ability on any type of road, including gravel, sand, snow, crust. The treads provide good traction. The large carrycot will be comfortable for your baby even in winter clothes. The deep hood protects against gusts of wind and rain.

The walking block provides any position for the child, including horizontal. It can be rearranged with your face or back to your mom. Height adjustable footrests and handle. There is a viewing window in the hood.

Two types of cradles can be installed on the chassis: either only with a window with a mosquito net, or with a net and a viewing opening. Parents appreciated the functionality of this model. The protection of a newborn baby from strong winds in winter was especially highlighted.


  • soft belt cushioning;
  • fast block change;
  • large visor;
  • removable wheels;
  • good cross-country ability;


  • not detected.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The question of choosing a stroller for a newborn child before parents-to-be arises long before the baby is born. And it is right. After all, upon arrival from the hospital, the parents will not have time for this. It is possible to make a quick decision in such a difficult issue only by having decided in advance on the desired functions of the future stroller. Below we will tell you about the main types of baby strollers, list the pros and cons of each type and give general recommendations on what to look for before buying.

The main criteria for choosing a stroller

Before moving on to choosing a baby stroller, you should answer a number of questions for yourself:

Differences between a quality stroller

  • The presence of a hard bottom. This will allow the child's spine to be in the correct position;
  • Belts to prevent the child from falling;
  • Protection from bad weather (wind, snowfall and rain), bright sun, insects;
  • Compactness in the assembled position and easy folding mechanism. This is very important when storing a stroller in a small apartment and when transporting it in a car;
  • Large basket at the bottom for storing things. It is indispensable when walking with a baby to the store and for transporting children's toys for a walk.
  • Brakes;
  • Shock absorbers;
  • Wheels must be stable, inflatable, with high traffic;
  • Adjustment of the height and angle of the handle, position of the wheels, seat and canopy. The presence of a cross-over handle that allows the child to go both forward facing, looking at the sidewalk, and looking at the parent;
  • Removable carrycot. It is easy and convenient to move the baby in it during sleep;
  • Easy to remove mattress and removable cloth (for dry cleaning and washing);
  • The appearance of the stroller. She must be liked by the mother of the child.

The main types of strollers

Classic strollers - carrycots

Convenient volumetric cradle mounted on a cross-shaped chassis. These strollers are equipped with a bag (on the handle) and a basket (below). The bed has a solid horizontal bottom. The baby will feel comfortable and comfortable in a sleeping stroller from the moment of discharge from the hospital and up to 5-7 months. After that, you can use either a model with a removable cradle, in place of which a sitting seat is installed, or purchase a stroller.


  • hard bottom;
  • height (it is convenient for mom to bend over to the baby);
  • excellent weather protection;
  • soft suspension that makes it easy to rock the baby;
  • for transport, the lower basket is retracted and the chassis is folded down.


  • weight 15 - 20 kg;
  • large dimensions;
  • in the stroller version, the stroller is quite high, and many children like to climb onto the seat on their own.


Designed for older children who begin to sit on their own. When choosing such a model, you should pay attention to the weight and dimensions. Although it is desirable that they be minimal, they must correspond to the age of the baby.

For rough roads, opt for a soft suspension model with a smooth ride. The front wheels must be steerable (vertically), and the stroller must have brakes.


  • compactness;
  • ease of folding;
  • the presence of a descending back;
  • a cross-over handle is welcomed and for the cold season a cover for legs (included).


  • low level of comfort on a bad road;
  • small diameter of wheels, as a result, poor cross-country ability;
  • they are very "cold";
  • three-wheeled models, although maneuverable, are unstable when hitting potholes;
  • tricycles will not pass along the ramp at the entrance and in the store.

Photos of strollers (clickable)

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Strollers - walking sticks

One of the varieties of strollers are strollers - walking sticks. Although when assembled, their width reaches only 20-30 cm, the length may not allow it to fit into the trunk of your car (especially if it is small), therefore, pay attention to this parameter when buying.

In addition to the pros and cons of most walking models, the cane has its own characteristics.


  • easy transportation (ideal for public transport);
  • light weight.


  • unacceptable for use in cold weather (autumn-winter time).

Strollers - transformers

This is the most popular stroller option. The carrycot can be easily transformed into a sitting seat and vice versa. Suitable for babies from birth to 24 - 36 months. The set of these models usually includes: large wheels, shock absorbers, a bag, a raincoat, a carrying envelope, a crossover handle, a canopy for legs and sides that simulate a cradle.


  • profitability (the issue with a stroller for a child disappears);
  • size and weight are significantly less than that of classic models;
  • compactness when folded;
  • maneuverability;
  • models with large pneumatic wheels can be safely called "off-road vehicles";
  • rocker handle and seat belts.


  • lack of a rigid base;
  • in winter, the cradle may be cramped;
  • the center of gravity shifts when the handle is thrown, which complicates control;
  • much more cumbersome than walking options.