Types of wrappers on the dress. And once again about the pattern. How to make an accurate pattern. Waistline on the front half

Only a lazy science writer, a futurist or an engineer did not dream in his life about such a thing as a flying car. After all, the fact that such transport is practical and convenient to use is obvious. A flying car would help solve a lot of problems, including with traffic on the roads. In this review of the most convincing already actually existing flying cars.

1. TF-X

- This is a conceptual car helicopter. It is assumed that it will work on two electric motors with a capacity of 670 hp, which should provide him with vertical traction. To accommodate the car can up to three people.

The maximum speed in flight will be 322 km / h, and the stroke reserve (flight) is 800 kilometers. See this miracle in the air, unfortunately, it will be possible only after 6-12 years. But at the same time, the developers threaten to show a fully functioning prototype in the next 2 years.

2. Aeromobil.

Designed by the Slovak Company of the same name. He was invented by a group of enthusiasts from Bratislava. Miracle technology should be released very soon - in 2018. The development of this vehicle goes rapidly.

In 2013, engineers have already demonstrated several fully functioning Aeromobil prototype models at once. The latest models are qualitatively distinguished by the fact that their wings can be folded along the sides. Now it is working on improving the security system.

3. Moller Skycar.

Amazing Moller Skycar is a hybrid of an aircraft and a spacecraft. It can vertically take off and soar in the air. The speed of movement of existing prototypes already reaches 600 km / h. It will work on alcohol or kerosene.

Among the flaws of the aircraft, it is worth mentioning too complicated management, as well as bulky. At 100 km of the path, the device "bobbs" 10 liters of the fuel mentioned. The distance at the same time will be 1200 km.


The TRANSITION car from the already mentioned American company Terrafugia is notable primarily to the fact that today is one of the few fully functioning aircraft vehicles. Created was still in 2009 a group of students from the Massachusetts Technological University.

It is worth the apparatus of the truth very and very much. In the sky "car" accelerates to 185 km / h, and on the highway up to 105 km / h. Transformation from the aircraft to the machine for approximately 60 seconds.

5. MOLLER 200 X

Real antiques! This aircraft successfully passed its tests back in 1989, bringing the company to the same name. Looks like a device like a flying plate. Able to fit two people, driver and passenger. It accelerates to 160 km / h, and the fuel is enough for only 1 hour.

The device unfortunately turned out to be too flawed and unreliable, and he takes off only 3 meters.

6. Parajet Skycar

Another curious hybrid of air and terrestrial modes of transport. This time the engineers crossed the parantly and buggy, two very exotic types of transport. Rises into the sky thanks to a parachute and a powerful engine with a capacity of 150 hp Works on biofuel and accelerates to 90 km / h. Rises high to 600-900 meters. For the city, the car is not suitable, as it is very arrogant to take off and landing. Nevertheless, the device flies.


Another flying buggy, however, in contrast to the previous applicant, much more secure and convenient. Accepted up to 64 km / h in the air. Created with a calculation on a wide user. Gorgeous work was done by the designers of the aircraft, striving to bring its appearance as much as possible to the old car.

8. Pal-V

Mix not only cars and aircraft, but also motorcycles and helicopters. A visual example of such engineering creativity is Pal-V. Created a vehicle was in Holland. The concept is based on the desire to create individual transport to move on earth and air. It accelerates to 180 km / h and is able to fly to a height of up to 1.2 thousand meters.

On the track, the motorcycle "Eats" 8 liters of fuel per 100 km, which will drive up to 1,200 km or fly 350 km. The first customers will receive their motorcycle helicopter in the future 2017.

9. Audi Shark.

This flying shark was created by the Turkish Designer Kazima Dock and is a hybrid of an airplane and a motorcycle. From the side of the car much more like a submarine than on an aircraft, thanks to its streamlined design. Designed an unusual vehicle for two people. To move the vehicle should use the principle of the airbag.

10. Honda FUZ-O

Another curious concept from John Meheadin designer. Take off and sit this unit will be vertically. Accelerate, it is according to expectations, will be able to up to 350 km / h, and this miracle should go to innovative turbine wheels. The concept of one of the most thoughtative in today's Pilot security systems is different. In cars, the driver and two passengers can fit.

11. SkyCruiser.

KROSSBLADE AEROSPACE SYSTEMS is developing its own flying car - a 5-seater hybrid SkyCruiser, which will work on the principle of a multi-power plant. The car will have two folding wings and four folding rotor with electric drives and rotary engines. To take off and sit the car will be vertically, only unlike all the samples already above, the prototype does not boast even relative compactness.

Sci-fi works and films often tell us that in the future, humanity will abandon wheeled vehicles and will switch to flying cars. But time is going, and the airspace dissect only aircraft da helicopters. So when will the flying machines appear?

Features of this type of transport

Ideally, the flying car compact and does not need special conditions for the takeoff. That is, it can simply be stored in the garage and take off directly from there. But the most important thing is that such a type of transport must be an accessible middle population..

As a rule, most concepts of automobiles of the future imply the possibility of movement in both air and ground. The control of the flying machine must be extremely simple and intuitive.

Do not forget that we are talking about future technologies when they should appear new types of fuel and energy. Therefore, refueling or recharging a flying machine should not do a penny. Yes, and the level of environmental pollution in such a car should be minimized.

Modern developments in the direction of the "road-air" transport are underway taking into account the listed data, but the rate is made mainly that the car can at least go to the air ...

Existing models

Formally flying machines already exist in the form of experimental models. Of the few tens of prototypes, we chose the top three most promising.


Manufacturers are positioning their creation as the first in the world. semi-autonomous hybrid flying car, and it largely corresponds to this wording.

TF-X has compact sizes and fit in any garage

The advantage of this car is its possibility of vertical takeoff. Movement is possible both by air and on the ground. By the way, he cares for four passengers.

The semi-automatic system responds to obstacles and bad weather, independently assumes landing in emergency situations, notifying their actions of air traffic controllers. In addition, TF-X is equipped with a parachute system.

Takeoff and landing will not require special skills from the driver (pilot?) - for this will be answered autopilot. Yes, and the whole flight is mainly carried out under the control of the computer, and only the user needs to specify the destination. The system calculates whether fuel and charge is enough for flight, analyze the features of the relief and weather conditions.

Interestingly, propellers that raise the car in the air operate on electric motors, and the pushing screw, which ensures the movement forward, is driven by a gas turbine. Thus, without recharging and refueling TF-X will be able to overcome more than 800 km.

Now the developers are working to solve such issues as an increase in car safety and simplifying manageability.

So far, the approximate value of Terrafugia TF-X is close to the amount of 300 thousand dollars, but manufacturers promise that after a while it will be possible to purchase the price of the premium car.

Already in 2017, the Slovak company Aeromobil is preparing for sales of flying cars of its own production.

This vehicle is adapted for comfortable ride and flights. Immediately before takeoff at the aerobial on the sides "straighten" wings. Speeches about takeoff directly from the freeway so far and can not be - for this will have to use the takeoff strip of the nearest airfield. Accordingly, and without a license of the pilot until you do.

The cabin is designed for 2 people. Orange gasoline is used as fuel.

To improve the rear qualities, the case of this car is made of specially selected composite materials. In the air Aeromobil can accelerate to 200 km / h and overcome about 700 km. In the future, it will be equipped with autopilot.

Manufacturers say that the cost of the car-aircraft will be at the level of sports car and light-engine aircraft.

But this flying car can be purchased today. Double transition in less than a minute can transform from ground vehicle in air.

The speed of which reaches the car in flight can be 185 km / h, while the flight range is 790 km. Gasoline is used as fuel.

Nevertheless, a smooth runway with a length of 500 meters is needed for a safe takeoff.

Terrafugia Transition is certified and as a means of movement on public roads, and as a "light sports aircraft."

The cost of this flying car is 280 thousand dollars.

Flying car in 1946

The idea of \u200b\u200bflying cars is not Nova. Already in the mid-20th century, engineers seriously thought about the development of such a means of movement. And moreover, a model corresponding to ideas about a flying car was created. Although it was rather the plane, which was transformed into the ground vehicle.

We are talking about, and he really deserves attention. The development of amphibian was engaged in Robert Fulton in 1946. And in general, he managed to adapt the aircraft to the road.

This flying car has become the first to receive a certificate of civil aviation management of the United States.
To transform the car to the plane, it was necessary to secure the wings and tail, the propeller was attached to the fuselage.

Amphibian flight speed could reach 200 km, speed ride - 80 km.

Unfortunately, despite the success of the implementation of his idea, Fulton was never able to let Airphibian in mass production.

the main problem

Accounting at the same time automotive and aviation norms is practically impossible. The car must be safe for passengers and pedestrians, do not create interference on the roads, as well as comply with environmental standards. In the aircraft must be taken into account the weight categories, light qualities, and everything else that is needed to obtain a license.

Manufacturers see the need to recognize flying auto by a special class of transport, which is quite reasonable. Oddly enough, officials in Europe and the United States go towards manufacturers, providing them with the necessary permissions.

Nevertheless, if everything goes to your woman, it will be necessary to make significant changes to the transport infrastructure, the creation of "air-road rules", it will be necessary to control the compliance with these rules ... In general, we buy flying cars, put them in the garage and wait until We will be allowed to use them.

Folk craftsmen do not lag behind progress

The trouble is that the cost of the first flying machines is calculated by tens of thousands of dollars, which is clearly not affordable to the average consumer. In this regard, no one will take to anyone ...

Flying machines are a real fetish of many futurists and motorists: what can be more beautiful than to melt into the sky on the winning horse? Inventors constantly create and improve all new and new patterns of volatile cars, but only a few of them are really worthy of flight. In this review - the best models and concepts of flying cars of modernity.

1. Moller Skycar M400.
This "car" resembling a crossfield of a racing car with a spacecraft, it seems to really be in place. Its flying abilities are based on the rolls, and the "feed" of the winged horse is needed by alcohol or kerosene. 1200 kilometers at a speed of more than 550 kilometers per hour at a fuel consumption of 10 liters per 100 km - this is what the creators promise. The minus of this project is one: it seems that this is a grand delight, designed to deceive investors, and the last tests of flying Kara took place in 2003.

Concept-Car Yee., Golden medalist of the Beijing International Competition of Automotive Concepts, is interesting not only for its design. One of the main criteria of the contest was the possibility of creating a car in the metal and launch it into production. All technical solutions used in Yee., Or already exist, or should appear in the next couple of years - so at the end of the decade "May beetles" may be worn between skyscrapers.

3. .
Terrafugia Transition Not too similar to the car - it is very widely and powerfully spread her wings. In the air, the speed of this bird will make more than 185 kilometers per hour, and on the highway - 105 km / h. Go to the aircraft mode and back will take about half a minute. It is especially nice, the launch of the model in production should begin this year, and it will cost such a car about $ 200,000.

4. Flying plate.
This is a wonderful vehicle - almost antiques. His tests passed back in 1989, bringing the first fame of the company Moller. Despite the fact that "UFO" eats an incredible amount of fuel, unreliable, fire hazard and never go into mass production, it flies! And at the same time a truly mystical impression. However, it is almost a hoax. The prototype of this car a couple of years ago could be bought on E-Bay for $ 15,000. On our list, she fell solely because of his unique design.

5. Flying buggy.
Light car design Parajet Skycar.Together with a solid propeller, allows him to climb into the sky. For this you only need to release a parachute. Real extremes can experiment with take-offs directly from the track. However, as urban flying transport, parachute buggy, of course, is not suitable: not only take-off, but also landing.

6. .
MAVERICK SPORT. - Another beautiful pattern of flying car with a parachute. From the previous participant of our review, it is characterized by the design, which will have to taste to lovers of automotive old days. Yes, and the level of comfort and security in it higher than in Parajet Skycar..

7. Transformer helicopter.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba flying car with a propeller received a continuation in the concept from the office Zeep Design.. A machine resembling a futuristic wheelchair, a slight movement of the hand turns into a insect-like helicopter. In urban conditions, the helicopter is also a lot of minuses (even if you forget about the price), but if "dragonfly" will take off, her fancy design will find its admirers.

8. Pal-V: Motorcycle and helicopter.
This concept differs from the previous one less than wheels, but it is very similar to it: lightweight case and mechanisms, and the presence of a helicopter screw. It is assumed that the motorcycle will be able to fly at a speed of 185 km / h, but its fuel consumption is a mystery for seven seals.

9. Flying shark.
Flying concept car Audi Shark. Must disseminate the roads of the future, leaning on an air cushion (apparently, there is an on-screen effect). Designers really tried to convey the "Audi Design Philosophy", but did not think about our poor descendants, who will have to steer with such a vehicle, which promises to be almost uncontrollable. However, it will not take off until artificial gravity is opened.

10. Flying drop Fuzo.
No matter how torn off from reality, it seemed to be a previous concept car, it beats him easily Fuzo., oriented, on the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigners, in the 60s of the XXI century. The wheels in it should somehow turn into a turbine, and then overclock the car to the new horizons. How many Martian cosmode retractors fit into such a car - depends on the model.

It remains to summarize that real flying cars have so far, and they are more like airplanes. But we believe that sooner or later, humanity will still fulfill their eternal automobile-flying dream: too many designers and designers break the head over it.

  • Transfer

Robotization of cars in the literal sense of the word captured the world. Experts predict that somewhere for 2030 cars will ride cars with fully computer control. A person will be able to manage his car if desired, but there will be no such need. Well, what about flying machines? There are also shifts here too. So, the Uber is going to develop its own vehicle by 2020.

Now this is not the only company that is engaged in a similar project. But how real are these plans? Perhaps this is just a marketing HYP? For many of us, a flying car is a synonym for the future, like foods in tablets and silver clothing. So will the dreams of many of the flying machines be implemented?

How can it look like?

The classic idea of \u200b\u200ba flying car is, actually a machine that can somehow be in the air.

Yang Fleming was a famous fan of the idea of \u200b\u200bflying cars, they mentioned them in his novel Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in 1963. He also used the idea of \u200b\u200ba flying car in one of the novels about James Bond in 1964, the same car appeared in the film "Man with a Golden Pistol." The main idea is simple - this is a car with wings that can ride in ordinary roads, but if necessary, rises into the air.

Writers science and director of films of the corresponding genres often exploited the idea of \u200b\u200bflying machines. In some works, this idea was transformed into flying scooters when the roads are not needed at all. In one of these "scooters", Anakin Skywalker flew in the film "Attack Clones".

It is clear, there are other concepts of such devices, including scooters on anti-agevs. Now various companies are implementing the initial idea of \u200b\u200ba flying machine, creating hybrids of auto and aircraft, auto and helicopter, auto and copter.

In general, any small aircraft can be called a flying car. But this is only a kind of aircraft, not a car.

How safe is it?

Any passenger of such a car wants to know everything about his security. The likely answer is "not too safe," because the technology is still being developed. Companies are working to make their devices safe, hoping to get approval from regulators and governments of different countries.

But, of course, security schemes are different here, they differ from what we are accustomed to see in the car. For example, the machine can be stopped in case of a problem. Well, with an aircraft it will not work, it will just fall down. Moreover, the accident threatens life and health not only those who are inside the cabin, but also those who are downstairs.

In order to avoid the problem of falling, the Chinese company Ehang offers to equip his flying taxi in Dubai Parachute. This service, in particular, offers passenger transportation from the roof of one skyscraper to the roof of another.

True, it is unclear how the system with a parachute works. After all, the aircraft has no parachute control system.

In conventional aircraft, most flight tasks are automated. It is said that pilots are responsible mainly for takeoff and landing, and it is not always. But in the security system aircraft repeatedly duplicated. There are many of them there. In a miniature aircraft, there can be no speech about it.

On the other hand, miniature aircraft are less complex than business jetty, so that the uplift, flight and landing is simpler here.

Now some companies began to promote the idea of \u200b\u200belectrical turbines. As an example, an aircraft from Lilium can be given relative to a new startup. The introduction of electric motors and replace them with ordinary DVS leads to a simplification of the scheme of the device itself. Also appears the ability to duplicate each other engines - if some of them fails, another one comes into operation.

In general, it is safe to say that companies that develop such aircraft will achieve their own and make them safe.

How fast and how far is?

The advantages of car aircraft are indisputable. Lack of traffic jams, traffic lights and other things greatly simplifies the driver's life (pilot?).

In addition, to fly in a straight line - not at all the same thing that go on the road with all her bends. Even if the vehicle is not too fast, then the time is reduced by the road several times.

It is likely that the flying cars will become common, the authorities will create something like air corridors for which road transport will be moved. It can be assumed that such corridors will be held on a safe area where there are no or few people. So the accident will not cause significant consequences with human victims.

And even in a big city to overcome several tens of kilometers, it will be possible in a few minutes.

How easy it is?

There are some sufficiently complex problems that you should remember when implementing the idea of \u200b\u200bflying cars, but some seem complex.

For example, in three-dimensional space, when you can move not only to the left and right and back-back, but also up-down facilitates the task of navigation.

Even if there will be many flying cars, a few hundred meters of height as a permitted corridor is quite enough to fly through the neighbors. Plus, the authorities do not need to take care of creating transport infrastructure. No signs, no traffic lights, nothing. We need only the corresponding runway, and some of them will not differ from modern helicopters, which are placed on the roofs of the skyscrapers.

Regulation of the movement of vehicles of this type? There is nothing easier.

And how much does it cost?

So far, it is too early to talk about how the flying transportation economy will work. There are many ambiguities with regulators, with security, infrastructure (any, but it must be), charging or refueling stations. You can only assume.

But I still do not need to forget that the flying car is not cheap. The same company Uber, which promises to release a flying taxi by 2020, works in many cases at a loss. The company tries to attract customer cheap travel. And it works. Profit is very small, but this problem is planning to compensate with robotic taxis, which you do not need to pay, as drivers. If the same experience is transferred to the flying vehicles, then the profit is quite real task.

Will passengers pay for reducing the transition time from point A to point b? Probably yes.

So when will it happen?

Now it remains too much unclear, so it is accurate to say when cars will not be theory and concepts, but in practice, difficult.

Most likely, when aircraft-cars become more or less mass, they will be used in a number of niches, not everywhere. And only over time, their specialization will become more universal.

But it will happen very soon. Probably, many of us go into silvery costumes and get the latest food in the form of tablets even before flying cars will become massive phenomenon.

The idea that you can get rid of road congestion, just soak up, looks tempting. That is why every year more and more concepts of flying cars appear. And today we will look at the most interesting ideas and talk about whether there are chances of their implementation.

Born crawling

The idea to combine the aircraft and the car appeared much earlier than it was possible to think. The first in history attempt to create a "winged" car undertaken an American Glen Curtis In 1916. The designer called his brainchild Curtiss AutoPlane.. The fancy apparatus had three wings at once and remindedly reminded the triplens used in the First World War. "Avtoplan" could ride, but it was not destined to achieve the sky: the maximum that he was capable of - short jumping. The idea of \u200b\u200bflying cars soon took possession of the strengths of this world. So, the American industrialist Henry Ford in the 20s allocated money for the Flying Flivver project, in which they wanted to create a "small cheap flying car". His story, alas, turned out to be sad: the first test ended with a catastrophe. Pilot died.

It did not scare the inventors, and over time, many other models of flying cars appeared. First truly successful became ArrowbileDeveloped by the designer of the Wooldo Waterman. The device made his first flight in 1937. The three-wheeling "shooter" was designed for two people. On Earth, he could accelerate to 110 km / h, and in the air - up to 200 km / h. While driving on the way, huge wings were dismantled: without them arrowbile was recorded as a motorcycle. Despite the advantages of the "fault", five such cars were built in total, after which the project was closed, and the inventor remained not to cases. A similar way was the fate of his followers: their creations could have ride, and fly, but they were not released serially.


In the XXI century, the inventors appeared opportunities that did not dream of the constructors of the past years. In addition, in recent years, there have been very promising models of flying cars. The greatest attention of the public among all of them attracts Aeromobil. - Creation of the Slovak Designer Shtefana Kleina. This is not surprising, because the same name has decided to release a "wield" car to the market already in 2017. The car has a fascinating futuristic appearance, although his main feature lies, of course, not in design, but in the possibilities.

"Aeromobil can accelerate the highway to 160 km / h, and in the sky - up to 200 km / h. As a fuel is used ordinary automotive gasoline: on the Aeromobil 3.0 highway spends 8 l / 100 km, and in the sky - 15 liters. The stock turn on the highway is 875 km, and in the "aircraft" mode, the device can overcome up to 700 km "

In the air, the car moves due to the screw that is installed in the rear. Aeromobil has autopilot, besides this, it was provided with a special parachute system for rescue in an emergency case. To make it convenient to move along the highway, the wings of the car are folded. To take off from the ordinary road, of course, no one will be. To fly, you need to get to the runway and, of course, have a license to fly, speaking easier, you must be a pilot.

Aeromobil is not the only flying car that we can see. The American company Terrafugia in 2009 raised its aircraft Mobile Terrafugia Transition into the sky. The original type of car received folding wings, allowing you to put it in a regular garage. Transition can move freely in the air and on Earth. On the highway, the car is able to develop 105 km / h, in the sky - 185 km / h. For Terrafugia takeoff, you need a strip of more than 500 meters. The developers have constantly finalized their brainchild, and today several versions of Terrafugia Transition have been created. You can buy such a car for 279 thousand dollars.

Concepts of the future

We looked at some models of modern flying cars. As, probably, you have already noticed, they are united by one feature - such cars need a takeoff strip (well, or at least a smooth section of the road). Of course, this sharply limits the spectrum of their application. Therefore, now the already mentioned Terrafugia company is working on its new model. TF-X.. This is something average between the car and the converter. Unlike many other models of flying vehicles, TF-X does not need airfields: take off and sit the car can be vertically on a platform with a diameter of 30 m. Quadruple car received folding wings, on each of which the electric motor is installed, which is installed in the movement of propellers. The machine also has an internal combustion engine with a capacity of 300 liters. from.

For all the futuristic of the project, the TF-X is also impossible to call the TF-X, it is also impossible: its creators of the creators intend to bring started to the end. And recently, the developer and the founder of Google Larry Page has invested 100 million dollars to create this car. So the project has every chance of development.

Another curious concept of a universal flying car presented an American startup KROSSBLADE.. His model SkyCruiser. It is an amazing mix of quadrocopter, aircraft and a car. In addition to folding wings, the car received four retractable supports, where modules with supporting screws are placed (each of them spins an 80-strong electric motor). These screws are responsible for takeoff and landing, but the horizontal flight provides two propeller in the tail of the car.

SkyCruiser has one drawback - its size. The length of the flying car is immodest 8.4 meters, and the width with the flowing wings is 9.5 m. So it will be difficult to park on such a car. But all this with interest overlap the capabilities of SkyCruiser. Developers declare that he can fly with a cruising speed of 500 km / h. This is much higher speeds of modern flying cars.

There are among the concepts of flying cars and completely incredible creations. Here you can remember the concept Honda Fuzo.With high characteristics not only (speed of about 350 miles per hour), but also compactness, as well as a breathtaking design. The car's wheels in the flight are moved to the case and perform the role of turbines. Round steering wheel Designer considered the remnant of the past - the car received a joystick instead. The entire upper part of the car is transparent: apparently, it is necessary in order to enjoy in flight with beautiful views.

Ordinary cars will go into oblivion?

But think if flying cars will be able to replace ordinary cars. Well, or at least make them worthy competition. With all the apparent advantages of flying machines, you can say with confidence - no. Of course, after a hundred or two hundred years, anything can happen. But in the foreseeable future, the widespread spread of the "winged" cars is definitely not foreseen. Why? There are several reasons here.

Price.When buying a car, its cost is often put at the head of the corner. And in terms of prices in a flying car, there will definitely not be competitive advantages: even by the most modest calculations, it will cost no less than 200 thousand dollars. And this means that to buy such a car can units.

Ecology.When takeoff, the "winged" car spends an incredible amount of fuel. So it will definitely not name it for sure. In our time, when motorwooters are trying to create vehicles as environmentally friendly as possible, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "voracious" flying car looks like a complete absurdity. Such cars will be able to get widespread only when aircraft will switch to other fuel that does not harm the environment.

Safety. The car has never been considered a safe view of transport. And if he "make wings", the threat to the driver's life will only increase. To minimize such risks, drivers will need to be learning to manage flying cars during many years. On the other hand, unmanned technologies will soon appear, which will allow flying safely.

Infrastructure. To start everywhere to use flying cars, you will need to completely rebuild the infrastructure of cities. On the roofs of the house, at a minimum, the runway will have to appear on which the "winged" cars will be able to accommodate. And they still need new services and departments responsible for developing routes and compliance with flight rules.

In general, a flying car is not so much a car that can fly, but more plane that can ride on public roads. But is it necessary to someone such a plane?