Vikings that the girl is with a face. Women warriors of Ancient Scandinavia. Wives could also demand a divorce. However, if they left the husband's house without a sufficient reason, they could not demand the dowry and gifts to them. Husbands could force such wives will be returned

Vikings - Scandinavian navigators of the Middle Ages, who committed both large military campaigns and attacks with the aim of robbery. They forced their raids to tremble all of Europe. Military prey was for them the main source of enrichment, in addition, they were famous for both experienced and skillful navigators who subcrew the huge distances in small courts.

Vikings men cared for their appearance, loved to wear gold jewelry. Wiking clothes in their colors are not diverse - basically it is gray and brown. The outfit consisted of tight pants, tunics and a cloak fixed on the shoulder. Shoes of sea robbers - leather shoes tied in caviar. And of course the famous attribute of the Scandinavian warriors is a horned helmet. At the same time, in fact, the shape of their helmet is unknown even to archaeologists, and the popular horned helmet has origins from the Catholic Church, where the robbers are scared by the devils. And, of course, it is impossible not to note such a feature in the image of the Viking, like a beard, which like long hair symbolized a free man.

Photos and pictures of Vikings:

The image of a Scandinavian woman
Wiking women clothes are mostly long robes - dresses with wide sleeves and upper sundress. Interesting the fact that due to the lack of buttons, clothing was sewn every morning. Unlike men's clothing, bright colors prevailed in the female dress. Women's jewelry were mostly from bronze. Bright sign of the wealthy Scandinavian lady - braids covered with bandage and colored ribbons collected around the head in the shape of a ball. Girls - the hair is mostly dissolved. Much in the "wardrobe" of the Scandinavian women passed from male robes - shoes, hats, gloves. Also, women attached charm to their image, with the help of painted eyes and ruddy cheeks, and, most importantly, men also used such makeup to make their own image of the magnificent and more attractive.

The legends of the Viking Epoch about fearless warriors who fought side by side with men, have long caused suspicions that at that time women could dominate the battlefield. Due to the disadvantages of evidence, this idea has long remained controversial and was considered the fruit of popular imagination. But now scientists for the first time confirmed the existence of a Wiking woman using DNA extracted from a skeleton of the X century buried in the Swedish city of Viking Tag.

Experts say that this woman was a high-ranking commander who led troops into battle. "This is the first official genetic confirmation of the existence of a Wiking woman's existence," said Professor Jakobsson (Mattias Jakobsson) from the University of Uppsa.

For the first time, the remains were discovered in the 1880s. Despite the morphological features that suggested that the skeleton belonged to a woman, the grave forced some experts to think about the fact that it was a man. In the grave, weapons were found, including the sword and arrows, two horses, as well as a board game, which indicated that the deceased Viking was knowledgeable in tactics and strategies, as well as a high-ranking person.

In the course of a new study published in American Journal of Physical Anthropology, experts decided to confirm the floor of the found Viking. They analyzed the root of the tooth and the bone of the forearm. DNA analysis showed that this viking had two x-chromosomes and there was no Y-chromosome, or, simply speaking, the warrior was a woman. "The game set is symbolized and indicates that she was a kind of officer who could own tactics and strategy, which means to manage the troops in battle," Charlotte Hedennianna-Jonson told, headed research. - Before us is not a mythical Walkiriya, but a real military leader who turned out to be a woman. "

"In fact, this is a woman older than 30 years old and quite high - about 170 centimeters," added Hedenalne-Jonson. Despite the military role, the skeleton did not find injuries.

According to experts, a new study will put a point in a long discussion about the existence of Wiking women. "Women's warriors were sometimes mentioned in written sources," said Neil Price, Professor of the University of Uppsal, - but now there are convincing evidence of their existence. "

Women Vikings

Leaving a farm or estate at an external period of time, a free man when meeting many people solemnly passed the keys to his wife, showing this way to all that she becomes a complete mistress in his absence. These keys occupied the place next to others in a bundle, which each married woman had with him and in which were including the most important keys that closed the castles of chests with the most precious subjects from the family.

Almost any respect for a woman in the Viking Society had a status equal to the status of men. Even when the owner was at home, not in his power, and in the authorities of his wife were all questions regarding the management of the economy, it was she who looked at slaves and free servants and maids who helped her in everyday work, which was to spin, weave, Sewing, cook drinks and food.

One of the most important and most absorbing duties was the manufacture of clothes for the whole family. For the most part, the Viking Era robes were made from the cloth, the production of which required a long process of producing a filament of sheep wool and subsequent coloring it. Only then with the help of severe and coarse adaptation, such as a primitive weaving machine, a cloth was obtained. If there was a flax, it was trepal, wrapped on spine and tibes, made of linen fabric, which should be assumed to be on the bottom clothes.

Danish bracelet X century (National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen).

In his free time, the woman must have been weaving the ribbons that were used to decorate clothing. Among other typical women's crafts occupied the embroidery and production of decorative fabrics, or the chopler, which were hung on the walls of the halls in the main premises. If the family owned a ship or a boat, then women and probably the most elderly family members had to make sails - the task that demanding tremendous efforts and the cost of many person-hours.

Archaeological finds allow us to conclude that women of the Vikings (yes if the men) were neat, well-groomed and took care of their own appearance. At the dawn X century, Ibn-Fadlan noticed that Russ they were "perfectly folded and strong" and that women are wonderful decorations of silver and gold, which are talking about wealth and high social status of their husbands. Visited in 950 from R.Kh. The prosperous city of Hedychi Arab merchant named Al-Tartushi also responded with the delight of Viking women who met. Speaking of their beauty, he was obviously discouraged by the degree of independence that they used.

From an early woman, Wiking women studied rely on themselves and did not wait for help from anyone. Icelandic law allowed girls to get married since the age of 12, and since the farm and estates were sometimes sometimes at many kilometers, relatives were engaged in the upcoming satellite for the girl. It happened, however, that women had to solve marriage questions on their own. They had the right to own property and inherit him.

If there was a need, a woman could demand a divorce, and leaving - take back the dowred and share in joint property. If a woman becomes a widow, she belonged to the honor to decide whether to marry the second or continue to go. The fact that women were imbued with a strong sense of self-esteem and sometimes became sometimes rich and influential members of the Viking Society, is obvious from the quality of items found in their graves, and that honor, with which burials were accomplished. In their honor, the Slavs were assumed, in which the virtues of women as the owners were chased, their art of the family, and especially the skill of Shvent and Embroidery.

If you believe the writings of scaldes, other from women of Vikings were distinguished by authority and sometimes cruelty. In the sagas, the authors will not be sealed on bright colors, storytelling about the acts of strong intelligence and the spirit of ladies in the style of the matriarchal community, heading the struggle in bloody crossbursions and fond of their own courage of men on battle. The stories about the exploits of one of these women, the daughter of Erica Red Freudis, reached us thanks to the saga "Grenlending" (or "Greenlandants"), Freudis and her husband Torwar, along with two brothers, Helf and Finnboga, went from Greenland to joint Expedition to Winland (Forest region in North America. - Approx. per.). Reaching there safely, Freudis built a plan as, having got rid of the brothers, take possession of their ship, and severe her husband to kill them themselves and kill the whole team.

Before us, the Danish amulet X century with the image of Women Scandinava, it has 4 cm in height and made of silver covered with gilding and enamel. On a woman decorated with dress, apparently, on top of pleated shirt, left hand holds a shawl covering the shoulders of the shape. Long hair is broken and tied with a node from behind (State Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen).

Wiking women in the IX-X century. At the illustration of a Wiking woman engaged in the usual homework for them, depicted in a typical clothing period.

When Tahwar did not wish to kill five women who followed with Helgy and Finnboga, Freudis took the secure and fully completed the husband for her husband. Although this story reflects the extreme case of the behavior of a woman in Viking, it gives us the opportunity to find out that if we talk about Scandinavians, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity not only stored a family hearth, but also drought go to dangerous enterprises with her husbands, and enjoyed the right For a share in mining. The most curious, however, from the fact that we learn about the status of a woman in the Viking Society, there is the fact that, although they had access to tingi, they were denied in the right of votes.

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Viking's phenomenon in the eyes of European Viking clergymen was a living embodiment of the prophecy of Jeremiah, who predicted in the Old Testament times, that cruel aliens from the north will raise and carry destruction. Their bows and spears will not know mercy. But

Wives of Grozny Vikings, who do not know the mercy of the enemies, were under their husbands. Not at all peaceful housewives, hen only about children and the family focus, they could be deftly wrapped with a sword. Fearless women who are able to take a weapon in any dangerous moment.


Photo Frame from the TV series "Vikings", director - Kiaran Donnelly,

Cartle - the first wife of the Danish king Ragnar of the Librian, the conqueror of francs, who opened the doors of the Paris Palace's door, - glorified her name with incredible courage and acute mind. Samson Grammar - the historian of the Middle Ages in the book "Acts of Danov" wrote about her the following: "Among them was one experienced woman named Ladgera, who had a courageous heart, although there was only a girl. She was fighting with her hair off her shoulders among the first among the most courageous warriors. Everyone admired her unsurpassed feats, since her hair fluttered behind her back was that she was a woman. " Ragnar fell in love with this girl, who once provided him with a victory in the battle, and sent a matchmaker to her. Carta - Natura Fresh-loving and proud, taiful in the heart to the suggestion of famous Viking full indifference, gave him consent to marriage. The delighted Ragnar went on the ship through the raging sea to his narrowed, not suspecting what a surprise prepared a camp king. The age was cruel and dictated the same orders. The warriper was not an exception and arranged a cunning trap. In the hallway on the road to the girls planted a huge bear. However, Viking was also not Schit, he knew the price of human treachery. Having descended from the ship to the future wedding "ball", Ragnar swirl burst into the palace of the Carties, Bear's Bear Spear. The case was done, and the warrior did not have anything left, how to marry him.

However, she could cause Ragnar on a kind of duel, which was practiced in Scandinavia. In the duel, it was necessary to defeat the future wife to grant the case with her a happy family life. By the way, Ragnar Labrozh seriously was afraid of his spouse and never trusted her. Cartle gave birth to the Danish king of two daughters and son. But loving Ragnar announced once about the divorce. He fell in love with Torah, the daughter of the King of Gerota, who soon became his wife. Carta was briefly languishing alone and after a while he married King Harald. This marriage, we note, was on the hand of a smart and volitional woman. When a former husband asked her help in the war with Harald, she unexpectedly accepted his proposal. And helped Ragnarra won. "At the end of the army of Harald was confused, and he himself, seeing the death of his warriors, fled. Returning after the battle home, Ladgera nights his husband's throat on her husband's throat, which she hid in her dress, assigning this way, herself all his power and title. This fighting woman considered more for himself comfortable to rule the kingdom without a husband than to be forced to share it with him ... "- so wrote Samson Grammar about her, barely hiding his admiration for the actions of the warrior.


Photo Frame from the TV series "Vikings", director Kiaran Donnelly,

Myths are a magical fog from the past, from which beautiful and bright images are rather exploring, so similar to earthly creation. Take, for example, Bunhilde (it, according to some sources, Brungilda) from the German-Scandinavian epic. Her story is very similar to a fairy tale about Sleeping Beauty. Brynhilda - Walkiriya, the king's daughter, wondered, as if Russian Vasilisa was beautiful, possesses magic, the power of which even the most famous sorcerers will be. However, Bunhilde did not help. We do not know what the girl was guilty, but one straightened her sip of sleep, whether he made a drink of Morphheus potion, so that she fell asleep's eternal sleep. The broom of Brynhildes was surrounded by a fiery shaft, in order to anyone who climb, he did not break the maiden rest. However, he found a hero who was not afraid of this obstacle. They were the winner of the dragon Sigurd. Brynjord woke up from sleep and saw a courageous handsome man in front of him. And, according to myth, fell in love with his Savior. Love passion covered and Sigurd. They swore while burning fire around the panel, never part with each other. But fate came with them cruel and unfair. Magic spells of the rival Brynkhildy - Beauty Gudrun deprived Sigurd of memory, and he forgot his beloved. As a result, he married Gudrun. The offended Brynchild was planted the murder of Sigurd, the revenge blinded her eyes. When the narrowed died of her hand, she came to his funeral fire from despair and love to join him forever. Such is one of the versions of the short and bright life of the famous Virgin Primate, which found a place in German-Scandinavian mythology.


Photo Sergeyklopotov / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Valkyrie, if you believe some Scandinavian myths, - the daughters of Odin. Usually they are formidable beautiful beauties in military armor, the brilliance of which is believed, and gave us the Northern Lights. The responsibilities of Valkyrie, which are approximately 13 warriors, are to accompany the deceased Vikings-heroes to accompany in Valhalla. Here, girls treat glorious warriors with honey, which brings to each table. Note that each Walkiria has the right to solve the outcome of the battle. Who will like the Virgin, the winner. However, they themselves sometimes do not oppose. Possessing truly the hedgehogs, the warriors can crush any enemy. According to the Scandinavian myths, the disadvantaged daughter of one is usually issued married and forever deprives the opportunity to participate in battles.

At one time, there were many conversations about the role that women played in the Viking Epoch. Were they warriors who wrapped the shields and swords side by side with men? Whether they were sent with them to the famous viking swimming to such distant places like Europe, Russia and North America? Although in some cases it is difficult to separate the myth of reality, but it becomes clear that the Scandinavian women in the Society of the Viking era used greater freedom and power in their communities than many other representatives of the excellent sex of that time. Recent studies show that many Norwegian women more often than previously thought, traveled with men. This suggests that women also played an active role in the colonization of new lands.

Technically women can not even be called Vikings. The fact is that Vikingar's Vikingar's Old Word applied only to men, as a rule, to those who went from Scandinavia in their famous long boats to distant shores of Great Britain, Europe, Russia, as well as on the islands of North Atlantic and North America at 800-1100 years of our era.

But although these vikings became notorious as fierce warriors and cruel invaders, they were also merchants who installed trade routes around the world. They formed settlements, founded cities (Dublin, for example) and had an impact on the language and culture of those places where their ships stopped.

Participation in hikes

While early historical Viking Studies assumed that Sports-Navigas traveled by male companies, perhaps due to the lack of desired companion in Scandinavia, a more recent study tells a completely different story. In the new work, published at the end of 2014, scientists used mitochondrial DNA as evidence that Norwegian women joined their men while traveling to England, Shetland and Orkney's islands and Iceland. Moreover, they were important participants in these migration and assimilation processes. Especially in previously uninhabited areas, such as Iceland, Norwegian women were extremely important for the settlement of new settlements and their prosperity.

Society of the Viking Age

As in many traditional civilizations, in the era of the Vikings, in essence, men dominated. They were engaged in hunting, combat actions, trade and agriculture, while the life of women was focused on cooking, care for the house and raising children. Most of the graves of the times of the Vikings found by archaeologists reflect these traditional gender roles: men, as a rule, buried with weapons and tools, and women with household items, needlework and jewelry.


But women in the Scandinavia of the Viking Epoch really enjoyed the unusual degree of freedom for the time. They could own property, ask for divorce and return their dowry, if their marriage ended. Women tend to marry aged 12 to 15 years. His organization was engaged in families, but women had the right to vote in this matter. If a woman wanted a divorce, she had to call witnesses in her house to the marriage lie and declare in front of them that she was divorced with her husband. The marriage contract indicated how family property would be divided in the event of a divorce.

Who was the main in the family?

Although the man was the head of the family, the woman played an active role in managing both her husband and household. Norwegian women had complete power in the home sphere, especially when their husbands were absent. If a man in the family was dying, his wife took over all the duties and independently worked on a family farm or in a trading business. Many Scandinavian Wiking Epochs were buried with keys rings that symbolized their role and power as housewives.

High social status

Some women had a particularly high status. One of the biggest burials ever found in Scandinavia belongs to the Queen - a woman who was buried in a magnificently decorated ship along with many values \u200b\u200bin 834. G. AD Later, in the ninth century, the daughter of the Norwegian leader of Hebrides (the islands at Northern Scotland) married King Vikings in Dublin. When her husband and son died, she left a household and organized a journey on the ship for himself and their grandchildren in Iceland, where he became one of the most important settlers of the colony.

Scandinavian Women Warriors

Were women warriors in the Viking Epoch society? Although relatively few historical records mention the role of women in the Battles of Vikings, the historian of the Byzantine era of Johannes Skilitsa left testimonies of women who fought together with men in the battle against Bulgarians in 971. G. AD In addition, the Danish historian of the 12th century Sakson Grammar wrote about the special female community, whose representative was dressed as men and devoted themselves to training fencing and other military skills.

Moreover, some of them participated in Browalle's battle in the middle of the eighth century. In his famous work "Acts of Danov", Sakson wrote about a woman from this community named Carthet, who fought with famous Viking Ragnar Lozbruck in battle against the Swedes, and so impressed him with his courage that he decided to marry her.

Most of what we know about the warriors of the Viking era, comes from literary works, including romantic sagas Saxon. Stories about Warriors who are known as Valkyrie may have been based on information about these Wiking Days, and they are undoubtedly an important part of the Kannestnavian literature. Considering the prevalence of these legends, along with broader rights, the status and the authorities they used, it seems quite likely that women in the Viking Society really took a weapon in their hands and fought, especially when someone threatened them, their families and property .